Initial add of new (universal) perl test driver, and test case selection tool.

This commit is contained in: 1999-11-17 02:05:29 +00:00
Родитель d4c8bb0b9c
Коммит 6ca0248d35
5 изменённых файлов: 915 добавлений и 0 удалений

js/tests/Makefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
exec perl5 > menubody.html
cat menuhead.html menubody.html menufoot.html > menu.html

js/tests/menufoot.html Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<address><a href=""></a></address>
<!-- Created: Fri Oct 29 21:32:20 PDT 1999 -->

js/tests/menuhead.html Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
<title>Core JavaScript Tests</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function selectAll (suite, testDir)
if (typeof suite == "undefined")
for (var suite in suites)
setAllDirs (suite, true);
else if (typeof testDir == "undefined")
setAllDirs (suite, true);
setAllTests (suite, testDir, true);
function selectNone (suite, testDir)
if (typeof suite == "undefined")
for (var suite in suites)
setAllDirs (suite, false);
else if (typeof testDir == "undefined")
setAllDirs (suite, false);
setAllTests (suite, testDir, false);
function setAllDirs (suite, value)
var dir;
for (dir in suites[suite].testDirs)
setAllTests (suite, dir, value);
function setAllTests (suite, testDir, value)
var test, radioName;
for (test in suites[suite].testDirs[testDir].tests)
radioName = suites[suite].testDirs[testDir].tests[test];
document.forms["testCases"].elements[radioName].checked = value;
function createList ()
var suite, testDir, test, radioName;
var elements = document.forms["testCases"].elements;
var win = ("about:blank", "output");;
win.document.write ("<pre>\n");
win.document.write ("# Created " + new Date() + "\n");
for (suite in suites)
win.document.write ("# " + suite + ": " +
elements["SUMMARY_" + suite].value + "\n");
win.document.write ("# TOTAL: " + elements["TOTAL"].value + "\n");
for (suite in suites)
for (testDir in suites[suite].testDirs)
for (test in suites[suite].testDirs[testDir].tests)
radioName = suites[suite].testDirs[testDir].tests[test];
if (elements[radioName].checked)
win.document.write (suite + "/" + testDir + "/" +
elements[radioName].value + "\n");
function onRadioClick (name)
var radio = document.forms["testCases"].elements[name];
radio.checked = !radio.checked;
setTimeout ("updateTotals();", 100);
return false;
function updateTotals()
var suite, testDir, test, radioName, selected, available, pct;
var totalAvailable = 0, totalSelected = 0;
var elements = document.forms["testCases"].elements;
for (suite in suites)
selected = available = 0;
for (testDir in suites[suite].testDirs)
for (test in suites[suite].testDirs[testDir].tests)
radioName = suites[suite].testDirs[testDir].tests[test];
if (elements[radioName].checked)
totalSelected += selected;
totalAvailable += available;
pct = parseInt((selected / available) * 100);
if (isNaN(pct))
pct = 0;
elements["SUMMARY_" + suite].value = selected + "/" + available + " (" +
pct + "%) selected";
pct = parseInt((totalSelected / totalAvailable) * 100);
if (isNaN(pct))
pct = 0;
elements["TOTAL"].value = totalSelected + "/" + totalAvailable + " (" +
pct + "%) selected";
<body bgcolor="white" onLoad="updateTotals()">
<a name='top_of_page'></a>
<h1>Core JavaScript Tests</h1>
<form name="testCases">
<input type='button' value='Export Test List' onClick='createList();'>
<input type='button' value='Import Test List'
onClick='"importList.html", "import");'>

js/tests/ Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express oqr
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is JavaScript Core Tests.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
# Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
# terms of the GNU Public License (the "GPL"), in which case the
# provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of those above.
# If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
# under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use your
# version of this file under the NPL, indicate your decision by
# deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
# and other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete
# the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
# file under either the NPL or the GPL.
# Contributers:
# Robert Ginda
# Creates the meat of a test suite manager page, requites menuhead.html and menufoot.html
# to create the complete page. The test suite manager lets you choose a subset of tests
# to run under the script.
local $lxr_url = "";
local $suite_path = $ARGV[0] || "./";
local $uid = 0; # radio button unique ID
local $html = ""; # html output
local $javascript = ""; # script output
print (&scriptTag($javascript) . "\n");
print ($html);
sub main {
local $i, @suite_list;
if (!($suite_path =~ /\/$/)) {
$suite_path = $suite_path . "/";
@suite_list = sort(&get_subdirs ($suite_path));
$javascript .= "suites = new Object();\n";
$html .= "<h3>Test Suites:</h3>\n";
$html .= "<center>\n";
$html .= " <input type='button' value='Select All' " .
"onclick='selectAll();'> ";
$html .= " <input type='button' value='Select None' " .
"onclick='selectNone();'> ";
# suite menu
$html .= "<table border='1'>\n";
foreach $suite (@suite_list) {
local @readme_text = ("No description available.");
if (open (README, $suite_path . $suite . "/README")) {
@readme_text = <README>;
close (README);
$html .= "<tr><td><a href='\#SUITE_$suite'>$suite</a></td>" .
$html .= "<td><input type='button' value='Select All' " .
"onclick='selectAll(\"$suite\");'> ";
$html .= "<input type='button' value='Select None' " .
$html .= "<td><input readonly name='SUMMARY_$suite'></td>";
$html .= "</tr>";
$html .= "</table>\n";
$html .= "<td><input readonly name='TOTAL'></td>";
$html .= "</center>";
$html .= "<dl>\n";
foreach $i (0 .. $#suite_list) {
local $prev_href = ($i > 0) ? "\#SUITE_" . $suite_list[$i - 1] : "";
local $next_href = ($i < $#suite_list) ? "\#SUITE_" . $suite_list[$i + 1] : "";
&process_suite ($suite_path, $suite_list[$i], $prev_href, $next_href);
$html .= "</dl>\n";
# Append detail from a 'suite' directory (eg: ecma, ecma_2, js1_1, etc.), calling
# process_test_dir for subordinate categories.
sub process_suite {
local ($suite_path, $suite, $prev_href, $next_href) = @_;
local $i, @test_dir_list;
# suite js object
$javascript .= "suites[\"$suite\"] = {testDirs: {}};\n";
@test_dir_list = sort(&get_subdirs ($test_home . $suite));
# suite header
$html .= " <a name='SUITE_$suite'></a><hr><dt><big><big><b>$suite " .
"(" . ($#test_dir_list + 1) . " Sub-Categories)</b></big></big><br>\n";
$html .= " <input type='button' value='Select All' " .
$html .= " <input type='button' value='Select None' " .
"onclick='selectNone(\"$suite\");'> " .
"[ <a href='\#top_of_page'>Top of page</a> ";
if ($prev_href) {
$html .= " | <a href='$prev_href'>Previous Suite</a> ";
if ($next_href) {
$html .= " | <a href='$next_href'>Next Suite</a> ";
$html .= "]\n";
$html .= " <dd>\n <dl>\n";
foreach $i (0 .. $#test_dir_list) {
local $prev_href = ($i > 0) ? "\#TESTDIR_" . $suite . $test_dir_list[$i - 1] :
local $next_href = ($i < $#test_dir_list) ?
"\#TESTDIR_" . $suite . $test_dir_list[$i + 1] : "";
&process_test_dir ($suite_path . $suite . "/", $test_dir_list[$i], $suite,
$prev_href, $next_href);
$html .= " </dl>\n";
# Append detail from a test directory, calling process_test for subordinate js files
sub process_test_dir {
local ($test_dir_path, $test_dir, $suite, $prev_href, $next_href) = @_;
@test_list = sort(&get_js_files ($test_dir_path . $test_dir));
$javascript .= "suites[\"$suite\"].testDirs[\"$test_dir\"] = {tests: {}};\n";
$html .= " <a name='TESTDIR_$suite$test_dir'></a>\n";
$html .= " <dt><big><b>$test_dir (" . ($#test_list + 1) .
" tests)</b></big><br>\n";
$html .= " <input type='button' value='Select All' " .
"onclick='selectAll(\"$suite\", \"$test_dir\");'>\n";
$html .= " <input type='button' value='Select None' " .
"onclick='selectNone(\"$suite\", \"$test_dir\");'> ";
$html .= "[ <a href='\#SUITE_$suite'>Top of $suite Suite</a> ";
if ($prev_href) {
$html .= "| <a href='$prev_href'>Previous Category</a> ";
if ($next_href) {
$html .= " | <a href='$next_href'>Next Category</a> ";
$html .= "]<br>\n";
$html .= " </dt>\n";
$html .= " <dl>\n";
foreach $test (@test_list) {
&process_test ($test_dir_path . $test_dir, $test);
$html .= " </dl>\n";
# Append detail from a single JavaScript file.
sub process_test {
local ($test_dir_path, $test) = @_;
local $title = "";
open (TESTCASE, $test_dir_path . "/" . $test) ||
die ("Error opening " . $test_dir_path . "/" . $test);
while (<TESTCASE>) {
if (/.*TITLE\s+\=\s+\"(.*)\"/) {
$title = $1;
close (TESTCASE);
$javascript .= "suites[\"$suite\"].testDirs[\"$test_dir\"].tests" .
"[\"$test\"] = \"radio$uid\"\n";
$html .= " <input type='radio' value='$test' name='radio$uid' ".
"onclick='onRadioClick(\"radio$uid\")'>" .
"<a href='$lxr_url$suite/$test_dir/$test' target='lxr_window'>" .
"$test</a> $title<br>\n";
sub scriptTag {
return ("<script langugage='JavaScript'>@_</script>");
# given a directory, return an array of all subdirectories
sub get_subdirs {
local ($dir) = @_;
local @subdirs;
if (!($dir =~ /\/$/)) {
$dir = $dir . "/";
opendir (DIR, $dir) || die ("couldn't open directory $dir: $!");
local @testdir_contents = readdir(DIR);
foreach (@testdir_contents) {
if ((-d ($dir . $_)) && ($_ ne 'CVS') && ($_ ne '.') && ($_ ne '..')) {
@subdirs[$#subdirs + 1] = $_;
return @subdirs;
# given a directory, return an array of all the js files that are in it.
sub get_js_files {
local ($test_subdir) = @_;
local @js_file_array;
opendir ( TEST_SUBDIR, $test_subdir) || die ("couldn't open directory " .
"$test_subdir: $!");
@subdir_files = readdir( TEST_SUBDIR );
closedir( TEST_SUBDIR );
foreach ( @subdir_files ) {
if ( $_ =~ /\.js$/ ) {
$js_file_array[$#js_file_array+1] = $_;
return @js_file_array;

js/tests/ Executable file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express oqr
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is JavaScript Core Tests.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
# Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
# terms of the GNU Public License (the "GPL"), in which case the
# provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of those above.
# If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
# under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use your
# version of this file under the NPL, indicate your decision by
# deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
# and other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete
# the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
# file under either the NPL or the GPL.
# Contributers:
# Robert Ginda
# Second cut at script originally by
# Christine Begle (
# Branched 11/01/99
use Getopt::Mixed "nextOption";
# command line option defaults
local $opt_classpath = "";
local $opt_engine_type = "smopt";
local $opt_output_file = "";
local $opt_test_list_file = "";
local $opt_suite_path = "./";
local $opt_shell_path = "";
local $opt_trace = 1;
local $opt_verbose = 0;
local $opt_lxr_url = "";
# command line option definition
local $options = "c=s classpath>c d smdebug>d f=s file>f h help>h l=s list>l " .
"o smopt>o p=s testpath>p r rhino>r s=s shellpath>s t trace>t v verbose>v " .
"x=s lxrurl>x";
local $os_type = &get_os_type;
local @test_list = &get_test_list;
&dd ("output file is '$opt_output_file'");
&execute_tests (@test_list);
sub execute_tests {
local (@test_list) = @_;
local $engine_command = &get_engine_command . " -f";
local $test, $shell_command, $line, @output;
local $file_param = ($opt_engine_type eq "rhino") ? " " : " -f ";
local $last_suite, $last_test_dir;
foreach $test (@test_list) {
local ($suite, $test_dir) = split("/", $test);
if ($last_suite ne $suite || $last_test_dir ne $test_dir) {
$shell_command = $engine_command;
if (-f $opt_suite_path . $suite . "/shell.js") {
$shell_command .= $file_param . $opt_suite_path . $suite .
if (-f $opt_suite_path . $suite . "/" . $test_dir . "/shell.js") {
$shell_command .= $file_param . $opt_suite_path . $suite .
"/" . $test_dir . "/shell.js";
$last_suite = $suite;
$last_test_dir = $test_dir;
&dd ("executing: " . $shell_command . $file_param . $opt_suite_path .
open (OUTPUT, $shell_command . $file_param . $opt_suite_path . $test .
" 2>&1 |");
@output = <OUTPUT>;
close (OUTPUT);
foreach $line (@output) {
if (!@output) {
&dd ("Test case produced no output!!");
&dd (@output);
&dd ("exit code $?");
sub parse_args {
local $option, $value;
&dd ("checking command line options.");
Getopt::Mixed::init ($options);
while (($option, $value) = nextOption()) {
if ($option eq "c") {
&dd ("opt: setting classpath to '$value'.");
$opt_classpath = $value;
} elsif ($option eq "d") {
&dd ("opt: using smdebug engine");
$opt_engine_type = "smdebug";
} elsif ($option eq "f") {
if (!$value) {
die ("Output file cannot be null.\n");
&dd ("opt: setting output file to '$value'.");
$opt_output_file = $value;
} elsif ($option eq "h") {
} elsif ($option eq "l") {
&dd ("opt: setting test list to '$value'.");
$opt_test_list_file = $value;
} elsif ($option eq "o") {
&dd ("opt: using smopt engine");
$opt_engine_type = "smopt";
} elsif ($option eq "p") {
$opt_suite_path = $value;
if (!($opt_suite_path =~ /[\/\\]$/)) {
$opt_suite_path .= "/";
&dd ("opt: setting suite path to '$opt_suite_path'.");
} elsif ($option eq "r") {
&dd ("opt: using rhino engine");
$opt_engine_type = "rhino";
} elsif ($option eq "s") {
$opt_shell_path = $value;
if (!($opt_shell_path =~ /[\/\\]$/)) {
$opt_shell_path .= "/";
&dd ("opt: setting shell path to '$opt_shell_path'.");
} elsif ($option eq "t") {
&dd ("opt: tracing output.");
$opt_trace = 1;
} elsif ($option eq "v") {
&dd ("opt: setting verbose mode.");
$opt_verbose = 1;
} elsif ($option eq "x") {
&dd ("opt: setting lxr url to '$value'.");
$opt_lxr_url = $value;
} else {
if (!$opt_output_file) {
$opt_output_file = "results-" . $opt_engine_type . "-" .
&get_tempfile_id . ".html";
# print the arguments that this script expects
sub usage {
print STDERR
("\nusage: $0 [<options>] \n" .
"(-c|--classpath) Classpath (Rhino only)\n" .
"(-d|--smdebug) Test SpiderMonkey Debug engine\n" .
"(-f|--file) <file> Redirect output to file named <file>\n" .
" (default is " .
"results-<engine-type>-<date-stamp>.html)\n" .
"(-h|--help) Print this message\n" .
"(-l|--list) <file> List of tests to execute\n" .
"(-o|--smopt) Test SpiderMonkey Optimized engine\n" .
"(-p|--testpath) <path> Root of the test suite (default is ./)\n" .
"(-r|--rhino) Test Rhino engine\n" .
"(-s|--shellpath) <path> Location of JavaScript shell\n" .
"(-t|--trace) Trace execution (for debugging)\n" .
# "(-v|--verbose) Show all test cases (not recommended)\n" .
"(-x|--lxrurl) <url> Complete url to tests subdirectory on lxr\n" .
" (default is\n" .
"" .
exit (1);
# get the shell command used to start the (either) engine
sub get_engine_command {
local $retval;
if ($opt_engine_type eq "rhino") {
&dd ("getting rhino engine command.");
$retval = &get_rhino_engine_command;
} else {
&dd ("getting spidermonkey engine command.");
$retval = &get_sm_engine_command;
&dd ("got '$retval'");
return $retval;
# get the shell command used to run rhino
sub get_rhino_engine_command {
local $retval = "java ";
if ($opt_shell_path) {
$opt_classpath = ($opt_classpath) ?
$opt_classpath . ":" . $opt_shell_path :
if ($opt_classpath) {
$retval .= "-classpath $opt_classpath ";
$retval .= "";
return $retval;
# get the shell command used to run spidermonkey
sub get_sm_engine_command {
local $retval;
if ($os_type eq "WIN") {
# spidermonkey on windows
if ($opt_shell_path) {
$retval = $opt_shell_path;
if (!($retval =~ /[\/\\]$/)) {
$retval .= "/";
} else {
if ($opt_engine_type eq "smopt") {
$retval = "../src/Release/";
} else {
$retval = "../src/Debug/";
$retval .= "jsshell.exe";
} else {
# spidermonkey on un*x
if ($opt_shell_path) {
$retval = $opt_shell_path;
if (!($retval =~ /[\/\\]$/)) {
$retval .= "/";
} else {
$retval = $opt_suite_path . "../src/";
opendir (SRC_DIR_FILES, $retval);
local @src_dir_files = readdir(SRC_DIR_FILES);
closedir (SRC_DIR_FILES);
local $dir, $object_dir;
local $pattern = ($opt_engine_type eq "smdebug") ?
foreach $dir (@src_dir_files) {
if ($dir =~ $pattern) {
$object_dir = $dir;
if (!$object_dir) {
die ("Could not locate an object directory in $retval " .
"matching the pattern *$pattern. Have you built the " .
$retval .= $object_dir . "/";
$retval .= "js";
if (!(-x $retval)) {
die ("$retval is not a valid executable on this system.\n");
return $retval;
sub get_os_type {
local $uname = `uname -a`;
if ($uname =~ /WIN/) {
$uname = "WIN";
} else {
chop $uname;
&dd ("get_os_type returning '$uname'.");
return $uname;
sub get_test_list {
local @test_list;
if ($opt_test_list_file) {
&dd ("getting test list from file $opt_test_list_file.");
@test_list = &get_user_test_list($opt_test_list_file);
} else {
&dd ("no list file, groveling in '$opt_suite_path'.");
@test_list = &get_default_test_list($opt_suite_path);
&dd ("$#test_list test(s) found.");
return @test_list;
# reads $list_file, storing non-comment lines into an array.
sub get_user_test_list {
local ($list_file) = @_;
local @retval;
open (TESTLIST, $list_file) ||
die("Error opening test list file '$list_file': $!\n");
while (<TESTLIST>) {
if (!(/\s*\#/)) {
$retval[$#retval + 1] = $_;
close (TESTLIST);
return @retval;
# Grovels through $suite_path, searching for *all* test files. Used when the
# user doesn't supply a test list.
sub get_default_test_list {
local ($suite_path) = @_;
local @suite_list = &get_subdirs($suite_path);
local $suite;
local @retval;
foreach $suite (@suite_list) {
local @test_dir_list = get_subdirs ($suite_path . $suite);
local $test_dir;
foreach $test_dir (@test_dir_list) {
local @test_list = get_js_files ($suite_path . $suite . "/" .
local $test;
foreach $test (@test_list) {
$retval[$#retval + 1] = $suite_path . $suite . "/" . $test_dir .
"/" . $test;
return @retval;
# generate an output file name based on the date
sub get_tempfile_id {
local ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) =
return $year . "-" . $mon . "-" . $mday . "-" . $hour . $min . $sec;
sub get_padded_localtime {
local ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) =
$mon = &zero_pad($mon);
$year= ($year < 2000) ? "19" . $year : $year;
$mday= &zero_pad($mday);
$sec = &zero_pad($sec);
$min = &zero_pad($min);
$hour = &zero_pad($hour);
return ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst);
sub zero_pad {
local ($string) = @_;
$string = ($string < 10) ? "0" . $string : $string;
return $string;
# given a directory, return an array of all subdirectories
sub get_subdirs {
local ($dir) = @_;
local @subdirs;
if (!($dir =~ /\/$/)) {
$dir = $dir . "/";
opendir (DIR, $dir) || die ("couldn't open directory $dir: $!");
local @testdir_contents = readdir(DIR);
foreach (@testdir_contents) {
if ((-d ($dir . $_)) && ($_ ne 'CVS') && ($_ ne '.') && ($_ ne '..')) {
@subdirs[$#subdirs + 1] = $_;
return @subdirs;
# given a directory, return an array of all the js files that are in it.
sub get_js_files {
local ($test_subdir) = @_;
local @js_file_array;
opendir ( TEST_SUBDIR, $test_subdir) || die ("couldn't open directory " .
"$test_subdir: $!");
@subdir_files = readdir( TEST_SUBDIR );
closedir( TEST_SUBDIR );
foreach ( @subdir_files ) {
if ( $_ =~ /\.js$/ ) {
$js_file_array[$#js_file_array+1] = $_;
return @js_file_array;
sub dd {
if ($opt_trace) {
print ("-*- ", @_ , "\n");