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Исходник Обычный вид История

import subprocess
import unittest
import sys
import os
import imp
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from shutil import rmtree
import mozunit
from UserString import UserString
# Create a controlled configuration for use by expandlibs
config_win = {
'AR': 'lib',
'OBJ_SUFFIX': '.obj',
'LIB_SUFFIX': '.lib',
'DLL_SUFFIX': '.dll',
'LIBS_DESC_SUFFIX': '.desc',
config_unix = {
'AR': 'ar',
'AR_EXTRACT': 'ar -x',
'DLL_PREFIX': 'lib',
'LIB_PREFIX': 'lib',
'OBJ_SUFFIX': '.o',
'LIB_SUFFIX': '.a',
'DLL_SUFFIX': '.so',
'LIBS_DESC_SUFFIX': '.desc',
'EXPAND_LIBS_LIST_STYLE': 'linkerscript',
config = sys.modules['expandlibs_config'] = imp.new_module('expandlibs_config')
from expandlibs import LibDescriptor, ExpandArgs, relativize, ExpandLibsDeps
from expandlibs_gen import generate
from expandlibs_exec import ExpandArgsMore, SectionFinder
def Lib(name):
return config.LIB_PREFIX + name + config.LIB_SUFFIX
def Obj(name):
return name + config.OBJ_SUFFIX
def Dll(name):
return config.DLL_PREFIX + name + config.DLL_SUFFIX
def ImportLib(name):
if not len(config.IMPORT_LIB_SUFFIX): return Dll(name)
return config.LIB_PREFIX + name + config.IMPORT_LIB_SUFFIX
class TestRelativize(unittest.TestCase):
def test_relativize(self):
'''Test relativize()'''
os_path_exists = os.path.exists
def exists(path):
return True
os.path.exists = exists
self.assertEqual(relativize(os.path.abspath(os.curdir)), os.curdir)
self.assertEqual(relativize(os.path.abspath(os.pardir)), os.pardir)
self.assertEqual(relativize(os.path.join(os.curdir, 'a')), 'a')
self.assertEqual(relativize(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), 'a')), 'a')
# relativize is expected to return the absolute path if it is shorter
self.assertEqual(relativize(os.sep), os.sep)
os.path.exists = os.path.exists
class TestLibDescriptor(unittest.TestCase):
def test_serialize(self):
'''Test LibDescriptor's serialization'''
desc = LibDescriptor()
desc[LibDescriptor.KEYS[0]] = ['a', 'b']
self.assertEqual(str(desc), "{0} = a b".format(LibDescriptor.KEYS[0]))
desc['unsupported-key'] = ['a']
self.assertEqual(str(desc), "{0} = a b".format(LibDescriptor.KEYS[0]))
desc[LibDescriptor.KEYS[1]] = ['c', 'd', 'e']
"{0} = a b\n{1} = c d e"
.format(LibDescriptor.KEYS[0], LibDescriptor.KEYS[1]))
desc[LibDescriptor.KEYS[0]] = []
self.assertEqual(str(desc), "{0} = c d e".format(LibDescriptor.KEYS[1]))
def test_read(self):
'''Test LibDescriptor's initialization'''
desc_list = ["# Comment",
"{0} = a b".format(LibDescriptor.KEYS[1]),
"", # Empty line
"foo = bar", # Should be discarded
"{0} = c d e".format(LibDescriptor.KEYS[0])]
desc = LibDescriptor(desc_list)
self.assertEqual(desc[LibDescriptor.KEYS[1]], ['a', 'b'])
self.assertEqual(desc[LibDescriptor.KEYS[0]], ['c', 'd', 'e'])
self.assertEqual(False, 'foo' in desc)
def wrap_method(conf, wrapped_method):
'''Wrapper used to call a test with a specific configuration'''
def _method(self):
for key in conf:
setattr(config, key, conf[key])
return _method
class ReplicateTests(type):
'''Replicates tests for unix and windows variants'''
def __new__(cls, clsName, bases, dict):
for name in [key for key in dict if key.startswith('test_')]:
dict[name + '_unix'] = wrap_method(config_unix, dict[name])
dict[name + '_unix'].__doc__ = dict[name].__doc__ + ' (unix)'
dict[name + '_win'] = wrap_method(config_win, dict[name])
dict[name + '_win'].__doc__ = dict[name].__doc__ + ' (win)'
del dict[name]
return type.__new__(cls, clsName, bases, dict)
class TestCaseWithTmpDir(unittest.TestCase):
__metaclass__ = ReplicateTests
def init(self):
self.tmpdir = os.path.abspath(mkdtemp(dir=os.curdir))
def cleanup(self):
def touch(self, files):
for f in files:
open(f, 'w').close()
def tmpfile(self, *args):
return os.path.join(self.tmpdir, *args)
class TestExpandLibsGen(TestCaseWithTmpDir):
def test_generate(self):
'''Test library descriptor generation'''
files = [self.tmpfile(f) for f in
[Lib('a'), Obj('b'), Lib('c'), Obj('d'), Obj('e'), Lib('f')]]
self.touch([files[-1] + config.LIBS_DESC_SUFFIX])
desc = generate(files)
self.assertEqual(desc['OBJS'], [self.tmpfile(Obj(s)) for s in ['b', 'd', 'e']])
self.assertEqual(desc['LIBS'], [self.tmpfile(Lib(s)) for s in ['a', 'c', 'f']])
self.assertRaises(Exception, generate, files + [self.tmpfile(Obj('z'))])
self.assertRaises(Exception, generate, files + [self.tmpfile(Lib('y'))])
class TestExpandInit(TestCaseWithTmpDir):
def init(self):
''' Initializes test environment for library expansion tests'''
super(TestExpandInit, self).init()
# Create 2 fake libraries, each containing 3 objects, and the second
# including the first one and another library.
self.libx_files = [self.tmpfile('libx', Obj(f)) for f in ['g', 'h', 'i']]
self.liby_files = [self.tmpfile('liby', Obj(f)) for f in ['j', 'k', 'l']] + [self.tmpfile('liby', Lib('z'))]
self.touch(self.libx_files + self.liby_files)
with open(self.tmpfile('libx', Lib('x') + config.LIBS_DESC_SUFFIX), 'w') as f:
with open(self.tmpfile('liby', Lib('y') + config.LIBS_DESC_SUFFIX), 'w') as f:
f.write(str(generate(self.liby_files + [self.tmpfile('libx', Lib('x'))])))
# Create various objects and libraries
self.arg_files = [self.tmpfile(f) for f in [Lib('a'), Obj('b'), Obj('c'), Lib('d'), Obj('e')]]
# We always give library names (LIB_PREFIX/SUFFIX), even for
# dynamic/import libraries
self.files = self.arg_files + [self.tmpfile(ImportLib('f'))]
self.arg_files += [self.tmpfile(Lib('f'))]
def assertRelEqual(self, args1, args2):
self.assertEqual(args1, [relativize(a) for a in args2])
class TestExpandArgs(TestExpandInit):
def test_expand(self):
'''Test library expansion'''
# Expanding arguments means libraries with a descriptor are expanded
# with the descriptor content, and import libraries are used when
# a library doesn't exist
args = ExpandArgs(['foo', '-bar'] + self.arg_files + [self.tmpfile('liby', Lib('y'))])
self.assertRelEqual(args, ['foo', '-bar'] + self.files + self.liby_files + self.libx_files)
# When a library exists at the same time as a descriptor, we just use
# the library
self.touch([self.tmpfile('libx', Lib('x'))])
args = ExpandArgs(['foo', '-bar'] + self.arg_files + [self.tmpfile('liby', Lib('y'))])
self.assertRelEqual(args, ['foo', '-bar'] + self.files + self.liby_files + [self.tmpfile('libx', Lib('x'))])
self.touch([self.tmpfile('liby', Lib('y'))])
args = ExpandArgs(['foo', '-bar'] + self.arg_files + [self.tmpfile('liby', Lib('y'))])
self.assertRelEqual(args, ['foo', '-bar'] + self.files + [self.tmpfile('liby', Lib('y'))])
class TestExpandLibsDeps(TestExpandInit):
def test_expandlibsdeps(self):
'''Test library expansion for dependencies'''
# Dependency list for a library with a descriptor is equivalent to
# the arguments expansion, to which we add each descriptor
args = self.arg_files + [self.tmpfile('liby', Lib('y'))]
self.assertRelEqual(ExpandLibsDeps(args), ExpandArgs(args) + [self.tmpfile('libx', Lib('x') + config.LIBS_DESC_SUFFIX), self.tmpfile('liby', Lib('y') + config.LIBS_DESC_SUFFIX)])
# When a library exists at the same time as a descriptor, the
# descriptor is not a dependency
self.touch([self.tmpfile('libx', Lib('x'))])
args = self.arg_files + [self.tmpfile('liby', Lib('y'))]
self.assertRelEqual(ExpandLibsDeps(args), ExpandArgs(args) + [self.tmpfile('liby', Lib('y') + config.LIBS_DESC_SUFFIX)])
self.touch([self.tmpfile('liby', Lib('y'))])
args = self.arg_files + [self.tmpfile('liby', Lib('y'))]
self.assertRelEqual(ExpandLibsDeps(args), ExpandArgs(args))
class TestExpandArgsMore(TestExpandInit):
def test_makelist(self):
'''Test grouping object files in lists'''
# ExpandArgsMore does the same as ExpandArgs
with ExpandArgsMore(['foo', '-bar'] + self.arg_files + [self.tmpfile('liby', Lib('y'))]) as args:
self.assertRelEqual(args, ['foo', '-bar'] + self.files + self.liby_files + self.libx_files)
# But also has an extra method replacing object files with a list
# self.files has objects at #1, #2, #4
self.assertRelEqual(args[:3], ['foo', '-bar'] + self.files[:1])
self.assertRelEqual(args[4:], [self.files[3]] + self.files[5:] + [self.tmpfile('liby', Lib('z'))])
# Check the list file content
objs = [f for f in self.files + self.liby_files + self.libx_files if f.endswith(config.OBJ_SUFFIX)]
if config.EXPAND_LIBS_LIST_STYLE == "linkerscript":
self.assertNotEqual(args[3][0], '@')
filename = args[3]
content = ['INPUT("{0}")'.format(relativize(f)) for f in objs]
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
self.assertEqual([l.strip() for l in f.readlines() if len(l.strip())], content)
elif config.EXPAND_LIBS_LIST_STYLE == "list":
self.assertEqual(args[3][0], '@')
filename = args[3][1:]
content = objs
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
self.assertRelEqual([l.strip() for l in f.readlines() if len(l.strip())], content)
tmp = args.tmp
# Check that all temporary files are properly removed
self.assertEqual(True, all([not os.path.exists(f) for f in tmp]))
def test_extract(self):
'''Test library extraction'''
# Divert
subprocess_call =
extracted = {}
def call(args, **kargs):
if config.AR == 'lib':
self.assertEqual(args[:2], [config.AR, '-NOLOGO'])
extract = [args[2][len('-EXTRACT:'):]]
args = args[3:]
# The command called is always AR_EXTRACT
ar_extract = config.AR_EXTRACT.split()
self.assertEqual(args[:len(ar_extract)], ar_extract)
args = args[len(ar_extract):]
# Remaining argument is always one library
self.assertEqual(len(args), 1)
arg = args[0]
self.assertEqual(os.path.splitext(arg)[1], config.LIB_SUFFIX)
# Simulate file extraction
lib = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(arg))[0]
if config.AR != 'lib':
extract = [lib, lib + '2']
extract = [os.path.join(kargs['cwd'], f) for f in extract]
if config.AR != 'lib':
extract = [Obj(f) for f in extract]
if not lib in extracted:
extracted[lib] = []
self.touch(extract) = call
def check_output(args, **kargs):
# The command called is always AR
ar = config.AR
self.assertEqual(args[0:3], [ar, '-NOLOGO', '-LIST'])
# Remaining argument is always one library
self.assertRelEqual([os.path.splitext(arg)[1] for arg in args[3:]],
# Simulate LIB -NOLOGO -LIST
lib = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args[3]))[0]
return '%s\n%s\n' % (Obj(lib), Obj(lib + '2'))
subprocess.check_output = check_output
# ExpandArgsMore does the same as ExpandArgs
self.touch([self.tmpfile('liby', Lib('y'))])
with ExpandArgsMore(['foo', '-bar'] + self.arg_files + [self.tmpfile('liby', Lib('y'))]) as args:
self.assertRelEqual(args, ['foo', '-bar'] + self.files + [self.tmpfile('liby', Lib('y'))])
# ExpandArgsMore also has an extra method extracting static libraries
# when possible
files = self.files + self.liby_files + self.libx_files
# With AR_EXTRACT, it uses the descriptors when there are, and
# actually
# extracts the remaining libraries
extracted_args = []
for f in files:
if f.endswith(config.LIB_SUFFIX):
self.assertRelEqual(args, ['foo', '-bar'] + extracted_args)
tmp = args.tmp
# Check that all temporary files are properly removed
self.assertEqual(True, all([not os.path.exists(f) for f in tmp]))
# Restore = subprocess_call
class FakeProcess(object):
def __init__(self, out, err = ''):
self.out = out
self.err = err
def communicate(self):
return (self.out, self.err)
'foo.o': '''
00000000 g F .text\t00000001 foo
00000000 g F .text._Z6foobarv\t00000001 _Z6foobarv
00000000 g F .text.hello\t00000001 hello
00000000 g F .text._ZThn4_6foobarv\t00000001 _ZThn4_6foobarv
'bar.o': '''
00000000 g F .text.hi\t00000001 hi
00000000 g F\t00000001 .hidden _Z6barbazv
ld: ICF folding section '.text.hello' in file 'foo.o'into '.text.hi' in file 'bar.o'
ld: ICF folding section '.foo' in file 'foo.o'into '.foo' in file 'bar.o'
class SubprocessPopen(object):
def __init__(self, test):
self.test = test
def __call__(self, args, stdout = None, stderr = None):
self.test.assertEqual(stdout, subprocess.PIPE)
self.test.assertEqual(stderr, subprocess.PIPE)
if args[0] == 'objdump':
self.test.assertEqual(args[1], '-t')
self.test.assertTrue(args[2] in OBJDUMPS)
return FakeProcess(OBJDUMPS[args[2]])
return FakeProcess('', PRINT_ICF)
class TestSectionFinder(unittest.TestCase):
def test_getSections(self):
'''Test SectionFinder'''
# Divert subprocess.Popen
subprocess_popen = subprocess.Popen
subprocess.Popen = SubprocessPopen(self)
config.EXPAND_LIBS_ORDER_STYLE = 'linkerscript'
config.OBJ_SUFFIX = '.o'
config.LIB_SUFFIX = '.a'
finder = SectionFinder(['foo.o', 'bar.o'])
self.assertEqual(finder.getSections('foobar'), [])
self.assertEqual(finder.getSections('_Z6barbazv'), [''])
self.assertEqual(finder.getSections('_Z6foobarv'), ['.text._Z6foobarv', '.text._ZThn4_6foobarv'])
self.assertEqual(finder.getSections('_ZThn4_6foobarv'), ['.text._Z6foobarv', '.text._ZThn4_6foobarv'])
subprocess.Popen = subprocess_popen
class TestSymbolOrder(unittest.TestCase):
def test_getOrderedSections(self):
'''Test ExpandMoreArgs' _getOrderedSections'''
# Divert subprocess.Popen
subprocess_popen = subprocess.Popen
subprocess.Popen = SubprocessPopen(self)
config.EXPAND_LIBS_ORDER_STYLE = 'linkerscript'
config.OBJ_SUFFIX = '.o'
config.LIB_SUFFIX = '.a'
args = ExpandArgsMore(['foo', '-bar', 'bar.o', 'foo.o'])
self.assertEqual(args._getOrderedSections(['_Z6foobarv', '_Z6barbazv']), ['.text._Z6foobarv', '.text._ZThn4_6foobarv', ''])
self.assertEqual(args._getOrderedSections(['_ZThn4_6foobarv', '_Z6barbazv']), ['.text._Z6foobarv', '.text._ZThn4_6foobarv', ''])
subprocess.Popen = subprocess_popen
def test_getFoldedSections(self):
'''Test ExpandMoreArgs' _getFoldedSections'''
# Divert subprocess.Popen
subprocess_popen = subprocess.Popen
subprocess.Popen = SubprocessPopen(self)
config.LD_PRINT_ICF_SECTIONS = '-Wl,--print-icf-sections'
args = ExpandArgsMore(['foo', '-bar', 'bar.o', 'foo.o'])
self.assertEqual(args._getFoldedSections(), {'.text.hello': ['.text.hi'], '.text.hi': ['.text.hello']})
subprocess.Popen = subprocess_popen
def test_getOrderedSectionsWithICF(self):
'''Test ExpandMoreArgs' _getOrderedSections, with ICF'''
# Divert subprocess.Popen
subprocess_popen = subprocess.Popen
subprocess.Popen = SubprocessPopen(self)
config.EXPAND_LIBS_ORDER_STYLE = 'linkerscript'
config.OBJ_SUFFIX = '.o'
config.LIB_SUFFIX = '.a'
config.LD_PRINT_ICF_SECTIONS = '-Wl,--print-icf-sections'
args = ExpandArgsMore(['foo', '-bar', 'bar.o', 'foo.o'])
self.assertEqual(args._getOrderedSections(['hello', '_Z6barbazv']), ['.text.hello', '.text.hi', ''])
self.assertEqual(args._getOrderedSections(['_ZThn4_6foobarv', 'hi', '_Z6barbazv']), ['.text._Z6foobarv', '.text._ZThn4_6foobarv', '.text.hi', '.text.hello', ''])
subprocess.Popen = subprocess_popen
if __name__ == '__main__':