SimpleTest.requestFlakyTimeout("We cannot detect when the sandbox blocks the META REFRESH, so we need to allow a reasonable amount of time for them to fail.");
var testCases = [
desc: "Meta refresh without allow-scripts should be ignored.",
numberOfLoads: 0,
numberOfLoadsExpected: 1
desc: "Meta refresh check should be case insensitive.",
numberOfLoads: 0,
numberOfLoadsExpected: 1
desc: "Meta refresh with allow-scripts should work.",
numberOfLoads: 0,
numberOfLoadsExpected: 2
desc: "Refresh HTTP headers should not be affected by sandbox.",
numberOfLoads: 0,
numberOfLoadsExpected: 2
var totalLoads = 0;
var totalLoadsExpected = testCases.reduce(function(partialSum, testCase) {