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@ -1,443 +0,0 @@
<TITLE>Building Mozilla on the Macintosh PPC platform</TITLE>
<H1>Building Mozilla on the Macintosh PPC platform</H1>
<H2>Daniel Nunes, <A HREF=""><TT></TT></A></H2>
<P>v 1.1, 1998-9-29<BR>
updated for the Pro4 IDE</P>
<I>How to build Mozilla on a Macintosh PPC System.</I>
<H2>1. <A HREF="#s1">Introduction</A></H2>
<H2>2. <A HREF="#s2">Building Mozilla</A></H2>
<LI><A HREF="#ss2.1">2.1 Get the Code </A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#ss2.2">2.2 Requirements</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#ss2.3">2.3 Set up the Build Environment</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#ss2.4">2.4 Build the Lizard </A></LI>
<H2>3. <A HREF="#s3"> Common Problems </A></H2>
<H2>4. <A HREF="#s4"> Credits </A></H2>
<H2><A NAME=s1></A>1. Introduction</H2>
<P>What this document is: A guide to building the Mozilla
application. This includes:</P>
<LI>A listing of the development tools you will need to build
<LI>A list of environment variables you will need to set before
<P>If you're looking for documentation on developing features or
fixing bugs, the Mozilla <A HREF="">Technical
Documents </A> or <A HREF="">
Library </A> are probably what you're looking for.</P>
<H2><A NAME=s2></A>2. Building Mozilla</H2>
<LI>Each of the following subsections describes, or gives
references to descriptions of, the steps necessary to build
<H2><A NAME="ss2.1"></A>2.1 Get the Code</H2>
<LI>There are two principal ways of getting the code, <A HREF="">
ftp</A> and <A HREF=""> CVS</A>.
CVS will provide the most current code for building, but is
slower than ftp. Ftp drops are generally produced once per
month, and are known to compile.</LI>
<H2><A NAME="ss2.2"></A>2.2 Requirements</H2>
<P>The following need to be installed:</P>
<LI>CodeWarrior (CW) Pro4 - obtainable from <A HREF="">Metrowerks</A>.
See <A HREF="#s3">Common Sticking Points</A> if you have a
different version. Mozilla will no longer build with anything
<LI>PowerPlant - obtainable from the CodeWarrior CD.</LI>
<LI>MSL - the Metrowerks Standard Library, obtainable from the
CodeWarrior CD</LI>
<LI><A HREF="">Menu
Sharing Toolkit</A> (from UserLand)</LI>
<LI><A HREF="">Internet
Config 1.4 SDK</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">AEGizmos
<LI><A HREF="">MacPerl
5 MPW Tool</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">MacPerl
5 Application</A></LI>
<LI>The module Mac:AppleEvents:Simple, which should be stored
in your Perl library folder under,
may be downloaded <A HREF="">here</A>.</LI>
<LI>The module Mac:Apps:Launch, which should be stored in your
Perl library folder under, may be
downloaded <A HREF="">here</A>.</LI>
<LI>MakeStub - MPW (installed with CodeWarrior Heaven option).
If you choose not to install MPW, it is located on the MacOS
Tools CD in "CW Pro 4 Tools:CodeWarrior MPW:MPW:Tools"</LI>
<LI>RunTSScript - in Mozilla source distribution
(mozilla:build:mac:RunTSScript), needs to be installed by
<LI><A HREF="">ToolServer</A>
- or in the CW distribution (CW Pro 4 Tools:Apple Development
Tools:ToolServer 3.4.1.sit). <B>We recommend pulling it off the
CD</B> because it comes with configuration files for
CodeWarrior which you would have to create manually were you to
pull it off the net.</LI>
<LI><A HREF="">patch
<LI>To build Navigator, you need a fast PPC Mac. The faster the
<LI>You will need about 96 MB of physical RAM to "fast link"
the app. You can still fast link if you give your machine 96 MB
of virtual memory, but then the VM hit is large enough to
counteract any improvement. One of our beta testers had a
machine with only 64MB of physical RAM (VM was off) and it ran
out of memory trying to link. Turning VM on got it to link, but
build time increased greatly.</LI>
<LI>Reports from the net indicate that the optimized version
(MozillaPPC) take much less RAM to build than the 96MB we
suggest. If you are running out of memory, try building that
instead of the debug version (the debug symbols require a lot
of RAM come link time).</LI>
<LI>You should be ok with a 400MB disk partition, even when
fully built. This does not include tools like the IDE, just
<LI>On an HFS+ volume, a full build takes about 110MB. HFS+ is
good, but utilities are sparse.</LI>
<H2><A NAME="ss2.3"></A>2.3 Setup the Build Environment</H2>
<LI>Install CodeWarrior from the CD. While it is large,
installing the "CodeWarrior Heaven" option will guarantee that
you have everything you need. This will give you PowerPlant,
MSL, and MPW. If you choose to install less, proceed at your
own risk.</LI>
<LI>In the Finder, increase the memory partition of the IDE to
15MB (you can get by with 12, if need be).</LI>
<LI>Uncompress the StuffIt Archive for ToolServer. The goal is
to let ToolServer and MPW share the same Tools directory so you
don't need to have multiple versions of tools. Do the
<LI>Open ToolServer's Tools folder. There is one file called
<LI>Move RMetrowerks to Tools folder of MPW. MPW folder must
be at "Metrowerks:Codewarrior MPW:MPW" if you installed
Codewarrior Heaven.</LI>
<LI>Remove ToolServer's Tools folder.</LI>
<LI>Now create an alias of Tools folder in "CodeWarrior MPW"
and move it to your ToolServer folder. Rename the alias
(probably called "Tools alias") to "Tools"</LI>
<LI><FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><B>IMPORTANT</B></FONT>: Make sure
you only have one instance of ToolServer on your machine. If
the build script finds the wrong one, the correct tools will
not be found and strange things will happen.</LI>
<LI>After installing the MacPerl MPW Tool distribution (run the
InstallerVISE application), in the "MacPerl &#131;" folder,
there will be an MPW tool named "perl". Install this in MPW's
tools folder.</LI>
<LI>Install the MacPerl Application (run the InstallerVISE
application). You can install this anywhere, but it is
recommended that you install it inside of your CodeWarrior
folder for easy reference. After installation, you will need to
set a preference to enable double-click launch of the perl
scripts. This preference is set by going under the Edit Menu to
Preferences. Click on the "Script" button and hit the radio
button "Run Scripts opened from Finder"</LI>
<LI>Install the "patch" and "MakeStub" Tools in the tools
folder. Note that "MakeStub" is automatically installed by the
"CodeWarrior Heaven" install option.</LI>
<LI>Install RunTSScript (found in the Mozilla source
distribution) in the compilers folder in your build environment
("Metrowerks:Metrowerks Codewarrior:Codewarrior
<LI>Next, after downloading all the 3rd party software
components, drag WASTE, CWASTE, Menu Sharing, Internet Config,
and the AEGizmo folders (just as they are) into the "MacOS
Support" folder in your build environment.</LI>
<LI>Create a folder inside the PowerPlant folder
(Metrowerks:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:PowerPlant)
called "_Will Be Obsolete" Make sure you include the leading
<LI>Unstuff the obsolete LGA classes (located on the Reference
CD in "CodeWarrior Examples:MacOS Examples:PowerPlant
Examples:Obsolete PP Items:Old GA Classes.sit) and place the
resulting folder into the "_Will Be Obsolete" folder you
created in the previous step.</LI>
<LI>Start ToolServer from within CodeWarrior (or use MPW if you
are brave enough). We're about to patch some files. Make sure
the ToolServer menu is in the CodeWarrior menu bar by turning
on the <A HREF="IDEPrefs.gif">preference</A> under the "Extras"
panel in the IDE Preferences (not the project preferences!).
The menu bar should look like this:
<P>Choose "Start ToolServer" from the ToolServer menu (this is
the icon menu between "Window" and "Help" in the menubar
above). You will now see a window with no close box. This is
your ToolServer Worksheet where you will type (or cut &amp;
paste) the commands for the following steps.</P>
<P>In case you have never used MPW/ToolServer before, the
following is <B>very important</B>. Pressing "return" does not
execute commands like you might think. It just inserts a
newline into the worksheet like a normal text editor. <B>To
actually get ToolServer to execute the command, you must press
"Enter" (lower right of numeric keypad).</B> This executes the
line that the cursor is on, and only that line. If you want to
execute multiple lines at once, select them all and hit
<LI>Set the shell variables {IDE} and {Source} to the correct
paths for your build environment. {IDE} is where your
CodeWarrior IDE is located. {Source} is the folder containing
the toplevel "ns" folder of the Mozilla source. Mine look like
this (don't forget to keep the quotes if your path includes
spaces), yours will almost certainly be different
(<FONT COLOR="#FF0000">to punctuate this, the things you need
to change are in red</FONT>).
<PRE>Set IDE "<FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Develop:CW Pro 4:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:</FONT>"
Set Source "<FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Source:FreeSource:</FONT>"</PRE></LI>
<LI>Execute the following lines to patch menusharing.c to allow
it to compile with the new Universal Headers. It references an
obsolete header file (GestaltEqu.h).
<PRE>directory "{IDE}MacOS Support:Menu Sharing Toolkit 4.1:"
patch menusharing.c "{Source}mozilla:lib:mac:patches:menusharing.patch"</PRE></LI>
<LI>You need to patch stat.mac.h to fix a problem in MSL where
lines were omitted.
<PRE>directory "{IDE}Metrowerks Standard Library:MSL C:MSL Mac:Public Includes"
patch stat.mac.h "{Source}mozilla:lib:mac:patches:stat.mac.h.patch"</PRE></LI>
<LI>Congratulations! Now you are ready to build. Once these
steps are done, you don't have to repeat these setups the next
<H2><A NAME="ss2.4"></A>2.4 Run the build</H2>
<LI>In the folder mozilla:build:mac:, there are several Perl
scripts with names of the form, where XXX is
"Optimized", "Debug", "Tinderbox", et al. Each script builds
the corresponding version of Mozilla. If you configured the
MacPerl application to execute scripts that are opened from the
finder, all you have to do is double click on the appropriate
one; otherwise, launch MacPerl, and run the appropriate script
from the "Run Script..." menu item.
<P>These `configured build' scripts are simple, and you might
want to make your own to force your build to StopForErrors(),
or alternatively DontStopForErrors(), et al. You can set up
certain build-script variables and (soon) compile-time flags.
Compare the supplied scripts to figure out what you might want.
Note that CodeWarriorLib,, and, are
AppleScript libraries and Perl modules meant to be used by a
`configured build'. Use your favorite POD viewer (Shuck comes
with MacPerl) to view the documentation in the Perl
<P>If there were any errors in any of the projects along the
way, the script will stop at that point and the IDE will tell
you the errors. You can fix them and make sure they current
project builds, but to continue the automation, you have to
start from the beginning by double-clicking the script again.
This isn't quite as bad as it sounds because the previous
projects are already built (unless you changed some major
header file). Please note that stopping the script once it has
started is difficult. We are working to address this issue.</P>
<P>After the build is complete, you can find aliases to the
built libraries and the final Mozilla application. Debug builds
are built to Mozilla:dist:client_debug, while optimized builds
are built to Mozilla:dist:client.</P>
<P>Don't worry too much about the numerous warnings generated
during the build. We try our best to get the XP teams to use
real compilers, but alas, they continue to write warning-laden
code. There is also some generated code (Java is one example)
that has a lot of warnings that we can't help either. If you
write any new code, please help us in our quest to get zero
<H2><A NAME=s3></A>3. Common Sticking Points</H2>
<LI><B>I only have CodeWarrior Pro3 or Pro2. How do i build with
<LI>Currently, the answer is, "You don't." We make use of
several classes in PowerPlant which recently appeared in Pro4.
Time to upgrade, I'm afraid. Don't even try opening the
projects with Pro2 because you will get data loss and have to
throw the project away (it won't even prompt you!)</LI>
<LI><B>I'm having problems building. MacPerl tells me it can't
fine MemAllocatorStubs</B>
<LI>It sounds like your ToolServer environment is not setup
correctly. Make sure you follow the directions to the letter.
You could also be seeing this if you have multiple versions of
ToolServer on your computer and the Finder lauches the wrong
one. This is very common, as the <I>Carbon Dater</I> app from
Apple DTS contains a copy of ToolServer. Either remove all the
other versions of ToolServer or make sure you launch the
appropriate version before you start building.</LI>
<LI><B>The IDE runs out of memory building jsinterp.c. What do I
<LI>We have seen this every now and then, and it only appears
to show up when building optimized (non-debug) builds. You can
normally get around this by building that file by itself
(select it and choose "Compile") and then continuing the make.
We're not sure why this is happening, so if you have any
answers or solutions, please let us know!</LI>
<H2><A NAME=s4></A>4. Credits</H2>
<LI>The majority of this document is taken from the build document
included in the Mozilla source distribution at
README:mozilla:macbuild.htm written by Mike Pinkerton, <A HREF=""></A>.</LI>

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@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
<TITLE>Building Mozilla on unix platforms</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000EE" VLINK="#551A8B"
Building Mozilla on Unix platforms</H1>
Daniel Nunes, <TT><A HREF=""></A></TT></H2>
v 1.1, June 1998
<HR><I>How to build Mozilla on a Unix System.</I>
<H2>1. <A HREF="#s1">Introduction</A></H2>
<H2>2. <A HREF="#s2">Building Mozilla</A></H2>
<A HREF="#ss2.1">2.1 Get the Code </A></LI>
<A HREF="#ss2.2">2.2 Requirements</A></LI>
<A HREF="#ss2.3">2.3 Set up the Build Environment</A></LI>
<A HREF="#ss2.4">2.4 Build the Lizard </A></LI>
<A HREF="#ss2.5">2.5 Run the Lizard </A></LI>
<H2>3. <A HREF="#s3"> Common Problems </A></H2>
<H2><A NAME="s1">1. Introduction</A></H2>
What this document is: A guide to building the Mozilla application.
This includes:
<LI> A listing of the development tools you will need to build Mozilla. </LI>
<LI> A list of environment variables you will need to set before building. </LI>
If you're looking for documentation on developing features or fixing bugs,
the Mozilla
<A HREF="">Technical Documents
</A> or <A HREF=""> Library </A>
are probably what you're looking for.
<H2><A NAME="s2">2. Building Mozilla </A></H2>
<UL>Each of the following subsections describes, or gives references to
descriptions of, the steps necessary to build Mozilla.
<H2><A NAME="ss2.1">2.1 Get the Code</A></H2>
There are two principal ways of getting the code,
<A HREF=""> ftp</A> and
<A HREF=""> CVS</A>.
CVS will provide the most current code for building, but is
slower than ftp. Ftp drops are generally produced once per month,
and are known to compile.
<H2><A NAME="ss2.2">2.2 Requirements</A></H2>
The following should be installed:
<LI>Motif 1.2
<LI>The native C/C++ compiler (or GNU C/C++ compiler 2.7.2 in lieu of the
native compiler)
<LI>GNU make 3.74 or better
<LI>Perl (or, if you have no Perl, then set <CODE>PERL=/bin/echo</CODE>)
Your hardware should be equal to, or better than:
32 MB RAM, 128 MB swap (64 MB RAM recommended)
<H2><A NAME="ss2.3">2.3 Setup the Build Environment</A></H2>
The following environment variables need to be set:
Optionally, you can set <CODE>BUILD_OPT=1</CODE> if you don't want a debug
If your Motif libraries are installed in a non-standard place, you can tell
the Mozilla makefiles where to look by setting
<CODE>MOZILLA_MOTIF_SEARCH_PATH</CODE> to point to the directory in which
your Motif installation resides.
Environment variables are set by the shell, and there are two common ways
of setting them. <BR>
Type <CODE>setenv VARIABLE value</CODE> or <CODE>export VARIABLE=value</CODE>.
<H2><A NAME="ss2.4">2.4 Run the build </A></H2>
Change to the directory you copied the source into (for example,
<CODE>cd /builds</CODE>). If this directory was empty before you
installed the source, there should be two directories here:
<CODE>README</CODE> and <CODE>mozilla</CODE>.
cd mozilla
<H2><A NAME="ss2.5">2.5 After the build </A></H2>
You may notice that if you try running mozilla-export right after the build,
you'll run into a problem. You need to set <CODE>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</CODE> to
</CODE> (where <CODE>PATH_TO_SOURCE</CODE> is the full path to your source
tree) before the dynamically linked binary will run. <BR><BR>
This varies by platform:<br>
<LI>On HP-UX, the equivalent environment variable is <CODE>SHLIB_PATH</CODE>.
<LI>On AIX, the equivalent environment variable is <CODE>LIBPATH</CODE>.
<H2><A NAME="s3">3. Common Sticking Points</A></H2>
<LI>My linker dies with this error: undefined reference to `_Xsetlocale'
<UL>If this error occurs, you might have to recompile
with the -DX_LOCALE flag (thanks to Scott Lampert,
<A HREF=""></A>).

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
<TITLE>Building Mozilla on Microsoft Windows 32-bit platforms</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000EE" VLINK="#551A8B"
Building Mozilla on Microsoft Windows 32-bit platforms</H1>
Daniel Nunes, <TT><A HREF=""></A></TT>
v 1.0, June 1998
<HR><I>How to build Mozilla on a Microsoft Windows 32-bit System.</I>
<H2>1. <A HREF="#s1">Introduction</A></H2>
<H2>2. <A HREF="#s2">Building Mozilla</A></H2>
<A HREF="#ss2.1">2.1 Get the Code </A></LI>
<A HREF="#ss2.2">2.2 Requirements</A></LI>
<A HREF="#ss2.3">2.3 Set up the Build Environment</A></LI>
<A HREF="#ss2.4">2.4 Build the Lizard </A></LI>
<H2>3. <A HREF="#s3"> Common Problems </A></H2>
<H2><A NAME="s1">1. Introduction</A></H2>
What this document is: A guide to building the Mozilla application.
This includes:
<LI> A listing of the development tools you will need to build Mozilla. </LI>
<LI> A list of environment variables you will need to set before building. </LI>
If you're looking for documentation on developing features or fixing bugs,
the Mozilla
<A HREF="">Technical Documents
</A> or <A HREF=""> Library </A>
are probably what you're looking for.
<H2><A NAME="s2">2. Building Mozilla </A></H2>
<UL>Each of the following subsections describes, or gives references to
descriptions of, the steps necessary to build Mozilla.
<H2><A NAME="ss2.1">2.1 Get the Code</A></H2>
There are two principal ways of getting the code,
<A HREF=""> ftp</A> and
<A HREF=""> CVS</A>.
CVS will provide the most current code for building, but is
slower than ftp. Ftp drops are generally produced once per month,
and are known to compile.
<H2><A NAME="ss2.2">2.2 Requirements</A></H2>
The following need to be installed:
<LI>Microsoft Visual C++ version 4.2 or later
<LI>GNU Tools for Microsoft Windows, located:
<LI><A HREF="">Cygnus</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">GNU home page</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="">MIT</A></LI>
Specifically, you'll need:
Netscape has internally modified version of gmake, shmsdos and win32gnu
that we use to get around some problems we were having keeping in sync
with the Unix version of gmake. This version of gmake can be found in the
Windows Build Tools package, which can be ftp'd from
<A HREF=""> the Mozilla
Download page</A>.
The three files you will need are:
<LI>Pentium 133 MHz or better</LI>
<LI>64 MB RAM, 128 MB recommended</LI>
<LI>250 MB NTFS or 500 MB FAT disk space</LI>
<LI>NT 4.0 is preferred; NT 3.51 will also work.
<H2><A NAME="ss2.3">2.3 Setup the Build Environment</A></H2>
The following environment variables need to be set:
set MOZ_BITS=32
set MOZ_DEBUG=1 (set this only if you want to build a debug build)
set MOZ_NT=351 (if running NT3.51)
set MOZ_OUT=(optional: specifies location of resultant executable)
set MOZ_SRC=(top of your tree, for example: set MOZ_SRC=d:\mozilla_source
if this is the directory where you checked or unzipped the source into)
set MOZ_TOOLS=(the parent directory of the GNU tools 'bin' directory. The build
looks for MOZ_TOOLS\bin\gmake.exe, so make sure that the gmake.exe from
the Windows Build Tools package resides there.)
set NSPR20=1
set _MSC_VER=1100 (if you are running VC++ 5.0) or 1200
(if you are running VC++ 6.0)
<H2><A NAME="ss2.4">2.4 Run the build </A></H2>
Change to the directory you copied the source into (for example,
<CODE>cd d:\mozilla_source</CODE>). If this directory was empty before you
installed the source, there should be two directories here:
<CODE>README</CODE> and <CODE>mozilla</CODE>.
cd mozilla\config
nmake /f
cd ..
nmake /f client.mak
<H2><A NAME="s3">3. Common Sticking Points</A></H2>
<LI><B>nmake has a 'fatal error', listing one of the GNU commands and a
hexadecimal return code.</B>
This will happen as a result of not having the GNU tools and Windows Build
tools in your path. Add the directories with the appropriate binaries to your
<B>It fails with the message "'.\WIN32' unexpected": </B>
You didn't properly
set the environment variables -- you must not include a space at the end
of the set statements (be careful if you are cut'n'pasting).
<B>It fails to build, with directory-related errors: </B>
The full path
to the source must not include any spaces. Additionally, the source must
be extracted with an intact directory structure by a utility that understands
long filenames. If in doubt, grab Info-Zip at
<A HREF=""></A>
<B>It fails immediately with the message "Cannot find specified directory":
You didn't properly set the environment variable MOZ_TOOLS;
this needs to be set to the path up to, but not including, the final \bin
directory in the path to the gnu tools. So, the path to the tool executables
is '%MOZ_TOOLS%\bin\<executable>'.
<B>I'm not running a 32-bit windows system, how do i build?</B>
Currently, the build process depends on a 32-bit operating system.
Windows NT 4.0 is the recommended windows operating system.

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,163 +1,71 @@
<TITLE>Building the Mozilla client on unix platforms</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000EE" VLINK="#551A8B"
<H1>Building the Mozilla client on Unix platforms</H1>
<TITLE>Mozilla Unix Build Instructions</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000EE" VLINK="#551A8B"
<H1>Unix Build Instructions</H1>
See <a href=""></a> for the lastest version of these instructions.</a><p>
Daniel Nunes, <TT><A HREF=""></A></TT></H2>
v 1.2, 1998-11-02
<b>Daniel Nunes,</b>
<TT><A HREF=""></A></TT>
<!-- hhmts start -->
Last modified: Fri Sep 3 17:00:32 PDT 1999
<!-- hhmts end -->
For documentation on developing features or
fixing bugs, look at the
<A HREF="">Mozilla Hacking Guidelines</A>.
For general Unix issues,
look at the <A HREF="../unix/">Mozilla Unix</a>.
<H2>Other Unix Build pages</H2>
<li><a href="unix-details.html">Detailed Unix Build
<LI><A HREF="">Irix build status</A>.
The Irix build is working now!</li>
<HR><I>How to build Mozilla on a Unix System.</I>
<H2>1. <A HREF="#s1">Introduction</A></H2>
<li>Requirements for building on unix can be found on the
<a href="unix-details.html#s3"> Detailed Unix Build
<H2>Build the Lizard</H2>
<li><code>cvs co -f mozilla/</code>
<li><code>cd mozilla</code>
<li><code>gmake -f</code>
To rebuild without pulling the tree,
gmake -f build
To pull the tree,
gmake -f checkout
To change build options, use the
<a href="">
Unix Build Configurator</a>
<H2>2. <A HREF="#s2">Building Mozilla</A></H2>
<A HREF="#ss2.1">2.1 Get the Code </A></LI>
<A HREF="#ss2.2">2.2 Requirements</A></LI>
<A HREF="#ss2.3">2.3 Build the Lizard</A></LI>
<A HREF="#ss2.4">2.4 After the Build</A></LI>
<H2>3. <A HREF="#s3"> Common Problems </A></H2>
<H2><A NAME="s1">1. Introduction</A></H2>
Perhaps you are interested in building classic Mozilla, before the
fall of the old layout engine, and the rise of the new. If so, the
<B><A HREF="classic-unix.html">Classic Mozilla Build document</A></B>
is what you're looking for.
What this document is: A guide to building the Mozilla application.
This includes:
<LI> A listing of the development tools you will need to build Mozilla. </LI>
<LI> A sample set of commands to build Mozilla using the Autoconf
build system. </LI>
If you're looking for documentation on developing features or fixing bugs,
the Mozilla
<A HREF="../tplist.html">Technical Documents</A> or
<A HREF="../../../library.html"> Library </A>
are probably what you're looking for.
<H2><A NAME="s2">2. Building Mozilla </A></H2>
<UL>Each of the following subsections describes, or gives references to
descriptions of, the steps necessary to build Mozilla.
<H2><A NAME="ss2.1">2.1 Get the Code</A></H2>
Eventually, there will be two principal ways of getting the code,
<A HREF="../../../download.html"> ftp</A> and
<A HREF="../../../cvs.html"> CVS</A>.
CVS will provide the most current code for building, but is
slower than ftp. Ftp drops are generally produced once per month,
and are known to compile on some machine, somewhere.
<B>For now</B>, however, you must do the following to obtain the newest
browser source:
cvs co mozilla/<BR>
cd mozilla<BR>
gmake -f pull_all<BR>
This should pull all the right source.
<H2><A NAME="ss2.2">2.2 Requirements</A></H2>
The following should be installed:
<LI>Motif 1.2
<LI>The native C/C++ compiler (or GNU C/C++ compiler 2.7.2 in lieu of the
native compiler)
<LI>GNU make 3.74 or better
<LI><A HREF="../../../projects/autoconf/">Autconf</A> requirements,
including NSPR.
<LI><CODE>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</CODE> must include the path to the NSPR
shared objects.<BR>
For most people, this means adding <CODE>/usr/local/nspr/lib</CODE>
<CODE>setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/nspr/lib</CODE>
<CODE>export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/nspr/lib</CODE>
If you get an error like "No such variable" then omit the
Your hardware should be equal to, or better than:
32 MB RAM, 128 MB swap (64 MB RAM recommended)
<H2><A NAME="ss2.3">2.3 Build the Lizard</A></H2>
mkdir obj-`./build/autoconf/config.guess`<BR>
cd obj-`./build/autoconf/config.guess`<BR>
../configure --with-nspr=/usr/local/nspr --enable-toolkit=motif<BR>
gmake depend<BR>
<H2><A NAME="ss2.4">2.4 After the build </A></H2>
<LI> <CODE>cd dist/bin</CODE> and you should see links to the objects you
need to run <CODE>main</CODE>.
<LI>On most unixen LD_LIBRARY_PATH must be set to wherever the necessary
libraries are.
<LI>On HP-UX, the equivalent environment variable is <CODE>SHLIB_PATH</CODE>.
<LI>On AIX, the equivalent environment variable is <CODE>LIBPATH</CODE>.
<H2><A NAME="s3">3. Common Sticking Points</A></H2>
<LI>I'm sure there are bound to be some. Send
<A HREF=""> me</A> mail.
<H2>After the build </H2>
<LI><CODE>cd dist/bin</CODE></LI>

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@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
<TITLE>Mozilla Detailed Unix Build Instructions</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000EE" VLINK="#551A8B"
<H1>Unix Detailed Build Instructions</H1>
See <a href=""></a> for the lastest version of these instructions.</a><p>
<b>Daniel Nunes,</b>
<TT><A HREF=""></A></TT>
<!-- hhmts start -->
Last modified: Fri Sep 3 16:59:34 PDT 1999
<!-- hhmts end -->
This is a guide to building Mozilla on Unix including,
<LI> A list of the required development tools.</LI>
<LI> Commands to build Mozilla using the Autoconf build system. </LI>
For documentation on developing features or fixing bugs,
look at the
<A HREF="">Mozilla Technical Documents</A> or
<A HREF="">Mozilla Library</A>.
For general Unix issues, look at the
<A HREF="">Mozilla Unix</a>.
<H2><A NAME="s2">Other Unix Build pages</A></H2>
<LI><A HREF="">Simple Unix Build Instructions</a></li>
<LI><A HREF="">How to add files and not break the
<LI><A HREF="">Build Configuator FAQ</A>:
FAQ for the
<a href="">
Unix Build Configurator</a>.</LI>
<LI><A HREF="">Irix build status</A>:
The Irix build is working now!</li>
<li><a href="">Redhat on Intel build instructions (out of date)</a>:
Makes life easy through RPMs.</li>
<H2><A NAME="s3">Requirements</A></H2>
Your hardware should be equal to, or better than:
32 MB RAM, 128 MB swap (64 MB RAM recommended)
The following software should be installed.
(You can download gcc, gmake and autoconf from
<A HREF=""></A>.)
<LI>If you're using a glibc 2.07 system, you need this
<A HREF=>patch</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF=""><B>egcs 1.0.3</b></a> (or higher),
or <A HREF="">
<B>gcc 2.7.2.x</B></A> <b>(2.8.x still has some bugs)</b>,<br>
or your platform's native C/C++ compiler.<br>
<b>egcs</b> is recommended, this is the compiler that the Linux tinderboxes and many developers are using.
<LI><b><a href="">Perl 5</a></b>
<LI><b><A HREF="">GNU make 3.74</a></b>
(or higher except 3.77).<br>
GNU make 3.77 shipped with bug a that breaks the NSPR build.
Revert to 3.76.1 until this is fixed.
<LI><B><A HREF="">CVS 1.9</a></b> (or higher).
To get started:<BR>
<li><CODE><b>cvs login</b></CODE>
<font color="green">
(password: <code><b>anonymous</b></code>)
(You only need to do the login once.)
<LI><B><A HREF="">GTK+ / GLib 1.2.0</a></b> (or higher).
<A HREF=""></a>
<li><b>Red Hat:</b> <a href=""></a><br>
Remove any old glib-devel and gtk+-devel packages already
installed on your machine.
There is no need to remove the gtk+/glib RPMs that came with Redhat.
<CODE>rpm -e glib-devel</code><BR>
<code>rpm -e gtk+-devel</CODE>
Download new glib, glib-devel, gtk+, and gtk+-devel packages into
the same directory and install them with one commmand.
<CODE>rpm -i *.rpm</CODE>
<LI><A HREF="">Source tar
balls or CVS</a>
<LI><B><A HREF="">libIDL 6.3</A></B> (or higher).<br>
Source snapshots are available from Mozilla via
<a href="">ftp</a>.
If you're running <b>Red Hat</b>, download the libIDL and libIDL-devel RPMs
and install them as above.
<LI><b><A HREF="">Autoconf 2.12</A></b> (which
requires <A HREF="">GNU m4</A>),
is necessary if you want to hack on If you have
no idea what this means, then don't worry about it. It's optional.
<H2><A NAME="s4">Get the Code</A></H2>
There are two ways to get the code:
<li><A HREF=""> ftp</A>: Drops are generally produced
at least once per month, and are known to compile and even run on a
few platforms.
<li><A HREF=""> CVS</A>: Provides the most current code,
but is slower than ftp.
<code>setenv CVSROOT
<code>cvs co SeaMonkeyAll</code>
The <code>SeaMonkeyAll</code> module pulls the right source
for building the viewer and apprunner.
<H2><A NAME="s5">Build the Lizard</A></H2>
<h3>Manually drive the build</h3>
<li><code>cd mozilla</code>
<font color=green>
Your options may vary.
For configure options, run "<b>./configure --help</b>",<br> or
use the
<a href="">
Unix Build Configurator</a>.<br>
Once you have configured, you only have to run
<b><code>configure</code></b> if you add
or remove files (cvs update can do this. Beware!). The list
of makefiles is in <b><code>mozilla/</code></b>
For build system hackers: If you change, cd to mozilla, and
run <b><code>autoconf</code></b>. This generates a new configure
script. (When you checkin, cvs will run autoconf and check
in a new configure script for you).
<h3>Automated build (</h3>
<li> Save the script from
<a href="">
Unix Build Configurator</a> as <code><b>~/.mozconfig</b></code>.
<li><code>cvs co -f mozilla/</code>
<li><code>cd mozilla</code>
<li><code>gmake -f</code>
<dl>If you want to build without pulling the tree (as in, you already have the
source lying around),
gmake -f build
If you just want to pull the tree,
gmake -f checkout
<H2><A NAME="s6">After the build </A></H2>
<LI><b><CODE>cd dist/bin</CODE></b> and you should see links to the
scripts to run the executables:
<CODE></CODE> and <CODE></CODE>.
<LI>If the scripts do not work, set <CODE><b>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</b></CODE>
and run <CODE>viewer</CODE> and <CODE>apprunner</CODE> directly.
Set <CODE><b>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</b></CODE> to include dist/bin, and
the NSPR and GTK libraries. (For example, you might set it to
<LI>On HP-UX, the equivalent environment variable is
<LI>On AIX, the equivalent environment variable is <CODE>LIBPATH</CODE>.
<LI>If you run the executables from anywhere other than dist/bin, you
must set the environment variable <CODE><B>MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME</B></CODE> to
point to the <I>absolute path</I> of the dist/bin directory.
<LI>Update your tree by re-checking out the source, e.g. repeating the
initial checkout process.