this new file adds XML-DOM support to munge the
exported codewarrior project files.
a=asa on behalf of drivers
This commit is contained in: 2001-08-28 00:01:40 +00:00
Родитель 1e1fa66cc2
Коммит 03478ecb68
1 изменённых файлов: 932 добавлений и 0 удалений

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@ -0,0 +1,932 @@
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is code.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
# Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
# Simon Fraser <>
package Moz::ProjectXML;
require 5.004;
require Exporter;
use strict;
use Exporter;
use Cwd;
use XML::DOM;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(
# A module for reading, manipulating, and writing XML-format CodeWarrior project files.
# Sample usage:
# use ProjectXML;
# my $doc = ProjectXML::ParseXMLDocument("Test.mcp.xml");
# ProjectXML::CloneTarget($doc, "Test.shlb", "Test.lib");
# ProjectXML::SetAsStaticLibraryTarget($doc, "Test.lib", "TestOutput.lib");
# ProjectXML::WriteXMLDocument($doc, "Test_out.xml");
# ProjectXML::DisposeXMLDocument($doc);
#// ParseXMLDocument
#// Note that the caller must call DisposeXMLDocument on the returned doc
sub ParseXMLDocument($)
my($doc_path) = @_;
my $parser = new XML::DOM::Parser(ErrorContext => 2);
my $doc = $parser->parsefile($doc_path);
return $doc;
#// DisposeXMLDocument
#// Needed to avoid memory leaks - cleanup circular references for garbage collection
sub DisposeXMLDocument($)
my($doc) = @_;
#// WriteXMLDocument
sub _pro5_tag_compression($$)
return 1; # Pro 5 is broken and can't import XML with <foo/> style tags
sub _pro6plus_tag_compression($$)
return 0; # Pro 6 can deal with empty XML tags like <foo/>
sub WriteXMLDocument($$$)
my($doc, $file_path, $ide_version) = @_;
if ($ide_version eq "4.0")
#// CleanupPro5XML
#// XML Projects exported by Pro 5 contain garbage data under the MWMerge_MacOS_skipResources
#// setting. This routine cleans this up, saving the result to a new file
sub CleanupPro5XML($$)
my($xml_path, $out_path) = @_;
open(XML_FILE, "< $xml_path") || die "Error: failed to open file $xml_path\n";
open(CLEANED_FILE, "> $out_path") || die "Error: failed to open file $out_path for writing\n";
my $in_skip_resources_settings = 0;
my($line) = $_;
if ($line =~ /^<\?codewarrior/) # is processing inst line
my $test_line = $line;
my $out_line = $test_line;
if ($test_line =~ /^<\?codewarrior\s+exportversion=\"(.+)\"\s+ideversion=\"(.+)\"\s*\?>$/)
my $export_version = $1;
my $ide_version = $2;
$ide_version = "4.0_mozilla"; # pseudo IDE version so we know we touched it
$out_line = "<?codewarrior exportversion=\"".$export_version."\" ideversion=\"".$ide_version."\"?>";
print CLEANED_FILE "$out_line\n";
if ($line =~ /MWMerge_MacOS_skipResources/)
$in_skip_resources_settings = 1;
print CLEANED_FILE "$line";
elsif($in_skip_resources_settings && $line =~ /<!-- Settings for/)
# leaving bad settings lines. Write closing tag
print CLEANED_FILE " <!-- Corrupted setting entries removed by script -->\n";
print CLEANED_FILE " </SETTING>\n\n";
print CLEANED_FILE "$line";
$in_skip_resources_settings = 0;
elsif (!$in_skip_resources_settings)
print CLEANED_FILE "$line";
# SniffProjectXMLIDEVersion
sub SniffProjectXMLIDEVersion($)
my($xml_path) = @_;
my $found_version = "";
open(XML_FILE, "< $xml_path") || die "Error: failed to open file $xml_path\n";
my($line) = $_;
if ($line =~ /^<\?codewarrior/) # is processing inst line
unless ($line =~ /^<\?codewarrior\s+exportversion=\"(.+)\"\s+ideversion=\"(.+)\"\s*\?>$/)
die "Error: Failed to find ideversion in $xml_path in line $line\n";
my $export_version = $1;
my $ide_version = $2;
$found_version = $ide_version;
return $found_version;
#// GetTargetsList
#// Returns an array of target names
sub GetTargetsList($)
my($doc) = @_;
my $nodes = $doc->getElementsByTagName("TARGET");
my $n = $nodes->getLength;
my @target_names;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)
my ($node) = $nodes->item($i);
my($target_name) = getChildElementTextContents($node, "NAME");
push(@target_names, $target_name);
return @target_names;
#// CloneTarget
#// Clone the named target, renaming it to 'new_name'
sub CloneTarget($$$)
my($doc, $target_name, $new_name) = @_;
my $target_node = getTargetNode($doc, $target_name);
# clone here
my $target_clone = $target_node->cloneNode(1); # deep clone
# -- munge target settings --
# set the target name field
setChildElementTextContents($doc, $target_clone, "NAME", $new_name);
# set the targetname pref
setTargetNodeSetting($doc, $target_clone, "Targetname", $new_name);
# -- insert new target subtree --
my $target_list = $target_node->getParentNode();
# -- now add to targetorder --
my (@target_order_nodes) = getChildOfDocument($doc, "TARGETORDER");
my $target_order = @target_order_nodes[0];
my $new_order = $doc->createElement("ORDEREDTARGET");
my $order_name = $doc->createElement("NAME");
setChildElementTextContents($doc, $new_order, "NAME", $new_name);
#// SetAsSharedLibraryTarget
sub SetAsSharedLibraryTarget($$$)
my($doc, $target_name, $output_name) = @_;
my $target_node = getTargetNode($doc, $target_name);
setTargetNodeSetting($doc, $target_node, "MWProject_PPC_type", "SharedLibrary");
setTargetNodeSetting($doc, $target_node, "MWProject_PPC_filetype", "1936223330"); #'shlb'
setTargetNodeSetting($doc, $target_node, "MWProject_PPC_outfile", $output_name);
#// AddFileToTarget
#// Add a file to the specified target(s).
sub AddFileToTarget($$$)
my($doc, $target_list, $file_name) = @_;
# the file must be added in 3 places:
# 1. in <TARGET><FILELIST><FILE> (with linkage flags if necessary)
die "Write me\n";
#// RemoveFileFromTarget
#// Remove a file from the specified target, removing it from the entire project
#// if no other targets reference it.
sub RemoveFileFromTarget($$$)
my($doc, $target_node, $file_name) = @_;
# the file must be removed in 3 places:
# first, remove from <FILELIST>
my $filelist_node = getFirstChildElement($target_node, "FILELIST");
unless ($filelist_node) { die "Error: failed to find FILELIST node\n"; }
my $file_node = getChildNodeByGrandchildContents($doc, $filelist_node, "FILE", "PATH", $file_name);
unless ($file_node) { return; }
# next, remove from <LINKORDER>
my $linkorder_node = getFirstChildElement($target_node, "LINKORDER");
unless ($linkorder_node) { die "Error: failed to find LINKORDER node\n"; }
my $fileref_node = getChildNodeByGrandchildContents($doc, $linkorder_node, "FILEREF", "PATH", $file_name);
unless ($fileref_node) { die "Error: link order node for file $file_name not found\n"; }
# last, remove from <GROUPLIST>
# <GROUPLIST> is cross-target, so we have to be careful here.
my $grouplist_node = getChildOfDocument($doc, "GROUPLIST");
unless ($grouplist_node) { die "Error: failed to find GROUPLIST node\n"; }
# if the file isn't in any other targets, remove it from the groups
if (!GetFileInUse($doc, $file_name))
print "File $file_name is in no other targest. Removing from project\n";
my @group_nodes;
getChildElementsOfType($doc, $grouplist_node, "GROUP", \@group_nodes);
my $group_node;
foreach $group_node (@group_nodes)
my @fileref_nodes;
getChildElementsOfType($doc, $group_node, "FILEREF", \@fileref_nodes);
my $fileref_node;
foreach $fileref_node (@fileref_nodes)
my $path_name = getChildElementTextContents($fileref_node, "PATH");
if ($path_name eq $file_name)
print "Removing $file_name from project group list\n";
# can a file appear in more than one group?
#// SetAsStaticLibraryTarget
sub SetAsStaticLibraryTarget($$$)
my($doc, $target_name, $output_name) = @_;
my $target_node = getTargetNode($doc, $target_name);
setTargetNodeSetting($doc, $target_node, "MWProject_PPC_type", "Library");
setTargetNodeSetting($doc, $target_node, "MWProject_PPC_filetype", "1061109567"); #'????'
setTargetNodeSetting($doc, $target_node, "MWProject_PPC_outfile", $output_name);
# static targets don't need any library linkage, so we can remove linkage
# with all .shlb and .Lib files.
my(@obsolete_files) = ("NSStdLibStubs", "InterfacesStubs", "InterfaceLib", "InternetConfigLib");
print " Removing libraries etc. from target\n";
# get all files in target
my @target_files = GetTargetFilesList($doc, $target_name);
my $target_file;
foreach $target_file (@target_files)
if ($target_file =~ /(\.shlb|\.lib|\.Lib|\.o|\.exp)$/)
RemoveFileFromTarget($doc, $target_node, $target_file);
print " Removing stub libraries from target\n";
# then remove files with known names
my $obs_file;
foreach $obs_file (@obsolete_files)
RemoveFileFromTarget($doc, $target_node, $obs_file);
#// AddTarget
sub AddTarget($$)
my($doc, $target_name) = @_;
die "Write me\n";
#// RemoveTarget
sub RemoveTarget($$)
my($doc, $target_name) = @_;
die "Write me\n";
#// GetTargetSetting
#// Get the value for the specified setting in the specified target
sub GetTargetSetting($$$)
my($doc, $target_name, $setting_name) = @_;
my $target_node = getTargetNode($doc, $target_name);
return getTargetNodeSetting($target_node, "VALUE");
#// SetTargetSetting
#// Set the value for the specified setting in the specified target
sub SetTargetSetting($$$$)
my($doc, $target_name, $setting_name, $new_value) = @_;
my $target_node = getTargetNode($doc, $target_name);
setTargetNodeSetting($doc, $target_node, "VALUE", $new_value);
#// GetTargetFilesList
#// Return an array of the files in the target (in filelist order)
sub GetTargetFilesList($$)
my($doc, $target_name) = @_;
my $target_node = getTargetNode($doc, $target_name);
my @files_list;
my $filelist_node = getFirstChildElement($target_node, "FILELIST");
unless ($filelist_node) { die "Error: failed to find FILELIST node\n"; }
my @file_nodes;
getChildElementsOfType($doc, $filelist_node, "FILE", \@file_nodes);
my $node;
foreach $node (@file_nodes)
my $file_name = getChildElementTextContents($node, "PATH");
push(@files_list, $file_name);
return @files_list;
#// FileIsInTarget
sub FileIsInTarget($$$)
my($doc, $file_name, $target_name) = @_;
my $target_node = getTargetNode($doc, $target_name);
unless ($target_node) { die "Error: no target found called $target_name\n"; }
my $file_node = GetTargetFileNode($doc, $target_node, $file_name);
if ($file_node) {
return 1;
return 0;
#// GetFileTargetsList
#// Return an array of the targets that a file is in (expensive)
sub GetFileTargetsList($$)
my ($doc, $file_name) = @_;
my @target_list;
my @targets = GetTargetsList($doc);
my $target;
foreach $target (@targets)
if (FileIsInTarget($doc, $file_name, $target))
push(@target_list, $target);
return @target_list;
#// GetTargetFileNode
sub GetTargetFileNode($$$)
my($doc, $target_node, $file_name) = @_;
my $filelist_node = getFirstChildElement($target_node, "FILELIST");
unless ($filelist_node) { die "Error: failed to find FILELIST node\n"; }
my $file_node = getChildNodeByGrandchildContents($doc, $filelist_node, "FILE", "PATH", $file_name);
return $file_node;
#// GetFileInUse
#// Return true if the file is used by any target
sub GetFileInUse($$)
my($doc, $file_name) = @_;
my $targetlist_node = getChildOfDocument($doc, "TARGETLIST");
my $target_node = $targetlist_node->getFirstChild();
while ($target_node)
if ($target_node->getNodeTypeName eq "ELEMENT_NODE" &&
$target_node->getTagName() eq "TARGET")
# if this is a target node
my $file_node = GetTargetFileNode($doc, $target_node, $file_name);
if ($file_node) {
return 1; # found it
$target_node = $target_node->getNextSibling();
# not found
return 0;
#// getChildOfDocument
sub getChildOfDocument($$)
my($doc, $child_type) = @_;
return getFirstChildElement($doc->getDocumentElement(), $child_type);
#// getFirstChildElement
sub getFirstChildElement($$)
my($node, $element_name) = @_;
my $found_node;
unless ($node) { die "getFirstChildElement called with empty node\n"; }
#look for the first "element_name" child
my $child_node = $node->getFirstChild();
while ($child_node)
if ($child_node->getNodeTypeName eq "ELEMENT_NODE" &&
$child_node->getTagName() eq $element_name)
$found_node = $child_node;
$child_node = $child_node->getNextSibling();
return $found_node;
#// getChildElementsOfType
#// Return an array of refs to child nodes of the given type
sub getChildElementsOfType($$$$)
my($doc, $node, $child_type, $array_ref) = @_;
my $child_node = $node->getFirstChild();
while ($child_node)
if ($child_node->getNodeTypeName eq "ELEMENT_NODE" &&
$child_node->getTagName() eq $child_type)
push(@$array_ref, $child_node);
$child_node = $child_node->getNextSibling();
#// getChildElementTextContents
# Given <FOOPY><NERD>Hi!</NERD></FOOPY>, where $node is <FOOPY>,
# returns "Hi!". If > 1 <NERD> node, returns the contents of the first.
sub getChildElementTextContents($$)
my($node, $tag_name) = @_;
my $first_element = getFirstChildElement($node, $tag_name);
my $text_node = $first_element->getFirstChild();
my $text_contents = "";
# concat adjacent text nodes
while ($text_node)
if ($text_node->getNodeTypeName() ne "TEXT_NODE")
$text_contents = $text_contents.$text_node->getData();
$text_node = $text_node->getNextSibling();
return $text_contents;
#// setChildElementTextContents
sub setChildElementTextContents($$$$)
my($doc, $node, $tag_name, $contents_text) = @_;
my $first_element = getFirstChildElement($node, $tag_name);
my $new_text_node = $doc->createTextNode($contents_text);
# replace all child elements with a text element
#// getChildNodeByContents
#// Consider <foo><bar><baz>Foopy</baz></bar><bar><baz>Loopy</baz></bar></foo>
#// This function, when called with getChildNodeByContents($foonode, "bar", "baz", "Loopy")
#// returns the second <bar> node.
sub getChildNodeByGrandchildContents($$$$$)
my($doc, $node, $child_type, $gc_type, $gc_contents) = @_; # gc = grandchild
my $found_node;
my $child_node = $node->getFirstChild();
while ($child_node)
if ($child_node->getNodeTypeName eq "ELEMENT_NODE" &&
$child_node->getTagName() eq $child_type)
# check for a child of this node of type
my $child_contents = getChildElementTextContents($child_node, $gc_type);
if ($child_contents eq $gc_contents)
$found_node = $child_node;
$child_node = $child_node->getNextSibling();
return $found_node;
#// getTargetNode
sub getTargetNode($$)
my($doc, $target_name) = @_;
my $targetlist_node = getChildOfDocument($doc, "TARGETLIST");
return getChildNodeByGrandchildContents($doc, $targetlist_node, "TARGET", "NAME", $target_name);
#// getTargetNamedSettingNode
sub getTargetNamedSettingNode($$)
my($target_node, $setting_name) = @_;
my $setting_node;
my $settinglist_node = getFirstChildElement($target_node, "SETTINGLIST");
my $child_node = $settinglist_node->getFirstChild();
while ($child_node)
if ($child_node->getNodeTypeName ne "ELEMENT_NODE")
$child_node = $child_node->getNextSibling();
if ($child_node->getTagName() eq "SETTING")
my $set_name = getChildElementTextContents($child_node, "NAME");
if ($set_name eq $setting_name)
$setting_node = $child_node;
$child_node = $child_node->getNextSibling();
return $setting_node;
#// getTargetNodeSetting
sub getTargetNodeSetting($$)
my($target_node, $setting_name) = @_;
my $setting_node = getTargetNamedSettingNode($target_node, $setting_name);
return getChildElementTextContents($setting_node, "VALUE");
#// setTargetNodeSetting
sub setTargetNodeSetting($$$$)
my($doc, $target_node, $setting_name, $new_value) = @_;
my $setting_node = getTargetNamedSettingNode($target_node, $setting_name);
setChildElementTextContents($doc, $setting_node, "VALUE", $new_value);
#// elementInArray
sub elementInArray($$)
my($element, $array) = @_;
my $test;
foreach $test (@$array)
if ($test eq $element) {
return 1;
return 0;
#// removeAllChildren
sub removeAllChildren($)
my($node) = @_;
my $child_node = $node->getFirstChild();
while ($child_node)
$child_node = $node->getFirstChild();
#// dumpNodeData
sub dumpNodeData($)
my($node) = @_;
unless ($node) { die "Null node passed to dumpNodeData\n"; }
print "Dumping node $node\n";
my($node_type) = $node->getNodeTypeName();
if ($node_type eq "ELEMENT_NODE")
my($node_name) = $node->getTagName();
print "Element $node_name\n";
elsif ($node_type eq "TEXT_NODE")
my($node_data) = $node->getData;
# my(@node_vals) = unpack("C*", $node_data);
print "Text '$node_data'\n"; # may contain LF chars
print "Node $node_type\n";
#// dumpNodeTree
sub dumpNodeTree($)
my($node) = @_;
my($child_node) = $node->getFirstChild();
unless ($child_node) { return; }
# recurse
# then go through child nodes
while ($child_node)
$child_node = $child_node->getNextSibling();