Bug 1110511 - Regression tests. r=felipe

extra : commitid : GLdt6U8gPWC
extra : rebase_source : cd5d40b385caa2ec0b7c0656132275f04abacc56
This commit is contained in:
Mike Conley 2015-09-30 17:50:27 -04:00
Родитель 8f9fdedf8f
Коммит 2a19b75b12
2 изменённых файлов: 337 добавлений и 0 удалений

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@ -528,3 +528,5 @@ support-files =
skip-if = !e10s || !crashreporter

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@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
"use strict";
let { TabCrashReporter } =
const SERVER_URL = "http://example.com/browser/toolkit/crashreporter/test/browser/crashreport.sjs";
const PAGE = "data:text/html,<html><body>A%20regular,%20everyday,%20normal%20page.";
const COMMENTS = "Here's my test comment!";
const EMAIL = "foo@privacy.com";
* For an nsIPropertyBag, returns the value for a given
* key.
* @param bag
* The nsIPropertyBag to retrieve the value from
* @param key
* The key that we want to get the value for from the
* bag
* @returns The value corresponding to the key from the bag,
* or null if the value could not be retrieved (for
* example, if no value is set at that key).
function getPropertyBagValue(bag, key) {
try {
let val = bag.getProperty(key);
return val;
} catch(e if e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE) {}
return null;
* Returns a Promise that resolves once a crash report has
* been submitted. This function will also test the crash
* reports extra data to see if it matches expectedExtra.
* @param expectedExtra
* An Object whose key-value pairs will be compared
* against the key-value pairs in the extra data of the
* crash report. A test failure will occur if there is
* a mismatch.
* Note that this will only check the values that exist
* in expectedExtra. It's possible that the crash report
* will contain other extra information that is not
* compared against.
* @returns Promise
function promiseCrashReport(expectedExtra) {
return Task.spawn(function*() {
info("Starting wait on crash-report-status");
let [subject, data] =
yield TestUtils.topicObserved("crash-report-status", (subject, data) => {
return data == "success";
info("Topic observed!");
if (!(subject instanceof Ci.nsIPropertyBag2)) {
throw new Error("Subject was not a Ci.nsIPropertyBag2");
let remoteID = getPropertyBagValue(subject, "serverCrashID");
if (!remoteID) {
throw new Error("Report should have a server ID");
let file = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"]
file.append(remoteID + ".txt");
if (!file.exists()) {
throw new Error("Report should have been received by the server");
let extra = getPropertyBagValue(subject, "extra");
if (!(extra instanceof Ci.nsIPropertyBag2)) {
throw new Error("extra was not a Ci.nsIPropertyBag2");
info("Iterating crash report extra keys");
let enumerator = extra.enumerator;
while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
let key = enumerator.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIProperty).name;
let value = extra.getPropertyAsAString(key);
if (key in expectedExtra) {
is(value, expectedExtra[key],
`Crash report had the right extra value for ${key}`);
* Sets up the browser to send crash reports to the local crash report
* testing server.
add_task(function* setup() {
// The test harness sets MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT, which disables crash
// reports. This test needs them enabled. The test also needs a mock
// report server, and fortunately one is already set up by toolkit/
// crashreporter/test/Makefile.in. Assign its URL to MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_URL,
// which CrashSubmit.jsm uses as a server override.
let env = Cc["@mozilla.org/process/environment;1"]
let noReport = env.get("MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT");
let serverUrl = env.get("MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_URL");
registerCleanupFunction(function() {
env.set("MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_URL", serverUrl);
* This function returns a Promise that resolves once the following
* actions have taken place:
* 1) A new tab is opened up at PAGE
* 2) The tab is crashed
* 3) The about:tabcrashed page's fields are set in accordance with
* fieldValues
* 4) The tab is restored
* 5) A crash report is received from the testing server
* 6) Any tab crash prefs that were overwritten are reset
* @param fieldValues
* An Object describing how to set the about:tabcrashed
* fields. The following properties are accepted:
* comments (String)
* The comments to put in the comment textarea
* email (String)
* The email address to put in the email address input
* emailMe (bool)
* The checked value of the "Email me" checkbox
* includeURL (bool)
* The checked value of the "Include URL" checkbox
* If any of these fields are missing, the defaults from
* the user preferences are used.
* @param expectedExtra
* An Object describing the expected values that the submitted
* crash report's extra data should contain.
* @returns Promise
function crashTabTestHelper(fieldValues, expectedExtra) {
return BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({
url: PAGE,
}, function*(browser) {
let prefs = TabCrashReporter.prefs;
let originalSendReport = prefs.getBoolPref("sendReport");
let originalEmailMe = prefs.getBoolPref("emailMe");
let originalIncludeURL = prefs.getBoolPref("includeURL");
let originalEmail = prefs.getCharPref("email");
let tab = gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(browser);
yield BrowserTestUtils.crashBrowser(browser);
let doc = browser.contentDocument;
// Since about:tabcrashed will run in the parent process, we can safely
// manipulate its DOM nodes directly
let comments = doc.getElementById("comments");
let email = doc.getElementById("email");
let emailMe = doc.getElementById("emailMe");
let includeURL = doc.getElementById("includeURL");
if (fieldValues.hasOwnProperty("comments")) {
comments.value = fieldValues.comments;
if (fieldValues.hasOwnProperty("email")) {
email.value = fieldValues.email;
if (fieldValues.hasOwnProperty("emailMe")) {
emailMe.checked = fieldValues.emailMe;
if (fieldValues.hasOwnProperty("includeURL")) {
includeURL.checked = fieldValues.includeURL;
let crashReport = promiseCrashReport(expectedExtra);
let restoreTab = browser.contentDocument.getElementById("restoreTab");
yield BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(tab, "SSTabRestored");
yield crashReport;
// Submitting the crash report may have set some prefs regarding how to
// send tab crash reports. Let's reset them for the next test.
prefs.setBoolPref("sendReport", originalSendReport);
prefs.setBoolPref("emailMe", originalEmailMe);
prefs.setBoolPref("includeURL", originalIncludeURL);
prefs.setCharPref("email", originalEmail);
* Tests what we send with the crash report by default. By default, we do not
* send any comments, the URL of the crashing page, or the email address of
* the user.
add_task(function* test_default() {
yield crashTabTestHelper({}, {
"Comments": "",
"URL": "",
"Email": "",
* Test just sending a comment.
add_task(function* test_just_a_comment() {
yield crashTabTestHelper({
comments: COMMENTS,
}, {
"Comments": COMMENTS,
"URL": "",
"Email": "",
* Test that we don't send email if emailMe is unchecked
add_task(function* test_no_email() {
yield crashTabTestHelper({
email: EMAIL,
emailMe: false,
}, {
"Comments": "",
"URL": "",
"Email": "",
* Test that we can send an email address if emailMe is checked
add_task(function* test_yes_email() {
yield crashTabTestHelper({
email: EMAIL,
emailMe: true,
}, {
"Comments": "",
"URL": "",
"Email": EMAIL,
* Test that we will send the URL of the page if includeURL is checked.
add_task(function* test_send_URL() {
yield crashTabTestHelper({
includeURL: true,
}, {
"Comments": "",
"Email": "",
* Test that we can send comments, the email address, and the URL
add_task(function* test_send_all() {
yield crashTabTestHelper({
includeURL: true,
emailMe: true,
email: EMAIL,
comments: COMMENTS,
}, {
"Comments": COMMENTS,
"Email": EMAIL,
* Test that if we have an email address stored in prefs, and we decide
* not to submit the email address in the next crash report, that we
* clear the email address.
add_task(function* test_clear_email() {
return BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({
url: PAGE,
}, function*(browser) {
let prefs = TabCrashReporter.prefs;
let originalSendReport = prefs.getBoolPref("sendReport");
let originalEmailMe = prefs.getBoolPref("emailMe");
let originalIncludeURL = prefs.getBoolPref("includeURL");
let originalEmail = prefs.getCharPref("email");
// Pretend that we stored an email address from the previous
// crash
prefs.setCharPref("email", EMAIL);
prefs.setBoolPref("emailMe", true);
let tab = gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(browser);
yield BrowserTestUtils.crashBrowser(browser);
let doc = browser.contentDocument;
// Since about:tabcrashed will run in the parent process, we can safely
// manipulate its DOM nodes directly
let emailMe = doc.getElementById("emailMe");
emailMe.checked = false;
let crashReport = promiseCrashReport({
Email: "",
let restoreTab = browser.contentDocument.getElementById("restoreTab");
yield BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(tab, "SSTabRestored");
yield crashReport;
is(prefs.getCharPref("email"), "", "No email address should be stored");
// Submitting the crash report may have set some prefs regarding how to
// send tab crash reports. Let's reset them for the next test.
prefs.setBoolPref("sendReport", originalSendReport);
prefs.setBoolPref("emailMe", originalEmailMe);
prefs.setBoolPref("includeURL", originalIncludeURL);
prefs.setCharPref("email", originalEmail);