Bug 1468349 - Vendor in new freebsd deps for u2f-hid-rs r=mgoodwin

MozReview-Commit-ID: 26E21CeZiLj

rename : third_party/rust/nom/.travis.yml => third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/.travis.yml
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rename : third_party/rust/nom/CHANGELOG.md => third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/CHANGELOG.md
rename : third_party/rust/nom/Cargo.toml => third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/Cargo.toml
rename : third_party/rust/nom/LICENSE => third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/LICENSE
rename : third_party/rust/nom/src/bits.rs => third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/src/bits.rs
rename : third_party/rust/nom/src/bytes.rs => third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/src/bytes.rs
rename : third_party/rust/nom/src/character.rs => third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/src/character.rs
rename : third_party/rust/nom/src/internal.rs => third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/src/internal.rs
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rename : third_party/rust/nom/src/macros.rs => third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/src/macros.rs
rename : third_party/rust/nom/src/methods.rs => third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/src/methods.rs
rename : third_party/rust/nom/src/nom.rs => third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/src/nom.rs
rename : third_party/rust/nom/src/regexp.rs => third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/src/regexp.rs
rename : third_party/rust/nom/src/str.rs => third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/src/str.rs
rename : third_party/rust/nom/src/stream.rs => third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/src/stream.rs
rename : third_party/rust/nom/src/util.rs => third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/src/util.rs
rename : third_party/rust/nom/tests/arithmetic.rs => third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/tests/arithmetic.rs
rename : third_party/rust/nom/tests/arithmetic_ast.rs => third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/tests/arithmetic_ast.rs
rename : third_party/rust/nom/tests/cross_function_backtracking.rs => third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/tests/cross_function_backtracking.rs
rename : third_party/rust/nom/tests/ini.rs => third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/tests/ini.rs
rename : third_party/rust/nom/tests/ini_str.rs => third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/tests/ini_str.rs
rename : third_party/rust/nom/tests/issues.rs => third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/tests/issues.rs
rename : third_party/rust/nom/tests/mp4.rs => third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/tests/mp4.rs
rename : third_party/rust/nom/tests/omnom.rs => third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/tests/omnom.rs
rename : third_party/rust/nom/tests/test1.rs => third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/tests/test1.rs
extra : rebase_source : 8db59fcbf07bea1c4e8a5b9db70b7be8199cbe34
This commit is contained in:
J.C. Jones 2018-06-12 11:03:01 -07:00
Родитель 6efd24a566
Коммит 6a8584d6ab
102 изменённых файлов: 34819 добавлений и 4204 удалений

Cargo.lock сгенерированный
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third_party/rust/devd-rs/.cargo-checksum.json поставляемый Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

third_party/rust/devd-rs/.rustfmt.toml поставляемый Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
max_width = 256
fn_call_width = 96
struct_lit_width = 64
struct_variant_width = 96
array_width = 256
newline_style = "Native"
use_try_shorthand = true
match_block_trailing_comma = true
fn_call_style = "Block"

third_party/rust/devd-rs/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
## Our Pledge
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience,
nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and
## Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
* Using welcoming and inclusive language
* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
* Focusing on what is best for the community
* Showing empathy towards other community members
Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic
address, without explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting
## Our Responsibilities
Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
threatening, offensive, or harmful.
## Scope
This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported by contacting the project owner at greg@unrelenting.technology. All
complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that
is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project owner is
obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
members of the project's leadership.
## Attribution
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4,
available at [http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4][version]
[homepage]: http://contributor-covenant.org
[version]: http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/

third_party/rust/devd-rs/Cargo.toml поставляемый Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# When uploading crates to the registry Cargo will automatically
# "normalize" Cargo.toml files for maximal compatibility
# with all versions of Cargo and also rewrite `path` dependencies
# to registry (e.g. crates.io) dependencies
# If you believe there's an error in this file please file an
# issue against the rust-lang/cargo repository. If you're
# editing this file be aware that the upstream Cargo.toml
# will likely look very different (and much more reasonable)
name = "devd-rs"
version = "0.2.1"
authors = ["Greg V <greg@unrelenting.technology>"]
description = "An interface to devd, the device hotplug daemon on FreeBSD and DragonFlyBSD"
homepage = "https://github.com/myfreeweb/devd-rs"
readme = "README.md"
keywords = ["System", "FreeBSD", "DragonFlyBSD", "devd", "hotplug"]
categories = ["os::unix-apis"]
license = "Unlicense/MIT"
repository = "https://github.com/myfreeweb/devd-rs"
version = "0"
version = "3.2"

third_party/rust/devd-rs/README.md поставляемый Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# devd-rs
A Rust library for listening to FreeBSD (also DragonFlyBSD) [devd](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?devd)'s device attach-detach notifications.
Listens on `/var/run/devd.seqpacket.pipe` and parses messages using [nom](https://github.com/Geal/nom).
## Usage
See [examples/main.rs](https://github.com/myfreeweb/devd-rs/blob/master/examples/main.rs).
## Contributing
Please feel free to submit pull requests!
By participating in this project you agree to follow the [Contributor Code of Conduct](http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/).
[The list of contributors is available on GitHub](https://github.com/myfreeweb/devd-rs/graphs/contributors).
## License
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
For more information, please refer to the `UNLICENSE` file or [unlicense.org](http://unlicense.org).

third_party/rust/devd-rs/UNLICENSE поставляемый Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
software under copyright law.
For more information, please refer to <http://unlicense.org/>

third_party/rust/devd-rs/examples/main.rs поставляемый Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
extern crate devd_rs;
use devd_rs::*;
fn main() {
let mut ctx = Context::new().unwrap();
loop {
if let Ok(ev) = ctx.wait_for_event(1000) {
println!("{:?}", ev);

third_party/rust/devd-rs/src/data.rs поставляемый Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
pub use std::collections::BTreeMap;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum Event {
Notify { system: String, subsystem: String, kind: String, data: BTreeMap<String, String> },
Attach { dev: String, parent: BTreeMap<String, String>, location: String },
Detach { dev: String, parent: BTreeMap<String, String>, location: String },
Nomatch { parent: BTreeMap<String, String>, location: String },

third_party/rust/devd-rs/src/lib.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
extern crate libc;
extern crate nom;
pub mod result;
pub mod data;
pub mod parser;
use libc::{
c_int, nfds_t,
poll, pollfd, POLLIN,
socket, connect, sockaddr_un, AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET
use std::os::unix::io::{FromRawFd, RawFd};
use std::os::unix::net::UnixStream;
use std::{io, mem, ptr};
use io::{BufRead, BufReader};
pub use result::*;
pub use data::*;
const SOCKET_PATH: &'static str = "/var/run/devd.seqpacket.pipe";
pub fn parse_devd_event(e: String) -> Result<Event> {
match parser::event(e.as_bytes()) {
parser::IResult::Done(_, x) => Ok(x),
_ => Err(Error::Parse),
pub struct Context {
sock: BufReader<UnixStream>,
sockfd: RawFd,
impl Context {
pub fn new() -> Result<Context> {
unsafe {
let sockfd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0);
if sockfd < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error().into());
let mut sockaddr = sockaddr_un {
sun_family: AF_UNIX as _,
.. mem::zeroed()
sockaddr.sun_path.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8,
if connect(
&sockaddr as *const sockaddr_un as *const _,
(mem::size_of_val(&AF_UNIX) + SOCKET_PATH.len()) as _) < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error().into());
Ok(Context {
sock: BufReader::new(UnixStream::from_raw_fd(sockfd)),
sockfd: sockfd,
/// Waits for an event using poll(), reads it but does not parse
pub fn wait_for_event_raw(&mut self, timeout_ms: usize) -> Result<String> {
let mut fds = vec![pollfd { fd: self.sockfd, events: POLLIN, revents: 0 }];
let x = unsafe { poll((&mut fds).as_mut_ptr(), fds.len() as nfds_t, timeout_ms as c_int) };
if x < 0 {
} else if x == 0 {
} else {
let mut s = String::new();
let _ = self.sock.read_line(&mut s);
/// Waits for an event using poll(), reads and parses it
pub fn wait_for_event<'a>(&mut self, timeout_ms: usize) -> Result<Event> {
/// Returns the devd socket file descriptor in case you want to select/poll on it together with
/// other file descriptors
pub fn fd(&self) -> RawFd {
/// Reads an event and parses it. Use when polling on the raw fd by yourself
pub fn read_event(&mut self) -> Result<Event> {
let mut s = String::new();
let _ = self.sock.read_line(&mut s);

third_party/rust/devd-rs/src/parser.rs поставляемый Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
use std::str;
use nom::{alphanumeric, multispace};
pub use nom::IResult;
use data::*;
named!(key<&str>, map_res!(alphanumeric, str::from_utf8));
alt!(delimited!(char!('"'), map_res!(take_while!(call!(|c| c != '"' as u8)), str::from_utf8), char!('"')) | map_res!(take_while!(call!(|c| c != '\n' as u8 && c != ' ' as u8)), str::from_utf8))
named!(keyval <&[u8], (String, String)>,
key: key
>> char!('=')
>> val: val
>> (key.to_owned(), val.to_owned())
named!(keyvals <&[u8], BTreeMap<String, String> >,
many0!(terminated!(keyval, opt!(multispace))),
|vec: Vec<_>| vec.into_iter().collect()
named!(pub event <&[u8], Event>,
tag!("!") >>
tag!("system=") >>
sys: val >>
multispace >>
tag!("subsystem=") >>
subsys: val >>
multispace >>
tag!("type=") >>
kind: val >>
multispace >>
data: keyvals >>
(Event::Notify { system: sys.to_owned(), subsystem: subsys.to_owned(), kind: kind.to_owned(), data: data })
) |
tag!("+") >>
dev: key >>
multispace >>
tag!("at") >>
multispace >>
parent: keyvals >>
tag!("on") >>
multispace >>
loc: val >>
(Event::Attach { dev: dev.to_owned(), parent: parent, location: loc.to_owned() })
) |
tag!("-") >>
dev: key >>
multispace >>
tag!("at") >>
multispace >>
parent: keyvals >>
tag!("on") >>
multispace >>
loc: val >>
(Event::Detach { dev: dev.to_owned(), parent: parent, location: loc.to_owned() })
) |
tag!("?") >>
multispace >>
tag!("at") >>
multispace >>
parent: keyvals >>
tag!("on") >>
multispace >>
loc: val >>
(Event::Nomatch { parent: parent, location: loc.to_owned() })
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_notify() {
let txt = b"!system=USB subsystem=INTERFACE type=ATTACH ugen=ugen0.2 vendor=0x1050 sernum=\"\" mode=host\n";
let res = event(txt);
let mut data = BTreeMap::new();
data.insert("ugen".to_owned(), "ugen0.2".to_owned());
data.insert("vendor".to_owned(), "0x1050".to_owned());
data.insert("sernum".to_owned(), "".to_owned());
data.insert("mode".to_owned(), "host".to_owned());
Event::Notify {
system: "USB".to_owned(),
subsystem: "INTERFACE".to_owned(),
kind: "ATTACH".to_owned(),
data: data,
fn test_attach() {
let txt = b"+uhid1 at bus=0 sernum=\"\" on uhub1";
let res = event(txt);
let mut data = BTreeMap::new();
data.insert("bus".to_owned(), "0".to_owned());
data.insert("sernum".to_owned(), "".to_owned());
Event::Attach {
dev: "uhid1".to_owned(),
parent: data,
location: "uhub1".to_owned(),
fn test_detach() {
let txt = b"-uhid1 at on uhub1";
let res = event(txt);
let data = BTreeMap::new();
Event::Detach {
dev: "uhid1".to_owned(),
parent: data.to_owned(),
location: "uhub1".to_owned(),
fn test_nomatch() {
let txt = b"? at bus=0 on uhub1";
let res = event(txt);
let mut data = BTreeMap::new();
data.insert("bus".to_owned(), "0".to_owned());
IResult::Done(&b""[..], Event::Nomatch { parent: data, location: "uhub1".to_owned() })

third_party/rust/devd-rs/src/result.rs поставляемый Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
use std::{io, result};
pub enum Error {
impl Into<io::Error> for Error {
fn into(self) -> io::Error {
match self {
Error::IoError(e) => e,
Error::Timeout => io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "devd poll timeout"),
Error::Parse => io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "devd parse error"),
impl From<io::Error> for Error {
fn from(err: io::Error) -> Error {
pub type Result<T> = result::Result<T, Error>;

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/.cargo-checksum.json поставляемый Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/CHANGELOG.md поставляемый Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,555 @@
# Change Log
## [Unreleased][unreleased]
### Changed
## 1.2.4 - 2016-07-20
### Thanks
- @Phlosioneer for documentation fixes
- @sourrust for fixing offsets in `take_bits!`
- @ChrisMacNaughton for the XFS crate
- @pwoolcoc for `rest_s`
- @fitzgen for more `IResult` methods
- @gtors for the negative lookahead feature
- @frk1 and @jeandudey for little endian float parsing
- @jethrogb for fixing input usage in `many1`
- @acatton for beating me at nom golf :D
### Added
- the `rest_s` method on `IResult` returns the remaining `&str` input
- `unwrap_err` and `unwrap_inc` methods on `IResult`
- `not!` will peek at the input and return `Done` if the underlying parser returned `Error` or `Incomplete`, without consuming the input
- `le_f32` and `le_f64` parse little endian floating point numbers (IEEE 754)
### Fixed
- documentation fixes
- `take_bits!` is now more precise
- `many1` inccorectly used the `len` function instead of `input_len`
- the INI parser is simpler
- `recognize!` had an early `return` taht is removed now
## 1.2.3 - 2016-05-10
### Thanks
- @lu-zero for the contribution guidelines
- @GuillaumeGomez for fixes on `length_bytes` and some documentation
- @Hywan for ducomentation and test fixes
- @Xirdus for correct trait import issues
- @mspiegel for the new AST example
- @cholcombe973 for adding the `cond_with_error!` combinator
- @tstorch for refactoring `many0!`
- @panicbit for the folding combinators
- @evestera for `separated_list!` fixes
- @DanielKeep for correcting some enum imports
### Added
- Regular expression combinators starting with `re_bytes_` work on byte slices
- example parsing arithmetic expressions to an AST
- `cond_with_error!` works like `cond!` but will return `None` if the condition is false, and `Some(value)` if the underlying parser succeeded
- `fold_many0!`, `fold_many1!` and `fold_many_m_n!` will take a parser, an initial value and a combining function, and fold over the successful applications of the parser
### Fixed
- `length_bytes!` converts the result of its child parser to usize
- `take_till!` now imports `InputLength` instead of assuming it's in scope
- `separated_list!` and `separated_nonempty_list!` will not consume the separator if there's no following successfully parsed value
- no more warnings on build
### Changed
- simpler implementation of `many0!`
## 1.2.2 - 2016-03-09
### Thanks
- @conradev for fixing take_until_s!`
- @GuillaumeGomez for some documentation fixes
- @frewsxcv for some documentation fixes
- @tstorch for some test refactorings
### Added
- `nom::Err` now implements `std::error::Error`
### Fixed
- `hex_u32` does not parses more than 8 chars now
- `take_while!` and `take_while1!` will not perturb the behaviour of `recognize!` anymore
## 1.2.1 - 2016-02-23
### Thanks
- @sourrust for adding methods to `IResult`
- @tstorch for the test refactoring, and for adding methods to `IResult` and `Needed`
- @joelself for fixing the method system
### Added
- mapping methods over `IResult` and `Needed`
### Changed
- `apply_rf` is renamed to `apply_m`. This will not warrant a major version, since it is part missing from the methods feture added in the 1.2.0 release
- the `regexp_macros` feature that used `regex!` to precompile regular expressions has been replaced by the normal regex engine combined with `lazy_static`
### Fixed
- when a parser or combinator was returning an empty buffer as remaining part, it was generating one from a static empty string. This was messing with buffer offset calculation. Now, that empty slice is taken like this: `&input[input.len()..]`.
- The `regexp_macros` and `no_std` feature build again and are now tested with Travis CI
## 1.2.0 - 2016-02-08
### Thanks
- @zentner-kyle for type inference fixes
- @joelself for his work on `&str` parsing and method parsers
- @GuillaumeGomez for implementing methods on `IResult`
- @dirk for the `alt_complete!` combinator
- @tstorch for a lot of refactoring work and unit tests additions
- @jansegre for the hex digit parsers
- @belgum for some documentation fixes
- @lwandrebeck for some documentation fixes and code fixes in `hex_digit`
### Added
- `take_until_and_consume_s!` for consumption of string data until a tag
- more function patterns in `named!`. The error type can now be specified
- `alt_complete!` works like the `alt!` combinator, but tries the next branch if the current one returned `Incomplete`, instead of returning directly
- more unit tests for a lot of combinators
- hexadecimal digit parsers
- the `tuple!` combinator takes a list of parsers as argument, and applies them serially on the input. If all of them are successful, it willr eturn a tuple accumulating all the values. This combinator will (hopefully) replace most uses of `chain!`
- parsers can now be implemented as a method for a struct thanks to the `method!`, `call_m!` and `apply_rf!` combinators
### Fixed
- there were type inference issues in a few combinators. They will now be easier to compile
- `peek!` compilation with bare functions
- `&str` parsers were splitting data at the byte level, not at the char level, which can result in inconsistencies in parsing UTF-8 characters. They now use character indexes
- some method implementations were missing on `ÌResult<I,O,E>` (with specified error type instead of implicit)
## 1.1.0 - 2016-01-01
This release adds a lot of features related to `&str` parsing. The previous versions
were focused on `&[u8]` and bit streams parsing, but there's a need for more text
parsing with nom. The parsing functions like `alpha`, `digit` and others will now
accept either a `&[u8]` or a `&str`, so there is no breaking change on that part.
There are also a few performance improvements and documentation fixes.
### Thanks
- @Binero for pushing the work on `&str` parsing
- @meh for fixing `Option` and `Vec` imports
- @hoodie for a documentation fix
- @joelself for some documentation fixes
- @vberger for his traits magic making `nom functions more generic
### Added
- string related parsers: `tag_s!`, `take_s!`, `is_a_s!`, `is_not_s!`, `take_while_s!`, `take_while1_s!`, `take_till_s!
- `value!` is a combinator that always returns the same value. If a child parser is passed as second argument, that value is returned when the child parser succeeds
### Changed
- `tag!` will now compare even on partial input. If it expects "abcd" but receives "ef", it will now return an `Error` instead of `Incomplete`
- `many0!` and others will preallocate a larger vector to avoid some copies and reallocations
- `alpha`, `digit`, `alphanumeric`, `space` and `multispace` now accept as input a `&[u8]` or a `&str`. Additionally, they return an error if they receive an empty input
- `take_while!`, `take_while1!`, `take_while_s!`, `take_while1_s!` wilreturn an error on empty input
### Fixed
- if the child parser of `many0!` or `many1!` returns `Incomplete`, it will return `Incomplete` too, possibly updating the needed size
- `Option,` `Some`, `None` and `Vec` are now used with full path imports
## 1.0.1 - 2015-11-22
This releases makes the 1.0 version compatible with Rust 1.2 and 1.3
### Thanks
- @steveklabnik for fixing lifetime issues in Producers and Consumers
## 1.0.0 - 2015-11-16
Stable release for nom. A lot of new features, a few breaking changes
### Thanks
- @ahenry for macro fixes
- @bluss for fixing documentation
- @sourrust for cleaning code and debugging the new streaming utilities
- @meh for inline optimizations
- @ccmtaylor for fixing function imports
- @soro for improvements to the streaming utilities
- @breard-r for catching my typos
- @nelsonjchen for catching my typos too
- @divarvel for hex string parsers
- @mrordinaire for the `length_bytes!` combinator
### Breaking changes
- `IResult::Error` can now use custom error types, and is generic over the input type
- Producers and consumers have been replaced. The new implementation uses less memory and integrates more with parsers
- `nom::ErrorCode` is now `nom::ErrorKind`
- `filter!` has been renamed to `take_while!`
- `chain!` will count how much data is consumed and use that number to calculate how much data is needed if a parser returned `Incomplete`
- `alt!` returns `Incomplete` if a child parser returned `Incomplete`, instead of skipping to the next parser
- `IResult` does not require a lifetime tag anymore, yay!
### Added
- `complete!` will return an error if the child parser returned `Incomplete`
- `add_error!` will wrap an error, but allow backtracking
- `hex_u32` parser
### Fixed
- the behaviour around `Incomplete` is better for most parsers now
## 0.5.0 - 2015-10-16
This release fixes a few issues and stabilizes the code.
### Thanks
- @nox for documentation fixes
- @daboross for linting fixes
- @ahenry for fixing `tap!` and extending `dbg!` and `dbg_dmp!`
- @bluss for tracking down and fixing issues with unsafe code
- @meh for inlining parser functions
- @ccmtaylor for fixing import of `str::from_utf8`
### Fixed
- `tap!`, `dbg!` and `dbg_dmp!` now accept function parameters
### Changed
- the type used in `count_fixed!` must be `Copy`
- `chain!` calculates how much data is needed if one of the parsers returns `Incomplete
- optional parsers in `chain!` can return `Incomplete`
## 0.4.0 - 2015-09-08
Considering the number of changes since the last release, this version can contain breaking changes, so the version number becomes 0.4.0. A lot of new features and performance improvements!
### Thanks
- @frewsxcv for documentation fixes
- @ngrewe for his work on producers and consumers
- @meh for fixes on `chain!` and for the `rest` parser
- @daboross for refactoring `many0!` and `many1!`
- @aleksander for the `switch!` combinator idea
- @TechnoMancer for his help with bit level parsing
- @sxeraverx for pointing out a bug in `is_a!`
### Fixed
- `count_fixed!` must take an explicit type as argument to generate the fixed-size array
- optional parsing behaviour in `chain!`
- `count!` can take 0 elements
- `is_a!` and `is_not!` can now consume the whole input
### Added
- it is now possible to seek to the end of a `MemProducer`
- `opt!` returns `Done(input, None)` if `the child parser returned `Incomplete`
- `rest` will return the remaining input
- consumers can now seek to and from the end of input
- `switch!` applies a first parser then matches on its result to choose the next parser
- bit-level parsers
- character-level parsers
- regular expression parsers
- implementation of `take_till!`, `take_while!` and `take_while1!`
### Changed
- `alt!` can return `Incomplete`
- the error analysis functions will now take references to functions instead of moving them
- performance improvements on producers
- performance improvement for `filter!`
- performance improvement for `count!`: a `Vec` of the right size is directly allocated
## 0.3.11 - 2015-08-04
### Thanks
- @bluss for remarking that the crate included random junk lying non commited in my local repository
### Fixed
- cleanup of my local repository will ship less files in the crates, resulting in a smaller download
## 0.3.10 - 2015-08-03
### Added
- `bits!` for bit level parsing. It indicates that all child parsers will take a `(&[u8], usize)`as input, with the second parameter indicating the bit offset in the first byte. This allows viewing a byte slice as a bit stream. Most combinators can be used directly under `bits!`
- `take_bits!` takes an integer type and a number of bits, consumes that number of bits and updates the offset, possibly by crossing byte boundaries
- bit level parsers are all written in `src/bits.rs`
### Changed
- Parsers that specifically handle bytes have been moved to src/bytes.rs`. This applies to `tag!`, `is_not!`, `is_a!`, `filter!`, `take!`, `take_str!`, `take_until_and_consume!`, `take_until!`, `take_until_either_and_consume!`, `take_until_either!`
## 0.3.9 - 2015-07-20
### Thanks
- @badboy for fixing `filter!`
- @idmit for some documentation fixes
### Added
- `opt_res!` applies a parser and transform its result in a Result. This parser never fails
- `cond_reduce!` takes an expression as parameter, applies the parser if the expression is true, and returns an error if the expression is false
- `tap!` pass the result of a parser to a block to manipulate it, but do not affect the parser's result
- `AccReader` is a Read+BufRead that supports data accumulation and partial consumption. The `consume` method must be called afterwardsto indicate how much was consumed
- Arithmetic expression evaluation and parsing example
- `u16!`, `u32!`, `u64!`, `i16!`, `i32!`, `i64!` take an expression as parameter, if the expression is true, apply the big endian integer parser, if false, the little endian version
- type information for combinators. This will make the documentation a bit easier to navigate
### Fixed
- `map_opt!` and `map_res!` had issues with argument order due to bad macros
- `delimited!` did not compile for certain combinations of arguments
- `filter!` did not return a byte slice but a fixed array
## 0.3.8 - 2015-07-03
### Added
- code coverage is now calculated automatically on Travis CI
- `Stepper`: wrap a `Producer`, and call the method `step` with a parser. This method will buffer data if there is not enough, apply the parser if there is, and keep the rest of the input in memory for the next call
- `ReadProducer`: takes something implementing `Read`, and makes a `Producer` out of it
### Fixed
- the combinators `separated_pair!` and `delimited!` did not work because an implementation macro was not exported
- if a `MemProducer` reached its end, it should always return `Eof`
- `map!` had issues with argument matching
## 0.3.7 - 2015-06-24
### Added
- `expr_res!` and `expr_opt!` evaluate an expression returning a Result or Opt and convert it to IResult
- `AsBytes` is implemented for fixed size arrays. This allows `tag!([41u8, 42u8])`
### Fixed
- `count_fixed!` argument parsing works again
## 0.3.6 - 2015-06-15
### Added
- documentation for a few functions
- the consumer trait now requires the `failed(&self, error_code)` method in case of parsing error
- `named!` now handles thge alternative `named!(pub fun_name<OutputType>, ...)`
### Fixed
- `filter!` now returns the whole input if the filter function never returned false
- `take!` casts its argument as usize, so it can accepts any integer type now
## 0.3.5 - 2015-06-10
### Thanks
- @cmr for some documentation fixes
### Added
- `count_fixed!` returns a fixed array
### Fixed
- `count!` is back to the previous behaviour, returning a `Vec` for sizes known at runtime
### Changed
- functions and traits exported from `nom::util` are now directly in `nom::`
## 0.3.4 - 2015-06-09
### Thanks
- @andrew-d for fixes on `cond!`
- @keruspe for features in `chain!`
### Added
- `chain!` can now have mutable fields
### Fixed
- `cond!` had an infinite macro recursion
### Changed
- `chain!` generates less code now. No apprent compilation time improvement
## 0.3.3 - 2015-06-09
### Thanks
- @andrew-d for the little endian signed integer parsers
- @keruspe for fixes on `count!`
### Added
- `le_i8`, `le_i16`, `le_i32`, `le_i64`: little endian signed integer parsers
### Changed
- the `alt!` parser compiles much faster, even with more than 8 branches
- `count!` can now return a fixed size array instead of a growable vector
## 0.3.2 - 2015-05-31
### Thanks
- @keruspe for the `take_str` parser and the function application combinator
### Added
- `take_str!`: takes the specified number of bytes and return a UTF-8 string
- `apply!`: do partial application on the parameters of a function
### Changed
- `Needed::Size` now contains a `usize` instead of a `u32`
## 0.3.1 - 2015-05-21
### Thanks
- @divarvel for the big endian signed integer parsers
### Added
- `be_i8`, `be_i16`, `be_i32`, `be_i64`: big endian signed integer parsers
- the `core` feature can be passed to cargo to build with `no_std`
- colored hexdump can be generated from error chains
## 0.3.0 - 2015-05-07
### Thanks
- @filipegoncalves for some documentation and the new eof parser
- @CrimsonVoid for putting fully qualified types in the macros
- @lu_zero for some documentation fixes
### Added
- new error types that can contain an error code, an input slice, and a list of following errors
- `error!` will cut backtracking and return directly from the parser, with a specified error code
- `eof` parser, successful if there is no more input
- specific error codes for the parsers provided by nom
### Changed
- fully qualified types in macros. A lot of imports are not needed anymore
### Removed
- `FlatMap`, `FlatpMapOpt` and `Functor` traits (replaced by `map!`, `map_opt!` and `map_res!`)
## 0.2.2 - 2015-04-12
### Thanks
- @filipegoncalves and @thehydroimpulse for debugging an infinite loop in many0 and many1
- @thehydroimpulse for suggesting public named parsers
- @skade for removing the dependency on the collections gate
### Added
- `named!` can now declare public functions like this: `named!(pub tst, tag!("abcd"));`
- `pair!(X,Y)` returns a tuple `(x, y)`
- `separated_pair!(X, sep, Y)` returns a tuple `(x, y)`
- `preceded!(opening, X)` returns `x`
- `terminated!(X, closing)` returns `x`
- `delimited(opening, X, closing)` returns `x`
- `separated_list(sep, X)` returns a `Vec<X>`
- `separated_nonempty_list(sep, X)` returns a `Vec<X>` of at list one element
### Changed
- `many0!` and `many1!` forbid parsers that do not consume input
- `is_a!`, `is_not!`, `alpha`, `digit`, `space`, `multispace` will now return an error if they do not consume at least one byte
## 0.2.1 - 2015-04-04
### Thanks
- @mtsr for catching the remaining debug println!
- @jag426 who killed a lot of warnings
- @skade for removing the dependency on the core feature gate
### Added
- little endian unsigned int parsers le_u8, le_u16, le_u32, le_u64
- `count!` to apply a parser a specified number of times
- `cond!` applies a parser if the condition is met
- more parser development tools in `util::*`
### Fixed
- in one case, `opt!` would not compile
### Removed
- most of the feature gates are now removed. The only one still needed is `collections`
## 0.2.0 - 2015-03-24
*works with `rustc 1.0.0-dev (81e2396c7 2015-03-19) (built 2015-03-19)`*
### Thanks
- Ryman for the AsBytes implementation
- jag426 and jaredly for documentation fixes
- eternaleye on #rust IRC for his help on the new macro syntax
### Changed
- the AsBytes trait improves readability, no more b"...", but "..." instead
- Incomplete will now hold either Needed;;Unknown, or Needed::Size(u32). Matching on Incomplete without caring for the value is done with `Incomplete(_)`, but if more granularity is mandatory, `Needed` can be matched too
- `alt!` can pass the result of the parser to a closure
- the `take_*` macros changed behaviour, the default case is now not to consume the separator. The macros have been renamed as follows: `take_until!` -> `take_until_and_consume!`, `take_until_and_leave!` -> `take_until!`, `take_until_either_and_leave!` -> `take_until_either!`, `take_until_either!` -> `take_until_either_and_consume!`
### Added
- `peek!` macro: matches the future input but does not consume it
- `length_value!` macro: the first argument is a parser returning a `n` that can cast to usize, then applies the second parser `n` times. The macro has a variant with a third argument indicating the expected input size for the second parser
- benchmarks are available at https://github.com/Geal/nom_benchmarks
- more documentation
- **Unnamed parser syntax**: warning, this is a breaking change. With this new syntax, the macro combinators do not generate functions anymore, they create blocks. That way, they can be nested, for better readability. The `named!` macro is provided to create functions from parsers. Please be aware that nesting parsers comes with a small cost of compilation time, negligible in most cases, but can quickly get to the minutes scale if not careful. If this happens, separate your parsers in multiple subfunctions.
- `named!`, `closure!` and `call!` macros used to support the unnamed syntax
- `map!`, `map_opt!` and `map_res!` to combine a parser with a normal function, transforming the input directly, or returning an `Option` or `Result`
### Fixed
- `is_a!` is now working properly
### Removed
- the `o!` macro does less than `chain!`, so it has been removed
- the `fold0!` and `fold1!` macros were too complex and awkward to use, the `many*` combinators will be useful for most uses for now
## 0.1.6 - 2015-02-24
### Changed
- consumers must have an end method that will be called after parsing
### Added
- big endian unsigned int and float parsers: be_u8, be_u16, be_u32, be_u64, be_f32, be_f64
- producers can seek
- function and macros documentation
- README documentation
### Fixed
- lifetime declarations
- tag! can return Incomplete
## 0.1.5 - 2015-02-17
### Changed
- traits were renamed: FlatMapper -> FlatMap, Mapper -> FlatMapOpt, Mapper2 -> Functor
### Fixed
- woeks with rustc f1bb6c2f4
## 0.1.4 - 2015-02-17
### Changed
- the chaining macro can take optional arguments with '?'
## 0.1.3 - 2015-02-16
### Changed
- the chaining macro now takes the closure at the end of the argument list
## 0.1.2 - 2015-02-16
### Added
- flat_map implementation for <&[u8], &[u8]>
- chaining macro
- partial MP4 parser example
## 0.1.1 - 2015-02-06
### Fixed
- closure syntax change
## Compare code
* [unreleased]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/1.2.4...HEAD
* [1.2.3]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/1.2.3...1.2.4
* [1.2.3]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/1.2.2...1.2.3
* [1.2.2]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/1.2.1...1.2.2
* [1.2.1]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/1.2.0...1.2.1
* [1.2.0]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/1.1.0...1.2.0
* [1.1.0]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/1.0.1...1.1.0
* [1.0.1]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/1.0.0...1.0.1
* [1.0.0]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.5.0...1.0.0
* [0.5.0]: https://github.com/geal/nom/compare/0.4.0...0.5.0
* [0.4.0]: https://github.com/geal/nom/compare/0.3.11...0.4.0
* [0.3.11]: https://github.com/geal/nom/compare/0.3.10...0.3.11
* [0.3.10]: https://github.com/geal/nom/compare/0.3.9...0.3.10
* [0.3.9]: https://github.com/geal/nom/compare/0.3.8...0.3.9
* [0.3.8]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.3.7...0.3.8
* [0.3.7]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.3.6...0.3.7
* [0.3.6]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.3.5...0.3.6
* [0.3.5]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.3.4...0.3.5
* [0.3.4]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.3.3...0.3.4
* [0.3.3]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.3.2...0.3.3
* [0.3.2]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.3.1...0.3.2
* [0.3.1]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.3.0...0.3.1
* [0.3.0]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.2.2...0.3.0
* [0.2.2]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.2.1...0.2.2
* [0.2.1]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.2.0...0.2.1
* [0.2.0]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.1.6...0.2.0
* [0.1.6]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.1.5...0.1.6
* [0.1.5]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.1.4...0.1.5
* [0.1.4]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.1.3...0.1.4
* [0.1.3]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.1.2...0.1.3
* [0.1.2]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.1.1...0.1.2
* [0.1.1]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.1.0...0.1.1

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/Cargo.toml поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
name = "nom"
version = "1.2.4"
authors = [ "contact@geoffroycouprie.com" ]
description = "A byte-oriented, zero-copy, parser combinators library"
license = "MIT"
repository = "https://github.com/Geal/nom"
readme = "README.md"
documentation = "http://rust.unhandledexpression.com/nom/"
keywords = ["parser", "parser-combinators", "parsing", "streaming", "bit"]
include = [
core = []
nightly = []
default = ["stream"]
regexp = ["regex"]
regexp_macros = ["regexp", "lazy_static"]
stream = []
version = "^0.1.56"
optional = true
version = "^0.2.1"
optional = true

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/LICENSE поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Geoffroy Couprie
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/.cargo-checksum.json поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1 @@

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/.travis.yml поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
language: rust
- libcurl4-openssl-dev
- libelf-dev
- libdw-dev
- nightly
- beta
- stable
- 1.2.0
- pip install 'travis-cargo<0.2' --user && export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
- |
travis-cargo --only 1.2 test -- --features regexp &&
travis-cargo --only stable test -- --features "regexp regexp_macros" &&
travis-cargo --only beta test -- --features "regexp regexp_macros" &&
travis-cargo --only nightly build -- --features "nightly core regexp" &&
travis-cargo --only nightly test -- --features "regexp" &&
travis-cargo bench &&
travis-cargo --only stable doc -- --features "regexp"
- travis-cargo coveralls --no-sudo
- https://webhooks.gitter.im/e/9c035a194ac4fd4cc061
on_success: change
on_failure: always
on_start: false
# override the default `--features unstable` used for the nightly branch (optional)
sudo: false

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/CHANGELOG.md поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,555 @@
# Change Log
## [Unreleased][unreleased]
### Changed
## 1.2.4 - 2016-07-20
### Thanks
- @Phlosioneer for documentation fixes
- @sourrust for fixing offsets in `take_bits!`
- @ChrisMacNaughton for the XFS crate
- @pwoolcoc for `rest_s`
- @fitzgen for more `IResult` methods
- @gtors for the negative lookahead feature
- @frk1 and @jeandudey for little endian float parsing
- @jethrogb for fixing input usage in `many1`
- @acatton for beating me at nom golf :D
### Added
- the `rest_s` method on `IResult` returns the remaining `&str` input
- `unwrap_err` and `unwrap_inc` methods on `IResult`
- `not!` will peek at the input and return `Done` if the underlying parser returned `Error` or `Incomplete`, without consuming the input
- `le_f32` and `le_f64` parse little endian floating point numbers (IEEE 754)
### Fixed
- documentation fixes
- `take_bits!` is now more precise
- `many1` inccorectly used the `len` function instead of `input_len`
- the INI parser is simpler
- `recognize!` had an early `return` taht is removed now
## 1.2.3 - 2016-05-10
### Thanks
- @lu-zero for the contribution guidelines
- @GuillaumeGomez for fixes on `length_bytes` and some documentation
- @Hywan for ducomentation and test fixes
- @Xirdus for correct trait import issues
- @mspiegel for the new AST example
- @cholcombe973 for adding the `cond_with_error!` combinator
- @tstorch for refactoring `many0!`
- @panicbit for the folding combinators
- @evestera for `separated_list!` fixes
- @DanielKeep for correcting some enum imports
### Added
- Regular expression combinators starting with `re_bytes_` work on byte slices
- example parsing arithmetic expressions to an AST
- `cond_with_error!` works like `cond!` but will return `None` if the condition is false, and `Some(value)` if the underlying parser succeeded
- `fold_many0!`, `fold_many1!` and `fold_many_m_n!` will take a parser, an initial value and a combining function, and fold over the successful applications of the parser
### Fixed
- `length_bytes!` converts the result of its child parser to usize
- `take_till!` now imports `InputLength` instead of assuming it's in scope
- `separated_list!` and `separated_nonempty_list!` will not consume the separator if there's no following successfully parsed value
- no more warnings on build
### Changed
- simpler implementation of `many0!`
## 1.2.2 - 2016-03-09
### Thanks
- @conradev for fixing take_until_s!`
- @GuillaumeGomez for some documentation fixes
- @frewsxcv for some documentation fixes
- @tstorch for some test refactorings
### Added
- `nom::Err` now implements `std::error::Error`
### Fixed
- `hex_u32` does not parses more than 8 chars now
- `take_while!` and `take_while1!` will not perturb the behaviour of `recognize!` anymore
## 1.2.1 - 2016-02-23
### Thanks
- @sourrust for adding methods to `IResult`
- @tstorch for the test refactoring, and for adding methods to `IResult` and `Needed`
- @joelself for fixing the method system
### Added
- mapping methods over `IResult` and `Needed`
### Changed
- `apply_rf` is renamed to `apply_m`. This will not warrant a major version, since it is part missing from the methods feture added in the 1.2.0 release
- the `regexp_macros` feature that used `regex!` to precompile regular expressions has been replaced by the normal regex engine combined with `lazy_static`
### Fixed
- when a parser or combinator was returning an empty buffer as remaining part, it was generating one from a static empty string. This was messing with buffer offset calculation. Now, that empty slice is taken like this: `&input[input.len()..]`.
- The `regexp_macros` and `no_std` feature build again and are now tested with Travis CI
## 1.2.0 - 2016-02-08
### Thanks
- @zentner-kyle for type inference fixes
- @joelself for his work on `&str` parsing and method parsers
- @GuillaumeGomez for implementing methods on `IResult`
- @dirk for the `alt_complete!` combinator
- @tstorch for a lot of refactoring work and unit tests additions
- @jansegre for the hex digit parsers
- @belgum for some documentation fixes
- @lwandrebeck for some documentation fixes and code fixes in `hex_digit`
### Added
- `take_until_and_consume_s!` for consumption of string data until a tag
- more function patterns in `named!`. The error type can now be specified
- `alt_complete!` works like the `alt!` combinator, but tries the next branch if the current one returned `Incomplete`, instead of returning directly
- more unit tests for a lot of combinators
- hexadecimal digit parsers
- the `tuple!` combinator takes a list of parsers as argument, and applies them serially on the input. If all of them are successful, it willr eturn a tuple accumulating all the values. This combinator will (hopefully) replace most uses of `chain!`
- parsers can now be implemented as a method for a struct thanks to the `method!`, `call_m!` and `apply_rf!` combinators
### Fixed
- there were type inference issues in a few combinators. They will now be easier to compile
- `peek!` compilation with bare functions
- `&str` parsers were splitting data at the byte level, not at the char level, which can result in inconsistencies in parsing UTF-8 characters. They now use character indexes
- some method implementations were missing on `ÌResult<I,O,E>` (with specified error type instead of implicit)
## 1.1.0 - 2016-01-01
This release adds a lot of features related to `&str` parsing. The previous versions
were focused on `&[u8]` and bit streams parsing, but there's a need for more text
parsing with nom. The parsing functions like `alpha`, `digit` and others will now
accept either a `&[u8]` or a `&str`, so there is no breaking change on that part.
There are also a few performance improvements and documentation fixes.
### Thanks
- @Binero for pushing the work on `&str` parsing
- @meh for fixing `Option` and `Vec` imports
- @hoodie for a documentation fix
- @joelself for some documentation fixes
- @vberger for his traits magic making `nom functions more generic
### Added
- string related parsers: `tag_s!`, `take_s!`, `is_a_s!`, `is_not_s!`, `take_while_s!`, `take_while1_s!`, `take_till_s!
- `value!` is a combinator that always returns the same value. If a child parser is passed as second argument, that value is returned when the child parser succeeds
### Changed
- `tag!` will now compare even on partial input. If it expects "abcd" but receives "ef", it will now return an `Error` instead of `Incomplete`
- `many0!` and others will preallocate a larger vector to avoid some copies and reallocations
- `alpha`, `digit`, `alphanumeric`, `space` and `multispace` now accept as input a `&[u8]` or a `&str`. Additionally, they return an error if they receive an empty input
- `take_while!`, `take_while1!`, `take_while_s!`, `take_while1_s!` wilreturn an error on empty input
### Fixed
- if the child parser of `many0!` or `many1!` returns `Incomplete`, it will return `Incomplete` too, possibly updating the needed size
- `Option,` `Some`, `None` and `Vec` are now used with full path imports
## 1.0.1 - 2015-11-22
This releases makes the 1.0 version compatible with Rust 1.2 and 1.3
### Thanks
- @steveklabnik for fixing lifetime issues in Producers and Consumers
## 1.0.0 - 2015-11-16
Stable release for nom. A lot of new features, a few breaking changes
### Thanks
- @ahenry for macro fixes
- @bluss for fixing documentation
- @sourrust for cleaning code and debugging the new streaming utilities
- @meh for inline optimizations
- @ccmtaylor for fixing function imports
- @soro for improvements to the streaming utilities
- @breard-r for catching my typos
- @nelsonjchen for catching my typos too
- @divarvel for hex string parsers
- @mrordinaire for the `length_bytes!` combinator
### Breaking changes
- `IResult::Error` can now use custom error types, and is generic over the input type
- Producers and consumers have been replaced. The new implementation uses less memory and integrates more with parsers
- `nom::ErrorCode` is now `nom::ErrorKind`
- `filter!` has been renamed to `take_while!`
- `chain!` will count how much data is consumed and use that number to calculate how much data is needed if a parser returned `Incomplete`
- `alt!` returns `Incomplete` if a child parser returned `Incomplete`, instead of skipping to the next parser
- `IResult` does not require a lifetime tag anymore, yay!
### Added
- `complete!` will return an error if the child parser returned `Incomplete`
- `add_error!` will wrap an error, but allow backtracking
- `hex_u32` parser
### Fixed
- the behaviour around `Incomplete` is better for most parsers now
## 0.5.0 - 2015-10-16
This release fixes a few issues and stabilizes the code.
### Thanks
- @nox for documentation fixes
- @daboross for linting fixes
- @ahenry for fixing `tap!` and extending `dbg!` and `dbg_dmp!`
- @bluss for tracking down and fixing issues with unsafe code
- @meh for inlining parser functions
- @ccmtaylor for fixing import of `str::from_utf8`
### Fixed
- `tap!`, `dbg!` and `dbg_dmp!` now accept function parameters
### Changed
- the type used in `count_fixed!` must be `Copy`
- `chain!` calculates how much data is needed if one of the parsers returns `Incomplete
- optional parsers in `chain!` can return `Incomplete`
## 0.4.0 - 2015-09-08
Considering the number of changes since the last release, this version can contain breaking changes, so the version number becomes 0.4.0. A lot of new features and performance improvements!
### Thanks
- @frewsxcv for documentation fixes
- @ngrewe for his work on producers and consumers
- @meh for fixes on `chain!` and for the `rest` parser
- @daboross for refactoring `many0!` and `many1!`
- @aleksander for the `switch!` combinator idea
- @TechnoMancer for his help with bit level parsing
- @sxeraverx for pointing out a bug in `is_a!`
### Fixed
- `count_fixed!` must take an explicit type as argument to generate the fixed-size array
- optional parsing behaviour in `chain!`
- `count!` can take 0 elements
- `is_a!` and `is_not!` can now consume the whole input
### Added
- it is now possible to seek to the end of a `MemProducer`
- `opt!` returns `Done(input, None)` if `the child parser returned `Incomplete`
- `rest` will return the remaining input
- consumers can now seek to and from the end of input
- `switch!` applies a first parser then matches on its result to choose the next parser
- bit-level parsers
- character-level parsers
- regular expression parsers
- implementation of `take_till!`, `take_while!` and `take_while1!`
### Changed
- `alt!` can return `Incomplete`
- the error analysis functions will now take references to functions instead of moving them
- performance improvements on producers
- performance improvement for `filter!`
- performance improvement for `count!`: a `Vec` of the right size is directly allocated
## 0.3.11 - 2015-08-04
### Thanks
- @bluss for remarking that the crate included random junk lying non commited in my local repository
### Fixed
- cleanup of my local repository will ship less files in the crates, resulting in a smaller download
## 0.3.10 - 2015-08-03
### Added
- `bits!` for bit level parsing. It indicates that all child parsers will take a `(&[u8], usize)`as input, with the second parameter indicating the bit offset in the first byte. This allows viewing a byte slice as a bit stream. Most combinators can be used directly under `bits!`
- `take_bits!` takes an integer type and a number of bits, consumes that number of bits and updates the offset, possibly by crossing byte boundaries
- bit level parsers are all written in `src/bits.rs`
### Changed
- Parsers that specifically handle bytes have been moved to src/bytes.rs`. This applies to `tag!`, `is_not!`, `is_a!`, `filter!`, `take!`, `take_str!`, `take_until_and_consume!`, `take_until!`, `take_until_either_and_consume!`, `take_until_either!`
## 0.3.9 - 2015-07-20
### Thanks
- @badboy for fixing `filter!`
- @idmit for some documentation fixes
### Added
- `opt_res!` applies a parser and transform its result in a Result. This parser never fails
- `cond_reduce!` takes an expression as parameter, applies the parser if the expression is true, and returns an error if the expression is false
- `tap!` pass the result of a parser to a block to manipulate it, but do not affect the parser's result
- `AccReader` is a Read+BufRead that supports data accumulation and partial consumption. The `consume` method must be called afterwardsto indicate how much was consumed
- Arithmetic expression evaluation and parsing example
- `u16!`, `u32!`, `u64!`, `i16!`, `i32!`, `i64!` take an expression as parameter, if the expression is true, apply the big endian integer parser, if false, the little endian version
- type information for combinators. This will make the documentation a bit easier to navigate
### Fixed
- `map_opt!` and `map_res!` had issues with argument order due to bad macros
- `delimited!` did not compile for certain combinations of arguments
- `filter!` did not return a byte slice but a fixed array
## 0.3.8 - 2015-07-03
### Added
- code coverage is now calculated automatically on Travis CI
- `Stepper`: wrap a `Producer`, and call the method `step` with a parser. This method will buffer data if there is not enough, apply the parser if there is, and keep the rest of the input in memory for the next call
- `ReadProducer`: takes something implementing `Read`, and makes a `Producer` out of it
### Fixed
- the combinators `separated_pair!` and `delimited!` did not work because an implementation macro was not exported
- if a `MemProducer` reached its end, it should always return `Eof`
- `map!` had issues with argument matching
## 0.3.7 - 2015-06-24
### Added
- `expr_res!` and `expr_opt!` evaluate an expression returning a Result or Opt and convert it to IResult
- `AsBytes` is implemented for fixed size arrays. This allows `tag!([41u8, 42u8])`
### Fixed
- `count_fixed!` argument parsing works again
## 0.3.6 - 2015-06-15
### Added
- documentation for a few functions
- the consumer trait now requires the `failed(&self, error_code)` method in case of parsing error
- `named!` now handles thge alternative `named!(pub fun_name<OutputType>, ...)`
### Fixed
- `filter!` now returns the whole input if the filter function never returned false
- `take!` casts its argument as usize, so it can accepts any integer type now
## 0.3.5 - 2015-06-10
### Thanks
- @cmr for some documentation fixes
### Added
- `count_fixed!` returns a fixed array
### Fixed
- `count!` is back to the previous behaviour, returning a `Vec` for sizes known at runtime
### Changed
- functions and traits exported from `nom::util` are now directly in `nom::`
## 0.3.4 - 2015-06-09
### Thanks
- @andrew-d for fixes on `cond!`
- @keruspe for features in `chain!`
### Added
- `chain!` can now have mutable fields
### Fixed
- `cond!` had an infinite macro recursion
### Changed
- `chain!` generates less code now. No apprent compilation time improvement
## 0.3.3 - 2015-06-09
### Thanks
- @andrew-d for the little endian signed integer parsers
- @keruspe for fixes on `count!`
### Added
- `le_i8`, `le_i16`, `le_i32`, `le_i64`: little endian signed integer parsers
### Changed
- the `alt!` parser compiles much faster, even with more than 8 branches
- `count!` can now return a fixed size array instead of a growable vector
## 0.3.2 - 2015-05-31
### Thanks
- @keruspe for the `take_str` parser and the function application combinator
### Added
- `take_str!`: takes the specified number of bytes and return a UTF-8 string
- `apply!`: do partial application on the parameters of a function
### Changed
- `Needed::Size` now contains a `usize` instead of a `u32`
## 0.3.1 - 2015-05-21
### Thanks
- @divarvel for the big endian signed integer parsers
### Added
- `be_i8`, `be_i16`, `be_i32`, `be_i64`: big endian signed integer parsers
- the `core` feature can be passed to cargo to build with `no_std`
- colored hexdump can be generated from error chains
## 0.3.0 - 2015-05-07
### Thanks
- @filipegoncalves for some documentation and the new eof parser
- @CrimsonVoid for putting fully qualified types in the macros
- @lu_zero for some documentation fixes
### Added
- new error types that can contain an error code, an input slice, and a list of following errors
- `error!` will cut backtracking and return directly from the parser, with a specified error code
- `eof` parser, successful if there is no more input
- specific error codes for the parsers provided by nom
### Changed
- fully qualified types in macros. A lot of imports are not needed anymore
### Removed
- `FlatMap`, `FlatpMapOpt` and `Functor` traits (replaced by `map!`, `map_opt!` and `map_res!`)
## 0.2.2 - 2015-04-12
### Thanks
- @filipegoncalves and @thehydroimpulse for debugging an infinite loop in many0 and many1
- @thehydroimpulse for suggesting public named parsers
- @skade for removing the dependency on the collections gate
### Added
- `named!` can now declare public functions like this: `named!(pub tst, tag!("abcd"));`
- `pair!(X,Y)` returns a tuple `(x, y)`
- `separated_pair!(X, sep, Y)` returns a tuple `(x, y)`
- `preceded!(opening, X)` returns `x`
- `terminated!(X, closing)` returns `x`
- `delimited(opening, X, closing)` returns `x`
- `separated_list(sep, X)` returns a `Vec<X>`
- `separated_nonempty_list(sep, X)` returns a `Vec<X>` of at list one element
### Changed
- `many0!` and `many1!` forbid parsers that do not consume input
- `is_a!`, `is_not!`, `alpha`, `digit`, `space`, `multispace` will now return an error if they do not consume at least one byte
## 0.2.1 - 2015-04-04
### Thanks
- @mtsr for catching the remaining debug println!
- @jag426 who killed a lot of warnings
- @skade for removing the dependency on the core feature gate
### Added
- little endian unsigned int parsers le_u8, le_u16, le_u32, le_u64
- `count!` to apply a parser a specified number of times
- `cond!` applies a parser if the condition is met
- more parser development tools in `util::*`
### Fixed
- in one case, `opt!` would not compile
### Removed
- most of the feature gates are now removed. The only one still needed is `collections`
## 0.2.0 - 2015-03-24
*works with `rustc 1.0.0-dev (81e2396c7 2015-03-19) (built 2015-03-19)`*
### Thanks
- Ryman for the AsBytes implementation
- jag426 and jaredly for documentation fixes
- eternaleye on #rust IRC for his help on the new macro syntax
### Changed
- the AsBytes trait improves readability, no more b"...", but "..." instead
- Incomplete will now hold either Needed;;Unknown, or Needed::Size(u32). Matching on Incomplete without caring for the value is done with `Incomplete(_)`, but if more granularity is mandatory, `Needed` can be matched too
- `alt!` can pass the result of the parser to a closure
- the `take_*` macros changed behaviour, the default case is now not to consume the separator. The macros have been renamed as follows: `take_until!` -> `take_until_and_consume!`, `take_until_and_leave!` -> `take_until!`, `take_until_either_and_leave!` -> `take_until_either!`, `take_until_either!` -> `take_until_either_and_consume!`
### Added
- `peek!` macro: matches the future input but does not consume it
- `length_value!` macro: the first argument is a parser returning a `n` that can cast to usize, then applies the second parser `n` times. The macro has a variant with a third argument indicating the expected input size for the second parser
- benchmarks are available at https://github.com/Geal/nom_benchmarks
- more documentation
- **Unnamed parser syntax**: warning, this is a breaking change. With this new syntax, the macro combinators do not generate functions anymore, they create blocks. That way, they can be nested, for better readability. The `named!` macro is provided to create functions from parsers. Please be aware that nesting parsers comes with a small cost of compilation time, negligible in most cases, but can quickly get to the minutes scale if not careful. If this happens, separate your parsers in multiple subfunctions.
- `named!`, `closure!` and `call!` macros used to support the unnamed syntax
- `map!`, `map_opt!` and `map_res!` to combine a parser with a normal function, transforming the input directly, or returning an `Option` or `Result`
### Fixed
- `is_a!` is now working properly
### Removed
- the `o!` macro does less than `chain!`, so it has been removed
- the `fold0!` and `fold1!` macros were too complex and awkward to use, the `many*` combinators will be useful for most uses for now
## 0.1.6 - 2015-02-24
### Changed
- consumers must have an end method that will be called after parsing
### Added
- big endian unsigned int and float parsers: be_u8, be_u16, be_u32, be_u64, be_f32, be_f64
- producers can seek
- function and macros documentation
- README documentation
### Fixed
- lifetime declarations
- tag! can return Incomplete
## 0.1.5 - 2015-02-17
### Changed
- traits were renamed: FlatMapper -> FlatMap, Mapper -> FlatMapOpt, Mapper2 -> Functor
### Fixed
- woeks with rustc f1bb6c2f4
## 0.1.4 - 2015-02-17
### Changed
- the chaining macro can take optional arguments with '?'
## 0.1.3 - 2015-02-16
### Changed
- the chaining macro now takes the closure at the end of the argument list
## 0.1.2 - 2015-02-16
### Added
- flat_map implementation for <&[u8], &[u8]>
- chaining macro
- partial MP4 parser example
## 0.1.1 - 2015-02-06
### Fixed
- closure syntax change
## Compare code
* [unreleased]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/1.2.4...HEAD
* [1.2.3]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/1.2.3...1.2.4
* [1.2.3]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/1.2.2...1.2.3
* [1.2.2]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/1.2.1...1.2.2
* [1.2.1]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/1.2.0...1.2.1
* [1.2.0]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/1.1.0...1.2.0
* [1.1.0]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/1.0.1...1.1.0
* [1.0.1]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/1.0.0...1.0.1
* [1.0.0]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.5.0...1.0.0
* [0.5.0]: https://github.com/geal/nom/compare/0.4.0...0.5.0
* [0.4.0]: https://github.com/geal/nom/compare/0.3.11...0.4.0
* [0.3.11]: https://github.com/geal/nom/compare/0.3.10...0.3.11
* [0.3.10]: https://github.com/geal/nom/compare/0.3.9...0.3.10
* [0.3.9]: https://github.com/geal/nom/compare/0.3.8...0.3.9
* [0.3.8]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.3.7...0.3.8
* [0.3.7]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.3.6...0.3.7
* [0.3.6]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.3.5...0.3.6
* [0.3.5]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.3.4...0.3.5
* [0.3.4]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.3.3...0.3.4
* [0.3.3]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.3.2...0.3.3
* [0.3.2]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.3.1...0.3.2
* [0.3.1]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.3.0...0.3.1
* [0.3.0]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.2.2...0.3.0
* [0.2.2]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.2.1...0.2.2
* [0.2.1]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.2.0...0.2.1
* [0.2.0]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.1.6...0.2.0
* [0.1.6]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.1.5...0.1.6
* [0.1.5]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.1.4...0.1.5
* [0.1.4]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.1.3...0.1.4
* [0.1.3]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.1.2...0.1.3
* [0.1.2]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.1.1...0.1.2
* [0.1.1]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/0.1.0...0.1.1

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/Cargo.toml поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
name = "nom"
version = "1.2.4"
authors = [ "contact@geoffroycouprie.com" ]
description = "A byte-oriented, zero-copy, parser combinators library"
license = "MIT"
repository = "https://github.com/Geal/nom"
readme = "README.md"
documentation = "http://rust.unhandledexpression.com/nom/"
keywords = ["parser", "parser-combinators", "parsing", "streaming", "bit"]
include = [
core = []
nightly = []
default = ["stream"]
regexp = ["regex"]
regexp_macros = ["regexp", "lazy_static"]
stream = []
version = "^0.1.56"
optional = true
version = "^0.2.1"
optional = true

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/LICENSE поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Geoffroy Couprie
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/src/bits.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
//! Bit level parsers and combinators
//! Bit parsing is handled by tweaking the input in most macros.
//! In byte level parsing, the input is generally a `&[u8]` passed from combinator
//! to combinator until the slices are manipulated.
//! Bit parsers take a `(&[u8], usize)` as input. The first part of the tuple is an byte slice,
//! the second part is a bit offset in the first byte of the slice.
//! By passing a pair like this, we can leverage most of the combinators, and avoid
//! transforming the whole slice to a vector of booleans. This should make it easy
//! to see a byte slice as a bit stream, and parse code points of arbitrary bit length.
/// `bits!( parser ) => ( &[u8], (&[u8], usize) -> IResult<(&[u8], usize), T> ) -> IResult<&[u8], T>`
/// transforms its byte slice input into a bit stream for the underlying parsers
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::Done;
/// # fn main() {
/// named!( take_3_bits<u8>, bits!( take_bits!( u8, 3 ) ) );
/// let input = vec![0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
/// let sl = &input[..];
/// assert_eq!(take_3_bits( sl ), Done(&sl[1..], 5) );
/// # }
macro_rules! bits (
($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
bits_impl!($i, $submac!($($args)*));
($i:expr, $f:expr) => (
bits_impl!($i, call!($f));
/// Internal parser, do not use directly
macro_rules! bits_impl (
($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
let input = ($i, 0usize);
match $submac!(input, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(e) => {
let err = match e {
$crate::Err::Code(k) | $crate::Err::Node(k, _) => $crate::Err::Code(k),
$crate::Err::Position(k, (i,b)) | $crate::Err::NodePosition(k, (i,b), _) => {
$crate::Err::Position(k, &i[b/8..])
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown),
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i)) => {
//println!("bits parser returned Needed::Size({})", i);
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i / 8 + 1))
$crate::IResult::Done((i, bit_index), o) => {
let byte_index = bit_index / 8 + if bit_index % 8 == 0 { 0 } else { 1 } ;
//println!("bit index=={} => byte index=={}", bit_index, byte_index);
$crate::IResult::Done(&i[byte_index..], o)
/// `take_bits!(type, nb) => ( (&[T], usize), U, usize) -> IResult<(&[T], usize), U>`
/// generates a parser consuming the specified number of bits.
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::Done;
/// # fn main() {
/// named!( take_pair<(u8, u8)>, bits!( pair!( take_bits!( u8, 3 ), take_bits!(u8, 5) ) ) );
/// let input = vec![0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
/// let sl = &input[..];
/// assert_eq!(take_pair( sl ), Done(&sl[1..], (5, 10)) );
/// assert_eq!(take_pair( &sl[1..] ), Done(&sl[2..], (7, 16)) );
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! take_bits (
($i:expr, $t:ty, $count:expr) => (
use std::ops::Div;
//println!("taking {} bits from {:?}", $count, $i);
let (input, bit_offset) = $i;
let res : $crate::IResult<(&[u8],usize), $t> = if $count == 0 {
$crate::IResult::Done( (input, bit_offset), 0)
} else {
let cnt = ($count as usize + bit_offset).div(8);
if input.len() * 8 < $count as usize + bit_offset {
//println!("returning incomplete: {}", $count as usize + bit_offset);
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size($count as usize))
} else {
let mut acc:$t = 0;
let mut offset: usize = bit_offset;
let mut remaining: usize = $count;
let mut end_offset: usize = 0;
for byte in input.iter().take(cnt + 1) {
if remaining == 0 {
let val: $t = if offset == 0 {
*byte as $t
} else {
((*byte << offset) as u8 >> offset) as $t
if remaining < 8 - offset {
acc += val >> (8 - offset - remaining);
end_offset = remaining + offset;
} else {
acc += val << (remaining - (8 - offset));
remaining -= 8 - offset;
offset = 0;
$crate::IResult::Done( (&input[cnt..], end_offset) , acc)
/// matches an integer pattern to a bitstream. The number of bits of the input to compare must be specified
macro_rules! tag_bits (
($i:expr, $t:ty, $count:expr, $p: pat) => (
match take_bits!($i, $t, $count) {
$crate::IResult::Incomplete(i) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete(i),
$crate::IResult::Done(i, o) => {
if let $p = o {
let res: $crate::IResult<(&[u8],usize),$t> = $crate::IResult::Done(i, o);
} else {
$crate::IResult::Error($crate::Err::Position($crate::ErrorKind::TagBits, $i))
_ => {
$crate::IResult::Error($crate::Err::Position($crate::ErrorKind::TagBits, $i))
mod tests {
use internal::{IResult,Needed,Err};
use ErrorKind;
fn take_bits() {
let input = vec![0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
let sl = &input[..];
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 0), u8, 0 ), IResult::Done((sl, 0), 0));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 0), u8, 8 ), IResult::Done((&sl[1..], 0), 170));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 0), u8, 3 ), IResult::Done((&sl[0..], 3), 5));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 0), u8, 6 ), IResult::Done((&sl[0..], 6), 42));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 1), u8, 1 ), IResult::Done((&sl[0..], 2), 0));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 1), u8, 2 ), IResult::Done((&sl[0..], 3), 1));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 1), u8, 3 ), IResult::Done((&sl[0..], 4), 2));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 6), u8, 3 ), IResult::Done((&sl[1..], 1), 5));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 0), u16, 10 ), IResult::Done((&sl[1..], 2), 683));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 0), u16, 8 ), IResult::Done((&sl[1..], 0), 170));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 6), u16, 10 ), IResult::Done((&sl[2..], 0), 752));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 6), u16, 11 ), IResult::Done((&sl[2..], 1), 1504));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 0), u32, 20 ), IResult::Done((&sl[2..], 4), 700163));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 4), u32, 20 ), IResult::Done((&sl[3..], 0), 716851));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 4), u32, 22 ), IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Size(22)));
fn tag_bits() {
let input = vec![0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
let sl = &input[..];
assert_eq!(tag_bits!( (sl, 0), u8, 3, 0b101), IResult::Done((&sl[0..], 3), 5));
assert_eq!(tag_bits!( (sl, 0), u8, 4, 0b1010), IResult::Done((&sl[0..], 4), 10));
tag_bits!(u8, 3, 0b101) ~
x: take_bits!(u8, 4) ~
y: take_bits!(u8, 5) ,
|| { (x,y) }
fn chain_bits() {
let input = vec![0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
let sl = &input[..];
assert_eq!(ch((&input[..],0)), IResult::Done((&sl[1..], 4), (5,15)));
assert_eq!(ch((&input[..],4)), IResult::Done((&sl[2..], 0), (7,16)));
assert_eq!(ch((&input[..1],0)), IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Size(12)));
named!(ch_bytes<(u8,u8)>, bits!(ch));
fn bits_to_bytes() {
let input = vec![0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
assert_eq!(ch_bytes(&input[..]), IResult::Done(&input[2..], (5,15)));
assert_eq!(ch_bytes(&input[..1]), IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Size(2)));
assert_eq!(ch_bytes(&input[1..]), IResult::Error(Err::Position(ErrorKind::TagBits, &input[1..])));

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/src/bytes.rs поставляемый Normal file

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/src/character.rs поставляемый Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
/// Character level parsers
use internal::{IResult,Needed,Err};
use util::ErrorKind;
/// matches one of the provided characters
macro_rules! one_of (
($i:expr, $inp: expr) => (
if $i.is_empty() {
$crate::IResult::Incomplete::<_, _>($crate::Needed::Size(1))
} else {
fn as_bytes<T: $crate::AsBytes>(b: &T) -> &[u8] {
let expected = $inp;
let bytes = as_bytes(&expected);
one_of_bytes!($i, bytes)
macro_rules! one_of_bytes (
($i:expr, $bytes: expr) => (
if $i.is_empty() {
$crate::IResult::Incomplete::<_, _>($crate::Needed::Size(1))
} else {
let mut found = false;
for &i in $bytes {
if i == $i[0] {
found = true;
if found {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[1..], $i[0] as char)
} else {
$crate::IResult::Error($crate::Err::Position($crate::ErrorKind::OneOf, $i))
/// matches anything but the provided characters
macro_rules! none_of (
($i:expr, $inp: expr) => (
if $i.is_empty() {
$crate::IResult::Incomplete::<_, _>($crate::Needed::Size(1))
} else {
fn as_bytes<T: $crate::AsBytes>(b: &T) -> &[u8] {
let expected = $inp;
let bytes = as_bytes(&expected);
none_of_bytes!($i, bytes)
macro_rules! none_of_bytes (
($i:expr, $bytes: expr) => (
if $i.is_empty() {
$crate::IResult::Incomplete::<_, _>($crate::Needed::Size(1))
} else {
let mut found = false;
for &i in $bytes {
if i == $i[0] {
found = true;
if !found {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[1..], $i[0] as char)
} else {
$crate::IResult::Error($crate::Err::Position($crate::ErrorKind::NoneOf, $i))
/// matches one character: `char!(char) => &[u8] -> IResult<&[u8], char>
macro_rules! char (
($i:expr, $c: expr) => (
if $i.is_empty() {
let res: $crate::IResult<&[u8], char> = $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(1));
} else {
if $i[0] == $c as u8 {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[1..], $i[0] as char)
} else {
$crate::IResult::Error($crate::Err::Position($crate::ErrorKind::Char, $i))
named!(pub newline<char>, char!('\n'));
pub fn crlf(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], char> {
if input.len() < 2 {
} else {
if &input[0..2] == &b"\r\n"[..] {
IResult::Done(&input[2..], '\n')
} else {
IResult::Error(Err::Position(ErrorKind::CrLf, input))
named!(pub eol<char>, alt!(crlf | newline));
named!(pub tab<char>, char!('\t'));
pub fn anychar(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], char> {
if input.is_empty() {
} else {
IResult::Done(&input[1..], input[0] as char)
mod tests {
use internal::IResult::*;
use internal::Err::*;
use util::ErrorKind;
fn one_of() {
named!(f<char>, one_of!("ab"));
let a = &b"abcd"[..];
assert_eq!(f(a), Done(&b"bcd"[..], 'a'));
let b = &b"cde"[..];
assert_eq!(f(b), Error(Position(ErrorKind::OneOf, b)));
fn none_of() {
named!(f<char>, none_of!("ab"));
let a = &b"abcd"[..];
assert_eq!(f(a), Error(Position(ErrorKind::NoneOf, a)));
let b = &b"cde"[..];
assert_eq!(f(b), Done(&b"de"[..], 'c'));
fn char() {
named!(f<char>, char!('c'));
let a = &b"abcd"[..];
assert_eq!(f(a), Error(Position(ErrorKind::Char, a)));
let b = &b"cde"[..];
assert_eq!(f(b), Done(&b"de"[..], 'c'));

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/src/internal.rs поставляемый Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
//! Basic types to build the parsers
use self::IResult::*;
use self::Needed::*;
use util::ErrorKind;
#[cfg(feature = "core")]
use std::prelude::v1::*;
use std::boxed::Box;
/// Contains the error that a parser can return
/// It can represent a linked list of errors, indicating the path taken in the parsing tree, with corresponding position in the input data.
/// It depends on P, the input position (for a &[u8] parser, it would be a &[u8]), and E, the custom error type (by default, u32)
pub enum Err<P,E=u32>{
/// An error code, represented by an ErrorKind, which can contain a custom error code represented by E
/// An error code, and the next error
Node(ErrorKind<E>, Box<Err<P,E>>),
/// An error code, and the input position
Position(ErrorKind<E>, P),
/// An error code, the input position and the next error
NodePosition(ErrorKind<E>, P, Box<Err<P,E>>)
/// Contains information on needed data if a parser returned `Incomplete`
pub enum Needed {
/// needs more data, but we do not know how much
/// contains the required data size
impl Needed {
pub fn is_known(&self) -> bool {
*self != Unknown
/// Maps a `Needed` to `Needed` by appling a function to a contained `Size` value.
pub fn map<F: FnOnce(usize) -> usize>(self, f: F) -> Needed {
match self {
Unknown => Unknown,
Size(n) => Size(f(n)),
/// Holds the result of parsing functions
/// It depends on I, the input type, O, the output type, and E, the error type (by default u32)
pub enum IResult<I,O,E=u32> {
/// indicates a correct parsing, the first field containing the rest of the unparsed data, the second field contains the parsed data
/// contains a Err, an enum that can indicate an error code, a position in the input, and a pointer to another error, making a list of errors in the parsing tree
/// Incomplete contains a Needed, an enum than can represent a known quantity of input data, or unknown
impl<I,O,E> IResult<I,O,E> {
pub fn is_done(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Done(_,_) => true,
_ => false
pub fn is_err(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Error(_) => true,
_ => false
pub fn is_incomplete(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Incomplete(_) => true,
_ => false
/// Maps a `IResult<I, O, E>` to `IResult<I, N, E>` by appling a function
/// to a contained `Done` value, leaving `Error` and `Incomplete` value
/// untouched.
pub fn map<N, F: FnOnce(O) -> N>(self, f: F) -> IResult<I, N, E> {
match self {
Done(i, o) => Done(i, f(o)),
Error(e) => Error(e),
Incomplete(n) => Incomplete(n),
/// Maps a `IResult<I, O, E>` to `IResult<I, O, E>` by appling a function
/// to a contained `Incomplete` value, leaving `Done` and `Error` value
/// untouched.
pub fn map_inc<F>(self, f: F) -> IResult<I, O, E>
where F: FnOnce(Needed) -> Needed {
match self {
Error(e) => Error(e),
Incomplete(n) => Incomplete(f(n)),
Done(i, o) => Done(i, o),
/// Maps a `IResult<I, O, E>` to `IResult<I, O, N>` by appling a function
/// to a contained `Error` value, leaving `Done` and `Incomplete` value
/// untouched.
pub fn map_err<N, F>(self, f: F) -> IResult<I, O, N>
where F: FnOnce(Err<I, E>) -> Err<I, N> {
match self {
Error(e) => Error(f(e)),
Incomplete(n) => Incomplete(n),
Done(i, o) => Done(i, o),
/// Unwrap the contained `Done(I, O)` value, or panic if the `IResult` is not
/// `Done`.
pub fn unwrap(self) -> (I, O) {
match self {
Done(i, o) => (i, o),
Incomplete(_) => panic!("unwrap() called on an IResult that is Incomplete"),
Error(_) => panic!("unwrap() called on an IResult that is Error")
/// Unwrap the contained `Done(I, O)` value, or panic if the `IResult` is not
/// `Done`.
pub fn unwrap_inc(self) -> Needed {
match self {
Incomplete(n) => n,
Done(_, _) => panic!("unwrap_inc() called on an IResult that is Done"),
Error(_) => panic!("unwrap_inc() called on an IResult that is Error")
/// Unwrap the contained `Done(I, O)` value, or panic if the `IResult` is not
/// `Done`.
pub fn unwrap_err(self) -> Err<I, E> {
match self {
Error(e) => e,
Done(_, _) => panic!("unwrap_err() called on an IResult that is Done"),
Incomplete(_) => panic!("unwrap_err() called on an IResult that is Incomplete"),
pub trait GetInput<I> {
fn remaining_input(&self) -> Option<I>;
pub trait GetOutput<O> {
fn output(&self) -> Option<O>;
impl<'a,I,O,E> GetInput<&'a[I]> for IResult<&'a[I],O,E> {
fn remaining_input(&self) -> Option<&'a[I]> {
match *self {
Done(ref i,_) => Some(*i),
_ => None
impl<O,E> GetInput<()> for IResult<(),O,E> {
fn remaining_input(&self) -> Option<()> {
match *self {
Done((),_) => Some(()),
_ => None
impl<'a,O,E> GetInput<&'a str> for IResult<&'a str,O,E> {
fn remaining_input(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
match *self {
Done(ref i,_) => Some(*i),
_ => None
impl<'a,I,O,E> GetOutput<&'a[O]> for IResult<I,&'a[O],E> {
fn output(&self) -> Option<&'a[O]> {
match *self {
Done(_, ref o) => Some(*o),
_ => None
impl<I,E> GetOutput<()> for IResult<I,(),E> {
fn output(&self) -> Option<()> {
match *self {
Done(_,()) => Some(()),
_ => None
impl<'a,I,E> GetOutput<&'a str> for IResult<I,&'a str,E> {
fn output(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
match *self {
Done(_,ref o) => Some(*o),
_ => None
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
use std::any::Any;
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
use std::{error,fmt};
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
use std::fmt::Debug;
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
impl<P:Debug+Any,E:Debug+Any> error::Error for Err<P,E> {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
let kind = match *self {
Err::Code(ref e) | Err::Node(ref e, _) | Err::Position(ref e, _) | Err::NodePosition(ref e, _, _) => e
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
impl<P:fmt::Debug,E:fmt::Debug> fmt::Display for Err<P,E> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
Err::Code(ref e) | Err::Node(ref e, _) => {
write!(f, "{:?}", e)
Err::Position(ref e, ref p) | Err::NodePosition(ref e, ref p, _) => {
write!(f, "{:?}:{:?}", p, e)
mod tests {
use super::*;
use util::ErrorKind;
const REST: [u8; 0] = [];
const DONE: IResult<&'static [u8], u32> = IResult::Done(&REST, 5);
const ERROR: IResult<&'static [u8], u32> = IResult::Error(Err::Code(ErrorKind::Tag));
const INCOMPLETE: IResult<&'static [u8], u32> = IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Unknown);
fn needed_map() {
let unknown = Needed::Unknown;
let size = Needed::Size(5);
assert_eq!(size.map(|x| x * 2), Needed::Size(10));
assert_eq!(unknown.map(|x| x * 2), Needed::Unknown);
fn iresult_map() {
assert_eq!(DONE.map(|x| x * 2), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 10));
assert_eq!(ERROR.map(|x| x * 2), IResult::Error(Err::Code(ErrorKind::Tag)));
assert_eq!(INCOMPLETE.map(|x| x * 2), IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Unknown));
fn iresult_map_inc() {
let inc_unknown: IResult<&[u8], u32> = IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Unknown);
let inc_size: IResult<&[u8], u32> = IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Size(5));
assert_eq!(DONE.map_inc(|n| if let Needed::Size(i) = n {Needed::Size(i+1)} else {n}), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 5));
assert_eq!(ERROR.map_inc(|n| if let Needed::Size(i) = n {Needed::Size(i+1)} else {n}), IResult::Error(Err::Code(ErrorKind::Tag)));
assert_eq!(inc_unknown.map_inc(|n| if let Needed::Size(i) = n {Needed::Size(i+1)} else {n}), IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Unknown));
assert_eq!(inc_size.map_inc(|n| if let Needed::Size(i) = n {Needed::Size(i+1)} else {n}), IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Size(6)));
fn iresult_map_err() {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Error(u32);
let error_kind = Err::Code(ErrorKind::Custom(Error(5)));
assert_eq!(DONE.map_err(|_| error_kind.clone()), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 5));
assert_eq!(ERROR.map_err(|x| {println!("err: {:?}", x); error_kind.clone()}), IResult::Error(error_kind.clone()));
assert_eq!(INCOMPLETE.map_err(|x| {println!("err: {:?}", x); error_kind.clone()}), IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Unknown));
fn iresult_unwrap_on_done() {
assert_eq!(DONE.unwrap(), (&b""[..], 5));
fn iresult_unwrap_on_err() {
fn iresult_unwrap_on_inc() {
fn iresult_unwrap_err_on_done() {
fn iresult_unwrap_err_on_err() {
assert_eq!(ERROR.unwrap_err(), Err::Code(ErrorKind::Tag));
fn iresult_unwrap_err_on_inc() {
fn iresult_unwrap_inc_on_done() {
fn iresult_unwrap_inc_on_err() {
fn iresult_unwrap_inc_on_inc() {
assert_eq!(INCOMPLETE.unwrap_inc(), Needed::Unknown);

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/src/lib.rs поставляемый Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
//! nom, eating data byte by byte
//! nom is a parser combinator library with a focus on safe parsing,
//! streaming patterns, and as much as possible zero copy.
//! The code is available on [Github](https://github.com/Geal/nom)
//! # Example
//! ```
//! #[macro_use]
//! extern crate nom;
//! use nom::{IResult,digit};
//! use nom::IResult::*;
//! // Parser definition
//! use std::str;
//! use std::str::FromStr;
//! named!(parens<i64>, delimited!(
//! char!('('),
//! expr,
//! char!(')')
//! )
//! );
//! named!(i64_digit<i64>,
//! map_res!(
//! map_res!(
//! digit,
//! str::from_utf8
//! ),
//! FromStr::from_str
//! )
//! );
//! // We transform an integer string into a i64
//! // we look for a digit suite, and try to convert it.
//! // if either str::from_utf8 or FromStr::from_str fail,
//! // the parser will fail
//! named!(factor<i64>,
//! alt!(
//! i64_digit
//! | parens
//! )
//! );
//! // we define acc as mutable to update its value whenever a new term is found
//! named!(term <i64>,
//! chain!(
//! mut acc: factor ~
//! many0!(
//! alt!(
//! tap!(mul: preceded!(tag!("*"), factor) => acc = acc * mul) |
//! tap!(div: preceded!(tag!("/"), factor) => acc = acc / div)
//! )
//! ),
//! || { return acc }
//! )
//! );
//! named!(expr <i64>,
//! chain!(
//! mut acc: term ~
//! many0!(
//! alt!(
//! tap!(add: preceded!(tag!("+"), term) => acc = acc + add) |
//! tap!(sub: preceded!(tag!("-"), term) => acc = acc - sub)
//! )
//! ),
//! || { return acc }
//! )
//! );
//! fn main() {
//! assert_eq!(expr(b"1+2"), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 3));
//! assert_eq!(expr(b"12+6-4+3"), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 17));
//! assert_eq!(expr(b"1+2*3+4"), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 11));
//! assert_eq!(expr(b"(2)"), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 2));
//! assert_eq!(expr(b"2*(3+4)"), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 14));
//! assert_eq!(expr(b"2*2/(5-1)+3"), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 4));
//! }
//! ```
#![cfg_attr(feature = "core", feature(no_std))]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "core", feature(collections))]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "core", no_std)]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", feature(test))]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", feature(const_fn))]
#[cfg(feature = "core")]
extern crate collections;
#[cfg(feature = "regexp")]
extern crate regex;
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
#[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static;
#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
extern crate test;
#[cfg(feature = "core")]
mod std {
pub use core::{fmt, iter, option, ops, slice, mem};
pub use collections::{boxed, vec, string};
pub mod prelude {
pub use core::prelude as v1;
pub use self::util::*;
pub use self::internal::*;
pub use self::macros::*;
pub use self::methods::*;
pub use self::bytes::*;
pub use self::bits::*;
pub use self::nom::*;
pub use self::character::*;
#[cfg(feature = "regexp")]
pub use self::regexp::*;
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
#[cfg(feature = "stream")]
pub use self::stream::*;
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
pub use self::str::*;
#[macro_use] mod util;
mod internal;
#[macro_use] mod macros;
#[macro_use] mod methods;
#[macro_use] mod bytes;
#[macro_use] mod bits;
#[macro_use] mod nom;
#[macro_use] mod character;
#[cfg(feature = "regexp")]
#[macro_use] mod regexp;
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
#[cfg(feature = "stream")]
mod stream;
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
mod str;

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/src/macros.rs поставляемый Normal file

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third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/src/methods.rs поставляемый Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
//! Method macro combinators
//! These macros make parsers as methods of structs
//! and that can take methods of structs to call
//! as parsers.
//! There is a trick to make them easier to assemble,
//! combinators are defined like this:
//! ```ignore
//! macro_rules! tag (
//! ($i:expr, $inp: expr) => (
//! {
//! ...
//! }
//! );
//! );
//! ```
//! But when used as methods in other combinators, are used
//! like this:
//! ```ignore
//! method!(my_function<Parser<'a> >, self, tag!("abcd"));
//! ```
//! Internally, other combinators will rewrite
//! that call to pass the input as second argument:
//! ```ignore
//! macro_rules! method (
//! ($name:ident<$a:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
//! fn $name( $self_: $a, i: &[u8] ) -> $crate::IResult<&[u8], &[u8]> {
//! $submac!(i, $($args)*)
//! }
//! );
//! );
//! ```
//! The `method!` macro is similar to the `named!` macro in the macros module.
//! While `named!` will create a parser function, `method!` will create a parser
//! method on the struct it is defined in.
//! Compared to the `named!` macro there are a few differences in how they are
//! invoked. A `method!` invocation always has to have the type of `self`
//! declared and it can't be a reference due to Rust's borrow lifetime
//! restrictions:
//! ```ignore
//! // -`self`'s type-
//! method!(method_name< Parser<'a> >, ...);
//! ```
//! `self`'s type always comes first.
//! The next difference is you have to input the self struct. Due to Rust's
//! macro hygiene the macro can't declare it on it's own.
//! ```ignore
//! // -self-
//! method!(method_name<Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, self, ...);
//! ```
//! When making a parsing struct with parsing methods, due to the static borrow
//! checker,calling any parsing methods on self (or any other parsing struct)
//! will cause self to be moved for the rest of the method.To get around this
//! restriction all self is moved into the called method and then the called
//! method will return self to the caller.
//! To call a method on self you need to use the `call_m!` macro. For example:
//! ```ignore
//! struct<'a> Parser<'a> {
//! parsed: &'a str,
//! }
//! impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
//! // Constructor omitted for brevity
//! method!(take4<Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, self, take!(4));
//! method!(caller<Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, self, call_m!(self.take4));
//! }
//! ```
//! More complicated combinations still mostly look the same as their `named!`
//! counterparts:
//! ```ignore
//! method!(pub simple_chain<&mut Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, self,
//! chain!(
//! call_m!(self.tag_abc) ~
//! call_m!(self.tag_def) ~
//! call_m!(self.tag_ghi) ~
//! last: call_m!(self.simple_peek) ,
//! ||{sb.parsed = last; last}
//! )
//! );
//! ```
//! The three additions to method definitions to remember are:
//! 1. Specify `self`'s type
//! 2. Pass `self` to the macro
//! 4. Call parser methods using the `call_m!` macro.
/// Makes a method from a parser combination
/// The must be set up because the compiler needs
/// the information
/// ```ignore
/// method!(my_function<Parser<'a> >( &[u8] ) -> &[u8], tag!("abcd"));
/// // first type parameter is `self`'s type, second is input, third is output
/// method!(my_function<Parser<'a>, &[u8], &[u8]>, tag!("abcd"));
/// //prefix them with 'pub' to make the methods public
/// method!(pub my_function<Parser<'a>,&[u8], &[u8]>, tag!("abcd"));
/// ```
macro_rules! method (
// Non-public immutable self
($name:ident<$a:ty>( $i:ty ) -> $o:ty, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i,$o,u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
($name:ident<$a:ty,$i:ty,$o:ty,$e:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i, $o, $e>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
($name:ident<$a:ty,$i:ty,$o:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i,$o,u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
($name:ident<$a:ty,$o:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name<'a>( $self_: $a, i: &'a[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&'a [u8], $o, u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
($name:ident<$a:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( $self_: $a, i: &[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&[u8], &[u8], u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
// Public immutable self
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty>( $i:ty ) -> $o:ty, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i,$o,u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty,$i:ty,$o:ty,$e:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i, $o, $e>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty,$i:ty,$o:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( $self_: $a,i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i,$o,u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty,$o:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name<'a>( $self_: $a, i: &'a[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&'a [u8], $o, u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( $self_: $a, i: &[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&[u8], &[u8], u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
// Non-public mutable self
($name:ident<$a:ty>( $i:ty ) -> $o:ty, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( mut $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i,$o,u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
($name:ident<$a:ty,$i:ty,$o:ty,$e:ty>, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( mut $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i, $o, $e>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
($name:ident<$a:ty,$i:ty,$o:ty>, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( mut $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i,$o,u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
($name:ident<$a:ty,$o:ty>, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name<'a>( mut $self_: $a, i: &'a[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&'a [u8], $o, u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
($name:ident<$a:ty>, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( mut $self_: $a, i: &[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&[u8], &[u8], u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
// Public mutable self
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty>( $i:ty ) -> $o:ty, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( mut $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i,$o,u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty,$i:ty,$o:ty,$e:ty>, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( mut $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i, $o, $e>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty,$i:ty,$o:ty>, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( mut $self_: $a,i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i,$o,u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty,$o:ty>, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name<'a>( mut $self_: $a, i: &'a[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&'a [u8], $o, u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty>, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( mut $self_: $a, i: &[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&[u8], &[u8], u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
/// Used to called methods then move self back into self
macro_rules! call_m (
($i:expr, $self_:ident.$method:ident) => (
let (tmp, res) = $self_.$method($i);
$self_ = tmp;
($i:expr, $self_:ident.$method:ident, $($args:expr),* ) => (
let (tmp, res) = $self_.$method($i, $($args),*);
$self_ = tmp;
/// emulate function currying for method calls on structs
/// `apply!(self.my_function, arg1, arg2, ...)` becomes `self.my_function(input, arg1, arg2, ...)`
/// Supports up to 6 arguments
macro_rules! apply_m (
($i:expr, $self_:ident.$method:ident, $($args:expr),* ) => ( { let (tmp, res) = $self_.$method( $i, $($args),* ); $self_ = tmp; res } );
mod tests {
use internal::IResult::*;
// reproduce the tag_s and take_s macros, because of module import order
macro_rules! tag_s (
($i:expr, $tag: expr) => (
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = if $tag.len() > $i.len() {
//} else if &$i[0..$tag.len()] == $tag {
} else if ($i).starts_with($tag) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[$tag.len()..], &$i[0..$tag.len()])
} else {
$crate::IResult::Error($crate::Err::Position($crate::ErrorKind::TagStr, $i))
macro_rules! take_s (
($i:expr, $count:expr) => (
let cnt = $count as usize;
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = if $i.chars().count() < cnt {
} else {
let mut offset = $i.len();
let mut count = 0;
for (o, _) in $i.char_indices() {
if count == cnt {
offset = o;
count += 1;
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], &$i[..offset])
struct Parser<'a> {
bcd: &'a str,
impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
pub fn new() -> Parser<'a> {
Parser{bcd: ""}
method!(tag_abc<Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, self, tag_s!("áβç"));
method!(tag_bcd<Parser<'a> >(&'a str) -> &'a str, self, tag_s!("βçδ"));
method!(pub tag_hij<Parser<'a> >(&'a str) -> &'a str, self, tag_s!("λïJ"));
method!(pub tag_ijk<Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, self, tag_s!("ïJƙ"));
method!(take3<Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, self, take_s!(3));
method!(pub simple_call<Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, mut self,
method!(pub simple_peek<Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, mut self,
method!(pub simple_chain<Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, mut self,
bcd: call_m!(self.tag_bcd) ~
last: call_m!(self.simple_peek) ,
||{self.bcd = bcd; last}
fn tag_stuff(mut self: Parser<'a>, input: &'a str, something: &'a str) -> (Parser<'a>, ::IResult<&'a str, &'a str>) {
self.bcd = something;
let(tmp, res) = self.tag_abc(input);
self = tmp;
(self, res)
method!(use_apply<Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, mut self, apply_m!(self.tag_stuff, "βçδ"));
fn test_method_call_abc() {
let p = Parser::new();
let input: &str = "áβçδèƒϱλïJƙ";
let consumed: &str = "áβç";
let leftover: &str = "δèƒϱλïJƙ";
let(_, res) = p.tag_abc(input);
match res {
Done(extra, output) => { assert!(extra == leftover, "`Parser.tag_abc` consumed leftover input. leftover: {}", extra);
assert!(output == consumed, "`Parser.tag_abc` doesnt return the string it consumed \
on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", consumed, output);
other => panic!("`Parser.tag_abc` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn test_method_call_bcd() {
let p = Parser::new();
let input: &str = "βçδèƒϱλïJƙ";
let consumed: &str = "βçδ";
let leftover: &str = "èƒϱλïJƙ";
let(_, res) = p.tag_bcd(input);
match res {
Done(extra, output) => { assert!(extra == leftover, "`Parser.tag_bcd` consumed leftover input. leftover: {}", extra);
assert!(output == consumed, "`Parser.tag_bcd` doesn't return the string it consumed \
on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", consumed, output);
other => panic!("`Parser.tag_bcd` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn test_method_call_hij() {
let p = Parser::new();
let input: &str = "λïJƙ₥ñôƥ9řƨ";
let consumed: &str = "λïJ";
let leftover: &str = "ƙ₥ñôƥ9řƨ";
let(_, res) = p.tag_hij(input);
match res {
Done(extra, output) => { assert!(extra == leftover, "`Parser.tag_hij` consumed leftover input. leftover: {}", extra);
assert!(output == consumed, "`Parser.tag_hij` doesn't return the string it consumed \
on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", consumed, output);
other => panic!("`Parser.tag_hij` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn test_method_call_ijk() {
let p = Parser::new();
let input: &str = "ïJƙ₥ñôƥ9řƨ";
let consumed: &str = "ïJƙ";
let leftover: &str = "₥ñôƥ9řƨ";
let(_, res) = p.tag_ijk(input);
match res {
Done(extra, output) => { assert!(extra == leftover, "`Parser.tag_ijk` consumed leftover input. leftover: {}", extra);
assert!(output == consumed, "`Parser.tag_ijk` doesn't return the string it consumed \
on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", consumed, output);
other => panic!("`Parser.tag_ijk` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn test_method_simple_call() {
let p = Parser::new();
let input: &str = "áβçδèƒϱλïJƙ";
let consumed: &str = "áβç";
let leftover: &str = "δèƒϱλïJƙ";
let(_, res) = p.simple_call(input);
match res {
Done(extra, output) => { assert!(extra == leftover, "`Parser.simple_call` consumed leftover input. leftover: {}", extra);
assert!(output == consumed, "`Parser.simple_call` doesn't return the string it consumed \
on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", consumed, output);
other => panic!("`Parser.simple_call` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn test_apply_m() {
let mut p = Parser::new();
let input: &str = "áβçδèƒϱλïJƙ";
let consumed: &str = "áβç";
let leftover: &str = "δèƒϱλïJƙ";
let(tmp, res) = p.use_apply(input);
p = tmp;
match res {
Done(extra, output) => { assert!(extra == leftover, "`Parser.use_apply` consumed leftover input. leftover: {}", extra);
assert!(output == consumed, "`Parser.use_apply` doesn't return the string it was supposed to \
on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", leftover, output);
assert!(p.bcd == "βçδ", "Parser.use_apply didn't modify the parser field correctly: {}", p.bcd);
other => panic!("`Parser.use_apply` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn test_method_call_peek() {
let p = Parser::new();
let input: &str = "ж¥ƺáβçδèƒϱλïJƙ";
let consumed: &str = "ж¥ƺ";
let(_, res) = p.simple_peek(input);
match res {
Done(extra, output) => { assert!(extra == input, "`Parser.simple_peek` consumed leftover input. leftover: {}", extra);
assert!(output == consumed, "`Parser.simple_peek` doesn't return the string it consumed \
on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", consumed, output);
other => panic!("`Parser.simple_peek` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn test_method_call_chain() {
let mut p = Parser::new();
let input : &str = "βçδδèƒϱλïJƙ";
let leftover : &str = "δèƒϱλïJƙ";
let output : &str = "늟";
let(tmp, res) = p.simple_chain(input);
p = tmp;
match res {
Done(extra, out) => { assert!(extra == leftover, "`Parser.simple_chain` consumed leftover input. leftover: {}", extra);
assert!(out == output, "`Parser.simple_chain` doesn't return the string it was supposed to \
on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", output, out);
assert!(p.bcd == "βçδ", "Parser.simple_chain didn't modify the parser field correctly: {}", p.bcd);
other => panic!("`Parser.simple_chain` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/src/nom.rs поставляемый Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,950 @@
//! Useful parser combinators
//! A number of useful parser combinators have already been implemented.
//! Some of them use macros, other are implemented through functions.
//! Hopefully, the syntax will converge to onely one way in the future,
//! but the macros system makes no promises.
#[cfg(feature = "core")]
use std::prelude::v1::*;
use std::boxed::Box;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use internal::*;
use internal::IResult::*;
use internal::Err::*;
use util::{ErrorKind,IterIndices,AsChar,InputLength};
use std::mem::transmute;
pub fn tag_cl<'a,'b>(rec:&'a[u8]) -> Box<Fn(&'b[u8]) -> IResult<&'b[u8], &'b[u8]> + 'a> {
Box::new(move |i: &'b[u8]| -> IResult<&'b[u8], &'b[u8]> {
if i.len() >= rec.len() && &i[0..rec.len()] == rec {
Done(&i[rec.len()..], &i[0..rec.len()])
} else {
Error(Position(ErrorKind::TagClosure, i))
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
pub fn print<T: Debug>(input: T) -> IResult<T, ()> {
println!("{:?}", input);
Done(input, ())
pub fn begin(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<(), &[u8]> {
Done((), input)
// FIXME: when rust-lang/rust#17436 is fixed, macros will be able to export
// public methods
//pub is_not!(line_ending b"\r\n")
pub fn not_line_ending(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &[u8]> {
for (idx, item) in input.iter().enumerate() {
for &i in b"\r\n".iter() {
if *item == i {
return Done(&input[idx..], &input[0..idx])
Done(&input[input.len()..], input)
named!(tag_ln, tag!("\n"));
/// Recognizes a line feed
pub fn line_ending(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &[u8]> {
pub fn is_alphabetic(chr:u8) -> bool {
(chr >= 0x41 && chr <= 0x5A) || (chr >= 0x61 && chr <= 0x7A)
pub fn is_digit(chr: u8) -> bool {
chr >= 0x30 && chr <= 0x39
pub fn is_hex_digit(chr: u8) -> bool {
(chr >= 0x30 && chr <= 0x39) ||
(chr >= 0x41 && chr <= 0x46) ||
(chr >= 0x61 && chr <= 0x66)
pub fn is_oct_digit(chr: u8) -> bool {
chr >= 0x30 && chr <= 0x37
pub fn is_alphanumeric(chr: u8) -> bool {
is_alphabetic(chr) || is_digit(chr)
pub fn is_space(chr:u8) -> bool {
chr == ' ' as u8 || chr == '\t' as u8
// FIXME: when rust-lang/rust#17436 is fixed, macros will be able to export
//pub filter!(alpha is_alphabetic)
//pub filter!(digit is_digit)
//pub filter!(hex_digit is_hex_digit)
//pub filter!(oct_digit is_oct_digit)
//pub filter!(alphanumeric is_alphanumeric)
use std::ops::{Index,Range,RangeFrom};
/// Recognizes lowercase and uppercase alphabetic characters: a-zA-Z
pub fn alpha<'a, T: ?Sized>(input:&'a T) -> IResult<&'a T, &'a T> where
T:Index<Range<usize>, Output=T>+Index<RangeFrom<usize>, Output=T>,
&'a T: IterIndices+InputLength {
let input_length = input.input_len();
if input_length == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::Alpha, input))
for (idx, item) in input.iter_indices() {
if ! item.is_alpha() {
if idx == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::Alpha, input))
} else {
return Done(&input[idx..], &input[0..idx])
Done(&input[input_length..], input)
/// Recognizes numerical characters: 0-9
pub fn digit<'a, T: ?Sized>(input:&'a T) -> IResult<&'a T, &'a T> where
T:Index<Range<usize>, Output=T>+Index<RangeFrom<usize>, Output=T>,
&'a T: IterIndices+InputLength {
let input_length = input.input_len();
if input_length == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::Digit, input))
for (idx, item) in input.iter_indices() {
if ! item.is_0_to_9() {
if idx == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::Digit, input))
} else {
return Done(&input[idx..], &input[0..idx])
Done(&input[input_length..], input)
/// Recognizes hexadecimal numerical characters: 0-9, A-F, a-f
pub fn hex_digit<'a, T: ?Sized>(input:&'a T) -> IResult<&'a T, &'a T> where
T:Index<Range<usize>, Output=T>+Index<RangeFrom<usize>, Output=T>,
&'a T: IterIndices+InputLength {
let input_length = input.input_len();
if input_length == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::HexDigit, input))
for (idx, item) in input.iter_indices() {
if ! item.is_hex_digit() {
if idx == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::HexDigit, input))
} else {
return Done(&input[idx..], &input[0..idx])
Done(&input[input_length..], input)
/// Recognizes octal characters: 0-7
pub fn oct_digit<'a, T: ?Sized>(input:&'a T) -> IResult<&'a T, &'a T> where
T:Index<Range<usize>, Output=T>+Index<RangeFrom<usize>, Output=T>,
&'a T: IterIndices+InputLength {
let input_length = input.input_len();
if input_length == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::OctDigit, input))
for (idx, item) in input.iter_indices() {
if ! item.is_oct_digit() {
if idx == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::OctDigit, input))
} else {
return Done(&input[idx..], &input[0..idx])
Done(&input[input_length..], input)
/// Recognizes numerical and alphabetic characters: 0-9a-zA-Z
pub fn alphanumeric<'a, T: ?Sized>(input:&'a T) -> IResult<&'a T, &'a T> where
T:Index<Range<usize>, Output=T>+Index<RangeFrom<usize>, Output=T>,
&'a T: IterIndices+InputLength {
let input_length = input.input_len();
if input_length == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::AlphaNumeric, input));
for (idx, item) in input.iter_indices() {
if ! item.is_alphanum() {
if idx == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::AlphaNumeric, input))
} else {
return Done(&input[idx..], &input[0..idx])
Done(&input[input_length..], input)
/// Recognizes spaces and tabs
pub fn space<'a, T: ?Sized>(input:&'a T) -> IResult<&'a T, &'a T> where
T:Index<Range<usize>, Output=T>+Index<RangeFrom<usize>, Output=T>,
&'a T: IterIndices+InputLength {
let input_length = input.input_len();
if input_length == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::Space, input));
for (idx, item) in input.iter_indices() {
let chr = item.as_char();
if ! (chr == ' ' || chr == '\t') {
if idx == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::Space, input))
} else {
return Done(&input[idx..], &input[0..idx])
Done(&input[input_length..], input)
/// Recognizes spaces, tabs, carriage returns and line feeds
pub fn multispace<'a, T: ?Sized>(input:&'a T) -> IResult<&'a T, &'a T> where
T:Index<Range<usize>, Output=T>+Index<RangeFrom<usize>, Output=T>,
&'a T: IterIndices+InputLength {
let input_length = input.input_len();
if input_length == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::MultiSpace, input));
for (idx, item) in input.iter_indices() {
let chr = item.as_char();
if ! (chr == ' ' || chr == '\t' || chr == '\r' || chr == '\n') {
if idx == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::MultiSpace, input))
} else {
return Done(&input[idx..], &input[0..idx])
Done(&input[input_length..], input)
pub fn sized_buffer(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &[u8]> {
if input.is_empty() {
return Incomplete(Needed::Unknown)
let len = input[0] as usize;
if input.len() >= len + 1 {
Done(&input[len+1..], &input[1..len+1])
} else {
Incomplete(Needed::Size(1 + len))
pub fn length_value(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &[u8]> {
let input_len = input.len();
if input_len == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::LengthValueFn, input))
let len = input[0] as usize;
if input_len - 1 >= len {
IResult::Done(&input[len+1..], &input[1..len+1])
} else {
/// Recognizes an unsigned 1 byte integer (equivalent to take!(1)
pub fn be_u8(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u8> {
if i.len() < 1 {
} else {
Done(&i[1..], i[0])
/// Recognizes big endian unsigned 2 bytes integer
pub fn be_u16(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u16> {
if i.len() < 2 {
} else {
let res = ((i[0] as u16) << 8) + i[1] as u16;
Done(&i[2..], res)
/// Recognizes big endian unsigned 4 bytes integer
pub fn be_u32(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u32> {
if i.len() < 4 {
} else {
let res = ((i[0] as u32) << 24) + ((i[1] as u32) << 16) + ((i[2] as u32) << 8) + i[3] as u32;
Done(&i[4..], res)
/// Recognizes big endian unsigned 8 bytes integer
pub fn be_u64(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u64> {
if i.len() < 8 {
} else {
let res = ((i[0] as u64) << 56) + ((i[1] as u64) << 48) + ((i[2] as u64) << 40) + ((i[3] as u64) << 32) +
((i[4] as u64) << 24) + ((i[5] as u64) << 16) + ((i[6] as u64) << 8) + i[7] as u64;
Done(&i[8..], res)
/// Recognizes a signed 1 byte integer (equivalent to take!(1)
pub fn be_i8(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], i8> {
map!(i, be_u8, | x | { x as i8 })
/// Recognizes big endian signed 2 bytes integer
pub fn be_i16(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], i16> {
map!(i, be_u16, | x | { x as i16 })
/// Recognizes big endian signed 4 bytes integer
pub fn be_i32(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], i32> {
map!(i, be_u32, | x | { x as i32 })
/// Recognizes big endian signed 8 bytes integer
pub fn be_i64(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], i64> {
map!(i, be_u64, | x | { x as i64 })
/// Recognizes an unsigned 1 byte integer (equivalent to take!(1)
pub fn le_u8(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u8> {
if i.len() < 1 {
} else {
Done(&i[1..], i[0])
/// Recognizes little endian unsigned 2 bytes integer
pub fn le_u16(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u16> {
if i.len() < 2 {
} else {
let res = ((i[1] as u16) << 8) + i[0] as u16;
Done(&i[2..], res)
/// Recognizes little endian unsigned 4 bytes integer
pub fn le_u32(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u32> {
if i.len() < 4 {
} else {
let res = ((i[3] as u32) << 24) + ((i[2] as u32) << 16) + ((i[1] as u32) << 8) + i[0] as u32;
Done(&i[4..], res)
/// Recognizes little endian unsigned 8 bytes integer
pub fn le_u64(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u64> {
if i.len() < 8 {
} else {
let res = ((i[7] as u64) << 56) + ((i[6] as u64) << 48) + ((i[5] as u64) << 40) + ((i[4] as u64) << 32) +
((i[3] as u64) << 24) + ((i[2] as u64) << 16) + ((i[1] as u64) << 8) + i[0] as u64;
Done(&i[8..], res)
/// Recognizes a signed 1 byte integer (equivalent to take!(1)
pub fn le_i8(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], i8> {
map!(i, le_u8, | x | { x as i8 })
/// Recognizes little endian signed 2 bytes integer
pub fn le_i16(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], i16> {
map!(i, le_u16, | x | { x as i16 })
/// Recognizes little endian signed 4 bytes integer
pub fn le_i32(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], i32> {
map!(i, le_u32, | x | { x as i32 })
/// Recognizes little endian signed 8 bytes integer
pub fn le_i64(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], i64> {
map!(i, le_u64, | x | { x as i64 })
/// if parameter is true, parse a big endian u16 integer,
/// otherwise a little endian u16 integer
macro_rules! u16 ( ($i:expr, $e:expr) => ( {if $e { $crate::be_u16($i) } else { $crate::le_u16($i) } } ););
/// if parameter is true, parse a big endian u32 integer,
/// otherwise a little endian u32 integer
macro_rules! u32 ( ($i:expr, $e:expr) => ( {if $e { $crate::be_u32($i) } else { $crate::le_u32($i) } } ););
/// if parameter is true, parse a big endian u64 integer,
/// otherwise a little endian u64 integer
macro_rules! u64 ( ($i:expr, $e:expr) => ( {if $e { $crate::be_u64($i) } else { $crate::le_u64($i) } } ););
/// if parameter is true, parse a big endian i16 integer,
/// otherwise a little endian i16 integer
macro_rules! i16 ( ($i:expr, $e:expr) => ( {if $e { $crate::be_i16($i) } else { $crate::le_i16($i) } } ););
/// if parameter is true, parse a big endian i32 integer,
/// otherwise a little endian i32 integer
macro_rules! i32 ( ($i:expr, $e:expr) => ( {if $e { $crate::be_i32($i) } else { $crate::le_i32($i) } } ););
/// if parameter is true, parse a big endian i64 integer,
/// otherwise a little endian i64 integer
macro_rules! i64 ( ($i:expr, $e:expr) => ( {if $e { $crate::be_i64($i) } else { $crate::le_i64($i) } } ););
/// Recognizes big endian 4 bytes floating point number
pub fn be_f32(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], f32> {
match be_u32(input) {
Error(e) => Error(e),
Incomplete(e) => Incomplete(e),
Done(i,o) => {
unsafe {
Done(i, transmute::<u32, f32>(o))
/// Recognizes big endian 8 bytes floating point number
pub fn be_f64(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], f64> {
match be_u64(input) {
Error(e) => Error(e),
Incomplete(e) => Incomplete(e),
Done(i,o) => {
unsafe {
Done(i, transmute::<u64, f64>(o))
/// Recognizes little endian 4 bytes floating point number
pub fn le_f32(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], f32> {
match le_u32(input) {
Error(e) => Error(e),
Incomplete(e) => Incomplete(e),
Done(i,o) => {
unsafe {
Done(i, transmute::<u32, f32>(o))
/// Recognizes little endian 8 bytes floating point number
pub fn le_f64(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], f64> {
match le_u64(input) {
Error(e) => Error(e),
Incomplete(e) => Incomplete(e),
Done(i,o) => {
unsafe {
Done(i, transmute::<u64, f64>(o))
/// Recognizes a hex-encoded integer
pub fn hex_u32(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u32> {
match is_a!(input, &b"0123456789abcdef"[..]) {
Error(e) => Error(e),
Incomplete(e) => Incomplete(e),
Done(i,o) => {
let mut res = 0u32;
// Do not parse more than 8 characters for a u32
let mut remaining = i;
let mut parsed = o;
if o.len() > 8 {
remaining = &input[8..];
parsed = &input[..8];
for &e in parsed {
let digit = e as char;
let value = digit.to_digit(16).unwrap_or(0);
res = value + (res << 4);
Done(remaining, res)
/// Recognizes empty input buffers
/// useful to verify that the previous parsers used all of the input
//pub fn eof(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &[u8]> {
pub fn eof<'a, T:?Sized>(input: &'a T) -> IResult<&'a T,&'a T> where
T:Index<Range<usize>, Output=T>+Index<RangeFrom<usize>, Output=T>,
&'a T: InputLength {
if input.input_len() == 0 {
Done(input, input)
} else {
Error(Position(ErrorKind::Eof, input))
/// Recognizes non empty buffers
pub fn non_empty<'a, T:?Sized>(input: &'a T) -> IResult<&'a T,&'a T> where
T:Index<Range<usize>, Output=T>+Index<RangeFrom<usize>, Output=T>,
&'a T: InputLength {
if input.input_len() == 0 {
Error(Position(ErrorKind::NonEmpty, input))
} else {
Done(&input[input.input_len()..], input)
/// Return the remaining input.
pub fn rest(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &[u8]> {
IResult::Done(&input[input.len()..], input)
/// Return the remaining input, for strings.
pub fn rest_s(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
IResult::Done(&input[input.len()..], input)
mod tests {
use super::*;
use internal::{Needed,IResult};
use internal::IResult::*;
use internal::Err::*;
use util::ErrorKind;
fn tag_closure() {
let x = tag_cl(&b"abcd"[..]);
let r = x(&b"abcdabcdefgh"[..]);
assert_eq!(r, Done(&b"abcdefgh"[..], &b"abcd"[..]));
let r2 = x(&b"abcefgh"[..]);
assert_eq!(r2, Error(Position(ErrorKind::TagClosure, &b"abcefgh"[..])));
fn character() {
let empty: &[u8] = b"";
let a: &[u8] = b"abcd";
let b: &[u8] = b"1234";
let c: &[u8] = b"a123";
let d: &[u8] = "azé12".as_bytes();
let e: &[u8] = b" ";
assert_eq!(alpha(a), Done(empty, a));
assert_eq!(alpha(b), Error(Position(ErrorKind::Alpha,b)));
assert_eq!(alpha(c), Done(&c[1..], &b"a"[..]));
assert_eq!(alpha(d), Done("é12".as_bytes(), &b"az"[..]));
assert_eq!(digit(a), Error(Position(ErrorKind::Digit,a)));
assert_eq!(digit(b), Done(empty, b));
assert_eq!(digit(c), Error(Position(ErrorKind::Digit,c)));
assert_eq!(digit(d), Error(Position(ErrorKind::Digit,d)));
assert_eq!(hex_digit(a), Done(empty, a));
assert_eq!(hex_digit(b), Done(empty, b));
assert_eq!(hex_digit(c), Done(empty, c));
assert_eq!(hex_digit(d), Done("zé12".as_bytes(), &b"a"[..]));
assert_eq!(hex_digit(e), Error(Position(ErrorKind::HexDigit,e)));
assert_eq!(oct_digit(a), Error(Position(ErrorKind::OctDigit,a)));
assert_eq!(oct_digit(b), Done(empty, b));
assert_eq!(oct_digit(c), Error(Position(ErrorKind::OctDigit,c)));
assert_eq!(oct_digit(d), Error(Position(ErrorKind::OctDigit,d)));
assert_eq!(alphanumeric(a), Done(empty, a));
assert_eq!(fix_error!(b,(), alphanumeric), Done(empty, b));
assert_eq!(alphanumeric(c), Done(empty, c));
assert_eq!(alphanumeric(d), Done("é12".as_bytes(), &b"az"[..]));
assert_eq!(space(e), Done(&b""[..], &b" "[..]));
fn character_s() {
let empty = "";
let a = "abcd";
let b = "1234";
let c = "a123";
let d = "azé12";
let e = " ";
assert_eq!(alpha(a), Done(empty, a));
assert_eq!(alpha(b), Error(Position(ErrorKind::Alpha,b)));
assert_eq!(alpha(c), Done(&c[1..], &"a"[..]));
assert_eq!(alpha(d), Done("12", &"azé"[..]));
assert_eq!(digit(a), Error(Position(ErrorKind::Digit,a)));
assert_eq!(digit(b), Done(empty, b));
assert_eq!(digit(c), Error(Position(ErrorKind::Digit,c)));
assert_eq!(digit(d), Error(Position(ErrorKind::Digit,d)));
assert_eq!(hex_digit(a), Done(empty, a));
assert_eq!(hex_digit(b), Done(empty, b));
assert_eq!(hex_digit(c), Done(empty, c));
assert_eq!(hex_digit(d), Done("zé12", &"a"[..]));
assert_eq!(hex_digit(e), Error(Position(ErrorKind::HexDigit,e)));
assert_eq!(oct_digit(a), Error(Position(ErrorKind::OctDigit,a)));
assert_eq!(oct_digit(b), Done(empty, b));
assert_eq!(oct_digit(c), Error(Position(ErrorKind::OctDigit,c)));
assert_eq!(oct_digit(d), Error(Position(ErrorKind::OctDigit,d)));
assert_eq!(alphanumeric(a), Done(empty, a));
assert_eq!(fix_error!(b,(), alphanumeric), Done(empty, b));
assert_eq!(alphanumeric(c), Done(empty, c));
assert_eq!(alphanumeric(d), Done("", &"azé12"[..]));
assert_eq!(space(e), Done(&""[..], &" "[..]));
use util::HexDisplay;
fn offset() {
let a = &b"abcd"[..];
let b = &b"1234"[..];
let c = &b"a123"[..];
let d = &b" \t"[..];
let e = &b" \t\r\n"[..];
let f = &b"123abcDEF"[..];
match alpha(a) {
Done(i, _) => { assert_eq!(a.offset(i) + i.len(), a.len()); }
_ => { panic!("wrong return type in offset test for alpha") }
match digit(b) {
Done(i, _) => { assert_eq!(b.offset(i) + i.len(), b.len()); }
_ => { panic!("wrong return type in offset test for digit") }
match alphanumeric(c) {
Done(i, _) => { assert_eq!(c.offset(i) + i.len(), c.len()); }
_ => { panic!("wrong return type in offset test for alphanumeric") }
match space(d) {
Done(i, _) => { assert_eq!(d.offset(i) + i.len(), d.len()); }
_ => { panic!("wrong return type in offset test for space") }
match multispace(e) {
Done(i, _) => { assert_eq!(e.offset(i) + i.len(), e.len()); }
_ => { panic!("wrong return type in offset test for multispace") }
match hex_digit(f) {
Done(i, _) => { assert_eq!(f.offset(i) + i.len(), f.len()); }
_ => { panic!("wrong return type in offset test for hex_digit") }
match oct_digit(f) {
Done(i, _) => { assert_eq!(f.offset(i) + i.len(), f.len()); }
_ => { panic!("wrong return type in offset test for oct_digit") }
fn is_not() {
let a: &[u8] = b"ab12cd\nefgh";
assert_eq!(not_line_ending(a), Done(&b"\nefgh"[..], &b"ab12cd"[..]));
let b: &[u8] = b"ab12cd\nefgh\nijkl";
assert_eq!(not_line_ending(b), Done(&b"\nefgh\nijkl"[..], &b"ab12cd"[..]));
let c: &[u8] = b"ab12cd";
assert_eq!(not_line_ending(c), Done(&b""[..], c));
fn buffer_with_size() {
let i:Vec<u8> = vec![7,8];
let o:Vec<u8> = vec![4,5,6];
//let arr:[u8; 6usize] = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
let arr:[u8; 6usize] = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
let res = sized_buffer(&arr[..]);
assert_eq!(res, Done(&i[..], &o[..]))
fn t1() {
let v1:Vec<u8> = vec![1,2,3];
let v2:Vec<u8> = vec![4,5,6];
let d = Done(&v1[..], &v2[..]);
let res = d.flat_map(print);
assert_eq!(res, Done(&v2[..], ()));
fn length_value_test() {
let i1 = vec![7,8];
let o1 = vec![4, 5, 6];
let arr1:[u8; 6usize] = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
let res1 = length_value(&arr1);
assert_eq!(Done(&i1[..], &o1[..]), res1);
let i2:Vec<u8> = vec![4,5,6,7,8];
let o2: &[u8] = b"";
let arr2:[u8; 6usize] = [0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
let res2 = length_value(&arr2);
assert_eq!(Done(&i2[..], o2), res2);
let arr3:[u8; 7usize] = [8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
let res3 = length_value(&arr3);
//FIXME: should be incomplete
assert_eq!(Incomplete(Needed::Size(9)), res3);
fn i8_tests() {
assert_eq!(be_i8(&[0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 0));
assert_eq!(be_i8(&[0x7f]), Done(&b""[..], 127));
assert_eq!(be_i8(&[0xff]), Done(&b""[..], -1));
assert_eq!(be_i8(&[0x80]), Done(&b""[..], -128));
fn i16_tests() {
assert_eq!(be_i16(&[0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 0));
assert_eq!(be_i16(&[0x7f, 0xff]), Done(&b""[..], 32767_i16));
assert_eq!(be_i16(&[0xff, 0xff]), Done(&b""[..], -1));
assert_eq!(be_i16(&[0x80, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], -32768_i16));
fn i32_tests() {
assert_eq!(be_i32(&[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 0));
assert_eq!(be_i32(&[0x7f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]), Done(&b""[..], 2147483647_i32));
assert_eq!(be_i32(&[0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]), Done(&b""[..], -1));
assert_eq!(be_i32(&[0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], -2147483648_i32));
fn i64_tests() {
assert_eq!(be_i64(&[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 0));
assert_eq!(be_i64(&[0x7f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]), Done(&b""[..], 9223372036854775807_i64));
assert_eq!(be_i64(&[0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]), Done(&b""[..], -1));
assert_eq!(be_i64(&[0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], -9223372036854775808_i64));
fn le_i8_tests() {
assert_eq!(le_i8(&[0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 0));
assert_eq!(le_i8(&[0x7f]), Done(&b""[..], 127));
assert_eq!(le_i8(&[0xff]), Done(&b""[..], -1));
assert_eq!(le_i8(&[0x80]), Done(&b""[..], -128));
fn le_i16_tests() {
assert_eq!(le_i16(&[0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 0));
assert_eq!(le_i16(&[0xff, 0x7f]), Done(&b""[..], 32767_i16));
assert_eq!(le_i16(&[0xff, 0xff]), Done(&b""[..], -1));
assert_eq!(le_i16(&[0x00, 0x80]), Done(&b""[..], -32768_i16));
fn le_i32_tests() {
assert_eq!(le_i32(&[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 0));
assert_eq!(le_i32(&[0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x7f]), Done(&b""[..], 2147483647_i32));
assert_eq!(le_i32(&[0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]), Done(&b""[..], -1));
assert_eq!(le_i32(&[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80]), Done(&b""[..], -2147483648_i32));
fn le_i64_tests() {
assert_eq!(le_i64(&[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 0));
assert_eq!(le_i64(&[0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x7f]), Done(&b""[..], 9223372036854775807_i64));
assert_eq!(le_i64(&[0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]), Done(&b""[..], -1));
assert_eq!(le_i64(&[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80]), Done(&b""[..], -9223372036854775808_i64));
fn be_f32_tests() {
assert_eq!(be_f32(&[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 0_f32));
assert_eq!(be_f32(&[0x4d, 0x31, 0x1f, 0xd8]), Done(&b""[..], 185728392_f32));
fn be_f64_tests() {
assert_eq!(be_f64(&[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 0_f64));
assert_eq!(be_f64(&[0x41, 0xa6, 0x23, 0xfb, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 185728392_f64));
fn le_f32_tests() {
assert_eq!(le_f32(&[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 0_f32));
assert_eq!(le_f32(&[0xd8, 0x1f, 0x31, 0x4d]), Done(&b""[..], 185728392_f32));
fn le_f64_tests() {
assert_eq!(le_f64(&[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 0_f64));
assert_eq!(le_f64(&[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0xfb, 0x23, 0xa6, 0x41]), Done(&b""[..], 185728392_f64));
fn hex_u32_tests() {
assert_eq!(hex_u32(&b""[..]), Done(&b""[..], 0));
assert_eq!(hex_u32(&b"ff"[..]), Done(&b""[..], 255));
assert_eq!(hex_u32(&b"1be2"[..]), Done(&b""[..], 7138));
assert_eq!(hex_u32(&b"c5a31be2"[..]), Done(&b""[..], 3315801058));
assert_eq!(hex_u32(&b"00c5a31be2"[..]), Done(&b"e2"[..], 12952347));
assert_eq!(hex_u32(&b"c5a31be201"[..]), Done(&b"01"[..], 3315801058));
assert_eq!(hex_u32(&b"ffffffff"[..]), Done(&b""[..], 4294967295));
assert_eq!(hex_u32(&b"0x1be2"[..]), Done(&b"x1be2"[..], 0));
fn end_of_input() {
let not_over = &b"Hello, world!"[..];
let is_over = &b""[..];
let res_not_over = eof(not_over);
assert_eq!(res_not_over, Error(Position(ErrorKind::Eof, not_over)));
let res_over = eof(is_over);
assert_eq!(res_over, Done(is_over, is_over));
fn configurable_endianness() {
named!(be_tst16<u16>, u16!(true));
named!(le_tst16<u16>, u16!(false));
assert_eq!(be_tst16(&[0x80, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 32768_u16));
assert_eq!(le_tst16(&[0x80, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 128_u16));
named!(be_tst32<u32>, u32!(true));
named!(le_tst32<u32>, u32!(false));
assert_eq!(be_tst32(&[0x12, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 302014464_u32));
assert_eq!(le_tst32(&[0x12, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 6291474_u32));
named!(be_tst64<u64>, u64!(true));
named!(le_tst64<u64>, u64!(false));
assert_eq!(be_tst64(&[0x12, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00, 0x12, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 1297142246100992000_u64));
assert_eq!(le_tst64(&[0x12, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00, 0x12, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 36028874334666770_u64));
named!(be_tsti16<i16>, i16!(true));
named!(le_tsti16<i16>, i16!(false));
assert_eq!(be_tsti16(&[0x00, 0x80]), Done(&b""[..], 128_i16));
assert_eq!(le_tsti16(&[0x00, 0x80]), Done(&b""[..], -32768_i16));
named!(be_tsti32<i32>, i32!(true));
named!(le_tsti32<i32>, i32!(false));
assert_eq!(be_tsti32(&[0x00, 0x12, 0x60, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 1204224_i32));
assert_eq!(le_tsti32(&[0x00, 0x12, 0x60, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 6296064_i32));
named!(be_tsti64<i64>, i64!(true));
named!(le_tsti64<i64>, i64!(false));
assert_eq!(be_tsti64(&[0x00, 0xFF, 0x60, 0x00, 0x12, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 71881672479506432_i64));
assert_eq!(le_tsti64(&[0x00, 0xFF, 0x60, 0x00, 0x12, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 36028874334732032_i64));
fn manual_configurable_endianness_test() {
let x = 1;
let int_parse: Box<Fn(&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u16> > = if x == 2 {
} else {
println!("{:?}", int_parse(&b"3"[..]));
assert_eq!(int_parse(&[0x80, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 128_u16));
fn custom_error(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &[u8], ()> {
fix_error!(input, (), alphanumeric)
fn hex_digit_test() {
let empty = &b""[..];
let i = &b"0123456789abcdefABCDEF"[..];
assert_eq!(hex_digit(i), Done(empty, i));
let i = &b"g"[..];
assert_eq!(hex_digit(i), Error(Position(ErrorKind::HexDigit,i)));
let i = &b"G"[..];
assert_eq!(hex_digit(i), Error(Position(ErrorKind::HexDigit,i)));
fn oct_digit_test() {
let empty = &b""[..];
let i = &b"01234567"[..];
assert_eq!(oct_digit(i), Done(empty, i));
let i = &b"8"[..];
assert_eq!(oct_digit(i), Error(Position(ErrorKind::OctDigit,i)));

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/src/regexp.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
macro_rules! regex (
($re: ident, $s:expr) => (
lazy_static! {
static ref $re: ::regex::Regex = ::regex::Regex::new($s).unwrap();
macro_rules! regex_bytes (
($re: ident, $s:expr) => (
lazy_static! {
static ref $re: ::regex::bytes::Regex = ::regex::bytes::Regex::new($s).unwrap();
/// `re_match!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], &[T]>`
/// Returns the whole input if a match is found
/// requires the `regexp` feature
macro_rules! re_match (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::InputLength;
let re = ::regex::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
if re.is_match($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[$i.input_len()..], $i)
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
/// `re_match_static!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], &[T]>`
/// Returns the whole input if a match is found. Regular expression calculated at compile time
/// requires the `regexp_macros` feature
macro_rules! re_match_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::InputLength;
regex!(RE, $re);
if RE.is_match($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[$i.input_len()..], $i)
} else {
/// `re_bytes_match!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], &[T]>`
/// Returns the whole input if a match is found
/// requires the `regexp` feature
macro_rules! re_bytes_match (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::InputLength;
let re = ::regex::bytes::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
if re.is_match($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[$i.input_len()..], $i)
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
/// `re_bytes_match_static!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], &[T]>`
/// Returns the whole input if a match is found. Regular expression calculated at compile time
/// requires the `regexp_macros` feature
macro_rules! re_bytes_match_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::InputLength;
regex_bytes!(RE, $re);
if RE.is_match($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[$i.input_len()..], $i)
} else {
/// `re_find!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], &[T]>`
/// Returns the first match
/// requires the `regexp` feature
macro_rules! re_find (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
let re = ::regex::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
if let Some((begin, end)) = re.find($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[end..], &$i[begin..end])
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
/// `re_find_static!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], &[T]>`
/// Returns the first match. Regular expression calculated at compile time
/// requires the `regexp_macros` feature
macro_rules! re_find_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
regex!(RE, $re);
if let Some((begin, end)) = RE.find($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[end..], &$i[begin..end])
} else {
/// `re_bytes_find!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], &[T]>`
/// Returns the first match
/// requires the `regexp` feature
macro_rules! re_bytes_find (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
let re = ::regex::bytes::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
if let Some((begin, end)) = re.find($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[end..], &$i[begin..end])
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
/// `re_bytes_find!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], &[T]>`
/// Returns the first match. Regular expression calculated at compile time
/// requires the `regexp_macros` feature
macro_rules! re_bytes_find_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
regex_bytes!(RE, $re);
if let Some((begin, end)) = RE.find($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[end..], &$i[begin..end])
} else {
/// `re_matches!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], Vec<&[T]>>`
/// Returns all the matched parts
/// requires the `regexp` feature
macro_rules! re_matches (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
let re = ::regex::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
let v: Vec<&str> = re.find_iter($i).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect();
if v.len() != 0 {
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
/// `re_matches_static!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], Vec<&[T]>>`
/// Returns all the matched parts. Regular expression calculated at compile time
/// requires the `regexp_macros` feature
macro_rules! re_matches_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
regex!(RE, $re);
let v: Vec<&str> = RE.find_iter($i).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect();
if v.len() != 0 {
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
} else {
/// `re_bytes_matches!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], Vec<&[T]>>`
/// Returns all the matched parts
/// requires the `regexp` feature
macro_rules! re_bytes_matches (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
let re = ::regex::bytes::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
let v: Vec<&[u8]> = re.find_iter($i).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect();
if v.len() != 0 {
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
/// `re_bytes_matches_static!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], Vec<&[T]>>`
/// Returns all the matched parts. Regular expression calculated at compile time
/// requires the `regexp_macros` feature
macro_rules! re_bytes_matches_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
regex_bytes!(RE, $re);
let v: Vec<&[u8]> = RE.find_iter($i).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect();
if v.len() != 0 {
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
} else {
/// `re_capture!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], Vec<&[T]>>`
/// Returns the first capture group
/// requires the `regexp` feature
macro_rules! re_capture (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
let re = ::regex::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
if let Some(c) = re.captures($i) {
let v:Vec<&str> = c.iter_pos().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect();
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
/// `re_capture_static!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], Vec<&[T]>>`
/// Returns the first capture group. Regular expression calculated at compile time
/// requires the `regexp_macros` feature
macro_rules! re_capture_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
regex!(RE, $re);
if let Some(c) = RE.captures($i) {
let v:Vec<&str> = c.iter_pos().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect();
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
} else {
/// `re_bytes_capture!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], Vec<&[T]>>`
/// Returns the first capture group
/// requires the `regexp` feature
macro_rules! re_bytes_capture (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
let re = ::regex::bytes::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
if let Some(c) = re.captures($i) {
let v:Vec<&[u8]> = c.iter_pos().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect();
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
/// `re_bytes_capture_static!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], Vec<&[T]>>`
/// Returns the first capture group. Regular expression calculated at compile time
/// requires the `regexp_macros` feature
macro_rules! re_bytes_capture_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
regex_bytes!(RE, $re);
if let Some(c) = RE.captures($i) {
let v:Vec<&[u8]> = c.iter_pos().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect();
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
} else {
/// `re_captures!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], Vec<Vec<&[T]>>>`
/// Returns all the capture groups
/// requires the `regexp` feature
macro_rules! re_captures (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
let re = ::regex::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
let v:Vec<Vec<&str>> = re.captures_iter($i).map(|c| c.iter_pos().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect()).collect();
if v.len() != 0 {
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap().last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
/// `re_captures_static!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], Vec<Vec<&[T]>>>`
/// Returns all the capture groups. Regular expression calculated at compile time
/// requires the `regexp_macros` feature
macro_rules! re_captures_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
regex!(RE, $re);
let v:Vec<Vec<&str>> = RE.captures_iter($i).map(|c| c.iter_pos().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect()).collect();
if v.len() != 0 {
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap().last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
} else {
/// `re_bytes_captures!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], Vec<Vec<&[T]>>>`
/// Returns all the capture groups
/// requires the `regexp` feature
macro_rules! re_bytes_captures (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
let re = ::regex::bytes::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
let v:Vec<Vec<&[u8]>> = re.captures_iter($i).map(|c| c.iter_pos().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect()).collect();
if v.len() != 0 {
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap().last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
/// `re_bytes_captures_static!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], Vec<Vec<&[T]>>>`
/// Returns all the capture groups. Regular expression calculated at compile time
/// requires the `regexp_macros` feature
macro_rules! re_bytes_captures_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
regex_bytes!(RE, $re);
let v:Vec<Vec<&[u8]>> = RE.captures_iter($i).map(|c| c.iter_pos().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect()).collect();
if v.len() != 0 {
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap().last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
} else {
mod tests {
use internal::IResult::*;
use internal::Err::*;
use util::ErrorKind;
fn re_match() {
named!(rm<&str,&str>, re_match!(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07"), Done("", "2015-09-07"));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpMatch)));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07blah"), Done("", "2015-09-07blah"));
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
fn re_match_static() {
named!(rm<&str,&str>, re_match_static!(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07"), Done("", "2015-09-07"));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpMatch)));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07blah"), Done("", "2015-09-07blah"));
fn re_find() {
named!(rm<&str,&str>, re_find!(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07"), Done("", "2015-09-07"));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpFind)));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07blah"), Done("blah", "2015-09-07"));
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
fn re_find_static() {
named!(rm<&str,&str>, re_find_static!(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07"), Done("", "2015-09-07"));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpFind)));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07blah"), Done("blah", "2015-09-07"));
fn re_matches() {
named!(rm< &str,Vec<&str> >, re_matches!(r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07"), Done("", vec!["2015-09-07"]));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpMatches)));
assert_eq!(rm("aaa2015-09-07blah2015-09-09pouet"), Done("pouet", vec!["2015-09-07", "2015-09-09"]));
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
fn re_matches_static() {
named!(rm< &str,Vec<&str> >, re_matches_static!(r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07"), Done("", vec!["2015-09-07"]));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpMatches)));
assert_eq!(rm("aaa2015-09-07blah2015-09-09pouet"), Done("pouet", vec!["2015-09-07", "2015-09-09"]));
fn re_capture() {
named!(rm< &str,Vec<&str> >, re_capture!(r"([:alpha:]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
assert_eq!(rm("blah nom 0.3.11pouet"), Done("pouet", vec!["nom 0.3.11", "nom", "0.3.11", "0", "3", "11"]));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm("hello nom 0.3.11 world regex 0.1.41"), Done(" world regex 0.1.41", vec!["nom 0.3.11", "nom", "0.3.11", "0", "3", "11"]));
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
fn re_capture_static() {
named!(rm< &str,Vec<&str> >, re_capture_static!(r"([:alpha:]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
assert_eq!(rm("blah nom 0.3.11pouet"), Done("pouet", vec!["nom 0.3.11", "nom", "0.3.11", "0", "3", "11"]));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm("hello nom 0.3.11 world regex 0.1.41"), Done(" world regex 0.1.41", vec!["nom 0.3.11", "nom", "0.3.11", "0", "3", "11"]));
fn re_captures() {
named!(rm< &str,Vec<Vec<&str>> >, re_captures!(r"([:alpha:]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
assert_eq!(rm("blah nom 0.3.11pouet"), Done("pouet", vec![vec!["nom 0.3.11", "nom", "0.3.11", "0", "3", "11"]]));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm("hello nom 0.3.11 world regex 0.1.41 aaa"), Done(" aaa", vec![
vec!["nom 0.3.11", "nom", "0.3.11", "0", "3", "11"],
vec!["regex 0.1.41", "regex", "0.1.41", "0", "1", "41"],
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
fn re_captures_static() {
named!(rm< &str,Vec<Vec<&str>> >, re_captures_static!(r"([:alpha:]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
assert_eq!(rm("blah nom 0.3.11pouet"), Done("pouet", vec![vec!["nom 0.3.11", "nom", "0.3.11", "0", "3", "11"]]));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm("hello nom 0.3.11 world regex 0.1.41 aaa"), Done(" aaa", vec![
vec!["nom 0.3.11", "nom", "0.3.11", "0", "3", "11"],
vec!["regex 0.1.41", "regex", "0.1.41", "0", "1", "41"],
fn re_bytes_match() {
named!(rm, re_bytes_match!(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07"[..]), Done(&b""[..], &b"2015-09-07"[..]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpMatch)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07blah"[..]), Done(&b""[..], &b"2015-09-07blah"[..]));
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
fn re_bytes_match_static() {
named!(rm, re_bytes_match_static!(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07"[..]), Done(&b""[..], &b"2015-09-07"[..]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpMatch)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07blah"[..]), Done(&b""[..], &b"2015-09-07blah"[..]));
fn re_bytes_find() {
named!(rm, re_bytes_find!(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07"[..]), Done(&b""[..], &b"2015-09-07"[..]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpFind)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07blah"[..]), Done(&b"blah"[..], &b"2015-09-07"[..]));
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
fn re_bytes_find_static() {
named!(rm, re_bytes_find_static!(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07"[..]), Done(&b""[..], &b"2015-09-07"[..]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpFind)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07blah"[..]), Done(&b"blah"[..], &b"2015-09-07"[..]));
fn re_bytes_matches() {
named!(rm<Vec<&[u8]> >, re_bytes_matches!(r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07"[..]), Done(&b""[..], vec![&b"2015-09-07"[..]]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpMatches)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"aaa2015-09-07blah2015-09-09pouet"[..]), Done(&b"pouet"[..], vec![&b"2015-09-07"[..], &b"2015-09-09"[..]]));
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
fn re_bytes_matches_static() {
named!(rm<Vec<&[u8]> >, re_bytes_matches_static!(r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07"[..]), Done(&b""[..], vec![&b"2015-09-07"[..]]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpMatches)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"aaa2015-09-07blah2015-09-09pouet"[..]), Done(&b"pouet"[..], vec![&b"2015-09-07"[..], &b"2015-09-09"[..]]));
fn re_bytes_capture() {
named!(rm<Vec<&[u8]> >, re_bytes_capture!(r"([:alpha:]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah nom 0.3.11pouet"[..]), Done(&b"pouet"[..], vec![&b"nom 0.3.11"[..], &b"nom"[..], &b"0.3.11"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"3"[..], &b"11"[..]]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"hello nom 0.3.11 world regex 0.1.41"[..]), Done(&b" world regex 0.1.41"[..], vec![&b"nom 0.3.11"[..], &b"nom"[..], &b"0.3.11"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"3"[..], &b"11"[..]]));
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
fn re_bytes_capture_static() {
named!(rm< Vec<&[u8]> >, re_bytes_capture_static!(r"([:alpha:]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah nom 0.3.11pouet"[..]), Done(&b"pouet"[..], vec![&b"nom 0.3.11"[..], &b"nom"[..], &b"0.3.11"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"3"[..], &b"11"[..]]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"hello nom 0.3.11 world regex 0.1.41"[..]), Done(&b" world regex 0.1.41"[..], vec![&b"nom 0.3.11"[..], &b"nom"[..], &b"0.3.11"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"3"[..], &b"11"[..]]));
fn re_bytes_captures() {
named!(rm< Vec<Vec<&[u8]>> >, re_bytes_captures!(r"([:alpha:]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah nom 0.3.11pouet"[..]), Done(&b"pouet"[..], vec![vec![&b"nom 0.3.11"[..], &b"nom"[..], &b"0.3.11"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"3"[..], &b"11"[..]]]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"hello nom 0.3.11 world regex 0.1.41 aaa"[..]), Done(&b" aaa"[..], vec![
vec![&b"nom 0.3.11"[..], &b"nom"[..], &b"0.3.11"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"3"[..], &b"11"[..]],
vec![&b"regex 0.1.41"[..], &b"regex"[..], &b"0.1.41"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"1"[..], &b"41"[..]],
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
fn re_bytes_captures_static() {
named!(rm< Vec<Vec<&[u8]>> >, re_bytes_captures_static!(r"([:alpha:]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah nom 0.3.11pouet"[..]), Done(&b"pouet"[..], vec![vec![&b"nom 0.3.11"[..], &b"nom"[..], &b"0.3.11"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"3"[..], &b"11"[..]]]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"hello nom 0.3.11 world regex 0.1.41 aaa"[..]), Done(&b" aaa"[..], vec![
vec![&b"nom 0.3.11"[..], &b"nom"[..], &b"0.3.11"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"3"[..], &b"11"[..]],
vec![&b"regex 0.1.41"[..], &b"regex"[..], &b"0.1.41"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"1"[..], &b"41"[..]],

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/src/str.rs поставляемый Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,734 @@
//! Parsers and helper functions operating on strings, especially useful when writing parsers for
//! text-based formats.
/// `tag_s!(&str) => &str -> IResult<&str, &str>`
/// declares a string as a suite to recognize
/// consumes the recognized characters
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::{self,Done};
/// # fn main() {
/// fn test(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
/// tag_s!(input, "abcd")
/// }
/// let r = test("abcdefgh");
/// assert_eq!(r, Done("efgh", "abcd"));
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! tag_s (
($i:expr, $tag: expr) => (
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = if $tag.len() > $i.len() {
//} else if &$i[0..$tag.len()] == $tag {
} else if ($i).starts_with($tag) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[$tag.len()..], &$i[0..$tag.len()])
} else {
$crate::IResult::Error($crate::Err::Position($crate::ErrorKind::TagStr, $i))
/// `take_s!(nb) => &str -> IResult<&str, &str>`
/// generates a parser consuming the specified number of characters
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::Done;
/// # fn main() {
/// // Desmond parser
/// named!(take5<&str,&str>, take_s!( 5 ) );
/// let a = "abcdefgh";
/// assert_eq!(take5(a), Done("fgh", "abcde"));
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! take_s (
($i:expr, $count:expr) => (
let cnt = $count as usize;
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = if $i.chars().count() < cnt {
} else {
let mut offset = $i.len();
let mut count = 0;
for (o, _) in $i.char_indices() {
if count == cnt {
offset = o;
count += 1;
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], &$i[..offset])
/// `is_not_s!(&str) => &str -> IResult<&str, &str>`
/// returns the longest list of characters that do not appear in the provided array
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::Done;
/// # fn main() {
/// named!( not_space<&str,&str>, is_not_s!( " \t\r\n" ) );
/// let r = not_space("abcdefgh\nijkl");
/// assert_eq!(r, Done("\nijkl", "abcdefgh"));
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! is_not_s (
($input:expr, $arr:expr) => (
use std::collections::HashSet;
let set: HashSet<char> = $arr.chars().collect();
let mut offset = $input.len();
for (o, c) in $input.char_indices() {
if set.contains(&c) {
offset = o;
if offset == 0 {
} else if offset < $input.len() {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$input[offset..], &$input[..offset])
} else {
$crate::IResult::Done("", $input)
/// `is_a_s!(&str) => &str -> IResult<&str, &str>`
/// returns the longest list of characters that appear in the provided array
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::Done;
/// # fn main() {
/// named!(abcd<&str, &str>, is_a_s!( "abcd" ));
/// let r1 = abcd("aaaaefgh");
/// assert_eq!(r1, Done("efgh", "aaaa"));
/// let r2 = abcd("dcbaefgh");
/// assert_eq!(r2, Done("efgh", "dcba"));
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! is_a_s (
($input:expr, $arr:expr) => (
use std::collections::HashSet;
let set: HashSet<char> = $arr.chars().collect();
let mut offset = $input.len();
for (o, c) in $input.char_indices() {
if !set.contains(&c) {
offset = o;
if offset == 0 {
} else if offset < $input.len() {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$input[offset..], &$input[..offset])
} else {
$crate::IResult::Done("", $input)
/// `take_while_s!(char -> bool) => &str -> IResult<&str, &str>`
/// returns the longest list of characters until the provided function fails.
/// The argument is either a function `char -> bool` or a macro returning a `bool
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::Done;
/// # use nom::is_alphanumeric;
/// # fn main() {
/// fn alphabetic(chr: char) -> bool { (chr >= 0x41 as char && chr <= 0x5A as char) || (chr >= 0x61 as char && chr <= 0x7A as char) }
/// named!( alpha<&str,&str>, take_while_s!( alphabetic ) );
/// let r = alpha("abcd\nefgh");
/// assert_eq!(r, Done("\nefgh", "abcd"));
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! take_while_s (
($input:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
let mut offset = $input.len();
for (o, c) in $input.char_indices() {
if !$submac!(c, $($args)*) {
offset = o;
if offset < $input.len() {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$input[offset..], &$input[..offset])
} else {
$crate::IResult::Done("", $input)
($input:expr, $f:expr) => (
take_while_s!($input, call!($f));
/// `take_while1_s!(char -> bool) => &str -> IResult<&str, &str>`
/// returns the longest (non empty) list of characters until the provided function fails.
/// The argument is either a function `char -> bool` or a macro returning a `bool`
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::Done;
/// # use nom::is_alphanumeric;
/// # fn main() {
/// fn alphabetic(chr: char) -> bool { (chr >= 0x41 as char && chr <= 0x5A as char) || (chr >= 0x61 as char && chr <= 0x7A as char) }
/// named!( alpha<&str,&str>, take_while1_s!( alphabetic ) );
/// let r = alpha("abcd\nefgh");
/// assert_eq!(r, Done("\nefgh", "abcd"));
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! take_while1_s (
($input:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
let mut offset = $input.len();
for (o, c) in $input.char_indices() {
if !$submac!(c, $($args)*) {
offset = o;
if offset == 0 {
} else if offset < $input.len() {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$input[offset..], &$input[..offset])
} else {
$crate::IResult::Done("", $input)
($input:expr, $f:expr) => (
take_while1_s!($input, call!($f));
/// `take_till_s!(&str -> bool) => &str -> IResult<&str, &str>`
/// returns the longest list of characters until the provided function succeeds
/// The argument is either a function `char -> bool` or a macro returning a `bool
macro_rules! take_till_s (
($input:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
let mut offset = $input.len();
for (o, c) in $input.char_indices() {
if $submac!(c, $($args)*) {
offset = o;
if offset < $input.len() {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$input[offset..], &$input[..offset])
} else {
$crate::IResult::Done("", $input)
($input:expr, $f:expr) => (
take_till_s!($input, call!($f));
/// `take_until_and_consume_s!(&str) => &str -> IResult<&str, &str>`
/// generates a parser consuming all chars until the specified string is found and consumes it
macro_rules! take_until_and_consume_s (
($input:expr, $substr:expr) => (
fn shift_window_and_cmp(window: & mut ::std::vec::Vec<char>, c: char, substr_vec: & ::std::vec::Vec<char>) -> bool {
if window.len() > substr_vec.len() {
window == substr_vec
let res: $crate::IResult<_, _> = if $substr.len() > $input.len() {
} else {
let substr_vec: ::std::vec::Vec<char> = $substr.chars().collect();
let mut window: ::std::vec::Vec<char> = vec![];
let mut offset = $input.len();
let mut parsed = false;
for (o, c) in $input.char_indices() {
if parsed {
// The easiest way to get the byte offset of the char after the found string
offset = o;
if shift_window_and_cmp(& mut window, c, &substr_vec) {
parsed = true;
if parsed {
if offset < $input.len() {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$input[offset..], &$input[..offset])
} else {
$crate::IResult::Done("", $input)
} else {
/// `take_until_s!(&str) => &str -> IResult<&str, &str>`
/// generates a parser consuming all chars until the specified string is found and leaves it in the remaining input
macro_rules! take_until_s (
($input:expr, $substr:expr) => (
fn shift_window_and_cmp(window: & mut Vec<char>, c: char, substr_vec: &Vec<char>) -> bool {
if window.len() > substr_vec.len() {
window == substr_vec
let res: $crate::IResult<&str, &str> = if $substr.len() > $input.len() {
} else {
let substr_vec: Vec<char> = $substr.chars().collect();
let mut window: Vec<char> = vec![];
let mut offset = $input.len();
let mut parsed = false;
for (o, c) in $input.char_indices() {
if shift_window_and_cmp(& mut window, c, &substr_vec) {
parsed = true;
let window_len: usize = window.iter()
.map(|x| x.len_utf8())
.fold(0, |x, y| x + y);
offset = o - window_len;
if parsed {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$input[offset..], &$input[..offset])
} else {
mod test {
use ::IResult;
fn tag_str_succeed() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "Hello World!";
const TAG: &'static str = "Hello";
fn test(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
tag_s!(input, TAG)
match test(INPUT) {
IResult::Done(extra, output) => {
assert!(extra == " World!", "Parser `tag_s` consumed leftover input.");
assert!(output == TAG,
"Parser `tag_s` doesn't return the tag it matched on success. \
Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", TAG, output);
other => panic!("Parser `tag_s` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn tag_str_incomplete() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "Hello";
const TAG: &'static str = "Hello World!";
match tag_s!(INPUT, TAG) {
IResult::Incomplete(_) => (),
other => {
panic!("Parser `tag_s` didn't require more input when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other);
fn tag_str_error() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "Hello World!";
const TAG: &'static str = "Random"; // TAG must be closer than INPUT.
match tag_s!(INPUT, TAG) {
IResult::Error(_) => (),
other => {
panic!("Parser `tag_s` didn't fail when it should have. Got `{:?}`.`", other);
fn take_s_succeed() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const CONSUMED: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇ";
const LEFTOVER: &'static str = "áƒƭèř";
match take_s!(INPUT, 9) {
IResult::Done(extra, output) => {
assert!(extra == LEFTOVER, "Parser `take_s` consumed leftover input. Leftover `{}`.", extra);
assert!(output == CONSUMED,
"Parser `take_s` doens't return the string it consumed on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.",
CONSUMED, output);
other => panic!("Parser `take_s` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn take_until_s_succeed() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇ∂áƒƭèř";
const FIND: &'static str = "ÂßÇ∂";
const CONSUMED: &'static str = "βèƒôřè";
const LEFTOVER: &'static str = "ÂßÇ∂áƒƭèř";
match take_until_s!(INPUT, FIND) {
IResult::Done(extra, output) => {
assert!(extra == LEFTOVER, "Parser `take_until_s`\
consumed leftover input. Leftover `{}`.", extra);
assert!(output == CONSUMED, "Parser `take_until_s`\
doens't return the string it consumed on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.",
CONSUMED, output);
other => panic!("Parser `take_until_s` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn take_s_incomplete() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇá";
match take_s!(INPUT, 13) {
IResult::Incomplete(_) => (),
other => panic!("Parser `take_s` didn't require more input when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
use internal::IResult::{Done, Error};
use internal::Err::Position;
use util::ErrorKind;
pub fn is_alphabetic(c:char) -> bool {
(c as u8 >= 0x41 && c as u8 <= 0x5A) || (c as u8 >= 0x61 && c as u8 <= 0x7A)
fn take_while_s() {
named!(f<&str,&str>, take_while_s!(is_alphabetic));
let a = "";
let b = "abcd";
let c = "abcd123";
let d = "123";
assert_eq!(f(&a[..]), Done(&a[..], &a[..]));
assert_eq!(f(&b[..]), Done(&a[..], &b[..]));
assert_eq!(f(&c[..]), Done(&d[..], &b[..]));
assert_eq!(f(&d[..]), Done(&d[..], &a[..]));
fn take_while1_s() {
named!(f<&str,&str>, take_while1_s!(is_alphabetic));
let a = "";
let b = "abcd";
let c = "abcd123";
let d = "123";
assert_eq!(f(&a[..]), Error(Position(ErrorKind::TakeWhile1Str, &""[..])));
assert_eq!(f(&b[..]), Done(&a[..], &b[..]));
assert_eq!(f(&c[..]), Done(&"123"[..], &b[..]));
assert_eq!(f(&d[..]), Error(Position(ErrorKind::TakeWhile1Str, &d[..])));
fn take_till_s_succeed() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const CONSUMED: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇ";
const LEFTOVER: &'static str = "áƒƭèř";
fn till_s(c: char) -> bool {
c == 'á'
fn test(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
take_till_s!(input, till_s)
match test(INPUT) {
IResult::Done(extra, output) => {
assert!(extra == LEFTOVER, "Parser `take_till_s` consumed leftover input.");
assert!(output == CONSUMED,
"Parser `take_till_s` doesn't return the string it consumed on success. \
Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", CONSUMED, output);
other => panic!("Parser `take_till_s` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn take_while_s_succeed_none() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const CONSUMED: &'static str = "";
const LEFTOVER: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
fn while_s(c: char) -> bool {
c == '9'
fn test(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
take_while_s!(input, while_s)
match test(INPUT) {
IResult::Done(extra, output) => {
assert!(extra == LEFTOVER, "Parser `take_while_s` consumed leftover input.");
assert!(output == CONSUMED,
"Parser `take_while_s` doesn't return the string it consumed on success. \
Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", CONSUMED, output);
other => panic!("Parser `take_while_s` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn is_not_s_succeed() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const AVOID: &'static str = "£úçƙ¥á";
const CONSUMED: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇ";
const LEFTOVER: &'static str = "áƒƭèř";
fn test(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
is_not_s!(input, AVOID)
match test(INPUT) {
IResult::Done(extra, output) => {
assert!(extra == LEFTOVER, "Parser `is_not_s` consumed leftover input. Leftover `{}`.", extra);
assert!(output == CONSUMED,
"Parser `is_not_s` doens't return the string it consumed on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.",
CONSUMED, output);
other => panic!("Parser `is_not_s` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn take_until_and_consume_s_succeed() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const FIND: &'static str = "姂";
const CONSUMED: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇ";
const LEFTOVER: &'static str = "áƒƭèř";
match take_until_and_consume_s!(INPUT, FIND) {
IResult::Done(extra, output) => {
assert!(extra == LEFTOVER, "Parser `take_until_and_consume_s`\
consumed leftover input. Leftover `{}`.", extra);
assert!(output == CONSUMED, "Parser `take_until_and_consume_s`\
doens't return the string it consumed on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.",
CONSUMED, output);
other => panic!("Parser `take_until_and_consume_s` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn take_while_s_succeed_some() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const CONSUMED: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇ";
const LEFTOVER: &'static str = "áƒƭèř";
fn while_s(c: char) -> bool {
c == 'β' || c == 'è' || c == 'ƒ' || c == 'ô' || c == 'ř' ||
c == 'è' || c == 'Â' || c == 'ß' || c == 'Ç'
fn test(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
take_while_s!(input, while_s)
match test(INPUT) {
IResult::Done(extra, output) => {
assert!(extra == LEFTOVER, "Parser `take_while_s` consumed leftover input.");
assert!(output == CONSUMED,
"Parser `take_while_s` doesn't return the string it consumed on success. \
Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", CONSUMED, output);
other => panic!("Parser `take_while_s` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn is_not_s_fail() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const AVOID: &'static str = "βúçƙ¥";
fn test(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
is_not_s!(input, AVOID)
match test(INPUT) {
IResult::Error(_) => (),
other => panic!("Parser `is_not_s` didn't fail when it should have. Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn take_while1_s_succeed() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const CONSUMED: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇ";
const LEFTOVER: &'static str = "áƒƭèř";
fn while1_s(c: char) -> bool {
c == 'β' || c == 'è' || c == 'ƒ' || c == 'ô' || c == 'ř' ||
c == 'è' || c == 'Â' || c == 'ß' || c == 'Ç'
fn test(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
take_while1_s!(input, while1_s)
match test(INPUT) {
IResult::Done(extra, output) => {
assert!(extra == LEFTOVER, "Parser `take_while1_s` consumed leftover input.");
assert!(output == CONSUMED,
"Parser `take_while1_s` doesn't return the string it consumed on success. \
Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", CONSUMED, output);
other => panic!("Parser `take_while1_s` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn take_until_and_consume_s_incomplete() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřè";
const FIND: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇ";
match take_until_and_consume_s!(INPUT, FIND) {
IResult::Incomplete(_) => (),
other => panic!("Parser `take_until_and_consume_s` didn't require more input when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn take_until_s_incomplete() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřè";
const FIND: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇ";
match take_until_s!(INPUT, FIND) {
IResult::Incomplete(_) => (),
other => panic!("Parser `take_until_s` didn't require more input when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn is_a_s_succeed() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const MATCH: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇ";
const CONSUMED: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇ";
const LEFTOVER: &'static str = "áƒƭèř";
fn test(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
is_a_s!(input, MATCH)
match test(INPUT) {
IResult::Done(extra, output) => {
assert!(extra == LEFTOVER, "Parser `is_a_s` consumed leftover input. Leftover `{}`.", extra);
assert!(output == CONSUMED,
"Parser `is_a_s` doens't return the string it consumed on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.",
CONSUMED, output);
other => panic!("Parser `is_a_s` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn take_while1_s_fail() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
fn while1_s(c: char) -> bool {
c == '9'
fn test(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
take_while1_s!(input, while1_s)
match test(INPUT) {
IResult::Error(_) => (),
other => panic!("Parser `take_while1_s` didn't fail when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn is_a_s_fail() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const MATCH: &'static str = "Ûñℓúçƙ¥";
fn test(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
is_a_s!(input, MATCH)
match test(INPUT) {
IResult::Error(_) => (),
other => panic!("Parser `is_a_s` didn't fail when it should have. Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn take_until_and_consume_s_error() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const FIND: &'static str = "Ráñδô₥";
match take_until_and_consume_s!(INPUT, FIND) {
IResult::Error(_) => (),
other => panic!("Parser `take_until_and_consume_s` didn't fail when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn take_until_s_error() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const FIND: &'static str = "Ráñδô₥";
match take_until_s!(INPUT, FIND) {
IResult::Error(_) => (),
other => panic!("Parser `take_until_and_consume_s` didn't fail when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/src/stream.rs поставляемый Normal file

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third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/src/util.rs поставляемый Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,769 @@
use internal::{IResult,Err};
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
use std::collections::HashMap;
#[cfg(feature = "core")]
use std::prelude::v1::*;
use std::vec::Vec;
use std::string::ToString;
/// useful functions to calculate the offset between slices and show a hexdump of a slice
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
pub trait HexDisplay {
/// offset between the first byte of self and the first byte of the argument
fn offset(&self, second:&[u8]) -> usize;// OFFSET SHOULD GO TO ITS OWN TRAIT
/// Converts the value of `self` to a hex dump, returning the owned
/// string.
fn to_hex(&self, chunk_size: usize) -> String;
/// Converts the value of `self` to a hex dump beginning at `from` address, returning the owned
/// string.
fn to_hex_from(&self, chunk_size: usize, from: usize) -> String;
pub trait InputLength {
fn input_len(&self) -> usize;
impl<'a, T> InputLength for &'a[T] {
fn input_len(&self) -> usize {
impl<'a> InputLength for &'a str {
fn input_len(&self) -> usize {
impl<'a> InputLength for (&'a [u8], usize) {
fn input_len(&self) -> usize {
//println!("bit input length for ({:?}, {}):", self.0, self.1);
let res = self.0.len() * 8 - self.1;
//println!("-> {}", res);
use std::iter::Enumerate;
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
use std::str::CharIndices;
pub trait AsChar {
fn as_char(self) -> char;
fn is_alpha(self) -> bool;
fn is_alphanum(self) -> bool;
fn is_0_to_9(self) -> bool;
fn is_hex_digit(self) -> bool;
fn is_oct_digit(self) -> bool;
impl<'a> AsChar for &'a u8 {
fn as_char(self) -> char { *self as char }
fn is_alpha(self) -> bool {
(*self >= 0x41 && *self <= 0x5A) || (*self >= 0x61 && *self <= 0x7A)
fn is_alphanum(self) -> bool { self.is_alpha() || self.is_0_to_9() }
fn is_0_to_9(self) -> bool {
*self >= 0x30 && *self <= 0x39
fn is_hex_digit(self) -> bool {
(*self >= 0x30 && *self <= 0x39) ||
(*self >= 0x41 && *self <= 0x46) ||
(*self >= 0x61 && *self <= 0x66)
fn is_oct_digit(self) -> bool {
*self >= 0x30 && *self <= 0x37
impl AsChar for char {
fn as_char(self) -> char { self }
fn is_alpha(self) -> bool { self.is_alphabetic() }
fn is_alphanum(self) -> bool { self.is_alpha() || self.is_0_to_9() }
fn is_0_to_9(self) -> bool { self.is_digit(10) }
fn is_hex_digit(self) -> bool { self.is_digit(16) }
fn is_oct_digit(self) -> bool { self.is_digit(8) }
pub trait IterIndices {
type Item: AsChar;
type Iter : Iterator<Item=(usize, Self::Item)>;
fn iter_indices(self) -> Self::Iter;
impl<'a> IterIndices for &'a [u8] {
type Item = &'a u8;
type Iter = Enumerate<::std::slice::Iter<'a, u8>>;
fn iter_indices(self) -> Enumerate<::std::slice::Iter<'a, u8>> {
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
impl<'a> IterIndices for &'a str {
type Item = char;
type Iter = CharIndices<'a>;
fn iter_indices(self) -> CharIndices<'a> {
static CHARS: &'static[u8] = b"0123456789abcdef";
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
impl HexDisplay for [u8] {
fn offset(&self, second:&[u8]) -> usize {
let fst = self.as_ptr();
let snd = second.as_ptr();
snd as usize - fst as usize
fn to_hex(&self, chunk_size: usize) -> String {
self.to_hex_from(chunk_size, 0)
fn to_hex_from(&self, chunk_size: usize, from: usize) -> String {
let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(self.len() * 3);
let mut i = from;
for chunk in self.chunks(chunk_size) {
let s = format!("{:08x}", i);
for &ch in s.as_bytes().iter() {
v.push('\t' as u8);
i = i + chunk_size;
for &byte in chunk {
v.push(CHARS[(byte >> 4) as usize]);
v.push(CHARS[(byte & 0xf) as usize]);
v.push(' ' as u8);
if chunk_size > chunk.len() {
for j in 0..(chunk_size - chunk.len()) {
v.push(' ' as u8);
v.push(' ' as u8);
v.push(' ' as u8);
v.push('\t' as u8);
for &byte in chunk {
if (byte >=32 && byte <= 126) || byte >= 128 {
} else {
v.push('.' as u8);
v.push('\n' as u8);
/// Prints a message if the parser fails
/// The message prints the `Error` or `Incomplete`
/// and the parser's calling code
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # fn main() {
/// named!(f, dbg!( tag!( "abcd" ) ) );
/// let a = &b"efgh"[..];
/// // Will print the following message:
/// // Error(Position(0, [101, 102, 103, 104])) at l.5 by ' tag ! ( "abcd" ) '
/// f(a);
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! dbg (
($i: expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
let l = line!();
match $submac!($i, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(a) => {
println!("Error({:?}) at l.{} by ' {} '", a, l, stringify!($submac!($($args)*)));
$crate::IResult::Incomplete(a) => {
println!("Incomplete({:?}) at {} by ' {} '", a, l, stringify!($submac!($($args)*)));
a => a
($i:expr, $f:ident) => (
dbg!($i, call!($f));
/// Prints a message and the input if the parser fails
/// The message prints the `Error` or `Incomplete`
/// and the parser's calling code.
/// It also displays the input in hexdump format
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # fn main() {
/// named!(f, dbg_dmp!( tag!( "abcd" ) ) );
/// let a = &b"efghijkl"[..];
/// // Will print the following message:
/// // Error(Position(0, [101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108])) at l.5 by ' tag ! ( "abcd" ) '
/// // 00000000 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c efghijkl
/// f(a);
/// # }
macro_rules! dbg_dmp (
($i: expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
use $crate::HexDisplay;
let l = line!();
match $submac!($i, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(a) => {
println!("Error({:?}) at l.{} by ' {} '\n{}", a, l, stringify!($submac!($($args)*)), $i.to_hex(8));
$crate::IResult::Incomplete(a) => {
println!("Incomplete({:?}) at {} by ' {} '\n{}", a, l, stringify!($submac!($($args)*)), $i.to_hex(8));
a => a
($i:expr, $f:ident) => (
dbg_dmp!($i, call!($f));
pub fn error_to_list<P,E:Clone>(e:&Err<P,E>) -> Vec<ErrorKind<E>> {
let mut v:Vec<ErrorKind<E>> = Vec::new();
let mut err = e;
loop {
match *err {
Err::Code(ref i) | Err::Position(ref i,_) => {
return v;
Err::Node(ref i, ref next) | Err::NodePosition(ref i, _, ref next) => {
err = &*next;
pub fn compare_error_paths<P,E:Clone+PartialEq>(e1:&Err<P,E>, e2:&Err<P,E>) -> bool {
error_to_list(e1) == error_to_list(e2)
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
use std::hash::Hash;
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
pub fn add_error_pattern<'a,I,O,E: Clone+Hash+Eq>(h: &mut HashMap<Vec<ErrorKind<E>>, &'a str>, res: IResult<I,O,E>, message: &'a str) -> bool {
if let IResult::Error(e) = res {
h.insert(error_to_list(&e), message);
} else {
pub fn slice_to_offsets(input: &[u8], s: &[u8]) -> (usize, usize) {
let start = input.as_ptr();
let off1 = s.as_ptr() as usize - start as usize;
let off2 = off1 + s.len();
(off1, off2)
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
pub fn prepare_errors<O,E: Clone>(input: &[u8], res: IResult<&[u8],O,E>) -> Option<Vec<(ErrorKind<E>, usize, usize)> > {
if let IResult::Error(e) = res {
let mut v:Vec<(ErrorKind<E>, usize, usize)> = Vec::new();
let mut err = e.clone();
loop {
match err {
Err::Position(i,s) => {
let (o1, o2) = slice_to_offsets(input, s);
v.push((i, o1, o2));
//println!("v is: {:?}", v);
Err::NodePosition(i, s, next) => {
let (o1, o2) = slice_to_offsets(input, s);
v.push((i, o1, o2));
err = *next;
Err::Node(_, next) => {
err = *next;
Err::Code(_) => {
v.sort_by(|a, b| a.1.cmp(&b.1));
} else {
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
pub fn print_error<O,E:Clone>(input: &[u8], res: IResult<&[u8],O,E>) {
if let Some(v) = prepare_errors(input, res) {
let colors = generate_colors(&v);
println!("parser codes: {}", print_codes(colors, HashMap::new()));
println!("{}", print_offsets(input, 0, &v));
} else {
println!("not an error");
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
pub fn generate_colors<E>(v: &[(ErrorKind<E>, usize, usize)]) -> HashMap<u32, u8> {
let mut h: HashMap<u32, u8> = HashMap::new();
let mut color = 0;
for &(ref c,_,_) in v.iter() {
h.insert(error_to_u32(c), color + 31);
color = color + 1 % 7;
pub fn code_from_offset<E>(v: &[(ErrorKind<E>, usize, usize)], offset: usize) -> Option<u32> {
let mut acc: Option<(u32, usize, usize)> = None;
for &(ref ek, s, e) in v.iter() {
let c = error_to_u32(ek);
if s <= offset && offset <=e {
if let Some((_, start, end)) = acc {
if start <= s && e <= end {
acc = Some((c, s, e));
} else {
acc = Some((c, s, e));
if let Some((code, _, _)) = acc {
return Some(code);
} else {
return None;
pub fn reset_color(v: &mut Vec<u8>) {
v.push('[' as u8);
v.push('m' as u8);
pub fn write_color(v: &mut Vec<u8>, color: u8) {
v.push('[' as u8);
v.push(';' as u8);
let s = color.to_string();
let bytes = s.as_bytes();
v.push('m' as u8);
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
pub fn print_codes(colors: HashMap<u32, u8>, names: HashMap<u32, &str>) -> String {
let mut v = Vec::new();
for (code, &color) in &colors {
if let Some(&s) = names.get(&code) {
let bytes = s.as_bytes();
write_color(&mut v, color);
} else {
let s = code.to_string();
let bytes = s.as_bytes();
write_color(&mut v, color);
reset_color(&mut v);
v.push(' ' as u8);
reset_color(&mut v);
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
pub fn print_offsets<E>(input: &[u8], from: usize, offsets: &[(ErrorKind<E>, usize, usize)]) -> String {
let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(input.len() * 3);
let mut i = from;
let chunk_size = 8;
let mut current_code: Option<u32> = None;
let mut current_code2: Option<u32> = None;
let colors = generate_colors(&offsets);
for chunk in input.chunks(chunk_size) {
let s = format!("{:08x}", i);
for &ch in s.as_bytes().iter() {
v.push('\t' as u8);
let mut k = i;
let mut l = i;
for &byte in chunk {
if let Some(code) = code_from_offset(&offsets, k) {
if let Some(current) = current_code {
if current != code {
reset_color(&mut v);
current_code = Some(code);
if let Some(&color) = colors.get(&code) {
write_color(&mut v, color);
} else {
current_code = Some(code);
if let Some(&color) = colors.get(&code) {
write_color(&mut v, color);
v.push(CHARS[(byte >> 4) as usize]);
v.push(CHARS[(byte & 0xf) as usize]);
v.push(' ' as u8);
k = k + 1;
reset_color(&mut v);
if chunk_size > chunk.len() {
for _ in 0..(chunk_size - chunk.len()) {
v.push(' ' as u8);
v.push(' ' as u8);
v.push(' ' as u8);
v.push('\t' as u8);
for &byte in chunk {
if let Some(code) = code_from_offset(&offsets, l) {
if let Some(current) = current_code2 {
if current != code {
reset_color(&mut v);
current_code2 = Some(code);
if let Some(&color) = colors.get(&code) {
write_color(&mut v, color);
} else {
current_code2 = Some(code);
if let Some(&color) = colors.get(&code) {
write_color(&mut v, color);
if (byte >=32 && byte <= 126) || byte >= 128 {
} else {
v.push('.' as u8);
l = l + 1;
reset_color(&mut v);
v.push('\n' as u8);
i = i + chunk_size;
pub trait AsBytes {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8];
impl<'a> AsBytes for &'a str {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
impl AsBytes for str {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
impl<'a> AsBytes for &'a [u8] {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
impl AsBytes for [u8] {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
macro_rules! array_impls {
($($N:expr)+) => {
impl<'a> AsBytes for &'a [u8; $N] {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
impl AsBytes for [u8; $N] {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
array_impls! {
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31 32
/// indicates which parser returned an error
pub enum ErrorKind<E=u32> {
pub fn error_to_u32<E>(e: &ErrorKind<E>) -> u32 {
match *e {
ErrorKind::Custom(_) => 0,
ErrorKind::Tag => 1,
ErrorKind::MapRes => 2,
ErrorKind::MapOpt => 3,
ErrorKind::Alt => 4,
ErrorKind::IsNot => 5,
ErrorKind::IsA => 6,
ErrorKind::SeparatedList => 7,
ErrorKind::SeparatedNonEmptyList => 8,
ErrorKind::Many1 => 9,
ErrorKind::Count => 10,
ErrorKind::TakeUntilAndConsume => 11,
ErrorKind::TakeUntil => 12,
ErrorKind::TakeUntilEitherAndConsume => 13,
ErrorKind::TakeUntilEither => 14,
ErrorKind::LengthValue => 15,
ErrorKind::TagClosure => 16,
ErrorKind::Alpha => 17,
ErrorKind::Digit => 18,
ErrorKind::AlphaNumeric => 19,
ErrorKind::Space => 20,
ErrorKind::MultiSpace => 21,
ErrorKind::LengthValueFn => 22,
ErrorKind::Eof => 23,
ErrorKind::ExprOpt => 24,
ErrorKind::ExprRes => 25,
ErrorKind::CondReduce => 26,
ErrorKind::Switch => 27,
ErrorKind::TagBits => 28,
ErrorKind::OneOf => 29,
ErrorKind::NoneOf => 30,
ErrorKind::Char => 40,
ErrorKind::CrLf => 41,
ErrorKind::RegexpMatch => 42,
ErrorKind::RegexpMatches => 43,
ErrorKind::RegexpFind => 44,
ErrorKind::RegexpCapture => 45,
ErrorKind::RegexpCaptures => 46,
ErrorKind::TakeWhile1 => 47,
ErrorKind::Complete => 48,
ErrorKind::Fix => 49,
ErrorKind::Escaped => 50,
ErrorKind::EscapedTransform => 51,
ErrorKind::TagStr => 52,
ErrorKind::IsNotStr => 53,
ErrorKind::IsAStr => 54,
ErrorKind::TakeWhile1Str => 55,
ErrorKind::NonEmpty => 56,
ErrorKind::ManyMN => 57,
ErrorKind::TakeUntilAndConsumeStr => 58,
ErrorKind::HexDigit => 59,
ErrorKind::TakeUntilStr => 60,
ErrorKind::OctDigit => 61,
ErrorKind::Many0 => 62,
ErrorKind::Not => 63,
impl<E> ErrorKind<E> {
pub fn description(&self) -> &str {
match *self {
ErrorKind::Custom(_) => "Custom error",
ErrorKind::Tag => "Tag",
ErrorKind::MapRes => "Map on Result",
ErrorKind::MapOpt => "Map on Option",
ErrorKind::Alt => "Alternative",
ErrorKind::IsNot => "IsNot",
ErrorKind::IsA => "IsA",
ErrorKind::SeparatedList => "Separated list",
ErrorKind::SeparatedNonEmptyList => "Separated non empty list",
ErrorKind::Many0 => "Many0",
ErrorKind::Many1 => "Many1",
ErrorKind::Count => "Count",
ErrorKind::TakeUntilAndConsume => "Take until and consume",
ErrorKind::TakeUntil => "Take until",
ErrorKind::TakeUntilEitherAndConsume => "Take until either and consume",
ErrorKind::TakeUntilEither => "Take until either",
ErrorKind::LengthValue => "Length followed by value",
ErrorKind::TagClosure => "Tag closure",
ErrorKind::Alpha => "Alphabetic",
ErrorKind::Digit => "Digit",
ErrorKind::AlphaNumeric => "AlphaNumeric",
ErrorKind::Space => "Space",
ErrorKind::MultiSpace => "Multiple spaces",
ErrorKind::LengthValueFn => "LengthValueFn",
ErrorKind::Eof => "End of file",
ErrorKind::ExprOpt => "Evaluate Option",
ErrorKind::ExprRes => "Evaluate Result",
ErrorKind::CondReduce => "Condition reduce",
ErrorKind::Switch => "Switch",
ErrorKind::TagBits => "Tag on bitstream",
ErrorKind::OneOf => "OneOf",
ErrorKind::NoneOf => "NoneOf",
ErrorKind::Char => "Char",
ErrorKind::CrLf => "CrLf",
ErrorKind::RegexpMatch => "RegexpMatch",
ErrorKind::RegexpMatches => "RegexpMatches",
ErrorKind::RegexpFind => "RegexpFind",
ErrorKind::RegexpCapture => "RegexpCapture",
ErrorKind::RegexpCaptures => "RegexpCaptures",
ErrorKind::TakeWhile1 => "TakeWhile1",
ErrorKind::Complete => "Complete",
ErrorKind::Fix => "Fix",
ErrorKind::Escaped => "Escaped",
ErrorKind::EscapedTransform => "EscapedTransform",
ErrorKind::TagStr => "Tag on strings",
ErrorKind::IsNotStr => "IsNot on strings",
ErrorKind::IsAStr => "IsA on strings",
ErrorKind::TakeWhile1Str => "TakeWhile1 on strings",
ErrorKind::NonEmpty => "NonEmpty",
ErrorKind::ManyMN => "Many(m, n)",
ErrorKind::TakeUntilAndConsumeStr => "Take until and consume on strings",
ErrorKind::HexDigit => "Hexadecimal Digit",
ErrorKind::TakeUntilStr => "Take until on strings",
ErrorKind::OctDigit => "Octal digit",
ErrorKind::Not => "Negation",

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/tests/arithmetic.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
extern crate nom;
use nom::{IResult,digit, multispace};
use std::str;
use std::str::FromStr;
named!(parens<i64>, delimited!(
delimited!(opt!(multispace), tag!("("), opt!(multispace)),
delimited!(opt!(multispace), tag!(")"), opt!(multispace))
named!(factor<i64>, alt!(
delimited!(opt!(multispace), digit, opt!(multispace)),
| parens
named!(term <i64>, chain!(
mut acc: factor ~
tap!(mul: preceded!(tag!("*"), factor) => acc = acc * mul) |
tap!(div: preceded!(tag!("/"), factor) => acc = acc / div)
|| { return acc }
named!(expr <i64>, chain!(
mut acc: term ~
tap!(add: preceded!(tag!("+"), term) => acc = acc + add) |
tap!(sub: preceded!(tag!("-"), term) => acc = acc - sub)
|| { return acc }
fn factor_test() {
assert_eq!(factor(&b"3"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 3));
assert_eq!(factor(&b" 12"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 12));
assert_eq!(factor(&b"537 "[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 537));
assert_eq!(factor(&b" 24 "[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 24));
fn term_test() {
assert_eq!(term(&b" 12 *2 / 3"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 8));
assert_eq!(term(&b" 2* 3 *2 *2 / 3"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 8));
assert_eq!(term(&b" 48 / 3/2"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 8));
fn expr_test() {
assert_eq!(expr(&b" 1 + 2 "[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 3));
assert_eq!(expr(&b" 12 + 6 - 4+ 3"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 17));
assert_eq!(expr(&b" 1 + 2*3 + 4"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 11));
fn parens_test() {
assert_eq!(expr(&b" ( 2 )"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 2));
assert_eq!(expr(&b" 2* ( 3 + 4 ) "[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 14));
assert_eq!(expr(&b" 2*2 / ( 5 - 1) + 3"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 4));

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/tests/arithmetic_ast.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
extern crate nom;
use std::fmt;
use std::fmt::{Display, Debug, Formatter};
use std::str;
use std::str::FromStr;
use nom::{IResult, digit, multispace};
pub enum Expr {
Add(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),
Sub(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),
Mul(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),
Div(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),
pub enum Oper {
impl Display for Expr {
fn fmt(&self, format: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
use self::Expr::*;
match *self {
Value(val) => write!(format, "{}", val),
Add(ref left, ref right) => write!(format, "{} + {}", left, right),
Sub(ref left, ref right) => write!(format, "{} - {}", left, right),
Mul(ref left, ref right) => write!(format, "{} * {}", left, right),
Div(ref left, ref right) => write!(format, "{} / {}", left, right),
Paren(ref expr) => write!(format, "({})", expr),
impl Debug for Expr {
fn fmt(&self, format: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
use self::Expr::*;
match *self {
Value(val) => write!(format, "{}", val),
Add(ref left, ref right) => write!(format, "({:?} + {:?})", left, right),
Sub(ref left, ref right) => write!(format, "({:?} - {:?})", left, right),
Mul(ref left, ref right) => write!(format, "({:?} * {:?})", left, right),
Div(ref left, ref right) => write!(format, "({:?} / {:?})", left, right),
Paren(ref expr) => write!(format, "[{:?}]", expr),
named!(parens< Expr >, delimited!(
delimited!(opt!(multispace), tag!("("), opt!(multispace)),
map!(map!(expr, Box::new), Expr::Paren),
delimited!(opt!(multispace), tag!(")"), opt!(multispace))
named!(factor< Expr >, alt_complete!(
delimited!(opt!(multispace), digit, opt!(multispace)),
| parens
fn fold_exprs(initial: Expr, remainder: Vec<(Oper, Expr)>) -> Expr {
remainder.into_iter().fold(initial, |acc, pair| {
let (oper, expr) = pair;
match oper {
Oper::Add => Expr::Add(Box::new(acc), Box::new(expr)),
Oper::Sub => Expr::Sub(Box::new(acc), Box::new(expr)),
Oper::Mul => Expr::Mul(Box::new(acc), Box::new(expr)),
Oper::Div => Expr::Div(Box::new(acc), Box::new(expr)),
named!(term< Expr >, chain!(
initial: factor ~
remainder: many0!(
chain!(tag!("*") ~ mul: factor, || { (Oper::Mul, mul) }) |
chain!(tag!("/") ~ div: factor, || { (Oper::Div, div) })
|| fold_exprs(initial, remainder))
named!(expr< Expr >, chain!(
initial: term ~
remainder: many0!(
chain!(tag!("+") ~ add: term, || { (Oper::Add, add) }) |
chain!(tag!("-") ~ sub: term, || { (Oper::Sub, sub) })
|| fold_exprs(initial, remainder))
fn factor_test() {
assert_eq!(factor(&b" 3 "[..]).map(|x| format!("{:?}", x)),
IResult::Done(&b""[..], String::from("3")));
fn term_test() {
assert_eq!(term(&b" 3 * 5 "[..]).map(|x| format!("{:?}", x)),
IResult::Done(&b""[..], String::from("(3 * 5)")));
fn expr_test() {
assert_eq!(expr(&b" 1 + 2 * 3 "[..]).map(|x| format!("{:?}", x)),
IResult::Done(&b""[..], String::from("(1 + (2 * 3))")));
assert_eq!(expr(&b" 1 + 2 * 3 / 4 - 5 "[..]).map(|x| format!("{:?}", x)),
IResult::Done(&b""[..], String::from("((1 + ((2 * 3) / 4)) - 5)")));
assert_eq!(expr(&b" 72 / 2 / 3 "[..]).map(|x| format!("{:?}", x)),
IResult::Done(&b""[..], String::from("((72 / 2) / 3)")));
fn parens_test() {
assert_eq!(expr(&b" ( 1 + 2 ) * 3 "[..]).map(|x| format!("{:?}", x)),
IResult::Done(&b""[..], String::from("([(1 + 2)] * 3)")));

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
/// this file tests a different backtracking behaviour. With the current
/// `error!` macro, an early return is done in the current function, but
/// backtracking continues normally outside of that function.
/// The solution here wraps `IResult` in a `Result`: a `Ok` indicates usual
/// backtracking, `Err` indicates that we must "cut".
extern crate nom;
macro_rules! n (
($name:ident( $i:ty ) -> $o:ty, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( i: $i ) -> std::result::Result<nom::IResult<$i,$o,u32>, nom::Err<$i, u32>> {
std::result::Result::Ok($submac!(i, $($args)*))
($name:ident<$i:ty,$o:ty,$e:ty>, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( i: $i ) -> std::result::Result<nom::IResult<$i, $o, $e>, nom::Err<$i, $e>> {
std::result::Result::Ok($submac!(i, $($args)*))
($name:ident<$i:ty,$o:ty>, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( i: $i ) -> std::result::Result<nom::IResult<$i, $o, u32>, nom::Err<$i, u32>> {
std::result::Result::Ok($submac!(i, $($args)*))
($name:ident<$o:ty>, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name<'a>( i: &'a[u8] ) -> std::result::Result<nom::IResult<&'a [u8], $o, u32>, nom::Err<&'a [u8], u32>> {
std::result::Result::Ok($submac!(i, $($args)*))
($name:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( i: &[u8] ) -> std::result::Result<nom::IResult<&[u8], &[u8], u32>, nom::Err<&[u8], u32>> {
std::result::Result::Ok($submac!(i, $($args)*))
(pub $name:ident( $i:ty ) -> $o:ty, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( i: $i ) -> std::result::Result<nom::IResult<$i,$o, u32>, nom::Err<$i, u32>> {
std::result::Result::Ok($submac!(i, $($args)*))
(pub $name:ident<$i:ty,$o:ty,$e:ty>, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( i: $i ) -> std::result::Result<nom::IResult<$i, $o, $e>, nom::Err<$i, $e>> {
std::result::Result::Ok($submac!(i, $($args)*))
(pub $name:ident<$i:ty,$o:ty>, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( i: $i ) -> std::result::Result<nom::IResult<$i, $o, u32>, nom::Err<$i, u32>> {
std::result::Result::Ok($submac!(i, $($args)*))
(pub $name:ident<$o:ty>, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( i: &[u8] ) -> std::result::Result<nom::IResult<&[u8], $o, u32>, nom::Err<&[u8], u32>> {
std::result::Result::Ok($submac!(i, $($args)*))
(pub $name:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name<'a>( i: &'a [u8] ) -> std::result::Result<nom::IResult<&[u8], &[u8], u32>, nom::Err<&[u8], u32>> {
std::result::Result::Ok($submac!(i, $($args)*))
macro_rules! cut (
($i:expr, $code:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
let cl = || {
Ok($submac!($i, $($args)*))
match cl() {
std::result::Result::Ok(nom::IResult::Incomplete(x)) => nom::IResult::Incomplete(x),
std::result::Result::Ok(nom::IResult::Done(i, o)) => nom::IResult::Done(i, o),
std::result::Result::Ok(nom::IResult::Error(e)) | std::result::Result::Err(e) => {
return std::result::Result::Err(nom::Err::NodePosition($code, $i, Box::new(e)))
($i:expr, $code:expr, $f:expr) => (
cut!($i, $code, call!($f));
macro_rules! c (
($i:expr, $f:expr) => (
match $f($i) {
std::result::Result::Ok(nom::IResult::Incomplete(x)) => nom::IResult::Incomplete(x),
std::result::Result::Ok(nom::IResult::Done(i, o)) => nom::IResult::Done(i, o),
std::result::Result::Ok(nom::IResult::Error(e)) => nom::IResult::Error(e),
std::result::Result::Err(e) => {
return std::result::Result::Err(e)
n!(pub foo< bool >,
tag!("a") ~
cut!(nom::ErrorKind::Custom(42),dbg_dmp!(tag!("b"))) ,
|| { true }
n!(pub foos< Vec<bool> >,
fn test_ok() {
let r = foos(b"(abab)");
println!("result: {:?}", r);
match r {
Ok(nom::IResult::Done(_,result)) => assert_eq!(result,vec![true,true]),
res => panic!("Oops {:?}.",res)
fn test_err() {
let input = b"(ac)";
let r = foos(&input[..]);
println!("result: {:?}", r);
match r {
//Ok(nom::IResult::Error(nom::Err::Position(kind,_))) => assert_eq!(kind,nom::ErrorKind::Custom(42)),
Err(nom::Err::NodePosition(kind, position, _)) => {
assert_eq!(kind, nom::ErrorKind::Custom(42));
assert_eq!(position, &input[2..]);
res => panic!("Oops, {:?}",res)

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/tests/ini.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
extern crate nom;
use nom::{IResult,not_line_ending, space, alphanumeric, multispace};
use std::str;
use std::collections::HashMap;
named!(category<&str>, map_res!(
delimited!(tag!("["), take_until!("]"), tag!("]")),
named!(key_value <&[u8],(&str,&str)>,
key: map_res!(alphanumeric, std::str::from_utf8) ~
space? ~
tag!("=") ~
space? ~
val: map_res!(
) ~
space? ~
tag!(";") ~
not_line_ending ,
) ? ~
multispace? ,
||{(key, val)}
named!(keys_and_values_aggregator<&[u8], Vec<(&str,&str)> >, many0!(key_value));
fn keys_and_values(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], HashMap<&str, &str> > {
let mut h: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
match keys_and_values_aggregator(input) {
IResult::Done(i,tuple_vec) => {
for &(k,v) in &tuple_vec {
h.insert(k, v);
IResult::Done(i, h)
IResult::Incomplete(a) => IResult::Incomplete(a),
IResult::Error(a) => IResult::Error(a)
category: category ~
keys: keys_and_values ,
move ||{(category, keys)}
named!(categories_aggregator<&[u8], Vec<(&str, HashMap<&str,&str>)> >, many0!(category_and_keys));
fn categories(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], HashMap<&str, HashMap<&str, &str> > > {
let mut h: HashMap<&str, HashMap<&str, &str>> = HashMap::new();
match categories_aggregator(input) {
IResult::Done(i,tuple_vec) => {
for &(k,ref v) in &tuple_vec {
h.insert(k, v.clone());
IResult::Done(i, h)
IResult::Incomplete(a) => IResult::Incomplete(a),
IResult::Error(a) => IResult::Error(a)
fn parse_category_test() {
let ini_file = &b"[category]
key = value2"[..];
let ini_without_category = &b"parameter=value
key = value2"[..];
let res = category(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, o) => println!("i: {:?} | o: {:?}", str::from_utf8(i), o),
_ => println!("error")
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_without_category, "category"));
fn parse_key_value_test() {
let ini_file = &b"parameter=value
key = value2"[..];
let ini_without_key_value = &b"key = value2"[..];
let res = key_value(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, (o1, o2)) => println!("i: {:?} | o: ({:?},{:?})", str::from_utf8(i), o1, o2),
_ => println!("error")
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_without_key_value, ("parameter", "value")));
fn parse_key_value_with_space_test() {
let ini_file = &b"parameter = value
key = value2"[..];
let ini_without_key_value = &b"key = value2"[..];
let res = key_value(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, (o1, o2)) => println!("i: {:?} | o: ({:?},{:?})", str::from_utf8(i), o1, o2),
_ => println!("error")
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_without_key_value, ("parameter", "value")));
fn parse_key_value_with_comment_test() {
let ini_file = &b"parameter=value;abc
key = value2"[..];
let ini_without_key_value = &b"key = value2"[..];
let res = key_value(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, (o1, o2)) => println!("i: {:?} | o: ({:?},{:?})", str::from_utf8(i), o1, o2),
_ => println!("error")
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_without_key_value, ("parameter", "value")));
fn parse_multiple_keys_and_values_test() {
let ini_file = &b"parameter=value;abc
key = value2
let ini_without_key_value = &b"[category]"[..];
let res = keys_and_values(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, ref o) => println!("i: {:?} | o: {:?}", str::from_utf8(i), o),
_ => println!("error")
let mut expected: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
expected.insert("parameter", "value");
expected.insert("key", "value2");
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_without_key_value, expected));
fn parse_category_then_multiple_keys_and_values_test() {
//FIXME: there can be an empty line or a comment line after a category
let ini_file = &b"[abcd]
key = value2
let ini_after_parser = &b"[category]"[..];
let res = category_and_keys(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, ref o) => println!("i: {:?} | o: {:?}", str::from_utf8(i), o),
_ => println!("error")
let mut expected_h: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
expected_h.insert("parameter", "value");
expected_h.insert("key", "value2");
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_after_parser, ("abcd", expected_h)));
fn parse_multiple_categories_test() {
let ini_file = &b"[abcd]
key = value2
key4 = value4
let ini_after_parser = &b""[..];
let res = categories(ini_file);
//println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, ref o) => println!("i: {:?} | o: {:?}", str::from_utf8(i), o),
_ => println!("error")
let mut expected_1: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
expected_1.insert("parameter", "value");
expected_1.insert("key", "value2");
let mut expected_2: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
expected_2.insert("parameter3", "value3");
expected_2.insert("key4", "value4");
let mut expected_h: HashMap<&str, HashMap<&str, &str>> = HashMap::new();
expected_h.insert("abcd", expected_1);
expected_h.insert("category", expected_2);
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_after_parser, expected_h));

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/tests/ini_str.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
extern crate nom;
use nom::IResult;
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn is_alphabetic(chr:char) -> bool {
(chr as u8 >= 0x41 && chr as u8 <= 0x5A) || (chr as u8 >= 0x61 && chr as u8 <= 0x7A)
fn is_digit(chr: char) -> bool {
chr as u8 >= 0x30 && chr as u8 <= 0x39
fn is_alphanumeric(chr: char) -> bool {
is_alphabetic(chr) || is_digit(chr)
fn is_space(chr:char) -> bool {
chr == ' ' || chr == '\t'
fn is_line_ending_or_comment(chr:char) -> bool {
chr == ';' || chr == '\n'
named!(alphanumeric<&str,&str>, take_while_s!(is_alphanumeric));
named!(not_line_ending<&str,&str>, is_not_s!("\r\n"));
named!(space<&str,&str>, take_while_s!(is_space));
named!(space_or_line_ending<&str,&str>, is_a_s!(" \r\n"));
fn right_bracket(c:char) -> bool {
c == ']'
named!(category <&str, &str>,
tag_s!("[") ~
name: take_till_s!(right_bracket) ~
tag_s!("]") ~
space_or_line_ending? ,
||{ name }
named!(key_value <&str,(&str,&str)>,
key: alphanumeric ~
space? ~
tag_s!("=") ~
space? ~
val: take_till_s!(is_line_ending_or_comment) ~
space? ~
pair!(tag_s!(";"), not_line_ending)? ~
space_or_line_ending? ,
||{(key, val)}
named!(keys_and_values_aggregator<&str, Vec<(&str,&str)> >, many0!(key_value));
fn keys_and_values(input:&str) -> IResult<&str, HashMap<&str, &str> > {
let mut h: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
match keys_and_values_aggregator(input) {
IResult::Done(i,tuple_vec) => {
for &(k,v) in &tuple_vec {
h.insert(k, v);
IResult::Done(i, h)
IResult::Incomplete(a) => IResult::Incomplete(a),
IResult::Error(a) => IResult::Error(a)
pair!(category, keys_and_values)
named!(categories_aggregator<&str, Vec<(&str, HashMap<&str,&str>)> >, many0!(category_and_keys));
fn categories(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, HashMap<&str, HashMap<&str, &str> > > {
let mut h: HashMap<&str, HashMap<&str, &str>> = HashMap::new();
match categories_aggregator(input) {
IResult::Done(i,tuple_vec) => {
for &(k,ref v) in &tuple_vec {
h.insert(k, v.clone());
IResult::Done(i, h)
IResult::Incomplete(a) => IResult::Incomplete(a),
IResult::Error(a) => IResult::Error(a)
fn parse_category_test() {
let ini_file = "[category]
key = value2";
let ini_without_category = "parameter=value
key = value2";
let res = category(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, o) => println!("i: {} | o: {:?}", i, o),
_ => println!("error")
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_without_category, "category"));
fn parse_key_value_test() {
let ini_file = "parameter=value
key = value2";
let ini_without_key_value = "key = value2";
let res = key_value(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, (o1, o2)) => println!("i: {} | o: ({:?},{:?})", i, o1, o2),
_ => println!("error")
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_without_key_value, ("parameter", "value")));
fn parse_key_value_with_space_test() {
let ini_file = "parameter = value
key = value2";
let ini_without_key_value = "key = value2";
let res = key_value(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, (o1, o2)) => println!("i: {} | o: ({:?},{:?})", i, o1, o2),
_ => println!("error")
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_without_key_value, ("parameter", "value")));
fn parse_key_value_with_comment_test() {
let ini_file = "parameter=value;abc
key = value2";
let ini_without_key_value = "key = value2";
let res = key_value(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, (o1, o2)) => println!("i: {} | o: ({:?},{:?})", i, o1, o2),
_ => println!("error")
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_without_key_value, ("parameter", "value")));
fn parse_multiple_keys_and_values_test() {
let ini_file = "parameter=value;abc
key = value2
let ini_without_key_value = "[category]";
let res = keys_and_values(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, ref o) => println!("i: {} | o: {:?}", i, o),
_ => println!("error")
let mut expected: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
expected.insert("parameter", "value");
expected.insert("key", "value2");
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_without_key_value, expected));
fn parse_category_then_multiple_keys_and_values_test() {
//FIXME: there can be an empty line or a comment line after a category
let ini_file = "[abcd]
key = value2
let ini_after_parser = "[category]";
let res = category_and_keys(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, ref o) => println!("i: {} | o: {:?}", i, o),
_ => println!("error")
let mut expected_h: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
expected_h.insert("parameter", "value");
expected_h.insert("key", "value2");
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_after_parser, ("abcd", expected_h)));
fn parse_multiple_categories_test() {
let ini_file = "[abcd]
key = value2
key4 = value4
let res = categories(ini_file);
//println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, ref o) => println!("i: {} | o: {:?}", i, o),
_ => println!("error")
let mut expected_1: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
expected_1.insert("parameter", "value");
expected_1.insert("key", "value2");
let mut expected_2: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
expected_2.insert("parameter3", "value3");
expected_2.insert("key4", "value4");
let mut expected_h: HashMap<&str, HashMap<&str, &str>> = HashMap::new();
expected_h.insert("abcd", expected_1);
expected_h.insert("category", expected_2);
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done("", expected_h));

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/tests/issues.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
extern crate nom;
use nom::{IResult,Needed,HexDisplay,space,digit,be_u16};
use std::str;
struct Range {
start: char,
end: char
pub fn take_char(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], char> {
if input.len() > 0 {
IResult::Done(&input[1..], input[0] as char)
} else {
named!(range<&[u8], Range>,
start: take_char ~
tag!("-") ~
end: take_char,
|| {
Range {
start: start,
end: end,
) |
|c| {
Range {
start: c,
end: c,
named!(literal<&[u8], Vec<char> >,
|cs| {
fn issue_58() {
named!(parse_ints< Vec<i32> >, many0!(spaces_or_int));
fn spaces_or_int(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], i32>{
println!("{}", input.to_hex(8));
opt!(space) ~
x: digit,
|| {
println!("x: {:?}", x);
let result = str::from_utf8(x).unwrap();
println!("Result: {}", result);
println!("int is empty?: {}", x.is_empty());
match result.parse(){
Ok(i) => i,
Err(_) => panic!("UH OH! NOT A DIGIT!")
fn issue_142(){
let subject = parse_ints(&b"12 34 5689"[..]);
let expected = IResult::Done(&b""[..], vec![12, 34, 5689]);
assert_eq!(subject, expected);
let subject = parse_ints(&b"12 34 5689 "[..]);
let expected = IResult::Done(&b" "[..], vec![12, 34, 5689]);
assert_eq!(subject, expected)
fn usize_length_bytes_issue(){
length_bytes!(b"012346", be_u16);
fn issue_152() {
named!(take4, take!(4));
named!(xyz, tag!("XYZ"));
named!(abc, tag!("abc"));
b"abcd" => xyz |
b"efgh" => abc
fn take_till_issue() {
take_till!(call!(|_| true))
assert_eq!(nothing(b""), IResult::Done(&b""[..], &b""[..]));
assert_eq!(nothing(b"abc"), IResult::Done(&b"abc"[..], &b""[..]));

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/tests/mp4.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
#![cfg(feature = "stream")]
extern crate nom;
use nom::{HexDisplay,Needed,IResult,be_u16,be_u32,be_u64,be_f32,ErrorKind};
use nom::{Consumer,ConsumerState,Move,Input,Producer,FileProducer,FileProducerState};
use nom::IResult::*;
use nom::Err::*;
use std::str;
use std::io::SeekFrom;
fn mp4_box(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &[u8]> {
match be_u32(input) {
Done(i, offset) => {
let sz: usize = offset as usize;
if i.len() >= sz - 4 {
Done(&i[(sz-4)..], &i[0..(sz-4)])
} else {
Incomplete(Needed::Size(offset as usize + 4))
Error(e) => Error(e),
Incomplete(e) => Incomplete(e)
struct FileType<'a> {
major_brand: &'a str,
major_brand_version: &'a [u8],
compatible_brands: Vec<&'a str>
pub struct Mvhd32 {
version_flags: u32, // actually:
// version: u8,
// flags: u24 // 3 bytes
created_date: u32,
modified_date: u32,
scale: u32,
duration: u32,
speed: f32,
volume: u16, // actually a 2 bytes decimal
/* 10 bytes reserved */
scaleA: f32,
rotateB: f32,
angleU: f32,
rotateC: f32,
scaleD: f32,
angleV: f32,
positionX: f32,
positionY: f32,
scaleW: f32,
preview: u64,
poster: u32,
selection: u64,
current_time: u32,
track_id: u32
pub struct Mvhd64 {
version_flags: u32, // actually:
// version: u8,
// flags: u24 // 3 bytes
created_date: u64,
modified_date: u64,
scale: u32,
duration: u64,
speed: f32,
volume: u16, // actually a 2 bytes decimal
/* 10 bytes reserved */
scaleA: f32,
rotateB: f32,
angleU: f32,
rotateC: f32,
scaleD: f32,
angleV: f32,
positionX: f32,
positionY: f32,
scaleW: f32,
preview: u64,
poster: u32,
selection: u64,
current_time: u32,
track_id: u32
named!(mvhd32 <&[u8], MvhdBox>,
version_flags: be_u32 ~
created_date: be_u32 ~
modified_date: be_u32 ~
scale: be_u32 ~
duration: be_u32 ~
speed: be_f32 ~
volume: be_u16 ~ // actually a 2 bytes decimal
take!(10) ~
scale_a: be_f32 ~
rotate_b: be_f32 ~
angle_u: be_f32 ~
rotate_c: be_f32 ~
scale_d: be_f32 ~
angle_v: be_f32 ~
position_x: be_f32 ~
position_y: be_f32 ~
scale_w: be_f32 ~
preview: be_u64 ~
poster: be_u32 ~
selection: be_u64 ~
current_time: be_u32 ~
track_id: be_u32,
MvhdBox::M32(Mvhd32 {
version_flags: version_flags,
created_date: created_date,
modified_date: modified_date,
scale: scale,
duration: duration,
speed: speed,
volume: volume,
scaleA: scale_a,
rotateB: rotate_b,
angleU: angle_u,
rotateC: rotate_c,
scaleD: scale_d,
angleV: angle_v,
positionX: position_x,
positionY: position_y,
scaleW: scale_w,
preview: preview,
poster: poster,
selection: selection,
current_time: current_time,
track_id: track_id
named!(mvhd64 <&[u8], MvhdBox>,
version_flags: be_u32 ~
created_date: be_u64 ~
modified_date: be_u64 ~
scale: be_u32 ~
duration: be_u64 ~
speed: be_f32 ~
volume: be_u16 ~ // actually a 2 bytes decimal
take!(10) ~
scale_a: be_f32 ~
rotate_b: be_f32 ~
angle_u: be_f32 ~
rotate_c: be_f32 ~
scale_d: be_f32 ~
angle_v: be_f32 ~
position_x: be_f32 ~
position_y: be_f32 ~
scale_w: be_f32 ~
preview: be_u64 ~
poster: be_u32 ~
selection: be_u64 ~
current_time: be_u32 ~
track_id: be_u32,
MvhdBox::M64(Mvhd64 {
version_flags: version_flags,
created_date: created_date,
modified_date: modified_date,
scale: scale,
duration: duration,
speed: speed,
volume: volume,
scaleA: scale_a,
rotateB: rotate_b,
angleU: angle_u,
rotateC: rotate_c,
scaleD: scale_d,
angleV: angle_v,
positionX: position_x,
positionY: position_y,
scaleW: scale_w,
preview: preview,
poster: poster,
selection: selection,
current_time: current_time,
track_id: track_id
pub enum MvhdBox {
pub enum MoovBox {
enum MP4BoxType {
struct MP4BoxHeader {
length: u32,
tag: MP4BoxType
named!(brand_name<&[u8],&str>, map_res!(take!(4), str::from_utf8));
named!(filetype_parser<&[u8], FileType>,
m: brand_name ~
v: take!(4) ~
c: many0!(brand_name) ,
||{ FileType{ major_brand: m, major_brand_version:v, compatible_brands: c } }
fn mvhd_box(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8],MvhdBox> {
let res = if input.len() < 100 {
} else if input.len() == 100 {
} else if input.len() == 112 {
} else {
println!("res: {:?}", res);
fn unknown_box_type(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], MP4BoxType> {
Done(input, MP4BoxType::Unknown)
//named!(box_type<&[u8], MP4BoxType>,
fn box_type(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], MP4BoxType, u32> {
tag!("ftyp") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Ftyp } |
tag!("moov") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Moov } |
tag!("mdat") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Mdat } |
tag!("free") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Free } |
tag!("skip") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Skip } |
tag!("wide") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Wide } |
// warning, an alt combinator with 9 branches containing a tag combinator
// can make the compilation very slow. Use functions as sub parsers,
// or split into multiple alt! parsers if it gets slow
named!(moov_type<&[u8], MP4BoxType>,
tag!("mdra") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Mdra } |
tag!("dref") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Dref } |
tag!("cmov") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Cmov } |
tag!("rmra") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Rmra } |
tag!("iods") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Iods } |
tag!("mvhd") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Mvhd } |
tag!("clip") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Clip } |
tag!("trak") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Trak } |
tag!("udta") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Udta }
length: be_u32 ~
tag: box_type ,
|| { MP4BoxHeader{ length: length, tag: tag} }
length: be_u32 ~
tag: moov_type ,
|| { MP4BoxHeader{ length: length, tag: tag} }
enum MP4State {
pub struct MP4Consumer {
state: MP4State,
moov_bytes: usize,
c_state: ConsumerState<(), (), Move>
impl MP4Consumer {
fn new() -> MP4Consumer {
MP4Consumer { state: MP4State::Main, moov_bytes: 0, c_state: ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(0)) }
fn consume_main(&mut self, input: Input<&[u8]>) -> ConsumerState<(), (), Move> {
//println!("\nparsing box header:\n{}", input.to_hex(8));
match input {
Input::Eof(None) => ConsumerState::Done(Move::Consume(0), ()),
Input::Empty => ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(0)),
Input::Element(sl) | Input::Eof(Some(sl)) => {
match box_header(sl) {
Done(i, header) => {
match header.tag {
MP4BoxType::Ftyp => {
println!("-> FTYP");
match filetype_parser(&i[0..(header.length as usize - 8)]) {
Done(rest, filetype_header) => {
println!("filetype header: {:?}", filetype_header);
//return ConsumerState::Await(header.length as usize, header.length as usize - 8);
return ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(sl.offset(rest)));
Error(a) => {
println!("ftyp parsing error: {:?}", a);
return ConsumerState::Error(());
Incomplete(n) => {
println!("ftyp incomplete -> await: {}", sl.len());
return ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Await(n));
//return ConsumerState::Await(0, input.len() + 100);
MP4BoxType::Moov => {
println!("-> MOOV");
self.state = MP4State::Moov;
self.moov_bytes = header.length as usize - 8;
return ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(sl.offset(i)));
MP4BoxType::Mdat => println!("-> MDAT"),
MP4BoxType::Free => println!("-> FREE"),
MP4BoxType::Skip => println!("-> SKIP"),
MP4BoxType::Wide => println!("-> WIDE"),
MP4BoxType::Unknown => {
println!("-> UNKNOWN");
println!("bytes:\n{}", (sl).to_hex(8));
//return ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(sl.offset(i)));
_ => { println!("invalid"); return ConsumerState::Error(())}
return ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Seek(SeekFrom::Current((header.length) as i64)))
Error(a) => {
println!("mp4 parsing error: {:?}", a);
return ConsumerState::Error(());
Incomplete(i) => {
// FIXME: incomplete should send the required size
println!("mp4 incomplete -> await: {}", sl.len());
return ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Await(i));
fn consume_moov(&mut self, input: Input<&[u8]>) -> ConsumerState<(), (), Move> {
//println!("\nparsing moov box(remaining {} bytes):\n{}", self.moov_bytes, input.to_hex(8));
match input {
Input::Eof(None) => return ConsumerState::Error(()),
Input::Empty => return ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(0)),
Input::Element(sl) | Input::Eof(Some(sl)) => {
if self.moov_bytes == 0 {
//println!("finished parsing moov atom, continuing with main parser");
self.state = MP4State::Main;
return ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(0));
match moov_header(sl) {
Done(i, header) => {
match header.tag {
MP4BoxType::Mvhd => {
println!("-> MVHD");
self.state = MP4State::Mvhd(header.length as usize - 8);
// TODO: check for overflow here
self.moov_bytes = self.moov_bytes - (sl.len() - i.len());
println!("remaining moov_bytes: {}", self.moov_bytes);
return ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(sl.offset(i)));
MP4BoxType::Wide => println!("-> WIDE"),
MP4BoxType::Mdra => println!("-> MDRA"),
MP4BoxType::Dref => println!("-> DREF"),
MP4BoxType::Cmov => println!("-> CMOV"),
MP4BoxType::Rmra => println!("-> RMRA"),
MP4BoxType::Iods => println!("-> IODS"),
MP4BoxType::Clip => println!("-> CLIP"),
MP4BoxType::Trak => println!("-> TRAK"),
MP4BoxType::Udta => println!("-> UDTA"),
MP4BoxType::Unknown => println!("-> MOOV UNKNOWN"),
_ => { println!("invalid header here: {:?}", header.tag); return ConsumerState::Error(());}
// TODO: check for overflow here
self.moov_bytes = self.moov_bytes - header.length as usize;
println!("remaining moov_bytes: {}", self.moov_bytes);
return ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Seek(SeekFrom::Current((header.length) as i64)))
Error(a) => {
println!("moov parsing error: {:?}", a);
println!("data:\n{}", sl.to_hex(8));
return ConsumerState::Error(());
Incomplete(i) => {
println!("moov incomplete -> await: {}", sl.len());
return ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Await(i));
consumer_from_parser!(MvhdConsumer<MvhdBox>, mvhd_box);
impl<'a> Consumer<&'a[u8], (), (), Move> for MP4Consumer {
fn handle(&mut self, input: Input<&[u8]>) -> &ConsumerState<(), (), Move> {
match self.state {
MP4State::Main => {
self.c_state = self.consume_main(input);
MP4State::Moov => {
self.c_state = self.consume_moov(input);
MP4State::Mvhd(sz) => {
match input {
Input::Eof(None) => self.c_state = ConsumerState::Error(()),
Input::Empty => self.c_state = ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(0)),
Input::Element(sl) | Input::Eof(Some(sl)) => {
let mut c = MvhdConsumer{ state:ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(0)) };
self.c_state = c.handle(Input::Element(&sl[..sz])).flat_map(|m, _| {
self.state = MP4State::Moov;
println!("found mvhd?: {:?}", c.state());
match self.c_state {
ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(sz)) => self.moov_bytes = self.moov_bytes - sz,
ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Seek(SeekFrom::Current(sz))) => self.moov_bytes = self.moov_bytes - (sz as usize),
_ => ()
println!("remaining moov_bytes: {}", self.moov_bytes);
fn state(&self) -> &ConsumerState<(), (), Move> {
fn explore_mp4_file(filename: &str) {
let mut p = FileProducer::new(filename, 400).unwrap();
let mut c = MP4Consumer{state: MP4State::Main, moov_bytes: 0, c_state: ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(0))};
//c.run(&mut p);
while let &ConsumerState::Continue(mv) = p.apply(&mut c) {
println!("move: {:?}", mv);
println!("last consumer state: {:?} | last state: {:?}", c.c_state, c.state);
if let ConsumerState::Done(Move::Consume(0), ()) = c.c_state {
println!("consumer state ok");
} else {
assert!(false, "consumer should have reached Done state");
assert_eq!(c.state, MP4State::Main);
assert_eq!(p.state(), FileProducerState::Eof);
fn small_test() {
fn big_bunny_test() {

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/tests/omnom.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
#![cfg(feature = "stream")]
extern crate nom;
use nom::{Producer,Consumer,ConsumerState,Input,Move,MemProducer,IResult,HexDisplay};
enum State {
struct TestConsumer {
state: State,
c_state: ConsumerState<usize,(),Move>,
counter: usize,
named!(om_parser, tag!("om"));
named!(nomnom_parser<&[u8],Vec<&[u8]> >, many1!(tag!("nom")));
named!(end_parser, tag!("kthxbye"));
impl<'a> Consumer<&'a[u8], usize, (), Move> for TestConsumer {
fn state(&self) -> &ConsumerState<usize,(),Move> {
fn handle(&mut self, input: Input<&'a [u8]>) -> &ConsumerState<usize,(),Move> {
match self.state {
State::Beginning => {
match input {
Input::Empty | Input::Eof(None) => {
self.state = State::Error;
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Error(());
Input::Element(sl) | Input::Eof(Some(sl)) => {
match om_parser(sl) {
IResult::Error(_) => {
self.state = State::Error;
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Error(());
IResult::Incomplete(n) => {
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Await(n));
IResult::Done(i,_) => {
self.state = State::Middle;
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(sl.offset(i)));
State::Middle => {
match input {
Input::Empty | Input::Eof(None) => {
self.state = State::Error;
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Error(());
Input::Element(sl) | Input::Eof(Some(sl)) => {
match nomnom_parser(sl) {
IResult::Error(_) => {
self.state = State::End;
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(0));
IResult::Incomplete(n) => {
println!("Middle got Incomplete({:?})", n);
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Await(n));
IResult::Done(i,noms_vec) => {
self.counter = self.counter + noms_vec.len();
self.state = State::Middle;
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(sl.offset(i)));
State::End => {
match input {
Input::Empty | Input::Eof(None) => {
self.state = State::Error;
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Error(());
Input::Element(sl) | Input::Eof(Some(sl)) => {
match end_parser(sl) {
IResult::Error(_) => {
self.state = State::Error;
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Error(());
IResult::Incomplete(n) => {
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Await(n));
IResult::Done(i,_) => {
self.state = State::Done;
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Done(Move::Consume(sl.offset(i)), self.counter);
State::Done | State::Error => {
// this should not be called
self.state = State::Error;
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Error(())
fn nom1() {
let mut p = MemProducer::new(&b"omnomkthxbye"[..], 8);
let mut c = TestConsumer{state: State::Beginning, counter: 0, c_state: ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(0))};
while let &ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(_)) = p.apply(&mut c) {
assert_eq!(c.counter, 1);
assert_eq!(c.state, State::Done);
fn nomnomnom() {
let mut p = MemProducer::new(&b"omnomnomnomkthxbye"[..], 9);
let mut c = TestConsumer{state: State::Beginning, counter: 0, c_state: ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(0))};
while let &ConsumerState::Continue(_) = p.apply(&mut c) {
assert_eq!(c.counter, 3);
assert_eq!(c.state, State::Done);
fn no_nomnom() {
let mut p = MemProducer::new(&b"omkthxbye"[..], 8);
let mut c = TestConsumer{state: State::Beginning, counter: 0, c_state: ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(0))};
while let &ConsumerState::Continue(_) = p.apply(&mut c) {
assert_eq!(c.counter, 0);
assert_eq!(c.state, State::Done);
fn impolite() {
let mut p = MemProducer::new(&b"omnomnomnom"[..], 11);
let mut c = TestConsumer{state: State::Beginning, counter: 0, c_state: ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(0))};
while let &ConsumerState::Continue(cont) = p.apply(&mut c) {
println!("continue {:?}", cont);
assert_eq!(c.counter, 3);
assert_eq!(c.state, State::End);

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/nom/tests/test1.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#![cfg(feature = "stream")]
extern crate nom;
use nom::{IResult,Producer,FileProducer,not_line_ending};
use std::str;
use std::fmt::Debug;
fn tag() {
FileProducer::new("assets/links.txt", 20).map(|producer: FileProducer| {
let mut p = producer;
consumer_from_parser!(PrintConsumer<()>, flat_map!(map_res!(tag!("https!"), str::from_utf8), print));
let mut cs = PrintConsumer::new();
for _ in 1..4 {
p.apply(&mut cs);
pub fn print<T: Debug>(input: T) -> IResult<T,()> {
println!("{:?}", input);
IResult::Done(input, ())
fn is_not() {
//is_not!(foo b"\r\n");
named!(foo<&[u8],&[u8]>, is_not!(&b"\r\n"[..]));
let a = &b"ab12cd\nefgh"[..];
assert_eq!(foo(a), IResult::Done(&b"\nefgh"[..], &b"ab12cd"[..]));
fn exported_public_method_defined_by_macro() {
let a = &b"ab12cd\nefgh"[..];
assert_eq!(not_line_ending(a), IResult::Done(&b"\nefgh"[..], &b"ab12cd"[..]));

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/src/bits.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
//! Bit level parsers and combinators
//! Bit parsing is handled by tweaking the input in most macros.
//! In byte level parsing, the input is generally a `&[u8]` passed from combinator
//! to combinator until the slices are manipulated.
//! Bit parsers take a `(&[u8], usize)` as input. The first part of the tuple is an byte slice,
//! the second part is a bit offset in the first byte of the slice.
//! By passing a pair like this, we can leverage most of the combinators, and avoid
//! transforming the whole slice to a vector of booleans. This should make it easy
//! to see a byte slice as a bit stream, and parse code points of arbitrary bit length.
/// `bits!( parser ) => ( &[u8], (&[u8], usize) -> IResult<(&[u8], usize), T> ) -> IResult<&[u8], T>`
/// transforms its byte slice input into a bit stream for the underlying parsers
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::Done;
/// # fn main() {
/// named!( take_3_bits<u8>, bits!( take_bits!( u8, 3 ) ) );
/// let input = vec![0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
/// let sl = &input[..];
/// assert_eq!(take_3_bits( sl ), Done(&sl[1..], 5) );
/// # }
macro_rules! bits (
($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
bits_impl!($i, $submac!($($args)*));
($i:expr, $f:expr) => (
bits_impl!($i, call!($f));
/// Internal parser, do not use directly
macro_rules! bits_impl (
($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
let input = ($i, 0usize);
match $submac!(input, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(e) => {
let err = match e {
$crate::Err::Code(k) | $crate::Err::Node(k, _) => $crate::Err::Code(k),
$crate::Err::Position(k, (i,b)) | $crate::Err::NodePosition(k, (i,b), _) => {
$crate::Err::Position(k, &i[b/8..])
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown),
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i)) => {
//println!("bits parser returned Needed::Size({})", i);
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i / 8 + 1))
$crate::IResult::Done((i, bit_index), o) => {
let byte_index = bit_index / 8 + if bit_index % 8 == 0 { 0 } else { 1 } ;
//println!("bit index=={} => byte index=={}", bit_index, byte_index);
$crate::IResult::Done(&i[byte_index..], o)
/// `take_bits!(type, nb) => ( (&[T], usize), U, usize) -> IResult<(&[T], usize), U>`
/// generates a parser consuming the specified number of bits.
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::Done;
/// # fn main() {
/// named!( take_pair<(u8, u8)>, bits!( pair!( take_bits!( u8, 3 ), take_bits!(u8, 5) ) ) );
/// let input = vec![0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
/// let sl = &input[..];
/// assert_eq!(take_pair( sl ), Done(&sl[1..], (5, 10)) );
/// assert_eq!(take_pair( &sl[1..] ), Done(&sl[2..], (7, 16)) );
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! take_bits (
($i:expr, $t:ty, $count:expr) => (
use std::ops::Div;
//println!("taking {} bits from {:?}", $count, $i);
let (input, bit_offset) = $i;
let res : $crate::IResult<(&[u8],usize), $t> = if $count == 0 {
$crate::IResult::Done( (input, bit_offset), 0)
} else {
let cnt = ($count as usize + bit_offset).div(8);
if input.len() * 8 < $count as usize + bit_offset {
//println!("returning incomplete: {}", $count as usize + bit_offset);
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size($count as usize))
} else {
let mut acc:$t = 0;
let mut offset: usize = bit_offset;
let mut remaining: usize = $count;
let mut end_offset: usize = 0;
for byte in input.iter().take(cnt + 1) {
if remaining == 0 {
let val: $t = if offset == 0 {
*byte as $t
} else {
((*byte << offset) as u8 >> offset) as $t
if remaining < 8 - offset {
acc += val >> (8 - offset - remaining);
end_offset = remaining + offset;
} else {
acc += val << (remaining - (8 - offset));
remaining -= 8 - offset;
offset = 0;
$crate::IResult::Done( (&input[cnt..], end_offset) , acc)
/// matches an integer pattern to a bitstream. The number of bits of the input to compare must be specified
macro_rules! tag_bits (
($i:expr, $t:ty, $count:expr, $p: pat) => (
match take_bits!($i, $t, $count) {
$crate::IResult::Incomplete(i) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete(i),
$crate::IResult::Done(i, o) => {
if let $p = o {
let res: $crate::IResult<(&[u8],usize),$t> = $crate::IResult::Done(i, o);
} else {
$crate::IResult::Error($crate::Err::Position($crate::ErrorKind::TagBits, $i))
_ => {
$crate::IResult::Error($crate::Err::Position($crate::ErrorKind::TagBits, $i))
mod tests {
use internal::{IResult,Needed,Err};
use ErrorKind;
fn take_bits() {
let input = vec![0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
let sl = &input[..];
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 0), u8, 0 ), IResult::Done((sl, 0), 0));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 0), u8, 8 ), IResult::Done((&sl[1..], 0), 170));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 0), u8, 3 ), IResult::Done((&sl[0..], 3), 5));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 0), u8, 6 ), IResult::Done((&sl[0..], 6), 42));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 1), u8, 1 ), IResult::Done((&sl[0..], 2), 0));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 1), u8, 2 ), IResult::Done((&sl[0..], 3), 1));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 1), u8, 3 ), IResult::Done((&sl[0..], 4), 2));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 6), u8, 3 ), IResult::Done((&sl[1..], 1), 5));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 0), u16, 10 ), IResult::Done((&sl[1..], 2), 683));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 0), u16, 8 ), IResult::Done((&sl[1..], 0), 170));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 6), u16, 10 ), IResult::Done((&sl[2..], 0), 752));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 6), u16, 11 ), IResult::Done((&sl[2..], 1), 1504));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 0), u32, 20 ), IResult::Done((&sl[2..], 4), 700163));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 4), u32, 20 ), IResult::Done((&sl[3..], 0), 716851));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 4), u32, 22 ), IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Size(22)));
fn tag_bits() {
let input = vec![0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
let sl = &input[..];
assert_eq!(tag_bits!( (sl, 0), u8, 3, 0b101), IResult::Done((&sl[0..], 3), 5));
assert_eq!(tag_bits!( (sl, 0), u8, 4, 0b1010), IResult::Done((&sl[0..], 4), 10));
tag_bits!(u8, 3, 0b101) ~
x: take_bits!(u8, 4) ~
y: take_bits!(u8, 5) ,
|| { (x,y) }
fn chain_bits() {
let input = vec![0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
let sl = &input[..];
assert_eq!(ch((&input[..],0)), IResult::Done((&sl[1..], 4), (5,15)));
assert_eq!(ch((&input[..],4)), IResult::Done((&sl[2..], 0), (7,16)));
assert_eq!(ch((&input[..1],0)), IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Size(12)));
named!(ch_bytes<(u8,u8)>, bits!(ch));
fn bits_to_bytes() {
let input = vec![0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
assert_eq!(ch_bytes(&input[..]), IResult::Done(&input[2..], (5,15)));
assert_eq!(ch_bytes(&input[..1]), IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Size(2)));
assert_eq!(ch_bytes(&input[1..]), IResult::Error(Err::Position(ErrorKind::TagBits, &input[1..])));

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/src/bytes.rs поставляемый Normal file

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/src/character.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
/// Character level parsers
use internal::{IResult,Needed,Err};
use util::ErrorKind;
/// matches one of the provided characters
macro_rules! one_of (
($i:expr, $inp: expr) => (
if $i.is_empty() {
$crate::IResult::Incomplete::<_, _>($crate::Needed::Size(1))
} else {
fn as_bytes<T: $crate::AsBytes>(b: &T) -> &[u8] {
let expected = $inp;
let bytes = as_bytes(&expected);
one_of_bytes!($i, bytes)
macro_rules! one_of_bytes (
($i:expr, $bytes: expr) => (
if $i.is_empty() {
$crate::IResult::Incomplete::<_, _>($crate::Needed::Size(1))
} else {
let mut found = false;
for &i in $bytes {
if i == $i[0] {
found = true;
if found {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[1..], $i[0] as char)
} else {
$crate::IResult::Error($crate::Err::Position($crate::ErrorKind::OneOf, $i))
/// matches anything but the provided characters
macro_rules! none_of (
($i:expr, $inp: expr) => (
if $i.is_empty() {
$crate::IResult::Incomplete::<_, _>($crate::Needed::Size(1))
} else {
fn as_bytes<T: $crate::AsBytes>(b: &T) -> &[u8] {
let expected = $inp;
let bytes = as_bytes(&expected);
none_of_bytes!($i, bytes)
macro_rules! none_of_bytes (
($i:expr, $bytes: expr) => (
if $i.is_empty() {
$crate::IResult::Incomplete::<_, _>($crate::Needed::Size(1))
} else {
let mut found = false;
for &i in $bytes {
if i == $i[0] {
found = true;
if !found {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[1..], $i[0] as char)
} else {
$crate::IResult::Error($crate::Err::Position($crate::ErrorKind::NoneOf, $i))
/// matches one character: `char!(char) => &[u8] -> IResult<&[u8], char>
macro_rules! char (
($i:expr, $c: expr) => (
if $i.is_empty() {
let res: $crate::IResult<&[u8], char> = $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(1));
} else {
if $i[0] == $c as u8 {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[1..], $i[0] as char)
} else {
$crate::IResult::Error($crate::Err::Position($crate::ErrorKind::Char, $i))
named!(pub newline<char>, char!('\n'));
pub fn crlf(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], char> {
if input.len() < 2 {
} else {
if &input[0..2] == &b"\r\n"[..] {
IResult::Done(&input[2..], '\n')
} else {
IResult::Error(Err::Position(ErrorKind::CrLf, input))
named!(pub eol<char>, alt!(crlf | newline));
named!(pub tab<char>, char!('\t'));
pub fn anychar(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], char> {
if input.is_empty() {
} else {
IResult::Done(&input[1..], input[0] as char)
mod tests {
use internal::IResult::*;
use internal::Err::*;
use util::ErrorKind;
fn one_of() {
named!(f<char>, one_of!("ab"));
let a = &b"abcd"[..];
assert_eq!(f(a), Done(&b"bcd"[..], 'a'));
let b = &b"cde"[..];
assert_eq!(f(b), Error(Position(ErrorKind::OneOf, b)));
fn none_of() {
named!(f<char>, none_of!("ab"));
let a = &b"abcd"[..];
assert_eq!(f(a), Error(Position(ErrorKind::NoneOf, a)));
let b = &b"cde"[..];
assert_eq!(f(b), Done(&b"de"[..], 'c'));
fn char() {
named!(f<char>, char!('c'));
let a = &b"abcd"[..];
assert_eq!(f(a), Error(Position(ErrorKind::Char, a)));
let b = &b"cde"[..];
assert_eq!(f(b), Done(&b"de"[..], 'c'));

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/src/internal.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
//! Basic types to build the parsers
use self::IResult::*;
use self::Needed::*;
use util::ErrorKind;
#[cfg(feature = "core")]
use std::prelude::v1::*;
use std::boxed::Box;
/// Contains the error that a parser can return
/// It can represent a linked list of errors, indicating the path taken in the parsing tree, with corresponding position in the input data.
/// It depends on P, the input position (for a &[u8] parser, it would be a &[u8]), and E, the custom error type (by default, u32)
pub enum Err<P,E=u32>{
/// An error code, represented by an ErrorKind, which can contain a custom error code represented by E
/// An error code, and the next error
Node(ErrorKind<E>, Box<Err<P,E>>),
/// An error code, and the input position
Position(ErrorKind<E>, P),
/// An error code, the input position and the next error
NodePosition(ErrorKind<E>, P, Box<Err<P,E>>)
/// Contains information on needed data if a parser returned `Incomplete`
pub enum Needed {
/// needs more data, but we do not know how much
/// contains the required data size
impl Needed {
pub fn is_known(&self) -> bool {
*self != Unknown
/// Maps a `Needed` to `Needed` by appling a function to a contained `Size` value.
pub fn map<F: FnOnce(usize) -> usize>(self, f: F) -> Needed {
match self {
Unknown => Unknown,
Size(n) => Size(f(n)),
/// Holds the result of parsing functions
/// It depends on I, the input type, O, the output type, and E, the error type (by default u32)
pub enum IResult<I,O,E=u32> {
/// indicates a correct parsing, the first field containing the rest of the unparsed data, the second field contains the parsed data
/// contains a Err, an enum that can indicate an error code, a position in the input, and a pointer to another error, making a list of errors in the parsing tree
/// Incomplete contains a Needed, an enum than can represent a known quantity of input data, or unknown
impl<I,O,E> IResult<I,O,E> {
pub fn is_done(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Done(_,_) => true,
_ => false
pub fn is_err(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Error(_) => true,
_ => false
pub fn is_incomplete(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Incomplete(_) => true,
_ => false
/// Maps a `IResult<I, O, E>` to `IResult<I, N, E>` by appling a function
/// to a contained `Done` value, leaving `Error` and `Incomplete` value
/// untouched.
pub fn map<N, F: FnOnce(O) -> N>(self, f: F) -> IResult<I, N, E> {
match self {
Done(i, o) => Done(i, f(o)),
Error(e) => Error(e),
Incomplete(n) => Incomplete(n),
/// Maps a `IResult<I, O, E>` to `IResult<I, O, E>` by appling a function
/// to a contained `Incomplete` value, leaving `Done` and `Error` value
/// untouched.
pub fn map_inc<F>(self, f: F) -> IResult<I, O, E>
where F: FnOnce(Needed) -> Needed {
match self {
Error(e) => Error(e),
Incomplete(n) => Incomplete(f(n)),
Done(i, o) => Done(i, o),
/// Maps a `IResult<I, O, E>` to `IResult<I, O, N>` by appling a function
/// to a contained `Error` value, leaving `Done` and `Incomplete` value
/// untouched.
pub fn map_err<N, F>(self, f: F) -> IResult<I, O, N>
where F: FnOnce(Err<I, E>) -> Err<I, N> {
match self {
Error(e) => Error(f(e)),
Incomplete(n) => Incomplete(n),
Done(i, o) => Done(i, o),
/// Unwrap the contained `Done(I, O)` value, or panic if the `IResult` is not
/// `Done`.
pub fn unwrap(self) -> (I, O) {
match self {
Done(i, o) => (i, o),
Incomplete(_) => panic!("unwrap() called on an IResult that is Incomplete"),
Error(_) => panic!("unwrap() called on an IResult that is Error")
/// Unwrap the contained `Done(I, O)` value, or panic if the `IResult` is not
/// `Done`.
pub fn unwrap_inc(self) -> Needed {
match self {
Incomplete(n) => n,
Done(_, _) => panic!("unwrap_inc() called on an IResult that is Done"),
Error(_) => panic!("unwrap_inc() called on an IResult that is Error")
/// Unwrap the contained `Done(I, O)` value, or panic if the `IResult` is not
/// `Done`.
pub fn unwrap_err(self) -> Err<I, E> {
match self {
Error(e) => e,
Done(_, _) => panic!("unwrap_err() called on an IResult that is Done"),
Incomplete(_) => panic!("unwrap_err() called on an IResult that is Incomplete"),
pub trait GetInput<I> {
fn remaining_input(&self) -> Option<I>;
pub trait GetOutput<O> {
fn output(&self) -> Option<O>;
impl<'a,I,O,E> GetInput<&'a[I]> for IResult<&'a[I],O,E> {
fn remaining_input(&self) -> Option<&'a[I]> {
match *self {
Done(ref i,_) => Some(*i),
_ => None
impl<O,E> GetInput<()> for IResult<(),O,E> {
fn remaining_input(&self) -> Option<()> {
match *self {
Done((),_) => Some(()),
_ => None
impl<'a,O,E> GetInput<&'a str> for IResult<&'a str,O,E> {
fn remaining_input(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
match *self {
Done(ref i,_) => Some(*i),
_ => None
impl<'a,I,O,E> GetOutput<&'a[O]> for IResult<I,&'a[O],E> {
fn output(&self) -> Option<&'a[O]> {
match *self {
Done(_, ref o) => Some(*o),
_ => None
impl<I,E> GetOutput<()> for IResult<I,(),E> {
fn output(&self) -> Option<()> {
match *self {
Done(_,()) => Some(()),
_ => None
impl<'a,I,E> GetOutput<&'a str> for IResult<I,&'a str,E> {
fn output(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
match *self {
Done(_,ref o) => Some(*o),
_ => None
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
use std::any::Any;
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
use std::{error,fmt};
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
use std::fmt::Debug;
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
impl<P:Debug+Any,E:Debug+Any> error::Error for Err<P,E> {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
let kind = match *self {
Err::Code(ref e) | Err::Node(ref e, _) | Err::Position(ref e, _) | Err::NodePosition(ref e, _, _) => e
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
impl<P:fmt::Debug,E:fmt::Debug> fmt::Display for Err<P,E> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
Err::Code(ref e) | Err::Node(ref e, _) => {
write!(f, "{:?}", e)
Err::Position(ref e, ref p) | Err::NodePosition(ref e, ref p, _) => {
write!(f, "{:?}:{:?}", p, e)
mod tests {
use super::*;
use util::ErrorKind;
const REST: [u8; 0] = [];
const DONE: IResult<&'static [u8], u32> = IResult::Done(&REST, 5);
const ERROR: IResult<&'static [u8], u32> = IResult::Error(Err::Code(ErrorKind::Tag));
const INCOMPLETE: IResult<&'static [u8], u32> = IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Unknown);
fn needed_map() {
let unknown = Needed::Unknown;
let size = Needed::Size(5);
assert_eq!(size.map(|x| x * 2), Needed::Size(10));
assert_eq!(unknown.map(|x| x * 2), Needed::Unknown);
fn iresult_map() {
assert_eq!(DONE.map(|x| x * 2), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 10));
assert_eq!(ERROR.map(|x| x * 2), IResult::Error(Err::Code(ErrorKind::Tag)));
assert_eq!(INCOMPLETE.map(|x| x * 2), IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Unknown));
fn iresult_map_inc() {
let inc_unknown: IResult<&[u8], u32> = IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Unknown);
let inc_size: IResult<&[u8], u32> = IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Size(5));
assert_eq!(DONE.map_inc(|n| if let Needed::Size(i) = n {Needed::Size(i+1)} else {n}), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 5));
assert_eq!(ERROR.map_inc(|n| if let Needed::Size(i) = n {Needed::Size(i+1)} else {n}), IResult::Error(Err::Code(ErrorKind::Tag)));
assert_eq!(inc_unknown.map_inc(|n| if let Needed::Size(i) = n {Needed::Size(i+1)} else {n}), IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Unknown));
assert_eq!(inc_size.map_inc(|n| if let Needed::Size(i) = n {Needed::Size(i+1)} else {n}), IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Size(6)));
fn iresult_map_err() {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Error(u32);
let error_kind = Err::Code(ErrorKind::Custom(Error(5)));
assert_eq!(DONE.map_err(|_| error_kind.clone()), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 5));
assert_eq!(ERROR.map_err(|x| {println!("err: {:?}", x); error_kind.clone()}), IResult::Error(error_kind.clone()));
assert_eq!(INCOMPLETE.map_err(|x| {println!("err: {:?}", x); error_kind.clone()}), IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Unknown));
fn iresult_unwrap_on_done() {
assert_eq!(DONE.unwrap(), (&b""[..], 5));
fn iresult_unwrap_on_err() {
fn iresult_unwrap_on_inc() {
fn iresult_unwrap_err_on_done() {
fn iresult_unwrap_err_on_err() {
assert_eq!(ERROR.unwrap_err(), Err::Code(ErrorKind::Tag));
fn iresult_unwrap_err_on_inc() {
fn iresult_unwrap_inc_on_done() {
fn iresult_unwrap_inc_on_err() {
fn iresult_unwrap_inc_on_inc() {
assert_eq!(INCOMPLETE.unwrap_inc(), Needed::Unknown);

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/src/lib.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
//! nom, eating data byte by byte
//! nom is a parser combinator library with a focus on safe parsing,
//! streaming patterns, and as much as possible zero copy.
//! The code is available on [Github](https://github.com/Geal/nom)
//! # Example
//! ```
//! #[macro_use]
//! extern crate nom;
//! use nom::{IResult,digit};
//! use nom::IResult::*;
//! // Parser definition
//! use std::str;
//! use std::str::FromStr;
//! named!(parens<i64>, delimited!(
//! char!('('),
//! expr,
//! char!(')')
//! )
//! );
//! named!(i64_digit<i64>,
//! map_res!(
//! map_res!(
//! digit,
//! str::from_utf8
//! ),
//! FromStr::from_str
//! )
//! );
//! // We transform an integer string into a i64
//! // we look for a digit suite, and try to convert it.
//! // if either str::from_utf8 or FromStr::from_str fail,
//! // the parser will fail
//! named!(factor<i64>,
//! alt!(
//! i64_digit
//! | parens
//! )
//! );
//! // we define acc as mutable to update its value whenever a new term is found
//! named!(term <i64>,
//! chain!(
//! mut acc: factor ~
//! many0!(
//! alt!(
//! tap!(mul: preceded!(tag!("*"), factor) => acc = acc * mul) |
//! tap!(div: preceded!(tag!("/"), factor) => acc = acc / div)
//! )
//! ),
//! || { return acc }
//! )
//! );
//! named!(expr <i64>,
//! chain!(
//! mut acc: term ~
//! many0!(
//! alt!(
//! tap!(add: preceded!(tag!("+"), term) => acc = acc + add) |
//! tap!(sub: preceded!(tag!("-"), term) => acc = acc - sub)
//! )
//! ),
//! || { return acc }
//! )
//! );
//! fn main() {
//! assert_eq!(expr(b"1+2"), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 3));
//! assert_eq!(expr(b"12+6-4+3"), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 17));
//! assert_eq!(expr(b"1+2*3+4"), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 11));
//! assert_eq!(expr(b"(2)"), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 2));
//! assert_eq!(expr(b"2*(3+4)"), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 14));
//! assert_eq!(expr(b"2*2/(5-1)+3"), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 4));
//! }
//! ```
#![cfg_attr(feature = "core", feature(no_std))]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "core", feature(collections))]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "core", no_std)]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", feature(test))]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", feature(const_fn))]
#[cfg(feature = "core")]
extern crate collections;
#[cfg(feature = "regexp")]
extern crate regex;
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
#[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static;
#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
extern crate test;
#[cfg(feature = "core")]
mod std {
pub use core::{fmt, iter, option, ops, slice, mem};
pub use collections::{boxed, vec, string};
pub mod prelude {
pub use core::prelude as v1;
pub use self::util::*;
pub use self::internal::*;
pub use self::macros::*;
pub use self::methods::*;
pub use self::bytes::*;
pub use self::bits::*;
pub use self::nom::*;
pub use self::character::*;
#[cfg(feature = "regexp")]
pub use self::regexp::*;
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
#[cfg(feature = "stream")]
pub use self::stream::*;
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
pub use self::str::*;
#[macro_use] mod util;
mod internal;
#[macro_use] mod macros;
#[macro_use] mod methods;
#[macro_use] mod bytes;
#[macro_use] mod bits;
#[macro_use] mod nom;
#[macro_use] mod character;
#[cfg(feature = "regexp")]
#[macro_use] mod regexp;
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
#[cfg(feature = "stream")]
mod stream;
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
mod str;

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/src/macros.rs поставляемый Normal file

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//! Method macro combinators
//! These macros make parsers as methods of structs
//! and that can take methods of structs to call
//! as parsers.
//! There is a trick to make them easier to assemble,
//! combinators are defined like this:
//! ```ignore
//! macro_rules! tag (
//! ($i:expr, $inp: expr) => (
//! {
//! ...
//! }
//! );
//! );
//! ```
//! But when used as methods in other combinators, are used
//! like this:
//! ```ignore
//! method!(my_function<Parser<'a> >, self, tag!("abcd"));
//! ```
//! Internally, other combinators will rewrite
//! that call to pass the input as second argument:
//! ```ignore
//! macro_rules! method (
//! ($name:ident<$a:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
//! fn $name( $self_: $a, i: &[u8] ) -> $crate::IResult<&[u8], &[u8]> {
//! $submac!(i, $($args)*)
//! }
//! );
//! );
//! ```
//! The `method!` macro is similar to the `named!` macro in the macros module.
//! While `named!` will create a parser function, `method!` will create a parser
//! method on the struct it is defined in.
//! Compared to the `named!` macro there are a few differences in how they are
//! invoked. A `method!` invocation always has to have the type of `self`
//! declared and it can't be a reference due to Rust's borrow lifetime
//! restrictions:
//! ```ignore
//! // -`self`'s type-
//! method!(method_name< Parser<'a> >, ...);
//! ```
//! `self`'s type always comes first.
//! The next difference is you have to input the self struct. Due to Rust's
//! macro hygiene the macro can't declare it on it's own.
//! ```ignore
//! // -self-
//! method!(method_name<Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, self, ...);
//! ```
//! When making a parsing struct with parsing methods, due to the static borrow
//! checker,calling any parsing methods on self (or any other parsing struct)
//! will cause self to be moved for the rest of the method.To get around this
//! restriction all self is moved into the called method and then the called
//! method will return self to the caller.
//! To call a method on self you need to use the `call_m!` macro. For example:
//! ```ignore
//! struct<'a> Parser<'a> {
//! parsed: &'a str,
//! }
//! impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
//! // Constructor omitted for brevity
//! method!(take4<Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, self, take!(4));
//! method!(caller<Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, self, call_m!(self.take4));
//! }
//! ```
//! More complicated combinations still mostly look the same as their `named!`
//! counterparts:
//! ```ignore
//! method!(pub simple_chain<&mut Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, self,
//! chain!(
//! call_m!(self.tag_abc) ~
//! call_m!(self.tag_def) ~
//! call_m!(self.tag_ghi) ~
//! last: call_m!(self.simple_peek) ,
//! ||{sb.parsed = last; last}
//! )
//! );
//! ```
//! The three additions to method definitions to remember are:
//! 1. Specify `self`'s type
//! 2. Pass `self` to the macro
//! 4. Call parser methods using the `call_m!` macro.
/// Makes a method from a parser combination
/// The must be set up because the compiler needs
/// the information
/// ```ignore
/// method!(my_function<Parser<'a> >( &[u8] ) -> &[u8], tag!("abcd"));
/// // first type parameter is `self`'s type, second is input, third is output
/// method!(my_function<Parser<'a>, &[u8], &[u8]>, tag!("abcd"));
/// //prefix them with 'pub' to make the methods public
/// method!(pub my_function<Parser<'a>,&[u8], &[u8]>, tag!("abcd"));
/// ```
macro_rules! method (
// Non-public immutable self
($name:ident<$a:ty>( $i:ty ) -> $o:ty, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i,$o,u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
($name:ident<$a:ty,$i:ty,$o:ty,$e:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i, $o, $e>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
($name:ident<$a:ty,$i:ty,$o:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i,$o,u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
($name:ident<$a:ty,$o:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name<'a>( $self_: $a, i: &'a[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&'a [u8], $o, u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
($name:ident<$a:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( $self_: $a, i: &[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&[u8], &[u8], u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
// Public immutable self
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty>( $i:ty ) -> $o:ty, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i,$o,u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty,$i:ty,$o:ty,$e:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i, $o, $e>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty,$i:ty,$o:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( $self_: $a,i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i,$o,u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty,$o:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name<'a>( $self_: $a, i: &'a[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&'a [u8], $o, u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( $self_: $a, i: &[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&[u8], &[u8], u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
// Non-public mutable self
($name:ident<$a:ty>( $i:ty ) -> $o:ty, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( mut $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i,$o,u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
($name:ident<$a:ty,$i:ty,$o:ty,$e:ty>, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( mut $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i, $o, $e>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
($name:ident<$a:ty,$i:ty,$o:ty>, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( mut $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i,$o,u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
($name:ident<$a:ty,$o:ty>, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name<'a>( mut $self_: $a, i: &'a[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&'a [u8], $o, u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
($name:ident<$a:ty>, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( mut $self_: $a, i: &[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&[u8], &[u8], u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
// Public mutable self
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty>( $i:ty ) -> $o:ty, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( mut $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i,$o,u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty,$i:ty,$o:ty,$e:ty>, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( mut $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i, $o, $e>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty,$i:ty,$o:ty>, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( mut $self_: $a,i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i,$o,u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty,$o:ty>, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name<'a>( mut $self_: $a, i: &'a[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&'a [u8], $o, u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty>, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( mut $self_: $a, i: &[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&[u8], &[u8], u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
/// Used to called methods then move self back into self
macro_rules! call_m (
($i:expr, $self_:ident.$method:ident) => (
let (tmp, res) = $self_.$method($i);
$self_ = tmp;
($i:expr, $self_:ident.$method:ident, $($args:expr),* ) => (
let (tmp, res) = $self_.$method($i, $($args),*);
$self_ = tmp;
/// emulate function currying for method calls on structs
/// `apply!(self.my_function, arg1, arg2, ...)` becomes `self.my_function(input, arg1, arg2, ...)`
/// Supports up to 6 arguments
macro_rules! apply_m (
($i:expr, $self_:ident.$method:ident, $($args:expr),* ) => ( { let (tmp, res) = $self_.$method( $i, $($args),* ); $self_ = tmp; res } );
mod tests {
use internal::IResult::*;
// reproduce the tag_s and take_s macros, because of module import order
macro_rules! tag_s (
($i:expr, $tag: expr) => (
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = if $tag.len() > $i.len() {
//} else if &$i[0..$tag.len()] == $tag {
} else if ($i).starts_with($tag) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[$tag.len()..], &$i[0..$tag.len()])
} else {
$crate::IResult::Error($crate::Err::Position($crate::ErrorKind::TagStr, $i))
macro_rules! take_s (
($i:expr, $count:expr) => (
let cnt = $count as usize;
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = if $i.chars().count() < cnt {
} else {
let mut offset = $i.len();
let mut count = 0;
for (o, _) in $i.char_indices() {
if count == cnt {
offset = o;
count += 1;
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], &$i[..offset])
struct Parser<'a> {
bcd: &'a str,
impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
pub fn new() -> Parser<'a> {
Parser{bcd: ""}
method!(tag_abc<Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, self, tag_s!("áβç"));
method!(tag_bcd<Parser<'a> >(&'a str) -> &'a str, self, tag_s!("βçδ"));
method!(pub tag_hij<Parser<'a> >(&'a str) -> &'a str, self, tag_s!("λïJ"));
method!(pub tag_ijk<Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, self, tag_s!("ïJƙ"));
method!(take3<Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, self, take_s!(3));
method!(pub simple_call<Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, mut self,
method!(pub simple_peek<Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, mut self,
method!(pub simple_chain<Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, mut self,
bcd: call_m!(self.tag_bcd) ~
last: call_m!(self.simple_peek) ,
||{self.bcd = bcd; last}
fn tag_stuff(mut self: Parser<'a>, input: &'a str, something: &'a str) -> (Parser<'a>, ::IResult<&'a str, &'a str>) {
self.bcd = something;
let(tmp, res) = self.tag_abc(input);
self = tmp;
(self, res)
method!(use_apply<Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, mut self, apply_m!(self.tag_stuff, "βçδ"));
fn test_method_call_abc() {
let p = Parser::new();
let input: &str = "áβçδèƒϱλïJƙ";
let consumed: &str = "áβç";
let leftover: &str = "δèƒϱλïJƙ";
let(_, res) = p.tag_abc(input);
match res {
Done(extra, output) => { assert!(extra == leftover, "`Parser.tag_abc` consumed leftover input. leftover: {}", extra);
assert!(output == consumed, "`Parser.tag_abc` doesnt return the string it consumed \
on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", consumed, output);
other => panic!("`Parser.tag_abc` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn test_method_call_bcd() {
let p = Parser::new();
let input: &str = "βçδèƒϱλïJƙ";
let consumed: &str = "βçδ";
let leftover: &str = "èƒϱλïJƙ";
let(_, res) = p.tag_bcd(input);
match res {
Done(extra, output) => { assert!(extra == leftover, "`Parser.tag_bcd` consumed leftover input. leftover: {}", extra);
assert!(output == consumed, "`Parser.tag_bcd` doesn't return the string it consumed \
on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", consumed, output);
other => panic!("`Parser.tag_bcd` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn test_method_call_hij() {
let p = Parser::new();
let input: &str = "λïJƙ₥ñôƥ9řƨ";
let consumed: &str = "λïJ";
let leftover: &str = "ƙ₥ñôƥ9řƨ";
let(_, res) = p.tag_hij(input);
match res {
Done(extra, output) => { assert!(extra == leftover, "`Parser.tag_hij` consumed leftover input. leftover: {}", extra);
assert!(output == consumed, "`Parser.tag_hij` doesn't return the string it consumed \
on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", consumed, output);
other => panic!("`Parser.tag_hij` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn test_method_call_ijk() {
let p = Parser::new();
let input: &str = "ïJƙ₥ñôƥ9řƨ";
let consumed: &str = "ïJƙ";
let leftover: &str = "₥ñôƥ9řƨ";
let(_, res) = p.tag_ijk(input);
match res {
Done(extra, output) => { assert!(extra == leftover, "`Parser.tag_ijk` consumed leftover input. leftover: {}", extra);
assert!(output == consumed, "`Parser.tag_ijk` doesn't return the string it consumed \
on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", consumed, output);
other => panic!("`Parser.tag_ijk` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn test_method_simple_call() {
let p = Parser::new();
let input: &str = "áβçδèƒϱλïJƙ";
let consumed: &str = "áβç";
let leftover: &str = "δèƒϱλïJƙ";
let(_, res) = p.simple_call(input);
match res {
Done(extra, output) => { assert!(extra == leftover, "`Parser.simple_call` consumed leftover input. leftover: {}", extra);
assert!(output == consumed, "`Parser.simple_call` doesn't return the string it consumed \
on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", consumed, output);
other => panic!("`Parser.simple_call` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn test_apply_m() {
let mut p = Parser::new();
let input: &str = "áβçδèƒϱλïJƙ";
let consumed: &str = "áβç";
let leftover: &str = "δèƒϱλïJƙ";
let(tmp, res) = p.use_apply(input);
p = tmp;
match res {
Done(extra, output) => { assert!(extra == leftover, "`Parser.use_apply` consumed leftover input. leftover: {}", extra);
assert!(output == consumed, "`Parser.use_apply` doesn't return the string it was supposed to \
on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", leftover, output);
assert!(p.bcd == "βçδ", "Parser.use_apply didn't modify the parser field correctly: {}", p.bcd);
other => panic!("`Parser.use_apply` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn test_method_call_peek() {
let p = Parser::new();
let input: &str = "ж¥ƺáβçδèƒϱλïJƙ";
let consumed: &str = "ж¥ƺ";
let(_, res) = p.simple_peek(input);
match res {
Done(extra, output) => { assert!(extra == input, "`Parser.simple_peek` consumed leftover input. leftover: {}", extra);
assert!(output == consumed, "`Parser.simple_peek` doesn't return the string it consumed \
on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", consumed, output);
other => panic!("`Parser.simple_peek` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn test_method_call_chain() {
let mut p = Parser::new();
let input : &str = "βçδδèƒϱλïJƙ";
let leftover : &str = "δèƒϱλïJƙ";
let output : &str = "늟";
let(tmp, res) = p.simple_chain(input);
p = tmp;
match res {
Done(extra, out) => { assert!(extra == leftover, "`Parser.simple_chain` consumed leftover input. leftover: {}", extra);
assert!(out == output, "`Parser.simple_chain` doesn't return the string it was supposed to \
on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", output, out);
assert!(p.bcd == "βçδ", "Parser.simple_chain didn't modify the parser field correctly: {}", p.bcd);
other => panic!("`Parser.simple_chain` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),

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@ -0,0 +1,950 @@
//! Useful parser combinators
//! A number of useful parser combinators have already been implemented.
//! Some of them use macros, other are implemented through functions.
//! Hopefully, the syntax will converge to onely one way in the future,
//! but the macros system makes no promises.
#[cfg(feature = "core")]
use std::prelude::v1::*;
use std::boxed::Box;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use internal::*;
use internal::IResult::*;
use internal::Err::*;
use util::{ErrorKind,IterIndices,AsChar,InputLength};
use std::mem::transmute;
pub fn tag_cl<'a,'b>(rec:&'a[u8]) -> Box<Fn(&'b[u8]) -> IResult<&'b[u8], &'b[u8]> + 'a> {
Box::new(move |i: &'b[u8]| -> IResult<&'b[u8], &'b[u8]> {
if i.len() >= rec.len() && &i[0..rec.len()] == rec {
Done(&i[rec.len()..], &i[0..rec.len()])
} else {
Error(Position(ErrorKind::TagClosure, i))
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
pub fn print<T: Debug>(input: T) -> IResult<T, ()> {
println!("{:?}", input);
Done(input, ())
pub fn begin(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<(), &[u8]> {
Done((), input)
// FIXME: when rust-lang/rust#17436 is fixed, macros will be able to export
// public methods
//pub is_not!(line_ending b"\r\n")
pub fn not_line_ending(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &[u8]> {
for (idx, item) in input.iter().enumerate() {
for &i in b"\r\n".iter() {
if *item == i {
return Done(&input[idx..], &input[0..idx])
Done(&input[input.len()..], input)
named!(tag_ln, tag!("\n"));
/// Recognizes a line feed
pub fn line_ending(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &[u8]> {
pub fn is_alphabetic(chr:u8) -> bool {
(chr >= 0x41 && chr <= 0x5A) || (chr >= 0x61 && chr <= 0x7A)
pub fn is_digit(chr: u8) -> bool {
chr >= 0x30 && chr <= 0x39
pub fn is_hex_digit(chr: u8) -> bool {
(chr >= 0x30 && chr <= 0x39) ||
(chr >= 0x41 && chr <= 0x46) ||
(chr >= 0x61 && chr <= 0x66)
pub fn is_oct_digit(chr: u8) -> bool {
chr >= 0x30 && chr <= 0x37
pub fn is_alphanumeric(chr: u8) -> bool {
is_alphabetic(chr) || is_digit(chr)
pub fn is_space(chr:u8) -> bool {
chr == ' ' as u8 || chr == '\t' as u8
// FIXME: when rust-lang/rust#17436 is fixed, macros will be able to export
//pub filter!(alpha is_alphabetic)
//pub filter!(digit is_digit)
//pub filter!(hex_digit is_hex_digit)
//pub filter!(oct_digit is_oct_digit)
//pub filter!(alphanumeric is_alphanumeric)
use std::ops::{Index,Range,RangeFrom};
/// Recognizes lowercase and uppercase alphabetic characters: a-zA-Z
pub fn alpha<'a, T: ?Sized>(input:&'a T) -> IResult<&'a T, &'a T> where
T:Index<Range<usize>, Output=T>+Index<RangeFrom<usize>, Output=T>,
&'a T: IterIndices+InputLength {
let input_length = input.input_len();
if input_length == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::Alpha, input))
for (idx, item) in input.iter_indices() {
if ! item.is_alpha() {
if idx == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::Alpha, input))
} else {
return Done(&input[idx..], &input[0..idx])
Done(&input[input_length..], input)
/// Recognizes numerical characters: 0-9
pub fn digit<'a, T: ?Sized>(input:&'a T) -> IResult<&'a T, &'a T> where
T:Index<Range<usize>, Output=T>+Index<RangeFrom<usize>, Output=T>,
&'a T: IterIndices+InputLength {
let input_length = input.input_len();
if input_length == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::Digit, input))
for (idx, item) in input.iter_indices() {
if ! item.is_0_to_9() {
if idx == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::Digit, input))
} else {
return Done(&input[idx..], &input[0..idx])
Done(&input[input_length..], input)
/// Recognizes hexadecimal numerical characters: 0-9, A-F, a-f
pub fn hex_digit<'a, T: ?Sized>(input:&'a T) -> IResult<&'a T, &'a T> where
T:Index<Range<usize>, Output=T>+Index<RangeFrom<usize>, Output=T>,
&'a T: IterIndices+InputLength {
let input_length = input.input_len();
if input_length == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::HexDigit, input))
for (idx, item) in input.iter_indices() {
if ! item.is_hex_digit() {
if idx == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::HexDigit, input))
} else {
return Done(&input[idx..], &input[0..idx])
Done(&input[input_length..], input)
/// Recognizes octal characters: 0-7
pub fn oct_digit<'a, T: ?Sized>(input:&'a T) -> IResult<&'a T, &'a T> where
T:Index<Range<usize>, Output=T>+Index<RangeFrom<usize>, Output=T>,
&'a T: IterIndices+InputLength {
let input_length = input.input_len();
if input_length == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::OctDigit, input))
for (idx, item) in input.iter_indices() {
if ! item.is_oct_digit() {
if idx == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::OctDigit, input))
} else {
return Done(&input[idx..], &input[0..idx])
Done(&input[input_length..], input)
/// Recognizes numerical and alphabetic characters: 0-9a-zA-Z
pub fn alphanumeric<'a, T: ?Sized>(input:&'a T) -> IResult<&'a T, &'a T> where
T:Index<Range<usize>, Output=T>+Index<RangeFrom<usize>, Output=T>,
&'a T: IterIndices+InputLength {
let input_length = input.input_len();
if input_length == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::AlphaNumeric, input));
for (idx, item) in input.iter_indices() {
if ! item.is_alphanum() {
if idx == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::AlphaNumeric, input))
} else {
return Done(&input[idx..], &input[0..idx])
Done(&input[input_length..], input)
/// Recognizes spaces and tabs
pub fn space<'a, T: ?Sized>(input:&'a T) -> IResult<&'a T, &'a T> where
T:Index<Range<usize>, Output=T>+Index<RangeFrom<usize>, Output=T>,
&'a T: IterIndices+InputLength {
let input_length = input.input_len();
if input_length == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::Space, input));
for (idx, item) in input.iter_indices() {
let chr = item.as_char();
if ! (chr == ' ' || chr == '\t') {
if idx == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::Space, input))
} else {
return Done(&input[idx..], &input[0..idx])
Done(&input[input_length..], input)
/// Recognizes spaces, tabs, carriage returns and line feeds
pub fn multispace<'a, T: ?Sized>(input:&'a T) -> IResult<&'a T, &'a T> where
T:Index<Range<usize>, Output=T>+Index<RangeFrom<usize>, Output=T>,
&'a T: IterIndices+InputLength {
let input_length = input.input_len();
if input_length == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::MultiSpace, input));
for (idx, item) in input.iter_indices() {
let chr = item.as_char();
if ! (chr == ' ' || chr == '\t' || chr == '\r' || chr == '\n') {
if idx == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::MultiSpace, input))
} else {
return Done(&input[idx..], &input[0..idx])
Done(&input[input_length..], input)
pub fn sized_buffer(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &[u8]> {
if input.is_empty() {
return Incomplete(Needed::Unknown)
let len = input[0] as usize;
if input.len() >= len + 1 {
Done(&input[len+1..], &input[1..len+1])
} else {
Incomplete(Needed::Size(1 + len))
pub fn length_value(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &[u8]> {
let input_len = input.len();
if input_len == 0 {
return Error(Position(ErrorKind::LengthValueFn, input))
let len = input[0] as usize;
if input_len - 1 >= len {
IResult::Done(&input[len+1..], &input[1..len+1])
} else {
/// Recognizes an unsigned 1 byte integer (equivalent to take!(1)
pub fn be_u8(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u8> {
if i.len() < 1 {
} else {
Done(&i[1..], i[0])
/// Recognizes big endian unsigned 2 bytes integer
pub fn be_u16(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u16> {
if i.len() < 2 {
} else {
let res = ((i[0] as u16) << 8) + i[1] as u16;
Done(&i[2..], res)
/// Recognizes big endian unsigned 4 bytes integer
pub fn be_u32(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u32> {
if i.len() < 4 {
} else {
let res = ((i[0] as u32) << 24) + ((i[1] as u32) << 16) + ((i[2] as u32) << 8) + i[3] as u32;
Done(&i[4..], res)
/// Recognizes big endian unsigned 8 bytes integer
pub fn be_u64(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u64> {
if i.len() < 8 {
} else {
let res = ((i[0] as u64) << 56) + ((i[1] as u64) << 48) + ((i[2] as u64) << 40) + ((i[3] as u64) << 32) +
((i[4] as u64) << 24) + ((i[5] as u64) << 16) + ((i[6] as u64) << 8) + i[7] as u64;
Done(&i[8..], res)
/// Recognizes a signed 1 byte integer (equivalent to take!(1)
pub fn be_i8(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], i8> {
map!(i, be_u8, | x | { x as i8 })
/// Recognizes big endian signed 2 bytes integer
pub fn be_i16(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], i16> {
map!(i, be_u16, | x | { x as i16 })
/// Recognizes big endian signed 4 bytes integer
pub fn be_i32(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], i32> {
map!(i, be_u32, | x | { x as i32 })
/// Recognizes big endian signed 8 bytes integer
pub fn be_i64(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], i64> {
map!(i, be_u64, | x | { x as i64 })
/// Recognizes an unsigned 1 byte integer (equivalent to take!(1)
pub fn le_u8(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u8> {
if i.len() < 1 {
} else {
Done(&i[1..], i[0])
/// Recognizes little endian unsigned 2 bytes integer
pub fn le_u16(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u16> {
if i.len() < 2 {
} else {
let res = ((i[1] as u16) << 8) + i[0] as u16;
Done(&i[2..], res)
/// Recognizes little endian unsigned 4 bytes integer
pub fn le_u32(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u32> {
if i.len() < 4 {
} else {
let res = ((i[3] as u32) << 24) + ((i[2] as u32) << 16) + ((i[1] as u32) << 8) + i[0] as u32;
Done(&i[4..], res)
/// Recognizes little endian unsigned 8 bytes integer
pub fn le_u64(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u64> {
if i.len() < 8 {
} else {
let res = ((i[7] as u64) << 56) + ((i[6] as u64) << 48) + ((i[5] as u64) << 40) + ((i[4] as u64) << 32) +
((i[3] as u64) << 24) + ((i[2] as u64) << 16) + ((i[1] as u64) << 8) + i[0] as u64;
Done(&i[8..], res)
/// Recognizes a signed 1 byte integer (equivalent to take!(1)
pub fn le_i8(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], i8> {
map!(i, le_u8, | x | { x as i8 })
/// Recognizes little endian signed 2 bytes integer
pub fn le_i16(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], i16> {
map!(i, le_u16, | x | { x as i16 })
/// Recognizes little endian signed 4 bytes integer
pub fn le_i32(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], i32> {
map!(i, le_u32, | x | { x as i32 })
/// Recognizes little endian signed 8 bytes integer
pub fn le_i64(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], i64> {
map!(i, le_u64, | x | { x as i64 })
/// if parameter is true, parse a big endian u16 integer,
/// otherwise a little endian u16 integer
macro_rules! u16 ( ($i:expr, $e:expr) => ( {if $e { $crate::be_u16($i) } else { $crate::le_u16($i) } } ););
/// if parameter is true, parse a big endian u32 integer,
/// otherwise a little endian u32 integer
macro_rules! u32 ( ($i:expr, $e:expr) => ( {if $e { $crate::be_u32($i) } else { $crate::le_u32($i) } } ););
/// if parameter is true, parse a big endian u64 integer,
/// otherwise a little endian u64 integer
macro_rules! u64 ( ($i:expr, $e:expr) => ( {if $e { $crate::be_u64($i) } else { $crate::le_u64($i) } } ););
/// if parameter is true, parse a big endian i16 integer,
/// otherwise a little endian i16 integer
macro_rules! i16 ( ($i:expr, $e:expr) => ( {if $e { $crate::be_i16($i) } else { $crate::le_i16($i) } } ););
/// if parameter is true, parse a big endian i32 integer,
/// otherwise a little endian i32 integer
macro_rules! i32 ( ($i:expr, $e:expr) => ( {if $e { $crate::be_i32($i) } else { $crate::le_i32($i) } } ););
/// if parameter is true, parse a big endian i64 integer,
/// otherwise a little endian i64 integer
macro_rules! i64 ( ($i:expr, $e:expr) => ( {if $e { $crate::be_i64($i) } else { $crate::le_i64($i) } } ););
/// Recognizes big endian 4 bytes floating point number
pub fn be_f32(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], f32> {
match be_u32(input) {
Error(e) => Error(e),
Incomplete(e) => Incomplete(e),
Done(i,o) => {
unsafe {
Done(i, transmute::<u32, f32>(o))
/// Recognizes big endian 8 bytes floating point number
pub fn be_f64(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], f64> {
match be_u64(input) {
Error(e) => Error(e),
Incomplete(e) => Incomplete(e),
Done(i,o) => {
unsafe {
Done(i, transmute::<u64, f64>(o))
/// Recognizes little endian 4 bytes floating point number
pub fn le_f32(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], f32> {
match le_u32(input) {
Error(e) => Error(e),
Incomplete(e) => Incomplete(e),
Done(i,o) => {
unsafe {
Done(i, transmute::<u32, f32>(o))
/// Recognizes little endian 8 bytes floating point number
pub fn le_f64(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], f64> {
match le_u64(input) {
Error(e) => Error(e),
Incomplete(e) => Incomplete(e),
Done(i,o) => {
unsafe {
Done(i, transmute::<u64, f64>(o))
/// Recognizes a hex-encoded integer
pub fn hex_u32(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u32> {
match is_a!(input, &b"0123456789abcdef"[..]) {
Error(e) => Error(e),
Incomplete(e) => Incomplete(e),
Done(i,o) => {
let mut res = 0u32;
// Do not parse more than 8 characters for a u32
let mut remaining = i;
let mut parsed = o;
if o.len() > 8 {
remaining = &input[8..];
parsed = &input[..8];
for &e in parsed {
let digit = e as char;
let value = digit.to_digit(16).unwrap_or(0);
res = value + (res << 4);
Done(remaining, res)
/// Recognizes empty input buffers
/// useful to verify that the previous parsers used all of the input
//pub fn eof(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &[u8]> {
pub fn eof<'a, T:?Sized>(input: &'a T) -> IResult<&'a T,&'a T> where
T:Index<Range<usize>, Output=T>+Index<RangeFrom<usize>, Output=T>,
&'a T: InputLength {
if input.input_len() == 0 {
Done(input, input)
} else {
Error(Position(ErrorKind::Eof, input))
/// Recognizes non empty buffers
pub fn non_empty<'a, T:?Sized>(input: &'a T) -> IResult<&'a T,&'a T> where
T:Index<Range<usize>, Output=T>+Index<RangeFrom<usize>, Output=T>,
&'a T: InputLength {
if input.input_len() == 0 {
Error(Position(ErrorKind::NonEmpty, input))
} else {
Done(&input[input.input_len()..], input)
/// Return the remaining input.
pub fn rest(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &[u8]> {
IResult::Done(&input[input.len()..], input)
/// Return the remaining input, for strings.
pub fn rest_s(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
IResult::Done(&input[input.len()..], input)
mod tests {
use super::*;
use internal::{Needed,IResult};
use internal::IResult::*;
use internal::Err::*;
use util::ErrorKind;
fn tag_closure() {
let x = tag_cl(&b"abcd"[..]);
let r = x(&b"abcdabcdefgh"[..]);
assert_eq!(r, Done(&b"abcdefgh"[..], &b"abcd"[..]));
let r2 = x(&b"abcefgh"[..]);
assert_eq!(r2, Error(Position(ErrorKind::TagClosure, &b"abcefgh"[..])));
fn character() {
let empty: &[u8] = b"";
let a: &[u8] = b"abcd";
let b: &[u8] = b"1234";
let c: &[u8] = b"a123";
let d: &[u8] = "azé12".as_bytes();
let e: &[u8] = b" ";
assert_eq!(alpha(a), Done(empty, a));
assert_eq!(alpha(b), Error(Position(ErrorKind::Alpha,b)));
assert_eq!(alpha(c), Done(&c[1..], &b"a"[..]));
assert_eq!(alpha(d), Done("é12".as_bytes(), &b"az"[..]));
assert_eq!(digit(a), Error(Position(ErrorKind::Digit,a)));
assert_eq!(digit(b), Done(empty, b));
assert_eq!(digit(c), Error(Position(ErrorKind::Digit,c)));
assert_eq!(digit(d), Error(Position(ErrorKind::Digit,d)));
assert_eq!(hex_digit(a), Done(empty, a));
assert_eq!(hex_digit(b), Done(empty, b));
assert_eq!(hex_digit(c), Done(empty, c));
assert_eq!(hex_digit(d), Done("zé12".as_bytes(), &b"a"[..]));
assert_eq!(hex_digit(e), Error(Position(ErrorKind::HexDigit,e)));
assert_eq!(oct_digit(a), Error(Position(ErrorKind::OctDigit,a)));
assert_eq!(oct_digit(b), Done(empty, b));
assert_eq!(oct_digit(c), Error(Position(ErrorKind::OctDigit,c)));
assert_eq!(oct_digit(d), Error(Position(ErrorKind::OctDigit,d)));
assert_eq!(alphanumeric(a), Done(empty, a));
assert_eq!(fix_error!(b,(), alphanumeric), Done(empty, b));
assert_eq!(alphanumeric(c), Done(empty, c));
assert_eq!(alphanumeric(d), Done("é12".as_bytes(), &b"az"[..]));
assert_eq!(space(e), Done(&b""[..], &b" "[..]));
fn character_s() {
let empty = "";
let a = "abcd";
let b = "1234";
let c = "a123";
let d = "azé12";
let e = " ";
assert_eq!(alpha(a), Done(empty, a));
assert_eq!(alpha(b), Error(Position(ErrorKind::Alpha,b)));
assert_eq!(alpha(c), Done(&c[1..], &"a"[..]));
assert_eq!(alpha(d), Done("12", &"azé"[..]));
assert_eq!(digit(a), Error(Position(ErrorKind::Digit,a)));
assert_eq!(digit(b), Done(empty, b));
assert_eq!(digit(c), Error(Position(ErrorKind::Digit,c)));
assert_eq!(digit(d), Error(Position(ErrorKind::Digit,d)));
assert_eq!(hex_digit(a), Done(empty, a));
assert_eq!(hex_digit(b), Done(empty, b));
assert_eq!(hex_digit(c), Done(empty, c));
assert_eq!(hex_digit(d), Done("zé12", &"a"[..]));
assert_eq!(hex_digit(e), Error(Position(ErrorKind::HexDigit,e)));
assert_eq!(oct_digit(a), Error(Position(ErrorKind::OctDigit,a)));
assert_eq!(oct_digit(b), Done(empty, b));
assert_eq!(oct_digit(c), Error(Position(ErrorKind::OctDigit,c)));
assert_eq!(oct_digit(d), Error(Position(ErrorKind::OctDigit,d)));
assert_eq!(alphanumeric(a), Done(empty, a));
assert_eq!(fix_error!(b,(), alphanumeric), Done(empty, b));
assert_eq!(alphanumeric(c), Done(empty, c));
assert_eq!(alphanumeric(d), Done("", &"azé12"[..]));
assert_eq!(space(e), Done(&""[..], &" "[..]));
use util::HexDisplay;
fn offset() {
let a = &b"abcd"[..];
let b = &b"1234"[..];
let c = &b"a123"[..];
let d = &b" \t"[..];
let e = &b" \t\r\n"[..];
let f = &b"123abcDEF"[..];
match alpha(a) {
Done(i, _) => { assert_eq!(a.offset(i) + i.len(), a.len()); }
_ => { panic!("wrong return type in offset test for alpha") }
match digit(b) {
Done(i, _) => { assert_eq!(b.offset(i) + i.len(), b.len()); }
_ => { panic!("wrong return type in offset test for digit") }
match alphanumeric(c) {
Done(i, _) => { assert_eq!(c.offset(i) + i.len(), c.len()); }
_ => { panic!("wrong return type in offset test for alphanumeric") }
match space(d) {
Done(i, _) => { assert_eq!(d.offset(i) + i.len(), d.len()); }
_ => { panic!("wrong return type in offset test for space") }
match multispace(e) {
Done(i, _) => { assert_eq!(e.offset(i) + i.len(), e.len()); }
_ => { panic!("wrong return type in offset test for multispace") }
match hex_digit(f) {
Done(i, _) => { assert_eq!(f.offset(i) + i.len(), f.len()); }
_ => { panic!("wrong return type in offset test for hex_digit") }
match oct_digit(f) {
Done(i, _) => { assert_eq!(f.offset(i) + i.len(), f.len()); }
_ => { panic!("wrong return type in offset test for oct_digit") }
fn is_not() {
let a: &[u8] = b"ab12cd\nefgh";
assert_eq!(not_line_ending(a), Done(&b"\nefgh"[..], &b"ab12cd"[..]));
let b: &[u8] = b"ab12cd\nefgh\nijkl";
assert_eq!(not_line_ending(b), Done(&b"\nefgh\nijkl"[..], &b"ab12cd"[..]));
let c: &[u8] = b"ab12cd";
assert_eq!(not_line_ending(c), Done(&b""[..], c));
fn buffer_with_size() {
let i:Vec<u8> = vec![7,8];
let o:Vec<u8> = vec![4,5,6];
//let arr:[u8; 6usize] = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
let arr:[u8; 6usize] = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
let res = sized_buffer(&arr[..]);
assert_eq!(res, Done(&i[..], &o[..]))
fn t1() {
let v1:Vec<u8> = vec![1,2,3];
let v2:Vec<u8> = vec![4,5,6];
let d = Done(&v1[..], &v2[..]);
let res = d.flat_map(print);
assert_eq!(res, Done(&v2[..], ()));
fn length_value_test() {
let i1 = vec![7,8];
let o1 = vec![4, 5, 6];
let arr1:[u8; 6usize] = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
let res1 = length_value(&arr1);
assert_eq!(Done(&i1[..], &o1[..]), res1);
let i2:Vec<u8> = vec![4,5,6,7,8];
let o2: &[u8] = b"";
let arr2:[u8; 6usize] = [0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
let res2 = length_value(&arr2);
assert_eq!(Done(&i2[..], o2), res2);
let arr3:[u8; 7usize] = [8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
let res3 = length_value(&arr3);
//FIXME: should be incomplete
assert_eq!(Incomplete(Needed::Size(9)), res3);
fn i8_tests() {
assert_eq!(be_i8(&[0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 0));
assert_eq!(be_i8(&[0x7f]), Done(&b""[..], 127));
assert_eq!(be_i8(&[0xff]), Done(&b""[..], -1));
assert_eq!(be_i8(&[0x80]), Done(&b""[..], -128));
fn i16_tests() {
assert_eq!(be_i16(&[0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 0));
assert_eq!(be_i16(&[0x7f, 0xff]), Done(&b""[..], 32767_i16));
assert_eq!(be_i16(&[0xff, 0xff]), Done(&b""[..], -1));
assert_eq!(be_i16(&[0x80, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], -32768_i16));
fn i32_tests() {
assert_eq!(be_i32(&[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 0));
assert_eq!(be_i32(&[0x7f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]), Done(&b""[..], 2147483647_i32));
assert_eq!(be_i32(&[0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]), Done(&b""[..], -1));
assert_eq!(be_i32(&[0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], -2147483648_i32));
fn i64_tests() {
assert_eq!(be_i64(&[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 0));
assert_eq!(be_i64(&[0x7f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]), Done(&b""[..], 9223372036854775807_i64));
assert_eq!(be_i64(&[0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]), Done(&b""[..], -1));
assert_eq!(be_i64(&[0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], -9223372036854775808_i64));
fn le_i8_tests() {
assert_eq!(le_i8(&[0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 0));
assert_eq!(le_i8(&[0x7f]), Done(&b""[..], 127));
assert_eq!(le_i8(&[0xff]), Done(&b""[..], -1));
assert_eq!(le_i8(&[0x80]), Done(&b""[..], -128));
fn le_i16_tests() {
assert_eq!(le_i16(&[0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 0));
assert_eq!(le_i16(&[0xff, 0x7f]), Done(&b""[..], 32767_i16));
assert_eq!(le_i16(&[0xff, 0xff]), Done(&b""[..], -1));
assert_eq!(le_i16(&[0x00, 0x80]), Done(&b""[..], -32768_i16));
fn le_i32_tests() {
assert_eq!(le_i32(&[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 0));
assert_eq!(le_i32(&[0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x7f]), Done(&b""[..], 2147483647_i32));
assert_eq!(le_i32(&[0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]), Done(&b""[..], -1));
assert_eq!(le_i32(&[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80]), Done(&b""[..], -2147483648_i32));
fn le_i64_tests() {
assert_eq!(le_i64(&[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 0));
assert_eq!(le_i64(&[0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x7f]), Done(&b""[..], 9223372036854775807_i64));
assert_eq!(le_i64(&[0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]), Done(&b""[..], -1));
assert_eq!(le_i64(&[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80]), Done(&b""[..], -9223372036854775808_i64));
fn be_f32_tests() {
assert_eq!(be_f32(&[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 0_f32));
assert_eq!(be_f32(&[0x4d, 0x31, 0x1f, 0xd8]), Done(&b""[..], 185728392_f32));
fn be_f64_tests() {
assert_eq!(be_f64(&[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 0_f64));
assert_eq!(be_f64(&[0x41, 0xa6, 0x23, 0xfb, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 185728392_f64));
fn le_f32_tests() {
assert_eq!(le_f32(&[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 0_f32));
assert_eq!(le_f32(&[0xd8, 0x1f, 0x31, 0x4d]), Done(&b""[..], 185728392_f32));
fn le_f64_tests() {
assert_eq!(le_f64(&[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 0_f64));
assert_eq!(le_f64(&[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0xfb, 0x23, 0xa6, 0x41]), Done(&b""[..], 185728392_f64));
fn hex_u32_tests() {
assert_eq!(hex_u32(&b""[..]), Done(&b""[..], 0));
assert_eq!(hex_u32(&b"ff"[..]), Done(&b""[..], 255));
assert_eq!(hex_u32(&b"1be2"[..]), Done(&b""[..], 7138));
assert_eq!(hex_u32(&b"c5a31be2"[..]), Done(&b""[..], 3315801058));
assert_eq!(hex_u32(&b"00c5a31be2"[..]), Done(&b"e2"[..], 12952347));
assert_eq!(hex_u32(&b"c5a31be201"[..]), Done(&b"01"[..], 3315801058));
assert_eq!(hex_u32(&b"ffffffff"[..]), Done(&b""[..], 4294967295));
assert_eq!(hex_u32(&b"0x1be2"[..]), Done(&b"x1be2"[..], 0));
fn end_of_input() {
let not_over = &b"Hello, world!"[..];
let is_over = &b""[..];
let res_not_over = eof(not_over);
assert_eq!(res_not_over, Error(Position(ErrorKind::Eof, not_over)));
let res_over = eof(is_over);
assert_eq!(res_over, Done(is_over, is_over));
fn configurable_endianness() {
named!(be_tst16<u16>, u16!(true));
named!(le_tst16<u16>, u16!(false));
assert_eq!(be_tst16(&[0x80, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 32768_u16));
assert_eq!(le_tst16(&[0x80, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 128_u16));
named!(be_tst32<u32>, u32!(true));
named!(le_tst32<u32>, u32!(false));
assert_eq!(be_tst32(&[0x12, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 302014464_u32));
assert_eq!(le_tst32(&[0x12, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 6291474_u32));
named!(be_tst64<u64>, u64!(true));
named!(le_tst64<u64>, u64!(false));
assert_eq!(be_tst64(&[0x12, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00, 0x12, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 1297142246100992000_u64));
assert_eq!(le_tst64(&[0x12, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00, 0x12, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 36028874334666770_u64));
named!(be_tsti16<i16>, i16!(true));
named!(le_tsti16<i16>, i16!(false));
assert_eq!(be_tsti16(&[0x00, 0x80]), Done(&b""[..], 128_i16));
assert_eq!(le_tsti16(&[0x00, 0x80]), Done(&b""[..], -32768_i16));
named!(be_tsti32<i32>, i32!(true));
named!(le_tsti32<i32>, i32!(false));
assert_eq!(be_tsti32(&[0x00, 0x12, 0x60, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 1204224_i32));
assert_eq!(le_tsti32(&[0x00, 0x12, 0x60, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 6296064_i32));
named!(be_tsti64<i64>, i64!(true));
named!(le_tsti64<i64>, i64!(false));
assert_eq!(be_tsti64(&[0x00, 0xFF, 0x60, 0x00, 0x12, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 71881672479506432_i64));
assert_eq!(le_tsti64(&[0x00, 0xFF, 0x60, 0x00, 0x12, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 36028874334732032_i64));
fn manual_configurable_endianness_test() {
let x = 1;
let int_parse: Box<Fn(&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u16> > = if x == 2 {
} else {
println!("{:?}", int_parse(&b"3"[..]));
assert_eq!(int_parse(&[0x80, 0x00]), Done(&b""[..], 128_u16));
fn custom_error(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &[u8], ()> {
fix_error!(input, (), alphanumeric)
fn hex_digit_test() {
let empty = &b""[..];
let i = &b"0123456789abcdefABCDEF"[..];
assert_eq!(hex_digit(i), Done(empty, i));
let i = &b"g"[..];
assert_eq!(hex_digit(i), Error(Position(ErrorKind::HexDigit,i)));
let i = &b"G"[..];
assert_eq!(hex_digit(i), Error(Position(ErrorKind::HexDigit,i)));
fn oct_digit_test() {
let empty = &b""[..];
let i = &b"01234567"[..];
assert_eq!(oct_digit(i), Done(empty, i));
let i = &b"8"[..];
assert_eq!(oct_digit(i), Error(Position(ErrorKind::OctDigit,i)));

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/src/regexp.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
macro_rules! regex (
($re: ident, $s:expr) => (
lazy_static! {
static ref $re: ::regex::Regex = ::regex::Regex::new($s).unwrap();
macro_rules! regex_bytes (
($re: ident, $s:expr) => (
lazy_static! {
static ref $re: ::regex::bytes::Regex = ::regex::bytes::Regex::new($s).unwrap();
/// `re_match!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], &[T]>`
/// Returns the whole input if a match is found
/// requires the `regexp` feature
macro_rules! re_match (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::InputLength;
let re = ::regex::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
if re.is_match($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[$i.input_len()..], $i)
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
/// `re_match_static!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], &[T]>`
/// Returns the whole input if a match is found. Regular expression calculated at compile time
/// requires the `regexp_macros` feature
macro_rules! re_match_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::InputLength;
regex!(RE, $re);
if RE.is_match($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[$i.input_len()..], $i)
} else {
/// `re_bytes_match!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], &[T]>`
/// Returns the whole input if a match is found
/// requires the `regexp` feature
macro_rules! re_bytes_match (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::InputLength;
let re = ::regex::bytes::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
if re.is_match($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[$i.input_len()..], $i)
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
/// `re_bytes_match_static!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], &[T]>`
/// Returns the whole input if a match is found. Regular expression calculated at compile time
/// requires the `regexp_macros` feature
macro_rules! re_bytes_match_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::InputLength;
regex_bytes!(RE, $re);
if RE.is_match($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[$i.input_len()..], $i)
} else {
/// `re_find!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], &[T]>`
/// Returns the first match
/// requires the `regexp` feature
macro_rules! re_find (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
let re = ::regex::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
if let Some((begin, end)) = re.find($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[end..], &$i[begin..end])
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
/// `re_find_static!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], &[T]>`
/// Returns the first match. Regular expression calculated at compile time
/// requires the `regexp_macros` feature
macro_rules! re_find_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
regex!(RE, $re);
if let Some((begin, end)) = RE.find($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[end..], &$i[begin..end])
} else {
/// `re_bytes_find!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], &[T]>`
/// Returns the first match
/// requires the `regexp` feature
macro_rules! re_bytes_find (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
let re = ::regex::bytes::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
if let Some((begin, end)) = re.find($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[end..], &$i[begin..end])
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
/// `re_bytes_find!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], &[T]>`
/// Returns the first match. Regular expression calculated at compile time
/// requires the `regexp_macros` feature
macro_rules! re_bytes_find_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
regex_bytes!(RE, $re);
if let Some((begin, end)) = RE.find($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[end..], &$i[begin..end])
} else {
/// `re_matches!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], Vec<&[T]>>`
/// Returns all the matched parts
/// requires the `regexp` feature
macro_rules! re_matches (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
let re = ::regex::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
let v: Vec<&str> = re.find_iter($i).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect();
if v.len() != 0 {
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
/// `re_matches_static!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], Vec<&[T]>>`
/// Returns all the matched parts. Regular expression calculated at compile time
/// requires the `regexp_macros` feature
macro_rules! re_matches_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
regex!(RE, $re);
let v: Vec<&str> = RE.find_iter($i).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect();
if v.len() != 0 {
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
} else {
/// `re_bytes_matches!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], Vec<&[T]>>`
/// Returns all the matched parts
/// requires the `regexp` feature
macro_rules! re_bytes_matches (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
let re = ::regex::bytes::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
let v: Vec<&[u8]> = re.find_iter($i).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect();
if v.len() != 0 {
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
/// `re_bytes_matches_static!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], Vec<&[T]>>`
/// Returns all the matched parts. Regular expression calculated at compile time
/// requires the `regexp_macros` feature
macro_rules! re_bytes_matches_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
regex_bytes!(RE, $re);
let v: Vec<&[u8]> = RE.find_iter($i).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect();
if v.len() != 0 {
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
} else {
/// `re_capture!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], Vec<&[T]>>`
/// Returns the first capture group
/// requires the `regexp` feature
macro_rules! re_capture (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
let re = ::regex::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
if let Some(c) = re.captures($i) {
let v:Vec<&str> = c.iter_pos().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect();
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
/// `re_capture_static!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], Vec<&[T]>>`
/// Returns the first capture group. Regular expression calculated at compile time
/// requires the `regexp_macros` feature
macro_rules! re_capture_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
regex!(RE, $re);
if let Some(c) = RE.captures($i) {
let v:Vec<&str> = c.iter_pos().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect();
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
} else {
/// `re_bytes_capture!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], Vec<&[T]>>`
/// Returns the first capture group
/// requires the `regexp` feature
macro_rules! re_bytes_capture (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
let re = ::regex::bytes::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
if let Some(c) = re.captures($i) {
let v:Vec<&[u8]> = c.iter_pos().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect();
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
/// `re_bytes_capture_static!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], Vec<&[T]>>`
/// Returns the first capture group. Regular expression calculated at compile time
/// requires the `regexp_macros` feature
macro_rules! re_bytes_capture_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
regex_bytes!(RE, $re);
if let Some(c) = RE.captures($i) {
let v:Vec<&[u8]> = c.iter_pos().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect();
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
} else {
/// `re_captures!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], Vec<Vec<&[T]>>>`
/// Returns all the capture groups
/// requires the `regexp` feature
macro_rules! re_captures (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
let re = ::regex::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
let v:Vec<Vec<&str>> = re.captures_iter($i).map(|c| c.iter_pos().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect()).collect();
if v.len() != 0 {
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap().last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
/// `re_captures_static!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], Vec<Vec<&[T]>>>`
/// Returns all the capture groups. Regular expression calculated at compile time
/// requires the `regexp_macros` feature
macro_rules! re_captures_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
regex!(RE, $re);
let v:Vec<Vec<&str>> = RE.captures_iter($i).map(|c| c.iter_pos().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect()).collect();
if v.len() != 0 {
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap().last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
} else {
/// `re_bytes_captures!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], Vec<Vec<&[T]>>>`
/// Returns all the capture groups
/// requires the `regexp` feature
macro_rules! re_bytes_captures (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
let re = ::regex::bytes::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
let v:Vec<Vec<&[u8]>> = re.captures_iter($i).map(|c| c.iter_pos().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect()).collect();
if v.len() != 0 {
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap().last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
/// `re_bytes_captures_static!(regexp) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], Vec<Vec<&[T]>>>`
/// Returns all the capture groups. Regular expression calculated at compile time
/// requires the `regexp_macros` feature
macro_rules! re_bytes_captures_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
regex_bytes!(RE, $re);
let v:Vec<Vec<&[u8]>> = RE.captures_iter($i).map(|c| c.iter_pos().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect()).collect();
if v.len() != 0 {
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap().last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
} else {
mod tests {
use internal::IResult::*;
use internal::Err::*;
use util::ErrorKind;
fn re_match() {
named!(rm<&str,&str>, re_match!(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07"), Done("", "2015-09-07"));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpMatch)));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07blah"), Done("", "2015-09-07blah"));
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
fn re_match_static() {
named!(rm<&str,&str>, re_match_static!(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07"), Done("", "2015-09-07"));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpMatch)));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07blah"), Done("", "2015-09-07blah"));
fn re_find() {
named!(rm<&str,&str>, re_find!(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07"), Done("", "2015-09-07"));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpFind)));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07blah"), Done("blah", "2015-09-07"));
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
fn re_find_static() {
named!(rm<&str,&str>, re_find_static!(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07"), Done("", "2015-09-07"));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpFind)));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07blah"), Done("blah", "2015-09-07"));
fn re_matches() {
named!(rm< &str,Vec<&str> >, re_matches!(r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07"), Done("", vec!["2015-09-07"]));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpMatches)));
assert_eq!(rm("aaa2015-09-07blah2015-09-09pouet"), Done("pouet", vec!["2015-09-07", "2015-09-09"]));
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
fn re_matches_static() {
named!(rm< &str,Vec<&str> >, re_matches_static!(r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07"), Done("", vec!["2015-09-07"]));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpMatches)));
assert_eq!(rm("aaa2015-09-07blah2015-09-09pouet"), Done("pouet", vec!["2015-09-07", "2015-09-09"]));
fn re_capture() {
named!(rm< &str,Vec<&str> >, re_capture!(r"([:alpha:]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
assert_eq!(rm("blah nom 0.3.11pouet"), Done("pouet", vec!["nom 0.3.11", "nom", "0.3.11", "0", "3", "11"]));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm("hello nom 0.3.11 world regex 0.1.41"), Done(" world regex 0.1.41", vec!["nom 0.3.11", "nom", "0.3.11", "0", "3", "11"]));
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
fn re_capture_static() {
named!(rm< &str,Vec<&str> >, re_capture_static!(r"([:alpha:]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
assert_eq!(rm("blah nom 0.3.11pouet"), Done("pouet", vec!["nom 0.3.11", "nom", "0.3.11", "0", "3", "11"]));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm("hello nom 0.3.11 world regex 0.1.41"), Done(" world regex 0.1.41", vec!["nom 0.3.11", "nom", "0.3.11", "0", "3", "11"]));
fn re_captures() {
named!(rm< &str,Vec<Vec<&str>> >, re_captures!(r"([:alpha:]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
assert_eq!(rm("blah nom 0.3.11pouet"), Done("pouet", vec![vec!["nom 0.3.11", "nom", "0.3.11", "0", "3", "11"]]));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm("hello nom 0.3.11 world regex 0.1.41 aaa"), Done(" aaa", vec![
vec!["nom 0.3.11", "nom", "0.3.11", "0", "3", "11"],
vec!["regex 0.1.41", "regex", "0.1.41", "0", "1", "41"],
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
fn re_captures_static() {
named!(rm< &str,Vec<Vec<&str>> >, re_captures_static!(r"([:alpha:]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
assert_eq!(rm("blah nom 0.3.11pouet"), Done("pouet", vec![vec!["nom 0.3.11", "nom", "0.3.11", "0", "3", "11"]]));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm("hello nom 0.3.11 world regex 0.1.41 aaa"), Done(" aaa", vec![
vec!["nom 0.3.11", "nom", "0.3.11", "0", "3", "11"],
vec!["regex 0.1.41", "regex", "0.1.41", "0", "1", "41"],
fn re_bytes_match() {
named!(rm, re_bytes_match!(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07"[..]), Done(&b""[..], &b"2015-09-07"[..]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpMatch)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07blah"[..]), Done(&b""[..], &b"2015-09-07blah"[..]));
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
fn re_bytes_match_static() {
named!(rm, re_bytes_match_static!(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07"[..]), Done(&b""[..], &b"2015-09-07"[..]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpMatch)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07blah"[..]), Done(&b""[..], &b"2015-09-07blah"[..]));
fn re_bytes_find() {
named!(rm, re_bytes_find!(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07"[..]), Done(&b""[..], &b"2015-09-07"[..]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpFind)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07blah"[..]), Done(&b"blah"[..], &b"2015-09-07"[..]));
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
fn re_bytes_find_static() {
named!(rm, re_bytes_find_static!(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07"[..]), Done(&b""[..], &b"2015-09-07"[..]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpFind)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07blah"[..]), Done(&b"blah"[..], &b"2015-09-07"[..]));
fn re_bytes_matches() {
named!(rm<Vec<&[u8]> >, re_bytes_matches!(r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07"[..]), Done(&b""[..], vec![&b"2015-09-07"[..]]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpMatches)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"aaa2015-09-07blah2015-09-09pouet"[..]), Done(&b"pouet"[..], vec![&b"2015-09-07"[..], &b"2015-09-09"[..]]));
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
fn re_bytes_matches_static() {
named!(rm<Vec<&[u8]> >, re_bytes_matches_static!(r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07"[..]), Done(&b""[..], vec![&b"2015-09-07"[..]]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpMatches)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"aaa2015-09-07blah2015-09-09pouet"[..]), Done(&b"pouet"[..], vec![&b"2015-09-07"[..], &b"2015-09-09"[..]]));
fn re_bytes_capture() {
named!(rm<Vec<&[u8]> >, re_bytes_capture!(r"([:alpha:]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah nom 0.3.11pouet"[..]), Done(&b"pouet"[..], vec![&b"nom 0.3.11"[..], &b"nom"[..], &b"0.3.11"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"3"[..], &b"11"[..]]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"hello nom 0.3.11 world regex 0.1.41"[..]), Done(&b" world regex 0.1.41"[..], vec![&b"nom 0.3.11"[..], &b"nom"[..], &b"0.3.11"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"3"[..], &b"11"[..]]));
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
fn re_bytes_capture_static() {
named!(rm< Vec<&[u8]> >, re_bytes_capture_static!(r"([:alpha:]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah nom 0.3.11pouet"[..]), Done(&b"pouet"[..], vec![&b"nom 0.3.11"[..], &b"nom"[..], &b"0.3.11"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"3"[..], &b"11"[..]]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"hello nom 0.3.11 world regex 0.1.41"[..]), Done(&b" world regex 0.1.41"[..], vec![&b"nom 0.3.11"[..], &b"nom"[..], &b"0.3.11"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"3"[..], &b"11"[..]]));
fn re_bytes_captures() {
named!(rm< Vec<Vec<&[u8]>> >, re_bytes_captures!(r"([:alpha:]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah nom 0.3.11pouet"[..]), Done(&b"pouet"[..], vec![vec![&b"nom 0.3.11"[..], &b"nom"[..], &b"0.3.11"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"3"[..], &b"11"[..]]]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"hello nom 0.3.11 world regex 0.1.41 aaa"[..]), Done(&b" aaa"[..], vec![
vec![&b"nom 0.3.11"[..], &b"nom"[..], &b"0.3.11"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"3"[..], &b"11"[..]],
vec![&b"regex 0.1.41"[..], &b"regex"[..], &b"0.1.41"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"1"[..], &b"41"[..]],
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
fn re_bytes_captures_static() {
named!(rm< Vec<Vec<&[u8]>> >, re_bytes_captures_static!(r"([:alpha:]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah nom 0.3.11pouet"[..]), Done(&b"pouet"[..], vec![vec![&b"nom 0.3.11"[..], &b"nom"[..], &b"0.3.11"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"3"[..], &b"11"[..]]]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"hello nom 0.3.11 world regex 0.1.41 aaa"[..]), Done(&b" aaa"[..], vec![
vec![&b"nom 0.3.11"[..], &b"nom"[..], &b"0.3.11"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"3"[..], &b"11"[..]],
vec![&b"regex 0.1.41"[..], &b"regex"[..], &b"0.1.41"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"1"[..], &b"41"[..]],

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/src/str.rs поставляемый Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,734 @@
//! Parsers and helper functions operating on strings, especially useful when writing parsers for
//! text-based formats.
/// `tag_s!(&str) => &str -> IResult<&str, &str>`
/// declares a string as a suite to recognize
/// consumes the recognized characters
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::{self,Done};
/// # fn main() {
/// fn test(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
/// tag_s!(input, "abcd")
/// }
/// let r = test("abcdefgh");
/// assert_eq!(r, Done("efgh", "abcd"));
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! tag_s (
($i:expr, $tag: expr) => (
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = if $tag.len() > $i.len() {
//} else if &$i[0..$tag.len()] == $tag {
} else if ($i).starts_with($tag) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[$tag.len()..], &$i[0..$tag.len()])
} else {
$crate::IResult::Error($crate::Err::Position($crate::ErrorKind::TagStr, $i))
/// `take_s!(nb) => &str -> IResult<&str, &str>`
/// generates a parser consuming the specified number of characters
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::Done;
/// # fn main() {
/// // Desmond parser
/// named!(take5<&str,&str>, take_s!( 5 ) );
/// let a = "abcdefgh";
/// assert_eq!(take5(a), Done("fgh", "abcde"));
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! take_s (
($i:expr, $count:expr) => (
let cnt = $count as usize;
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = if $i.chars().count() < cnt {
} else {
let mut offset = $i.len();
let mut count = 0;
for (o, _) in $i.char_indices() {
if count == cnt {
offset = o;
count += 1;
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], &$i[..offset])
/// `is_not_s!(&str) => &str -> IResult<&str, &str>`
/// returns the longest list of characters that do not appear in the provided array
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::Done;
/// # fn main() {
/// named!( not_space<&str,&str>, is_not_s!( " \t\r\n" ) );
/// let r = not_space("abcdefgh\nijkl");
/// assert_eq!(r, Done("\nijkl", "abcdefgh"));
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! is_not_s (
($input:expr, $arr:expr) => (
use std::collections::HashSet;
let set: HashSet<char> = $arr.chars().collect();
let mut offset = $input.len();
for (o, c) in $input.char_indices() {
if set.contains(&c) {
offset = o;
if offset == 0 {
} else if offset < $input.len() {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$input[offset..], &$input[..offset])
} else {
$crate::IResult::Done("", $input)
/// `is_a_s!(&str) => &str -> IResult<&str, &str>`
/// returns the longest list of characters that appear in the provided array
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::Done;
/// # fn main() {
/// named!(abcd<&str, &str>, is_a_s!( "abcd" ));
/// let r1 = abcd("aaaaefgh");
/// assert_eq!(r1, Done("efgh", "aaaa"));
/// let r2 = abcd("dcbaefgh");
/// assert_eq!(r2, Done("efgh", "dcba"));
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! is_a_s (
($input:expr, $arr:expr) => (
use std::collections::HashSet;
let set: HashSet<char> = $arr.chars().collect();
let mut offset = $input.len();
for (o, c) in $input.char_indices() {
if !set.contains(&c) {
offset = o;
if offset == 0 {
} else if offset < $input.len() {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$input[offset..], &$input[..offset])
} else {
$crate::IResult::Done("", $input)
/// `take_while_s!(char -> bool) => &str -> IResult<&str, &str>`
/// returns the longest list of characters until the provided function fails.
/// The argument is either a function `char -> bool` or a macro returning a `bool
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::Done;
/// # use nom::is_alphanumeric;
/// # fn main() {
/// fn alphabetic(chr: char) -> bool { (chr >= 0x41 as char && chr <= 0x5A as char) || (chr >= 0x61 as char && chr <= 0x7A as char) }
/// named!( alpha<&str,&str>, take_while_s!( alphabetic ) );
/// let r = alpha("abcd\nefgh");
/// assert_eq!(r, Done("\nefgh", "abcd"));
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! take_while_s (
($input:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
let mut offset = $input.len();
for (o, c) in $input.char_indices() {
if !$submac!(c, $($args)*) {
offset = o;
if offset < $input.len() {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$input[offset..], &$input[..offset])
} else {
$crate::IResult::Done("", $input)
($input:expr, $f:expr) => (
take_while_s!($input, call!($f));
/// `take_while1_s!(char -> bool) => &str -> IResult<&str, &str>`
/// returns the longest (non empty) list of characters until the provided function fails.
/// The argument is either a function `char -> bool` or a macro returning a `bool`
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::Done;
/// # use nom::is_alphanumeric;
/// # fn main() {
/// fn alphabetic(chr: char) -> bool { (chr >= 0x41 as char && chr <= 0x5A as char) || (chr >= 0x61 as char && chr <= 0x7A as char) }
/// named!( alpha<&str,&str>, take_while1_s!( alphabetic ) );
/// let r = alpha("abcd\nefgh");
/// assert_eq!(r, Done("\nefgh", "abcd"));
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! take_while1_s (
($input:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
let mut offset = $input.len();
for (o, c) in $input.char_indices() {
if !$submac!(c, $($args)*) {
offset = o;
if offset == 0 {
} else if offset < $input.len() {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$input[offset..], &$input[..offset])
} else {
$crate::IResult::Done("", $input)
($input:expr, $f:expr) => (
take_while1_s!($input, call!($f));
/// `take_till_s!(&str -> bool) => &str -> IResult<&str, &str>`
/// returns the longest list of characters until the provided function succeeds
/// The argument is either a function `char -> bool` or a macro returning a `bool
macro_rules! take_till_s (
($input:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
let mut offset = $input.len();
for (o, c) in $input.char_indices() {
if $submac!(c, $($args)*) {
offset = o;
if offset < $input.len() {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$input[offset..], &$input[..offset])
} else {
$crate::IResult::Done("", $input)
($input:expr, $f:expr) => (
take_till_s!($input, call!($f));
/// `take_until_and_consume_s!(&str) => &str -> IResult<&str, &str>`
/// generates a parser consuming all chars until the specified string is found and consumes it
macro_rules! take_until_and_consume_s (
($input:expr, $substr:expr) => (
fn shift_window_and_cmp(window: & mut ::std::vec::Vec<char>, c: char, substr_vec: & ::std::vec::Vec<char>) -> bool {
if window.len() > substr_vec.len() {
window == substr_vec
let res: $crate::IResult<_, _> = if $substr.len() > $input.len() {
} else {
let substr_vec: ::std::vec::Vec<char> = $substr.chars().collect();
let mut window: ::std::vec::Vec<char> = vec![];
let mut offset = $input.len();
let mut parsed = false;
for (o, c) in $input.char_indices() {
if parsed {
// The easiest way to get the byte offset of the char after the found string
offset = o;
if shift_window_and_cmp(& mut window, c, &substr_vec) {
parsed = true;
if parsed {
if offset < $input.len() {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$input[offset..], &$input[..offset])
} else {
$crate::IResult::Done("", $input)
} else {
/// `take_until_s!(&str) => &str -> IResult<&str, &str>`
/// generates a parser consuming all chars until the specified string is found and leaves it in the remaining input
macro_rules! take_until_s (
($input:expr, $substr:expr) => (
fn shift_window_and_cmp(window: & mut Vec<char>, c: char, substr_vec: &Vec<char>) -> bool {
if window.len() > substr_vec.len() {
window == substr_vec
let res: $crate::IResult<&str, &str> = if $substr.len() > $input.len() {
} else {
let substr_vec: Vec<char> = $substr.chars().collect();
let mut window: Vec<char> = vec![];
let mut offset = $input.len();
let mut parsed = false;
for (o, c) in $input.char_indices() {
if shift_window_and_cmp(& mut window, c, &substr_vec) {
parsed = true;
let window_len: usize = window.iter()
.map(|x| x.len_utf8())
.fold(0, |x, y| x + y);
offset = o - window_len;
if parsed {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$input[offset..], &$input[..offset])
} else {
mod test {
use ::IResult;
fn tag_str_succeed() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "Hello World!";
const TAG: &'static str = "Hello";
fn test(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
tag_s!(input, TAG)
match test(INPUT) {
IResult::Done(extra, output) => {
assert!(extra == " World!", "Parser `tag_s` consumed leftover input.");
assert!(output == TAG,
"Parser `tag_s` doesn't return the tag it matched on success. \
Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", TAG, output);
other => panic!("Parser `tag_s` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn tag_str_incomplete() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "Hello";
const TAG: &'static str = "Hello World!";
match tag_s!(INPUT, TAG) {
IResult::Incomplete(_) => (),
other => {
panic!("Parser `tag_s` didn't require more input when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other);
fn tag_str_error() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "Hello World!";
const TAG: &'static str = "Random"; // TAG must be closer than INPUT.
match tag_s!(INPUT, TAG) {
IResult::Error(_) => (),
other => {
panic!("Parser `tag_s` didn't fail when it should have. Got `{:?}`.`", other);
fn take_s_succeed() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const CONSUMED: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇ";
const LEFTOVER: &'static str = "áƒƭèř";
match take_s!(INPUT, 9) {
IResult::Done(extra, output) => {
assert!(extra == LEFTOVER, "Parser `take_s` consumed leftover input. Leftover `{}`.", extra);
assert!(output == CONSUMED,
"Parser `take_s` doens't return the string it consumed on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.",
CONSUMED, output);
other => panic!("Parser `take_s` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn take_until_s_succeed() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇ∂áƒƭèř";
const FIND: &'static str = "ÂßÇ∂";
const CONSUMED: &'static str = "βèƒôřè";
const LEFTOVER: &'static str = "ÂßÇ∂áƒƭèř";
match take_until_s!(INPUT, FIND) {
IResult::Done(extra, output) => {
assert!(extra == LEFTOVER, "Parser `take_until_s`\
consumed leftover input. Leftover `{}`.", extra);
assert!(output == CONSUMED, "Parser `take_until_s`\
doens't return the string it consumed on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.",
CONSUMED, output);
other => panic!("Parser `take_until_s` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn take_s_incomplete() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇá";
match take_s!(INPUT, 13) {
IResult::Incomplete(_) => (),
other => panic!("Parser `take_s` didn't require more input when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
use internal::IResult::{Done, Error};
use internal::Err::Position;
use util::ErrorKind;
pub fn is_alphabetic(c:char) -> bool {
(c as u8 >= 0x41 && c as u8 <= 0x5A) || (c as u8 >= 0x61 && c as u8 <= 0x7A)
fn take_while_s() {
named!(f<&str,&str>, take_while_s!(is_alphabetic));
let a = "";
let b = "abcd";
let c = "abcd123";
let d = "123";
assert_eq!(f(&a[..]), Done(&a[..], &a[..]));
assert_eq!(f(&b[..]), Done(&a[..], &b[..]));
assert_eq!(f(&c[..]), Done(&d[..], &b[..]));
assert_eq!(f(&d[..]), Done(&d[..], &a[..]));
fn take_while1_s() {
named!(f<&str,&str>, take_while1_s!(is_alphabetic));
let a = "";
let b = "abcd";
let c = "abcd123";
let d = "123";
assert_eq!(f(&a[..]), Error(Position(ErrorKind::TakeWhile1Str, &""[..])));
assert_eq!(f(&b[..]), Done(&a[..], &b[..]));
assert_eq!(f(&c[..]), Done(&"123"[..], &b[..]));
assert_eq!(f(&d[..]), Error(Position(ErrorKind::TakeWhile1Str, &d[..])));
fn take_till_s_succeed() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const CONSUMED: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇ";
const LEFTOVER: &'static str = "áƒƭèř";
fn till_s(c: char) -> bool {
c == 'á'
fn test(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
take_till_s!(input, till_s)
match test(INPUT) {
IResult::Done(extra, output) => {
assert!(extra == LEFTOVER, "Parser `take_till_s` consumed leftover input.");
assert!(output == CONSUMED,
"Parser `take_till_s` doesn't return the string it consumed on success. \
Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", CONSUMED, output);
other => panic!("Parser `take_till_s` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn take_while_s_succeed_none() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const CONSUMED: &'static str = "";
const LEFTOVER: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
fn while_s(c: char) -> bool {
c == '9'
fn test(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
take_while_s!(input, while_s)
match test(INPUT) {
IResult::Done(extra, output) => {
assert!(extra == LEFTOVER, "Parser `take_while_s` consumed leftover input.");
assert!(output == CONSUMED,
"Parser `take_while_s` doesn't return the string it consumed on success. \
Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", CONSUMED, output);
other => panic!("Parser `take_while_s` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn is_not_s_succeed() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const AVOID: &'static str = "£úçƙ¥á";
const CONSUMED: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇ";
const LEFTOVER: &'static str = "áƒƭèř";
fn test(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
is_not_s!(input, AVOID)
match test(INPUT) {
IResult::Done(extra, output) => {
assert!(extra == LEFTOVER, "Parser `is_not_s` consumed leftover input. Leftover `{}`.", extra);
assert!(output == CONSUMED,
"Parser `is_not_s` doens't return the string it consumed on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.",
CONSUMED, output);
other => panic!("Parser `is_not_s` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn take_until_and_consume_s_succeed() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const FIND: &'static str = "姂";
const CONSUMED: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇ";
const LEFTOVER: &'static str = "áƒƭèř";
match take_until_and_consume_s!(INPUT, FIND) {
IResult::Done(extra, output) => {
assert!(extra == LEFTOVER, "Parser `take_until_and_consume_s`\
consumed leftover input. Leftover `{}`.", extra);
assert!(output == CONSUMED, "Parser `take_until_and_consume_s`\
doens't return the string it consumed on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.",
CONSUMED, output);
other => panic!("Parser `take_until_and_consume_s` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn take_while_s_succeed_some() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const CONSUMED: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇ";
const LEFTOVER: &'static str = "áƒƭèř";
fn while_s(c: char) -> bool {
c == 'β' || c == 'è' || c == 'ƒ' || c == 'ô' || c == 'ř' ||
c == 'è' || c == 'Â' || c == 'ß' || c == 'Ç'
fn test(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
take_while_s!(input, while_s)
match test(INPUT) {
IResult::Done(extra, output) => {
assert!(extra == LEFTOVER, "Parser `take_while_s` consumed leftover input.");
assert!(output == CONSUMED,
"Parser `take_while_s` doesn't return the string it consumed on success. \
Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", CONSUMED, output);
other => panic!("Parser `take_while_s` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn is_not_s_fail() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const AVOID: &'static str = "βúçƙ¥";
fn test(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
is_not_s!(input, AVOID)
match test(INPUT) {
IResult::Error(_) => (),
other => panic!("Parser `is_not_s` didn't fail when it should have. Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn take_while1_s_succeed() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const CONSUMED: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇ";
const LEFTOVER: &'static str = "áƒƭèř";
fn while1_s(c: char) -> bool {
c == 'β' || c == 'è' || c == 'ƒ' || c == 'ô' || c == 'ř' ||
c == 'è' || c == 'Â' || c == 'ß' || c == 'Ç'
fn test(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
take_while1_s!(input, while1_s)
match test(INPUT) {
IResult::Done(extra, output) => {
assert!(extra == LEFTOVER, "Parser `take_while1_s` consumed leftover input.");
assert!(output == CONSUMED,
"Parser `take_while1_s` doesn't return the string it consumed on success. \
Expected `{}`, got `{}`.", CONSUMED, output);
other => panic!("Parser `take_while1_s` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn take_until_and_consume_s_incomplete() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřè";
const FIND: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇ";
match take_until_and_consume_s!(INPUT, FIND) {
IResult::Incomplete(_) => (),
other => panic!("Parser `take_until_and_consume_s` didn't require more input when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn take_until_s_incomplete() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřè";
const FIND: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇ";
match take_until_s!(INPUT, FIND) {
IResult::Incomplete(_) => (),
other => panic!("Parser `take_until_s` didn't require more input when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn is_a_s_succeed() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const MATCH: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇ";
const CONSUMED: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇ";
const LEFTOVER: &'static str = "áƒƭèř";
fn test(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
is_a_s!(input, MATCH)
match test(INPUT) {
IResult::Done(extra, output) => {
assert!(extra == LEFTOVER, "Parser `is_a_s` consumed leftover input. Leftover `{}`.", extra);
assert!(output == CONSUMED,
"Parser `is_a_s` doens't return the string it consumed on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.",
CONSUMED, output);
other => panic!("Parser `is_a_s` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn take_while1_s_fail() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
fn while1_s(c: char) -> bool {
c == '9'
fn test(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
take_while1_s!(input, while1_s)
match test(INPUT) {
IResult::Error(_) => (),
other => panic!("Parser `take_while1_s` didn't fail when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn is_a_s_fail() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const MATCH: &'static str = "Ûñℓúçƙ¥";
fn test(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
is_a_s!(input, MATCH)
match test(INPUT) {
IResult::Error(_) => (),
other => panic!("Parser `is_a_s` didn't fail when it should have. Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn take_until_and_consume_s_error() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const FIND: &'static str = "Ráñδô₥";
match take_until_and_consume_s!(INPUT, FIND) {
IResult::Error(_) => (),
other => panic!("Parser `take_until_and_consume_s` didn't fail when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
fn take_until_s_error() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const FIND: &'static str = "Ráñδô₥";
match take_until_s!(INPUT, FIND) {
IResult::Error(_) => (),
other => panic!("Parser `take_until_and_consume_s` didn't fail when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/src/stream.rs поставляемый Normal file

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/src/util.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,769 @@
use internal::{IResult,Err};
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
use std::collections::HashMap;
#[cfg(feature = "core")]
use std::prelude::v1::*;
use std::vec::Vec;
use std::string::ToString;
/// useful functions to calculate the offset between slices and show a hexdump of a slice
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
pub trait HexDisplay {
/// offset between the first byte of self and the first byte of the argument
fn offset(&self, second:&[u8]) -> usize;// OFFSET SHOULD GO TO ITS OWN TRAIT
/// Converts the value of `self` to a hex dump, returning the owned
/// string.
fn to_hex(&self, chunk_size: usize) -> String;
/// Converts the value of `self` to a hex dump beginning at `from` address, returning the owned
/// string.
fn to_hex_from(&self, chunk_size: usize, from: usize) -> String;
pub trait InputLength {
fn input_len(&self) -> usize;
impl<'a, T> InputLength for &'a[T] {
fn input_len(&self) -> usize {
impl<'a> InputLength for &'a str {
fn input_len(&self) -> usize {
impl<'a> InputLength for (&'a [u8], usize) {
fn input_len(&self) -> usize {
//println!("bit input length for ({:?}, {}):", self.0, self.1);
let res = self.0.len() * 8 - self.1;
//println!("-> {}", res);
use std::iter::Enumerate;
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
use std::str::CharIndices;
pub trait AsChar {
fn as_char(self) -> char;
fn is_alpha(self) -> bool;
fn is_alphanum(self) -> bool;
fn is_0_to_9(self) -> bool;
fn is_hex_digit(self) -> bool;
fn is_oct_digit(self) -> bool;
impl<'a> AsChar for &'a u8 {
fn as_char(self) -> char { *self as char }
fn is_alpha(self) -> bool {
(*self >= 0x41 && *self <= 0x5A) || (*self >= 0x61 && *self <= 0x7A)
fn is_alphanum(self) -> bool { self.is_alpha() || self.is_0_to_9() }
fn is_0_to_9(self) -> bool {
*self >= 0x30 && *self <= 0x39
fn is_hex_digit(self) -> bool {
(*self >= 0x30 && *self <= 0x39) ||
(*self >= 0x41 && *self <= 0x46) ||
(*self >= 0x61 && *self <= 0x66)
fn is_oct_digit(self) -> bool {
*self >= 0x30 && *self <= 0x37
impl AsChar for char {
fn as_char(self) -> char { self }
fn is_alpha(self) -> bool { self.is_alphabetic() }
fn is_alphanum(self) -> bool { self.is_alpha() || self.is_0_to_9() }
fn is_0_to_9(self) -> bool { self.is_digit(10) }
fn is_hex_digit(self) -> bool { self.is_digit(16) }
fn is_oct_digit(self) -> bool { self.is_digit(8) }
pub trait IterIndices {
type Item: AsChar;
type Iter : Iterator<Item=(usize, Self::Item)>;
fn iter_indices(self) -> Self::Iter;
impl<'a> IterIndices for &'a [u8] {
type Item = &'a u8;
type Iter = Enumerate<::std::slice::Iter<'a, u8>>;
fn iter_indices(self) -> Enumerate<::std::slice::Iter<'a, u8>> {
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
impl<'a> IterIndices for &'a str {
type Item = char;
type Iter = CharIndices<'a>;
fn iter_indices(self) -> CharIndices<'a> {
static CHARS: &'static[u8] = b"0123456789abcdef";
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
impl HexDisplay for [u8] {
fn offset(&self, second:&[u8]) -> usize {
let fst = self.as_ptr();
let snd = second.as_ptr();
snd as usize - fst as usize
fn to_hex(&self, chunk_size: usize) -> String {
self.to_hex_from(chunk_size, 0)
fn to_hex_from(&self, chunk_size: usize, from: usize) -> String {
let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(self.len() * 3);
let mut i = from;
for chunk in self.chunks(chunk_size) {
let s = format!("{:08x}", i);
for &ch in s.as_bytes().iter() {
v.push('\t' as u8);
i = i + chunk_size;
for &byte in chunk {
v.push(CHARS[(byte >> 4) as usize]);
v.push(CHARS[(byte & 0xf) as usize]);
v.push(' ' as u8);
if chunk_size > chunk.len() {
for j in 0..(chunk_size - chunk.len()) {
v.push(' ' as u8);
v.push(' ' as u8);
v.push(' ' as u8);
v.push('\t' as u8);
for &byte in chunk {
if (byte >=32 && byte <= 126) || byte >= 128 {
} else {
v.push('.' as u8);
v.push('\n' as u8);
/// Prints a message if the parser fails
/// The message prints the `Error` or `Incomplete`
/// and the parser's calling code
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # fn main() {
/// named!(f, dbg!( tag!( "abcd" ) ) );
/// let a = &b"efgh"[..];
/// // Will print the following message:
/// // Error(Position(0, [101, 102, 103, 104])) at l.5 by ' tag ! ( "abcd" ) '
/// f(a);
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! dbg (
($i: expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
let l = line!();
match $submac!($i, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(a) => {
println!("Error({:?}) at l.{} by ' {} '", a, l, stringify!($submac!($($args)*)));
$crate::IResult::Incomplete(a) => {
println!("Incomplete({:?}) at {} by ' {} '", a, l, stringify!($submac!($($args)*)));
a => a
($i:expr, $f:ident) => (
dbg!($i, call!($f));
/// Prints a message and the input if the parser fails
/// The message prints the `Error` or `Incomplete`
/// and the parser's calling code.
/// It also displays the input in hexdump format
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # fn main() {
/// named!(f, dbg_dmp!( tag!( "abcd" ) ) );
/// let a = &b"efghijkl"[..];
/// // Will print the following message:
/// // Error(Position(0, [101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108])) at l.5 by ' tag ! ( "abcd" ) '
/// // 00000000 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c efghijkl
/// f(a);
/// # }
macro_rules! dbg_dmp (
($i: expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
use $crate::HexDisplay;
let l = line!();
match $submac!($i, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(a) => {
println!("Error({:?}) at l.{} by ' {} '\n{}", a, l, stringify!($submac!($($args)*)), $i.to_hex(8));
$crate::IResult::Incomplete(a) => {
println!("Incomplete({:?}) at {} by ' {} '\n{}", a, l, stringify!($submac!($($args)*)), $i.to_hex(8));
a => a
($i:expr, $f:ident) => (
dbg_dmp!($i, call!($f));
pub fn error_to_list<P,E:Clone>(e:&Err<P,E>) -> Vec<ErrorKind<E>> {
let mut v:Vec<ErrorKind<E>> = Vec::new();
let mut err = e;
loop {
match *err {
Err::Code(ref i) | Err::Position(ref i,_) => {
return v;
Err::Node(ref i, ref next) | Err::NodePosition(ref i, _, ref next) => {
err = &*next;
pub fn compare_error_paths<P,E:Clone+PartialEq>(e1:&Err<P,E>, e2:&Err<P,E>) -> bool {
error_to_list(e1) == error_to_list(e2)
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
use std::hash::Hash;
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
pub fn add_error_pattern<'a,I,O,E: Clone+Hash+Eq>(h: &mut HashMap<Vec<ErrorKind<E>>, &'a str>, res: IResult<I,O,E>, message: &'a str) -> bool {
if let IResult::Error(e) = res {
h.insert(error_to_list(&e), message);
} else {
pub fn slice_to_offsets(input: &[u8], s: &[u8]) -> (usize, usize) {
let start = input.as_ptr();
let off1 = s.as_ptr() as usize - start as usize;
let off2 = off1 + s.len();
(off1, off2)
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
pub fn prepare_errors<O,E: Clone>(input: &[u8], res: IResult<&[u8],O,E>) -> Option<Vec<(ErrorKind<E>, usize, usize)> > {
if let IResult::Error(e) = res {
let mut v:Vec<(ErrorKind<E>, usize, usize)> = Vec::new();
let mut err = e.clone();
loop {
match err {
Err::Position(i,s) => {
let (o1, o2) = slice_to_offsets(input, s);
v.push((i, o1, o2));
//println!("v is: {:?}", v);
Err::NodePosition(i, s, next) => {
let (o1, o2) = slice_to_offsets(input, s);
v.push((i, o1, o2));
err = *next;
Err::Node(_, next) => {
err = *next;
Err::Code(_) => {
v.sort_by(|a, b| a.1.cmp(&b.1));
} else {
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
pub fn print_error<O,E:Clone>(input: &[u8], res: IResult<&[u8],O,E>) {
if let Some(v) = prepare_errors(input, res) {
let colors = generate_colors(&v);
println!("parser codes: {}", print_codes(colors, HashMap::new()));
println!("{}", print_offsets(input, 0, &v));
} else {
println!("not an error");
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
pub fn generate_colors<E>(v: &[(ErrorKind<E>, usize, usize)]) -> HashMap<u32, u8> {
let mut h: HashMap<u32, u8> = HashMap::new();
let mut color = 0;
for &(ref c,_,_) in v.iter() {
h.insert(error_to_u32(c), color + 31);
color = color + 1 % 7;
pub fn code_from_offset<E>(v: &[(ErrorKind<E>, usize, usize)], offset: usize) -> Option<u32> {
let mut acc: Option<(u32, usize, usize)> = None;
for &(ref ek, s, e) in v.iter() {
let c = error_to_u32(ek);
if s <= offset && offset <=e {
if let Some((_, start, end)) = acc {
if start <= s && e <= end {
acc = Some((c, s, e));
} else {
acc = Some((c, s, e));
if let Some((code, _, _)) = acc {
return Some(code);
} else {
return None;
pub fn reset_color(v: &mut Vec<u8>) {
v.push('[' as u8);
v.push('m' as u8);
pub fn write_color(v: &mut Vec<u8>, color: u8) {
v.push('[' as u8);
v.push(';' as u8);
let s = color.to_string();
let bytes = s.as_bytes();
v.push('m' as u8);
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
pub fn print_codes(colors: HashMap<u32, u8>, names: HashMap<u32, &str>) -> String {
let mut v = Vec::new();
for (code, &color) in &colors {
if let Some(&s) = names.get(&code) {
let bytes = s.as_bytes();
write_color(&mut v, color);
} else {
let s = code.to_string();
let bytes = s.as_bytes();
write_color(&mut v, color);
reset_color(&mut v);
v.push(' ' as u8);
reset_color(&mut v);
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
pub fn print_offsets<E>(input: &[u8], from: usize, offsets: &[(ErrorKind<E>, usize, usize)]) -> String {
let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(input.len() * 3);
let mut i = from;
let chunk_size = 8;
let mut current_code: Option<u32> = None;
let mut current_code2: Option<u32> = None;
let colors = generate_colors(&offsets);
for chunk in input.chunks(chunk_size) {
let s = format!("{:08x}", i);
for &ch in s.as_bytes().iter() {
v.push('\t' as u8);
let mut k = i;
let mut l = i;
for &byte in chunk {
if let Some(code) = code_from_offset(&offsets, k) {
if let Some(current) = current_code {
if current != code {
reset_color(&mut v);
current_code = Some(code);
if let Some(&color) = colors.get(&code) {
write_color(&mut v, color);
} else {
current_code = Some(code);
if let Some(&color) = colors.get(&code) {
write_color(&mut v, color);
v.push(CHARS[(byte >> 4) as usize]);
v.push(CHARS[(byte & 0xf) as usize]);
v.push(' ' as u8);
k = k + 1;
reset_color(&mut v);
if chunk_size > chunk.len() {
for _ in 0..(chunk_size - chunk.len()) {
v.push(' ' as u8);
v.push(' ' as u8);
v.push(' ' as u8);
v.push('\t' as u8);
for &byte in chunk {
if let Some(code) = code_from_offset(&offsets, l) {
if let Some(current) = current_code2 {
if current != code {
reset_color(&mut v);
current_code2 = Some(code);
if let Some(&color) = colors.get(&code) {
write_color(&mut v, color);
} else {
current_code2 = Some(code);
if let Some(&color) = colors.get(&code) {
write_color(&mut v, color);
if (byte >=32 && byte <= 126) || byte >= 128 {
} else {
v.push('.' as u8);
l = l + 1;
reset_color(&mut v);
v.push('\n' as u8);
i = i + chunk_size;
pub trait AsBytes {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8];
impl<'a> AsBytes for &'a str {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
impl AsBytes for str {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
impl<'a> AsBytes for &'a [u8] {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
impl AsBytes for [u8] {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
macro_rules! array_impls {
($($N:expr)+) => {
impl<'a> AsBytes for &'a [u8; $N] {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
impl AsBytes for [u8; $N] {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
array_impls! {
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31 32
/// indicates which parser returned an error
pub enum ErrorKind<E=u32> {
pub fn error_to_u32<E>(e: &ErrorKind<E>) -> u32 {
match *e {
ErrorKind::Custom(_) => 0,
ErrorKind::Tag => 1,
ErrorKind::MapRes => 2,
ErrorKind::MapOpt => 3,
ErrorKind::Alt => 4,
ErrorKind::IsNot => 5,
ErrorKind::IsA => 6,
ErrorKind::SeparatedList => 7,
ErrorKind::SeparatedNonEmptyList => 8,
ErrorKind::Many1 => 9,
ErrorKind::Count => 10,
ErrorKind::TakeUntilAndConsume => 11,
ErrorKind::TakeUntil => 12,
ErrorKind::TakeUntilEitherAndConsume => 13,
ErrorKind::TakeUntilEither => 14,
ErrorKind::LengthValue => 15,
ErrorKind::TagClosure => 16,
ErrorKind::Alpha => 17,
ErrorKind::Digit => 18,
ErrorKind::AlphaNumeric => 19,
ErrorKind::Space => 20,
ErrorKind::MultiSpace => 21,
ErrorKind::LengthValueFn => 22,
ErrorKind::Eof => 23,
ErrorKind::ExprOpt => 24,
ErrorKind::ExprRes => 25,
ErrorKind::CondReduce => 26,
ErrorKind::Switch => 27,
ErrorKind::TagBits => 28,
ErrorKind::OneOf => 29,
ErrorKind::NoneOf => 30,
ErrorKind::Char => 40,
ErrorKind::CrLf => 41,
ErrorKind::RegexpMatch => 42,
ErrorKind::RegexpMatches => 43,
ErrorKind::RegexpFind => 44,
ErrorKind::RegexpCapture => 45,
ErrorKind::RegexpCaptures => 46,
ErrorKind::TakeWhile1 => 47,
ErrorKind::Complete => 48,
ErrorKind::Fix => 49,
ErrorKind::Escaped => 50,
ErrorKind::EscapedTransform => 51,
ErrorKind::TagStr => 52,
ErrorKind::IsNotStr => 53,
ErrorKind::IsAStr => 54,
ErrorKind::TakeWhile1Str => 55,
ErrorKind::NonEmpty => 56,
ErrorKind::ManyMN => 57,
ErrorKind::TakeUntilAndConsumeStr => 58,
ErrorKind::HexDigit => 59,
ErrorKind::TakeUntilStr => 60,
ErrorKind::OctDigit => 61,
ErrorKind::Many0 => 62,
ErrorKind::Not => 63,
impl<E> ErrorKind<E> {
pub fn description(&self) -> &str {
match *self {
ErrorKind::Custom(_) => "Custom error",
ErrorKind::Tag => "Tag",
ErrorKind::MapRes => "Map on Result",
ErrorKind::MapOpt => "Map on Option",
ErrorKind::Alt => "Alternative",
ErrorKind::IsNot => "IsNot",
ErrorKind::IsA => "IsA",
ErrorKind::SeparatedList => "Separated list",
ErrorKind::SeparatedNonEmptyList => "Separated non empty list",
ErrorKind::Many0 => "Many0",
ErrorKind::Many1 => "Many1",
ErrorKind::Count => "Count",
ErrorKind::TakeUntilAndConsume => "Take until and consume",
ErrorKind::TakeUntil => "Take until",
ErrorKind::TakeUntilEitherAndConsume => "Take until either and consume",
ErrorKind::TakeUntilEither => "Take until either",
ErrorKind::LengthValue => "Length followed by value",
ErrorKind::TagClosure => "Tag closure",
ErrorKind::Alpha => "Alphabetic",
ErrorKind::Digit => "Digit",
ErrorKind::AlphaNumeric => "AlphaNumeric",
ErrorKind::Space => "Space",
ErrorKind::MultiSpace => "Multiple spaces",
ErrorKind::LengthValueFn => "LengthValueFn",
ErrorKind::Eof => "End of file",
ErrorKind::ExprOpt => "Evaluate Option",
ErrorKind::ExprRes => "Evaluate Result",
ErrorKind::CondReduce => "Condition reduce",
ErrorKind::Switch => "Switch",
ErrorKind::TagBits => "Tag on bitstream",
ErrorKind::OneOf => "OneOf",
ErrorKind::NoneOf => "NoneOf",
ErrorKind::Char => "Char",
ErrorKind::CrLf => "CrLf",
ErrorKind::RegexpMatch => "RegexpMatch",
ErrorKind::RegexpMatches => "RegexpMatches",
ErrorKind::RegexpFind => "RegexpFind",
ErrorKind::RegexpCapture => "RegexpCapture",
ErrorKind::RegexpCaptures => "RegexpCaptures",
ErrorKind::TakeWhile1 => "TakeWhile1",
ErrorKind::Complete => "Complete",
ErrorKind::Fix => "Fix",
ErrorKind::Escaped => "Escaped",
ErrorKind::EscapedTransform => "EscapedTransform",
ErrorKind::TagStr => "Tag on strings",
ErrorKind::IsNotStr => "IsNot on strings",
ErrorKind::IsAStr => "IsA on strings",
ErrorKind::TakeWhile1Str => "TakeWhile1 on strings",
ErrorKind::NonEmpty => "NonEmpty",
ErrorKind::ManyMN => "Many(m, n)",
ErrorKind::TakeUntilAndConsumeStr => "Take until and consume on strings",
ErrorKind::HexDigit => "Hexadecimal Digit",
ErrorKind::TakeUntilStr => "Take until on strings",
ErrorKind::OctDigit => "Octal digit",
ErrorKind::Not => "Negation",

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/tests/arithmetic.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
extern crate nom;
use nom::{IResult,digit, multispace};
use std::str;
use std::str::FromStr;
named!(parens<i64>, delimited!(
delimited!(opt!(multispace), tag!("("), opt!(multispace)),
delimited!(opt!(multispace), tag!(")"), opt!(multispace))
named!(factor<i64>, alt!(
delimited!(opt!(multispace), digit, opt!(multispace)),
| parens
named!(term <i64>, chain!(
mut acc: factor ~
tap!(mul: preceded!(tag!("*"), factor) => acc = acc * mul) |
tap!(div: preceded!(tag!("/"), factor) => acc = acc / div)
|| { return acc }
named!(expr <i64>, chain!(
mut acc: term ~
tap!(add: preceded!(tag!("+"), term) => acc = acc + add) |
tap!(sub: preceded!(tag!("-"), term) => acc = acc - sub)
|| { return acc }
fn factor_test() {
assert_eq!(factor(&b"3"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 3));
assert_eq!(factor(&b" 12"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 12));
assert_eq!(factor(&b"537 "[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 537));
assert_eq!(factor(&b" 24 "[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 24));
fn term_test() {
assert_eq!(term(&b" 12 *2 / 3"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 8));
assert_eq!(term(&b" 2* 3 *2 *2 / 3"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 8));
assert_eq!(term(&b" 48 / 3/2"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 8));
fn expr_test() {
assert_eq!(expr(&b" 1 + 2 "[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 3));
assert_eq!(expr(&b" 12 + 6 - 4+ 3"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 17));
assert_eq!(expr(&b" 1 + 2*3 + 4"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 11));
fn parens_test() {
assert_eq!(expr(&b" ( 2 )"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 2));
assert_eq!(expr(&b" 2* ( 3 + 4 ) "[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 14));
assert_eq!(expr(&b" 2*2 / ( 5 - 1) + 3"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 4));

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/tests/arithmetic_ast.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
extern crate nom;
use std::fmt;
use std::fmt::{Display, Debug, Formatter};
use std::str;
use std::str::FromStr;
use nom::{IResult, digit, multispace};
pub enum Expr {
Add(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),
Sub(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),
Mul(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),
Div(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),
pub enum Oper {
impl Display for Expr {
fn fmt(&self, format: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
use self::Expr::*;
match *self {
Value(val) => write!(format, "{}", val),
Add(ref left, ref right) => write!(format, "{} + {}", left, right),
Sub(ref left, ref right) => write!(format, "{} - {}", left, right),
Mul(ref left, ref right) => write!(format, "{} * {}", left, right),
Div(ref left, ref right) => write!(format, "{} / {}", left, right),
Paren(ref expr) => write!(format, "({})", expr),
impl Debug for Expr {
fn fmt(&self, format: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
use self::Expr::*;
match *self {
Value(val) => write!(format, "{}", val),
Add(ref left, ref right) => write!(format, "({:?} + {:?})", left, right),
Sub(ref left, ref right) => write!(format, "({:?} - {:?})", left, right),
Mul(ref left, ref right) => write!(format, "({:?} * {:?})", left, right),
Div(ref left, ref right) => write!(format, "({:?} / {:?})", left, right),
Paren(ref expr) => write!(format, "[{:?}]", expr),
named!(parens< Expr >, delimited!(
delimited!(opt!(multispace), tag!("("), opt!(multispace)),
map!(map!(expr, Box::new), Expr::Paren),
delimited!(opt!(multispace), tag!(")"), opt!(multispace))
named!(factor< Expr >, alt_complete!(
delimited!(opt!(multispace), digit, opt!(multispace)),
| parens
fn fold_exprs(initial: Expr, remainder: Vec<(Oper, Expr)>) -> Expr {
remainder.into_iter().fold(initial, |acc, pair| {
let (oper, expr) = pair;
match oper {
Oper::Add => Expr::Add(Box::new(acc), Box::new(expr)),
Oper::Sub => Expr::Sub(Box::new(acc), Box::new(expr)),
Oper::Mul => Expr::Mul(Box::new(acc), Box::new(expr)),
Oper::Div => Expr::Div(Box::new(acc), Box::new(expr)),
named!(term< Expr >, chain!(
initial: factor ~
remainder: many0!(
chain!(tag!("*") ~ mul: factor, || { (Oper::Mul, mul) }) |
chain!(tag!("/") ~ div: factor, || { (Oper::Div, div) })
|| fold_exprs(initial, remainder))
named!(expr< Expr >, chain!(
initial: term ~
remainder: many0!(
chain!(tag!("+") ~ add: term, || { (Oper::Add, add) }) |
chain!(tag!("-") ~ sub: term, || { (Oper::Sub, sub) })
|| fold_exprs(initial, remainder))
fn factor_test() {
assert_eq!(factor(&b" 3 "[..]).map(|x| format!("{:?}", x)),
IResult::Done(&b""[..], String::from("3")));
fn term_test() {
assert_eq!(term(&b" 3 * 5 "[..]).map(|x| format!("{:?}", x)),
IResult::Done(&b""[..], String::from("(3 * 5)")));
fn expr_test() {
assert_eq!(expr(&b" 1 + 2 * 3 "[..]).map(|x| format!("{:?}", x)),
IResult::Done(&b""[..], String::from("(1 + (2 * 3))")));
assert_eq!(expr(&b" 1 + 2 * 3 / 4 - 5 "[..]).map(|x| format!("{:?}", x)),
IResult::Done(&b""[..], String::from("((1 + ((2 * 3) / 4)) - 5)")));
assert_eq!(expr(&b" 72 / 2 / 3 "[..]).map(|x| format!("{:?}", x)),
IResult::Done(&b""[..], String::from("((72 / 2) / 3)")));
fn parens_test() {
assert_eq!(expr(&b" ( 1 + 2 ) * 3 "[..]).map(|x| format!("{:?}", x)),
IResult::Done(&b""[..], String::from("([(1 + 2)] * 3)")));

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/tests/cross_function_backtracking.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
/// this file tests a different backtracking behaviour. With the current
/// `error!` macro, an early return is done in the current function, but
/// backtracking continues normally outside of that function.
/// The solution here wraps `IResult` in a `Result`: a `Ok` indicates usual
/// backtracking, `Err` indicates that we must "cut".
extern crate nom;
macro_rules! n (
($name:ident( $i:ty ) -> $o:ty, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( i: $i ) -> std::result::Result<nom::IResult<$i,$o,u32>, nom::Err<$i, u32>> {
std::result::Result::Ok($submac!(i, $($args)*))
($name:ident<$i:ty,$o:ty,$e:ty>, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( i: $i ) -> std::result::Result<nom::IResult<$i, $o, $e>, nom::Err<$i, $e>> {
std::result::Result::Ok($submac!(i, $($args)*))
($name:ident<$i:ty,$o:ty>, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( i: $i ) -> std::result::Result<nom::IResult<$i, $o, u32>, nom::Err<$i, u32>> {
std::result::Result::Ok($submac!(i, $($args)*))
($name:ident<$o:ty>, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name<'a>( i: &'a[u8] ) -> std::result::Result<nom::IResult<&'a [u8], $o, u32>, nom::Err<&'a [u8], u32>> {
std::result::Result::Ok($submac!(i, $($args)*))
($name:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( i: &[u8] ) -> std::result::Result<nom::IResult<&[u8], &[u8], u32>, nom::Err<&[u8], u32>> {
std::result::Result::Ok($submac!(i, $($args)*))
(pub $name:ident( $i:ty ) -> $o:ty, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( i: $i ) -> std::result::Result<nom::IResult<$i,$o, u32>, nom::Err<$i, u32>> {
std::result::Result::Ok($submac!(i, $($args)*))
(pub $name:ident<$i:ty,$o:ty,$e:ty>, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( i: $i ) -> std::result::Result<nom::IResult<$i, $o, $e>, nom::Err<$i, $e>> {
std::result::Result::Ok($submac!(i, $($args)*))
(pub $name:ident<$i:ty,$o:ty>, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( i: $i ) -> std::result::Result<nom::IResult<$i, $o, u32>, nom::Err<$i, u32>> {
std::result::Result::Ok($submac!(i, $($args)*))
(pub $name:ident<$o:ty>, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( i: &[u8] ) -> std::result::Result<nom::IResult<&[u8], $o, u32>, nom::Err<&[u8], u32>> {
std::result::Result::Ok($submac!(i, $($args)*))
(pub $name:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name<'a>( i: &'a [u8] ) -> std::result::Result<nom::IResult<&[u8], &[u8], u32>, nom::Err<&[u8], u32>> {
std::result::Result::Ok($submac!(i, $($args)*))
macro_rules! cut (
($i:expr, $code:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
let cl = || {
Ok($submac!($i, $($args)*))
match cl() {
std::result::Result::Ok(nom::IResult::Incomplete(x)) => nom::IResult::Incomplete(x),
std::result::Result::Ok(nom::IResult::Done(i, o)) => nom::IResult::Done(i, o),
std::result::Result::Ok(nom::IResult::Error(e)) | std::result::Result::Err(e) => {
return std::result::Result::Err(nom::Err::NodePosition($code, $i, Box::new(e)))
($i:expr, $code:expr, $f:expr) => (
cut!($i, $code, call!($f));
macro_rules! c (
($i:expr, $f:expr) => (
match $f($i) {
std::result::Result::Ok(nom::IResult::Incomplete(x)) => nom::IResult::Incomplete(x),
std::result::Result::Ok(nom::IResult::Done(i, o)) => nom::IResult::Done(i, o),
std::result::Result::Ok(nom::IResult::Error(e)) => nom::IResult::Error(e),
std::result::Result::Err(e) => {
return std::result::Result::Err(e)
n!(pub foo< bool >,
tag!("a") ~
cut!(nom::ErrorKind::Custom(42),dbg_dmp!(tag!("b"))) ,
|| { true }
n!(pub foos< Vec<bool> >,
fn test_ok() {
let r = foos(b"(abab)");
println!("result: {:?}", r);
match r {
Ok(nom::IResult::Done(_,result)) => assert_eq!(result,vec![true,true]),
res => panic!("Oops {:?}.",res)
fn test_err() {
let input = b"(ac)";
let r = foos(&input[..]);
println!("result: {:?}", r);
match r {
//Ok(nom::IResult::Error(nom::Err::Position(kind,_))) => assert_eq!(kind,nom::ErrorKind::Custom(42)),
Err(nom::Err::NodePosition(kind, position, _)) => {
assert_eq!(kind, nom::ErrorKind::Custom(42));
assert_eq!(position, &input[2..]);
res => panic!("Oops, {:?}",res)

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/tests/ini.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
extern crate nom;
use nom::{IResult,not_line_ending, space, alphanumeric, multispace};
use std::str;
use std::collections::HashMap;
named!(category<&str>, map_res!(
delimited!(tag!("["), take_until!("]"), tag!("]")),
named!(key_value <&[u8],(&str,&str)>,
key: map_res!(alphanumeric, std::str::from_utf8) ~
space? ~
tag!("=") ~
space? ~
val: map_res!(
) ~
space? ~
tag!(";") ~
not_line_ending ,
) ? ~
multispace? ,
||{(key, val)}
named!(keys_and_values_aggregator<&[u8], Vec<(&str,&str)> >, many0!(key_value));
fn keys_and_values(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], HashMap<&str, &str> > {
let mut h: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
match keys_and_values_aggregator(input) {
IResult::Done(i,tuple_vec) => {
for &(k,v) in &tuple_vec {
h.insert(k, v);
IResult::Done(i, h)
IResult::Incomplete(a) => IResult::Incomplete(a),
IResult::Error(a) => IResult::Error(a)
category: category ~
keys: keys_and_values ,
move ||{(category, keys)}
named!(categories_aggregator<&[u8], Vec<(&str, HashMap<&str,&str>)> >, many0!(category_and_keys));
fn categories(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], HashMap<&str, HashMap<&str, &str> > > {
let mut h: HashMap<&str, HashMap<&str, &str>> = HashMap::new();
match categories_aggregator(input) {
IResult::Done(i,tuple_vec) => {
for &(k,ref v) in &tuple_vec {
h.insert(k, v.clone());
IResult::Done(i, h)
IResult::Incomplete(a) => IResult::Incomplete(a),
IResult::Error(a) => IResult::Error(a)
fn parse_category_test() {
let ini_file = &b"[category]
key = value2"[..];
let ini_without_category = &b"parameter=value
key = value2"[..];
let res = category(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, o) => println!("i: {:?} | o: {:?}", str::from_utf8(i), o),
_ => println!("error")
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_without_category, "category"));
fn parse_key_value_test() {
let ini_file = &b"parameter=value
key = value2"[..];
let ini_without_key_value = &b"key = value2"[..];
let res = key_value(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, (o1, o2)) => println!("i: {:?} | o: ({:?},{:?})", str::from_utf8(i), o1, o2),
_ => println!("error")
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_without_key_value, ("parameter", "value")));
fn parse_key_value_with_space_test() {
let ini_file = &b"parameter = value
key = value2"[..];
let ini_without_key_value = &b"key = value2"[..];
let res = key_value(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, (o1, o2)) => println!("i: {:?} | o: ({:?},{:?})", str::from_utf8(i), o1, o2),
_ => println!("error")
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_without_key_value, ("parameter", "value")));
fn parse_key_value_with_comment_test() {
let ini_file = &b"parameter=value;abc
key = value2"[..];
let ini_without_key_value = &b"key = value2"[..];
let res = key_value(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, (o1, o2)) => println!("i: {:?} | o: ({:?},{:?})", str::from_utf8(i), o1, o2),
_ => println!("error")
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_without_key_value, ("parameter", "value")));
fn parse_multiple_keys_and_values_test() {
let ini_file = &b"parameter=value;abc
key = value2
let ini_without_key_value = &b"[category]"[..];
let res = keys_and_values(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, ref o) => println!("i: {:?} | o: {:?}", str::from_utf8(i), o),
_ => println!("error")
let mut expected: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
expected.insert("parameter", "value");
expected.insert("key", "value2");
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_without_key_value, expected));
fn parse_category_then_multiple_keys_and_values_test() {
//FIXME: there can be an empty line or a comment line after a category
let ini_file = &b"[abcd]
key = value2
let ini_after_parser = &b"[category]"[..];
let res = category_and_keys(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, ref o) => println!("i: {:?} | o: {:?}", str::from_utf8(i), o),
_ => println!("error")
let mut expected_h: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
expected_h.insert("parameter", "value");
expected_h.insert("key", "value2");
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_after_parser, ("abcd", expected_h)));
fn parse_multiple_categories_test() {
let ini_file = &b"[abcd]
key = value2
key4 = value4
let ini_after_parser = &b""[..];
let res = categories(ini_file);
//println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, ref o) => println!("i: {:?} | o: {:?}", str::from_utf8(i), o),
_ => println!("error")
let mut expected_1: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
expected_1.insert("parameter", "value");
expected_1.insert("key", "value2");
let mut expected_2: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
expected_2.insert("parameter3", "value3");
expected_2.insert("key4", "value4");
let mut expected_h: HashMap<&str, HashMap<&str, &str>> = HashMap::new();
expected_h.insert("abcd", expected_1);
expected_h.insert("category", expected_2);
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_after_parser, expected_h));

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/tests/ini_str.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
extern crate nom;
use nom::IResult;
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn is_alphabetic(chr:char) -> bool {
(chr as u8 >= 0x41 && chr as u8 <= 0x5A) || (chr as u8 >= 0x61 && chr as u8 <= 0x7A)
fn is_digit(chr: char) -> bool {
chr as u8 >= 0x30 && chr as u8 <= 0x39
fn is_alphanumeric(chr: char) -> bool {
is_alphabetic(chr) || is_digit(chr)
fn is_space(chr:char) -> bool {
chr == ' ' || chr == '\t'
fn is_line_ending_or_comment(chr:char) -> bool {
chr == ';' || chr == '\n'
named!(alphanumeric<&str,&str>, take_while_s!(is_alphanumeric));
named!(not_line_ending<&str,&str>, is_not_s!("\r\n"));
named!(space<&str,&str>, take_while_s!(is_space));
named!(space_or_line_ending<&str,&str>, is_a_s!(" \r\n"));
fn right_bracket(c:char) -> bool {
c == ']'
named!(category <&str, &str>,
tag_s!("[") ~
name: take_till_s!(right_bracket) ~
tag_s!("]") ~
space_or_line_ending? ,
||{ name }
named!(key_value <&str,(&str,&str)>,
key: alphanumeric ~
space? ~
tag_s!("=") ~
space? ~
val: take_till_s!(is_line_ending_or_comment) ~
space? ~
pair!(tag_s!(";"), not_line_ending)? ~
space_or_line_ending? ,
||{(key, val)}
named!(keys_and_values_aggregator<&str, Vec<(&str,&str)> >, many0!(key_value));
fn keys_and_values(input:&str) -> IResult<&str, HashMap<&str, &str> > {
let mut h: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
match keys_and_values_aggregator(input) {
IResult::Done(i,tuple_vec) => {
for &(k,v) in &tuple_vec {
h.insert(k, v);
IResult::Done(i, h)
IResult::Incomplete(a) => IResult::Incomplete(a),
IResult::Error(a) => IResult::Error(a)
pair!(category, keys_and_values)
named!(categories_aggregator<&str, Vec<(&str, HashMap<&str,&str>)> >, many0!(category_and_keys));
fn categories(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, HashMap<&str, HashMap<&str, &str> > > {
let mut h: HashMap<&str, HashMap<&str, &str>> = HashMap::new();
match categories_aggregator(input) {
IResult::Done(i,tuple_vec) => {
for &(k,ref v) in &tuple_vec {
h.insert(k, v.clone());
IResult::Done(i, h)
IResult::Incomplete(a) => IResult::Incomplete(a),
IResult::Error(a) => IResult::Error(a)
fn parse_category_test() {
let ini_file = "[category]
key = value2";
let ini_without_category = "parameter=value
key = value2";
let res = category(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, o) => println!("i: {} | o: {:?}", i, o),
_ => println!("error")
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_without_category, "category"));
fn parse_key_value_test() {
let ini_file = "parameter=value
key = value2";
let ini_without_key_value = "key = value2";
let res = key_value(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, (o1, o2)) => println!("i: {} | o: ({:?},{:?})", i, o1, o2),
_ => println!("error")
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_without_key_value, ("parameter", "value")));
fn parse_key_value_with_space_test() {
let ini_file = "parameter = value
key = value2";
let ini_without_key_value = "key = value2";
let res = key_value(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, (o1, o2)) => println!("i: {} | o: ({:?},{:?})", i, o1, o2),
_ => println!("error")
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_without_key_value, ("parameter", "value")));
fn parse_key_value_with_comment_test() {
let ini_file = "parameter=value;abc
key = value2";
let ini_without_key_value = "key = value2";
let res = key_value(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, (o1, o2)) => println!("i: {} | o: ({:?},{:?})", i, o1, o2),
_ => println!("error")
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_without_key_value, ("parameter", "value")));
fn parse_multiple_keys_and_values_test() {
let ini_file = "parameter=value;abc
key = value2
let ini_without_key_value = "[category]";
let res = keys_and_values(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, ref o) => println!("i: {} | o: {:?}", i, o),
_ => println!("error")
let mut expected: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
expected.insert("parameter", "value");
expected.insert("key", "value2");
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_without_key_value, expected));
fn parse_category_then_multiple_keys_and_values_test() {
//FIXME: there can be an empty line or a comment line after a category
let ini_file = "[abcd]
key = value2
let ini_after_parser = "[category]";
let res = category_and_keys(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, ref o) => println!("i: {} | o: {:?}", i, o),
_ => println!("error")
let mut expected_h: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
expected_h.insert("parameter", "value");
expected_h.insert("key", "value2");
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done(ini_after_parser, ("abcd", expected_h)));
fn parse_multiple_categories_test() {
let ini_file = "[abcd]
key = value2
key4 = value4
let res = categories(ini_file);
//println!("{:?}", res);
match res {
IResult::Done(i, ref o) => println!("i: {} | o: {:?}", i, o),
_ => println!("error")
let mut expected_1: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
expected_1.insert("parameter", "value");
expected_1.insert("key", "value2");
let mut expected_2: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
expected_2.insert("parameter3", "value3");
expected_2.insert("key4", "value4");
let mut expected_h: HashMap<&str, HashMap<&str, &str>> = HashMap::new();
expected_h.insert("abcd", expected_1);
expected_h.insert("category", expected_2);
assert_eq!(res, IResult::Done("", expected_h));

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/tests/issues.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
extern crate nom;
use nom::{IResult,Needed,HexDisplay,space,digit,be_u16};
use std::str;
struct Range {
start: char,
end: char
pub fn take_char(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], char> {
if input.len() > 0 {
IResult::Done(&input[1..], input[0] as char)
} else {
named!(range<&[u8], Range>,
start: take_char ~
tag!("-") ~
end: take_char,
|| {
Range {
start: start,
end: end,
) |
|c| {
Range {
start: c,
end: c,
named!(literal<&[u8], Vec<char> >,
|cs| {
fn issue_58() {
named!(parse_ints< Vec<i32> >, many0!(spaces_or_int));
fn spaces_or_int(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], i32>{
println!("{}", input.to_hex(8));
opt!(space) ~
x: digit,
|| {
println!("x: {:?}", x);
let result = str::from_utf8(x).unwrap();
println!("Result: {}", result);
println!("int is empty?: {}", x.is_empty());
match result.parse(){
Ok(i) => i,
Err(_) => panic!("UH OH! NOT A DIGIT!")
fn issue_142(){
let subject = parse_ints(&b"12 34 5689"[..]);
let expected = IResult::Done(&b""[..], vec![12, 34, 5689]);
assert_eq!(subject, expected);
let subject = parse_ints(&b"12 34 5689 "[..]);
let expected = IResult::Done(&b" "[..], vec![12, 34, 5689]);
assert_eq!(subject, expected)
fn usize_length_bytes_issue(){
length_bytes!(b"012346", be_u16);
fn issue_152() {
named!(take4, take!(4));
named!(xyz, tag!("XYZ"));
named!(abc, tag!("abc"));
b"abcd" => xyz |
b"efgh" => abc
fn take_till_issue() {
take_till!(call!(|_| true))
assert_eq!(nothing(b""), IResult::Done(&b""[..], &b""[..]));
assert_eq!(nothing(b"abc"), IResult::Done(&b"abc"[..], &b""[..]));

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/tests/mp4.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
#![cfg(feature = "stream")]
extern crate nom;
use nom::{HexDisplay,Needed,IResult,be_u16,be_u32,be_u64,be_f32,ErrorKind};
use nom::{Consumer,ConsumerState,Move,Input,Producer,FileProducer,FileProducerState};
use nom::IResult::*;
use nom::Err::*;
use std::str;
use std::io::SeekFrom;
fn mp4_box(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &[u8]> {
match be_u32(input) {
Done(i, offset) => {
let sz: usize = offset as usize;
if i.len() >= sz - 4 {
Done(&i[(sz-4)..], &i[0..(sz-4)])
} else {
Incomplete(Needed::Size(offset as usize + 4))
Error(e) => Error(e),
Incomplete(e) => Incomplete(e)
struct FileType<'a> {
major_brand: &'a str,
major_brand_version: &'a [u8],
compatible_brands: Vec<&'a str>
pub struct Mvhd32 {
version_flags: u32, // actually:
// version: u8,
// flags: u24 // 3 bytes
created_date: u32,
modified_date: u32,
scale: u32,
duration: u32,
speed: f32,
volume: u16, // actually a 2 bytes decimal
/* 10 bytes reserved */
scaleA: f32,
rotateB: f32,
angleU: f32,
rotateC: f32,
scaleD: f32,
angleV: f32,
positionX: f32,
positionY: f32,
scaleW: f32,
preview: u64,
poster: u32,
selection: u64,
current_time: u32,
track_id: u32
pub struct Mvhd64 {
version_flags: u32, // actually:
// version: u8,
// flags: u24 // 3 bytes
created_date: u64,
modified_date: u64,
scale: u32,
duration: u64,
speed: f32,
volume: u16, // actually a 2 bytes decimal
/* 10 bytes reserved */
scaleA: f32,
rotateB: f32,
angleU: f32,
rotateC: f32,
scaleD: f32,
angleV: f32,
positionX: f32,
positionY: f32,
scaleW: f32,
preview: u64,
poster: u32,
selection: u64,
current_time: u32,
track_id: u32
named!(mvhd32 <&[u8], MvhdBox>,
version_flags: be_u32 ~
created_date: be_u32 ~
modified_date: be_u32 ~
scale: be_u32 ~
duration: be_u32 ~
speed: be_f32 ~
volume: be_u16 ~ // actually a 2 bytes decimal
take!(10) ~
scale_a: be_f32 ~
rotate_b: be_f32 ~
angle_u: be_f32 ~
rotate_c: be_f32 ~
scale_d: be_f32 ~
angle_v: be_f32 ~
position_x: be_f32 ~
position_y: be_f32 ~
scale_w: be_f32 ~
preview: be_u64 ~
poster: be_u32 ~
selection: be_u64 ~
current_time: be_u32 ~
track_id: be_u32,
MvhdBox::M32(Mvhd32 {
version_flags: version_flags,
created_date: created_date,
modified_date: modified_date,
scale: scale,
duration: duration,
speed: speed,
volume: volume,
scaleA: scale_a,
rotateB: rotate_b,
angleU: angle_u,
rotateC: rotate_c,
scaleD: scale_d,
angleV: angle_v,
positionX: position_x,
positionY: position_y,
scaleW: scale_w,
preview: preview,
poster: poster,
selection: selection,
current_time: current_time,
track_id: track_id
named!(mvhd64 <&[u8], MvhdBox>,
version_flags: be_u32 ~
created_date: be_u64 ~
modified_date: be_u64 ~
scale: be_u32 ~
duration: be_u64 ~
speed: be_f32 ~
volume: be_u16 ~ // actually a 2 bytes decimal
take!(10) ~
scale_a: be_f32 ~
rotate_b: be_f32 ~
angle_u: be_f32 ~
rotate_c: be_f32 ~
scale_d: be_f32 ~
angle_v: be_f32 ~
position_x: be_f32 ~
position_y: be_f32 ~
scale_w: be_f32 ~
preview: be_u64 ~
poster: be_u32 ~
selection: be_u64 ~
current_time: be_u32 ~
track_id: be_u32,
MvhdBox::M64(Mvhd64 {
version_flags: version_flags,
created_date: created_date,
modified_date: modified_date,
scale: scale,
duration: duration,
speed: speed,
volume: volume,
scaleA: scale_a,
rotateB: rotate_b,
angleU: angle_u,
rotateC: rotate_c,
scaleD: scale_d,
angleV: angle_v,
positionX: position_x,
positionY: position_y,
scaleW: scale_w,
preview: preview,
poster: poster,
selection: selection,
current_time: current_time,
track_id: track_id
pub enum MvhdBox {
pub enum MoovBox {
enum MP4BoxType {
struct MP4BoxHeader {
length: u32,
tag: MP4BoxType
named!(brand_name<&[u8],&str>, map_res!(take!(4), str::from_utf8));
named!(filetype_parser<&[u8], FileType>,
m: brand_name ~
v: take!(4) ~
c: many0!(brand_name) ,
||{ FileType{ major_brand: m, major_brand_version:v, compatible_brands: c } }
fn mvhd_box(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8],MvhdBox> {
let res = if input.len() < 100 {
} else if input.len() == 100 {
} else if input.len() == 112 {
} else {
println!("res: {:?}", res);
fn unknown_box_type(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], MP4BoxType> {
Done(input, MP4BoxType::Unknown)
//named!(box_type<&[u8], MP4BoxType>,
fn box_type(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], MP4BoxType, u32> {
tag!("ftyp") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Ftyp } |
tag!("moov") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Moov } |
tag!("mdat") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Mdat } |
tag!("free") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Free } |
tag!("skip") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Skip } |
tag!("wide") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Wide } |
// warning, an alt combinator with 9 branches containing a tag combinator
// can make the compilation very slow. Use functions as sub parsers,
// or split into multiple alt! parsers if it gets slow
named!(moov_type<&[u8], MP4BoxType>,
tag!("mdra") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Mdra } |
tag!("dref") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Dref } |
tag!("cmov") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Cmov } |
tag!("rmra") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Rmra } |
tag!("iods") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Iods } |
tag!("mvhd") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Mvhd } |
tag!("clip") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Clip } |
tag!("trak") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Trak } |
tag!("udta") => { |_| MP4BoxType::Udta }
length: be_u32 ~
tag: box_type ,
|| { MP4BoxHeader{ length: length, tag: tag} }
length: be_u32 ~
tag: moov_type ,
|| { MP4BoxHeader{ length: length, tag: tag} }
enum MP4State {
pub struct MP4Consumer {
state: MP4State,
moov_bytes: usize,
c_state: ConsumerState<(), (), Move>
impl MP4Consumer {
fn new() -> MP4Consumer {
MP4Consumer { state: MP4State::Main, moov_bytes: 0, c_state: ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(0)) }
fn consume_main(&mut self, input: Input<&[u8]>) -> ConsumerState<(), (), Move> {
//println!("\nparsing box header:\n{}", input.to_hex(8));
match input {
Input::Eof(None) => ConsumerState::Done(Move::Consume(0), ()),
Input::Empty => ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(0)),
Input::Element(sl) | Input::Eof(Some(sl)) => {
match box_header(sl) {
Done(i, header) => {
match header.tag {
MP4BoxType::Ftyp => {
println!("-> FTYP");
match filetype_parser(&i[0..(header.length as usize - 8)]) {
Done(rest, filetype_header) => {
println!("filetype header: {:?}", filetype_header);
//return ConsumerState::Await(header.length as usize, header.length as usize - 8);
return ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(sl.offset(rest)));
Error(a) => {
println!("ftyp parsing error: {:?}", a);
return ConsumerState::Error(());
Incomplete(n) => {
println!("ftyp incomplete -> await: {}", sl.len());
return ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Await(n));
//return ConsumerState::Await(0, input.len() + 100);
MP4BoxType::Moov => {
println!("-> MOOV");
self.state = MP4State::Moov;
self.moov_bytes = header.length as usize - 8;
return ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(sl.offset(i)));
MP4BoxType::Mdat => println!("-> MDAT"),
MP4BoxType::Free => println!("-> FREE"),
MP4BoxType::Skip => println!("-> SKIP"),
MP4BoxType::Wide => println!("-> WIDE"),
MP4BoxType::Unknown => {
println!("-> UNKNOWN");
println!("bytes:\n{}", (sl).to_hex(8));
//return ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(sl.offset(i)));
_ => { println!("invalid"); return ConsumerState::Error(())}
return ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Seek(SeekFrom::Current((header.length) as i64)))
Error(a) => {
println!("mp4 parsing error: {:?}", a);
return ConsumerState::Error(());
Incomplete(i) => {
// FIXME: incomplete should send the required size
println!("mp4 incomplete -> await: {}", sl.len());
return ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Await(i));
fn consume_moov(&mut self, input: Input<&[u8]>) -> ConsumerState<(), (), Move> {
//println!("\nparsing moov box(remaining {} bytes):\n{}", self.moov_bytes, input.to_hex(8));
match input {
Input::Eof(None) => return ConsumerState::Error(()),
Input::Empty => return ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(0)),
Input::Element(sl) | Input::Eof(Some(sl)) => {
if self.moov_bytes == 0 {
//println!("finished parsing moov atom, continuing with main parser");
self.state = MP4State::Main;
return ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(0));
match moov_header(sl) {
Done(i, header) => {
match header.tag {
MP4BoxType::Mvhd => {
println!("-> MVHD");
self.state = MP4State::Mvhd(header.length as usize - 8);
// TODO: check for overflow here
self.moov_bytes = self.moov_bytes - (sl.len() - i.len());
println!("remaining moov_bytes: {}", self.moov_bytes);
return ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(sl.offset(i)));
MP4BoxType::Wide => println!("-> WIDE"),
MP4BoxType::Mdra => println!("-> MDRA"),
MP4BoxType::Dref => println!("-> DREF"),
MP4BoxType::Cmov => println!("-> CMOV"),
MP4BoxType::Rmra => println!("-> RMRA"),
MP4BoxType::Iods => println!("-> IODS"),
MP4BoxType::Clip => println!("-> CLIP"),
MP4BoxType::Trak => println!("-> TRAK"),
MP4BoxType::Udta => println!("-> UDTA"),
MP4BoxType::Unknown => println!("-> MOOV UNKNOWN"),
_ => { println!("invalid header here: {:?}", header.tag); return ConsumerState::Error(());}
// TODO: check for overflow here
self.moov_bytes = self.moov_bytes - header.length as usize;
println!("remaining moov_bytes: {}", self.moov_bytes);
return ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Seek(SeekFrom::Current((header.length) as i64)))
Error(a) => {
println!("moov parsing error: {:?}", a);
println!("data:\n{}", sl.to_hex(8));
return ConsumerState::Error(());
Incomplete(i) => {
println!("moov incomplete -> await: {}", sl.len());
return ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Await(i));
consumer_from_parser!(MvhdConsumer<MvhdBox>, mvhd_box);
impl<'a> Consumer<&'a[u8], (), (), Move> for MP4Consumer {
fn handle(&mut self, input: Input<&[u8]>) -> &ConsumerState<(), (), Move> {
match self.state {
MP4State::Main => {
self.c_state = self.consume_main(input);
MP4State::Moov => {
self.c_state = self.consume_moov(input);
MP4State::Mvhd(sz) => {
match input {
Input::Eof(None) => self.c_state = ConsumerState::Error(()),
Input::Empty => self.c_state = ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(0)),
Input::Element(sl) | Input::Eof(Some(sl)) => {
let mut c = MvhdConsumer{ state:ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(0)) };
self.c_state = c.handle(Input::Element(&sl[..sz])).flat_map(|m, _| {
self.state = MP4State::Moov;
println!("found mvhd?: {:?}", c.state());
match self.c_state {
ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(sz)) => self.moov_bytes = self.moov_bytes - sz,
ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Seek(SeekFrom::Current(sz))) => self.moov_bytes = self.moov_bytes - (sz as usize),
_ => ()
println!("remaining moov_bytes: {}", self.moov_bytes);
fn state(&self) -> &ConsumerState<(), (), Move> {
fn explore_mp4_file(filename: &str) {
let mut p = FileProducer::new(filename, 400).unwrap();
let mut c = MP4Consumer{state: MP4State::Main, moov_bytes: 0, c_state: ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(0))};
//c.run(&mut p);
while let &ConsumerState::Continue(mv) = p.apply(&mut c) {
println!("move: {:?}", mv);
println!("last consumer state: {:?} | last state: {:?}", c.c_state, c.state);
if let ConsumerState::Done(Move::Consume(0), ()) = c.c_state {
println!("consumer state ok");
} else {
assert!(false, "consumer should have reached Done state");
assert_eq!(c.state, MP4State::Main);
assert_eq!(p.state(), FileProducerState::Eof);
fn small_test() {
fn big_bunny_test() {

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/tests/omnom.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
#![cfg(feature = "stream")]
extern crate nom;
use nom::{Producer,Consumer,ConsumerState,Input,Move,MemProducer,IResult,HexDisplay};
enum State {
struct TestConsumer {
state: State,
c_state: ConsumerState<usize,(),Move>,
counter: usize,
named!(om_parser, tag!("om"));
named!(nomnom_parser<&[u8],Vec<&[u8]> >, many1!(tag!("nom")));
named!(end_parser, tag!("kthxbye"));
impl<'a> Consumer<&'a[u8], usize, (), Move> for TestConsumer {
fn state(&self) -> &ConsumerState<usize,(),Move> {
fn handle(&mut self, input: Input<&'a [u8]>) -> &ConsumerState<usize,(),Move> {
match self.state {
State::Beginning => {
match input {
Input::Empty | Input::Eof(None) => {
self.state = State::Error;
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Error(());
Input::Element(sl) | Input::Eof(Some(sl)) => {
match om_parser(sl) {
IResult::Error(_) => {
self.state = State::Error;
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Error(());
IResult::Incomplete(n) => {
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Await(n));
IResult::Done(i,_) => {
self.state = State::Middle;
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(sl.offset(i)));
State::Middle => {
match input {
Input::Empty | Input::Eof(None) => {
self.state = State::Error;
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Error(());
Input::Element(sl) | Input::Eof(Some(sl)) => {
match nomnom_parser(sl) {
IResult::Error(_) => {
self.state = State::End;
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(0));
IResult::Incomplete(n) => {
println!("Middle got Incomplete({:?})", n);
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Await(n));
IResult::Done(i,noms_vec) => {
self.counter = self.counter + noms_vec.len();
self.state = State::Middle;
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(sl.offset(i)));
State::End => {
match input {
Input::Empty | Input::Eof(None) => {
self.state = State::Error;
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Error(());
Input::Element(sl) | Input::Eof(Some(sl)) => {
match end_parser(sl) {
IResult::Error(_) => {
self.state = State::Error;
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Error(());
IResult::Incomplete(n) => {
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Await(n));
IResult::Done(i,_) => {
self.state = State::Done;
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Done(Move::Consume(sl.offset(i)), self.counter);
State::Done | State::Error => {
// this should not be called
self.state = State::Error;
self.c_state = ConsumerState::Error(())
fn nom1() {
let mut p = MemProducer::new(&b"omnomkthxbye"[..], 8);
let mut c = TestConsumer{state: State::Beginning, counter: 0, c_state: ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(0))};
while let &ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(_)) = p.apply(&mut c) {
assert_eq!(c.counter, 1);
assert_eq!(c.state, State::Done);
fn nomnomnom() {
let mut p = MemProducer::new(&b"omnomnomnomkthxbye"[..], 9);
let mut c = TestConsumer{state: State::Beginning, counter: 0, c_state: ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(0))};
while let &ConsumerState::Continue(_) = p.apply(&mut c) {
assert_eq!(c.counter, 3);
assert_eq!(c.state, State::Done);
fn no_nomnom() {
let mut p = MemProducer::new(&b"omkthxbye"[..], 8);
let mut c = TestConsumer{state: State::Beginning, counter: 0, c_state: ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(0))};
while let &ConsumerState::Continue(_) = p.apply(&mut c) {
assert_eq!(c.counter, 0);
assert_eq!(c.state, State::Done);
fn impolite() {
let mut p = MemProducer::new(&b"omnomnomnom"[..], 11);
let mut c = TestConsumer{state: State::Beginning, counter: 0, c_state: ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Consume(0))};
while let &ConsumerState::Continue(cont) = p.apply(&mut c) {
println!("continue {:?}", cont);
assert_eq!(c.counter, 3);
assert_eq!(c.state, State::End);

third_party/rust/nom-1.2.4/tests/test1.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#![cfg(feature = "stream")]
extern crate nom;
use nom::{IResult,Producer,FileProducer,not_line_ending};
use std::str;
use std::fmt::Debug;
fn tag() {
FileProducer::new("assets/links.txt", 20).map(|producer: FileProducer| {
let mut p = producer;
consumer_from_parser!(PrintConsumer<()>, flat_map!(map_res!(tag!("https!"), str::from_utf8), print));
let mut cs = PrintConsumer::new();
for _ in 1..4 {
p.apply(&mut cs);
pub fn print<T: Debug>(input: T) -> IResult<T,()> {
println!("{:?}", input);
IResult::Done(input, ())
fn is_not() {
//is_not!(foo b"\r\n");
named!(foo<&[u8],&[u8]>, is_not!(&b"\r\n"[..]));
let a = &b"ab12cd\nefgh"[..];
assert_eq!(foo(a), IResult::Done(&b"\nefgh"[..], &b"ab12cd"[..]));
fn exported_public_method_defined_by_macro() {
let a = &b"ab12cd\nefgh"[..];
assert_eq!(not_line_ending(a), IResult::Done(&b"\nefgh"[..], &b"ab12cd"[..]));

third_party/rust/nom/.cargo-checksum.json поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1 +1 @@

third_party/rust/nom/CHANGELOG.md поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -4,6 +4,267 @@
### Changed
## 3.2.1 - 2017-10-27
### Thanks
- @ordian for `alt_complete` fixes
- @friedm for documentation fixes
- @kali for improving error management
### Fixed
- there were cases where `alt_complete` could return `Incomplete`
### Added
- an `into_error_kind` method can be used to transform any error to a common value. This helps when the library is included multiple times as dependency with different feature sets
## 3.2.0 - 2017-07-24
### Thanks
- @jedireza for documentation fixes
- @gmorenz for the `bytes` combinator
- @meh for character combinator fixes for UTF-8
- @jethrogb for avoiding move issues in `separated_list`
### Changed
- new layout for the main page of documentation
- `anychar` can now work on any input type
- `length_bytes` is now an alias for `length_data`
### Fixed
- `one_of`, `none_of` and `char` will now index correctly UTF-8 characters
- the `compiler_error` macro is now correctly exported
### Added
- the `bytes` combinator transforms a bit stream back to a byte slice for child parsers
## 3.1.0 - 2017-06-16
### Thanks
- @sdroege: implementing be_i24 and le_i24
- @Hywan: integrating faster substring search using memchr
- @nizox: fixing type issues in bit stream parsing
- @grissiom: documentation fixes
- @doomrobo: implementing separated_list_complete and separated_nonempty_list_complete
- @CWood1: fixing memchr integration in no_std
- @lu_zero: integrating the compiler_error crate
- @dtolnay: helping debug a type inference issue in map
### Changed
- memchr is used for substring search if possible
- if building on nightly, some common syntax errors will display a specific error message. If building no stable, display the documentation to activate those messages
- `count` no longer preallocates its vector
### Fixed
- better type inference in alt_complete
- `alt` should now work with whitespace parsing
- `map` should not make type inference errors anymore
### Added
- be_i24 and le_i24, parsing big endian and little endian signed 24 bit integers
- `separated_list_complete` and `separated_nonempty_list_complete` will treat incomplete from sub parsers as error
## 3.0.0 - 2017-05-12
### Thanks
- Chris Pick for some `Incomplete` related refactors
- @drbgn for documentation fixes
- @valarauca for adding `be_u24`
- @ithinuel for usability fixes
- @evuez for README readability fixes and improvements to `IResult`
- @s3bk for allowing non-`Copy` types as input
- @keruspe for documentation fixes
- @0xd34d10cc for trait fixes on `InputIter`
- @sdleffler for lifetime shenanigans on `named_args`
- @chengsun for type inference fixes in `alt`
- @iBelieve for adding str to no_std
- @Hywan for simplifying code in input traits
- @azerupi for extensive documentation of `alt` and `alt_complete`
### Breaking Changes
- `escaped`, `separated_list` and `separated_nonempty_list` can now return `Incomplete` when necessary
- `InputIter` does not require `AsChar` on its `Item` type anymore
- the `core` feature that was putting nom in `no_std` mode has been removed. There is now a `std` feature, activated by default. If it is not activated, nom is in `no_std`
- in `verbose-errors` mode, the error list is now stored in a `Vec` instead of a box based linked list
- `chain!` has finally been removed
### Changed
- `Endianness` now implements `Debug`, `PartialEq`, `Eq`, `Clone` and `Copy`
- custom input types can now be cloned if they're not `Copy`
- the infamous 'Cannot infer type for E' error should happen less often now
- `str` is now available in `no_std` mode
### Fixed
- `FileProducer` will be marked as `Eof` on full buffer
- `named_args!` now has lifetimes that cannot conflict with the lifetimes from other arguments
### Added
- `be_u24`: big endian 24 bit unsigned integer parsing
- `IResult` now has a `unwrap_or` method
## 2.2.1 - 2017-04-03
### Thanks
- @Victor-Savu for formatting fixes in the README
- @chifflier for detecting and fixing integer overflows
- @utkarshkukreti for some performance improvements in benchmarks
### Changed
- when calculating how much data is needed in `IResult::Incomplete`, the addition could overflow (it is stored as a usize). This would apparently not result in any security vulnerability on release code
## 2.2.0 - 2017-03-20
### Thanks
- @seppo0010 for fixing `named_args`
- @keruspe for implementing or() on `IResult`, adding the option of default cases in `switch!`, adding support for `cargo-travis`
- @timlyo for documentation fixes
- @JayKickliter for extending `hex_u32`
- @1011X for fixing regex integration
- @Kerollmops for actually marking `chain!` as deprecated
- @joliss for documentation fixes
- @utkarshkukreti for tests refactoring and performance improvement
- @tmccombs for documentation fixes
### Added
- `IResult` gets an `or()` method
- `take_until1`, `take_until_and_consume1`, `take_till1!` and `take_till1_s!` require at least 1 character
### Changed
- `hex_u32` accepts uppercase digits as well
- the character based combinators leverage the input traits
- the whitespace parsers now work on &str and other types
- `take_while1` returns `Incomplete` on empty input
- `switch!` can now take a default case
### Fixed
- `named_args!` now imports `IResult` directly
- the upgrade to regex 0.2 broke the regex combinators, they work now
## 2.1.0 - 2017-01-27
### Thanks
- @nickbabcock for documentation fixes
- @derekdreery for documentation fixes
- @DirkyJerky for documentation fixes
- @saschagrunert for documentation fixes
- @lucab for documentation fixes
- @hyone for documentation fixes
- @tstorch for factoring `Slice`
- @shepmaster for adding crate categories
- @antoyo for adding `named_args!`
### Added
- `verify!` uses a first parser, then applies a function to check that its result satisfies some conditions
- `named_args!` creates a parser function that can accept other arguments along with the input
- `parse_to!` will use the `parse` method from `FromStr` to parse a value. It will automatically translate the input to a string if necessary
- `float`, `float_s`, `double`, `double_s` can recognize floating point numbers in text
### Changed
- `escaped!` will now return `Incomplete` if needed
- `permutation!` supports up to 20 child parsers
## 2.0.1 - 2016-12-10
Bugfix release
*Warning*: there is a small breaking change, `add_error!` is renamed to `add_return_error!`. This was planned for the 2.0 release but was forgotten. This is a small change in a feature that not many people use, for a release that is not yet widely in use, so there will be no 3.0 release for that change.
### Thanks
- @nickbabcock for catching and fixing the `add_error!` mixup
- @lucab for documentation fixes
- @jtdowney for noticing that `tag_no_case!` was not working at all for byte slices
### Fixed
- `add_error!` has been renamed to `add_return_error!`
- the `not!` combinator now accepts functions
- `tag_no_case!` is now working as accepted (before, it accepted everything)
## 2.0 - 2016-11-25
The 2.0 release is one of the biggest yet. It was a good opportunity to clean up some badly named combinators and fix invalid behaviours.
Since this version introduces a few breaking changes, an [upgrade documentation](https://github.com/Geal/nom/blob/master/doc/upgrading_to_nom_2.md) is available, detailing the steps to fix the most common migration issues. After testing on a set of 30 crates, most of them will build directly, a large part will just need to activate the "verbose-errors" compilation feature. The remaining fixes are documented.
This version also adds a lot of interesting features, like the permutation combinator or whitespace separated formats support.
### Thanks
- @lu-zero for license help
- @adamgreig for type inference fixes
- @keruspe for documentation and example fixes, for the `IResult => Result` conversion work, making `AsChar`'s method more consistent, and adding `many_till!`
- @jdeeny for implementing `Offset` on `&str`
- @vickenty for documentation fixes and his refactoring of `length_value!` and `length_bytes!`
- @overdrivenpotato for refactoring some combinators
- @taralx for documentation fixes
- @keeperofdakeys for fixing eol behaviour, writing documentation and adding `named_attr!`
- @jturner314 for writing documentation
- @bozaro for fixing compilation errors
- @uniphil for adding a `crates.io` badge
- @badboy for documentation fixes
- @jugglerchris for fixing `take_s!`
- @AndyShiue for implementing `Error` and `Display` on `ErrorKind` and detecting incorrect UTF-8 string indexing
### Added
- the "simple" error management system does not accumulates errors when backtracking. This is a big perf gain, and is activated by default in nom 2.0
- nom can now work on any type that implement the traits defined in `src/traits.rs`: `InputLength`, `InputIter`, `InputTake`, `Compare`, `FindToken`, `FindSubstring`, `Slice`
- the documentation from Github's wiki has been moved to the `doc/` directory. They are markdown files that you can build with [cargo-external-doc](https://crates.io/crates/cargo-external-doc)
- whitespace separated format support: with the `ws!` combinator, you can automatically introduce whitespace parsers between all parsers and combinators
- the `permutation!` combinator applies its child parsers in any order, as long as they all succeed once, and return a tuple of the results
- `do_parse!` is a simpler alternative to `chain!`, which is now deprecated
- you can now transform an `IResult` in a `std::result::Result`
- `length_data!` parses a length, and returns a subslice of that length
- `tag_no_case!` provides case independent comparison. It works nicely, without any allocation, for ASCII strings, but for UTF-8 strings, it defaults to an unsatisfying (and incorrect) comparison by lowercasing both strings
- `named_attr!` creates functions like `named!` but can add attributes like documentation
- `many_till!` applies repeatedly its first child parser until the second succeeds
### Changed
- the "verbose" error management that was available in previous versions is now activated by the "verbose-errors" compilation feature
- code reorganization: most of the parsers were moved in separate files to make the source easier to navigate
- most of the combinators are now independent from the input type
- the `eof` function was replaced with the `eof!` macro
- `error!` and `add_error!` were replaced with `return_error!` and `add_return_error!` to fix the name conflict with the log crate
- the `offset()` method is now in the `Offset` trait
- `length_value!` has been renamed to `length_count!`. The new `length_value!` selects a slice and applies the second parser once on that slice
- `AsChar::is_0_to_9` is now `AsChar::is_dec_digit`
- the combinators with configurable endianness now take an enum instead of a boolean as parameter
### Fixed
- the `count!`, `count_fixed!` and `length_*!` combinator calculate incomplete data needs correctly
- `eol`, `line_ending` and `not_line_ending` now have a consistent behaviour that works correctly with incomplete data
- `take_s!` didn't correctly handle the case when the slice is exactly the right length
## 1.2.4 - 2016-07-20
### Thanks
@ -29,14 +290,14 @@
- `take_bits!` is now more precise
- `many1` inccorectly used the `len` function instead of `input_len`
- the INI parser is simpler
- `recognize!` had an early `return` taht is removed now
- `recognize!` had an early `return` that is removed now
## 1.2.3 - 2016-05-10
### Thanks
- @lu-zero for the contribution guidelines
- @GuillaumeGomez for fixes on `length_bytes` and some documentation
- @Hywan for ducomentation and test fixes
- @Hywan for documentation and test fixes
- @Xirdus for correct trait import issues
- @mspiegel for the new AST example
- @cholcombe973 for adding the `cond_with_error!` combinator
@ -63,7 +324,7 @@
## 1.2.2 - 2016-03-09
### Thanks
- @conradev for fixing take_until_s!`
- @conradev for fixing `take_until_s!`
- @GuillaumeGomez for some documentation fixes
- @frewsxcv for some documentation fixes
- @tstorch for some test refactorings
@ -121,7 +382,7 @@
- there were type inference issues in a few combinators. They will now be easier to compile
- `peek!` compilation with bare functions
- `&str` parsers were splitting data at the byte level, not at the char level, which can result in inconsistencies in parsing UTF-8 characters. They now use character indexes
- some method implementations were missing on `ÌResult<I,O,E>` (with specified error type instead of implicit)
- some method implementations were missing on `IResult<I,O,E>` (with specified error type instead of implicit)
## 1.1.0 - 2016-01-01
@ -137,11 +398,11 @@ There are also a few performance improvements and documentation fixes.
- @meh for fixing `Option` and `Vec` imports
- @hoodie for a documentation fix
- @joelself for some documentation fixes
- @vberger for his traits magic making `nom functions more generic
- @vberger for his traits magic making nom functions more generic
### Added
- string related parsers: `tag_s!`, `take_s!`, `is_a_s!`, `is_not_s!`, `take_while_s!`, `take_while1_s!`, `take_till_s!
- string related parsers: `tag_s!`, `take_s!`, `is_a_s!`, `is_not_s!`, `take_while_s!`, `take_while1_s!`, `take_till_s!`
- `value!` is a combinator that always returns the same value. If a child parser is passed as second argument, that value is returned when the child parser succeeds
### Changed
@ -521,8 +782,17 @@ Considering the number of changes since the last release, this version can conta
## Compare code
* [unreleased]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/1.2.4...HEAD
* [1.2.3]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/1.2.3...1.2.4
* [unreleased]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/3.2.1...HEAD
* [3.2.1]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/3.2.0...3.2.1
* [3.2.0]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/3.1.0...3.2.0
* [3.1.0]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/3.0.0...3.1.0
* [3.0.0]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/2.2.1...3.0.0
* [2.2.1]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/2.2.0...2.2.1
* [2.2.0]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/2.1.0...2.2.0
* [2.1.0]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/2.0.1...2.1.0
* [2.0.1]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/2.0.0...2.0.1
* [2.0.0]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/1.2.4...2.0.0
* [1.2.4]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/1.2.3...1.2.4
* [1.2.3]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/1.2.2...1.2.3
* [1.2.2]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/1.2.1...1.2.2
* [1.2.1]: https://github.com/Geal/nom/compare/1.2.0...1.2.1

third_party/rust/nom/Cargo.toml поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1,38 +1,50 @@
# When uploading crates to the registry Cargo will automatically
# "normalize" Cargo.toml files for maximal compatibility
# with all versions of Cargo and also rewrite `path` dependencies
# to registry (e.g. crates.io) dependencies
# If you believe there's an error in this file please file an
# issue against the rust-lang/cargo repository. If you're
# editing this file be aware that the upstream Cargo.toml
# will likely look very different (and much more reasonable)
name = "nom"
version = "1.2.4"
authors = [ "contact@geoffroycouprie.com" ]
version = "3.2.1"
authors = ["contact@geoffroycouprie.com"]
include = ["CHANGELOG.md", "LICENSE", ".gitignore", ".travis.yml", "Cargo.toml", "src/*.rs", "tests/*.rs"]
description = "A byte-oriented, zero-copy, parser combinators library"
documentation = "http://rust.unhandledexpression.com/nom/"
readme = "README.md"
keywords = ["parser", "parser-combinators", "parsing", "streaming", "bit"]
categories = ["parsing"]
license = "MIT"
repository = "https://github.com/Geal/nom"
readme = "README.md"
documentation = "http://rust.unhandledexpression.com/nom/"
keywords = ["parser", "parser-combinators", "parsing", "streaming", "bit"]
version = "^1.0.1"
default-features = false
include = [
core = []
nightly = []
default = ["stream"]
regexp = ["regex"]
regexp_macros = ["regexp", "lazy_static"]
stream = []
version = "0.1.1"
optional = true
version = "^0.1.56"
version = "^0.2"
optional = true
version = "^0.2.1"
version = "^0.2.2"
optional = true
default = ["std", "stream"]
regexp = ["regex"]
verbose-errors = []
stream = []
nightly = ["compiler_error"]
regexp_macros = ["regexp", "lazy_static"]
std = ["memchr/use_std"]
repository = "Geal/nom"

third_party/rust/nom/LICENSE поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Geoffroy Couprie
Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Geoffroy Couprie
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the

third_party/rust/nom/src/bits.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ macro_rules! bits (
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
/// Internal parser, do not use directly
@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ macro_rules! bits_impl (
let input = ($i, 0usize);
match $submac!(input, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(e) => {
$crate::IResult::Error(e) => {
let err = match e {
$crate::Err::Code(k) | $crate::Err::Node(k, _) => $crate::Err::Code(k),
$crate::Err::Position(k, (i,b)) | $crate::Err::NodePosition(k, (i,b), _) => {
@ -68,6 +69,131 @@ macro_rules! bits_impl (
#[cfg(not(feature = "verbose-errors"))]
/// Internal parser, do not use directly
macro_rules! bits_impl (
($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
let input = ($i, 0usize);
match $submac!(input, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(e) => {
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown),
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i)) => {
//println!("bits parser returned Needed::Size({})", i);
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i / 8 + 1))
$crate::IResult::Done((i, bit_index), o) => {
let byte_index = bit_index / 8 + if bit_index % 8 == 0 { 0 } else { 1 } ;
//println!("bit index=={} => byte index=={}", bit_index, byte_index);
$crate::IResult::Done(&i[byte_index..], o)
/// Counterpart to bits,
/// `bytes!( parser ) => ( (&[u8], usize), &[u8] -> IResult<&[u8], T> ) -> IResult<(&[u8], usize), T>`,
/// transforms its bits stream input into a byte slice for the underlying parsers. If we start in the
/// middle of a byte throws away the bits until the end of the byte.
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::Done;
/// # use nom::rest;
/// # fn main() {
/// named!( parse<(u8, u8, &[u8])>, bits!( tuple!(
/// take_bits!(u8, 4),
/// take_bits!(u8, 8),
/// bytes!(rest)
/// )));
/// let input = &[0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xaf];
/// assert_eq!(parse( input ), Done(&[][..], (0xd, 0xea, &[0xbe, 0xaf][..])));
/// # }
macro_rules! bytes (
($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
bytes_impl!($i, $submac!($($args)*));
($i:expr, $f:expr) => (
bytes_impl!($i, call!($f));
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
/// Internal parser, do not use directly
macro_rules! bytes_impl (
($macro_i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
let inp;
if $macro_i.1 % 8 != 0 {
inp = & $macro_i.0[1 + $macro_i.1 / 8 ..];
else {
inp = & $macro_i.0[$macro_i.1 / 8 ..];
match $submac!(inp, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(e) => {
let err = match e {
$crate::Err::Code(k) | $crate::Err::Node(k, _) => $crate::Err::Code(k),
$crate::Err::Position(k, i) | $crate::Err::NodePosition(k, i, _) => {
$crate::Err::Position(k, (i, 0))
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown),
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i)) => {
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i * 8))
$crate::IResult::Done(i, o) => {
$crate::IResult::Done((i, 0), o)
#[cfg(not(feature = "verbose-errors"))]
/// Internal parser, do not use directly
macro_rules! bytes_impl (
($macro_i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
let inp;
if $macro_i.1 % 8 != 0 {
inp = & $macro_i.0[1 + $macro_i.1 / 8 ..];
else {
inp = & $macro_i.0[$macro_i.1 / 8 ..];
match $submac!(inp, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(e) => {
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown),
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i)) => {
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i * 8))
$crate::IResult::Done(i, o) => {
$crate::IResult::Done((i, 0), o)
/// `take_bits!(type, nb) => ( (&[T], usize), U, usize) -> IResult<(&[T], usize), U>`
/// generates a parser consuming the specified number of bits.
@ -89,17 +215,18 @@ macro_rules! take_bits (
($i:expr, $t:ty, $count:expr) => (
use std::ops::Div;
use std::convert::Into;
//println!("taking {} bits from {:?}", $count, $i);
let (input, bit_offset) = $i;
let res : $crate::IResult<(&[u8],usize), $t> = if $count == 0 {
$crate::IResult::Done( (input, bit_offset), 0)
$crate::IResult::Done( (input, bit_offset), (0 as u8).into())
} else {
let cnt = ($count as usize + bit_offset).div(8);
if input.len() * 8 < $count as usize + bit_offset {
//println!("returning incomplete: {}", $count as usize + bit_offset);
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size($count as usize))
} else {
let mut acc:$t = 0;
let mut acc:$t = (0 as u8).into();
let mut offset: usize = bit_offset;
let mut remaining: usize = $count;
let mut end_offset: usize = 0;
@ -109,9 +236,9 @@ macro_rules! take_bits (
let val: $t = if offset == 0 {
*byte as $t
(*byte as u8).into()
} else {
((*byte << offset) as u8 >> offset) as $t
(((*byte as u8) << offset) as u8 >> offset).into()
if remaining < 8 - offset {
@ -144,11 +271,11 @@ macro_rules! tag_bits (
let res: $crate::IResult<(&[u8],usize),$t> = $crate::IResult::Done(i, o);
} else {
$crate::IResult::Error($crate::Err::Position($crate::ErrorKind::TagBits, $i))
$crate::IResult::Error(error_position!($crate::ErrorKind::TagBits, $i))
_ => {
$crate::IResult::Error($crate::Err::Position($crate::ErrorKind::TagBits, $i))
$crate::IResult::Error(error_position!($crate::ErrorKind::TagBits, $i))
@ -157,12 +284,13 @@ macro_rules! tag_bits (
mod tests {
use internal::{IResult,Needed,Err};
use std::ops::{Shr,Shl,AddAssign};
use internal::{IResult,Needed};
use ErrorKind;
fn take_bits() {
let input = vec![0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
let input = [0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
let sl = &input[..];
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 0), u8, 0 ), IResult::Done((sl, 0), 0));
@ -184,7 +312,7 @@ mod tests {
fn tag_bits() {
let input = vec![0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
let input = [0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
let sl = &input[..];
assert_eq!(tag_bits!( (sl, 0), u8, 3, 0b101), IResult::Done((&sl[0..], 3), 5));
@ -192,17 +320,17 @@ mod tests {
tag_bits!(u8, 3, 0b101) ~
x: take_bits!(u8, 4) ~
y: take_bits!(u8, 5) ,
|| { (x,y) }
tag_bits!(u8, 3, 0b101) >>
x: take_bits!(u8, 4) >>
y: take_bits!(u8, 5) >>
fn chain_bits() {
let input = vec![0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
let input = [0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
let sl = &input[..];
assert_eq!(ch((&input[..],0)), IResult::Done((&sl[1..], 4), (5,15)));
assert_eq!(ch((&input[..],4)), IResult::Done((&sl[2..], 0), (7,16)));
@ -212,9 +340,55 @@ mod tests {
named!(ch_bytes<(u8,u8)>, bits!(ch));
fn bits_to_bytes() {
let input = vec![0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
let input = [0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
assert_eq!(ch_bytes(&input[..]), IResult::Done(&input[2..], (5,15)));
assert_eq!(ch_bytes(&input[..1]), IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Size(2)));
assert_eq!(ch_bytes(&input[1..]), IResult::Error(Err::Position(ErrorKind::TagBits, &input[1..])));
assert_eq!(ch_bytes(&input[1..]), IResult::Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::TagBits, &input[1..])));
struct FakeUint(u32);
impl AddAssign for FakeUint {
fn add_assign(&mut self, other: FakeUint) {
*self = FakeUint(&self.0 + other.0);
impl Shr<usize> for FakeUint {
type Output = FakeUint;
fn shr(self, shift: usize) -> FakeUint {
FakeUint(&self.0 >> shift)
impl Shl<usize> for FakeUint {
type Output = FakeUint;
fn shl(self, shift: usize) -> FakeUint {
FakeUint(&self.0 << shift)
impl From<u8> for FakeUint {
fn from(i: u8) -> FakeUint {
fn non_privitive_type() {
let input = [0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
let sl = &input[..];
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 0), FakeUint, 20 ), IResult::Done((&sl[2..], 4), FakeUint(700163)));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 4), FakeUint, 20 ), IResult::Done((&sl[3..], 0), FakeUint(716851)));
assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 4), FakeUint, 22 ), IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Size(22)));

third_party/rust/nom/src/branch.rs поставляемый Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,871 @@
/// Try a list of parsers and return the result of the first successful one
/// ```rust,ignore
/// alt!(I -> IResult<I,O> | I -> IResult<I,O> | ... | I -> IResult<I,O> ) => I -> IResult<I, O>
/// ```
/// All the parsers must have the same return type.
/// If one of the parsers returns `Incomplete`, `alt!` will return `Incomplete`, to retry
/// once you get more input. Note that it is better for performance to know the
/// minimum size of data you need before you get into `alt!`.
/// The `alt!` combinator is used in the following way:
/// ```rust,ignore
/// alt!(parser_1 | parser_2 | ... | parser_n)
/// ```
/// # Basic example
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # fn main() {
/// // Create a parser that will match either "dragon" or "beast"
/// named!( dragon_or_beast, alt!( tag!( "dragon" ) | tag!( "beast" ) ) );
/// // Given the input "dragon slayer", the parser will match "dragon"
/// // and the rest will be " slayer"
/// let (rest, result) = dragon_or_beast(b"dragon slayer").unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(result, b"dragon");
/// assert_eq!(rest, b" slayer");
/// // Given the input "beast of Gevaudan", the parser will match "beast"
/// // and the rest will be " of Gevaudan"
/// let (rest, result) = dragon_or_beast(&b"beast of Gevaudan"[..]).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(result, b"beast");
/// assert_eq!(rest, b" of Gevaudan");
/// # }
/// ```
/// # Manipulate results
/// There exists another syntax for `alt!` that gives you the ability to
/// manipulate the result from each parser:
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::Done;
/// # fn main() {
/// #
/// // We create an enum to represent our creatures
/// #[derive(Debug,PartialEq,Eq)]
/// enum Creature {
/// Dragon,
/// Beast,
/// Unknown(usize)
/// }
/// // Let's make a helper function that returns true when not a space
/// // we are required to do this because the `take_while!` macro is limited
/// // to idents, so we can't negate `ìs_space` at the call site
/// fn is_not_space(c: u8) -> bool { ! nom::is_space(c) }
/// // Our parser will return the `Dragon` variant when matching "dragon",
/// // the `Beast` variant when matching "beast" and otherwise it will consume
/// // the input until a space is found and return an `Unknown` creature with
/// // the size of it's name.
/// named!(creature<Creature>, alt!(
/// tag!("dragon") => { |_| Creature::Dragon } |
/// tag!("beast") => { |_| Creature::Beast } |
/// take_while!(is_not_space) => { |r: &[u8]| Creature::Unknown(r.len()) }
/// // the closure takes the result as argument if the parser is successful
/// ));
/// // Given the input "dragon slayer" the parser will return `Creature::Dragon`
/// // and the rest will be " slayer"
/// let (rest, result) = creature(b"dragon slayer").unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(result, Creature::Dragon);
/// assert_eq!(rest, b" slayer");
/// // Given the input "beast of Gevaudan" the parser will return `Creature::Beast`
/// // and the rest will be " of Gevaudan"
/// let (rest, result) = creature(b"beast of Gevaudan").unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(result, Creature::Beast);
/// assert_eq!(rest, b" of Gevaudan");
/// // Given the input "demon hunter" the parser will return `Creature::Unkown(5)`
/// // and the rest will be " hunter"
/// let (rest, result) = creature(b"demon hunter").unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(result, Creature::Unknown(5));
/// assert_eq!(rest, b" hunter");
/// # }
/// ```
/// # Behaviour of `alt!`
/// **BE CAREFUL** there is a case where the behaviour of `alt!` can be confusing:
/// when the alternatives have different lengths, like this case:
/// ```ignore
/// named!( test, alt!( tag!( "abcd" ) | tag!( "ef" ) | tag!( "ghi" ) | tag!( "kl" ) ) );
/// ```
/// With this parser, if you pass `"abcd"` as input, the first alternative parses it correctly,
/// but if you pass `"efg"`, the first alternative will return `Incomplete`, since it needs an input
/// of 4 bytes. This behaviour of `alt!` is expected: if you get a partial input that isn't matched
/// by the first alternative, but would match if the input was complete, you want `alt!` to indicate
/// that it cannot decide with limited information.
/// There are two ways to fix this behaviour. The first one consists in ordering the alternatives
/// by size, like this:
/// ```ignore
/// named!( test, alt!( tag!( "ef" ) | tag!( "kl") | tag!( "ghi" ) | tag!( "abcd" ) ) );
/// ```
/// With this solution, the largest alternative will be tested last.
/// The other solution uses the `complete!` combinator, which transforms an `Incomplete` in an
/// `Error`. If one of the alternatives returns `Incomplete` but is wrapped by `complete!`,
/// `alt!` will try the next alternative. This is useful when you know that
/// you will not get partial input:
/// ```ignore
/// named!( test,
/// alt!(
/// complete!( tag!( "abcd" ) ) |
/// complete!( tag!( "ef" ) ) |
/// complete!( tag!( "ghi" ) ) |
/// complete!( tag!( "kl" ) )
/// )
/// );
/// ```
/// If you want the `complete!` combinator to be applied to all rules then use the convenience
/// `alt_complete!` macro (see below).
/// This behaviour of `alt!` can get especially confusing if multiple alternatives have different
/// sizes but a common prefix, like this:
/// ```ignore
/// named!( test, alt!( tag!( "abcd" ) | tag!( "ab" ) | tag!( "ef" ) ) );
/// ```
/// in that case, if you order by size, passing `"abcd"` as input will always be matched by the
/// smallest parser, so the solution using `complete!` is better suited.
/// You can also nest multiple `alt!`, like this:
/// ```ignore
/// named!( test,
/// alt!(
/// preceded!(
/// tag!("ab"),
/// alt!(
/// tag!( "cd" ) |
/// eof!()
/// )
/// )
/// | tag!( "ef" )
/// )
/// );
/// ```
/// `preceded!` will first parse `"ab"` then, if successful, try the alternatives "cd",
/// or empty input (End Of File). If none of them work, `preceded!` will fail and
/// "ef" will be tested.
macro_rules! alt (
(__impl $i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $($rest:tt)* ) => (
compiler_error!("alt uses '|' as separator, not ',':
tag!(\"abcd\") |
tag!(\"efgh\") |
(__impl $i:expr, $e:ident, $($rest:tt)* ) => (
alt!(__impl $i, call!($e) , $($rest)*);
(__impl $i:expr, $e:ident | $($rest:tt)*) => (
alt!(__impl $i, call!($e) | $($rest)*);
(__impl $i:expr, $subrule:ident!( $($args:tt)*) | $($rest:tt)*) => (
let i_ = $i.clone();
let res = $subrule!(i_, $($args)*);
match res {
$crate::IResult::Done(_,_) => res,
$crate::IResult::Incomplete(_) => res,
$crate::IResult::Error(e) => {
let out = alt!(__impl $i, $($rest)*);
// Compile-time hack to ensure that res's E type is not under-specified.
// This all has no effect at runtime.
fn unify_types<T>(_: &T, _: &T) {}
if let $crate::IResult::Error(ref e2) = out {
unify_types(&e, e2);
(__impl $i:expr, $subrule:ident!( $($args:tt)* ) => { $gen:expr } | $($rest:tt)*) => (
let i_ = $i.clone();
match $subrule!(i_, $($args)* ) {
$crate::IResult::Done(i,o) => $crate::IResult::Done(i,$gen(o)),
$crate::IResult::Incomplete(x) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete(x),
$crate::IResult::Error(e) => {
let out = alt!(__impl $i, $($rest)*);
// Compile-time hack to ensure that res's E type is not under-specified.
// This all has no effect at runtime.
fn unify_types<T>(_: &T, _: &T) {}
if let $crate::IResult::Error(ref e2) = out {
unify_types(&e, e2);
(__impl $i:expr, $e:ident => { $gen:expr } | $($rest:tt)*) => (
alt!(__impl $i, call!($e) => { $gen } | $($rest)*);
(__impl $i:expr, __end) => (
($i:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => (
alt!(__impl $i, $($rest)* | __end)
/// Is equivalent to the `alt!` combinator, except that it will not return `Incomplete`
/// when one of the constituting parsers returns `Incomplete`. Instead, it will try the
/// next alternative in the chain.
/// You should use this combinator only if you know you
/// will not receive partial input for the rules you're trying to match (this
/// is almost always the case for parsing programming languages).
/// ```rust,ignore
/// alt_complete!(I -> IResult<I,O> | I -> IResult<I,O> | ... | I -> IResult<I,O> ) => I -> IResult<I, O>
/// ```
/// All the parsers must have the same return type.
/// If one of the parsers return `Incomplete`, `alt_complete!` will try the next alternative.
/// If there is no other parser left to try, an `Error` will be returned.
/// ```rust,ignore
/// alt_complete!(parser_1 | parser_2 | ... | parser_n)
/// ```
/// **For more in depth examples, refer to the documentation of `alt!`**
macro_rules! alt_complete (
// Recursive rules (must include `complete!` around the head)
($i:expr, $e:ident | $($rest:tt)*) => (
alt_complete!($i, complete!(call!($e)) | $($rest)*);
($i:expr, $subrule:ident!( $($args:tt)*) | $($rest:tt)*) => (
let i_ = $i.clone();
let res = complete!(i_, $subrule!($($args)*));
match res {
$crate::IResult::Done(_,_) => res,
e => {
let out = alt_complete!($i, $($rest)*);
if let (&$crate::IResult::Error(ref e1), &$crate::IResult::Error(ref e2)) = (&e, &out) {
// Compile-time hack to ensure that res's E type is not under-specified.
// This all has no effect at runtime.
fn unify_types<T>(_: &T, _: &T) {}
unify_types(e1, e2);
($i:expr, $subrule:ident!( $($args:tt)* ) => { $gen:expr } | $($rest:tt)+) => (
let i_ = $i.clone();
match complete!(i_, $subrule!($($args)*)) {
$crate::IResult::Done(i,o) => $crate::IResult::Done(i,$gen(o)),
e => {
let out = alt_complete!($i, $($rest)*);
if let (&$crate::IResult::Error(ref e1), &$crate::IResult::Error(ref e2)) = (&e, &out) {
// Compile-time hack to ensure that res's E type is not under-specified.
// This all has no effect at runtime.
fn unify_types<T>(_: &T, _: &T) {}
unify_types(e1, e2);
($i:expr, $e:ident => { $gen:expr } | $($rest:tt)*) => (
alt_complete!($i, complete!(call!($e)) => { $gen } | $($rest)*);
// Tail (non-recursive) rules
($i:expr, $e:ident => { $gen:expr }) => (
alt_complete!($i, call!($e) => { $gen });
($i:expr, $subrule:ident!( $($args:tt)* ) => { $gen:expr }) => (
alt!(__impl $i, complete!($subrule!($($args)*)) => { $gen } | __end)
($i:expr, $e:ident) => (
alt_complete!($i, call!($e));
($i:expr, $subrule:ident!( $($args:tt)*)) => (
alt!(__impl $i, complete!($subrule!($($args)*)) | __end)
/// `switch!(I -> IResult<I,P>, P => I -> IResult<I,O> | ... | P => I -> IResult<I,O> ) => I -> IResult<I, O>`
/// choose the next parser depending on the result of the first one, if successful,
/// and returns the result of the second parser
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::{Done,Error};
/// # #[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
/// # use nom::Err::{Position, NodePosition};
/// # use nom::ErrorKind;
/// # fn main() {
/// named!(sw,
/// switch!(take!(4),
/// b"abcd" => tag!("XYZ") |
/// b"efgh" => tag!("123")
/// )
/// );
/// let a = b"abcdXYZ123";
/// let b = b"abcdef";
/// let c = b"efgh123";
/// let d = b"blah";
/// assert_eq!(sw(&a[..]), Done(&b"123"[..], &b"XYZ"[..]));
/// assert_eq!(sw(&b[..]), Error(error_node_position!(ErrorKind::Switch, &b"abcdef"[..],
/// error_position!(ErrorKind::Tag, &b"ef"[..]))));
/// assert_eq!(sw(&c[..]), Done(&b""[..], &b"123"[..]));
/// assert_eq!(sw(&d[..]), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Switch, &b"blah"[..])));
/// # }
/// ```
/// You can specify a default case like with a normal match, using `_`
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::Done;
/// # fn main() {
/// named!(sw,
/// switch!(take!(4),
/// b"abcd" => tag!("XYZ") |
/// _ => value!(&b"default"[..])
/// )
/// );
/// let a = b"abcdXYZ123";
/// let b = b"blah";
/// assert_eq!(sw(&a[..]), Done(&b"123"[..], &b"XYZ"[..]));
/// assert_eq!(sw(&b[..]), Done(&b""[..], &b"default"[..]));
/// # }
/// ```
/// Due to limitations in Rust macros, it is not possible to have simple functions on the right hand
/// side of pattern, like this:
/// ```ignore
/// named!(sw,
/// switch!(take!(4),
/// b"abcd" => tag!("XYZ") |
/// b"efgh" => tag!("123")
/// )
/// );
/// ```
/// If you want to pass your own functions instead, you can use the `call!` combinator as follows:
/// ```ignore
/// named!(xyz, tag!("XYZ"));
/// named!(num, tag!("123"));
/// named!(sw,
/// switch!(take!(4),
/// b"abcd" => call!(xyz) |
/// b"efgh" => call!(num)
/// )
/// );
/// ```
macro_rules! switch (
(__impl $i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $($p:pat => $subrule:ident!( $($args2:tt)* ))|* ) => (
let i_ = $i.clone();
match map!(i_, $submac!($($args)*), |o| Some(o)) {
$crate::IResult::Error(e) => $crate::IResult::Error(error_node_position!(
$crate::ErrorKind::Switch, $i, e
$crate::IResult::Incomplete(i) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete(i),
$crate::IResult::Done(i, o) => {
match o {
$(Some($p) => match $subrule!(i, $($args2)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(e) => $crate::IResult::Error(error_node_position!(
$crate::ErrorKind::Switch, $i, e
a => a,
_ => $crate::IResult::Error(error_position!($crate::ErrorKind::Switch,$i))
($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)*), $($rest:tt)*) => (
switch!(__impl $i, $submac!($($args)*), $($rest)*)
($i:expr, $e:ident, $($rest:tt)*) => (
switch!(__impl $i, call!($e), $($rest)*)
/// `permutation!(I -> IResult<I,A>, I -> IResult<I,B>, ... I -> IResult<I,X> ) => I -> IResult<I, (A,B,...X)>`
/// applies its sub parsers in a sequence, but independent from their order
/// this parser will only succeed if all of its sub parsers succeed
/// the tuple of results is in the same order as the parsers are declared
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::{Done,Error,Incomplete};
/// # use nom::{ErrorKind,Needed};
/// # fn main() {
/// named!(perm<(&[u8], &[u8], &[u8])>,
/// permutation!(tag!("abcd"), tag!("efg"), tag!("hi"))
/// );
/// // whatever the order, if the parser succeeds, each
/// // tag should have matched correctly
/// let expected = (&b"abcd"[..], &b"efg"[..], &b"hi"[..]);
/// let a = &b"abcdefghijk"[..];
/// assert_eq!(perm(a), Done(&b"jk"[..], expected));
/// let b = &b"efgabcdhijkl"[..];
/// assert_eq!(perm(b), Done(&b"jkl"[..], expected));
/// let c = &b"hiefgabcdjklm"[..];
/// assert_eq!(perm(c), Done(&b"jklm"[..], expected));
/// let d = &b"efgxyzabcdefghi"[..];
/// assert_eq!(perm(d), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Permutation, &b"xyzabcdefghi"[..])));
/// let e = &b"efgabc"[..];
/// assert_eq!(perm(e), Incomplete(Needed::Size(7)));
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! permutation (
($i:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => (
let mut res = permutation_init!((), $($rest)*);
let mut input = $i;
let mut error = ::std::option::Option::None;
let mut needed = ::std::option::Option::None;
loop {
let mut all_done = true;
permutation_iterator!(0, input, all_done, needed, res, $($rest)*);
//if we reach that part, it means none of the parsers were able to read anything
if !all_done {
//FIXME: should wrap the error returned by the child parser
error = ::std::option::Option::Some(error_position!($crate::ErrorKind::Permutation, input));
if let ::std::option::Option::Some(need) = needed {
if let $crate::Needed::Size(sz) = need {
$crate::InputLength::input_len(&($i)) -
$crate::InputLength::input_len(&input) +
} else {
} else if let ::std::option::Option::Some(e) = error {
} else {
let unwrapped_res = permutation_unwrap!(0, (), res, $($rest)*);
$crate::IResult::Done(input, unwrapped_res)
macro_rules! permutation_init (
((), $e:ident, $($rest:tt)*) => (
permutation_init!((::std::option::Option::None), $($rest)*)
((), $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $($rest:tt)*) => (
permutation_init!((::std::option::Option::None), $($rest)*)
(($($parsed:expr),*), $e:ident, $($rest:tt)*) => (
permutation_init!(($($parsed),* , ::std::option::Option::None), $($rest)*);
(($($parsed:expr),*), $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $($rest:tt)*) => (
permutation_init!(($($parsed),* , ::std::option::Option::None), $($rest)*);
(($($parsed:expr),*), $e:ident) => (
($($parsed),* , ::std::option::Option::None)
(($($parsed:expr),*), $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
($($parsed),* , ::std::option::Option::None)
(($($parsed:expr),*),) => (
macro_rules! succ (
(0, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(1, $($rest)*));
(1, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(2, $($rest)*));
(2, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(3, $($rest)*));
(3, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(4, $($rest)*));
(4, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(5, $($rest)*));
(5, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(6, $($rest)*));
(6, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(7, $($rest)*));
(7, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(8, $($rest)*));
(8, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(9, $($rest)*));
(9, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(10, $($rest)*));
(10, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(11, $($rest)*));
(11, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(12, $($rest)*));
(12, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(13, $($rest)*));
(13, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(14, $($rest)*));
(14, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(15, $($rest)*));
(15, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(16, $($rest)*));
(16, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(17, $($rest)*));
(17, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(18, $($rest)*));
(18, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(19, $($rest)*));
(19, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(20, $($rest)*));
// HACK: for some reason, Rust 1.11 does not accept $res.$it in
// permutation_unwrap. This is a bit ugly, but it will have no
// impact on the generated code
macro_rules! acc (
(0, $tup:expr) => ($tup.0);
(1, $tup:expr) => ($tup.1);
(2, $tup:expr) => ($tup.2);
(3, $tup:expr) => ($tup.3);
(4, $tup:expr) => ($tup.4);
(5, $tup:expr) => ($tup.5);
(6, $tup:expr) => ($tup.6);
(7, $tup:expr) => ($tup.7);
(8, $tup:expr) => ($tup.8);
(9, $tup:expr) => ($tup.9);
(10, $tup:expr) => ($tup.10);
(11, $tup:expr) => ($tup.11);
(12, $tup:expr) => ($tup.12);
(13, $tup:expr) => ($tup.13);
(14, $tup:expr) => ($tup.14);
(15, $tup:expr) => ($tup.15);
(16, $tup:expr) => ($tup.16);
(17, $tup:expr) => ($tup.17);
(18, $tup:expr) => ($tup.18);
(19, $tup:expr) => ($tup.19);
(20, $tup:expr) => ($tup.20);
macro_rules! permutation_unwrap (
($it:tt, (), $res:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $($rest:tt)*) => (
succ!($it, permutation_unwrap!((acc!($it, $res).unwrap()), $res, $($rest)*));
($it:tt, ($($parsed:expr),*), $res:ident, $e:ident, $($rest:tt)*) => (
succ!($it, permutation_unwrap!(($($parsed),* , acc!($it, $res).unwrap()), $res, $($rest)*));
($it:tt, ($($parsed:expr),*), $res:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $($rest:tt)*) => (
succ!($it, permutation_unwrap!(($($parsed),* , acc!($it, $res).unwrap()), $res, $($rest)*));
($it:tt, ($($parsed:expr),*), $res:ident, $e:ident) => (
($($parsed),* , { acc!($it, $res).unwrap() })
($it:tt, ($($parsed:expr),*), $res:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
($($parsed),* , acc!($it, $res).unwrap() )
macro_rules! permutation_iterator (
($it:tt,$i:expr, $all_done:expr, $needed:expr, $res:expr, $e:ident, $($rest:tt)*) => (
permutation_iterator!($it, $i, $all_done, $needed, $res, call!($e), $($rest)*);
($it:tt, $i:expr, $all_done:expr, $needed:expr, $res:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $($rest:tt)*) => {
if acc!($it, $res) == ::std::option::Option::None {
match $submac!($i, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Done(i,o) => {
$i = i;
acc!($it, $res) = ::std::option::Option::Some(o);
$crate::IResult::Error(_) => {
$all_done = false;
$crate::IResult::Incomplete(i) => {
$needed = ::std::option::Option::Some(i);
succ!($it, permutation_iterator!($i, $all_done, $needed, $res, $($rest)*));
($it:tt,$i:expr, $all_done:expr, $needed:expr, $res:expr, $e:ident) => (
permutation_iterator!($it, $i, $all_done, $res, call!($e));
($it:tt, $i:expr, $all_done:expr, $needed:expr, $res:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => {
if acc!($it, $res) == ::std::option::Option::None {
match $submac!($i, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Done(i,o) => {
$i = i;
acc!($it, $res) = ::std::option::Option::Some(o);
$crate::IResult::Error(_) => {
$all_done = false;
$crate::IResult::Incomplete(i) => {
$needed = ::std::option::Option::Some(i);
mod tests {
use internal::{Needed,IResult};
use internal::IResult::*;
use util::ErrorKind;
// reproduce the tag and take macros, because of module import order
macro_rules! tag (
($i:expr, $inp: expr) => (
fn as_bytes<T: $crate::AsBytes>(b: &T) -> &[u8] {
let expected = $inp;
let bytes = as_bytes(&expected);
macro_rules! tag_bytes (
($i:expr, $bytes: expr) => (
use std::cmp::min;
let len = $i.len();
let blen = $bytes.len();
let m = min(len, blen);
let reduced = &$i[..m];
let b = &$bytes[..m];
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = if reduced != b {
$crate::IResult::Error(error_position!($crate::ErrorKind::Tag, $i))
} else if m < blen {
} else {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[blen..], reduced)
macro_rules! take(
($i:expr, $count:expr) => (
let cnt = $count as usize;
let res:$crate::IResult<&[u8],&[u8]> = if $i.len() < cnt {
} else {
fn alt() {
fn work(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8],&[u8], &'static str> {
Done(&b""[..], input)
fn dont_work(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8],&[u8],&'static str> {
fn work2(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8],&[u8], &'static str> {
Done(input, &b""[..])
fn alt1(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8],&[u8], &'static str> {
alt!(i, dont_work | dont_work)
fn alt2(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8],&[u8], &'static str> {
alt!(i, dont_work | work)
fn alt3(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8],&[u8], &'static str> {
alt!(i, dont_work | dont_work | work2 | dont_work)
//named!(alt1, alt!(dont_work | dont_work));
//named!(alt2, alt!(dont_work | work));
//named!(alt3, alt!(dont_work | dont_work | work2 | dont_work));
let a = &b"abcd"[..];
assert_eq!(alt1(a), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Alt, a)));
assert_eq!(alt2(a), Done(&b""[..], a));
assert_eq!(alt3(a), Done(a, &b""[..]));
named!(alt4, alt!(tag!("abcd") | tag!("efgh")));
let b = &b"efgh"[..];
assert_eq!(alt4(a), Done(&b""[..], a));
assert_eq!(alt4(b), Done(&b""[..], b));
// test the alternative syntax
named!(alt5<bool>, alt!(tag!("abcd") => { |_| false } | tag!("efgh") => { |_| true }));
assert_eq!(alt5(a), Done(&b""[..], false));
assert_eq!(alt5(b), Done(&b""[..], true));
// compile-time test guarding against an underspecified E generic type (#474)
named!(alt_eof1, alt!(eof!() | eof!()));
named!(alt_eof2, alt!(eof!() => {|x| x} | eof!() => {|x| x}));
let _ = (alt_eof1, alt_eof2);
fn alt_incomplete() {
named!(alt1, alt!(tag!("a") | tag!("bc") | tag!("def")));
let a = &b""[..];
assert_eq!(alt1(a), Incomplete(Needed::Size(1)));
let a = &b"b"[..];
assert_eq!(alt1(a), Incomplete(Needed::Size(2)));
let a = &b"bcd"[..];
assert_eq!(alt1(a), Done(&b"d"[..], &b"bc"[..]));
let a = &b"cde"[..];
assert_eq!(alt1(a), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Alt, a)));
let a = &b"de"[..];
assert_eq!(alt1(a), Incomplete(Needed::Size(3)));
let a = &b"defg"[..];
assert_eq!(alt1(a), Done(&b"g"[..], &b"def"[..]));
fn alt_complete() {
named!(ac<&[u8], &[u8]>,
alt_complete!(tag!("abcd") | tag!("ef") | tag!("ghi") | tag!("kl"))
let a = &b""[..];
assert_eq!(ac(a), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Alt, a)));
let a = &b"ef"[..];
assert_eq!(ac(a), Done(&b""[..], &b"ef"[..]));
let a = &b"cde"[..];
assert_eq!(ac(a), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Alt, a)));
fn switch() {
b"abcd" => take!(2) |
b"efgh" => take!(4)
let a = &b"abcdefgh"[..];
assert_eq!(sw(a), Done(&b"gh"[..], &b"ef"[..]));
let b = &b"efghijkl"[..];
assert_eq!(sw(b), Done(&b""[..], &b"ijkl"[..]));
let c = &b"afghijkl"[..];
assert_eq!(sw(c), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Switch, &b"afghijkl"[..])));
fn permutation() {
named!(perm<(&[u8], &[u8], &[u8])>,
permutation!(tag!("abcd"), tag!("efg"), tag!("hi"))
let expected = (&b"abcd"[..], &b"efg"[..], &b"hi"[..]);
let a = &b"abcdefghijk"[..];
assert_eq!(perm(a), Done(&b"jk"[..], expected));
let b = &b"efgabcdhijk"[..];
assert_eq!(perm(b), Done(&b"jk"[..], expected));
let c = &b"hiefgabcdjk"[..];
assert_eq!(perm(c), Done(&b"jk"[..], expected));
let d = &b"efgxyzabcdefghi"[..];
assert_eq!(perm(d), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Permutation, &b"xyzabcdefghi"[..])));
let e = &b"efgabc"[..];
assert_eq!(perm(e), Incomplete(Needed::Size(7)));
alt!(tag!("abcd"), tag!("efgh"))

third_party/rust/nom/src/bytes.rs поставляемый

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

third_party/rust/nom/src/character.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1,51 +1,39 @@
/// Character level parsers
use internal::{IResult,Needed,Err};
use util::ErrorKind;
use internal::{IResult,Needed};
use traits::{AsChar,InputIter,InputLength,Slice};
use std::ops::RangeFrom;
/// matches one of the provided characters
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult;
/// # fn main() {
/// named!(simple<char>, one_of!(&b"abc"[..]));
/// assert_eq!(simple(b"a123"), IResult::Done(&b"123"[..], 'a'));
/// named!(a_or_b<&str, char>, one_of!("ab汉"));
/// assert_eq!(a_or_b("汉jiosfe"), IResult::Done("jiosfe", '汉'));
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! one_of (
($i:expr, $inp: expr) => (
if $i.is_empty() {
$crate::IResult::Incomplete::<_, _>($crate::Needed::Size(1))
} else {
fn as_bytes<T: $crate::AsBytes>(b: &T) -> &[u8] {
use $crate::Slice;
use $crate::AsChar;
use $crate::FindToken;
use $crate::InputIter;
let expected = $inp;
let bytes = as_bytes(&expected);
one_of_bytes!($i, bytes)
macro_rules! one_of_bytes (
($i:expr, $bytes: expr) => (
if $i.is_empty() {
$crate::IResult::Incomplete::<_, _>($crate::Needed::Size(1))
} else {
let mut found = false;
for &i in $bytes {
if i == $i[0] {
found = true;
if found {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[1..], $i[0] as char)
} else {
$crate::IResult::Error($crate::Err::Position($crate::ErrorKind::OneOf, $i))
match ($i).iter_elements().next().map(|c| {
(c, c.find_token($inp))
}) {
None => $crate::IResult::Incomplete::<_, _>($crate::Needed::Size(1)),
Some((_, false)) => $crate::IResult::Error(error_position!($crate::ErrorKind::OneOf, $i)),
//the unwrap should be safe here
Some((c, true)) => $crate::IResult::Done($i.slice(c.len()..), $i.iter_elements().next().unwrap().as_char())
@ -56,44 +44,18 @@ macro_rules! one_of_bytes (
macro_rules! none_of (
($i:expr, $inp: expr) => (
if $i.is_empty() {
$crate::IResult::Incomplete::<_, _>($crate::Needed::Size(1))
} else {
fn as_bytes<T: $crate::AsBytes>(b: &T) -> &[u8] {
use $crate::Slice;
use $crate::AsChar;
use $crate::FindToken;
use $crate::InputIter;
let expected = $inp;
let bytes = as_bytes(&expected);
none_of_bytes!($i, bytes)
macro_rules! none_of_bytes (
($i:expr, $bytes: expr) => (
if $i.is_empty() {
$crate::IResult::Incomplete::<_, _>($crate::Needed::Size(1))
} else {
let mut found = false;
for &i in $bytes {
if i == $i[0] {
found = true;
if !found {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[1..], $i[0] as char)
} else {
$crate::IResult::Error($crate::Err::Position($crate::ErrorKind::NoneOf, $i))
match ($i).iter_elements().next().map(|c| {
(c, !c.find_token($inp))
}) {
None => $crate::IResult::Incomplete::<_, _>($crate::Needed::Size(1)),
Some((_, false)) => $crate::IResult::Error(error_position!($crate::ErrorKind::NoneOf, $i)),
//the unwrap should be safe here
Some((c, true)) => $crate::IResult::Done($i.slice(c.len()..), $i.iter_elements().next().unwrap().as_char())
@ -104,49 +66,39 @@ macro_rules! none_of_bytes (
macro_rules! char (
($i:expr, $c: expr) => (
if $i.is_empty() {
let res: $crate::IResult<&[u8], char> = $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(1));
} else {
if $i[0] == $c as u8 {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[1..], $i[0] as char)
} else {
$crate::IResult::Error($crate::Err::Position($crate::ErrorKind::Char, $i))
use $crate::Slice;
use $crate::AsChar;
use $crate::InputIter;
match ($i).iter_elements().next().map(|c| {
(c, c.as_char() == $c)
}) {
None => $crate::IResult::Incomplete::<_, _>($crate::Needed::Size(1)),
Some((_, false)) => $crate::IResult::Error(error_position!($crate::ErrorKind::Char, $i)),
//the unwrap should be safe here
Some((c, true)) => $crate::IResult::Done($i.slice(c.len()..), $i.iter_elements().next().unwrap().as_char())
named!(pub newline<char>, char!('\n'));
named!(#[doc="Matches a newline character '\\n'"], pub newline<char>, char!('\n'));
pub fn crlf(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], char> {
if input.len() < 2 {
} else {
if &input[0..2] == &b"\r\n"[..] {
IResult::Done(&input[2..], '\n')
} else {
IResult::Error(Err::Position(ErrorKind::CrLf, input))
named!(#[doc="Matches a tab character '\\t'"], pub tab<char>, char!('\t'));
named!(pub eol<char>, alt!(crlf | newline));
named!(pub tab<char>, char!('\t'));
pub fn anychar(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], char> {
if input.is_empty() {
pub fn anychar<T>(input: T) -> IResult<T, char> where
T: InputIter+InputLength+Slice<RangeFrom<usize>>,
<T as InputIter>::Item: AsChar {
if input.input_len() == 0 {
} else {
IResult::Done(&input[1..], input[0] as char)
IResult::Done(input.slice(1..), input.iter_elements().next().expect("slice should contain at least one element").as_char())
mod tests {
use internal::IResult::*;
use internal::Err::*;
use util::ErrorKind;
@ -157,7 +109,13 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(f(a), Done(&b"bcd"[..], 'a'));
let b = &b"cde"[..];
assert_eq!(f(b), Error(Position(ErrorKind::OneOf, b)));
assert_eq!(f(b), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::OneOf, b)));
named!(utf8(&str) -> char,
@ -165,7 +123,7 @@ mod tests {
named!(f<char>, none_of!("ab"));
let a = &b"abcd"[..];
assert_eq!(f(a), Error(Position(ErrorKind::NoneOf, a)));
assert_eq!(f(a), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::NoneOf, a)));
let b = &b"cde"[..];
assert_eq!(f(b), Done(&b"de"[..], 'c'));
@ -176,9 +134,10 @@ mod tests {
named!(f<char>, char!('c'));
let a = &b"abcd"[..];
assert_eq!(f(a), Error(Position(ErrorKind::Char, a)));
assert_eq!(f(a), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Char, a)));
let b = &b"cde"[..];
assert_eq!(f(b), Done(&b"de"[..], 'c'));

third_party/rust/nom/src/internal.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -2,27 +2,15 @@
use self::IResult::*;
use self::Needed::*;
use util::ErrorKind;
#[cfg(feature = "core")]
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
use std::prelude::v1::*;
use std::boxed::Box;
/// Contains the error that a parser can return
/// It can represent a linked list of errors, indicating the path taken in the parsing tree, with corresponding position in the input data.
/// It depends on P, the input position (for a &[u8] parser, it would be a &[u8]), and E, the custom error type (by default, u32)
pub enum Err<P,E=u32>{
/// An error code, represented by an ErrorKind, which can contain a custom error code represented by E
/// An error code, and the next error
Node(ErrorKind<E>, Box<Err<P,E>>),
/// An error code, and the input position
Position(ErrorKind<E>, P),
/// An error code, the input position and the next error
NodePosition(ErrorKind<E>, P, Box<Err<P,E>>)
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
use verbose_errors::Err;
#[cfg(not(feature = "verbose-errors"))]
use simple_errors::Err;
/// Contains information on needed data if a parser returned `Incomplete`
@ -48,6 +36,34 @@ impl Needed {
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
/// Holds the result of parsing functions
/// It depends on I, the input type, O, the output type, and E, the error type (by default u32)
/// Depending on a compilation flag, the content of the `Error` variant
/// can change. By default, it will be a `ErrorKind<E=u32>` (with `E` configurable).
/// If you activate the `verbose-errors` compilation flags, it will be an
/// enum that contains an error code, optionally, an input position,
/// and an error sent by child parsers.
/// The verbose errors feature allows very flexible error management:
/// you can know precisely which parser got to which part of the input.
/// The main drawback is that it is a lot slower than default error
/// management.
pub enum IResult<I,O,E=u32> {
/// indicates a correct parsing, the first field containing the rest of the unparsed data, the second field contains the parsed data
/// contains a Err, an enum that can indicate an error code, a position in the input, and a pointer to another error, making a list of errors in the parsing tree
/// Incomplete contains a Needed, an enum than can represent a known quantity of input data, or unknown
#[cfg(not(feature = "verbose-errors"))]
/// Holds the result of parsing functions
/// It depends on I, the input type, O, the output type, and E, the error type (by default u32)
@ -57,11 +73,31 @@ pub enum IResult<I,O,E=u32> {
/// indicates a correct parsing, the first field containing the rest of the unparsed data, the second field contains the parsed data
/// contains a Err, an enum that can indicate an error code, a position in the input, and a pointer to another error, making a list of errors in the parsing tree
/// Incomplete contains a Needed, an enum than can represent a known quantity of input data, or unknown
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
/// This is the same as IResult, but without Done
/// This is used as the Error type when converting to std::result::Result
pub enum IError<I,E=u32> {
#[cfg(not(feature = "verbose-errors"))]
/// This is the same as IResult, but without Done
/// This is used as the Error type when converting to std::result::Result
pub enum IError<E=u32> {
impl<I,O,E> IResult<I,O,E> {
pub fn is_done(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
@ -84,6 +120,14 @@ impl<I,O,E> IResult<I,O,E> {
pub fn or(self, other: IResult<I, O, E>) -> IResult<I, O, E> {
if self.is_done() {
} else {
/// Maps a `IResult<I, O, E>` to `IResult<I, N, E>` by appling a function
/// to a contained `Done` value, leaving `Error` and `Incomplete` value
/// untouched.
@ -109,19 +153,6 @@ impl<I,O,E> IResult<I,O,E> {
/// Maps a `IResult<I, O, E>` to `IResult<I, O, N>` by appling a function
/// to a contained `Error` value, leaving `Done` and `Incomplete` value
/// untouched.
pub fn map_err<N, F>(self, f: F) -> IResult<I, O, N>
where F: FnOnce(Err<I, E>) -> Err<I, N> {
match self {
Error(e) => Error(f(e)),
Incomplete(n) => Incomplete(n),
Done(i, o) => Done(i, o),
/// Unwrap the contained `Done(I, O)` value, or panic if the `IResult` is not
/// `Done`.
pub fn unwrap(self) -> (I, O) {
@ -132,8 +163,18 @@ impl<I,O,E> IResult<I,O,E> {
/// Unwrap the contained `Done(I, O)` value, or panic if the `IResult` is not
/// Unwrap the contained `Done(I, O)` value or a default if the `IResult` is not
/// `Done`.
pub fn unwrap_or(self, default: (I, O)) -> (I, O) {
match self {
Done(i, o) => (i, o),
Incomplete(_) => default,
Error(_) => default
/// Unwrap the contained `Incomplete(n)` value, or panic if the `IResult` is not
/// `Incomplete`.
pub fn unwrap_inc(self) -> Needed {
match self {
Incomplete(n) => n,
@ -141,16 +182,6 @@ impl<I,O,E> IResult<I,O,E> {
Error(_) => panic!("unwrap_inc() called on an IResult that is Error")
/// Unwrap the contained `Done(I, O)` value, or panic if the `IResult` is not
/// `Done`.
pub fn unwrap_err(self) -> Err<I, E> {
match self {
Error(e) => e,
Done(_, _) => panic!("unwrap_err() called on an IResult that is Done"),
Incomplete(_) => panic!("unwrap_err() called on an IResult that is Incomplete"),
pub trait GetInput<I> {
@ -215,35 +246,130 @@ impl<'a,I,E> GetOutput<&'a str> for IResult<I,&'a str,E> {
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
use std::any::Any;
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
use std::{error,fmt};
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
use std::fmt::Debug;
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
impl<P:Debug+Any,E:Debug+Any> error::Error for Err<P,E> {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
let kind = match *self {
Err::Code(ref e) | Err::Node(ref e, _) | Err::Position(ref e, _) | Err::NodePosition(ref e, _, _) => e
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
/// creates a parse error from a `nom::ErrorKind`
macro_rules! error_code(
($code:expr) => ($crate::Err::Code($code));
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
impl<P:fmt::Debug,E:fmt::Debug> fmt::Display for Err<P,E> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
Err::Code(ref e) | Err::Node(ref e, _) => {
write!(f, "{:?}", e)
#[cfg(not(feature = "verbose-errors"))]
/// creates a parse error from a `nom::ErrorKind`
macro_rules! error_code(
($code:expr) => ($code);
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
/// creates a parse error from a `nom::ErrorKind`
/// and the next error in the parsing tree.
/// if "verbose-errors" is not activated,
/// it default to only the error code
macro_rules! error_node(
($code:expr, $next:expr) => {
let next_errors = match $next {
$crate::Err::Code(e) => {
let mut v = ::std::vec::Vec::new();
Err::Position(ref e, ref p) | Err::NodePosition(ref e, ref p, _) => {
write!(f, "{:?}:{:?}", p, e)
$crate::Err::Position(e, p) => {
let mut v = ::std::vec::Vec::new();
$crate::Err::Node(e, mut next) => {
$crate::Err::NodePosition(e, p, mut next) => {
$crate::Err::Node($code, next_errors)
#[cfg(not(feature = "verbose-errors"))]
/// creates a parse error from a `nom::ErrorKind`
/// and the next error in the parsing tree.
/// if "verbose-errors" is not activated,
/// it default to only the error code
macro_rules! error_node(
($code:expr, $next:expr) => ($code);
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
/// creates a parse error from a `nom::ErrorKind`
/// and the position in the input
/// if "verbose-errors" is not activated,
/// it default to only the error code
macro_rules! error_position(
($code:expr, $input:expr) => ($crate::Err::Position($code, $input));
#[cfg(not(feature = "verbose-errors"))]
/// creates a parse error from a `nom::ErrorKind`
/// and the position in the input
/// if "verbose-errors" is not activated,
/// it default to only the error code
macro_rules! error_position(
($code:expr, $input:expr) => ($code);
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
/// creates a parse error from a `nom::ErrorKind`,
/// the position in the input and the next error in
/// the parsing tree.
/// if "verbose-errors" is not activated,
/// it default to only the error code
macro_rules! error_node_position(
($code:expr, $input:expr, $next:expr) => {
let next_errors = match $next {
$crate::Err::Code(e) => {
let mut v = ::std::vec::Vec::new();
$crate::Err::Position(e, p) => {
let mut v = ::std::vec::Vec::new();
$crate::Err::Node(e, mut next) => {
$crate::Err::NodePosition(e, p, mut next) => {
$crate::Err::NodePosition($code, $input, next_errors)
#[cfg(not(feature = "verbose-errors"))]
/// creates a parse error from a `nom::ErrorKind`,
/// the position in the input and the next error in
/// the parsing tree.
/// if "verbose-errors" is not activated,
/// it default to only the error code
macro_rules! error_node_position(
($code:expr, $input: expr, $next:expr) => ($code);
mod tests {
@ -252,9 +378,16 @@ mod tests {
const REST: [u8; 0] = [];
const DONE: IResult<&'static [u8], u32> = IResult::Done(&REST, 5);
const ERROR: IResult<&'static [u8], u32> = IResult::Error(Err::Code(ErrorKind::Tag));
const ERROR: IResult<&'static [u8], u32> = IResult::Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::Tag));
const INCOMPLETE: IResult<&'static [u8], u32> = IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Unknown);
fn iresult_or() {
assert_eq!(DONE.or(ERROR), DONE);
assert_eq!(ERROR.or(DONE), DONE);
assert_eq!(INCOMPLETE.or(ERROR), ERROR);
fn needed_map() {
let unknown = Needed::Unknown;
@ -267,7 +400,7 @@ mod tests {
fn iresult_map() {
assert_eq!(DONE.map(|x| x * 2), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 10));
assert_eq!(ERROR.map(|x| x * 2), IResult::Error(Err::Code(ErrorKind::Tag)));
assert_eq!(ERROR.map(|x| x * 2), IResult::Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::Tag)));
assert_eq!(INCOMPLETE.map(|x| x * 2), IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Unknown));
@ -277,17 +410,18 @@ mod tests {
let inc_size: IResult<&[u8], u32> = IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Size(5));
assert_eq!(DONE.map_inc(|n| if let Needed::Size(i) = n {Needed::Size(i+1)} else {n}), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 5));
assert_eq!(ERROR.map_inc(|n| if let Needed::Size(i) = n {Needed::Size(i+1)} else {n}), IResult::Error(Err::Code(ErrorKind::Tag)));
assert_eq!(ERROR.map_inc(|n| if let Needed::Size(i) = n {Needed::Size(i+1)} else {n}), IResult::Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::Tag)));
assert_eq!(inc_unknown.map_inc(|n| if let Needed::Size(i) = n {Needed::Size(i+1)} else {n}), IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Unknown));
assert_eq!(inc_size.map_inc(|n| if let Needed::Size(i) = n {Needed::Size(i+1)} else {n}), IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Size(6)));
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn iresult_map_err() {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Error(u32);
let error_kind = Err::Code(ErrorKind::Custom(Error(5)));
let error_kind = error_code!(ErrorKind::Custom(Error(5)));
assert_eq!(DONE.map_err(|_| error_kind.clone()), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 5));
assert_eq!(ERROR.map_err(|x| {println!("err: {:?}", x); error_kind.clone()}), IResult::Error(error_kind.clone()));
@ -311,6 +445,21 @@ mod tests {
fn iresult_unwrap_or_on_done() {
assert_eq!(DONE.unwrap_or((&b""[..], 2)), (&b""[..], 5));
fn iresult_unwrap_or_on_err() {
assert_eq!(ERROR.unwrap_or((&b""[..], 2)), (&b""[..], 2));
fn iresult_unwrap_or_on_inc() {
assert_eq!(INCOMPLETE.unwrap_or((&b""[..], 2)), (&b""[..], 2));
fn iresult_unwrap_err_on_done() {
@ -319,7 +468,7 @@ mod tests {
fn iresult_unwrap_err_on_err() {
assert_eq!(ERROR.unwrap_err(), Err::Code(ErrorKind::Tag));
assert_eq!(ERROR.unwrap_err(), error_code!(ErrorKind::Tag));
@ -344,4 +493,23 @@ mod tests {
fn iresult_unwrap_inc_on_inc() {
assert_eq!(INCOMPLETE.unwrap_inc(), Needed::Unknown);
fn iresult_to_result() {
assert_eq!(DONE.to_result(), Ok(5));
assert_eq!(ERROR.to_result(), Err(error_code!(ErrorKind::Tag)));
fn iresult_to_result_on_incomplete() {
fn iresult_to_full_result() {
assert_eq!(DONE.to_full_result(), Ok(5));
assert_eq!(INCOMPLETE.to_full_result(), Err(IError::Incomplete(Needed::Unknown)));
assert_eq!(ERROR.to_full_result(), Err(IError::Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::Tag))));

third_party/rust/nom/src/lib.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -5,6 +5,318 @@
//! The code is available on [Github](https://github.com/Geal/nom)
//! There are a few [guides](http://rust.unhandledexpression.com/nom/home.html) with more details
//! about [the design of nom](http://rust.unhandledexpression.com/nom/how_nom_macros_work.html),
//! [how to write parsers](http://rust.unhandledexpression.com/nom/making_a_new_parser_from_scratch.html),
//! or the [error management system](http://rust.unhandledexpression.com/nom/error_management.html).
//! If you are upgrading to nom 2.0, please read the
//! [migration document](http://rust.unhandledexpression.com/nom/upgrading_to_nom_2.html).
//! See also the [FAQ](http://rust.unhandledexpression.com/nom/FAQ.html).
//! # What are parser combinators?
//! Parser combinators are a way to build parsers out of small functions. instead of
//! writing a huge grammar file then generaing code, like you would do with lex and yacc,
//! you write small functions, to parse small things like a character, or a number,
//! and then you assemble them in larger and larger functions, that can parse larger
//! parts of your formats.
//! You end up with a list of small functions that you can reuse everywhere you need. Each
//! of them can be unit tested anf fuzzed separately.
//! # nom parser design
//! All nom parsers follow the same convention. They are all functions with the following signature:
//! ```ignore
//! fn parser(input: I) -> IResult<I,O> { ... }
//! ```
//! Here is the definition of that `IResult` type:
//! ```
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
//! # use nom::{Err,Needed};
//! # fn main() {}
//! pub enum IResult<I,O,E=u32> {
//! Done(I,O),
//! Error(Err<E>), // indicates the parser encountered an error. E is a custom error type you can redefine
//! /// Incomplete contains a Needed, an enum than can represent a known quantity of input data, or unknown
//! Incomplete(Needed) // if the parser did not have enough data to decide
//! }
//! ```
//! What it means:
//! * `Done(i,o)` means the parser was successful. `i` is the remaining part of the input, `o` is the correctly parsed value
//! The remaining part can then be used as input for other parsers called in a sequence
//! * `Error(e)` indicates the parser encountered an error. The `Err<E>` type is an enum of possible parser errors,
//! that can also contain a custom error that you'd specify, by redefining the `E` error type
//! * `Incomplete(i)` means the parser did not have enough information to decide, and tells you, if possible,
//! how much data it needs
//! That way, you could write your own parser that recognizes the letter 'a' like this:
//! ```
//! #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
//! use nom::{IResult,Needed,Err,ErrorKind};
//! # fn main() {}
//! fn a(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], char> {
//! // if there is not enough data, we return Ìncomplete
//! if input.len() == 0 {
//! IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Size(1))
//! } else {
//! if input[0] == 'a' as u8 {
//! // the first part of the returned value is the remaining slice
//! IResult::Done(&input[1..], 'a')
//! } else {
//! IResult::Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::Custom(42)))
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! ```
//! Writing all the parsers manually, like this, is dangerous, despite Rust's safety features. There
//! are still a lot of mistakes one can make. That's why nom provides a list of macros to help in
//! developing parsers. As an example, here is a parser that would recognize the phrase
//! "Hello <someone>" and return the name of the person we hail:
//! ```
//! #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
//! use nom::alpha;
//! named!(hello, preceded!(tag!("Hello "), alpha));
//! # use nom::IResult;
//! # fn main() {
//! # assert_eq!(hello(b"Hello nom."), IResult::Done(&b"."[..], &b"nom"[..]));
//! # }
//! ```
//! Let's deconstruct it:
//! * `named!` generates a function with the correct type. Without `named` here, we could write the parser
//! as follows:
//! ```
//! #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
//! use nom::{alpha,IResult};
//! fn hello(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &[u8]> {
//! preceded!(input,
//! tag!("Hello "), alpha)
//! }
//! # fn main() {
//! # assert_eq!(hello(b"Hello nom."), IResult::Done(&b"."[..], &b"nom"[..]));
//! # }
//! ```
//! By default, `named` makes a function that takes `&[u8]` as input type, and returns `&[u8]` as output type.
//! You can override it like this:
//! * `named!(hello<&str>, ...):` would take `&[u8]` as input type, and return `&str` as output type.
//! * `named!(hello<&str, &str>, ...):` would take `&str` as input type, and return `&str` as output type.
//! *Note* : when we don't use `named!`, we must pass the input as first argument of the top
//! level combinator (see the line `preceded!(input,` in the preceding code example). This is a macro trick
//! in nom to pass input from one combinator to the next by rewriting the call.
//! Next part of the parser: `preceded!(tag!("Hello "), alpha))`. Here, `tag!` is a combinator that recognizes
//! a specific serie of bytes or characters. `alpha` is a function that recognizes alphabetical characters.
//! The `preceded!` combinator assembles them in a more complex parser: if both parsers are successful,
//! it returns the result of the second one (`alpha` is preceded by `tag!`).
//! *Note* : combinators can assemble other combinators (macros), or parser functions, as long as they follow
//! the same interface. Here, `alpha` is a parser function already implemented in nom.
//! # List of parsers and combinators
//! ## Basic elements
//! Those are used to recognize the lowest level elements of your grammar, like, "here is a dot", or
//! "here is an big endian integer".
//! * **char!**: matches one character: `char!('a')` will make a parser that recognizes the letter 'a' (works with non ASCII chars too)
//! * **eof!**: `eof!()` returns its input if it is at the end of input data
//! * **is_a!, is_a_s!**: matches a sequence of any of the characters passed as arguments. `is_a!("ab1")` could recognize `ababa` or `1bb`. `is_a_s!` is a legacy combinator, it does exactly the same thing as `is_a`
//! * **is_not!, is_not_s!**: matches a sequence of none of the characters passed as arguments
//! * **one_of!**: matches one of the provided characters. `one_of!("abc")` could recognize 'a', 'b', or 'c'. It also works with non ASCII characters
//! * **none_of!**: matches anything but the provided characters
//! * **tag!, tag_s!**: recognizes a specific suite of characters or bytes. `tag!("hello")` matches "hello"
//! * **tag_no_case!**: recognizes a suite of ASCII characters, case insensitive. `tag_no_case!("hello")` could match "hello", "Hello" or even "HeLlO"
//! * **tag_no_case_s!** works like `tag_no_case` but on UTF-8 characters too (uses `&str` as input). Note that case insensitive comparison is not well defined for unicode, and that you might have bad surprises. Also, this combinator allocates a new string for the comparison. Ponder for a bit before using this combinator
//! * **take!, take_s!**: takes a specific number of bytes or characters. `take!(5)` would return "hello" from the string "hello world"
//! * **take_str!**: same as `take!` but returning a `&str`
//! * **take_till!, take_till_s!**: returns the longest list of bytes until the provided function succeeds. `take_till!(is_alphabetic)` with input "123abc" would return "123"
//! * **take_till1!, take_till1_s!**: same as `take_till!`, but the result must not be empty: `take_till1!(is_alphabetic)` would fail on "abc"
//! * **take_until!, take_until_s!**: returns the longest list of bytes until the provided tag is found. `take_until!("world")` with input "Hello world!" would return "Hello " and leave "world!" as remaining input
//! * **take_until1!**: same as `take_until!`, but cannot return an empty result
//! * **take_until_and_consume!, take_until_and_consume_s!**: same as `take_until!` but consumes the tag. `take_until_and_consume!("world")` with input "Hello world!" would return "Hello " and leave "!" as remaining input
//! * **take_until_and_consume1!**: same as `take_until_and_consume!`, but cannot return an empty result
//! * **take_until_either!**: returns the longest list of bytes until any of the provided characters are found
//! * **take_until_either_and_consume!**: same as `take_until_either!`, but consumes the terminating character
//! * **take_while!, take_while_s!**: returns the longest list of bytes for which the function is true. `take_while!(is_alphabetic)` with input "abc123" would return "abc"
//! * **take_while1!, take_while1_s!**: same as `take_while!`, but cannot return an empty result
//! * **value!**: you can use `value!` to always return the same result value without consuming input, like this: `value!(42)`. Or you can replace the result of a child parser with a predefined value, like this: `value!(42, tag!("abcd"))` which would replace, if successful, the return value from "abcd", to 42
//! Parsing integers from binary formats can be done in two ways: with parser functions, or combinators with configurable endianness:
//! * configurable endianness: **i16!, i32!, i64!, u16!, u32!, u64!** are combinators that take as argument a `nom::Endianness`,
//! like this: `i16!(endianness)`. If the parameter is nom::Endianness::Big, parse a big endian i16 integer, otherwise a little endian i16 integer
//! * fixed endianness: the functions are prefixed by "be_" for big endian numbers, and by "le_" for little endian numbers, and the suffix is the type they parse to. As an example, "be_u32" parses a big endian unsigned integer stored in 32 bits.
//! * **be_f32, be_f64, le_f32, le_f64**: recognize floating point numbers
//! * **be_i8, be_i16, be_i32, be_i24, be_i32, be_i64**: big endian signed integers
//! * **be_u8, be_u16, be_u32, be_u24, be_u32, be_u64**: big endian unsigned integers
//! * **le_i8, le_i16, le_i32, le_i24, le_i32, le_i64**: little endian signed integers
//! * **le_u8, le_u16, le_u32, le_u24, le_u32, le_u64**: little endian unsigned integers
//! ## Modifiers
//! * **complete!**: replaces a Incomplete returned by the child parser with an Error
//! * **cond!**: conditional combinator
//! * **cond_reduce!**: Conditional combinator with error
//! * **cond_with_error!**: Conditional combinator
//! * **expr_opt!**: evaluates an expression that returns a Option and returns a IResult::Done(I,T) if Some
//! * **expr_res!**: evaluates an expression that returns a Result and returns a IResult::Done(I,T) if Ok
//! * **flat_map!**:
//! * **map!**: maps a function on the result of a parser
//! * **map_opt!**: maps a function returning an Option on the output of a parser
//! * **map_res!**: maps a function returning a Result on the output of a parser
//! * **not!**: returns a result only if the embedded parser returns Error or Incomplete does not consume the input
//! * **opt!**: make the underlying parser optional
//! * **opt_res!**: make the underlying parser optional
//! * **parse_to!**: uses the parse method from std::str::FromStr to convert the current input to the specified type
//! * **peek!**: returns a result without consuming the input
//! * **recognize!**: if the child parser was successful, return the consumed input as produced value
//! * **return_error!**: prevents backtracking if the child parser fails
//! * **tap!**: allows access to the parser's result without affecting it
//! * **verify!**: returns the result of the child parser if it satisfies a verification function
//! ## Error management and debugging
//! * **add_return_error!**: Add an error if the child parser fails
//! * **dbg!**: Prints a message if the parser fails
//! * **dbg_dmp!**: Prints a message and the input if the parser fails
//! * **error_code!**: creates a parse error from a nom::ErrorKind
//! * **error_node!**: creates a parse error from a nom::ErrorKind and the next error in the parsing tree. if "verbose-errors" is not activated, it default to only the error code
//! * **error_node_position!**: creates a parse error from a nom::ErrorKind, the position in the input and the next error in the parsing tree. if "verbose-errors" is not activated, it default to only the error code
//! * **error_position!**: creates a parse error from a nom::ErrorKind and the position in the input if "verbose-errors" is not activated, it default to only the error code
//! * **fix_error!**: translate parser result from IResult to IResult with a custom type
//! ## Choice combinators
//! * **alt!**: try a list of parsers and return the result of the first successful one
//! * **alt_complete!**: is equivalent to the alt! combinator, except that it will not return Incomplete when one of the constituting parsers returns Incomplete. Instead, it will try the next alternative in the chain.
//! * **switch!**: choose the next parser depending on the result of the first one, if successful, and returns the result of the second parser
//! # Sequence combinators
//! * **delimited!**: delimited(opening, X, closing) returns X
//! * **do_parse!**: do_parse applies sub parsers in a sequence. it can store intermediary results and make them available for later parsers
//! * **pair!**: pair(X,Y), returns (x,y)
//! * **permutation!**: applies its sub parsers in a sequence, but independent from their order this parser will only succeed if all of its sub parsers succeed
//! * **preceded!**: preceded(opening, X) returns X
//! * **separated_pair!**: separated_pair(X,sep,Y) returns (x,y)
//! * **terminated!**: terminated(X, closing) returns X
//! * **tuple!**: chains parsers and assemble the sub results in a tuple.
//! ## Applying a parser multiple times
//! * **count!**: Applies the child parser a specified number of times
//! * **count_fixed!**: Applies the child parser a fixed number of times and returns a fixed size array The type must be specified and it must be Copy
//! * **fold_many0!**: Applies the parser 0 or more times and folds the list of return values
//! * **fold_many1!**: Applies the parser 1 or more times and folds the list of return values
//! * **fold_many_m_n!**: Applies the parser between m and n times (n included) and folds the list of return value
//! * **length_count!**: gets a number from the first parser, then applies the second parser that many times
//! * **many0!**: Applies the parser 0 or more times and returns the list of results in a Vec
//! * **many1!**: Applies the parser 1 or more times and returns the list of results in a Vec
//! * **many_m_n!**: Applies the parser between m and n times (n included) and returns the list of results in a Vec
//! * **many_till!**: Applies the first parser until the second applies. Returns a tuple containing the list of results from the first in a Vec and the result of the second.
//! * **separated_list!**: separated_list(sep, X) returns Vec will return Incomplete if there may be more elements
//! * **separated_list_complete!**: This is equivalent to the separated_list! combinator, except that it will return Error when either the separator or element subparser returns Incomplete.
//! * **separated_nonempty_list!**: separated_nonempty_list(sep, X) returns Vec will return Incomplete if there may be more elements
//! * **separated_nonempty_list_complete!**: This is equivalent to the separated_nonempty_list! combinator, except that it will return Error when either the separator or element subparser returns Incomplete.
//! ## Text parsing
//! * **escaped!**: matches a byte string with escaped characters.
//! * **escaped_transform!**: matches a byte string with escaped characters, and returns a new string with the escaped characters replaced
//! ## Binary format parsing
//! * **length_data!**: gets a number from the first parser, than takes a subslice of the input of that size, and returns that subslice
//! * **length_bytes!**: alias for `length_data`
//! * **length_value!**: gets a number from the first parser, takes a subslice of the input of that size, then applies the second parser on that subslice. If the second parser returns Incomplete, length_value will return an error
//! ## Bit stream parsing
//! * **bits!**: transforms the current input type (byte slice `&[u8]`) to a bit stream on which bit specific parsers and more general combinators can be applied
//! * **bytes!**: transforms its bits stream input back into a byte slice for the underlying parsers.
//! * **tag_bits!**: matches an integer pattern to a bitstream. The number of bits of the input to compare must be specified
//! * **take_bits!**: generates a parser consuming the specified number of bits
//! ## Whitespace delimited formats parsing
//! * **eat_separator!**: helper macros to build a separator parser
//! * **sep!**: sep is the parser rewriting macro for whitespace separated formats
//! * **wrap_sep!**:
//! * **ws!**:
//! ## Remaining combinators
//! * **apply!**: emulate function currying: apply!(my_function, arg1, arg2, ...) becomes my_function(input, arg1, arg2, ...)
//! * **apply_m!**: emulate function currying for method calls on structs apply_m!(self.my_function, arg1, arg2, ...) becomes self.my_function(input, arg1, arg2, ...)
//! * **call!**: Used to wrap common expressions and function as macros
//! * **call_m!**: Used to called methods then move self back into self
//! * **closure!**: Wraps a parser in a closure
//! * **method!**: Makes a method from a parser combination
//! * **named!**: Makes a function from a parser combination
//! * **named_args!**: Makes a function from a parser combination with arguments.
//! * **named_attr!**: Makes a function from a parser combination, with attributes
//! * **try_parse!**: A bit like std::try!, this macro will return the remaining input and parsed value if the child parser returned Done, and will do an early return for Error and Incomplete this can provide more flexibility than do_parse! if needed
//! ## Character test functions
//! use those functions with a combinator like `take_while!`:
//! * **is_alphabetic**: Tests if byte is ASCII alphabetic: A-Z, a-z
//! * **is_alphanumeric**: Tests if byte is ASCII alphanumeric: A-Z, a-z, 0-9
//! * **is_digit**: Tests if byte is ASCII digit: 0-9
//! * **is_hex_digit**: Tests if byte is ASCII hex digit: 0-9, A-F, a-f
//! * **is_oct_digit**: Tests if byte is ASCII octal digit: 0-7
//! * **is_space**: Tests if byte is ASCII space or tab
//! ## Remaining functions (sort those out in the other categories)
//! * **alpha**: Recognizes one or more lowercase and uppercase alphabetic characters: a-zA-Z
//! * **alphanumeric**: Recognizes one or more numerical and alphabetic characters: 0-9a-zA-Z
//! * **anychar**:
//! * **begin**:
//! * **crlf**:
//! * **digit**: Recognizes one or more numerical characters: 0-9
//! * **double**: Recognizes floating point number in a byte string and returns a f64
//! * **double_s**: Recognizes floating point number in a string and returns a f64
//! * **eol**:
//! * **float**: Recognizes floating point number in a byte string and returns a f32
//! * **float_s**: Recognizes floating point number in a string and returns a f32
//! * **hex_digit**: Recognizes one or more hexadecimal numerical characters: 0-9, A-F, a-f
//! * **hex_u32**: Recognizes a hex-encoded integer
//! * **line_ending**: Recognizes an end of line (both '\n' and "\r\n")
//! * **multispace**: Recognizes one or more spaces, tabs, carriage returns and line feeds
//! * **newline**: Matches a newline character '\n'
//! * **non_empty**: Recognizes non empty buffers
//! * **not_line_ending**:
//! * **oct_digit**: Recognizes one or more octal characters: 0-7
//! * **rest**: Return the remaining input.
//! * **rest_s**: Return the remaining input, for strings.
//! * **shift**:
//! * **sized_buffer**:
//! * **space**: Recognizes one or more spaces and tabs
//! * **tab**: Matches a tab character '\t'
//! * **tag_cl**:
//! # Example
//! ```
@ -12,65 +324,57 @@
//! extern crate nom;
//! use nom::{IResult,digit};
//! use nom::IResult::*;
//! // Parser definition
//! use std::str;
//! use std::str::FromStr;
//! named!(parens<i64>, delimited!(
//! char!('('),
//! expr,
//! char!(')')
//! )
//! );
//! // We parse any expr surrounded by parens, ignoring all whitespaces around those
//! named!(parens<i64>, ws!(delimited!( tag!("("), expr, tag!(")") )) );
//! named!(i64_digit<i64>,
//! map_res!(
//! // We transform an integer string into a i64, ignoring surrounding whitespaces
//! // We look for a digit suite, and try to convert it.
//! // If either str::from_utf8 or FromStr::from_str fail,
//! // we fallback to the parens parser defined above
//! named!(factor<i64>, alt!(
//! map_res!(
//! digit,
//! str::from_utf8
//! ),
//! FromStr::from_str
//! )
//! );
//! // We transform an integer string into a i64
//! // we look for a digit suite, and try to convert it.
//! // if either str::from_utf8 or FromStr::from_str fail,
//! // the parser will fail
//! named!(factor<i64>,
//! alt!(
//! i64_digit
//! map_res!(
//! ws!(digit),
//! str::from_utf8
//! ),
//! FromStr::from_str
//! )
//! | parens
//! )
//! );
//! // we define acc as mutable to update its value whenever a new term is found
//! named!(term <i64>,
//! chain!(
//! mut acc: factor ~
//! many0!(
//! alt!(
//! tap!(mul: preceded!(tag!("*"), factor) => acc = acc * mul) |
//! tap!(div: preceded!(tag!("/"), factor) => acc = acc / div)
//! )
//! ),
//! || { return acc }
//! // We read an initial factor and for each time we find
//! // a * or / operator followed by another factor, we do
//! // the math by folding everything
//! named!(term <i64>, do_parse!(
//! init: factor >>
//! res: fold_many0!(
//! pair!(alt!(tag!("*") | tag!("/")), factor),
//! init,
//! |acc, (op, val): (&[u8], i64)| {
//! if (op[0] as char) == '*' { acc * val } else { acc / val }
//! }
//! ) >>
//! (res)
//! )
//! );
//! named!(expr <i64>,
//! chain!(
//! mut acc: term ~
//! many0!(
//! alt!(
//! tap!(add: preceded!(tag!("+"), term) => acc = acc + add) |
//! tap!(sub: preceded!(tag!("-"), term) => acc = acc - sub)
//! )
//! ),
//! || { return acc }
//! named!(expr <i64>, do_parse!(
//! init: term >>
//! res: fold_many0!(
//! pair!(alt!(tag!("+") | tag!("-")), term),
//! init,
//! |acc, (op, val): (&[u8], i64)| {
//! if (op[0] as char) == '+' { acc + val } else { acc - val }
//! }
//! ) >>
//! (res)
//! )
//! );
@ -84,25 +388,38 @@
//! assert_eq!(expr(b"2*2/(5-1)+3"), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 4));
//! }
//! ```
#![cfg_attr(feature = "core", feature(no_std))]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "core", feature(collections))]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "core", no_std)]
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), feature(no_std))]
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), feature(collections))]
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", feature(test))]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", feature(const_fn))]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", feature(plugin))]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", plugin(compiler_error))]
#[cfg(feature = "core")]
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
extern crate collections;
#[cfg(feature = "regexp")]
extern crate regex;
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
#[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate memchr;
#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
extern crate test;
#[cfg(feature = "core")]
#[cfg(not(feature = "nightly"))]
macro_rules! compiler_error {
($e:expr) => {
INVALID_NOM_SYNTAX_PLEASE_SEE_FAQ //https://github.com/Geal/nom/blob/master/doc/FAQ.md#using-nightly-to-get-better-error-messages
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
mod std {
pub use core::{fmt, iter, option, ops, slice, mem};
pub use core::{fmt, cmp, iter, option, result, ops, slice, str, mem, convert};
pub use collections::{boxed, vec, string};
pub mod prelude {
pub use core::prelude as v1;
@ -110,8 +427,19 @@ mod std {
pub use self::util::*;
pub use self::traits::*;
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
pub use self::verbose_errors::*;
#[cfg(not(feature = "verbose-errors"))]
pub use self::simple_errors::*;
pub use self::internal::*;
pub use self::macros::*;
pub use self::branch::*;
pub use self::sequence::*;
pub use self::multi::*;
pub use self::methods::*;
pub use self::bytes::*;
pub use self::bits::*;
@ -119,33 +447,45 @@ pub use self::bits::*;
pub use self::nom::*;
pub use self::character::*;
pub use self::whitespace::*;
#[cfg(feature = "regexp")]
pub use self::regexp::*;
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
#[cfg(feature = "stream")]
pub use self::stream::*;
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
pub use self::str::*;
#[macro_use] mod util;
mod internal;
mod traits;
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")] #[macro_use] pub mod verbose_errors;
#[cfg(not(feature = "verbose-errors"))] #[macro_use] pub mod simple_errors;
#[macro_use] mod internal;
#[macro_use] mod macros;
#[macro_use] mod methods;
#[macro_use] mod branch;
#[macro_use] mod sequence;
#[macro_use] mod multi;
#[macro_use] pub mod methods;
#[macro_use] mod bytes;
#[macro_use] mod bits;
#[macro_use] pub mod bits;
#[macro_use] mod nom;
#[macro_use] mod character;
pub mod whitespace;
#[cfg(feature = "regexp")]
#[macro_use] mod regexp;
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
#[cfg(feature = "stream")]
mod stream;
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
mod str;

third_party/rust/nom/src/macros.rs поставляемый

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

third_party/rust/nom/src/methods.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -77,12 +77,12 @@
//! counterparts:
//! ```ignore
//! method!(pub simple_chain<&mut Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, self,
//! chain!(
//! call_m!(self.tag_abc) ~
//! call_m!(self.tag_def) ~
//! call_m!(self.tag_ghi) ~
//! last: call_m!(self.simple_peek) ,
//! ||{sb.parsed = last; last}
//! do_parse!(
//! call_m!(self.tag_abc) >>
//! call_m!(self.tag_def) >>
//! call_m!(self.tag_ghi) >>
//! last: map!(call_m!(self.simple_peek), |parsed| sb.parsed = parsed) >>
//! (last)
//! )
//! );
//! ```
@ -107,30 +107,35 @@
macro_rules! method (
// Non-public immutable self
($name:ident<$a:ty>( $i:ty ) -> $o:ty, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i,$o,u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
($name:ident<$a:ty,$i:ty,$o:ty,$e:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i, $o, $e>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
($name:ident<$a:ty,$i:ty,$o:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i,$o,u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
($name:ident<$a:ty,$o:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name<'a>( $self_: $a, i: &'a[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&'a [u8], $o, u32>) {
fn $name( $self_: $a, i: &[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&[u8], $o, u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
($name:ident<$a:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( $self_: $a, i: &[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&[u8], &[u8], u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
@ -138,30 +143,35 @@ macro_rules! method (
// Public immutable self
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty>( $i:ty ) -> $o:ty, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i,$o,u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty,$i:ty,$o:ty,$e:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i, $o, $e>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty,$i:ty,$o:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( $self_: $a,i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i,$o,u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty,$o:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name<'a>( $self_: $a, i: &'a[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&'a [u8], $o, u32>) {
pub fn $name( $self_: $a, i: &[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&[u8], $o, u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( $self_: $a, i: &[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&[u8], &[u8], u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
@ -169,30 +179,35 @@ macro_rules! method (
// Non-public mutable self
($name:ident<$a:ty>( $i:ty ) -> $o:ty, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( mut $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i,$o,u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
($name:ident<$a:ty,$i:ty,$o:ty,$e:ty>, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( mut $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i, $o, $e>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
($name:ident<$a:ty,$i:ty,$o:ty>, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( mut $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i,$o,u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
($name:ident<$a:ty,$o:ty>, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name<'a>( mut $self_: $a, i: &'a[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&'a [u8], $o, u32>) {
fn $name( mut $self_: $a, i: &[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&[u8], $o, u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
($name:ident<$a:ty>, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( mut $self_: $a, i: &[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&[u8], &[u8], u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
@ -200,30 +215,35 @@ macro_rules! method (
// Public mutable self
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty>( $i:ty ) -> $o:ty, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( mut $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i,$o,u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty,$i:ty,$o:ty,$e:ty>, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( mut $self_: $a, i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i, $o, $e>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty,$i:ty,$o:ty>, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( mut $self_: $a,i: $i ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<$i,$o,u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty,$o:ty>, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name<'a>( mut $self_: $a, i: &'a[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&'a [u8], $o, u32>) {
pub fn $name( mut $self_: $a, i: &[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&[u8], $o, u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
(pub $name:ident<$a:ty>, mut $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pub fn $name( mut $self_: $a, i: &[u8] ) -> ($a, $crate::IResult<&[u8], &[u8], u32>) {
let result = $submac!(i, $($args)*);
($self_, result)
@ -251,8 +271,8 @@ macro_rules! call_m (
/// emulate function currying for method calls on structs
/// `apply!(self.my_function, arg1, arg2, ...)` becomes `self.my_function(input, arg1, arg2, ...)`
/// emulate function currying for method calls on structs
/// `apply_m!(self.my_function, arg1, arg2, ...)` becomes `self.my_function(input, arg1, arg2, ...)`
/// Supports up to 6 arguments
@ -274,7 +294,7 @@ mod tests {
} else if ($i).starts_with($tag) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[$tag.len()..], &$i[0..$tag.len()])
} else {
$crate::IResult::Error($crate::Err::Position($crate::ErrorKind::TagStr, $i))
$crate::IResult::Error(error_position!($crate::ErrorKind::TagStr, $i))
@ -325,10 +345,10 @@ mod tests {
method!(pub simple_chain<Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, mut self,
bcd: call_m!(self.tag_bcd) ~
last: call_m!(self.simple_peek) ,
||{self.bcd = bcd; last}
map!(call_m!(self.tag_bcd), |bcd| self.bcd = bcd) >>
last: call_m!(self.simple_peek) >>
fn tag_stuff(mut self: Parser<'a>, input: &'a str, something: &'a str) -> (Parser<'a>, ::IResult<&'a str, &'a str>) {

third_party/rust/nom/src/multi.rs поставляемый Normal file

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

third_party/rust/nom/src/nom.rs поставляемый

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

third_party/rust/nom/src/regexp.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -28,11 +28,13 @@ macro_rules! re_match (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::InputLength;
use $crate::Slice;
let re = ::regex::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
if re.is_match($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[$i.input_len()..], $i)
$crate::IResult::Done($i.slice($i.input_len()..), $i)
} else {
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = $crate::IResult::Error(error_code!($crate::ErrorKind::RegexpMatch));
@ -48,11 +50,13 @@ macro_rules! re_match_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::InputLength;
use $crate::Slice;
regex!(RE, $re);
if RE.is_match($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[$i.input_len()..], $i)
$crate::IResult::Done($i.slice($i.input_len()..), $i)
} else {
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = $crate::IResult::Error(error_code!($crate::ErrorKind::RegexpMatch));
@ -67,11 +71,13 @@ macro_rules! re_bytes_match (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::InputLength;
use $crate::Slice;
let re = ::regex::bytes::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
if re.is_match($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[$i.input_len()..], $i)
$crate::IResult::Done($i.slice($i.input_len()..), $i)
} else {
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = $crate::IResult::Error(error_code!($crate::ErrorKind::RegexpMatch));
@ -87,11 +93,13 @@ macro_rules! re_bytes_match_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::InputLength;
use $crate::Slice;
regex_bytes!(RE, $re);
if RE.is_match($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[$i.input_len()..], $i)
$crate::IResult::Done($i.slice($i.input_len()..), $i)
} else {
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = $crate::IResult::Error(error_code!($crate::ErrorKind::RegexpMatch));
@ -105,11 +113,13 @@ macro_rules! re_bytes_match_static (
macro_rules! re_find (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::Slice;
let re = ::regex::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
if let Some((begin, end)) = re.find($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[end..], &$i[begin..end])
if let Some(m) = re.find($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done($i.slice(m.end()..), $i.slice(m.start()..m.end()))
} else {
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = $crate::IResult::Error(error_code!($crate::ErrorKind::RegexpFind));
@ -124,11 +134,13 @@ macro_rules! re_find (
macro_rules! re_find_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::Slice;
regex!(RE, $re);
if let Some((begin, end)) = RE.find($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[end..], &$i[begin..end])
if let Some(m) = RE.find($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done($i.slice(m.end()..), $i.slice(m.start()..m.end()))
} else {
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = $crate::IResult::Error(error_code!($crate::ErrorKind::RegexpFind));
@ -143,11 +155,13 @@ macro_rules! re_find_static (
macro_rules! re_bytes_find (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::Slice;
let re = ::regex::bytes::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
if let Some((begin, end)) = re.find($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[end..], &$i[begin..end])
if let Some(m) = re.find($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done($i.slice(m.end()..), $i.slice(m.start()..m.end()))
} else {
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = $crate::IResult::Error(error_code!($crate::ErrorKind::RegexpFind));
@ -162,11 +176,13 @@ macro_rules! re_bytes_find (
macro_rules! re_bytes_find_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::Slice;
regex_bytes!(RE, $re);
if let Some((begin, end)) = RE.find($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[end..], &$i[begin..end])
if let Some(m) = RE.find($i) {
$crate::IResult::Done($i.slice(m.end()..), $i.slice(m.start()..m.end()))
} else {
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = $crate::IResult::Error(error_code!($crate::ErrorKind::RegexpFind));
@ -181,16 +197,18 @@ macro_rules! re_bytes_find_static (
macro_rules! re_matches (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::Slice;
let re = ::regex::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
let v: Vec<&str> = re.find_iter($i).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect();
let v: Vec<&str> = re.find_iter($i).map(|m| $i.slice(m.start()..m.end())).collect();
if v.len() != 0 {
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
$crate::IResult::Done($i.slice(offset..), v)
} else {
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = $crate::IResult::Error(error_code!($crate::ErrorKind::RegexpMatches));
@ -205,16 +223,18 @@ macro_rules! re_matches (
macro_rules! re_matches_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::Slice;
regex!(RE, $re);
let v: Vec<&str> = RE.find_iter($i).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect();
let v: Vec<&str> = RE.find_iter($i).map(|m| $i.slice(m.start()..m.end())).collect();
if v.len() != 0 {
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
$crate::IResult::Done($i.slice(offset..), v)
} else {
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = $crate::IResult::Error(error_code!($crate::ErrorKind::RegexpMatches));
@ -228,16 +248,18 @@ macro_rules! re_matches_static (
macro_rules! re_bytes_matches (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::Slice;
let re = ::regex::bytes::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
let v: Vec<&[u8]> = re.find_iter($i).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect();
let v: Vec<&[u8]> = re.find_iter($i).map(|m| $i.slice(m.start()..m.end())).collect();
if v.len() != 0 {
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
$crate::IResult::Done($i.slice(offset..), v)
} else {
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = $crate::IResult::Error(error_code!($crate::ErrorKind::RegexpMatches));
@ -252,16 +274,18 @@ macro_rules! re_bytes_matches (
macro_rules! re_bytes_matches_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::Slice;
regex_bytes!(RE, $re);
let v: Vec<&[u8]> = RE.find_iter($i).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect();
let v: Vec<&[u8]> = RE.find_iter($i).map(|m| $i.slice(m.start()..m.end())).collect();
if v.len() != 0 {
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
$crate::IResult::Done($i.slice(offset..), v)
} else {
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = $crate::IResult::Error(error_code!($crate::ErrorKind::RegexpMatches));
@ -275,16 +299,18 @@ macro_rules! re_bytes_matches_static (
macro_rules! re_capture (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::Slice;
let re = ::regex::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
if let Some(c) = re.captures($i) {
let v:Vec<&str> = c.iter_pos().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect();
let v:Vec<&str> = c.iter().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|m| $i.slice(m.start()..m.end())).collect();
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
$crate::IResult::Done($i.slice(offset..), v)
} else {
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = $crate::IResult::Error(error_code!($crate::ErrorKind::RegexpCapture));
@ -299,16 +325,18 @@ macro_rules! re_capture (
macro_rules! re_capture_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::Slice;
regex!(RE, $re);
if let Some(c) = RE.captures($i) {
let v:Vec<&str> = c.iter_pos().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect();
let v:Vec<&str> = c.iter().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|m| $i.slice(m.start()..m.end())).collect();
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
$crate::IResult::Done($i.slice(offset..), v)
} else {
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = $crate::IResult::Error(error_code!($crate::ErrorKind::RegexpCapture));
@ -322,16 +350,18 @@ macro_rules! re_capture_static (
macro_rules! re_bytes_capture (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::Slice;
let re = ::regex::bytes::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
if let Some(c) = re.captures($i) {
let v:Vec<&[u8]> = c.iter_pos().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect();
let v:Vec<&[u8]> = c.iter().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|m| $i.slice(m.start()..m.end())).collect();
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
$crate::IResult::Done($i.slice(offset..), v)
} else {
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = $crate::IResult::Error(error_code!($crate::ErrorKind::RegexpCapture));
@ -346,16 +376,18 @@ macro_rules! re_bytes_capture (
macro_rules! re_bytes_capture_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::Slice;
regex_bytes!(RE, $re);
if let Some(c) = RE.captures($i) {
let v:Vec<&[u8]> = c.iter_pos().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect();
let v:Vec<&[u8]> = c.iter().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|m| $i.slice(m.start()..m.end())).collect();
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
$crate::IResult::Done($i.slice(offset..), v)
} else {
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = $crate::IResult::Error(error_code!($crate::ErrorKind::RegexpCapture));
@ -369,16 +401,18 @@ macro_rules! re_bytes_capture_static (
macro_rules! re_captures (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::Slice;
let re = ::regex::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
let v:Vec<Vec<&str>> = re.captures_iter($i).map(|c| c.iter_pos().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect()).collect();
let v:Vec<Vec<&str>> = re.captures_iter($i).map(|c| c.iter().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|m| $i.slice(m.start()..m.end())).collect()).collect();
if v.len() != 0 {
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap().last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
$crate::IResult::Done($i.slice(offset..), v)
} else {
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = $crate::IResult::Error(error_code!($crate::ErrorKind::RegexpCapture));
@ -393,16 +427,18 @@ macro_rules! re_captures (
macro_rules! re_captures_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::Slice;
regex!(RE, $re);
let v:Vec<Vec<&str>> = RE.captures_iter($i).map(|c| c.iter_pos().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect()).collect();
let v:Vec<Vec<&str>> = RE.captures_iter($i).map(|c| c.iter().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|m| $i.slice(m.start()..m.end())).collect()).collect();
if v.len() != 0 {
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap().last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
$crate::IResult::Done($i.slice(offset..), v)
} else {
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = $crate::IResult::Error(error_code!($crate::ErrorKind::RegexpCapture));
@ -416,16 +452,18 @@ macro_rules! re_captures_static (
macro_rules! re_bytes_captures (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::Slice;
let re = ::regex::bytes::Regex::new($re).unwrap();
let v:Vec<Vec<&[u8]>> = re.captures_iter($i).map(|c| c.iter_pos().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect()).collect();
let v:Vec<Vec<&[u8]>> = re.captures_iter($i).map(|c| c.iter().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|m| $i.slice(m.start()..m.end())).collect()).collect();
if v.len() != 0 {
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap().last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
$crate::IResult::Done($i.slice(offset..), v)
} else {
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = $crate::IResult::Error(error_code!($crate::ErrorKind::RegexpCapture));
@ -440,16 +478,18 @@ macro_rules! re_bytes_captures (
macro_rules! re_bytes_captures_static (
($i:expr, $re:expr) => (
use $crate::Slice;
regex_bytes!(RE, $re);
let v:Vec<Vec<&[u8]>> = RE.captures_iter($i).map(|c| c.iter_pos().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|(begin,end)| &$i[begin..end]).collect()).collect();
let v:Vec<Vec<&[u8]>> = RE.captures_iter($i).map(|c| c.iter().filter(|el| el.is_some()).map(|el| el.unwrap()).map(|m| $i.slice(m.start()..m.end())).collect()).collect();
if v.len() != 0 {
let offset = {
let end = v.last().unwrap().last().unwrap();
end.as_ptr() as usize + end.len() - $i.as_ptr() as usize
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], v)
$crate::IResult::Done($i.slice(offset..), v)
} else {
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = $crate::IResult::Error(error_code!($crate::ErrorKind::RegexpCapture));
@ -457,14 +497,13 @@ macro_rules! re_bytes_captures_static (
mod tests {
use internal::IResult::*;
use internal::Err::*;
use util::ErrorKind;
fn re_match() {
named!(rm<&str,&str>, re_match!(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07"), Done("", "2015-09-07"));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpMatch)));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::RegexpMatch)));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07blah"), Done("", "2015-09-07blah"));
@ -473,7 +512,7 @@ mod tests {
fn re_match_static() {
named!(rm<&str,&str>, re_match_static!(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07"), Done("", "2015-09-07"));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpMatch)));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::RegexpMatch)));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07blah"), Done("", "2015-09-07blah"));
@ -481,7 +520,7 @@ mod tests {
fn re_find() {
named!(rm<&str,&str>, re_find!(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07"), Done("", "2015-09-07"));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpFind)));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::RegexpFind)));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07blah"), Done("blah", "2015-09-07"));
@ -490,7 +529,7 @@ mod tests {
fn re_find_static() {
named!(rm<&str,&str>, re_find_static!(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07"), Done("", "2015-09-07"));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpFind)));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::RegexpFind)));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07blah"), Done("blah", "2015-09-07"));
@ -498,7 +537,7 @@ mod tests {
fn re_matches() {
named!(rm< &str,Vec<&str> >, re_matches!(r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07"), Done("", vec!["2015-09-07"]));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpMatches)));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::RegexpMatches)));
assert_eq!(rm("aaa2015-09-07blah2015-09-09pouet"), Done("pouet", vec!["2015-09-07", "2015-09-09"]));
@ -507,32 +546,32 @@ mod tests {
fn re_matches_static() {
named!(rm< &str,Vec<&str> >, re_matches_static!(r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm("2015-09-07"), Done("", vec!["2015-09-07"]));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpMatches)));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::RegexpMatches)));
assert_eq!(rm("aaa2015-09-07blah2015-09-09pouet"), Done("pouet", vec!["2015-09-07", "2015-09-09"]));
fn re_capture() {
named!(rm< &str,Vec<&str> >, re_capture!(r"([:alpha:]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
named!(rm< &str,Vec<&str> >, re_capture!(r"([[:alpha:]]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
assert_eq!(rm("blah nom 0.3.11pouet"), Done("pouet", vec!["nom 0.3.11", "nom", "0.3.11", "0", "3", "11"]));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm("hello nom 0.3.11 world regex 0.1.41"), Done(" world regex 0.1.41", vec!["nom 0.3.11", "nom", "0.3.11", "0", "3", "11"]));
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
fn re_capture_static() {
named!(rm< &str,Vec<&str> >, re_capture_static!(r"([:alpha:]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
named!(rm< &str,Vec<&str> >, re_capture_static!(r"([[:alpha:]]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
assert_eq!(rm("blah nom 0.3.11pouet"), Done("pouet", vec!["nom 0.3.11", "nom", "0.3.11", "0", "3", "11"]));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm("hello nom 0.3.11 world regex 0.1.41"), Done(" world regex 0.1.41", vec!["nom 0.3.11", "nom", "0.3.11", "0", "3", "11"]));
fn re_captures() {
named!(rm< &str,Vec<Vec<&str>> >, re_captures!(r"([:alpha:]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
named!(rm< &str,Vec<Vec<&str>> >, re_captures!(r"([[:alpha:]]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
assert_eq!(rm("blah nom 0.3.11pouet"), Done("pouet", vec![vec!["nom 0.3.11", "nom", "0.3.11", "0", "3", "11"]]));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm("hello nom 0.3.11 world regex 0.1.41 aaa"), Done(" aaa", vec![
vec!["nom 0.3.11", "nom", "0.3.11", "0", "3", "11"],
vec!["regex 0.1.41", "regex", "0.1.41", "0", "1", "41"],
@ -542,9 +581,9 @@ mod tests {
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
fn re_captures_static() {
named!(rm< &str,Vec<Vec<&str>> >, re_captures_static!(r"([:alpha:]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
named!(rm< &str,Vec<Vec<&str>> >, re_captures_static!(r"([[:alpha:]]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
assert_eq!(rm("blah nom 0.3.11pouet"), Done("pouet", vec![vec!["nom 0.3.11", "nom", "0.3.11", "0", "3", "11"]]));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm("blah"), Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm("hello nom 0.3.11 world regex 0.1.41 aaa"), Done(" aaa", vec![
vec!["nom 0.3.11", "nom", "0.3.11", "0", "3", "11"],
vec!["regex 0.1.41", "regex", "0.1.41", "0", "1", "41"],
@ -555,7 +594,7 @@ mod tests {
fn re_bytes_match() {
named!(rm, re_bytes_match!(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07"[..]), Done(&b""[..], &b"2015-09-07"[..]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpMatch)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::RegexpMatch)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07blah"[..]), Done(&b""[..], &b"2015-09-07blah"[..]));
@ -564,7 +603,7 @@ mod tests {
fn re_bytes_match_static() {
named!(rm, re_bytes_match_static!(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07"[..]), Done(&b""[..], &b"2015-09-07"[..]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpMatch)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::RegexpMatch)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07blah"[..]), Done(&b""[..], &b"2015-09-07blah"[..]));
@ -572,7 +611,7 @@ mod tests {
fn re_bytes_find() {
named!(rm, re_bytes_find!(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07"[..]), Done(&b""[..], &b"2015-09-07"[..]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpFind)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::RegexpFind)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07blah"[..]), Done(&b"blah"[..], &b"2015-09-07"[..]));
@ -581,7 +620,7 @@ mod tests {
fn re_bytes_find_static() {
named!(rm, re_bytes_find_static!(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07"[..]), Done(&b""[..], &b"2015-09-07"[..]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpFind)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::RegexpFind)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07blah"[..]), Done(&b"blah"[..], &b"2015-09-07"[..]));
@ -589,7 +628,7 @@ mod tests {
fn re_bytes_matches() {
named!(rm<Vec<&[u8]> >, re_bytes_matches!(r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07"[..]), Done(&b""[..], vec![&b"2015-09-07"[..]]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpMatches)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::RegexpMatches)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"aaa2015-09-07blah2015-09-09pouet"[..]), Done(&b"pouet"[..], vec![&b"2015-09-07"[..], &b"2015-09-09"[..]]));
@ -598,32 +637,32 @@ mod tests {
fn re_bytes_matches_static() {
named!(rm<Vec<&[u8]> >, re_bytes_matches_static!(r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"2015-09-07"[..]), Done(&b""[..], vec![&b"2015-09-07"[..]]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpMatches)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::RegexpMatches)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"aaa2015-09-07blah2015-09-09pouet"[..]), Done(&b"pouet"[..], vec![&b"2015-09-07"[..], &b"2015-09-09"[..]]));
fn re_bytes_capture() {
named!(rm<Vec<&[u8]> >, re_bytes_capture!(r"([:alpha:]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
named!(rm<Vec<&[u8]> >, re_bytes_capture!(r"([[:alpha:]]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah nom 0.3.11pouet"[..]), Done(&b"pouet"[..], vec![&b"nom 0.3.11"[..], &b"nom"[..], &b"0.3.11"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"3"[..], &b"11"[..]]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"hello nom 0.3.11 world regex 0.1.41"[..]), Done(&b" world regex 0.1.41"[..], vec![&b"nom 0.3.11"[..], &b"nom"[..], &b"0.3.11"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"3"[..], &b"11"[..]]));
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
fn re_bytes_capture_static() {
named!(rm< Vec<&[u8]> >, re_bytes_capture_static!(r"([:alpha:]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
named!(rm< Vec<&[u8]> >, re_bytes_capture_static!(r"([[:alpha:]]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah nom 0.3.11pouet"[..]), Done(&b"pouet"[..], vec![&b"nom 0.3.11"[..], &b"nom"[..], &b"0.3.11"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"3"[..], &b"11"[..]]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"hello nom 0.3.11 world regex 0.1.41"[..]), Done(&b" world regex 0.1.41"[..], vec![&b"nom 0.3.11"[..], &b"nom"[..], &b"0.3.11"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"3"[..], &b"11"[..]]));
fn re_bytes_captures() {
named!(rm< Vec<Vec<&[u8]>> >, re_bytes_captures!(r"([:alpha:]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
named!(rm< Vec<Vec<&[u8]>> >, re_bytes_captures!(r"([[:alpha:]]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah nom 0.3.11pouet"[..]), Done(&b"pouet"[..], vec![vec![&b"nom 0.3.11"[..], &b"nom"[..], &b"0.3.11"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"3"[..], &b"11"[..]]]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"hello nom 0.3.11 world regex 0.1.41 aaa"[..]), Done(&b" aaa"[..], vec![
vec![&b"nom 0.3.11"[..], &b"nom"[..], &b"0.3.11"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"3"[..], &b"11"[..]],
vec![&b"regex 0.1.41"[..], &b"regex"[..], &b"0.1.41"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"1"[..], &b"41"[..]],
@ -633,9 +672,9 @@ mod tests {
#[cfg(feature = "regexp_macros")]
fn re_bytes_captures_static() {
named!(rm< Vec<Vec<&[u8]>> >, re_bytes_captures_static!(r"([:alpha:]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
named!(rm< Vec<Vec<&[u8]>> >, re_bytes_captures_static!(r"([[:alpha:]]+)\s+((\d+).(\d+).(\d+))"));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah nom 0.3.11pouet"[..]), Done(&b"pouet"[..], vec![vec![&b"nom 0.3.11"[..], &b"nom"[..], &b"0.3.11"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"3"[..], &b"11"[..]]]));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(Code(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"blah"[..]), Error(error_code!(ErrorKind::RegexpCapture)));
assert_eq!(rm(&b"hello nom 0.3.11 world regex 0.1.41 aaa"[..]), Done(&b" aaa"[..], vec![
vec![&b"nom 0.3.11"[..], &b"nom"[..], &b"0.3.11"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"3"[..], &b"11"[..]],
vec![&b"regex 0.1.41"[..], &b"regex"[..], &b"0.1.41"[..], &b"0"[..], &b"1"[..], &b"41"[..]],

third_party/rust/nom/src/sequence.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,889 @@
/// `tuple!(I->IResult<I,A>, I->IResult<I,B>, ... I->IResult<I,X>) => I -> IResult<I, (A, B, ..., X)>`
/// chains parsers and assemble the sub results in a tuple.
/// The input type `I` must implement `nom::InputLength`.
/// This combinator will count how much data is consumed by every child parser
/// and take it into account if there is not enough data
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::{self, Done, Error};
/// # #[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
/// # use nom::Err::Position;
/// # use nom::ErrorKind;
/// # use nom::be_u16;
/// // the return type depends of the children parsers
/// named!(parser<&[u8], (u16, &[u8], &[u8]) >,
/// tuple!(
/// be_u16 ,
/// take!(3),
/// tag!("fg")
/// )
/// );
/// # fn main() {
/// assert_eq!(
/// parser(&b"abcdefgh"[..]),
/// Done(
/// &b"h"[..],
/// (0x6162u16, &b"cde"[..], &b"fg"[..])
/// )
/// );
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! tuple (
($i:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => (
tuple_parser!($i, 0usize, (), $($rest)*)
/// Internal parser, do not use directly
macro_rules! tuple_parser (
($i:expr, $consumed:expr, ($($parsed:tt),*), $e:ident, $($rest:tt)*) => (
tuple_parser!($i, $consumed, ($($parsed),*), call!($e), $($rest)*);
($i:expr, $consumed:expr, (), $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $($rest:tt)*) => (
let i_ = $i.clone();
match $submac!(i_, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(e) =>
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown) =>
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i)) => {
let (needed,overflowed) = $consumed.overflowing_add(i);
match overflowed {
true => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown),
false => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(needed)),
$crate::IResult::Done(i,o) => {
let i_ = i.clone();
$consumed + ($crate::InputLength::input_len(&($i)) -
$crate::InputLength::input_len(&i)), (o), $($rest)*)
($i:expr, $consumed:expr, ($($parsed:tt)*), $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $($rest:tt)*) => (
let i_ = $i.clone();
match $submac!(i_, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(e) =>
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown) =>
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i)) => {
let (needed,overflowed) = $consumed.overflowing_add(i);
match overflowed {
true => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown),
false => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(needed)),
$crate::IResult::Done(i,o) => {
let i_ = i.clone();
$consumed + ($crate::InputLength::input_len(&($i)) -
$crate::InputLength::input_len(&i)), ($($parsed)* , o), $($rest)*)
($i:expr, $consumed:expr, ($($parsed:tt),*), $e:ident) => (
tuple_parser!($i, $consumed, ($($parsed),*), call!($e));
($i:expr, $consumed:expr, (), $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
let i_ = $i.clone();
match $submac!(i_, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(e) =>
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown) =>
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i)) => {
let (needed,overflowed) = $consumed.overflowing_add(i);
match overflowed {
true => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown),
false => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(needed)),
$crate::IResult::Done(i,o) => {
$crate::IResult::Done(i, (o))
($i:expr, $consumed:expr, ($($parsed:expr),*), $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
match $submac!($i, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(e) =>
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown) =>
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i)) => {
let (needed,overflowed) = $consumed.overflowing_add(i);
match overflowed {
true => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown),
false => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(needed)),
$crate::IResult::Done(i,o) => {
$crate::IResult::Done(i, ($($parsed),* , o))
($i:expr, $consumed:expr, ($($parsed:expr),*)) => (
$crate::IResult::Done($i, ($($parsed),*))
/// `pair!(I -> IResult<I,O>, I -> IResult<I,P>) => I -> IResult<I, (O,P)>`
/// pair(X,Y), returns (x,y)
macro_rules! pair(
($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $submac2:ident!( $($args2:tt)* )) => (
tuple!($i, $submac!($($args)*), $submac2!($($args2)*))
($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $g:expr) => (
pair!($i, $submac!($($args)*), call!($g));
($i:expr, $f:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
pair!($i, call!($f), $submac!($($args)*));
($i:expr, $f:expr, $g:expr) => (
pair!($i, call!($f), call!($g));
/// `separated_pair!(I -> IResult<I,O>, I -> IResult<I, T>, I -> IResult<I,P>) => I -> IResult<I, (O,P)>`
/// separated_pair(X,sep,Y) returns (x,y)
macro_rules! separated_pair(
($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $($rest:tt)+) => (
match tuple_parser!($i, 0usize, (), $submac!($($args)*), $($rest)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(a) => $crate::IResult::Error(a),
$crate::IResult::Incomplete(i) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete(i),
$crate::IResult::Done(i1, (o1, _, o2)) => {
$crate::IResult::Done(i1, (o1, o2))
($i:expr, $f:expr, $($rest:tt)+) => (
separated_pair!($i, call!($f), $($rest)*);
/// `preceded!(I -> IResult<I,T>, I -> IResult<I,O>) => I -> IResult<I, O>`
/// preceded(opening, X) returns X
macro_rules! preceded(
($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $submac2:ident!( $($args2:tt)* )) => (
match tuple!($i, $submac!($($args)*), $submac2!($($args2)*)) {
$crate::IResult::Error(a) => $crate::IResult::Error(a),
$crate::IResult::Incomplete(i) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete(i),
$crate::IResult::Done(remaining, (_,o)) => {
$crate::IResult::Done(remaining, o)
($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $g:expr) => (
preceded!($i, $submac!($($args)*), call!($g));
($i:expr, $f:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
preceded!($i, call!($f), $submac!($($args)*));
($i:expr, $f:expr, $g:expr) => (
preceded!($i, call!($f), call!($g));
/// `terminated!(I -> IResult<I,O>, I -> IResult<I,T>) => I -> IResult<I, O>`
/// terminated(X, closing) returns X
macro_rules! terminated(
($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $submac2:ident!( $($args2:tt)* )) => (
match tuple!($i, $submac!($($args)*), $submac2!($($args2)*)) {
$crate::IResult::Error(a) => $crate::IResult::Error(a),
$crate::IResult::Incomplete(i) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete(i),
$crate::IResult::Done(remaining, (o,_)) => {
$crate::IResult::Done(remaining, o)
($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $g:expr) => (
terminated!($i, $submac!($($args)*), call!($g));
($i:expr, $f:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
terminated!($i, call!($f), $submac!($($args)*));
($i:expr, $f:expr, $g:expr) => (
terminated!($i, call!($f), call!($g));
/// `delimited!(I -> IResult<I,T>, I -> IResult<I,O>, I -> IResult<I,U>) => I -> IResult<I, O>`
/// delimited(opening, X, closing) returns X
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::{self, Done};
/// named!(bracketed,
/// delimited!(
/// tag!("("),
/// take_until!(")"),
/// tag!(")")
/// )
/// );
/// # fn main() {
/// let input = &b"(test)"[..];
/// assert_eq!(bracketed(input), Done(&b""[..], &b"test"[..]));
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! delimited(
($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $($rest:tt)+) => (
match tuple_parser!($i, 0usize, (), $submac!($($args)*), $($rest)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(a) => $crate::IResult::Error(a),
$crate::IResult::Incomplete(i) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete(i),
$crate::IResult::Done(i1, (_, o, _)) => {
$crate::IResult::Done(i1, o)
($i:expr, $f:expr, $($rest:tt)+) => (
delimited!($i, call!($f), $($rest)*);
/// `do_parse!(I->IResult<I,A> >> I->IResult<I,B> >> ... I->IResult<I,X> , ( O ) ) => I -> IResult<I, O>`
/// do_parse applies sub parsers in a sequence.
/// it can store intermediary results and make them available
/// for later parsers
/// The input type `I` must implement `nom::InputLength`.
/// This combinator will count how much data is consumed by every child parser
/// and take it into account if there is not enough data
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::{self, Done, Incomplete};
/// # use nom::Needed;
/// use nom::be_u8;
/// // this parser implements a common pattern in binary formats,
/// // the TAG-LENGTH-VALUE, where you first recognize a specific
/// // byte slice, then the next bytes indicate the length of
/// // the data, then you take that slice and return it
/// //
/// // here, we match the tag 42, take the length in the next byte
/// // and store it in `length`, then use `take!` with `length`
/// // to obtain the subslice that we store in `bytes`, then return
/// // `bytes`
/// named!(tag_length_value,
/// do_parse!(
/// tag!( &[ 42u8 ][..] ) >>
/// length: be_u8 >>
/// bytes: take!(length) >>
/// (bytes)
/// )
/// );
/// # fn main() {
/// let a: Vec<u8> = vec!(42, 2, 3, 4, 5);
/// let result_a: Vec<u8> = vec!(3, 4);
/// let rest_a: Vec<u8> = vec!(5);
/// assert_eq!(tag_length_value(&a[..]), Done(&rest_a[..], &result_a[..]));
/// // here, the length is 5, but there are only 3 bytes afterwards (3, 4 and 5),
/// // so the parser will tell you that you need 7 bytes: one for the tag,
/// // one for the length, then 5 bytes
/// let b: Vec<u8> = vec!(42, 5, 3, 4, 5);
/// assert_eq!(tag_length_value(&b[..]), Incomplete(Needed::Size(7)));
/// # }
/// ```
/// the result is a tuple, so you can return multiple sub results, like
/// this:
/// `do_parse!(I->IResult<I,A> >> I->IResult<I,B> >> ... I->IResult<I,X> , ( O, P ) ) => I -> IResult<I, (O,P)>`
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::{self, Done, Incomplete};
/// # use nom::Needed;
/// use nom::be_u8;
/// named!(tag_length_value<(u8, &[u8])>,
/// do_parse!(
/// tag!( &[ 42u8 ][..] ) >>
/// length: be_u8 >>
/// bytes: take!(length) >>
/// (length, bytes)
/// )
/// );
/// # fn main() {
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! do_parse (
(__impl $i:expr, $consumed:expr, ( $($rest:expr),* )) => (
$crate::IResult::Done($i, ( $($rest),* ))
(__impl $i:expr, $consumed:expr, $field:ident : $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ) ) => (
do_parse!(__impl $i, $consumed, $submac!( $($args)* ))
(__impl $i:expr, $consumed:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ) ) => (
compiler_error!("do_parse is missing the return value. A do_parse call must end
with a return value between parenthesis, as follows:
a: tag!(\"abcd\") >>
b: tag!(\"efgh\") >>
( Value { a: a, b: b } )
(__impl $i:expr, $consumed:expr, $field:ident : $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ) ~ $($rest:tt)* ) => (
compiler_error!("do_parse uses >> as separator, not ~");
(__impl $i:expr, $consumed:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ) ~ $($rest:tt)* ) => (
compiler_error!("do_parse uses >> as separator, not ~");
(__impl $i:expr, $consumed:expr, $field:ident : $e:ident ~ $($rest:tt)*) => (
do_parse!(__impl $i, $consumed, $field: call!($e) ~ $($rest)*);
(__impl $i:expr, $consumed:expr, $e:ident ~ $($rest:tt)*) => (
do_parse!(__impl $i, $consumed, call!($e) ~ $($rest)*);
(__impl $i:expr, $consumed:expr, $e:ident >> $($rest:tt)*) => (
do_parse!(__impl $i, $consumed, call!($e) >> $($rest)*);
(__impl $i:expr, $consumed:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ) >> $($rest:tt)*) => (
let i_ = $i.clone();
match $submac!(i_, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(e) => $crate::IResult::Error(e),
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown) =>
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i)) => {
let (needed,overflowed) = $consumed.overflowing_add(i);
match overflowed {
true => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown),
false => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(needed)),
$crate::IResult::Done(i,_) => {
let i_ = i.clone();
do_parse!(__impl i_,
$consumed + ($crate::InputLength::input_len(&($i)) -
$crate::InputLength::input_len(&i)), $($rest)*)
(__impl $i:expr, $consumed:expr, $field:ident : $e:ident >> $($rest:tt)*) => (
do_parse!(__impl $i, $consumed, $field: call!($e) >> $($rest)*);
(__impl $i:expr, $consumed:expr, $field:ident : $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ) >> $($rest:tt)*) => (
let i_ = $i.clone();
match $submac!(i_, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(e) => $crate::IResult::Error(e),
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown) =>
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i)) => {
let (needed,overflowed) = $consumed.overflowing_add(i);
match overflowed {
true => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown),
false => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(needed)),
$crate::IResult::Done(i,o) => {
let $field = o;
let i_ = i.clone();
do_parse!(__impl i_,
$consumed + ($crate::InputLength::input_len(&($i)) -
$crate::InputLength::input_len(&i)), $($rest)*)
// ending the chain
(__impl $i:expr, $consumed:expr, $e:ident >> ( $($rest:tt)* )) => (
do_parse!(__impl $i, $consumed, call!($e) >> ( $($rest)* ));
(__impl $i:expr, $consumed:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ) >> ( $($rest:tt)* )) => (
match $submac!($i, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(e) => $crate::IResult::Error(e),
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown) =>
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i)) => {
let (needed,overflowed) = $consumed.overflowing_add(i);
match overflowed {
true => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown),
false => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(needed)),
$crate::IResult::Done(i,_) => {
$crate::IResult::Done(i, ( $($rest)* ))
(__impl $i:expr, $consumed:expr, $field:ident : $e:ident >> ( $($rest:tt)* )) => (
do_parse!(__impl $i, $consumed, $field: call!($e) >> ( $($rest)* ) );
(__impl $i:expr, $consumed:expr, $field:ident : $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ) >> ( $($rest:tt)* )) => (
match $submac!($i, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(e) => $crate::IResult::Error(e),
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown) =>
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i)) => {
let (needed,overflowed) = $consumed.overflowing_add(i);
match overflowed {
true => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown),
false => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(needed)),
$crate::IResult::Done(i,o) => {
let $field = o;
$crate::IResult::Done(i, ( $($rest)* ))
($i:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => (
do_parse!(__impl $i, 0usize, $($rest)*)
($submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ) >> $($rest:tt)* ) => (
compiler_error!("if you are using do_parse outside of a named! macro, you must
pass the input data as first argument, like this:
let res = do_parse!(input,
a: tag!(\"abcd\") >>
b: tag!(\"efgh\") >>
( Value { a: a, b: b } )
($e:ident! >> $($rest:tt)* ) => (
do_parse!( call!($e) >> $($rest)*);
mod tests {
use internal::{Needed,IResult};
use internal::IResult::*;
use util::ErrorKind;
use nom::be_u16;
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
use verbose_errors::Err;
// reproduce the tag and take macros, because of module import order
macro_rules! tag (
($i:expr, $inp: expr) => (
fn as_bytes<T: $crate::AsBytes>(b: &T) -> &[u8] {
let expected = $inp;
let bytes = as_bytes(&expected);
macro_rules! tag_bytes (
($i:expr, $bytes: expr) => (
use std::cmp::min;
let len = $i.len();
let blen = $bytes.len();
let m = min(len, blen);
let reduced = &$i[..m];
let b = &$bytes[..m];
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = if reduced != b {
$crate::IResult::Error(error_position!($crate::ErrorKind::Tag, $i))
} else if m < blen {
} else {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[blen..], reduced)
macro_rules! take (
($i:expr, $count:expr) => (
let cnt = $count as usize;
let res:$crate::IResult<&[u8],&[u8]> = if $i.len() < cnt {
} else {
struct B {
a: u8,
b: u8
struct C {
a: u8,
b: Option<u8>
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
use util::{error_to_list, add_error_pattern, print_error};
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
fn error_to_string<P>(e: &Err<P>) -> &'static str {
let v:Vec<ErrorKind> = error_to_list(e);
// do it this way if you can use slice patterns
match &v[..] {
[ErrorKind::Custom(42), ErrorKind::Tag] => "missing `ijkl` tag",
[ErrorKind::Custom(42), ErrorKind::Custom(128), ErrorKind::Tag] => "missing `mnop` tag after `ijkl`",
_ => "unrecognized error"
if &v[..] == [ErrorKind::Custom(42),ErrorKind::Tag] {
"missing `ijkl` tag"
} else if &v[..] == [ErrorKind::Custom(42), ErrorKind::Custom(128), ErrorKind::Tag] {
"missing `mnop` tag after `ijkl`"
} else {
"unrecognized error"
// do it this way if you can use box patterns
/*use std::str;
fn error_to_string(e:Err) -> String
match e {
NodePosition(ErrorKind::Custom(42), i1, box Position(ErrorKind::Tag, i2)) => {
format!("missing `ijkl` tag, found '{}' instead", str::from_utf8(i2).unwrap())
NodePosition(ErrorKind::Custom(42), i1, box NodePosition(ErrorKind::Custom(128), i2, box Position(ErrorKind::Tag, i3))) => {
format!("missing `mnop` tag after `ijkl`, found '{}' instead", str::from_utf8(i3).unwrap())
_ => "unrecognized error".to_string()
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
use std::collections;
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
fn err() {
named!(err_test, alt!(
tag!("abcd") |
preceded!(tag!("efgh"), return_error!(ErrorKind::Custom(42),
tag!("ijkl") >>
res: return_error!(ErrorKind::Custom(128), tag!("mnop")) >>
let a = &b"efghblah"[..];
let b = &b"efghijklblah"[..];
let c = &b"efghijklmnop"[..];
let blah = &b"blah"[..];
let res_a = err_test(a);
let res_b = err_test(b);
let res_c = err_test(c);
assert_eq!(res_a, Error(error_node_position!(ErrorKind::Custom(42), blah, error_position!(ErrorKind::Tag, blah))));
assert_eq!(res_b, Error(error_node_position!(ErrorKind::Custom(42), &b"ijklblah"[..], error_node_position!(ErrorKind::Custom(128), blah, error_position!(ErrorKind::Tag, blah)))));
assert_eq!(res_c, Done(&b""[..], &b"mnop"[..]));
// Merr-like error matching
let mut err_map = collections::HashMap::new();
assert!(add_error_pattern(&mut err_map, err_test(&b"efghpouet"[..]), "missing `ijkl` tag"));
assert!(add_error_pattern(&mut err_map, err_test(&b"efghijklpouet"[..]), "missing `mnop` tag after `ijkl`"));
let res_a2 = res_a.clone();
match res_a {
Error(e) => {
assert_eq!(error_to_list(&e), [ErrorKind::Custom(42), ErrorKind::Tag]);
assert_eq!(error_to_string(&e), "missing `ijkl` tag");
assert_eq!(err_map.get(&error_to_list(&e)), Some(&"missing `ijkl` tag"));
_ => panic!()
let res_b2 = res_b.clone();
match res_b {
Error(e) => {
assert_eq!(error_to_list(&e), [ErrorKind::Custom(42), ErrorKind::Custom(128), ErrorKind::Tag]);
assert_eq!(error_to_string(&e), "missing `mnop` tag after `ijkl`");
assert_eq!(err_map.get(&error_to_list(&e)), Some(&"missing `mnop` tag after `ijkl`"));
_ => panic!()
print_error(a, res_a2);
print_error(b, res_b2);
fn add_err() {
preceded!(tag!("efgh"), add_return_error!(ErrorKind::Custom(42),
tag!("ijkl") >>
res: add_return_error!(ErrorKind::Custom(128), tag!("mnop")) >>
let a = &b"efghblah"[..];
let b = &b"efghijklblah"[..];
let c = &b"efghijklmnop"[..];
let blah = &b"blah"[..];
let res_a = err_test(a);
let res_b = err_test(b);
let res_c = err_test(c);
assert_eq!(res_a, Error(error_node_position!(ErrorKind::Custom(42), blah, error_position!(ErrorKind::Tag, blah))));
assert_eq!(res_b, Error(error_node_position!(ErrorKind::Custom(42), &b"ijklblah"[..], error_node_position!(ErrorKind::Custom(128), blah, error_position!(ErrorKind::Tag, blah)))));
assert_eq!(res_c, Done(&b""[..], &b"mnop"[..]));
fn complete() {
tag!("ijkl") >>
res: complete!(tag!("mnop")) >>
let a = &b"ijklmn"[..];
let res_a = err_test(a);
assert_eq!(res_a, Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Complete, &b"mn"[..])));
fn pair() {
named!( tag_abc, tag!("abc") );
named!( tag_def, tag!("def") );
named!( pair_abc_def<&[u8],(&[u8], &[u8])>, pair!(tag_abc, tag_def) );
assert_eq!(pair_abc_def(&b"abcdefghijkl"[..]), Done(&b"ghijkl"[..], (&b"abc"[..], &b"def"[..])));
assert_eq!(pair_abc_def(&b"ab"[..]), Incomplete(Needed::Size(3)));
assert_eq!(pair_abc_def(&b"abcd"[..]), Incomplete(Needed::Size(6)));
assert_eq!(pair_abc_def(&b"xxx"[..]), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Tag, &b"xxx"[..])));
assert_eq!(pair_abc_def(&b"xxxdef"[..]), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Tag, &b"xxxdef"[..])));
assert_eq!(pair_abc_def(&b"abcxxx"[..]), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Tag, &b"xxx"[..])));
fn separated_pair() {
named!( tag_abc, tag!("abc") );
named!( tag_def, tag!("def") );
named!( tag_separator, tag!(",") );
named!( sep_pair_abc_def<&[u8],(&[u8], &[u8])>, separated_pair!(tag_abc, tag_separator, tag_def) );
assert_eq!(sep_pair_abc_def(&b"abc,defghijkl"[..]), Done(&b"ghijkl"[..], (&b"abc"[..], &b"def"[..])));
assert_eq!(sep_pair_abc_def(&b"ab"[..]), Incomplete(Needed::Size(3)));
assert_eq!(sep_pair_abc_def(&b"abc,d"[..]), Incomplete(Needed::Size(7)));
assert_eq!(sep_pair_abc_def(&b"xxx"[..]), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Tag, &b"xxx"[..])));
assert_eq!(sep_pair_abc_def(&b"xxx,def"[..]), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Tag, &b"xxx,def"[..])));
assert_eq!(sep_pair_abc_def(&b"abc,xxx"[..]), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Tag, &b"xxx"[..])));
fn preceded() {
named!( tag_abcd, tag!("abcd") );
named!( tag_efgh, tag!("efgh") );
named!( preceded_abcd_efgh<&[u8], &[u8]>, preceded!(tag_abcd, tag_efgh) );
assert_eq!(preceded_abcd_efgh(&b"abcdefghijkl"[..]), Done(&b"ijkl"[..], &b"efgh"[..]));
assert_eq!(preceded_abcd_efgh(&b"ab"[..]), Incomplete(Needed::Size(4)));
assert_eq!(preceded_abcd_efgh(&b"abcde"[..]), Incomplete(Needed::Size(8)));
assert_eq!(preceded_abcd_efgh(&b"xxx"[..]), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Tag, &b"xxx"[..])));
assert_eq!(preceded_abcd_efgh(&b"xxxxdef"[..]), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Tag, &b"xxxxdef"[..])));
assert_eq!(preceded_abcd_efgh(&b"abcdxxx"[..]), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Tag, &b"xxx"[..])));
fn terminated() {
named!( tag_abcd, tag!("abcd") );
named!( tag_efgh, tag!("efgh") );
named!( terminated_abcd_efgh<&[u8], &[u8]>, terminated!(tag_abcd, tag_efgh) );
assert_eq!(terminated_abcd_efgh(&b"abcdefghijkl"[..]), Done(&b"ijkl"[..], &b"abcd"[..]));
assert_eq!(terminated_abcd_efgh(&b"ab"[..]), Incomplete(Needed::Size(4)));
assert_eq!(terminated_abcd_efgh(&b"abcde"[..]), Incomplete(Needed::Size(8)));
assert_eq!(terminated_abcd_efgh(&b"xxx"[..]), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Tag, &b"xxx"[..])));
assert_eq!(terminated_abcd_efgh(&b"xxxxdef"[..]), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Tag, &b"xxxxdef"[..])));
assert_eq!(terminated_abcd_efgh(&b"abcdxxxx"[..]), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Tag, &b"xxxx"[..])));
fn delimited() {
named!( tag_abc, tag!("abc") );
named!( tag_def, tag!("def") );
named!( tag_ghi, tag!("ghi") );
named!( delimited_abc_def_ghi<&[u8], &[u8]>, delimited!(tag_abc, tag_def, tag_ghi) );
assert_eq!(delimited_abc_def_ghi(&b"abcdefghijkl"[..]), Done(&b"jkl"[..], &b"def"[..]));
assert_eq!(delimited_abc_def_ghi(&b"ab"[..]), Incomplete(Needed::Size(3)));
assert_eq!(delimited_abc_def_ghi(&b"abcde"[..]), Incomplete(Needed::Size(6)));
assert_eq!(delimited_abc_def_ghi(&b"abcdefgh"[..]), Incomplete(Needed::Size(9)));
assert_eq!(delimited_abc_def_ghi(&b"xxx"[..]), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Tag, &b"xxx"[..])));
assert_eq!(delimited_abc_def_ghi(&b"xxxdefghi"[..]), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Tag, &b"xxxdefghi"[..])));
assert_eq!(delimited_abc_def_ghi(&b"abcxxxghi"[..]), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Tag, &b"xxxghi"[..])));
assert_eq!(delimited_abc_def_ghi(&b"abcdefxxx"[..]), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Tag, &b"xxx"[..])));
fn tuple_test() {
named!(tuple_3<&[u8], (u16, &[u8], &[u8]) >,
tuple!( be_u16 , take!(3), tag!("fg") ) );
assert_eq!(tuple_3(&b"abcdefgh"[..]), Done(&b"h"[..], (0x6162u16, &b"cde"[..], &b"fg"[..])));
assert_eq!(tuple_3(&b"abcd"[..]), Incomplete(Needed::Size(5)));
assert_eq!(tuple_3(&b"abcde"[..]), Incomplete(Needed::Size(7)));
assert_eq!(tuple_3(&b"abcdejk"[..]), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Tag, &b"jk"[..])));
fn do_parse() {
fn ret_int1(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u8> { Done(i,1) };
fn ret_int2(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u8> { Done(i,2) };
named!(do_parser<&[u8], (u8, u8)>,
tag!("abcd") >>
opt!(tag!("abcd")) >>
aa: ret_int1 >>
tag!("efgh") >>
bb: ret_int2 >>
tag!("efgh") >>
(aa, bb)
//named!(do_parser<&[u8], (u8, u8)>,
// do_parse!(
// tag!("abcd") >> aa: ret_int1 >> tag!("efgh") >> bb: ret_int2 >> tag!("efgh") >> (aa, bb)
// )
assert_eq!(do_parser(&b"abcdabcdefghefghX"[..]), Done(&b"X"[..], (1, 2)));
assert_eq!(do_parser(&b"abcdefghefghX"[..]), Done(&b"X"[..], (1, 2)));
assert_eq!(do_parser(&b"abcdab"[..]), Incomplete(Needed::Size(8)));
assert_eq!(do_parser(&b"abcdefghef"[..]), Incomplete(Needed::Size(12)));
fn do_parse_dependency() {
use nom::be_u8;
length: be_u8 >>
bytes: take!(length) >>
let a = [2u8, 3, 4, 5];
let res_a = [3u8, 4];
assert_eq!(length_value(&a[..]), Done(&a[3..], &res_a[..]));
let b = [5u8, 3, 4, 5];
assert_eq!(length_value(&b[..]), Incomplete(Needed::Size(6)));
length: be_u8 >>
bytes: take!(length)
length: be_u8 ~
bytes: take!(length) ~
( () )
fn still_does_not_compile() {
let data = b"abcd";
let res = do_parse!(
tag!("abcd") >>
tag!("efgh") >>
( () )

third_party/rust/nom/src/simple_errors.rs поставляемый Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
//! Error management
//! there are two ways to handle errors in nom. The first one,
//! activated by default, uses the `nom::ErrorKind<E=u32>` enum
//! in the error branch of `IResult`. This enum can hold either
//! a parser specific error code, or a custom error type you
//! specify.
//! If you need more advanced error management, you can activate
//! the "verbose-errors" compilation feature, which will give you
//! the error system available in nom 1.0. The verbose errors
//! accumulate error codes and positions as you backtrack through
//! the parser tree. From there, you can precisely identify which
//! parts of the input triggered the error case.
//! Please note that the verbose error management is a bit slower
//! than the simple one.
use util::ErrorKind;
use internal::{IResult, IError};
use internal::IResult::*;
pub type Err<E=u32> = ErrorKind<E>;
impl<I,O,E> IResult<I,O,E> {
/// Maps a `IResult<I, O, E>` to `IResult<I, O, N>` by appling a function
/// to a contained `Error` value, leaving `Done` and `Incomplete` value
/// untouched.
pub fn map_err<N, F>(self, f: F) -> IResult<I, O, N>
where F: FnOnce(Err<E>) -> Err<N> {
match self {
Error(e) => Error(f(e)),
Incomplete(n) => Incomplete(n),
Done(i, o) => Done(i, o),
/// Unwrap the contained `Error(E)` value, or panic if the `IResult` is not
/// `Error`.
pub fn unwrap_err(self) -> Err<E> {
match self {
Error(e) => e,
Done(_, _) => panic!("unwrap_err() called on an IResult that is Done"),
Incomplete(_) => panic!("unwrap_err() called on an IResult that is Incomplete"),
/// Convert the IResult to a std::result::Result
pub fn to_full_result(self) -> Result<O, IError<E>> {
match self {
Done(_, o) => Ok(o),
Incomplete(n) => Err(IError::Incomplete(n)),
Error(e) => Err(IError::Error(e))
/// Convert the IResult to a std::result::Result, or panic if the `IResult` is `Incomplete`
pub fn to_result(self) -> Result<O, Err<E>> {
match self {
Done(_, o) => Ok(o),
Error(e) => Err(e),
Incomplete(_) => panic!("to_result() called on an IResult that is Incomplete")
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::any::Any;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::{error,fmt};
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl<E: fmt::Debug+Any> error::Error for Err<E> {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl<E: fmt::Debug> fmt::Display for Err<E> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.description())
/// translate parser result from IResult<I,O,u32> to IResult<I,O,E> with a custom type
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use std::collections;
/// # use nom::IResult::Error;
/// # use nom::ErrorKind;
/// # fn main() {
/// // will add a Custom(42) error to the error chain
/// named!(err_test, add_return_error!(ErrorKind::Custom(42), tag!("abcd")));
/// // Convert to IREsult<&[u8], &[u8], &str>
/// named!(parser<&[u8], &[u8], &str>, add_return_error!(ErrorKind::Custom("custom error message"), fix_error!(&str, err_test)));
/// let a = &b"efghblah"[..];
/// let res_a = parser(a);
/// assert_eq!(res_a, Error(error_node_position!( ErrorKind::Custom("custom error message"), a, Position(ErrorKind::Fix, a))));
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! fix_error (
($i:expr, $t:ty, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
match $submac!($i, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Incomplete(x) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete(x),
$crate::IResult::Done(i, o) => $crate::IResult::Done(i, o),
$crate::IResult::Error(_) => {
let e: $crate::ErrorKind<$t> = $crate::ErrorKind::Fix;
($i:expr, $t:ty, $f:expr) => (
fix_error!($i, $t, call!($f));
/// `flat_map!(R -> IResult<R,S>, S -> IResult<S,T>) => R -> IResult<R, T>`
/// combines a parser R -> IResult<R,S> and
/// a parser S -> IResult<S,T> to return another
/// parser R -> IResult<R,T>
macro_rules! flat_map(
($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $submac2:ident!( $($args2:tt)* )) => (
match $submac!($i, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(e) => $crate::IResult::Error(e),
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown),
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i)) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i)),
$crate::IResult::Done(i, o) => match $submac2!(o, $($args2)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(e) => $crate::IResult::Error(e),
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown),
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(ref i2)) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(*i2)),
$crate::IResult::Done(_, o2) => $crate::IResult::Done(i, o2)
($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $g:expr) => (
flat_map!($i, $submac!($($args)*), call!($g));
($i:expr, $f:expr, $g:expr) => (
flat_map!($i, call!($f), call!($g));
($i:expr, $f:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
flat_map!($i, call!($f), $submac!($($args)*));

third_party/rust/nom/src/str.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -21,15 +21,32 @@
macro_rules! tag_s (
($i:expr, $tag: expr) => (
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = if $tag.len() > $i.len() {
//} else if &$i[0..$tag.len()] == $tag {
} else if ($i).starts_with($tag) {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[$tag.len()..], &$i[0..$tag.len()])
} else {
$crate::IResult::Error($crate::Err::Position($crate::ErrorKind::TagStr, $i))
tag!($i, $tag)
/// `tag_no_case_s!(&str) => &str -> IResult<&str, &str>`
/// declares a case-insensitive string as a suite to recognize
/// consumes the recognized characters
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::{self,Done};
/// # fn main() {
/// fn test(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
/// tag_no_case_s!(input, "ABcd")
/// }
/// let r = test("aBCdefgh");
/// assert_eq!(r, Done("efgh", "aBCd"));
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! tag_no_case_s (
($i:expr, $tag: expr) => (
tag_no_case!($i, $tag)
@ -47,28 +64,19 @@ macro_rules! tag_s (
/// let a = "abcdefgh";
/// assert_eq!(take5(a), Done("fgh", "abcde"));
/// let b = "12345";
/// assert_eq!(take5(b), Done("", "12345"));
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! take_s (
($i:expr, $count:expr) => (
let input = $i;
let cnt = $count as usize;
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = if $i.chars().count() < cnt {
} else {
let mut offset = $i.len();
let mut count = 0;
for (o, _) in $i.char_indices() {
if count == cnt {
offset = o;
count += 1;
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[offset..], &$i[..offset])
take!(input, cnt)
@ -91,22 +99,7 @@ macro_rules! take_s (
macro_rules! is_not_s (
($input:expr, $arr:expr) => (
use std::collections::HashSet;
let set: HashSet<char> = $arr.chars().collect();
let mut offset = $input.len();
for (o, c) in $input.char_indices() {
if set.contains(&c) {
offset = o;
if offset == 0 {
} else if offset < $input.len() {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$input[offset..], &$input[..offset])
} else {
$crate::IResult::Done("", $input)
is_not!($input, $arr)
@ -131,22 +124,7 @@ macro_rules! is_not_s (
macro_rules! is_a_s (
($input:expr, $arr:expr) => (
use std::collections::HashSet;
let set: HashSet<char> = $arr.chars().collect();
let mut offset = $input.len();
for (o, c) in $input.char_indices() {
if !set.contains(&c) {
offset = o;
if offset == 0 {
} else if offset < $input.len() {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$input[offset..], &$input[..offset])
} else {
$crate::IResult::Done("", $input)
is_a!($input, $arr)
@ -173,18 +151,7 @@ macro_rules! is_a_s (
macro_rules! take_while_s (
($input:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
let mut offset = $input.len();
for (o, c) in $input.char_indices() {
if !$submac!(c, $($args)*) {
offset = o;
if offset < $input.len() {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$input[offset..], &$input[..offset])
} else {
$crate::IResult::Done("", $input)
take_while!($input, $submac!($($args)*))
($input:expr, $f:expr) => (
@ -211,22 +178,7 @@ macro_rules! take_while_s (
macro_rules! take_while1_s (
($input:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
let mut offset = $input.len();
for (o, c) in $input.char_indices() {
if !$submac!(c, $($args)*) {
offset = o;
if offset == 0 {
} else if offset < $input.len() {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$input[offset..], &$input[..offset])
} else {
$crate::IResult::Done("", $input)
take_while1!($input, $submac!($($args)*))
($input:expr, $f:expr) => (
take_while1_s!($input, call!($f));
@ -234,27 +186,15 @@ macro_rules! take_while1_s (
/// `take_till_s!(&str -> bool) => &str -> IResult<&str, &str>`
/// `take_till_s!(char -> bool) => &str -> IResult<&str, &str>`
/// returns the longest list of characters until the provided function succeeds
/// The argument is either a function `char -> bool` or a macro returning a `bool
macro_rules! take_till_s (
($input:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
let mut offset = $input.len();
for (o, c) in $input.char_indices() {
if $submac!(c, $($args)*) {
offset = o;
if offset < $input.len() {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$input[offset..], &$input[..offset])
} else {
$crate::IResult::Done("", $input)
take_till!($input, $submac!($($args)*))
($input:expr, $f:expr) => (
@ -262,48 +202,29 @@ macro_rules! take_till_s (
/// `take_till1_s!(char -> bool) => &str -> IResult<&str, &str>`
/// returns the longest non empty list of characters until the provided function succeeds
/// The argument is either a function `char -> bool` or a macro returning a `bool
macro_rules! take_till1_s (
($input:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
take_till1!($input, $submac!($($args)*))
($input:expr, $f:expr) => (
take_till1_s!($input, call!($f));
/// `take_until_and_consume_s!(&str) => &str -> IResult<&str, &str>`
/// generates a parser consuming all chars until the specified string is found and consumes it
macro_rules! take_until_and_consume_s (
($input:expr, $substr:expr) => (
fn shift_window_and_cmp(window: & mut ::std::vec::Vec<char>, c: char, substr_vec: & ::std::vec::Vec<char>) -> bool {
if window.len() > substr_vec.len() {
window == substr_vec
let res: $crate::IResult<_, _> = if $substr.len() > $input.len() {
} else {
let substr_vec: ::std::vec::Vec<char> = $substr.chars().collect();
let mut window: ::std::vec::Vec<char> = vec![];
let mut offset = $input.len();
let mut parsed = false;
for (o, c) in $input.char_indices() {
if parsed {
// The easiest way to get the byte offset of the char after the found string
offset = o;
if shift_window_and_cmp(& mut window, c, &substr_vec) {
parsed = true;
if parsed {
if offset < $input.len() {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$input[offset..], &$input[..offset])
} else {
$crate::IResult::Done("", $input)
} else {
take_until_and_consume!($input, $substr)
@ -314,39 +235,7 @@ macro_rules! take_until_and_consume_s (
macro_rules! take_until_s (
($input:expr, $substr:expr) => (
fn shift_window_and_cmp(window: & mut Vec<char>, c: char, substr_vec: &Vec<char>) -> bool {
if window.len() > substr_vec.len() {
window == substr_vec
let res: $crate::IResult<&str, &str> = if $substr.len() > $input.len() {
} else {
let substr_vec: Vec<char> = $substr.chars().collect();
let mut window: Vec<char> = vec![];
let mut offset = $input.len();
let mut parsed = false;
for (o, c) in $input.char_indices() {
if shift_window_and_cmp(& mut window, c, &substr_vec) {
parsed = true;
let window_len: usize = window.iter()
.map(|x| x.len_utf8())
.fold(0, |x, y| x + y);
offset = o - window_len;
if parsed {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$input[offset..], &$input[..offset])
} else {
take_until!($input, $substr)
@ -451,8 +340,8 @@ mod test {
use internal::IResult::{Done, Error};
use internal::Err::Position;
use internal::IResult::{Done, Error, Incomplete};
use internal::Needed;
use util::ErrorKind;
pub fn is_alphabetic(c:char) -> bool {
@ -480,10 +369,10 @@ mod test {
let c = "abcd123";
let d = "123";
assert_eq!(f(&a[..]), Error(Position(ErrorKind::TakeWhile1Str, &""[..])));
assert_eq!(f(&a[..]), Incomplete(Needed::Size(1)));
assert_eq!(f(&b[..]), Done(&a[..], &b[..]));
assert_eq!(f(&c[..]), Done(&"123"[..], &b[..]));
assert_eq!(f(&d[..]), Error(Position(ErrorKind::TakeWhile1Str, &d[..])));
assert_eq!(f(&d[..]), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::TakeWhile1, &d[..])));
@ -557,16 +446,16 @@ mod test {
fn take_until_and_consume_s_succeed() {
const INPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇáƒƭèř";
const FIND: &'static str = "姂";
const CONSUMED: &'static str = "βèƒôřèÂßÇ";
const OUTPUT: &'static str = "βèƒôřè";
const LEFTOVER: &'static str = "áƒƭèř";
match take_until_and_consume_s!(INPUT, FIND) {
IResult::Done(extra, output) => {
assert!(extra == LEFTOVER, "Parser `take_until_and_consume_s`\
consumed leftover input. Leftover `{}`.", extra);
assert!(output == CONSUMED, "Parser `take_until_and_consume_s`\
doens't return the string it consumed on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.",
CONSUMED, output);
assert!(output == OUTPUT, "Parser `take_until_and_consume_s`\
doens't return the string it selected on success. Expected `{}`, got `{}`.",
OUTPUT, output);
other => panic!("Parser `take_until_and_consume_s` didn't succeed when it should have. \
Got `{:?}`.", other),
@ -731,4 +620,39 @@ mod test {
Got `{:?}`.", other),
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn recognize_is_a_s() {
let a = "aabbab";
let b = "ababcd";
named!(f <&str,&str>, recognize!(many1!(alt!( tag_s!("a") | tag_s!("b") ))));
assert_eq!(f(&a[..]), Done(&a[6..], &a[..]));
assert_eq!(f(&b[..]), Done(&b[4..], &b[..4]));
fn utf8_indexing() {
named!(dot(&str) -> &str,
fn case_insensitive() {
named!(test<&str,&str>, tag_no_case!("ABcd"));
assert_eq!(test("aBCdefgh"), Done("efgh", "aBCd"));
assert_eq!(test("abcdefgh"), Done("efgh", "abcd"));
assert_eq!(test("ABCDefgh"), Done("efgh", "ABCD"));
named!(test2<&str,&str>, tag_no_case!("ABcd"));
assert_eq!(test2("aBCdefgh"), Done("efgh", "aBCd"));
assert_eq!(test2("abcdefgh"), Done("efgh", "abcd"));
assert_eq!(test2("ABCDefgh"), Done("efgh", "ABCD"));

third_party/rust/nom/src/stream.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -212,9 +212,11 @@ impl<'x,'b> Producer<'b,&'x[u8],Move> for MemProducer<'x> {
use std::cmp;
let end = cmp::min(self.index + self.chunk_size, self.length);
if self.index + self.chunk_size > self.length {
} else {
consumer.handle(Input::Element(&self.buffer[self.index..self.index + self.chunk_size]))
} else {
@ -259,7 +261,15 @@ impl FileProducer {
shift(&mut self.v, self.start, self.end);
self.end = self.end - self.start;
self.start = 0;
match self.file.read(&mut self.v[self.end..]) {
let remaining = &mut self.v[self.end..];
// already full, prevents erroneous Eof below
if remaining.is_empty() {
return Some(0);
match self.file.read(remaining) {
Err(_) => {
self.state = FileProducerState::Error;
@ -494,7 +504,7 @@ macro_rules! consumer_from_parser (
impl $crate::Consumer<$input, $output, (), $crate::Move> for $name {
fn handle(&mut self, input: $crate::Input<$input>) -> & $crate::ConsumerState<$output, (), $crate::Move> {
use $crate::HexDisplay;
use $crate::Offset;
match input {
$crate::Input::Empty | $crate::Input::Eof(None) => &self.state,
$crate::Input::Element(sl) | $crate::Input::Eof(Some(sl)) => {
@ -537,7 +547,7 @@ macro_rules! consumer_from_parser (
impl<'a> $crate::Consumer<&'a[u8], $output, (), $crate::Move> for $name {
fn handle(&mut self, input: $crate::Input<&'a[u8]>) -> & $crate::ConsumerState<$output, (), $crate::Move> {
use $crate::HexDisplay;
use $crate::Offset;
match input {
$crate::Input::Empty | $crate::Input::Eof(None) => &self.state,
$crate::Input::Element(sl) | $crate::Input::Eof(Some(sl)) => {
@ -577,7 +587,7 @@ macro_rules! consumer_from_parser (
mod tests {
use super::*;
use internal::IResult;
use util::HexDisplay;
use util::Offset;
use std::str::from_utf8;
use std::io::SeekFrom;
@ -897,8 +907,8 @@ mod tests {
fn lf(i:& u8) -> bool {
*i == '\n' as u8
fn lf(i:u8) -> bool {
i == '\n' as u8
fn to_utf8_string(input:&[u8]) -> String {
@ -938,6 +948,27 @@ mod tests {
fn small_buffer() {
let mut f = FileProducer::new("LICENSE", 10 /* smaller than a line */).unwrap();
let mut a = LineConsumer::new();
for i in 0..2 {
match f.apply(&mut a) {
&ConsumerState::Continue(Move::Await(_)) => {}
_ => assert!(false, "LineConsumer should be awaiting more input: {}", i),
assert_eq!(FileProducerState::Normal, f.state());
f.resize(200 /* large enough for a line */);
match f.apply(&mut a) {
&ConsumerState::Done(..) => {}
_ => assert!(false, "LineConsumer should have succeeded"),
assert_eq!(FileProducerState::Normal, f.state());
enum SeekState {

third_party/rust/nom/src/traits.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
//! Traits input types have to implement to work with nom combinators
use std::ops::{Range,RangeTo,RangeFrom,RangeFull};
use std::iter::Enumerate;
use std::slice::Iter;
use std::str::Chars;
use std::str::CharIndices;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::str::from_utf8;
use memchr;
/// abstract method to calculate the input length
pub trait InputLength {
/// calculates the input length, as indicated by its name,
/// and the name of the trait itself
fn input_len(&self) -> usize;
impl<'a, T> InputLength for &'a[T] {
fn input_len(&self) -> usize {
impl<'a> InputLength for &'a str {
fn input_len(&self) -> usize {
impl<'a> InputLength for (&'a [u8], usize) {
fn input_len(&self) -> usize {
//println!("bit input length for ({:?}, {}):", self.0, self.1);
let res = self.0.len() * 8 - self.1;
//println!("-> {}", res);
/// transforms common types to a char for basic token parsing
pub trait AsChar {
/// makes a char from self
fn as_char(self) -> char;
/// tests that self is an alphabetic character
/// warning: for `&str` it recognizes alphabetic
/// characters outside of the 52 ASCII letters
fn is_alpha(self) -> bool;
/// tests that self is an alphabetic character
/// or a decimal digit
fn is_alphanum(self) -> bool;
/// tests that self is a decimal digit
fn is_dec_digit(self) -> bool;
/// tests that self is an hex digit
fn is_hex_digit(self) -> bool;
/// tests that self is an octal digit
fn is_oct_digit(self) -> bool;
/// gets the len in bytes for self
fn len(self) -> usize;
impl AsChar for u8 {
fn as_char(self) -> char { self as char }
fn is_alpha(self) -> bool {
(self >= 0x41 && self <= 0x5A) || (self >= 0x61 && self <= 0x7A)
fn is_alphanum(self) -> bool { self.is_alpha() || self.is_dec_digit() }
fn is_dec_digit(self) -> bool {
self >= 0x30 && self <= 0x39
fn is_hex_digit(self) -> bool {
(self >= 0x30 && self <= 0x39) ||
(self >= 0x41 && self <= 0x46) ||
(self >= 0x61 && self <= 0x66)
fn is_oct_digit(self) -> bool {
self >= 0x30 && self <= 0x37
fn len(self) -> usize {
impl<'a> AsChar for &'a u8 {
fn as_char(self) -> char { *self as char }
fn is_alpha(self) -> bool {
(*self >= 0x41 && *self <= 0x5A) || (*self >= 0x61 && *self <= 0x7A)
fn is_alphanum(self) -> bool { self.is_alpha() || self.is_dec_digit() }
fn is_dec_digit(self) -> bool {
*self >= 0x30 && *self <= 0x39
fn is_hex_digit(self) -> bool {
(*self >= 0x30 && *self <= 0x39) ||
(*self >= 0x41 && *self <= 0x46) ||
(*self >= 0x61 && *self <= 0x66)
fn is_oct_digit(self) -> bool {
*self >= 0x30 && *self <= 0x37
fn len(self) -> usize {
impl AsChar for char {
fn as_char(self) -> char { self }
fn is_alpha(self) -> bool { self.is_alphabetic() }
fn is_alphanum(self) -> bool { self.is_alpha() || self.is_dec_digit() }
fn is_dec_digit(self) -> bool { self.is_digit(10) }
fn is_hex_digit(self) -> bool { self.is_digit(16) }
fn is_oct_digit(self) -> bool { self.is_digit(8) }
fn len(self) -> usize { self.len_utf8() }
impl<'a> AsChar for &'a char {
fn as_char(self) -> char { self.clone() }
fn is_alpha(self) -> bool { self.is_alphabetic() }
fn is_alphanum(self) -> bool { self.is_alpha() || self.is_dec_digit() }
fn is_dec_digit(self) -> bool { self.is_digit(10) }
fn is_hex_digit(self) -> bool { self.is_digit(16) }
fn is_oct_digit(self) -> bool { self.is_digit(8) }
fn len(self) -> usize { self.len_utf8() }
/// abstracts common iteration operations on the input type
/// it needs a distinction between `Item` and `RawItem` because
/// `&[T]` iterates on references
pub trait InputIter {
type Item;
type RawItem;
type Iter : Iterator<Item=(usize, Self::Item)>;
type IterElem : Iterator<Item=Self::Item>;
/// returns an iterator over the elements and their byte offsets
fn iter_indices(&self) -> Self::Iter;
/// returns an iterator over the elements
fn iter_elements(&self) -> Self::IterElem;
/// finds the byte position of the element
fn position<P>(&self, predicate: P) -> Option<usize> where P: Fn(Self::RawItem) -> bool;
/// get the byte offset from the element's position in the stream
fn slice_index(&self, count:usize) -> Option<usize>;
/// abstracts slicing operations
pub trait InputTake {
/// returns a slice of `count` bytes
fn take<P>(&self, count: usize) -> Option<&Self>;
/// split the stream at the `count` byte offset
fn take_split<P>(&self, count: usize) -> Option<(&Self,&Self)>;
impl<'a> InputIter for &'a [u8] {
type Item = &'a u8;
type RawItem = u8;
type Iter = Enumerate<Iter<'a, Self::RawItem>>;
type IterElem = Iter<'a, Self::RawItem>;
fn iter_indices(&self) -> Self::Iter {
fn iter_elements(&self) -> Self::IterElem {
fn position<P>(&self, predicate: P) -> Option<usize> where P: Fn(Self::RawItem) -> bool {
self.iter().position(|b| predicate(*b))
fn slice_index(&self, count:usize) -> Option<usize> {
if self.len() >= count {
} else {
impl InputTake for [u8] {
fn take<P>(&self, count: usize) -> Option<&Self> {
if self.len() >= count {
} else {
fn take_split<P>(&self, count: usize) -> Option<(&Self,&Self)> {
if self.len() >= count {
} else {
impl<'a> InputIter for &'a str {
type Item = char;
type RawItem = char;
type Iter = CharIndices<'a>;
type IterElem = Chars<'a>;
fn iter_indices(&self) -> Self::Iter {
fn iter_elements(&self) -> Self::IterElem {
fn position<P>(&self, predicate: P) -> Option<usize> where P: Fn(Self::RawItem) -> bool {
for (o,c) in self.char_indices() {
if predicate(c) {
return Some(o)
fn slice_index(&self, count:usize) -> Option<usize> {
let mut cnt = 0;
for (index, _) in self.char_indices() {
if cnt == count {
return Some(index)
cnt += 1;
if cnt == count {
return Some(self.len())
impl InputTake for str {
fn take<P>(&self, count: usize) -> Option<&Self> {
let mut cnt = 0;
for (index, _) in self.char_indices() {
if cnt == count {
return Some(&self[..index])
cnt += 1;
// return byte index
fn take_split<P>(&self, count: usize) -> Option<(&Self,&Self)> {
let mut cnt = 0;
for (index, _) in self.char_indices() {
if cnt == count {
return Some((&self[index..],&self[..index]))
cnt += 1;
/// indicates wether a comparison was successful, an error, or
/// if more data was needed
pub enum CompareResult {
/// abstracts comparison operations
pub trait Compare<T> {
/// compares self to another value for equality
fn compare(&self, t:T) -> CompareResult;
/// compares self to another value for equality
/// independently of the case.
/// warning: for `&str`, the comparison is done
/// by lowercasing both strings and comparing
/// the result. This is a temporary solution until
/// a better one appears
fn compare_no_case(&self, t:T) -> CompareResult;
impl<'a,'b> Compare<&'b[u8]> for &'a [u8] {
fn compare(&self, t: &'b[u8]) -> CompareResult {
let len = self.len();
let blen = t.len();
let m = if len < blen { len } else { blen };
let reduced = &self[..m];
let b = &t[..m];
if reduced != b {
} else if m < blen {
} else {
fn compare_no_case(&self, t: &'b[u8]) -> CompareResult {
let len = self.len();
let blen = t.len();
let m = if len < blen { len } else { blen };
let reduced = &self[..m];
let other = &t[..m];
if !reduced.iter().zip(other).all(|(a, b)| {
match (*a,*b) {
(0...64, 0...64) | (91...96, 91...96) | (123...255, 123...255) => a == b,
(65...90, 65...90) | (97...122, 97...122) | (65...90, 97...122 ) |(97...122, 65...90) => {
*a | 0b00100000 == *b | 0b00100000
_ => false
}) {
} else if m < blen {
} else {
impl<'a,'b> Compare<&'b str> for &'a [u8] {
fn compare(&self, t: &'b str) -> CompareResult {
fn compare_no_case(&self, t: &'b str) -> CompareResult {
impl<'a,'b> Compare<&'b str> for &'a str {
fn compare(&self, t: &'b str) -> CompareResult {
let pos = self.chars().zip(t.chars()).position(|(a,b)| a != b);
match pos {
Some(_) => CompareResult::Error,
None => if self.len() >= t.len() {
} else {
//FIXME: this version is too simple and does not use the current locale
fn compare_no_case(&self, t: &'b str) -> CompareResult {
let pos = self.to_lowercase().chars().zip(t.to_lowercase().chars()).position(|(a,b)| a != b);
match pos {
Some(_) => CompareResult::Error,
None => if self.len() >= t.len() {
} else {
/// look for self in the given input stream
pub trait FindToken<T> {
fn find_token(&self, input: T) -> bool;
impl<'a> FindToken<&'a[u8]> for u8 {
fn find_token(&self, input: &[u8]) -> bool {
memchr::memchr(*self, input).is_some()
impl<'a> FindToken<&'a str> for u8 {
fn find_token(&self, input: &str) -> bool {
impl<'a,'b> FindToken<&'a[u8]> for &'b u8 {
fn find_token(&self, input: &[u8]) -> bool {
memchr::memchr(**self, input).is_some()
impl<'a,'b> FindToken<&'a str> for &'b u8 {
fn find_token(&self, input: &str) -> bool {
impl<'a> FindToken<&'a str> for char {
fn find_token(&self, input: &str) -> bool {
for i in input.chars() {
if *self == i { return true }
/// look for a substring in self
pub trait FindSubstring<T> {
fn find_substring(&self, substr: T) -> Option<usize>;
impl<'a,'b> FindSubstring<&'b [u8]> for &'a[u8] {
fn find_substring(&self, substr: &'b[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
let substr_len = substr.len();
if substr_len == 0 {
} else if substr_len == 1 {
memchr::memchr(substr[0], self)
} else {
let max = self.len() - substr_len;
let mut offset = 0;
let mut haystack = &self[..];
while let Some(position) = memchr::memchr(substr[0], haystack) {
offset += position;
if offset > max {
return None
if &haystack[position..position + substr_len] == substr {
return Some(offset)
haystack = &haystack[position + 1..];
offset += 1;
impl<'a,'b> FindSubstring<&'b str> for &'a[u8] {
fn find_substring(&self, substr: &'b str) -> Option<usize> {
impl<'a,'b> FindSubstring<&'b str> for &'a str {
//returns byte index
fn find_substring(&self, substr: &'b str) -> Option<usize> {
/// used to integrate str's parse() method
pub trait ParseTo<R> {
fn parse_to(&self) -> Option<R>;
impl<'a,R: FromStr> ParseTo<R> for &'a[u8] {
fn parse_to(&self) -> Option<R> {
from_utf8(self).ok().and_then(|s| s.parse().ok())
impl<'a,R:FromStr> ParseTo<R> for &'a str {
fn parse_to(&self) -> Option<R> {
/// slicing operations using ranges
/// this trait is loosely based on
/// `Index`, but can actually return
/// something else than a `&[T]` or `&str`
pub trait Slice<R> {
fn slice(&self, range: R) -> Self;
macro_rules! impl_fn_slice {
( $ty:ty ) => {
fn slice(&self, range:$ty) -> Self {
macro_rules! slice_range_impl {
( [ $for_type:ident ], $ty:ty ) => {
impl<'a, $for_type> Slice<$ty> for &'a [$for_type] {
impl_fn_slice!( $ty );
( $for_type:ty, $ty:ty ) => {
impl<'a> Slice<$ty> for &'a $for_type {
impl_fn_slice!( $ty );
macro_rules! slice_ranges_impl {
( [ $for_type:ident ] ) => {
slice_range_impl! {[$for_type], Range<usize>}
slice_range_impl! {[$for_type], RangeTo<usize>}
slice_range_impl! {[$for_type], RangeFrom<usize>}
slice_range_impl! {[$for_type], RangeFull}
( $for_type:ty ) => {
slice_range_impl! {$for_type, Range<usize>}
slice_range_impl! {$for_type, RangeTo<usize>}
slice_range_impl! {$for_type, RangeFrom<usize>}
slice_range_impl! {$for_type, RangeFull}
slice_ranges_impl! {str}
slice_ranges_impl! {[T]}
macro_rules! array_impls {
($($N:expr)+) => {
impl InputLength for [u8; $N] {
fn input_len(&self) -> usize {
impl<'a> InputLength for &'a [u8; $N] {
fn input_len(&self) -> usize {
impl<'a> Compare<[u8; $N]> for &'a [u8] {
fn compare(&self, t: [u8; $N]) -> CompareResult {
fn compare_no_case(&self, t: [u8;$N]) -> CompareResult {
impl<'a,'b> Compare<&'b [u8; $N]> for &'a [u8] {
fn compare(&self, t: &'b [u8; $N]) -> CompareResult {
fn compare_no_case(&self, t: &'b [u8;$N]) -> CompareResult {
array_impls! {
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31 32

third_party/rust/nom/src/util.rs поставляемый
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@ -1,19 +1,27 @@
use internal::{IResult,Err};
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
use internal::IResult;
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
use verbose_errors::Err;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::collections::HashMap;
#[cfg(feature = "core")]
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
use std::prelude::v1::*;
use std::vec::Vec;
use std::string::ToString;
/// useful functions to calculate the offset between slices and show a hexdump of a slice
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
pub trait HexDisplay {
pub trait Offset {
/// offset between the first byte of self and the first byte of the argument
fn offset(&self, second:&[u8]) -> usize;// OFFSET SHOULD GO TO ITS OWN TRAIT
fn offset(&self, second:&Self) -> usize;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub trait HexDisplay {
/// Converts the value of `self` to a hex dump, returning the owned
/// string.
fn to_hex(&self, chunk_size: usize) -> String;
@ -23,130 +31,28 @@ pub trait HexDisplay {
fn to_hex_from(&self, chunk_size: usize, from: usize) -> String;
pub trait InputLength {
fn input_len(&self) -> usize;
impl<'a, T> InputLength for &'a[T] {
fn input_len(&self) -> usize {
impl<'a> InputLength for &'a str {
fn input_len(&self) -> usize {
impl<'a> InputLength for (&'a [u8], usize) {
fn input_len(&self) -> usize {
//println!("bit input length for ({:?}, {}):", self.0, self.1);
let res = self.0.len() * 8 - self.1;
//println!("-> {}", res);
use std::iter::Enumerate;
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
use std::str::CharIndices;
pub trait AsChar {
fn as_char(self) -> char;
fn is_alpha(self) -> bool;
fn is_alphanum(self) -> bool;
fn is_0_to_9(self) -> bool;
fn is_hex_digit(self) -> bool;
fn is_oct_digit(self) -> bool;
impl<'a> AsChar for &'a u8 {
fn as_char(self) -> char { *self as char }
fn is_alpha(self) -> bool {
(*self >= 0x41 && *self <= 0x5A) || (*self >= 0x61 && *self <= 0x7A)
fn is_alphanum(self) -> bool { self.is_alpha() || self.is_0_to_9() }
fn is_0_to_9(self) -> bool {
*self >= 0x30 && *self <= 0x39
fn is_hex_digit(self) -> bool {
(*self >= 0x30 && *self <= 0x39) ||
(*self >= 0x41 && *self <= 0x46) ||
(*self >= 0x61 && *self <= 0x66)
fn is_oct_digit(self) -> bool {
*self >= 0x30 && *self <= 0x37
impl AsChar for char {
fn as_char(self) -> char { self }
fn is_alpha(self) -> bool { self.is_alphabetic() }
fn is_alphanum(self) -> bool { self.is_alpha() || self.is_0_to_9() }
fn is_0_to_9(self) -> bool { self.is_digit(10) }
fn is_hex_digit(self) -> bool { self.is_digit(16) }
fn is_oct_digit(self) -> bool { self.is_digit(8) }
pub trait IterIndices {
type Item: AsChar;
type Iter : Iterator<Item=(usize, Self::Item)>;
fn iter_indices(self) -> Self::Iter;
impl<'a> IterIndices for &'a [u8] {
type Item = &'a u8;
type Iter = Enumerate<::std::slice::Iter<'a, u8>>;
fn iter_indices(self) -> Enumerate<::std::slice::Iter<'a, u8>> {
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
impl<'a> IterIndices for &'a str {
type Item = char;
type Iter = CharIndices<'a>;
fn iter_indices(self) -> CharIndices<'a> {
static CHARS: &'static[u8] = b"0123456789abcdef";
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
impl HexDisplay for [u8] {
impl Offset for [u8] {
fn offset(&self, second:&[u8]) -> usize {
let fst = self.as_ptr();
let snd = second.as_ptr();
snd as usize - fst as usize
impl Offset for str {
fn offset(&self, second: &Self) -> usize {
let fst = self.as_ptr();
let snd = second.as_ptr();
snd as usize - fst as usize
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl HexDisplay for [u8] {
fn to_hex(&self, chunk_size: usize) -> String {
self.to_hex_from(chunk_size, 0)
@ -241,7 +147,7 @@ macro_rules! dbg (
/// It also displays the input in hexdump format
/// ```
/// ```ignore
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # fn main() {
/// named!(f, dbg_dmp!( tag!( "abcd" ) ) );
@ -278,32 +184,44 @@ macro_rules! dbg_dmp (
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
pub fn error_to_list<P,E:Clone>(e:&Err<P,E>) -> Vec<ErrorKind<E>> {
let mut v:Vec<ErrorKind<E>> = Vec::new();
let mut err = e;
loop {
match *err {
Err::Code(ref i) | Err::Position(ref i,_) => {
match e {
&Err::Code(ref i) | &Err::Position(ref i,_) => {
return v;
Err::Node(ref i, ref next) | Err::NodePosition(ref i, _, ref next) => {
err = &*next;
&Err::Node(ref i, ref next) | &Err::NodePosition(ref i, _, ref next) => {
for error in next.iter() {
if let &Err::Code(ref i2) = error {
if let &Err::Position(ref i2,_) = error {
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
pub fn compare_error_paths<P,E:Clone+PartialEq>(e1:&Err<P,E>, e2:&Err<P,E>) -> bool {
error_to_list(e1) == error_to_list(e2)
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
use std::hash::Hash;
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
pub fn add_error_pattern<'a,I,O,E: Clone+Hash+Eq>(h: &mut HashMap<Vec<ErrorKind<E>>, &'a str>, res: IResult<I,O,E>, message: &'a str) -> bool {
if let IResult::Error(e) = res {
h.insert(error_to_list(&e), message);
@ -320,32 +238,33 @@ pub fn slice_to_offsets(input: &[u8], s: &[u8]) -> (usize, usize) {
(off1, off2)
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
pub fn prepare_errors<O,E: Clone>(input: &[u8], res: IResult<&[u8],O,E>) -> Option<Vec<(ErrorKind<E>, usize, usize)> > {
if let IResult::Error(e) = res {
let mut v:Vec<(ErrorKind<E>, usize, usize)> = Vec::new();
let mut err = e.clone();
loop {
match err {
Err::Position(i,s) => {
let (o1, o2) = slice_to_offsets(input, s);
match e {
Err::Code(_) => {},
Err::Position(i, p) => {
let (o1, o2) = slice_to_offsets(input, p);
v.push((i, o1, o2));
//println!("v is: {:?}", v);
Err::NodePosition(i, s, next) => {
let (o1, o2) = slice_to_offsets(input, s);
v.push((i, o1, o2));
err = *next;
Err::Node(_, next) => {
err = *next;
Err::Code(_) => {
Err::Node(_, _) => {},
Err::NodePosition(i, p, next) => {
for error in next.iter() {
if let &Err::Position(ref i2, ref p2) = error {
let (o1, o2) = slice_to_offsets(input, p2);
v.push((i2.clone(), o1, o2));
let (o1, o2) = slice_to_offsets(input, p);
v.push((i, o1, o2));
v.sort_by(|a, b| a.1.cmp(&b.1));
} else {
@ -353,7 +272,8 @@ pub fn prepare_errors<O,E: Clone>(input: &[u8], res: IResult<&[u8],O,E>) -> Opti
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
pub fn print_error<O,E:Clone>(input: &[u8], res: IResult<&[u8],O,E>) {
if let Some(v) = prepare_errors(input, res) {
let colors = generate_colors(&v);
@ -365,7 +285,8 @@ pub fn print_error<O,E:Clone>(input: &[u8], res: IResult<&[u8],O,E>) {
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
pub fn generate_colors<E>(v: &[(ErrorKind<E>, usize, usize)]) -> HashMap<u32, u8> {
let mut h: HashMap<u32, u8> = HashMap::new();
let mut color = 0;
@ -417,7 +338,7 @@ pub fn write_color(v: &mut Vec<u8>, color: u8) {
v.push('m' as u8);
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub fn print_codes(colors: HashMap<u32, u8>, names: HashMap<u32, &str>) -> String {
let mut v = Vec::new();
for (code, &color) in &colors {
@ -439,7 +360,8 @@ pub fn print_codes(colors: HashMap<u32, u8>, names: HashMap<u32, &str>) -> Strin
#[cfg(not(feature = "core"))]
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
#[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
pub fn print_offsets<E>(input: &[u8], from: usize, offsets: &[(ErrorKind<E>, usize, usize)]) -> String {
let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(input.len() * 3);
let mut i = from;
@ -599,6 +521,7 @@ pub enum ErrorKind<E=u32> {
@ -642,7 +565,10 @@ pub enum ErrorKind<E=u32> {
pub fn error_to_u32<E>(e: &ErrorKind<E>) -> u32 {
@ -702,6 +628,10 @@ pub fn error_to_u32<E>(e: &ErrorKind<E>) -> u32 {
ErrorKind::OctDigit => 61,
ErrorKind::Many0 => 62,
ErrorKind::Not => 63,
ErrorKind::Permutation => 64,
ErrorKind::ManyTill => 65,
ErrorKind::Verify => 66,
ErrorKind::TakeTill1 => 67,
@ -763,7 +693,46 @@ pub fn error_to_u32<E>(e: &ErrorKind<E>) -> u32 {
ErrorKind::TakeUntilStr => "Take until on strings",
ErrorKind::OctDigit => "Octal digit",
ErrorKind::Not => "Negation",
ErrorKind::Permutation => "Permutation",
ErrorKind::ManyTill => "ManyTill",
ErrorKind::Verify => "predicate verification",
ErrorKind::TakeTill1 => "TakeTill1",
/// Convert Err into an ErrorKind.
/// This allows application code to use ErrorKind and stay independent from the `verbose-errors` features activation.
pub fn into_error_kind(self) -> ErrorKind<E> {
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_offset_u8() {
let s = b"abcd123";
let a = &s[..];
let b = &a[2..];
let c = &a[..4];
let d = &a[3..5];
assert_eq!(a.offset(b), 2);
assert_eq!(a.offset(c), 0);
assert_eq!(a.offset(d), 3);
fn test_offset_str() {
let s = "abcřèÂßÇd123";
let a = &s[..];
let b = &a[7..];
let c = &a[..5];
let d = &a[5..9];
assert_eq!(a.offset(b), 7);
assert_eq!(a.offset(c), 0);
assert_eq!(a.offset(d), 5);

third_party/rust/nom/src/verbose_errors.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
//! Error management
//! there are two ways to handle errors in nom. The first one,
//! activated by default, uses the `nom::ErrorKind<E=u32>` enum
//! in the error branch of `IResult`. This enum can hold either
//! a parser specific error code, or a custom error type you
//! specify.
//! If you need more advanced error management, you can activate
//! the "verbose-errors" compilation feature, which will give you
//! the error system available in nom 1.0. The verbose errors
//! accumulate error codes and positions as you backtrack through
//! the parser tree. From there, you can precisely identify which
//! parts of the input triggered the error case.
//! Please note that the verbose error management is a bit slower
//! than the simple one.
use util::ErrorKind;
use internal::{IResult, IError};
use internal::IResult::*;
/// Contains the error that a parser can return
/// If you use the `verbose-errors` compilation feature,
/// `nom::Err` will be the enum defined here,
/// otherwise, it will amount to a `ErrorKind<E=u32>`.
/// It can represent a linked list of errors, indicating the path taken in the parsing tree, with corresponding position in the input data.
/// It depends on P, the input position (for a &[u8] parser, it would be a &[u8]), and E, the custom error type (by default, u32)
pub enum Err<P,E=u32>{
/// An error code, represented by an ErrorKind, which can contain a custom error code represented by E
/// An error code, and the next error
Node(ErrorKind<E>, Vec<Err<P,E>>),
/// An error code, and the input position
Position(ErrorKind<E>, P),
/// An error code, the input position and the next error
NodePosition(ErrorKind<E>, P, Vec<Err<P,E>>)
impl<P,E> Err<P,E> {
/// Convert Err into ErrorKind.
/// This allows application code to use ErrorKind and stay independent from the verbose-errors features activation.
pub fn into_error_kind(self) -> ErrorKind<E> {
match self {
Err::Code(kind) => kind,
Err::Node(kind, _) => kind,
Err::Position(kind, _) => kind,
Err::NodePosition(kind, _, _) => kind,
impl<I,O,E> IResult<I,O,E> {
/// Maps a `IResult<I, O, E>` to `IResult<I, O, N>` by appling a function
/// to a contained `Error` value, leaving `Done` and `Incomplete` value
/// untouched.
pub fn map_err<N, F>(self, f: F) -> IResult<I, O, N>
where F: FnOnce(Err<I, E>) -> Err<I, N> {
match self {
Error(e) => Error(f(e)),
Incomplete(n) => Incomplete(n),
Done(i, o) => Done(i, o),
/// Unwrap the contained `Error(I, E)` value, or panic if the `IResult` is not
/// `Error`.
pub fn unwrap_err(self) -> Err<I, E> {
match self {
Error(e) => e,
Done(_, _) => panic!("unwrap_err() called on an IResult that is Done"),
Incomplete(_) => panic!("unwrap_err() called on an IResult that is Incomplete"),
/// Convert the IResult to a std::result::Result
pub fn to_full_result(self) -> Result<O, IError<I,E>> {
match self {
Done(_, o) => Ok(o),
Incomplete(n) => Err(IError::Incomplete(n)),
Error(e) => Err(IError::Error(e))
/// Convert the IResult to a std::result::Result
pub fn to_result(self) -> Result<O, Err<I,E>> {
match self {
Done(_, o) => Ok(o),
Error(e) => Err(e),
Incomplete(_) => panic!("to_result() called on an IResult that is Incomplete")
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::any::Any;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::{error,fmt};
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::fmt::Debug;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl<P:Debug+Any,E:Debug+Any> error::Error for Err<P,E> {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
let kind = match *self {
Err::Code(ref e) | Err::Node(ref e, _) | Err::Position(ref e, _) | Err::NodePosition(ref e, _, _) => e
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl<P:fmt::Debug,E:fmt::Debug> fmt::Display for Err<P,E> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
Err::Code(ref e) | Err::Node(ref e, _) => {
write!(f, "{:?}", e)
Err::Position(ref e, ref p) | Err::NodePosition(ref e, ref p, _) => {
write!(f, "{:?}:{:?}", p, e)
/// translate parser result from IResult<I,O,u32> to IResult<I,O,E> with a custom type
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use std::collections;
/// # use nom::IResult::Error;
/// # use nom::Err::{Position,NodePosition};
/// # use nom::ErrorKind;
/// # fn main() {
/// // will add a Custom(42) error to the error chain
/// named!(err_test, add_return_error!(ErrorKind::Custom(42), tag!("abcd")));
/// // Convert to IREsult<&[u8], &[u8], &str>
/// named!(parser<&[u8], &[u8], &str>, add_return_error!(ErrorKind::Custom("custom error message"), fix_error!(&str, err_test)));
/// let a = &b"efghblah"[..];
/// let res_a = parser(a);
/// assert_eq!(res_a, Error(NodePosition( ErrorKind::Custom("custom error message"), a, vec!(Position(ErrorKind::Fix, a)))));
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! fix_error (
($i:expr, $t:ty, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
match $submac!($i, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Incomplete(x) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete(x),
$crate::IResult::Done(i, o) => $crate::IResult::Done(i, o),
$crate::IResult::Error(e) => {
let err = match e {
$crate::Err::Code($crate::ErrorKind::Custom(_)) |
$crate::Err::Node($crate::ErrorKind::Custom(_), _) => {
let e: $crate::ErrorKind<$t> = $crate::ErrorKind::Fix;
$crate::Err::Position($crate::ErrorKind::Custom(_), p) |
$crate::Err::NodePosition($crate::ErrorKind::Custom(_), p, _) => {
let e: $crate::ErrorKind<$t> = $crate::ErrorKind::Fix;
$crate::Err::Position(e, p)
$crate::Err::Code(_) |
$crate::Err::Node(_, _) => {
let e: $crate::ErrorKind<$t> = $crate::ErrorKind::Fix;
$crate::Err::Position(_, p) |
$crate::Err::NodePosition(_, p, _) => {
let e: $crate::ErrorKind<$t> = $crate::ErrorKind::Fix;
$crate::Err::Position(e, p)
($i:expr, $t:ty, $f:expr) => (
fix_error!($i, $t, call!($f));
/// `flat_map!(R -> IResult<R,S>, S -> IResult<S,T>) => R -> IResult<R, T>`
/// combines a parser R -> IResult<R,S> and
/// a parser S -> IResult<S,T> to return another
/// parser R -> IResult<R,T>
macro_rules! flat_map(
($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $submac2:ident!( $($args2:tt)* )) => (
match $submac!($i, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(e) => $crate::IResult::Error(e),
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown),
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i)) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i)),
$crate::IResult::Done(i, o) => match $submac2!(o, $($args2)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(e) => {
let err = match e {
$crate::Err::Code(k) | $crate::Err::Node(k, _) | $crate::Err::Position(k, _) | $crate::Err::NodePosition(k, _, _) => {
$crate::Err::Position(k, $i)
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown),
$crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(ref i2)) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(*i2)),
$crate::IResult::Done(_, o2) => $crate::IResult::Done(i, o2)
($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $g:expr) => (
flat_map!($i, $submac!($($args)*), call!($g));
($i:expr, $f:expr, $g:expr) => (
flat_map!($i, call!($f), call!($g));
($i:expr, $f:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
flat_map!($i, call!($f), $submac!($($args)*));

third_party/rust/nom/src/whitespace.rs поставляемый Normal file

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

third_party/rust/nom/tests/arithmetic.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1,22 +1,24 @@
extern crate nom;
use nom::{IResult,digit, multispace};
use nom::{IResult,digit};
// Parser definition
use std::str;
use std::str::FromStr;
named!(parens<i64>, delimited!(
delimited!(opt!(multispace), tag!("("), opt!(multispace)),
delimited!(opt!(multispace), tag!(")"), opt!(multispace))
// We parse any expr surrounded by parens, ignoring all whitespaces around those
named!(parens<i64>, ws!(delimited!( tag!("("), expr, tag!(")") )) );
// We transform an integer string into a i64, ignoring surrounding whitespaces
// We look for a digit suite, and try to convert it.
// If either str::from_utf8 or FromStr::from_str fail,
// we fallback to the parens parser defined above
named!(factor<i64>, alt!(
delimited!(opt!(multispace), digit, opt!(multispace)),
@ -25,27 +27,32 @@ named!(factor<i64>, alt!(
named!(term <i64>, chain!(
mut acc: factor ~
tap!(mul: preceded!(tag!("*"), factor) => acc = acc * mul) |
tap!(div: preceded!(tag!("/"), factor) => acc = acc / div)
|| { return acc }
// We read an initial factor and for each time we find
// a * or / operator followed by another factor, we do
// the math by folding everything
named!(term <i64>, do_parse!(
init: factor >>
res: fold_many0!(
pair!(alt!(tag!("*") | tag!("/")), factor),
|acc, (op, val): (&[u8], i64)| {
if (op[0] as char) == '*' { acc * val } else { acc / val }
) >>
named!(expr <i64>, chain!(
mut acc: term ~
tap!(add: preceded!(tag!("+"), term) => acc = acc + add) |
tap!(sub: preceded!(tag!("-"), term) => acc = acc - sub)
|| { return acc }
named!(expr <i64>, do_parse!(
init: term >>
res: fold_many0!(
pair!(alt!(tag!("+") | tag!("-")), term),
|acc, (op, val): (&[u8], i64)| {
if (op[0] as char) == '+' { acc + val } else { acc - val }
) >>

third_party/rust/nom/tests/arithmetic_ast.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -86,27 +86,27 @@ fn fold_exprs(initial: Expr, remainder: Vec<(Oper, Expr)>) -> Expr {
named!(term< Expr >, chain!(
initial: factor ~
named!(term< Expr >, do_parse!(
initial: factor >>
remainder: many0!(
chain!(tag!("*") ~ mul: factor, || { (Oper::Mul, mul) }) |
chain!(tag!("/") ~ div: factor, || { (Oper::Div, div) })
do_parse!(tag!("*") >> mul: factor >> (Oper::Mul, mul)) |
do_parse!(tag!("/") >> div: factor >> (Oper::Div, div))
|| fold_exprs(initial, remainder))
) >>
(fold_exprs(initial, remainder))
named!(expr< Expr >, chain!(
initial: term ~
named!(expr< Expr >, do_parse!(
initial: term >>
remainder: many0!(
chain!(tag!("+") ~ add: term, || { (Oper::Add, add) }) |
chain!(tag!("-") ~ sub: term, || { (Oper::Sub, sub) })
do_parse!(tag!("+") >> add: term >> (Oper::Add, add)) |
do_parse!(tag!("-") >> sub: term >> (Oper::Sub, sub))
|| fold_exprs(initial, remainder))
) >>
(fold_exprs(initial, remainder))
fn factor_test() {

third_party/rust/nom/tests/blockbuf-arithmetic.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
extern crate nom;
extern crate bytes;
use nom::{Compare,CompareResult,InputLength,InputIter,Slice,HexDisplay};
use std::str;
use std::str::FromStr;
use bytes::{Buf,MutBuf};
use bytes::buf::{BlockBuf,BlockBufCursor};
use std::ops::{Range,RangeTo,RangeFrom,RangeFull};
use std::iter::{Enumerate,Iterator};
use std::fmt;
use std::cmp::{min,PartialEq};
pub struct BlockSlice<'a> {
buf: &'a BlockBuf,
start: usize,
end: usize,
impl<'a> BlockSlice<'a> {
fn cursor(&self) -> WrapCursor<'a> {
let mut cur = self.buf.buf();
WrapCursor {
cursor: cur,
length: self.end - self.start,
impl<'a> fmt::Debug for BlockSlice<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "BlockSlice {{ start: {}, end: {}, data:\n{}\n}}", self.start, self.end, self.buf.bytes().unwrap_or(&b""[..]).to_hex(16))
impl<'a> PartialEq for BlockSlice<'a> {
fn eq(&self, other: &BlockSlice<'a>) -> bool {
let bufs = (self.buf as *const BlockBuf) == (other.buf as *const BlockBuf);
self.start == other.start && self.end == other.end && bufs
impl<'a> Slice<Range<usize>> for BlockSlice<'a> {
fn slice(&self, range:Range<usize>) -> Self {
BlockSlice {
buf: self.buf,
start: self.start + range.start,
//FIXME: check for valid end here
end: self.start + range.end,
impl<'a> Slice<RangeTo<usize>> for BlockSlice<'a> {
fn slice(&self, range:RangeTo<usize>) -> Self {
impl<'a> Slice<RangeFrom<usize>> for BlockSlice<'a> {
fn slice(&self, range:RangeFrom<usize>) -> Self {
self.slice(range.start..self.end - self.start)
impl<'a> Slice<RangeFull> for BlockSlice<'a> {
fn slice(&self, _:RangeFull) -> Self {
BlockSlice {
buf: self.buf,
start: self.start,
end: self.end,
impl<'a> InputIter for BlockSlice<'a> {
type Item = u8;
type RawItem = u8;
type Iter = Enumerate<WrapCursor<'a>>;
type IterElem = WrapCursor<'a>;
fn iter_indices(&self) -> Self::Iter {
fn iter_elements(&self) -> Self::IterElem {
fn position<P>(&self, predicate: P) -> Option<usize> where P: Fn(Self::RawItem) -> bool {
self.cursor().position(|b| predicate(b))
fn slice_index(&self, count:usize) -> Option<usize> {
if self.end - self.start >= count {
} else {
impl<'a> InputLength for BlockSlice<'a> {
fn input_len(&self) -> usize {
self.end - self.start
impl<'a,'b> Compare<&'b[u8]> for BlockSlice<'a> {
fn compare(&self, t: &'b[u8]) -> CompareResult {
let len = self.end - self.start;
let blen = t.len();
let m = if len < blen { len } else { blen };
let reduced = self.slice(..m);
let b = &t[..m];
for (a,b) in reduced.cursor().zip(b.iter()) {
if a != *b {
return CompareResult::Error;
if m < blen {
} else {
fn compare_no_case(&self, t: &'b[u8]) -> CompareResult {
let len = self.end - self.start;
let blen = t.len();
let m = if len < blen { len } else { blen };
let reduced = self.slice(..m);
let other = &t[..m];
if !reduced.cursor().zip(other).all(|(a, b)| {
match (a,*b) {
(0...64, 0...64) | (91...96, 91...96) | (123...255, 123...255) => a == *b,
(65...90, 65...90) | (97...122, 97...122) | (65...90, 97...122 ) |(97...122, 65...90) => {
a & 0b01000000 == *b & 0b01000000
_ => false
}) {
} else if m < blen {
} else {
impl<'a,'b> Compare<&'b str> for BlockSlice<'a> {
fn compare(&self, t: &'b str) -> CompareResult {
fn compare_no_case(&self, t: &'b str) -> CompareResult {
//Wrapper to implement Iterator on BlockBufCursor
pub struct WrapCursor<'a> {
pub cursor: BlockBufCursor<'a>,
pub length: usize,
impl<'a> Iterator for WrapCursor<'a> {
type Item = u8;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<u8> {
//println!("NEXT: length={}, remaining={}", self.length, self.cursor.remaining());
if min(self.length, self.cursor.remaining()) > 0 {
self.length -=1;
} else {
//Reimplement eat_separator instead of fixing iterators
macro_rules! block_eat_separator (
($i:expr, $arr:expr) => (
use nom::{InputLength,InputIter,Slice};
if ($i).input_len() == 0 {
nom::IResult::Done($i, ($i).slice(0..0))
} else {
match ($i).iter_indices().position(|(_, item)| {
for (_,c) in ($arr).iter_indices() {
if *c == item { return false; }
}) {
Some(index) => {
nom::IResult::Done(($i).slice(index..), ($i).slice(..index))
None => {
nom::IResult::Done(($i).slice(($i).input_len()..), $i)
macro_rules! block_named (
($name:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name<'a>( i: BlockSlice<'a> ) -> nom::IResult<BlockSlice<'a>, BlockSlice<'a>, u32> {
$submac!(i, $($args)*)
($name:ident<$o:ty>, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name<'a>( i: BlockSlice<'a> ) -> nom::IResult<BlockSlice<'a>, $o, u32> {
$submac!(i, $($args)*)
block_named!(sp, block_eat_separator!(&b" \t\r\n"[..]));
macro_rules! block_ws (
($i:expr, $($args:tt)*) => (
sep!($i, sp, $($args)*)
block_named!(digit, is_a!("0123456789"));
block_named!(parens<i64>, block_ws!(delimited!( tag!("("), expr, tag!(")") )) );
block_named!(factor<i64>, alt!(
| parens
block_named!(term <i64>, do_parse!(
init: factor >>
res: fold_many0!(
pair!(alt!(tag!("*") | tag!("/")), factor),
|acc, (op, val): (BlockSlice, i64)| {
if (op.cursor().next().unwrap() as char) == '*' { acc * val } else { acc / val }
) >>
block_named!(expr <i64>, do_parse!(
init: term >>
res: fold_many0!(
pair!(alt!(tag!("+") | tag!("-")), term),
|acc, (op, val): (BlockSlice, i64)| {
if (op.cursor().next().unwrap() as char) == '+' { acc + val } else { acc - val }
) >>
fn blockbuf_from(input: &[u8]) -> BlockBuf {
let mut b = BlockBuf::new(2, 100);
fn sl<'a>(input: &'a BlockBuf) -> BlockSlice<'a> {
BlockSlice {
buf: input,
start: 0,
end: input.len(),
fn to_i64<'a>(input: BlockSlice<'a>) -> Result<i64, ()> {
let v: Vec<u8> = input.cursor().collect();
match str::from_utf8(&v) {
Err(_) => Err(()),
Ok(s) => match FromStr::from_str(s) {
Err(_) => Err(()),
Ok(i) => Ok(i)
fn factor_test() {
let a = blockbuf_from(&b"3"[..]);
println!("calculated: {:?}", factor(sl(&a)));
fn parens_test() {
let input1 = blockbuf_from(&b" 2* ( 3 + 4 ) "[..]);
println!("calculated 1: {:?}", expr(sl(&input1)));
let input2 = blockbuf_from(&b" 2*2 / ( 5 - 1) + 3"[..]);
println!("calculated 2: {:?}", expr(sl(&input2)));

Просмотреть файл

@ -5,9 +5,10 @@
/// The solution here wraps `IResult` in a `Result`: a `Ok` indicates usual
/// backtracking, `Err` indicates that we must "cut".
extern crate nom;
#[macro_use] extern crate nom;
#[cfg(feature = "verbose_errors")]
macro_rules! n (
($name:ident( $i:ty ) -> $o:ty, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
fn $name( i: $i ) -> std::result::Result<nom::IResult<$i,$o,u32>, nom::Err<$i, u32>> {
@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ macro_rules! n (
#[cfg(feature = "verbose_errors")]
macro_rules! cut (
($i:expr, $code:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
@ -82,6 +84,7 @@ macro_rules! cut (
#[cfg(feature = "verbose_errors")]
macro_rules! c (
($i:expr, $f:expr) => (
@ -97,14 +100,16 @@ macro_rules! c (
#[cfg(feature = "verbose_errors")]
n!(pub foo< bool >,
tag!("a") ~
cut!(nom::ErrorKind::Custom(42),dbg_dmp!(tag!("b"))) ,
|| { true }
tag!("a") >>
cut!(nom::ErrorKind::Custom(42),dbg_dmp!(tag!("b"))) >>
#[cfg(feature = "verbose_errors")]
n!(pub foos< Vec<bool> >,
@ -113,6 +118,7 @@ n!(pub foos< Vec<bool> >,
#[cfg(feature = "verbose_errors")]
fn test_ok() {
let r = foos(b"(abab)");
@ -123,6 +129,7 @@ fn test_ok() {
#[cfg(feature = "verbose_errors")]
fn test_err() {
let input = b"(ac)";

third_party/rust/nom/tests/float.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
extern crate nom;
use nom::{IResult,digit};
use std::str;
use std::str::FromStr;
named!(unsigned_float <f32>, map_res!(
delimited!(digit, tag!("."), opt!(complete!(digit))) |
delimited!(opt!(digit), tag!("."), digit)
named!(float <f32>, map!(
opt!(alt!(tag!("+") | tag!("-"))),
|(sign, value): (Option<&[u8]>, f32)| {
sign.and_then(|s| if s[0] == ('-' as u8) { Some(-1f32) } else { None }).unwrap_or(1f32) * value
fn unsigned_float_test() {
assert_eq!(unsigned_float(&b"123.456"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 123.456));
assert_eq!(unsigned_float(&b"0.123"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 0.123));
assert_eq!(unsigned_float(&b"123.0"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 123.0));
assert_eq!(unsigned_float(&b"123."[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 123.0));
assert_eq!(unsigned_float(&b".123"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 0.123));
fn float_test() {
assert_eq!(float(&b"123.456"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 123.456));
assert_eq!(float(&b"+123.456"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 123.456));
assert_eq!(float(&b"-123.456"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], -123.456));

third_party/rust/nom/tests/ini.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1,83 +1,68 @@
extern crate nom;
use nom::{IResult,not_line_ending, space, alphanumeric, multispace};
use nom::{IResult, space, alphanumeric, multispace};
use std::str;
use std::collections::HashMap;
named!(category<&str>, map_res!(
delimited!(tag!("["), take_until!("]"), tag!("]")),
take_while!(call!(|c| c != ']' as u8)),
named!(key_value <&[u8],(&str,&str)>,
key: map_res!(alphanumeric, std::str::from_utf8) ~
space? ~
tag!("=") ~
space? ~
val: map_res!(
key: map_res!(alphanumeric, str::from_utf8)
>> opt!(space)
>> char!('=')
>> opt!(space)
>> val: map_res!(
take_while!(call!(|c| c != '\n' as u8 && c != ';' as u8)),
) ~
space? ~
tag!(";") ~
not_line_ending ,
) ? ~
multispace? ,
||{(key, val)}
>> opt!(pair!(char!(';'), take_while!(call!(|c| c != '\n' as u8))))
>> (key, val)
named!(keys_and_values_aggregator<&[u8], Vec<(&str,&str)> >, many0!(key_value));
named!(keys_and_values<&[u8], HashMap<&str, &str> >,
many0!(terminated!(key_value, opt!(multispace))),
|vec: Vec<_>| vec.into_iter().collect()
fn keys_and_values(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], HashMap<&str, &str> > {
let mut h: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
match keys_and_values_aggregator(input) {
IResult::Done(i,tuple_vec) => {
for &(k,v) in &tuple_vec {
h.insert(k, v);
IResult::Done(i, h)
IResult::Incomplete(a) => IResult::Incomplete(a),
IResult::Error(a) => IResult::Error(a)
category: category ~
keys: keys_and_values ,
move ||{(category, keys)}
category: category >>
opt!(multispace) >>
keys: keys_and_values >>
(category, keys)
named!(categories_aggregator<&[u8], Vec<(&str, HashMap<&str,&str>)> >, many0!(category_and_keys));
fn categories(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], HashMap<&str, HashMap<&str, &str> > > {
let mut h: HashMap<&str, HashMap<&str, &str>> = HashMap::new();
match categories_aggregator(input) {
IResult::Done(i,tuple_vec) => {
for &(k,ref v) in &tuple_vec {
h.insert(k, v.clone());
IResult::Done(i, h)
IResult::Incomplete(a) => IResult::Incomplete(a),
IResult::Error(a) => IResult::Error(a)
named!(categories<&[u8], HashMap<&str, HashMap<&str,&str> > >,
many0!(terminated!(key_value, opt!(multispace))),
|vec: Vec<_>| vec.into_iter().collect()
|vec: Vec<_>| vec.into_iter().collect()
fn parse_category_test() {
@ -86,7 +71,7 @@ fn parse_category_test() {
key = value2"[..];
let ini_without_category = &b"parameter=value
let ini_without_category = &b"\n\nparameter=value
key = value2"[..];
let res = category(ini_file);
@ -104,7 +89,7 @@ fn parse_key_value_test() {
let ini_file = &b"parameter=value
key = value2"[..];
let ini_without_key_value = &b"key = value2"[..];
let ini_without_key_value = &b"\nkey = value2"[..];
let res = key_value(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
@ -122,7 +107,7 @@ fn parse_key_value_with_space_test() {
let ini_file = &b"parameter = value
key = value2"[..];
let ini_without_key_value = &b"key = value2"[..];
let ini_without_key_value = &b"\nkey = value2"[..];
let res = key_value(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);
@ -139,7 +124,7 @@ fn parse_key_value_with_comment_test() {
let ini_file = &b"parameter=value;abc
key = value2"[..];
let ini_without_key_value = &b"key = value2"[..];
let ini_without_key_value = &b"\nkey = value2"[..];
let res = key_value(ini_file);
println!("{:?}", res);

third_party/rust/nom/tests/ini_str.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
extern crate nom;
@ -36,40 +35,35 @@ fn right_bracket(c:char) -> bool {
named!(category <&str, &str>,
tag_s!("[") ~
name: take_till_s!(right_bracket) ~
tag_s!("]") ~
space_or_line_ending? ,
||{ name }
tag_s!("[") >>
name: take_till_s!(right_bracket) >>
tag_s!("]") >>
opt!(space_or_line_ending) >>
named!(key_value <&str,(&str,&str)>,
key: alphanumeric ~
space? ~
tag_s!("=") ~
space? ~
val: take_till_s!(is_line_ending_or_comment) ~
space? ~
pair!(tag_s!(";"), not_line_ending)? ~
space_or_line_ending? ,
||{(key, val)}
key: alphanumeric >>
opt!(space) >>
tag_s!("=") >>
opt!(space) >>
val: take_till_s!(is_line_ending_or_comment) >>
opt!(space) >>
opt!(pair!(tag_s!(";"), not_line_ending)) >>
opt!(space_or_line_ending) >>
(key, val)
named!(keys_and_values_aggregator<&str, Vec<(&str,&str)> >, many0!(key_value));
fn keys_and_values(input:&str) -> IResult<&str, HashMap<&str, &str> > {
let mut h: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
match keys_and_values_aggregator(input) {
IResult::Done(i,tuple_vec) => {
for &(k,v) in &tuple_vec {
h.insert(k, v);
IResult::Done(i, h)
IResult::Done(i, tuple_vec.into_iter().collect())
IResult::Incomplete(a) => IResult::Incomplete(a),
IResult::Error(a) => IResult::Error(a)
@ -84,14 +78,9 @@ named!(category_and_keys<&str,(&str,HashMap<&str,&str>)>,
named!(categories_aggregator<&str, Vec<(&str, HashMap<&str,&str>)> >, many0!(category_and_keys));
fn categories(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, HashMap<&str, HashMap<&str, &str> > > {
let mut h: HashMap<&str, HashMap<&str, &str>> = HashMap::new();
match categories_aggregator(input) {
IResult::Done(i,tuple_vec) => {
for &(k,ref v) in &tuple_vec {
h.insert(k, v.clone());
IResult::Done(i, h)
IResult::Done(i, tuple_vec.into_iter().collect())
IResult::Incomplete(a) => IResult::Incomplete(a),
IResult::Error(a) => IResult::Error(a)

third_party/rust/nom/tests/issues.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
extern crate nom;
use nom::{IResult,Needed,HexDisplay,space,digit,be_u16};
use std::str;
use nom::{IResult,Needed,space,be_u16,le_u64};
struct Range {
@ -24,23 +25,21 @@ pub fn take_char(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], char> {
named!(range<&[u8], Range>,
start: take_char ~
tag!("-") ~
end: take_char,
|| {
Range {
start: start,
end: end,
start: take_char >>
tag!("-") >>
end: take_char >>
(Range {
start: start,
end: end,
) |
|c| {
Range {
start: c,
end: c,
end: c,
@ -66,35 +65,43 @@ fn issue_58() {
named!(parse_ints< Vec<i32> >, many0!(spaces_or_int));
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
mod parse_int {
use nom::HexDisplay;
use nom::{IResult,space,digit};
use std::str;
fn spaces_or_int(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], i32>{
println!("{}", input.to_hex(8));
opt!(space) ~
x: digit,
|| {
println!("x: {:?}", x);
let result = str::from_utf8(x).unwrap();
println!("Result: {}", result);
println!("int is empty?: {}", x.is_empty());
match result.parse(){
Ok(i) => i,
Err(_) => panic!("UH OH! NOT A DIGIT!")
named!(parse_ints< Vec<i32> >, many0!(spaces_or_int));
fn issue_142(){
let subject = parse_ints(&b"12 34 5689"[..]);
let expected = IResult::Done(&b""[..], vec![12, 34, 5689]);
assert_eq!(subject, expected);
fn spaces_or_int(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], i32>{
println!("{}", input.to_hex(8));
opt!(complete!(space)) >>
res: map!(complete!(digit),
|x| {
println!("x: {:?}", x);
let result = str::from_utf8(x).unwrap();
println!("Result: {}", result);
println!("int is empty?: {}", x.is_empty());
match result.parse(){
Ok(i) => i,
Err(_) => panic!("UH OH! NOT A DIGIT!")
}) >>
let subject = parse_ints(&b"12 34 5689 "[..]);
let expected = IResult::Done(&b" "[..], vec![12, 34, 5689]);
assert_eq!(subject, expected)
fn issue_142(){
let subject = parse_ints(&b"12 34 5689"[..]);
let expected = IResult::Done(&b""[..], vec![12, 34, 5689]);
assert_eq!(subject, expected);
let subject = parse_ints(&b"12 34 5689 "[..]);
let expected = IResult::Done(&b" "[..], vec![12, 34, 5689]);
assert_eq!(subject, expected)
@ -129,3 +136,22 @@ fn take_till_issue() {
assert_eq!(nothing(b""), IResult::Done(&b""[..], &b""[..]));
assert_eq!(nothing(b"abc"), IResult::Done(&b"abc"[..], &b""[..]));
named!(issue_498< Vec<&[u8]> >, separated_nonempty_list!( opt!(space), tag!("abcd") ));
named!(issue_308(&str) -> bool,
do_parse! (
tag_s! ("foo") >>
b: alt_complete! (
map! (tag_s! ("1"), |_: &str|->bool {true}) |
value! (false)
) >>
(b) ));
fn issue_302(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Option<Vec<u64>> > {
entries: cond!(true, count!(le_u64, 3)) >>
( entries )

third_party/rust/nom/tests/json.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
extern crate nom;
use nom::{digit, alphanumeric};
use std::str::{self,FromStr};
use std::collections::HashMap;
pub enum JsonValue {
// FIXME: since we already parsed a serie of digits and dots,
// we know it is correct UTF-8. no need to use from_utf8 to
// verify it is correct
// FIXME: use alt_complete (implement ws for alt_complete)
named!(unsigned_float <f32>, map_res!(
delimited!(digit, tag!("."), opt!(complete!(digit))) |
delimited!(opt!(digit), tag!("."), digit) |
named!(float<f32>, map!(
opt!(alt!(tag!("+") | tag!("-"))),
|(sign, value): (Option<&[u8]>, f32)| {
sign.and_then(|s| if s[0] == ('-' as u8) { Some(-1f32) } else { None }).unwrap_or(1f32) * value
//FIXME: verify how json strings are formatted
map_res!(escaped!(call!(alphanumeric), '\\', is_a!("\"n\\")), str::from_utf8),
named!(array < Vec<JsonValue> >,
separated_list!(tag!(","), value),
named!(hash< HashMap<String,JsonValue> >,
separated_list!(tag!(","), key_value),
|tuple_vec| {
let mut h: HashMap<String, JsonValue> = HashMap::new();
for (k, v) in tuple_vec {
h.insert(String::from(k), v);
hash => { |h| JsonValue::Object(h) } |
array => { |v| JsonValue::Array(v) } |
string => { |s| JsonValue::Str(String::from(s)) } |
float => { |num| JsonValue::Num(num) }
fn hash_test() {
let test = &b" { \"a\"\t: 42,
\"b\": \"x\"
//FIXME: top level value must be an object?
println!("{:?}", value(&test[..]));
fn parse_example_test() {
let test = &b" { \"a\"\t: 42,
\"b\": [ \"x\", \"y\", 12 ] ,
\"c\": { \"hello\" : \"world\"
//FIXME: top level value must be an object?
println!("{:?}", value(&test[..]));

third_party/rust/nom/tests/mp4.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -4,10 +4,9 @@
extern crate nom;
use nom::{HexDisplay,Needed,IResult,be_u16,be_u32,be_u64,be_f32,ErrorKind};
use nom::{HexDisplay,Offset,Needed,IResult,be_u16,be_u32,be_u64,be_f32,ErrorKind};
use nom::{Consumer,ConsumerState,Move,Input,Producer,FileProducer,FileProducerState};
use nom::IResult::*;
use nom::Err::*;
use std::str;
use std::io::SeekFrom;
@ -94,30 +93,30 @@ pub struct Mvhd64 {
named!(mvhd32 <&[u8], MvhdBox>,
version_flags: be_u32 ~
created_date: be_u32 ~
modified_date: be_u32 ~
scale: be_u32 ~
duration: be_u32 ~
speed: be_f32 ~
volume: be_u16 ~ // actually a 2 bytes decimal
take!(10) ~
scale_a: be_f32 ~
rotate_b: be_f32 ~
angle_u: be_f32 ~
rotate_c: be_f32 ~
scale_d: be_f32 ~
angle_v: be_f32 ~
position_x: be_f32 ~
position_y: be_f32 ~
scale_w: be_f32 ~
preview: be_u64 ~
poster: be_u32 ~
selection: be_u64 ~
current_time: be_u32 ~
track_id: be_u32,
version_flags: be_u32 >>
created_date: be_u32 >>
modified_date: be_u32 >>
scale: be_u32 >>
duration: be_u32 >>
speed: be_f32 >>
volume: be_u16 >> // actually a 2 bytes decimal
take!(10) >>
scale_a: be_f32 >>
rotate_b: be_f32 >>
angle_u: be_f32 >>
rotate_c: be_f32 >>
scale_d: be_f32 >>
angle_v: be_f32 >>
position_x: be_f32 >>
position_y: be_f32 >>
scale_w: be_f32 >>
preview: be_u64 >>
poster: be_u32 >>
selection: be_u64 >>
current_time: be_u32 >>
track_id: be_u32 >>
MvhdBox::M32(Mvhd32 {
version_flags: version_flags,
created_date: created_date,
@ -141,36 +140,35 @@ named!(mvhd32 <&[u8], MvhdBox>,
current_time: current_time,
track_id: track_id
named!(mvhd64 <&[u8], MvhdBox>,
version_flags: be_u32 ~
created_date: be_u64 ~
modified_date: be_u64 ~
scale: be_u32 ~
duration: be_u64 ~
speed: be_f32 ~
volume: be_u16 ~ // actually a 2 bytes decimal
take!(10) ~
scale_a: be_f32 ~
rotate_b: be_f32 ~
angle_u: be_f32 ~
rotate_c: be_f32 ~
scale_d: be_f32 ~
angle_v: be_f32 ~
position_x: be_f32 ~
position_y: be_f32 ~
scale_w: be_f32 ~
preview: be_u64 ~
poster: be_u32 ~
selection: be_u64 ~
current_time: be_u32 ~
track_id: be_u32,
version_flags: be_u32 >>
created_date: be_u64 >>
modified_date: be_u64 >>
scale: be_u32 >>
duration: be_u64 >>
speed: be_f32 >>
volume: be_u16 >> // actually a 2 bytes decimal
take!(10) >>
scale_a: be_f32 >>
rotate_b: be_f32 >>
angle_u: be_f32 >>
rotate_c: be_f32 >>
scale_d: be_f32 >>
angle_v: be_f32 >>
position_x: be_f32 >>
position_y: be_f32 >>
scale_w: be_f32 >>
preview: be_u64 >>
poster: be_u32 >>
selection: be_u64 >>
current_time: be_u32 >>
track_id: be_u32 >>
MvhdBox::M64(Mvhd64 {
version_flags: version_flags,
created_date: created_date,
@ -194,8 +192,7 @@ named!(mvhd64 <&[u8], MvhdBox>,
current_time: current_time,
track_id: track_id
@ -246,11 +243,11 @@ struct MP4BoxHeader {
named!(brand_name<&[u8],&str>, map_res!(take!(4), str::from_utf8));
named!(filetype_parser<&[u8], FileType>,
m: brand_name ~
v: take!(4) ~
c: many0!(brand_name) ,
||{ FileType{ major_brand: m, major_brand_version:v, compatible_brands: c } }
m: brand_name >>
v: take!(4) >>
c: many0!(brand_name) >>
(FileType{ major_brand: m, major_brand_version:v, compatible_brands: c })
@ -262,7 +259,7 @@ fn mvhd_box(input:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8],MvhdBox> {
} else if input.len() == 112 {
} else {
println!("res: {:?}", res);
@ -303,18 +300,18 @@ named!(moov_type<&[u8], MP4BoxType>,
length: be_u32 ~
tag: box_type ,
|| { MP4BoxHeader{ length: length, tag: tag} }
length: be_u32 >>
tag: box_type >>
(MP4BoxHeader{ length: length, tag: tag})
length: be_u32 ~
tag: moov_type ,
|| { MP4BoxHeader{ length: length, tag: tag} }
length: be_u32 >>
tag: moov_type >>
(MP4BoxHeader{ length: length, tag: tag})

third_party/rust/nom/tests/multiline.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
extern crate nom;
use nom::{IResult,alphanumeric,eol};
use std::str;
named!(end_of_line, alt!(eof!() | eol));
named!(read_line <&str>, map_res!(
terminated!(alphanumeric, end_of_line),
named!(read_lines <Vec<&str> >, many0!(read_line));
fn read_lines_test() {
let res = IResult::Done(&b""[..], vec!["Duck", "Dog", "Cow"]);
assert_eq!(read_lines(&b"Duck\nDog\nCow\n"[..]), res);
assert_eq!(read_lines(&b"Duck\nDog\nCow"[..]), res);

third_party/rust/nom/tests/named_args.rs поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
extern crate nom;
use nom::{IResult,digit};
// Parser definition
use std::str;
use std::str::FromStr;
use self::Operator::*;
enum Operator {
impl Operator {
fn to_str(&self) -> &'static str {
match *self {
Slash => "/",
Star => "*",
// Parse the specified `Operator`.
named_args!(operator(op: Operator) <&[u8]>,
// We parse any expr surrounded by the tags `open_tag` and `close_tag`, ignoring all whitespaces around those
named_args!(brackets<'a>(open_tag: &str, close_tag: &str) <i64>, ws!(delimited!( tag!(open_tag), expr, tag!(close_tag) )) );
// We transform an integer string into a i64, ignoring surrounding whitespaces
// We look for a digit suite, and try to convert it.
// If either str::from_utf8 or FromStr::from_str fail,
// we fallback to the brackets parser defined above
named!(factor<i64>, alt!(
| call!(brackets, "(", ")")
// We read an initial factor and for each time we find
// a * or / operator followed by another factor, we do
// the math by folding everything
named!(term <i64>, do_parse!(
init: factor >>
res: fold_many0!(
pair!(alt!(call!(operator, Star) | call!(operator, Slash)), factor),
|acc, (op, val): (&[u8], i64)| {
if (op[0] as char) == '*' { acc * val } else { acc / val }
) >>
named!(expr <i64>, do_parse!(
init: term >>
res: fold_many0!(
pair!(alt!(tag!("+") | tag!("-")), term),
|acc, (op, val): (&[u8], i64)| {
if (op[0] as char) == '+' { acc + val } else { acc - val }
) >>
fn factor_test() {
assert_eq!(factor(&b"3"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 3));
assert_eq!(factor(&b" 12"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 12));
assert_eq!(factor(&b"537 "[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 537));
assert_eq!(factor(&b" 24 "[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 24));
fn term_test() {
assert_eq!(term(&b" 12 *2 / 3"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 8));
assert_eq!(term(&b" 2* 3 *2 *2 / 3"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 8));
assert_eq!(term(&b" 48 / 3/2"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 8));
fn expr_test() {
assert_eq!(expr(&b" 1 + 2 "[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 3));
assert_eq!(expr(&b" 12 + 6 - 4+ 3"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 17));
assert_eq!(expr(&b" 1 + 2*3 + 4"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 11));
fn parens_test() {
assert_eq!(expr(&b" ( 2 )"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 2));
assert_eq!(expr(&b" 2* ( 3 + 4 ) "[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 14));
assert_eq!(expr(&b" 2*2 / ( 5 - 1) + 3"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 4));

third_party/rust/nom/tests/omnom.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
extern crate nom;
use nom::{Producer,Consumer,ConsumerState,Input,Move,MemProducer,IResult,HexDisplay};
use nom::{Producer,Consumer,ConsumerState,Input,Move,MemProducer,IResult,Offset};
enum State {

Некоторые файлы не были показаны из-за слишком большого количества измененных файлов Показать больше