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Исходник Обычный вид История

1998-05-27 06:02:27 +04:00
* *
* (C) Copyright Taligent, Inc., 1996 *
* (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1996 *
* Licensed Material - Program-Property of IBM - All Rights Reserved. *
* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, or disclosure *
* restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. *
* *
// File tblcoll.h
// Created by: Helena Shih
// Modification History:
// Date Name Description
// 2/5/97 aliu Added streamIn and streamOut methods. Added
// constructor which reads RuleBasedCollator object from
// a binary file. Added writeToFile method which streams
// RuleBasedCollator out to a binary file. The streamIn
// and streamOut methods use istream and ostream objects
// in binary mode.
// 2/12/97 aliu Modified to use TableCollationData sub-object to
// hold invariant data.
// 2/13/97 aliu Moved several methods into this class from Collation.
// Added a private RuleBasedCollator(Locale&) constructor,
// to be used by Collator::createDefault(). General
// clean up.
// 2/20/97 helena Added clone, operator==, operator!=, operator=, and copy
// constructor and getDynamicClassID.
// 3/5/97 aliu Modified constructFromFile() to add parameter
// specifying whether or not binary loading is to be
// attempted. This is required for dynamic rule loading.
// 05/07/97 helena Added memory allocation error detection.
// 6/17/97 helena Added IDENTICAL strength for compare, changed getRules to
// use MergeCollation::getPattern.
// 6/20/97 helena Java class name change.
// 8/18/97 helena Added internal API documentation.
// 09/03/97 helena Added createCollationKeyValues().
// 02/10/98 damiba Added compare with "length" parameter
#ifndef _TBLCOLL
#define _TBLCOLL
#ifndef _PTYPES
#include "ptypes.h"
#ifndef _COLL
#include "coll.h"
#ifndef _UNISTRING
#include "unistring.h"
#ifndef _SORTKEY
#include "sortkey.h"
#include <stdio.h>
class CompactIntArray;
class VectorOfPToContractElement;
class VectorOfInt;
class VectorOfPToContractTable;
class VectorOfPToExpandTable;
class MergeCollation;
class CollationElementIterator;
* The RuleBasedCollator class provides the simple implementation of Collator,
* using data-driven tables. The user can create a customized table-based
* collation.
* <P>
* RuleBasedCollator maps characters to collation keys.
* <p>
* Table Collation has the following restrictions for efficiency (other
* subclasses may be used for more complex languages) :
* <p>1. If the French secondary ordering is specified in a collation object,
* it is applied to the whole object.
* <p>2. All non-mentioned Unicode characters are at the end of the
* collation order.
* <p>3. Private use characters are treated as identical. The private
* use area in Unicode is 0xE800-0xF8FF.
* <p>The collation table is composed of a list of collation rules, where each
* rule is of three forms:
* <pre>
* . &lt; modifier >
* . &lt; relation > &lt; text-argument >
* . &lt; reset > &lt; text-argument >
* </pre>
* The following demonstrates how to create your own collation rules:
* <UL Type=round>
* <LI><strong>Text Argument</strong>: A text argument is any sequence of
* characters, excluding special characters (that is, whitespace
* characters and the characters used in modifier, relation and reset).
* If those characters are desired, you can put them in single quotes
* (e.g. ampersand => '&').<P>
* <LI><strong>Modifier</strong>: There is a single modifier,
* which is used to specify that all secondary differences are
* sorted backwards.
* <p>'@' : Indicates that secondary differences, such as accents, are
* sorted backwards, as in French.<P>
* <LI><strong>Relation</strong>: The relations are the following:
* <UL Type=square>
* <LI>'&lt;' : Greater, as a letter difference (primary)
* <LI>';' : Greater, as an accent difference (secondary)
* <LI>',' : Greater, as a case difference (tertiary)
* <LI>'=' : Equal
* </UL><P>
* <LI><strong>Reset</strong>: There is a single reset,
* which is used primarily for contractions and expansions, but which
* can also be used to add a modification at the end of a set of rules.
* <p>'&' : Indicates that the next rule follows the position to where
* the reset text-argument would be sorted.
* <P>Note : The ASCII punctuation characters 0x0020..0x002F, 0x003A..0x0040,
* 0x005B..0x0060, 0x007B..0x007E are reserved for use in the syntax for
* building patterns. That is these all have to be quoted if they occur
* as literals.
* <p>
* This sounds more complicated than it is in practice. For example, the
* following are equivalent ways of expressing the same thing:
* <pre>
* . a &lt; b &lt; c
* . a &lt; b & b &lt; c
* . a &lt; c & a &lt; b
* </pre>
* Notice that the order is important, as the subsequent item goes immediately
* after the text-argument. The following are not equivalent:
* <pre>
* . a &lt; b & a &lt; c
* . a &lt; c & a &lt; b
* </pre>
* Either the text-argument must already be present in the sequence, or some
* initial substring of the text-argument must be present. (e.g. "a &lt; b & ae &lt;
* e" is valid since "a" is present in the sequence before "ae" is reset). In
* this latter case, "ae" is not entered and treated as a single character;
* instead, "e" is sorted as if it were expanded to two characters: "a"
* followed by an "e". This difference appears in natural languages: in
* traditional Spanish "ch" is treated as though it contracts to a single
* character (expressed as "c &lt; ch &lt; d"), while in traditional German "<EFBFBD>"
* (a-umlaut) is treated as though it expands to two characters (expressed as
* "a & ae ; <20> &lt; b").
* <p><strong>Ignorable Characters</strong>
* <p>For ignorable characters, the first rule must start with a relation (the
* examples we have used above are really fragments; "a &lt; b" really should be
* "&lt; a &lt; b"). If, however, the first relation is not "&lt;", then all the
* text-arguments up to the first "&lt;" are ignorable. For example, ", - &lt; a &lt; b"
* makes "-" an ignorable character, as we saw earlier in the word
* "black-birds". In the samples for different languages, you see that most
* accents are ignorable.
* <p><strong>Normalization and Accents</strong>
* <p>The Collator object automatically normalizes text internally to separate
* accents from base characters where possible. This is done both when
* processing the rules, and when comparing two strings. Collator also uses
* the Unicode canonical mapping to ensure that combining sequences are sorted
* properly (for more information, see <A HREF="">
* The Unicode Standard, Version 2.0</A>.)</P>
* <p><strong>Errors</strong>
* <p>The following are errors:
* <UL Type=round>
* <LI>A text-argument contains unquoted punctuation symbols
* (e.g. "a &lt; b-c &lt; d").
* <LI>A relation or reset character not followed by a text-argument
* (e.g. "a &lt; , b").
* <LI>A reset where the text-argument (or an initial substring of the
* text-argument) is not already in the sequence.
* (e.g. "a &lt; b & e &lt; f")
* </UL>
* If you produce one of these errors, a FormatException will be thrown by
* RuleBasedCollator.
* <pre>
* . Examples:
* . Simple: "&lt; a &lt; b &lt; c &lt; d"
* . Norwegian: "&lt; a,A&lt; b,B&lt; c,C&lt; d,D&lt; e,E&lt; f,F&lt; g,G&lt; h,H&lt; i,I&lt; j,J
* . &lt; k,K&lt; l,L&lt; m,M&lt; n,N&lt; o,O&lt; p,P&lt; q,Q&lt; r,R&lt; s,S&lt; t,T
* . &lt; u,U&lt; v,V&lt; w,W&lt; x,X&lt; y,Y&lt; z,Z
* . ;aa,AA&lt; <EFBFBD>,<EFBFBD>&lt; <EFBFBD>,<EFBFBD>"
* </pre>
* <p>To create a table-based collation object, simply supply the collation
* rules to the RuleBasedCollator contructor. For example:
* <pre>
* . ErrorCode status = ZERO_ERROR;
* . RuleBasedCollator *mySimple = new RuleBasedCollator(Simple, status);
* </pre>
* <p>Another example:
* <pre>
* . ErrorCode status = ZERO_ERROR;
* . RuleBasedCollator *myNorwegian = new RuleBasedCollator(Norwegian, status);
* </pre>
* To add rules on top of an existing table, simply supply the orginal rules
* and modifications to RuleBasedCollator constructor. For example,
* <pre>
* . Traditional Spanish (fragment): ... & C &lt; ch , cH , Ch , CH ...
* . German (fragment) : ...&lt; y , Y &lt; z , Z
* . & AE, <EFBFBD> & AE, <EFBFBD>
* . & OE , <EFBFBD> & OE, <EFBFBD>
* . & UE , <EFBFBD> & UE, <EFBFBD>
* . Symbols (fragment): ...&lt; y, Y &lt; z , Z
* . & Question-mark ; '?'
* . & Ampersand ; '&'
* . & Dollar-sign ; '$'
* <p>To create a collation object for traditional Spanish, the user can take
* the English collation rules and add the additional rules to the table.
* For example:
* <pre>
* . ErrorCode status = ZERO_ERROR;
* . UnicodeString rules(DEFAULTRULES);
* . rules += "& C &lt; ch, cH, Ch, CH";
* . RuleBasedCollator *mySpanish = new RuleBasedCollator(rules, status);
* </pre>
* <p>In order to sort symbols in the similar order of sorting their
1998-05-27 06:02:27 +04:00
* alphabetic equivalents, you can do the following,
* <pre>
* . ErrorCode status = ZERO_ERROR;
* . UnicodeString rules(DEFAULTRULES);
* . rules += "& Question-mark ; '?' & Ampersand ; '&' & Dollar-sign ; '$' ";
* . RuleBasedCollator *myTable = new RuleBasedCollator(rules, status);
* </pre>
* <p>Another way of creating the table-based collation object, mySimple,
* is:
* <pre>
* . ErrorCode status = ZERO_ERROR;
* . RuleBasedCollator *mySimple = new
* . RuleBasedCollator(" &lt; a &lt; b & b &lt; c & c &lt; d", status);
* </pre>
* Or,
* <pre>
* . ErrorCode status = ZERO_ERROR;
* . RuleBasedCollator *mySimple = new
* . RuleBasedCollator(" &lt; a &lt; b &lt; d & b &lt; c", status);
* </pre>
* Because " &lt; a &lt; b &lt; c &lt; d" is the same as "a &lt; b &lt; d & b &lt; c" or
* "&lt; a &lt; b & b &lt; c & c &lt; d".
* <p>To combine collations from two locales,
* <pre>
* . ErrorCode status = ZERO_ERROR;
* . // Create an en_US collation object
* . RuleBasedCollator *en_USCollation = (RuleBasedCollator*)
* . Collator::createInstance(Locale("en", "US", ""), status);
* . if (FAILURE(status)) return;
* . // Create a da_DK collation object
* . RuleBasedCollator *da_DKCollation = (RuleBasedCollator*)
* . Collator::getDefault(Locale("da", "DK", ""), status);
* . if (FAILURE(status)) { delete en_USCollation; return; }
* . // Combine the two
* . // First, get the collation rules from en_USCollation
* . const UnicodeString& en_USRules = en_USCollation->getRules();
* . // Second, get the collation rules from da_DKCollation
* . const UnicodeString& da_DKRules = da_DKCollation->getRules();
* . UnicodeString newRules += en_USRules;
* . newRules += da_DKRules;
* . RuleBasedCollator *newCollation = new RuleBasedCollator(newRules, status);
* . if (FAILURE(status)) { delete en_USCollation; delete da_DKCollation; return; }
* . // newCollation has the combined rules
* .
* </pre>
* <p>Another more interesting example would be to make changes on an existing
* table to create a new collation object. For example, add
* "& C &lt; ch, cH, Ch, CH" to the en_USCollation object to create your own
* English collation object,
* <pre>
* . // Create a new collation object with additional rules
* . UnicodeString addRules(en_USRules);
* . addRules += "& C &lt; ch, cH, Ch, CH";
* .
* . RuleBasedCollator *myCollation = new RuleBasedCollator(addRules, status);
* . // myCollation contains the new rules
* </pre>
* <p>The following example demonstrates how to change the order of
* non-spacing accents,
* <pre>
* . // old rule
* . UniChar contents[] = {
* . '=', 0x0301, ';', 0x0300, ';', 0x0302,
* . ';', 0x0308, ';', 0x0327; ',', 0x0303, // main accents
* . ';', 0x0304, ';', 0x0305, ';', 0x0306, // main accents
* . ';', 0x0307, ';', 0x0309, ';', 0x030A, // main accents
* . ';', 0x030B, ';', 0x030C, ';', 0x030D, // main accents
* . ';', 0x030E, ';', 0x030F, ';', 0x0310, // main accents
* . ';', 0x0311, ';', 0x0312, // main accents
* . '&lt;', 'a', ',', 'A', ';', 'a', 'e', ',', 'A', 'E',
* . ';', 0x00e6, ',', 0x00c6, '&lt;', 'b', ',', 'B',
* . '&lt;', 'c', ',', 'C', '&lt;', 'e', ',', 'E', '&',
* . 'C', '&lt;', 'd', ',', 'D' };
* . UnicodeString oldRules(contents);
* . ErrorCode status = ZERO_ERROR;
* . // change the order of accent characters
* . UniChar addOn[] = { '&', ',', 0x0300, ';', 0x0308, ';', 0x0302 };
* . oldRules += addOn;
* . RuleBasedCollator *myCollation = new RuleBasedCollator(oldRules, status);
* </pre>
* <p> The last example shows how to put new primary ordering in before the
* default setting. For example, in Japanese collation, you can either sort
* English characters before or after Japanese characters,
* <pre>
* . ErrorCode status = ZERO_ERROR;
* . // get en_US collation rules
* . Collator *en_USCollation = Collator::createInstance(Locale::US, status);
* . // Always check the error code after each call.
* . if (FAILURE(status)) return;
* . // add a few Japanese character to sort before English characters
* . // suppose the last character before the first base letter 'a' in
* . // the English collation rule is 0x2212
* . UniChar jaString[] = { '&', 0x2212, '&lt;', 0x3041, ',', 0x3042, '&lt;', 0x3043, ',', 0x3044 };
* . UnicodeString rules;
* . rules += en_USCollation->getRules();
* . rules += jaString;
* . RuleBasedCollator *myJapaneseCollation = new RuleBasedCollator(rules, status);
* .
* </pre>
* <p><strong>NOTE</strong>: Typically, a collation object is created with
* Collator::createInstance().
* @see Collator
* @version 1.27 4/8/97
* @author Helena Shih
#ifdef NLS_MAC
#pragma export on
class T_COLLATE_API RuleBasedCollator : public Collator {
public :
// constructor/destructor
* RuleBasedCollator constructor. This takes the table rules and builds
* a collation table out of them. Please see RuleBasedCollator class
* description for more details on the collation rule syntax.
* @see Locale
* @param rules the collation rules to build the collation table from.
* @exception FormatException A format exception
* will be thrown if the build process of the rules fails. For
* example, build rule "a &lt; b c &lt; d" will cause the constructor to
* throw the FormatException.
RuleBasedCollator( const UnicodeString& rules,
ErrorCode& status);
/** Destructor
virtual ~RuleBasedCollator();
* Returns true if "other" is the same as "this".
virtual t_bool operator==(const Collator& other) const;
* Returns true if "other" is not the same as "this".
virtual t_bool operator!=(const Collator& other) const;
* Makes a shallow copy of the object. The caller owns the returned object.
* @return the cloned object.
virtual Collator* clone() const;
* Fills in the copy of the object.
virtual void copy(RuleBasedCollator& copyInto) const;
* Creates a collation element iterator for the source string. The
* caller of this method is responsible for the memory management of
* the return pointer.
* @param source the source string.
* @return the collation element iterator of the source string using this as
* the based collator.
CollationElementIterator* createCollationElementIterator(const UnicodeString& source) const;
* The following method is obsolete in our current APIs. Some methods
* were renamed in JDK 1.1. The older versions of the methods will be kept
* around for compatibility but will be made obsolete in the future.
// From createInstance
CollationElementIterator* createIterator(const UnicodeString& source) const;
* Compares a range of character data stored in two different strings
* based on the collation rules. Returns
* information about whether a string is less than, greater than or
* equal to another string in a language.
* This can be overriden in a subclass.
* @param source the source string.
* @param target the target string to be compared with the source stirng.
* @return the comparison result. GREATER if the source string is greater
* than the target string, LESS if the source is less than the target. Otherwise,
* returns EQUAL.
virtual EComparisonResult compare( const UnicodeString& source,
const UnicodeString& target) const;
//[update Bertrand A. DAMIBA 02/10/98]
* Compares a range of character data stored in two different strings
* based on the collation rules up to the specified length. Returns
* information about whether a string is less than, greater than or
* equal to another string in a language.
* This can be overriden in a subclass.
* @param source the source string.
* @param target the target string to be compared with the source string.
* @param length compares up to the specified length
* @return the comparison result. GREATER if the source string is greater
* than the target string, LESS if the source is less than the target. Otherwise,
* returns EQUAL.
virtual EComparisonResult compare( const UnicodeString& source,
const UnicodeString& target,
t_int32 length) const;
//[end of update Bertrand A. DAMIBA 02/10/98]
/** Transforms a specified region of the string into a series of characters
* that can be compared with
* This overrides Collator::getCollationKey. It can be overriden
* in a subclass.
* @param source the source string.
* @param key the transformed key of the source string.
* @param status the error code status.
* @return the transformed key.
virtual CollationKey& getCollationKey( const UnicodeString& source,
CollationKey& key,
ErrorCode& status) const;
* Transforms the string into a unsigned short array that can be compared,
* the caller owns the returned array.
* <p>If the source string is null, a null collation key will be returned.
* @param source the source string to be transformed into a sort key.
* @param count returns the number of elements in the returned array.
* @return the collation key value array of the string based on the collation rules.
* @see CollationKey#compare
virtual UniChar* createCollationKeyValues( const UnicodeString& source,
t_int32& count,
ErrorCode& status) const;
* Generates the hash code for the rule-based collation object.
* @return the hash code.
virtual t_int32 hashCode() const;
* Gets the table-based rules for the collation object.
* @return returns the collation rules that the table collation object
* was created from.
const UnicodeString& getRules() const;
* Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override.
* This method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all
* C++ compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and
* clone() methods call this method.
* @return The class ID for this object. All objects of a
* given class have the same class ID. Objects of
* other classes have different class IDs.
virtual ClassID getDynamicClassID() const
{ return RuleBasedCollator::getStaticClassID(); }
* Returns the class ID for this class. This is useful only for
* comparing to a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
* Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
* if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
* Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
* @return The class ID for all objects of this class.
static ClassID getStaticClassID() { return (ClassID)&fgClassID; }
/** Copy constructor
RuleBasedCollator(const RuleBasedCollator& other);
* Assignment operator.
const RuleBasedCollator& operator=(const RuleBasedCollator& other);
static char fgClassID;
friend class CollationElementIterator;
// Collator ONLY needs access to RuleBasedCollator(const Locale&, ErrorCode&)
friend class Collator;
// TableCollationData ONLY needs access to UNMAPPED
friend class TableCollationData;
/** Default constructor
* Create a table-based collation object with the given rules.
* @see RuleBasedCollator#RuleBasedCollator
* @exception FormatException If the rules format is incorrect.
void build( const UnicodeString& rules,
ErrorCode& success);
* Look up for unmapped values in the expanded character table.
void commit();
* Increment of the last order based on the collation strength.
* @param s the collation strength.
* @param lastOrder the last collation order.
* @return the new collation order.
t_int32 increment( Collator::ECollationStrength s,
t_int32 lastOrder);
* Adds a character and its designated order into the collation table.
* @param ch the Unicode character,
* @param s the collation strength.
* @param status the error code status.
void addOrder( UniChar ch,
Collator::ECollationStrength s,
ErrorCode& status);
* Adds the expanding string into the collation table, for example, a-umlaut in German.
* @param groupChars the contracting characters.
* @param expChars the expanding characters.
* @param s the collation strength
* @param status the error code status.
void addExpandOrder(const UnicodeString& groupChars,
const UnicodeString& expChars,
Collator::ECollationStrength s,
ErrorCode& status);
* Adds the contracting string into the collation table, for example, ch in Spanish.
* @param groupChars the contracting characters.
* @param s the collation strength.
* @param status the error code status.
void addContractOrder(const UnicodeString& groupChars,
Collator::ECollationStrength s,
ErrorCode& status);
* Gets the entry of list of the contracting string in the collation
* table.
* @param ch the starting character of the contracting string
* @return the entry of contracting element which starts with the specified
* character in the list of contracting elements.
/* changed to getContractValuesFromUniChar to avoid type signature
clashes on some UNIX platforms. Only happens with NSPR 1.0 <tague>
getContractValuesFromUniChar( UniChar ch) const;
* Ges the entry of list of the contracting string in the collation
* table.
* @param n the index of the contract character list
* @return the entry of the contracting element of the specified index in the
* list.
getContractValues( t_int32 index) const;
* Gets the entry of list of the expanding string that starts with the specified
* character in the collation table.
* @param ch the starting character of the expanding string
* @return the entry of the expanding-char element which starts with the
* specified character.
VectorOfInt* getExpandValuesFromUniChar( UniChar ch) const;
* Gets the entry of value list of the expanding string in the collation
* table at the specified index.
* @param idx the index of the expanding string value list
* @return the entry of the expanding-char element of the specified index in
* the list.
VectorOfInt* getExpandValues( t_int32 index) const;
* Gets the comarison order of a character from the collation table.
* @param ch the Unicode character
* @return the comparison order of a character.
t_int32 getUnicodeOrder( UniChar ch) const;
* Gets the comarison order of a character from the collation table.
* @param list the contracting element table.
* @param name the contracting char string.
* @return the comparison order of the contracting character.
t_int32 getEntry( VectorOfPToContractElement* list,
const UnicodeString& name);
* Check for the secondary and tertiary differences of source and
* target comparison orders.
* @param sOrder source collation order.
* @param tOrder target collation order.
* @param result the current collation result
* @param s the current collation strength
* @param skipSecCheck whether to skip the secondary check.
* @return Collator.LESS if sOrder &lt; tOrder; EQUAL if sOrder == tOrder;
* Collator.GREATER if sOrder > tOrder.
checkSecTerDiff( t_int32 sOrder,
t_int32 tOrder,
Collator::EComparisonResult result,
Collator::ECollationStrength& s,
t_bool skipSecCheck = FALSE) const;
* Flattens the given object persistently to a file. The file name
* argument should be a path name that can be passed directly to the
* underlying OS. Once a RuleBasedCollator has been written to a file,
* it can be resurrected by calling the RuleBasedCollator(const char*)
* constructor, which operates very quickly.
* @param fileName the output file name.
* @return TRUE if writing to the file was successful, FALSE otherwise.
t_bool writeToFile(const char* fileName) const; // True on success
* Add this table collation to the cache. This involves adding the
* enclosed TableCollationData to the cache, and then marking our
* pointer as "not owned" by setting dataIsOwned to false.
* @param key the unique that represents this collation data object.
void addToCache( const UnicodeString& key);
* RuleBasedCollator constructor. This constructor takes a locale. The only
* caller of this class should be Collator::createDefault(). If createDefault()
* happens to know that the requested locale's collation is implemented as
* a RuleBasedCollator, it can then call this constructor. OTHERWISE IT SHOULDN'T,
* since this constructor ALWAYS RETURNS A VALID COLLATION TABLE. It does this
* by falling back to defaults.
RuleBasedCollator( const Locale& desiredLocale,
ErrorCode& status);
* Internal constructFromXyx() methods. These methods do object construction
* from various sources. They act like assignment operators; whatever used
* to be in this object is discarded. <P>FROM RULES. This constructor turns
* around and calls build(). <P>FROM CACHE. This constructor tries to get the
* requested cached TableCollationData object, and wrap us around it. <P>FROM FILE.
* There are two constructors named constructFromFile(). One takes a const char*:
* this is a path name to be passed directly to the host OS, where a flattened
* table collation (produced by writeToFile()) resides. The other method takes
* a Locale, and a UnicodeString locale file name. The distinction is this:
* the Locale is the locale we are seeking. The file name is the name of the
* data file (either binary, as produced by writeToFile(), or ASCII, as read
* by ResourceBundle). Within the file, if it is found, the method will look
* for the given Locale.
void constructFromRules( const UnicodeString& rules,
ErrorCode& status);
void constructFromFile( const Locale& locale,
const UnicodeString& localeFileName,
t_bool tryBinaryFile,
ErrorCode& status);
void constructFromFile( const char* fileName,
ErrorCode& status);
void constructFromCache( const UnicodeString& key,
ErrorCode& status);
* The streamIn and streamOut methods read and write objects of this
* class as binary, platform-dependent data in the iostream. The stream
* must be in ios::binary mode for this to work. These methods are not
* intended for general public use; they are used by the framework to improve
* performance by storing certain objects in binary files.
void streamIn(FILE* is);
void streamOut(FILE* os) const;
// Internal Static Utility Methods
* Creates the path name with given information.
* @param prefix the prefix of the file name.
* @param name the actual file name.
* @param suffix the suffix of the file name.
* @return the generated file name.
static char* createPathName( const UnicodeString& prefix,
const UnicodeString& name,
const UnicodeString& suffix);
* Chops off the last portion of the locale name. For example, from "en_US_CA"
* to "en_US" and "en_US" to "en".
* @param localeName the locale name.
static void chopLocale(UnicodeString& localeName);
// Constants
static const t_int32 UNMAPPED;
static const t_int32 CHARINDEX; // need look up in .commit()
static const t_int32 EXPANDCHARINDEX; // Expand index follows
static const t_int32 CONTRACTCHARINDEX; // contract indexes follow
static const t_int32 PRIMARYORDERINCREMENT;
static const t_int32 MAXIGNORABLE;
static const t_int32 TERTIARYORDERINCREMENT;
static const t_int32 PRIMARYORDERMASK;
static const t_int32 SECONDARYORDERMASK;
static const t_int32 TERTIARYORDERMASK;
static const t_int32 SECONDARYRESETMASK;
static const t_int32 IGNORABLEMASK;
static const t_int32 PRIMARYDIFFERENCEONLY;
static const t_int32 PRIMARYORDERSHIFT;
static const t_int32 SECONDARYORDERSHIFT;
static const t_int32 SORTKEYOFFSET;
static const t_int32 CONTRACTCHAROVERFLOW;
static const t_int16 FILEID;
static UnicodeString DEFAULTRULES;
static const char* kFilenameSuffix;
static const char* kResourceBundleSuffix;
static const t_uint32 kCompactionCycle;
// Data Members
t_bool isOverIgnore;
t_int32 currentOrder;
UniChar lastChar;
MergeCollation* mPattern;
UnicodeString sbuffer;
UnicodeString tbuffer;
UnicodeString key;
CollationElementIterator *sourceCursor;
CollationElementIterator *targetCursor;
t_bool dataIsOwned;
TableCollationData* data;
#ifdef NLS_MAC
#pragma export off
inline t_bool
RuleBasedCollator::operator!=(const Collator& other) const
return !(*this == other);