
471 строка
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Исходник Обычный вид История

/* -*- Mode: javascript; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Mozilla Calendar code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Jussi Kukkonen <>.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Michiel van Leeuwen <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
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* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
// Import
function calOutlookCSVImporter() {
this.wrappedJSObject = this;
calOutlookCSVImporter.prototype.QueryInterface =
function QueryInterface(aIID) {
if (!aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports) &&
!aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.calIImporter)) {
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
return this;
calOutlookCSVImporter.prototype.getFileTypes =
function getFileTypes(aCount) {
aCount.value = 1;
var sbs = Components.classes[";1"]
var props = sbs.createBundle("chrome://calendar/locale/");
2005-12-15 22:24:20 +03:00
description: props.GetStringFromName('outlookDesc')}]);
const localeEn = {
headTitle : "Subject",
headStartDate : "Start Date",
headStartTime : "Start Time",
headEndDate : "End Date",
headEndTime : "End Time",
headAllDayEvent : "All day event",
headAlarm : "Reminder on/off",
headAlarmDate : "Reminder Date",
headAlarmTime : "Reminder Time",
headCategories : "Categories",
headDescription : "Description",
headLocation : "Location",
headPrivate : "Private",
valueTrue : "True",
valueFalse : "False",
dateRe : /^(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+)$/,
dateDayIndex : 2,
dateMonthIndex : 1,
dateYearIndex : 3,
dateFormat : "%m/%d/%y",
timeRe : /^(\d+):(\d+):(\d+) (\w+)$/,
timeHourIndex : 1,
timeMinuteIndex : 2,
timeSecondIndex : 3,
timeAmPmIndex : 4,
timeAmString : "AM",
timePmString : "PM",
timeFormat : "%I:%M:%S %p"
const localeNl = {
headTitle : "Onderwerp",
headStartDate : "Begindatum",
headStartTime : "Begintijd",
headEndDate : "Einddatum",
headEndTime : "Eindtijd",
headAllDayEvent : "Evenement, duurt hele dag",
headAlarm : "Herinneringen aan/uit",
headAlarmDate : "Herinneringsdatum",
headAlarmTime : "Herinneringstijd",
headCategories : "Categorie<69>n",
headDescription : "Beschrijving",
headLocation : "Locatie",
headPrivate : "Priv<69>",
valueTrue : "Waar",
valueFalse : "Onwaar",
dateRe : /^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)$/,
dateDayIndex : 1,
dateMonthIndex : 2,
dateYearIndex : 3,
dateFormat : "%d-%m-%y",
timeRe : /^(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)$/,
timeHourIndex : 1,
timeMinuteIndex : 2,
timeSecondIndex : 3,
timeFormat : "%H:%M:%S"
const locales = [localeEn, localeNl];
* Takes a text block of Outlook-exported Comma Separated Values and tries to
* parse that into individual events.
* First line is field names, all quoted with double quotes. Field names are
* locale dependendent. In English the recognized field names are:
* "Title","Start Date","Start Time","End Date","End Time","All day event",
* "Reminder on/off","Reminder Date","Reminder Time","Categories",
* "Description","Location","Private"
* Not all fields are necessary. If some fields do not match known field names,
* a dialog is presented to the user to match fields.
* The rest of the lines are events, one event per line, with fields in the
* order descibed by the first line. All non-empty values must be quoted.
* Returns: an array of parsed calendarEvents.
* If the parse is cancelled, a zero length array is returned.
calOutlookCSVImporter.prototype.importFromStream =
function csv_importFromStream(aStream, aCount) {
var scriptableInputStream = Components.classes[";1"]
var str =;
parse: {
// parse header line of quoted comma separated column names.
var trimEndQuotesRegExp = /^"(.*)"$/m;
var trimResults = trimEndQuotesRegExp.exec( str );
var header = trimResults && trimResults[1].split(/","/);
if (header == null)
break parse;
//strip header from string
str = str.slice(trimResults[0].length);
var args = new Object();
//args.fieldList contains the field names from the first row of CSV
args.fieldList = header;
var locale;
var i;
for (i in locales) {
locale = locales[i];
var knownIndxs = 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= header.length; ++i) {
switch( header[i-1] ) {
case locale.headTitle: args.titleIndex = i; knownIndxs++; break;
case locale.headStartDate: args.startDateIndex = i; knownIndxs++; break;
case locale.headStartTime: args.startTimeIndex = i; knownIndxs++; break;
case locale.headEndDate: args.endDateIndex = i; knownIndxs++; break;
case locale.headEndTime: args.endTimeIndex = i; knownIndxs++; break;
case locale.headAllDayEvent: args.allDayIndex = i; knownIndxs++; break;
case locale.headAlarm: args.alarmIndex = i; knownIndxs++; break;
case locale.headAlarmDate: args.alarmDateIndex = i; knownIndxs++; break;
case locale.headAlarmTime: args.alarmTimeIndex = i; knownIndxs++; break;
case locale.headCategories: args.categoriesIndex = i; knownIndxs++; break;
case locale.headDescription: args.descriptionIndex = i; knownIndxs++; break;
case locale.headLocation: args.locationIndex = i; knownIndxs++; break;
case locale.headPrivate: args.privateIndex = i; knownIndxs++; break;
if (knownIndxs >= 13)
if (knownIndxs == 0 && header.length == 22) {
// set default indexes for a default Outlook2000 CSV file
args.titleIndex = 1;
args.startDateIndex = 2;
args.startTimeIndex = 3;
args.endDateIndex = 4;
args.endTimeIndex = 5;
args.allDayIndex = 6;
args.alarmIndex = 7;
args.alarmDateIndex = 8;
args.alarmTimeIndex = 9;
args.categoriesIndex = 15;
args.descriptionIndex = 16;
args.locationIndex = 17;
args.privateIndex = 20;
// show field select dialog if not all required headers matched
if (knownIndxs < 13) {
dump("Can't import. Life sucks\n")
break parse;
// Construct event regexp according to field indexes. The regexp can
// be made stricter, if it seems this matches too loosely.
var regExpStr = "^";
for (i = 1; i <= header.length; i++) {
if (i > 1)
regExpStr += ",";
regExpStr += "(?:\"((?:[^\"]|\"\")*)\")?";
regExpStr += "$";
// eventRegExp: regexp for reading events (this one'll be constructed on fly)
const eventRegExp = new RegExp(regExpStr, "gm");
// match first line
var eventFields = eventRegExp(str);
if (eventFields == null)
break parse;
args.boolStr = localeEn.valueTrue;
args.boolIsTrue = true;
var dateParseConfirmed = false;
var eventArray = new Array();
do {
// At this point eventFields contains following fields. Position
// of fields is in args.[fieldname]Index.
// subject, start date, start time, end date, end time,
// all day?, alarm?, alarm date, alarm time,
// Description, Categories, Location, Private?
// Unused fields (could maybe be copied to Description):
// Meeting Organizer, Required Attendees, Optional Attendees,
// Meeting Resources, Billing Information, Mileage, Priority,
// Sensitivity, Show time as
var title = ("titleIndex" in args
? parseTextField(eventFields[args.titleIndex]) : "");
var sDate = parseDateTime(eventFields[args.startDateIndex],
var eDate = parseDateTime(eventFields[args.endDateIndex],
var alarmDate = parseDateTime(eventFields[args.alarmDateIndex],
if (title || sDate) {
var event = Components.classes[";1"]
event.title = title;
sDate.isDate = (locale.valueTrue == eventFields[args.allDayIndex]);
if (locale.valueTrue == eventFields[args.privateIndex])
event.privacy = "PRIVATE";
if (!eDate && sDate) {
eDate = sDate.clone();
if (sDate.isDate) {
// end date is exclusive, so set to next day after start. = + 1;
if (sDate)
event.startDate = sDate;
if (eDate)
event.endDate = eDate;
if (alarmDate) {
var dif = sDate.subtractDate(alarmDate);
// XXX Port this once new alarm stuff lands
var len, units;
var minutes = Math.round( ( sDate - alarmDate ) / kDate_MillisecondsInMinute );
var hours = Math.round(minutes / 60 );
if (minutes != hours*60) {
len = minutes;
units = "minutes";
} else {
var days = Math.round(hours / 24);
if (hours != days * 24) {
len = hours;
units = "hours";
} else {
len = days;
units = "days";
calendarEvent.alarmLength = len;
calendarEvent.alarmUnits = units;
calendarEvent.setParameter( "ICAL_RELATED_PARAMETER", "ICAL_RELATED_START" );
if ("descriptionIndex" in args)
event.setProperty("DESCRIPTION", parseTextField(eventFields[args.descriptionIndex]));
if ("categoriesIndex" in args)
event.setProperty("CATEGORIES", parseTextField(eventFields[args.categoriesIndex]));
if ("locationIndex" in args)
event.setProperty("LOCATION", parseTextField(eventFields[args.locationIndex]));
//save the event into return array
//get next events fields
eventFields = eventRegExp(str);
} while (eventRegExp.lastIndex != 0);
// return results
aCount.value = eventArray.length;
return eventArray;
} // end parse
aCount.value = 0;
return new Array();
function parseDateTime(aDate, aTime, aLocale)
var date = Components.classes[";1"]
//XXX Can we do better?
date.timezone = "floating";
var rd = aLocale.dateRe.exec(aDate);
var rt = aLocale.timeRe.exec(aTime);
date.year = rd[aLocale.dateYearIndex];
date.month = rd[aLocale.dateMonthIndex] - 1; = rd[aLocale.dateDayIndex];
if (rt) {
date.hour = Number(rt[aLocale.timeHourIndex]);
date.minute = rt[aLocale.timeMinuteIndex];
date.second = rt[aLocale.timeSecondIndex];
} else {
date.isDate = true;
if (rt && aLocale.timeAmPmIndex)
if (rt[aLocale.timeAmPmIndex] != aLocale.timePmString) {
// AM
if (date.hour == 12)
date.hour = 0;
} else {
// PM
if (date.hour < 12)
date.hour += 12;
return date;
function parseTextField(aTextField)
return aTextField ? aTextField.replace(/""/g, "\"") : "";
// Export
function calOutlookCSVExporter() {
this.wrappedJSObject = this;
calOutlookCSVExporter.prototype.QueryInterface =
function QueryInterface(aIID) {
if (!aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports) &&
!aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.calIExporter)) {
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
return this;
calOutlookCSVExporter.prototype.getFileTypes =
function getFileTypes(aCount) {
aCount.value = 1;
var sbs = Components.classes[";1"]
var props = sbs.createBundle("chrome://calendar/locale/");
// not prototype.export. export is reserved.
calOutlookCSVExporter.prototype.exportToStream =
function csv_exportToStream(aStream, aCount, aItems) {
var str = "";
var headers = [];
// Not using a loop here, since we need to be sure the order here matches
// with the orders the field data is added later on
str = {return '"'+v+'"';}).join(',')+"\n"
aStream.write(str, str.length);
for each (item in aItems) {
var line = [];
line.push(item.startDate.isDate ? localeEn.valueTrue : localeEn.valueFalse);
line.push(""); //XXX add alarm support
line.push(""); //XXX add alarm support
line.push(""); //XXX add alarm support
line.push((item.privacy=="PRIVATE") ? localeEn.valueTrue : localeEn.valueFalse);
line = {
v = String(v).replace(/"/,'""');
return '"'+v+'"';
str = line.join(',')+"\n";
aStream.write(str, str.length);
function dateString(aDateTime) {
return aDateTime.jsDate.toLocaleFormat(localeEn.dateFormat);
function timeString(aDateTime) {
return aDateTime.jsDate.toLocaleFormat(localeEn.timeFormat);