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Bug 1402877 - Part 1. Refactor mochitest test_videocontrols.html to use add_task(). r=jaws
MozReview-Commit-ID: AZGgwLDUoZD --HG-- extra : rebase_source : fc0614a67601b74de0a951119a256e87d4d68c93
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
<title>Video controls test</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SpawnTask.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="head.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
@ -40,7 +42,6 @@ const scrubberMargin = 9;
const scrubberWidth = videoWidth - controlBarMargin - playButtonWidth - scrubberMargin * 2 - positionAndDurationWidth - muteButtonWidth - volumeSliderMarginStart - volumeSliderWidth - volumeSliderMarginEnd - fullscreenButtonWidth - controlBarMargin;
const scrubberHeight = 40;
// Play button is on the bottom-left
const playButtonCenterX = 0 + Math.round(playButtonWidth / 2);
const playButtonCenterY = videoHeight - Math.round(playButtonHeight / 2);
@ -55,28 +56,21 @@ const fullscreenButtonCenterY = videoHeight - Math.round(fullscreenButtonHeight
const scrubberOffsetX = controlBarMargin + playButtonWidth + scrubberMargin;
const scrubberCenterY = videoHeight - Math.round(scrubberHeight / 2);
var testnum = 1;
var video = document.getElementById("video");
const video = document.getElementById("video");
const domUtil = SpecialPowers.Cc["@mozilla.org/inspector/dom-utils;1"]
let expectingEvents;
let expectingEventPromise;
function getButtonByAttribute(aName, aValue) {
var kids = domUtil.getChildrenForNode(video, true);
var videocontrols = kids[1];
return SpecialPowers.wrap(document)
.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(videocontrols, aName, aValue);
function isMuteButtonMuted() {
var muteButton = getButtonByAttribute("anonid", "muteButton");
async function isMuteButtonMuted() {
const muteButton = getAnonElementWithinVideoByAttribute(video, "anonid", "muteButton");
await new Promise(SimpleTest.executeSoon);
return muteButton.getAttribute("muted") === "true";
function isVolumeSliderShowingCorrectVolume(expectedVolume) {
var volumeControl = getButtonByAttribute("anonid", "volumeControl");
is(+volumeControl.value, expectedVolume * 100,
"volume slider should match expected volume");
async function isVolumeSliderShowingCorrectVolume(expectedVolume) {
const volumeControl = getAnonElementWithinVideoByAttribute(video, "anonid", "volumeControl");
await new Promise(SimpleTest.executeSoon);
is(+volumeControl.value, expectedVolume * 100, "volume slider should match expected volume");
function forceReframe() {
@ -88,382 +82,262 @@ function forceReframe() {
function runTest(event) {
ok(true, "----- test #" + testnum + " -----");
function verifyExpectedEvent(event) {
const checkingEvent = expectingEvents.shift();
switch (testnum) {
* Check operation of play/pause/mute/unmute buttons.
case 1:
// Check initial state upon load
is(event.type, "canplaythrough", "checking event type");
is(video.paused, true, "checking video play state");
is(video.muted, false, "checking video mute state");
// Click the play button
SimpleTest.executeSoon(() => {
synthesizeMouse(video, playButtonCenterX, playButtonCenterY, { });
case 2:
is(event.type, "play", "checking event type");
is(video.paused, false, "checking video play state");
is(video.muted, false, "checking video mute state");
// Click the pause button
SimpleTest.executeSoon(() => {
synthesizeMouse(video, playButtonCenterX, playButtonCenterY, { });
case 3:
is(event.type, "pause", "checking event type");
is(video.paused, true, "checking video play state");
is(video.muted, false, "checking video mute state");
SimpleTest.executeSoon(() => {
synthesizeMouse(video, muteButtonCenterX, muteButtonCenterY, { }); // Mute.
case 4:
is(event.type, "volumechange", "checking event type");
is(video.paused, true, "checking video play state");
is(video.muted, true, "checking video mute state");
SimpleTest.executeSoon(() => {
synthesizeMouse(video, muteButtonCenterX, muteButtonCenterY, { }); // Unmute.
* Bug 470596: Make sure that having CSS border or padding doesn't
* break the controls (though it should move them)
case 5:
is(event.type, "volumechange", "checking event type");
is(video.paused, true, "checking video play state");
is(video.muted, false, "checking video mute state");
video.style.border = "medium solid purple";
video.style.borderWidth = "30px 40px 50px 60px";
video.style.padding = "10px 20px 30px 40px";
// totals: top: 40px, right: 60px, bottom: 80px, left: 100px
// Click the play button
SimpleTest.executeSoon(() => {
synthesizeMouse(video, 100 + playButtonCenterX, 40 + playButtonCenterY, { });
case 6:
is(event.type, "play", "checking event type");
is(video.paused, false, "checking video play state");
is(video.muted, false, "checking video mute state");
case 7:
is(event.type, "pause", "checking event type");
is(video.paused, true, "checking video play state");
is(video.muted, false, "checking video mute state");
// Click the mute button
SimpleTest.executeSoon(() => {
synthesizeMouse(video, 100 + muteButtonCenterX, 40 + muteButtonCenterY, { });
case 8:
is(event.type, "volumechange", "checking event type");
is(video.paused, true, "checking video play state");
is(video.muted, true, "checking video mute state");
// Clear the style set in test 5.
video.style.border = "";
video.style.borderWidth = "";
video.style.padding = "";
video.muted = false;
* Previous tests have moved playback postion, reset it to 0.
case 9:
is(event.type, "volumechange", "checking event type");
is(video.paused, true, "checking video play state");
is(video.muted, false, "checking video mute state");
ok(true, "video position is at " + video.currentTime);
video.currentTime = 0.0;
case 10:
is(event.type, "seeking", "checking event type");
ok(true, "video position is at " + video.currentTime);
* Drag the slider's thumb to the halfway point with the mouse.
case 11:
is(event.type, "seeked", "checking event type");
ok(true, "video position is at " + video.currentTime);
// Bug 477434 -- sometimes we get 0.098999 here instead of 0!
// is(video.currentTime, 0.0, "checking playback position");
SimpleTest.executeSoon(() => {
var beginDragX = scrubberOffsetX;
var endDragX = scrubberOffsetX + (scrubberWidth / 2);
synthesizeMouse(video, beginDragX, scrubberCenterY, { type: "mousedown", button: 0 });
synthesizeMouse(video, endDragX, scrubberCenterY, { type: "mousemove", button: 0 });
synthesizeMouse(video, endDragX, scrubberCenterY, { type: "mouseup", button: 0 });
case 12:
is(event.type, "seeking", "checking event type");
ok(true, "video position is at " + video.currentTime);
* Click the slider at the 1/4 point with the mouse (jump backwards)
case 13:
is(event.type, "seeked", "checking event type");
ok(true, "video position is at " + video.currentTime);
var expectedTime = videoDuration / 2;
// The width of srubber is not equal in every platform as we use system default font
// in duration and position box. We can not precisely drag to expected position, so
// we just make sure the difference is within 10% of video duration.
ok(Math.abs(video.currentTime - expectedTime) < videoDuration / 10, "checking expected playback position");
SimpleTest.executeSoon(() => {
synthesizeMouse(video, scrubberOffsetX + (scrubberWidth / 4), scrubberCenterY, { });
case 14:
is(event.type, "seeking", "checking event type");
ok(true, "video position is at " + video.currentTime);
case 15:
is(event.type, "seeked", "checking event type");
ok(true, "video position is at " + video.currentTime);
// The scrubber currently just jumps towards the nearest pageIncrement point, not
// precisely to the point clicked. So, expectedTime isn't (videoDuration / 4).
// We should end up at 1.733, but sometimes we end up at 1.498. I guess
// it's timing depending if the <scale> things it's click-and-hold, or a
// single click. So, just make sure we end up less that the previous
// position.
var lastPosition = (videoDuration / 2) - 0.1;
ok(video.currentTime < lastPosition, "checking expected playback position");
// Set volume to 0.1 so one down arrow hit will decrease it to 0.
video.volume = 0.1;
// See bug 694696.
case 16:
is(event.type, "volumechange", "checking event type");
is(video.volume, 0.1, "Volume should be set.");
ok(!video.muted, "Video is not muted.");
SimpleTest.executeSoon(() => synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", {}));
case 17:
is(event.type, "volumechange", "checking event type");
is(video.volume, 0, "Volume should be 0.");
ok(!video.muted, "Video is not muted.");
SimpleTest.executeSoon(() => {
ok(isMuteButtonMuted(), "Mute button says it's muted");
synthesizeKey("VK_UP", {});
case 18:
is(event.type, "volumechange", "checking event type");
is(video.volume, 0.1, "Volume is increased.");
ok(!video.muted, "Video is not muted.");
SimpleTest.executeSoon(() => {
ok(!isMuteButtonMuted(), "Mute button says it's not muted");
synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", {});
case 19:
is(event.type, "volumechange", "checking event type");
is(video.volume, 0, "Volume should be 0.");
ok(!video.muted, "Video is not muted.");
SimpleTest.executeSoon(() => {
ok(isMuteButtonMuted(), "Mute button says it's muted");
synthesizeMouse(video, muteButtonCenterX, muteButtonCenterY, { });
case 20:
is(event.type, "volumechange", "checking event type");
is(video.volume, 0.5, "Volume should be 0.5.");
ok(!video.muted, "Video is not muted.");
SimpleTest.executeSoon(() => synthesizeKey("VK_UP", {}));
case 21:
is(event.type, "volumechange", "checking event type");
is(video.volume, 0.6, "Volume should be 0.6.");
ok(!video.muted, "Video is not muted.");
SimpleTest.executeSoon(() => {
synthesizeMouse(video, muteButtonCenterX, muteButtonCenterY, { });
case 22:
is(event.type, "volumechange", "checking event type");
is(video.volume, 0.6, "Volume should be 0.6.");
ok(video.muted, "Video is muted.");
SimpleTest.executeSoon(() => {
ok(isMuteButtonMuted(), "Mute button says it's muted");
synthesizeMouse(video, muteButtonCenterX, muteButtonCenterY, { });
case 23:
is(event.type, "volumechange", "checking event type");
is(video.volume, 0.6, "Volume should be 0.6.");
ok(!video.muted, "Video is not muted.");
SimpleTest.executeSoon(() => {
ok(!isMuteButtonMuted(), "Mute button says it's not muted");
synthesizeMouse(video, fullscreenButtonCenterX, fullscreenButtonCenterY, { });
case 24:
is(event.type, "mozfullscreenchange", "checking event type");
is(video.volume, 0.6, "Volume should still be 0.6");
SimpleTest.executeSoon(function() {
synthesizeKey("VK_ESCAPE", {});
case 25:
is(event.type, "mozfullscreenchange", "checking event type");
is(video.volume, 0.6, "Volume should still be 0.6");
SimpleTest.executeSoon(function() {
synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", {});
case 26:
is(event.type, "volumechange", "checking event type");
is(video.volume, 0.5, "Volume should be decreased by 0.1");
SimpleTest.executeSoon(function() {
synthesizeMouse(video, playButtonCenterX, playButtonCenterY, { });
case 27:
is(event.type, "play", "checking event type");
SimpleTest.executeSoon(() => {
synthesizeKey(" ", {});
case 28:
is(event.type, "pause", "checking event type");
SimpleTest.executeSoon(() => {
synthesizeMouse(video, playButtonCenterX, playButtonCenterY, { });
case 29:
is(event.type, "play", "checking event type");
SimpleTest.executeSoon(() => {
// Bug 1352724: Click and hold on timeline should pause video immediately.
synthesizeMouse(video, scrubberOffsetX + 10, scrubberCenterY, { type: "mousedown", button: 0 });
case 30:
is(event.type, "pause", "checking event type");
case 31:
is(event.type, "seeking", "checking event type");
ok(true, "video position is at " + video.currentTime);
case 32:
is(event.type, "seeked", "checking event type");
ok(true, "video position is at " + video.currentTime);
synthesizeMouse(video, scrubberOffsetX + 10, scrubberCenterY, {});
case 33:
is(event.type, "play", "checking event type");
ok(true, "video resume after mouseup");
synthesizeMouse(video, playButtonCenterX, playButtonCenterY, { });
// Bug 1367194: Always ensure video is paused before calling SimpleTest.finish().
case 34:
is(event.type, "pause", "checking event type");
throw "unexpected test #" + testnum + " w/ event " + event.type;
if (event.type == checkingEvent) {
ok(true, "checking event type: ", checkingEvent);
} else {
expectingEventPromise.reject(new Error(`Got event: ${event.type}, expected: ${checkingEvent}`));
if (expectingEvents.length == 0) {
async function waitForEvent(...eventTypes) {
expectingEvents = eventTypes;
function canplaythroughevent(event) {
video.removeEventListener("canplaythrough", canplaythroughevent);
// Other events expected by the test.
video.addEventListener("play", runTest);
video.addEventListener("pause", runTest);
video.addEventListener("volumechange", runTest);
video.addEventListener("seeking", runTest);
video.addEventListener("seeked", runTest);
document.addEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", runTest);
// Begin the test.
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => expectingEventPromise = {resolve, reject}).catch(e => {
// Throw error here to get the caller in error stack.
ok(false, e);
function startMediaLoad() {
// Kick off test once video has loaded, in its canplaythrough event handler.
video.src = "seek_with_sound.ogg";
video.addEventListener("canplaythrough", canplaythroughevent);
add_task(async function setup() {
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["media.cache_size", 40000]]});
await new Promise(resolve => {
video.addEventListener("canplaythrough", resolve, {once: true});
video.src = "seek_with_sound.ogg";
function loadevent(event) {
SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["media.cache_size", 40000]]}, startMediaLoad);
video.addEventListener("play", verifyExpectedEvent);
video.addEventListener("pause", verifyExpectedEvent);
video.addEventListener("volumechange", verifyExpectedEvent);
video.addEventListener("seeking", verifyExpectedEvent);
video.addEventListener("seeked", verifyExpectedEvent);
document.addEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", verifyExpectedEvent);
window.addEventListener("load", loadevent);
// Check initial state upon load
is(video.paused, true, "checking video play state");
is(video.muted, false, "checking video mute state");
add_task(async function click_playbutton() {
synthesizeMouse(video, playButtonCenterX, playButtonCenterY, {});
await waitForEvent("play");
is(video.paused, false, "checking video play state");
is(video.muted, false, "checking video mute state");
add_task(async function click_pausebutton() {
synthesizeMouse(video, playButtonCenterX, playButtonCenterY, {})
await waitForEvent("pause");
is(video.paused, true, "checking video play state");
is(video.muted, false, "checking video mute state");
add_task(async function mute_volume() {
synthesizeMouse(video, muteButtonCenterX, muteButtonCenterY, {});
await waitForEvent("volumechange");
is(video.paused, true, "checking video play state");
is(video.muted, true, "checking video mute state");
add_task(async function unmute_volume() {
synthesizeMouse(video, muteButtonCenterX, muteButtonCenterY, {});
await waitForEvent("volumechange");
is(video.paused, true, "checking video play state");
is(video.muted, false, "checking video mute state");
* Bug 470596: Make sure that having CSS border or padding doesn't
* break the controls (though it should move them)
add_task(async function styled_video() {
video.style.border = "medium solid purple";
video.style.borderWidth = "30px 40px 50px 60px";
video.style.padding = "10px 20px 30px 40px";
// totals: top: 40px, right: 60px, bottom: 80px, left: 100px
// Click the play button
synthesizeMouse(video, 100 + playButtonCenterX, 40 + playButtonCenterY, { });
await waitForEvent("play");
is(video.paused, false, "checking video play state");
is(video.muted, false, "checking video mute state");
// Pause the video
await waitForEvent("pause");
is(video.paused, true, "checking video play state");
is(video.muted, false, "checking video mute state");
// Click the mute button
synthesizeMouse(video, 100 + muteButtonCenterX, 40 + muteButtonCenterY, {});
await waitForEvent("volumechange");
is(video.paused, true, "checking video play state");
is(video.muted, true, "checking video mute state");
// Clear the style set
video.style.border = "";
video.style.borderWidth = "";
video.style.padding = "";
// Unmute the video
video.muted = false;
await waitForEvent("volumechange");
is(video.paused, true, "checking video play state");
is(video.muted, false, "checking video mute state");
* Previous tests have moved playback postion, reset it to 0.
add_task(async function reset_currentTime() {
ok(true, "video position is at " + video.currentTime);
video.currentTime = 0.0;
await waitForEvent("seeking", "seeked");
// Bug 477434 -- sometimes we get 0.098999 here instead of 0!
// is(video.currentTime, 0.0, "checking playback position");
ok(true, "video position is at " + video.currentTime);
* Drag the slider's thumb to the halfway point with the mouse.
add_task(async function drag_slider() {
const beginDragX = scrubberOffsetX;
const endDragX = scrubberOffsetX + (scrubberWidth / 2);
const expectedTime = videoDuration / 2;
synthesizeMouse(video, beginDragX, scrubberCenterY, {type: "mousedown", button: 0});
synthesizeMouse(video, endDragX, scrubberCenterY, {type: "mousemove", button: 0});
synthesizeMouse(video, endDragX, scrubberCenterY, {type: "mouseup", button: 0});
await waitForEvent("seeking", "seeked");
ok(true, "video position is at " + video.currentTime);
// The width of srubber is not equal in every platform as we use system default font
// in duration and position box. We can not precisely drag to expected position, so
// we just make sure the difference is within 10% of video duration.
ok(Math.abs(video.currentTime - expectedTime) < videoDuration / 10, "checking expected playback position");
* Click the slider at the 1/4 point with the mouse (jump backwards)
add_task(async function click_slider() {
synthesizeMouse(video, scrubberOffsetX + (scrubberWidth / 4), scrubberCenterY, {});
await waitForEvent("seeking", "seeked");
ok(true, "video position is at " + video.currentTime);
// The scrubber currently just jumps towards the nearest pageIncrement point, not
// precisely to the point clicked. So, expectedTime isn't (videoDuration / 4).
// We should end up at 1.733, but sometimes we end up at 1.498. I guess
// it's timing depending if the <scale> things it's click-and-hold, or a
// single click. So, just make sure we end up less that the previous
// position.
const lastPosition = (videoDuration / 2) - 0.1;
ok(video.currentTime < lastPosition, "checking expected playback position");
// Set volume to 0.1 so one down arrow hit will decrease it to 0.
video.volume = 0.1;
await waitForEvent("volumechange");
is(video.volume, 0.1, "Volume should be set.");
ok(!video.muted, "Video is not muted.");
// See bug 694696.
add_task(async function change_volume() {
synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", {});
await waitForEvent("volumechange");
is(video.volume, 0, "Volume should be 0.");
ok(!video.muted, "Video is not muted.");
ok(await isMuteButtonMuted(), "Mute button says it's muted");
synthesizeKey("VK_UP", {});
await waitForEvent("volumechange");
is(video.volume, 0.1, "Volume is increased.");
ok(!video.muted, "Video is not muted.");
ok(!(await isMuteButtonMuted()), "Mute button says it's not muted");
synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", {});
await waitForEvent("volumechange");
is(video.volume, 0, "Volume should be 0.");
ok(!video.muted, "Video is not muted.");
ok(await isMuteButtonMuted(), "Mute button says it's muted");
synthesizeMouse(video, muteButtonCenterX, muteButtonCenterY, {});
await waitForEvent("volumechange");
is(video.volume, 0.5, "Volume should be 0.5.");
ok(!video.muted, "Video is not muted.");
synthesizeKey("VK_UP", {});
await waitForEvent("volumechange");
is(video.volume, 0.6, "Volume should be 0.6.");
ok(!video.muted, "Video is not muted.");
synthesizeMouse(video, muteButtonCenterX, muteButtonCenterY, {});
await waitForEvent("volumechange");
is(video.volume, 0.6, "Volume should be 0.6.");
ok(video.muted, "Video is muted.");
ok(await isMuteButtonMuted(), "Mute button says it's muted");
synthesizeMouse(video, muteButtonCenterX, muteButtonCenterY, {});
await waitForEvent("volumechange");
is(video.volume, 0.6, "Volume should be 0.6.");
ok(!video.muted, "Video is not muted.");
ok(!(await isMuteButtonMuted()), "Mute button says it's not muted");
synthesizeMouse(video, fullscreenButtonCenterX, fullscreenButtonCenterY, {});
await waitForEvent("mozfullscreenchange");
is(video.volume, 0.6, "Volume should still be 0.6");
await isVolumeSliderShowingCorrectVolume(video.volume);
synthesizeKey("VK_ESCAPE", {});
await waitForEvent("mozfullscreenchange");
is(video.volume, 0.6, "Volume should still be 0.6");
await isVolumeSliderShowingCorrectVolume(video.volume);
synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", {});
await waitForEvent("volumechange");
is(video.volume, 0.5, "Volume should be decreased by 0.1");
await isVolumeSliderShowingCorrectVolume(video.volume);
add_task(async function whitespace_pause_video() {
synthesizeMouse(video, playButtonCenterX, playButtonCenterY, {});
await waitForEvent("play");
synthesizeKey(" ", {});
await waitForEvent("pause");
synthesizeMouse(video, playButtonCenterX, playButtonCenterY, {});
await waitForEvent("play");
* Bug 1352724: Click and hold on timeline should pause video immediately.
add_task(async function click_and_hold_slider() {
synthesizeMouse(video, scrubberOffsetX + 10, scrubberCenterY, {type: "mousedown", button: 0});
await waitForEvent("pause", "seeking", "seeked");
synthesizeMouse(video, scrubberOffsetX + 10, scrubberCenterY, {});
await waitForEvent("play");
// Bug 1367194: Always ensure video is paused before finishing the test.
add_task(async function ensure_video_pause() {
if (!video.paused) {
await waitForEvent("pause");
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