Bug 1147918 - Add mach autophone command; r=bc

This commit is contained in:
Geoff Brown 2016-03-29 14:50:15 -06:00
Родитель f0418a0c73
Коммит 342c08673d
2 изменённых файлов: 662 добавлений и 0 удалений

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@ -171,3 +171,46 @@ class AndroidEmulatorCommands(MachCommandBase):
self.log(logging.WARN, "emulator", {},
"Unable to retrieve Android emulator return code.")
return 0
class AutophoneCommands(MachCommandBase):
Run autophone, https://wiki.mozilla.org/Auto-tools/Projects/Autophone.
If necessary, autophone is cloned from github, installed, and configured.
@Command('autophone', category='devenv',
description='Run autophone.')
@CommandArgument('--clean', action='store_true',
help='Delete an existing autophone installation.')
@CommandArgument('--verbose', action='store_true',
help='Log informative status messages.')
def autophone(self, clean=False, verbose=False):
import platform
from mozrunner.devices.autophone import AutophoneRunner
if platform.system() == "Windows":
# Autophone is normally run on Linux or OSX.
self.log(logging.ERROR, "autophone", {},
"This mach command is not supported on Windows!")
return -1
runner = AutophoneRunner(self, verbose)
if clean:
return 0
if not runner.setup_directory():
return 1
if not runner.install_requirements():
return 2
if not runner.configure():
return 3
return 0

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@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
import glob
import json
import logging
import os
import shutil
import signal
import socket
import sys
import threading
import time
import which
import BaseHTTPServer
import SimpleHTTPServer
from mozbuild.virtualenv import VirtualenvManager
from mozdevice import DeviceManagerADB
from mozprocess import ProcessHandler
class AutophoneRunner(object):
Supporting the mach 'autophone' command: configure, run autophone.
config = {'base-dir' : None,
'requirements-installed' : False,
'devices-configured' : False,
'test-manifest' : None }
CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.mozbuild', 'autophone.json')
def __init__(self, build_obj, verbose):
self.build_obj = build_obj
self.verbose = verbose
self.autophone_options = []
self.httpd = None
self.webserver_required = False
def reset_to_clean(self):
If confirmed, remove the autophone directory and configuration.
dir = self.config['base-dir']
if dir and os.path.exists(dir) and os.path.exists(self.CONFIG_FILE):
self.build_obj.log(logging.WARN, "autophone", {},
"*** This will delete %s and reset your 'mach autophone' configuration! ***" % dir)
response = raw_input(
"Proceed with deletion? (y/N) ").strip()
if response.lower().startswith('y'):
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
"Already clean -- nothing to do!")
def save_config(self):
Persist self.config to a file.
with open(self.CONFIG_FILE, 'w') as f:
json.dump(self.config, f)
if self.verbose:
print("saved configuration: %s" % self.config)
self.build_obj.log(logging.ERROR, "autophone", {},
"unable to save 'mach autophone' configuration to %s" % self.CONFIG_FILE)
if self.verbose:
self.build_obj.log(logging.ERROR, "autophone", {},
def load_config(self):
Import the configuration info saved by save_config().
if os.path.exists(self.CONFIG_FILE):
with open(self.CONFIG_FILE, 'r') as f:
self.config = json.load(f)
if self.verbose:
print("loaded configuration: %s" % self.config)
self.build_obj.log(logging.ERROR, "autophone", {},
"unable to load 'mach autophone' configuration from %s" % self.CONFIG_FILE)
if self.verbose:
self.build_obj.log(logging.ERROR, "autophone", {},
def setup_directory(self):
Find the autophone source code location, or download if necessary.
keep_going = True
dir = self.config['base-dir']
if not dir:
dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'mach-autophone')
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, '.git')):
response = raw_input(
"Run autophone from existing directory, %s (Y/n) " % dir).strip()
if not 'n' in response.lower():
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
"Configuring and running autophone at %s" % dir)
return keep_going
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
"Unable to find an existing autophone directory. Let's setup a new one...")
response = raw_input(
"Enter location of new autophone directory: [%s] " % dir).strip()
if response != '':
dir = response
self.config['base-dir'] = dir
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, '.git')):
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
"Cloning autophone repository to '%s'..." % dir)
self.config['requirements-installed'] = False
self.config['devices-configured'] = False
self.run_process(['git', 'clone', 'https://github.com/mozilla/autophone', dir])
self.run_process(['git', 'submodule', 'update', '--init', '--remote'], cwd=dir)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, '.git')):
# git not installed? File permission problem? github not available?
self.build_obj.log(logging.ERROR, "autophone", {},
"Unable to clone autophone directory.")
if not self.verbose:
self.build_obj.log(logging.ERROR, "autophone", {},
"Try re-running this command with --verbose to get more info.")
keep_going = False
return keep_going
def install_requirements(self):
Install required python modules in a virtualenv rooted at <autophone>/_virtualenv.
keep_going = True
dir = self.config['base-dir']
vdir = os.path.join(dir, '_virtualenv')
self.auto_virtualenv_manager = VirtualenvManager(self.build_obj.topsrcdir,
self.build_obj.topobjdir, vdir, sys.stdout,
os.path.join(self.build_obj.topsrcdir, 'build', 'virtualenv_packages.txt'))
if not self.config['requirements-installed'] or not os.path.exists(vdir):
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
"Installing required modules in a virtualenv...")
self.auto_virtualenv_manager._run_pip(['install', '-r',
os.path.join(dir, 'requirements.txt')])
self.config['requirements-installed'] = True
return keep_going
def configure_devices(self):
Ensure devices.ini is set up.
keep_going = True
device_ini = os.path.join(self.config['base-dir'], 'devices.ini')
if os.path.exists(device_ini):
response = raw_input(
"Use existing device configuration at %s? (Y/n) " % device_ini).strip()
if not 'n' in response.lower():
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
"Using device configuration at %s" % device_ini)
return keep_going
keep_going = False
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
"You must configure at least one Android device before running autophone.")
response = raw_input(
"Configure devices now? (Y/n) ").strip()
if response.lower().startswith('y') or response == '':
response = raw_input(
"Connect your rooted Android test device(s) with usb and press Enter ")
adb_path = 'adb'
if os.path.exists(self.build_obj.substs["ADB"]):
adb_path = self.build_obj.substs["ADB"]
if self.verbose:
self.build_obj.log(logging.ERROR, "autophone", {},
# No build environment?
adb_path = which.which('adb')
except which.WhichError:
adb_path = raw_input(
"adb not found. Enter path to adb: ").strip()
if self.verbose:
print("Using adb at %s" % adb_path)
dm = DeviceManagerADB(autoconnect=False, adbPath=adb_path, retryLimit=1)
device_index = 1
with open(os.path.join(self.config['base-dir'], 'devices.ini'), 'w') as f:
for device in dm.devices():
serial = device[0]
if self.verify_device(adb_path, serial):
f.write("[device-%d]\nserialno=%s\n" % (device_index, serial))
device_index += 1
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
"Added '%s' to device configuration." % serial)
keep_going = True
self.build_obj.log(logging.WARNING, "autophone", {},
"Device '%s' is not rooted - skipping" % serial)
self.build_obj.log(logging.ERROR, "autophone", {},
"Failed to get list of connected Android devices.")
if self.verbose:
self.build_obj.log(logging.ERROR, "autophone", {},
keep_going = False
if device_index <= 1:
self.build_obj.log(logging.ERROR, "autophone", {},
"No devices configured! (Can you see your rooted test device(s) in 'adb devices'?")
keep_going = False
if keep_going:
self.config['devices-configured'] = True
return keep_going
def configure_tests(self):
Determine the required autophone --test-path option.
dir = self.config['base-dir']
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
"Autophone must be started with a 'test manifest' describing the type(s) of test(s) to run.")
test_options = []
for ini in glob.glob(os.path.join(dir, 'tests', '*.ini')):
with open(ini, 'r') as f:
content = f.readlines()
for line in content:
if line.startswith('# @mach@ '):
webserver = False
if '@webserver@' in line:
webserver = True
line = line.replace('@webserver@', '')
test_options.append((line[9:].strip(), ini, webserver))
if len(test_options) >= 1:
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
"These test manifests are available:")
index = 1
for option in test_options:
print("%d. %s" % (index, option[0]))
index += 1
highest = index - 1
path = None
while not path:
path = None
self.webserver_required = False
response = raw_input(
"Select test manifest (1-%d, or path to test manifest) " % highest).strip()
if os.path.isfile(response):
path = response
self.config['test-manifest'] = path
# Assume a webserver is required; if it isn't, user can provide a dummy url.
self.webserver_required = True
choice = int(response)
if choice >= 1 and choice <= highest:
path = test_options[choice-1][1]
if test_options[choice-1][2]:
self.webserver_required = True
self.build_obj.log(logging.ERROR, "autophone", {},
"'%s' invalid: Enter a number between 1 and %d!" % (response, highest))
except ValueError:
self.build_obj.log(logging.ERROR, "autophone", {},
"'%s' unrecognized: Enter a number between 1 and %d!" % (response, highest))
self.autophone_options.extend(['--test-path', path])
# Provide a simple backup for the unusual case where test manifests
# cannot be found.
response = ""
default = self.config['test-manifest'] or ""
while not os.path.isfile(response):
response = raw_input(
"Enter path to a test manifest: [%s] " % default).strip()
if response == "":
response = default
self.autophone_options.extend(['--test-path', response])
self.config['test-manifest'] = response
# Assume a webserver is required; if it isn't, user can provide a dummy url.
self.webserver_required = True
return True
def write_unittest_defaults(self, defaults_path, xre_path):
Write unittest-defaults.ini.
# This should be similar to unittest-defaults.ini.example
with open(defaults_path, 'w') as f:
# Created by 'mach autophone'
xre_path = %s
utility_path = %s
console_level = DEBUG
log_level = DEBUG
time_out = 300""" % (xre_path, xre_path))
if self.verbose:
print("Created %s with host utilities path %s" % (defaults_path, xre_path))
self.build_obj.log(logging.ERROR, "autophone", {},
"Unable to create %s" % defaults_path)
if self.verbose:
self.build_obj.log(logging.ERROR, "autophone", {},
def configure_unittests(self):
Ensure unittest-defaults.ini is set up.
defaults_path = os.path.join(self.config['base-dir'], 'configs', 'unittest-defaults.ini')
if os.path.isfile(defaults_path):
response = raw_input(
"Use existing unit test configuration at %s? (Y/n) " % defaults_path).strip()
if 'n' in response.lower():
if not os.path.isfile(defaults_path):
xre_path = os.environ.get('MOZ_HOST_BIN')
if not xre_path or not os.path.isdir(xre_path):
emulator_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.mozbuild', 'android-device')
xre_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(emulator_path, 'host-utils*'))
for xre_path in xre_paths:
if os.path.isdir(xre_path):
if not xre_path or not os.path.isdir(xre_path) or \
not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(xre_path, 'xpcshell')):
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
"Some tests require access to 'host utilities' such as xpcshell.")
xre_path = raw_input(
"Enter path to host utilities directory: ").strip()
if not xre_path or not os.path.isdir(xre_path) or \
not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(xre_path, 'xpcshell')):
self.build_obj.log(logging.ERROR, "autophone", {},
"Unable to configure unit tests - no path to host utilities.")
return False
self.write_unittest_defaults(defaults_path, xre_path)
if os.path.isfile(defaults_path):
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
"Using unit test configuration at %s" % defaults_path)
return True
def configure_ip(self):
Determine what IP should be used for the autophone --ipaddr option.
# Take a guess at the IP to suggest. This won't always get the "right" IP,
# but will save some typing, sometimes.
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
s.connect(('', 0))
ip = s.getsockname()[0]
response = raw_input(
"IP address of interface to use for phone callbacks [%s] " % ip).strip()
if response == "":
response = ip
self.autophone_options.extend(['--ipaddr', response])
self.ipaddr = response
return True
def configure_webserver(self):
Determine the autophone --webserver-url option.
if self.webserver_required:
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
"Some of your selected tests require a webserver.")
response = raw_input("Start a webserver now? [Y/n] ").strip()
parts = []
while len(parts) != 2:
response2 = raw_input(
"Webserver address? [%s:8100] " % self.ipaddr).strip()
if response2 == "":
parts = [self.ipaddr, "8100"]
parts = response2.split(":")
if len(parts) == 2:
addr = parts[0]
port = int(parts[1])
if port <= 0:
self.build_obj.log(logging.ERROR, "autophone", {},
"Port must be > 0. Enter webserver address in the format <ip>:<port>")
parts = []
except ValueError:
self.build_obj.log(logging.ERROR, "autophone", {},
"Port must be a number. Enter webserver address in the format <ip>:<port>")
parts = []
self.build_obj.log(logging.ERROR, "autophone", {},
"Enter webserver address in the format <ip>:<port>")
if not ('n' in response.lower()):
self.launch_webserver(addr, port)
self.autophone_options.extend(['--webserver-url', 'http://%s:%d' % (addr,port)])
return True
def configure_other(self):
Advanced users may set up additional options in autophone.ini.
Find and handle that case silently.
path = os.path.join(self.config['base-dir'], 'autophone.ini')
if os.path.isfile(path):
self.autophone_options.extend(['--config', path])
return True
def configure(self):
Ensure all configuration files are set up and determine autophone options.
return self.configure_devices() and \
self.configure_unittests() and \
self.configure_tests() and \
self.configure_ip() and \
self.configure_webserver() and \
def verify_device(self, adb_path, device):
Check that the specified device is available and rooted.
dm = DeviceManagerADB(adbPath=adb_path, retryLimit=1, deviceSerial=device)
if dm._haveSu or dm._haveRootShell:
return True
self.build_obj.log(logging.WARN, "autophone", {},
"Unable to verify root on device.")
if self.verbose:
self.build_obj.log(logging.ERROR, "autophone", {},
return False
def launch_autophone(self):
Launch autophone in its own thread and wait for autophone startup.
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
"Launching autophone...")
self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.run_autophone)
# Wait for startup, so that autophone startup messages do not get mixed
# in with our interactive command prompts.
dir = self.config['base-dir']
started = False
for seconds in [5, 5, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1]:
if self.run_process(['./ap.sh', 'autophone-status'], cwd=dir, dump=False):
started = True
if not started:
self.build_obj.log(logging.WARN, "autophone", {},
"Autophone is taking longer than expected to start.")
def run_autophone(self):
dir = self.config['base-dir']
cmd = [self.auto_virtualenv_manager.python_path, 'autophone.py']
self.run_process(cmd, cwd=dir, dump=True)
def command_prompts(self):
Interactive command prompts: Provide access to ap.sh and trigger_runs.py.
dir = self.config['base-dir']
if self.thread.isAlive():
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
"Use 'trigger' to select builds to test using the current test manifest.")
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
"Type 'trigger', 'help', 'quit', or an autophone command.")
quitting = False
while self.thread.isAlive() and not quitting:
response = raw_input(
"autophone command? ").strip().lower()
if response == "help":
self.run_process(['./ap.sh', 'autophone-help'], cwd=dir, dump=True)
Additional commands available in this interactive shell:
Initiate autophone test runs. You will be prompted for a set of builds
to run tests against. (To run a different type of test, quit, run this
mach command again, and select a new test manifest.)
Shutdown autophone and exit this shell (short-cut to 'autophone-shutdown')
if response == "trigger":
if response == "quit":
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
response = "autophone-shutdown"
if response == "autophone-shutdown":
quitting = True
self.run_process(['./ap.sh', response], cwd=dir, dump=True)
if self.httpd:
def trigger_prompts(self):
Sub-prompts for the "trigger" command.
dir = self.config['base-dir']
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
"Tests will be run against a build or collection of builds, selected by:")
1. The latest build
2. Build URL
3. Build ID
4. Date/date-time range\
highest = 4
choice = 0
while (choice < 1 or choice > highest):
response = raw_input(
"Build selection type? (1-%d) " % highest).strip()
choice = int(response)
except ValueError:
self.build_obj.log(logging.ERROR, "autophone", {},
"Enter a number between 1 and %d" % highest)
choice = 0
if choice == 1:
options = ["latest"]
elif choice == 2:
url = raw_input(
"Enter url of build to test; may be an http or file schema ").strip()
options = ["--build-url=%s" % url]
elif choice == 3:
response = raw_input(
"Enter Build ID, eg 20120403063158 ").strip()
options = [response]
elif choice == 4:
start = raw_input(
"Enter start build date or date-time, e.g. 2012-04-03 or 2012-04-03T06:31:58 ").strip()
end = raw_input(
"Enter end build date or date-time, e.g. 2012-04-03 or 2012-04-03T06:31:58 ").strip()
options = [start, end]
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
"You may optionally specify a repository name like 'mozilla-inbound' or 'try'.")
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
"If not specified, 'mozilla-central' is assumed.")
repo = raw_input(
"Enter repository name: ").strip()
if len(repo) > 0:
options.extend(["--repo=%s" % repo])
if repo == "mozilla-central" or repo == "mozilla-aurora" or len(repo) < 1:
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
"You may optionally specify the build location, like 'nightly' or 'tinderbox'.")
location = raw_input(
"Enter build location: ").strip()
if len(location) > 0:
options.extend(["--build-location=%s" % location])
cmd = [self.auto_virtualenv_manager.python_path, "trigger_runs.py"]
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
"Triggering...Tests will run once builds have been downloaded.")
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
"Use 'autophone-status' to check progress.")
self.run_process(cmd, cwd=dir, dump=True)
def launch_webserver(self, addr, port):
Launch the webserver (in a separate thread).
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
"Launching webserver...")
self.webserver_addr = addr
self.webserver_port = port
self.threadweb = threading.Thread(target=self.run_webserver)
def run_webserver(self):
class AutoHTTPRequestHandler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
# A simple request handler with logging suppressed.
def log_message(self, format, *args):
address = (self.webserver_addr, self.webserver_port)
self.httpd = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(address, AutoHTTPRequestHandler)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Web server interrupted.")
def run_process(self, cmd, cwd=None, dump=False):
def _processOutput(line):
if self.verbose or dump:
if self.verbose:
self.build_obj.log(logging.INFO, "autophone", {},
"Running '%s' in '%s'" % (cmd, cwd))
proc = ProcessHandler(cmd, cwd=cwd, processOutputLine=_processOutput,
proc_complete = False
if proc.proc.returncode == 0:
proc_complete = True
if proc.poll() is None:
if not proc_complete:
if not self.verbose:
return proc_complete