Bug 1596812 Part 6 - Replace the stub installer UI code with calls to the web plugin. r=agashlin

Depends on D56581

Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D56582
This commit is contained in:
Molly Howell 2020-04-20 03:06:08 +00:00
Родитель a9c3eacb39
Коммит 8975fd16ef
3 изменённых файлов: 200 добавлений и 510 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -24,26 +24,13 @@ ManifestDPIAware true
!addplugindir ./
Var Dialog
Var Progressbar
Var ProgressbarMarqueeIntervalMS
Var CheckboxSetAsDefault
Var CheckboxShortcuts
Var CheckboxSendPing
Var CheckboxInstallMaintSvc
Var LabelBlurb
Var BgBitmapImage
Var HwndBgBitmapControl
Var CurrentBlurbIdx
Var CheckboxCleanupProfile
Var FontFamilyName
Var FontInstalling
Var FontHeader
Var FontBlurb
Var FontFooter
Var FontButton
Var FontCheckbox
Var CanWriteToInstallDir
Var HasRequiredSpaceAvailable
@ -91,9 +78,8 @@ Var DownloadServerIP
Var PostSigningData
Var PreviousInstallDir
Var ProfileCleanupPromptType
Var ProfileCleanupHeaderString
Var ProfileCleanupButtonString
Var AppLaunchWaitTickCount
Var TimerHandle
!define ARCH_X86 1
!define ARCH_AMD64 2
@ -224,7 +210,6 @@ Var ArchToInstall
!define DefaultInstDir32bit "$PROGRAMFILES32\${BrandFullName}"
!define DefaultInstDir64bit "$PROGRAMFILES64\${BrandFullName}"
!include "nsDialogs.nsh"
!include "LogicLib.nsh"
!include "FileFunc.nsh"
!include "TextFunc.nsh"
@ -269,7 +254,6 @@ Var ArchToInstall
!insertmacro GetPathFromString
!insertmacro GetParent
!insertmacro GetSingleInstallPath
!insertmacro GetTextWidthHeight
!insertmacro InitHashAppModelId
!insertmacro IsUserAdmin
!insertmacro RemovePrecompleteEntries
@ -285,7 +269,7 @@ OutFile "setup-stub.exe"
Icon "firefox64.ico"
XPStyle on
BrandingText " "
ChangeUI all "nsisui.exe"
ChangeUI IDD_INST "nsisui.exe"
!ifdef ${AB_CD}_rtl
LoadLanguageFile "locale-rtl.nlf"
@ -388,9 +372,6 @@ Function .onInit
StrCpy $CheckboxSetAsDefault "0"
; The interval in MS used for the progress bars set as marquee.
StrCpy $ProgressbarMarqueeIntervalMS "10"
; Initialize the majority of variables except those that need to be reset
; when a page is displayed.
@ -406,6 +387,7 @@ Function .onInit
StrCpy $CheckboxShortcuts "1"
StrCpy $CheckboxSendPing "1"
StrCpy $CheckboxCleanupProfile "0"
StrCpy $ProgressCompleted "0"
; We can only install the maintenance service if the user is an admin.
Call IsUserAdmin
@ -437,18 +419,8 @@ Function .onInit
StrCpy $FontFamilyName "$(^Font)"
CreateFont $FontHeader "$FontFamilyName" "${INSTALL_HEADER_FONT_SIZE}" \
CreateFont $FontInstalling "$FontFamilyName" "${INSTALL_INSTALLING_FONT_SIZE}" \
CreateFont $FontButton "$FontFamilyName" "10" "500"
CreateFont $FontBlurb "$FontFamilyName" "15" "400"
CreateFont $FontFooter "$FontFamilyName" "13" "400"
CreateFont $FontCheckbox "$FontFamilyName" "10" "400"
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\bgstub.jpg "bgstub.jpg"
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\bgstub_2x.jpg "bgstub_2x.jpg"
; Detect whether the machine is running with a high contrast theme.
; We'll hide our background images in that case, both because they don't
@ -514,16 +486,15 @@ Function .onInit
${InitHashAppModelId} "$INSTDIR" "Software\Mozilla\${AppName}\TaskBarIDs"
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\stub_common.css "stub_common.css"
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\stub_common.js "stub_common.js"
; .onGUIInit isn't needed except for RTL locales
!ifdef ${AB_CD}_rtl
Function .onGUIInit
; Since NSIS RTL support doesn't mirror progress bars use Windows mirroring.
@ -536,13 +507,7 @@ Function .onGUIEnd
Function .onUserAbort
${NSD_KillTimer} StartDownload
${NSD_KillTimer} OnDownload
${NSD_KillTimer} CheckInstall
${NSD_KillTimer} FinishInstall
${NSD_KillTimer} DisplayDownloadError
${NSD_KillTimer} NextBlurb
${NSD_KillTimer} ClearBlurb
WebBrowser::CancelTimer $TimerHandle
${If} "$IsDownloadFinished" != ""
; Go ahead and cancel the download so it doesn't keep running while this
@ -572,384 +537,129 @@ Function .onUserAbort
Function DrawBackgroundImage
${NSD_CreateBitmap} 0 0 100% 100% ""
Pop $HwndBgBitmapControl
!macro _RegisterAllCustomFunctions
GetFunctionAddress $0 getUIString
WebBrowser::RegisterCustomFunction $0 "getUIString"
; If the scaling factor is 100%, use the 1x image; the 2x images scaled down
; by that much don't always look good because some of them use thinner lines
; and a darker background (over which aliasing is more visible).
System::Call 'user32::GetWindowDC(i $HWNDPARENT) i .r0'
System::Call 'gdi32::GetDeviceCaps(i $0, i 88) i .r1' ; 88 = LOGPIXELSX
System::Call 'user32::ReleaseDC(i $HWNDPARENT, i $0)'
${If} $1 <= 96
${SetStretchedImageOLE} $HwndBgBitmapControl $PLUGINSDIR\bgstub.jpg $BgBitmapImage
GetFunctionAddress $0 getTextDirection
WebBrowser::RegisterCustomFunction $0 "getTextDirection"
GetFunctionAddress $0 getFontName
WebBrowser::RegisterCustomFunction $0 "getFontName"
GetFunctionAddress $0 getIsHighContrast
WebBrowser::RegisterCustomFunction $0 "getIsHighContrast"
GetFunctionAddress $0 gotoInstallPage
WebBrowser::RegisterCustomFunction $0 "gotoInstallPage"
GetFunctionAddress $0 getProgressBarPercent
WebBrowser::RegisterCustomFunction $0 "getProgressBarPercent"
!define RegisterAllCustomFunctions "!insertmacro _RegisterAllCustomFunctions"
Push $0
GetFunctionAddress $0 ${_FUNCTION_NAME}
WebBrowser::CreateTimer $0 ${_INTERVAL_MS}
Pop $TimerHandle
Pop $0
!define StartTimer "!insertmacro _StartTimer"
Function gotoInstallPage
Pop $0
StrCpy $CheckboxCleanupProfile $0
StrCpy $R9 1
Call RelativeGotoPage
Push $0
Function getProgressBarPercent
; Custom functions always get one parameter, which we don't use here.
; But we will use $0 as a scratch accumulator register.
Pop $0
; This math is getting the progess bar completion fraction and converting it
; to a percentage, but we implement that with the operations in the reverse
; of the intuitive order so that our integer math doesn't truncate to zero.
IntOp $0 $ProgressCompleted * 100
Push $0
Function getTextDirection
Pop $0
!ifdef ${AB_CD}_rtl
Push "rtl"
Push "ltr"
Function getFontName
Pop $0
Push $FontFamilyName
Function getIsHighContrast
Pop $0
Push $UsingHighContrastMode
Function getUIString
Pop $0
${Select} $0
${Case} "cleanup_header"
${If} $ProfileCleanupPromptType == 1
${SetStretchedImageOLE} $HwndBgBitmapControl $PLUGINSDIR\bgstub_2x.jpg $BgBitmapImage
; transparent bg on control prevents flicker on redraw
SetCtlColors $HwndBgBitmapControl ${COMMON_TEXT_COLOR} transparent
${Case} "cleanup_button"
${If} $ProfileCleanupPromptType == 1
${Case} "cleanup_checkbox"
${Case} "installing_header"
${Case} "installing_label"
${Case} "installing_content"
${Case} "installing_blurb_0"
${Case} "installing_blurb_1"
${Case} "installing_blurb_2"
${Case} "global_footer"
Push ""
Function createProfileCleanup
Call ShouldPromptForProfileCleanup
${Select} $ProfileCleanupPromptType
${Case} 0
${If} $ProfileCleanupPromptType == 0
StrCpy $CheckboxCleanupProfile 0
Abort ; Skip this page
${Case} 1
StrCpy $ProfileCleanupHeaderString $(STUB_CLEANUP_REINSTALL_HEADER2)
StrCpy $ProfileCleanupButtonString $(STUB_CLEANUP_REINSTALL_BUTTON)
${Case} 2
StrCpy $ProfileCleanupHeaderString $(STUB_CLEANUP_PAVEOVER_HEADER2)
StrCpy $ProfileCleanupButtonString $(STUB_CLEANUP_PAVEOVER_BUTTON)
nsDialogs::Create /NOUNLOAD 1018
Pop $Dialog
; Since the text color for controls is set in this Dialog the foreground and
; background colors of the Dialog must also be hardcoded.
FindWindow $7 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT
${GetDlgItemWidthHeight} $HWNDPARENT $8 $9
; Resize the Dialog to fill the entire window
System::Call 'user32::MoveWindow(i$Dialog,i0,i0,i $8,i $9,i0)'
GetDlgItem $0 $HWNDPARENT 1 ; Install button
ShowWindow $0 ${SW_HIDE}
EnableWindow $0 0
GetDlgItem $0 $HWNDPARENT 3 ; Back button
ShowWindow $0 ${SW_HIDE}
EnableWindow $0 0
GetDlgItem $0 $HWNDPARENT 2 ; Cancel button
; Hide the Cancel button, but don't disable it (or else it won't be possible
; to close the window)
ShowWindow $0 ${SW_HIDE}
GetDlgItem $0 $HWNDPARENT 10 ; Default browser checkbox
; Hiding and then disabling allows Esc to still exit the installer
ShowWindow $0 ${SW_HIDE}
EnableWindow $0 0
GetDlgItem $0 $HWNDPARENT 11 ; Footer text
ShowWindow $0 ${SW_HIDE}
EnableWindow $0 0
; Draw the main prompt header label.
${GetDlgItemWidthHeight} $HWNDPARENT $0 $1
; Allow for some padding around the dialog edges.
IntOp $1 $0 * 90
IntOp $1 $1 / 100
; Center the text in the dialog.
IntOp $R1 $1 / 2
IntOp $0 $0 / 2
IntOp $9 $0 - $R1
${GetTextWidthHeight} $ProfileCleanupHeaderString $FontHeader $1 $R1 $R2
${DialogUnitsToPixels} ${PROFILE_CLEANUP_LABEL_WIDTH} X $1
${GetTextWidthHeight} $ProfileCleanupHeaderString $FontHeader $1 $1 $R2
${ConvertLeftCoordForRTL} ${PROFILE_CLEANUP_LABEL_LEFT} $1 $9
; If this text is over the maximum height, drop the font size until it fits.
StrCpy $4 $FontHeader
${While} $R2 > $2
IntOp $3 $3 - 2
CreateFont $4 "$FontFamilyName" $3 ${INSTALL_HEADER_FONT_WEIGHT}
${GetTextWidthHeight} $ProfileCleanupHeaderString $4 $1 $R1 $R2
${NSD_CreateLabel} $9 ${PROFILE_CLEANUP_LABEL_TOP} $1 $R2 \
Pop $0
${NSD_AddStyle} $0 ${SS_CENTER}
SendMessage $0 ${WM_SETFONT} $4 0
SetCtlColors $0 ${COMMON_TEXT_COLOR} transparent
; For the checkbox, first find how much height we're going to need for the
; label text.
${GetDlgItemWidthHeight} $HWNDPARENT $R1 $R2
; Subtract out the width of the checkbox itself and any padding/border so that
; PROFILE_CLEANUP_CHECKBOX_WIDTH can be the width of the entire control and
; doesn't have to guess. We used a fixed (but DPI-adjusted) 25 pixels to
; represent all the things we need to subtract. Using a fixed number of pixels
; for this seems dubious, but the obvious method of using SM_CXMENUCHECK
; seems to be not quite enough by a pixel or two in certain situations for
; mysterious reasons, and this method was taken from what the WinForms
; checkbox control does according to the .NET Framework 4.8 reference source.
; Get the DPI for the monitor this window is on.
System::Call 'user32::GetWindowDC(i $HWNDPARENT) i .R8'
System::Call 'gdi32::GetDeviceCaps(i $R8, i 88) i .R9' ; 88 = LOGPIXELSX
System::Call 'user32::ReleaseDC(i $HWNDPARENT, i $R8)'
; Divide the DPI by 96 to get the scaling factor, and multiply the scaling
; factor by 25 (but backwards to avoid truncating the scale factor).
IntOp $1 $R9 * 25
IntOp $1 $1 / 96
; Subtract out the converted 25 pixels from the width available for the text.
IntOp $R2 $R1 - $1
${GetTextWidthHeight} "$(STUB_CLEANUP_CHECKBOX_LABEL)" $FontCheckbox $R2 \
$R3 $R2
; Now that we know the size for the checkbox, position it in the dialog.
${GetDlgItemWidthHeight} $HWNDPARENT $R4 $R5
IntOp $R5 $R3 + $1
IntOp $R6 $R5 / 2
IntOp $R3 $R4 / 2
IntOp $R3 $R3 - $R6
${GetDlgItemBottomPX} $0 $1
; Add a bit of margin above the checkbox.
IntOp $1 $1 + $2
${If} ${Errors}
${NSD_CreateCheckbox} $R3 $1 ${PROFILE_CLEANUP_CHECKBOX_WIDTH} $R2 \
Pop $CheckboxCleanupProfile
SendMessage $CheckboxCleanupProfile ${WM_SETFONT} $FontCheckbox 0
; The uxtheme must be disabled on checkboxes in order to override the system
; colors and have a transparent background.
System::Call 'uxtheme::SetWindowTheme(i $CheckboxCleanupProfile, w " ", w " ")'
SetCtlColors $CheckboxCleanupProfile ${COMMON_TEXT_COLOR} transparent
; Setting the background color to transparent isn't enough to actually make a
; checkbox background transparent, you also have to set the right style.
${NSD_AddExStyle} $CheckboxCleanupProfile ${WS_EX_TRANSPARENT}
; For some reason, clicking on the checkbox causes its text to be redrawn
; one pixel to the side of where it was, but without clearing away the
; existing text first, so it looks like the weight increases when you click.
; Hack around this by manually hiding and then re-showing the textbox when
; it gets clicked on.
${NSD_OnClick} $CheckboxCleanupProfile RedrawWindow
${NSD_Check} $CheckboxCleanupProfile
; Time to draw the continue button. Compute its height based on the top and
; height of the checkbox, since GetDlgItemBottomPX returns nonsense for the
; checkbox for some reason.
IntOp $1 $1 + $R2
; Also add some margin above the button.
IntOp $1 $1 + $2
; Determine the size of the button.
${GetTextExtent} $ProfileCleanupButtonString $FontFooter $R1 $R2
; Add some padding around the text for both dimensions.
IntOp $R1 $R1 + $2
IntOp $R2 $R2 + $2
${GetDlgItemWidthHeight} $HWNDPARENT $R3 $R4
IntOp $R5 $R1 / 2
IntOp $R3 $R3 / 2
IntOp $R3 $R3 - $R5
; We need a custom button because the default ones get drawn underneath the
; background image we're about to insert.
${NSD_CreateButton} $R3 $1 $R1 $R2 "$ProfileCleanupButtonString"
Pop $0
SendMessage $0 ${WM_SETFONT} $FontButton 0
${NSD_OnClick} $0 gotoInstallPage
${NSD_SetFocus} $0
; Draw the footer text.
${GetTextWidthHeight} "$(STUB_BLURB_FOOTER2)" $FontFooter \
!ifdef ${AB_CD}_rtl
nsDialogs::CreateControl STATIC ${DEFAULT_STYLES}|${SS_NOTIFY} \
nsDialogs::CreateControl STATIC ${DEFAULT_STYLES}|${SS_NOTIFY}|${SS_RIGHT} \
Pop $0
SendMessage $0 ${WM_SETFONT} $FontFooter 0
SetCtlColors $0 ${COMMON_TEXT_COLOR} transparent
${If} $UsingHighContrastMode == 0
Call DrawBackgroundImage
LockWindow off
${If} $UsingHighContrastMode == 0
${NSD_FreeImage} $BgBitmapImage
Function RedrawWindow
Pop $0
ShowWindow $0 ${SW_HIDE}
ShowWindow $0 ${SW_SHOW}
Function gotoInstallPage
; Eat the parameter that NSD_OnClick always passes but that we don't need.
Pop $0
; Save the state of the checkbox before it's destroyed.
${NSD_GetState} $CheckboxCleanupProfile $CheckboxCleanupProfile
StrCpy $R9 1
Call RelativeGotoPage
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\profile_cleanup.html "profile_cleanup.html"
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\profile_cleanup_page.css "profile_cleanup_page.css"
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\profile_cleanup.js "profile_cleanup.js"
WebBrowser::ShowPage "$PLUGINSDIR\profile_cleanup.html"
Function createInstall
; Begin setting up the download/install window
nsDialogs::Create /NOUNLOAD 1018
Pop $Dialog
; Since the text color for controls is set in this Dialog the foreground and
; background colors of the Dialog must also be hardcoded.
FindWindow $7 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT
${GetDlgItemWidthHeight} $HWNDPARENT $8 $9
; Resize the Dialog to fill the entire window
System::Call 'user32::MoveWindow(i$Dialog,i0,i0,i $8,i $9,i0)'
; Draw the header text.
${DialogUnitsToPixels} ${INSTALL_HEADER_WIDTH} X $0
${GetTextWidthHeight} "$(STUB_INSTALLING_HEADLINE)" $FontHeader $0 $R1 $R2
${ConvertLeftCoordForRTL} ${INSTALL_HEADER_LEFT} $0 $9
; If this text is over the maximum height, drop the font size until it fits.
StrCpy $4 $FontHeader
${DialogUnitsToPixels} ${INSTALL_HEADER_HEIGHT} Y $2
${While} $R2 > $2
IntOp $3 $3 - 2
CreateFont $4 "$FontFamilyName" $3 ${INSTALL_HEADER_FONT_WEIGHT}
${GetTextWidthHeight} "$(STUB_INSTALLING_HEADLINE)" $4 $0 $R1 $R2
${NSD_CreateLabel} $9 ${INSTALL_HEADER_TOP} $0 $R2 \
Pop $0
SendMessage $0 ${WM_SETFONT} $4 0
SetCtlColors $0 ${COMMON_TEXT_COLOR} transparent
; Draw the body text the same way as the header, but we also need to work
; out where to put it based on where the bottom of the header is.
${GetDlgItemBottomPX} $0 $1
; Add a bit of padding above this text.
${DialogUnitsToPixels} ${INSTALL_BODY_TOP_MARGIN} Y $2
IntOp $1 $1 + $2
${DialogUnitsToPixels} ${INSTALL_BODY_WIDTH} X $0
${GetTextWidthHeight} "$(STUB_INSTALLING_BODY)" $FontCheckbox $0 $R1 $R2
${ConvertLeftCoordForRTL} ${INSTALL_BODY_LEFT} $0 $9
Pop $0
SendMessage $0 ${WM_SETFONT} $FontCheckbox 0
SetCtlColors $0 ${COMMON_TEXT_COLOR} transparent
; Draw the "Now installing" text
${GetDlgItemWidthHeight} $HWNDPARENT $0 $1
${DialogUnitsToPixels} ${INSTALL_INSTALLING_WIDTH} X $0
${GetTextWidthHeight} "$(STUB_INSTALLING_LABEL2)" $FontInstalling $0 $R1 $R2
${ConvertLeftCoordForRTL} ${INSTALL_INSTALLING_LEFT} $0 $9
${NSD_CreateLabelCenter} $9 ${INSTALL_INSTALLING_TOP} \
Pop $0
SendMessage $0 ${WM_SETFONT} $FontInstalling 0
${If} $UsingHighContrastMode == 0
SetCtlColors $0 ${INSTALL_INSTALLING_TEXT_COLOR} transparent
SetCtlColors $0 ${COMMON_TEXT_COLOR} transparent
; Initialize these variables even if we won't use them to silence warnings.
StrCpy $CurrentBlurbIdx "0"
StrCpy $LabelBlurb "0"
${NSD_CreateLabelCenter} 0% ${INSTALL_BLURB_TOP} 100% ${INSTALL_BLURB_WIDTH} \
Pop $LabelBlurb
SendMessage $LabelBlurb ${WM_SETFONT} $FontBlurb 0
SetCtlColors $LabelBlurb ${COMMON_TEXT_COLOR} transparent
${NSD_CreateTimer} ClearBlurb ${BlurbDisplayMS}
${GetTextWidthHeight} "$(STUB_BLURB_FOOTER2)" $FontFooter \
!ifdef ${AB_CD}_rtl
nsDialogs::CreateControl STATIC ${DEFAULT_STYLES}|${SS_NOTIFY} \
nsDialogs::CreateControl STATIC ${DEFAULT_STYLES}|${SS_NOTIFY}|${SS_RIGHT} \
Pop $0
SendMessage $0 ${WM_SETFONT} $FontFooter 0
SetCtlColors $0 ${COMMON_TEXT_COLOR} transparent
; And now draw the progress bar.
${WordFind} "${INSTALL_PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH}" "%" "E#" $9
${If} ${Errors}
${NSD_CreateProgressBar} $9 ${INSTALL_PROGRESS_BAR_TOP} \
Pop $Progressbar
; The uxtheme must be disabled so we can change the color.
System::Call 'uxtheme::SetWindowTheme(i $Progressbar, w " ", w " ")'
${NSD_AddStyle} $Progressbar ${PBS_MARQUEE}
SendMessage $Progressbar ${PBM_SETMARQUEE} 1 \
$ProgressbarMarqueeIntervalMS ; start=1|stop=0 interval(ms)=+N
${If} $UsingHighContrastMode == 0
Call DrawBackgroundImage
GetDlgItem $0 $HWNDPARENT 1 ; Install button
EnableWindow $0 0
ShowWindow $0 ${SW_HIDE}
@ -959,23 +669,12 @@ Function createInstall
ShowWindow $0 ${SW_HIDE}
GetDlgItem $0 $HWNDPARENT 2 ; Cancel button
; Focus the Cancel button otherwise it isn't possible to tab to it since it is
; the only control that can be tabbed to.
${NSD_SetFocus} $0
; Kill the Cancel button's focus so pressing enter won't cancel the install.
SendMessage $0 ${WM_KILLFOCUS} 0 0
; Hide the Cancel button, but don't disable it (or else it won't be possible
; to close the window)
ShowWindow $0 ${SW_HIDE}
GetDlgItem $0 $HWNDPARENT 10 ; Default browser checkbox
; Hiding and then disabling allows Esc to still exit the installer
ShowWindow $0 ${SW_HIDE}
EnableWindow $0 0
GetDlgItem $0 $HWNDPARENT 11 ; Footer text
ShowWindow $0 ${SW_HIDE}
EnableWindow $0 0
; Get keyboard focus on the parent
System::Call "user32::SetFocus(p$HWNDPARENT)"
; Set $DownloadReset to true so the first download tick count is measured.
StrCpy $DownloadReset "true"
@ -1021,68 +720,36 @@ Function createInstall
; Make sure the file we're about to try to download to doesn't already exist,
; so we don't end up trying to "resume" on top of the wrong file.
Delete "$PLUGINSDIR\download.exe"
${NSD_CreateTimer} StartDownload ${DownloadIntervalMS}
LockWindow off
${StartTimer} ${DownloadIntervalMS} StartDownload
${If} $UsingHighContrastMode == 0
${NSD_FreeImage} $BgBitmapImage
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\installing.html "installing.html"
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\installing_page.css "installing_page.css"
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\installing.js "installing.js"
WebBrowser::ShowPage "$PLUGINSDIR\installing.html"
Function StartDownload
${NSD_KillTimer} StartDownload
WebBrowser::CancelTimer $TimerHandle
Call GetDownloadURL
Pop $0
InetBgDL::Get "$0" "$PLUGINSDIR\download.exe" \
StrCpy $4 ""
${NSD_CreateTimer} OnDownload ${DownloadIntervalMS}
${StartTimer} ${DownloadIntervalMS} OnDownload
${If} ${FileExists} "$INSTDIR\${TO_BE_DELETED}"
Function SetProgressBars
SendMessage $Progressbar ${PBM_SETPOS} $ProgressCompleted 0
${ITBL3SetProgressValue} "$ProgressCompleted" "${PROGRESS_BAR_TOTAL_STEPS}"
Function NextBlurb
${NSD_KillTimer} NextBlurb
IntOp $CurrentBlurbIdx $CurrentBlurbIdx + 1
IntOp $CurrentBlurbIdx $CurrentBlurbIdx % 3
${If} $CurrentBlurbIdx == "0"
StrCpy $0 "$(STUB_BLURB_FIRST1)"
${ElseIf} $CurrentBlurbIdx == "1"
${ElseIf} $CurrentBlurbIdx == "2"
StrCpy $0 "$(STUB_BLURB_THIRD1)"
SendMessage $LabelBlurb ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:$0"
${NSD_CreateTimer} ClearBlurb ${BlurbDisplayMS}
Function ClearBlurb
${NSD_KillTimer} ClearBlurb
SendMessage $LabelBlurb ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:"
; force the background to repaint to clear the transparent label
System::Call "*(i,i,i,i) p .r0"
System::Call "user32::GetWindowRect(p $LabelBlurb, p r0)"
System::Call "user32::MapWindowPoints(p 0, p $HwndBgBitmapControl, p r0, i 2)"
System::Call "user32::InvalidateRect(p $HwndBgBitmapControl, p r0, i 0)"
System::Free $0
${NSD_CreateTimer} NextBlurb ${BlurbBlankMS}
Function OnDownload
# $0 = HTTP status code, 0=Completed
@ -1094,12 +761,12 @@ Function OnDownload
# When status is $0 =< 299 it is handled by InetBgDL
StrCpy $DownloadServerIP "$5"
${If} $0 > 299
${NSD_KillTimer} OnDownload
WebBrowser::CancelTimer $TimerHandle
IntOp $DownloadRetryCount $DownloadRetryCount + 1
${If} $DownloadRetryCount >= ${DownloadMaxRetries}
; Use a timer so the UI has a chance to update
${NSD_CreateTimer} DisplayDownloadError ${InstallIntervalMS}
${StartTimer} ${InstallIntervalMS} DisplayDownloadError
@ -1110,9 +777,6 @@ Function OnDownload
${If} $0 != 1000
${If} "$DownloadReset" != "true"
StrCpy $DownloadedBytes "0"
${NSD_AddStyle} $Progressbar ${PBS_MARQUEE}
SendMessage $Progressbar ${PBM_SETMARQUEE} 1 \
$ProgressbarMarqueeIntervalMS ; start=1|stop=0 interval(ms)=+N
${ITBL3SetProgressState} "${TBPF_INDETERMINATE}"
StrCpy $DownloadSizeBytes ""
@ -1121,7 +785,7 @@ Function OnDownload
${NSD_CreateTimer} StartDownload ${DownloadRetryIntervalMS}
${StartTimer} ${DownloadRetryIntervalMS} StartDownload
@ -1146,24 +810,21 @@ Function OnDownload
; beginning of the download.
${If} $4 < ${DownloadMinSizeBytes}
${OrIf} $4 > ${DownloadMaxSizeBytes}
${NSD_KillTimer} OnDownload
WebBrowser::CancelTimer $TimerHandle
StrCpy $DownloadReset "true"
${If} $DownloadRetryCount >= ${DownloadMaxRetries}
; Use a timer so the UI has a chance to update
${NSD_CreateTimer} DisplayDownloadError ${InstallIntervalMS}
${StartTimer} ${InstallIntervalMS} DisplayDownloadError
${NSD_CreateTimer} StartDownload ${DownloadIntervalMS}
${StartTimer} ${DownloadRetryIntervalMS} StartDownload
StrCpy $DownloadSizeBytes "$4"
SendMessage $Progressbar ${PBM_SETMARQUEE} 0 0 ; start=1|stop=0 interval(ms)=+N
${RemoveStyle} $Progressbar ${PBS_MARQUEE}
StrCpy $ProgressCompleted 0
SendMessage $Progressbar ${PBM_SETRANGE32} $ProgressCompleted ${PROGRESS_BAR_TOTAL_STEPS}
; Don't update the status until after the download starts
@ -1180,16 +841,16 @@ Function OnDownload
${If} $DownloadRetryCount >= ${DownloadMaxRetries}
; Use a timer so the UI has a chance to update
${NSD_CreateTimer} DisplayDownloadError ${InstallIntervalMS}
${StartTimer} ${InstallIntervalMS} DisplayDownloadError
${NSD_CreateTimer} StartDownload ${DownloadIntervalMS}
${StartTimer} ${DownloadRetryIntervalMS} StartDownload
${If} $IsDownloadFinished != "true"
${If} $2 == 0
${NSD_KillTimer} OnDownload
WebBrowser::CancelTimer $TimerHandle
StrCpy $IsDownloadFinished "true"
System::Call "kernel32::GetTickCount()l .s"
Pop $EndDownloadPhaseTickCount
@ -1206,9 +867,9 @@ Function OnDownload
${If} $DownloadRetryCount >= ${DownloadMaxRetries}
; Use a timer so the UI has a chance to update
${NSD_CreateTimer} DisplayDownloadError ${InstallIntervalMS}
${StartTimer} ${InstallIntervalMS} DisplayDownloadError
${NSD_CreateTimer} StartDownload ${DownloadIntervalMS}
${StartTimer} ${DownloadRetryIntervalMS} StartDownload
@ -1235,11 +896,11 @@ Function OnDownload
System::Call "kernel32::GetTickCount()l .s"
Pop $EndPreInstallPhaseTickCount
; Use a timer so the UI has a chance to update
${NSD_CreateTimer} DisplayDownloadError ${InstallIntervalMS}
${StartTimer} ${InstallIntervalMS} DisplayDownloadError
CertCheck::CheckPETrustAndInfoAsync "$PLUGINSDIR\download.exe" \
"${CertNameDownload}" "${CertIssuerDownload}"
${NSD_CreateTimer} OnCertCheck ${DownloadIntervalMS}
${StartTimer} ${DownloadIntervalMS} OnCertCheck
StrCpy $DownloadedBytes "$3"
@ -1261,10 +922,10 @@ Function OnCertCheck
${If} $0 == 0
${GetSecondsElapsed} "$EndDownloadPhaseTickCount" "$EndPreInstallPhaseTickCount" $0
${If} $0 >= ${PreinstallCertCheckMaxWaitSec}
${NSD_KillTimer} OnCertCheck
WebBrowser::CancelTimer $TimerHandle
; Use a timer so the UI has a chance to update
${NSD_CreateTimer} DisplayDownloadError ${InstallIntervalMS}
${StartTimer} ${InstallIntervalMS} DisplayDownloadError
@ -1280,12 +941,12 @@ Function OnCertCheck
${NSD_KillTimer} OnCertCheck
WebBrowser::CancelTimer $TimerHandle
${If} $0 == 0
${OrIf} $1 == 0
; Use a timer so the UI has a chance to update
${NSD_CreateTimer} DisplayDownloadError ${InstallIntervalMS}
${StartTimer} ${InstallIntervalMS} DisplayDownloadError
@ -1345,12 +1006,10 @@ Function LaunchFullInstaller
Pop $EndPreInstallPhaseTickCount
Exec "$\"$PLUGINSDIR\download.exe$\" /LaunchedFromStub /INI=$PLUGINSDIR\${CONFIG_INI}"
${NSD_CreateTimer} CheckInstall ${InstallIntervalMS}
${StartTimer} ${InstallIntervalMS} CheckInstall
Function SendPing
${NSD_KillTimer} NextBlurb
${NSD_KillTimer} ClearBlurb
${If} $CheckboxSendPing == 1
@ -1579,7 +1238,7 @@ Function SendPing
StrCpy $R9 "2"
Call RelativeGotoPage
${NSD_CreateTimer} OnPing ${DownloadIntervalMS}
${StartTimer} ${DownloadIntervalMS} OnPing
InetBgDL::Get "${BaseURLStubPing}/${StubURLVersion}${StubURLVersionAppend}/${Channel}/${UpdateChannel}/${AB_CD}/$R0/$R1/$5/$6/$7/$8/$9/$ExitCode/$FirefoxLaunchCode/$DownloadRetryCount/$DownloadedBytes/$DownloadSizeBytes/$IntroPhaseSeconds/$OptionsPhaseSeconds/$0/$1/$DownloadFirstTransferSeconds/$2/$3/$4/$InitialInstallRequirementsCode/$OpenedDownloadPage/$ExistingProfile/$ExistingVersion/$ExistingBuildID/$R5/$R6/$R7/$R8/$R2/$R3/$DownloadServerIP/$PostSigningData/$ProfileCleanupPromptType/$CheckboxCleanupProfile" \
@ -1606,7 +1265,7 @@ Function OnPing
# When status is $0 =< 299 it is handled by InetBgDL
${If} $2 == 0
${OrIf} $0 > 299
${NSD_KillTimer} OnPing
WebBrowser::CancelTimer $TimerHandle
${If} $0 > 299
@ -1620,12 +1279,12 @@ FunctionEnd
Function CheckInstall
IntOp $InstallCounterStep $InstallCounterStep + 1
${If} $InstallCounterStep >= $InstallTotalSteps
${NSD_KillTimer} CheckInstall
WebBrowser::CancelTimer $TimerHandle
; Close the handle that prevents modification of the full installer
System::Call 'kernel32::CloseHandle(i $HandleDownload)'
; Use a timer so the UI has a chance to update
${NSD_CreateTimer} DisplayDownloadError ${InstallIntervalMS}
${StartTimer} ${InstallIntervalMS} DisplayDownloadError
@ -1649,7 +1308,7 @@ Function CheckInstall
Delete "$INSTDIR\install.log"
${Unless} ${Errors}
${NSD_KillTimer} CheckInstall
WebBrowser::CancelTimer $TimerHandle
; Close the handle that prevents modification of the full installer
System::Call 'kernel32::CloseHandle(i $HandleDownload)'
Rename "$INSTDIR\install.tmp" "$INSTDIR\install.log"
@ -1786,7 +1445,7 @@ Function LaunchApp
StrCpy $AppLaunchWaitTickCount 0
${NSD_CreateTimer} WaitForAppLaunch ${AppLaunchWaitIntervalMS}
${StartTimer} ${AppLaunchWaitIntervalMS} WaitForAppLaunch
Function LaunchAppFromElevatedProcess
@ -1804,7 +1463,7 @@ Function WaitForAppLaunch
FindWindow $1 "${DialogWindowClass}"
${If} $0 <> 0
${OrIf} $1 <> 0
${NSD_KillTimer} WaitForAppLaunch
WebBrowser::CancelTimer $TimerHandle
StrCpy $ProgressCompleted "${PROGRESS_BAR_APP_LAUNCH_END_STEP}"
Call SetProgressBars
Call SendPing
@ -1815,7 +1474,7 @@ Function WaitForAppLaunch
IntOp $0 $AppLaunchWaitTickCount * ${AppLaunchWaitIntervalMS}
${If} $0 >= ${AppLaunchWaitTimeoutMS}
; We've waited an unreasonably long time, so just exit.
${NSD_KillTimer} WaitForAppLaunch
WebBrowser::CancelTimer $TimerHandle
Call SendPing
@ -1838,9 +1497,7 @@ Function CopyPostSigningData
Function DisplayDownloadError
${NSD_KillTimer} DisplayDownloadError
${NSD_KillTimer} NextBlurb
${NSD_KillTimer} ClearBlurb
WebBrowser::CancelTimer $TimerHandle
; To better display the error state on the taskbar set the progress completed
; value to the total value.
${ITBL3SetProgressValue} "100" "100"

Просмотреть файл

@ -6,9 +6,6 @@
# This file must be saved as UTF8
# Accesskeys are defined by prefixing the letter that is to be used for the
# accesskey with an ampersand (e.g. &).
# Do not replace $BrandShortName, $BrandProductName, $BrandFullName,
# or $BrandFullNameDA with a custom string and always use the same one as used
# by the en-US files.
@ -23,9 +20,9 @@ INSTALLER_WIN_CAPTION=$BrandShortName Installer
STUB_CLEANUP_PAVEOVER_HEADER2=$BrandShortName is already installed. Lets update it.
STUB_CLEANUP_REINSTALL_HEADER2=$BrandShortName has been installed before. Lets get you a new copy.
STUB_CLEANUP_CHECKBOX_LABEL=&Restore default settings and remove old add-ons for optimal performance
STUB_CLEANUP_CHECKBOX_LABEL2=Restore default settings and remove old add-ons for optimal performance
# The \n in the next string is intended to force a nice-looking layout in en-US

Просмотреть файл

@ -8028,12 +8028,12 @@ end:
!define /ifndef GWL_STYLE -16
!define /ifndef GWL_EXSTYLE -20
!define WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT 0x00100000
!define WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL 0x00400000
!define PBS_MARQUEE 0x08
@ -8259,6 +8259,23 @@ end:
!define RemoveStyle "!insertmacro _RemoveStyle"
* Adds a single extended style to a control.
* _HANDLE the handle of the control
* _EXSTYLE the extended style to add
!macro _AddExStyle _HANDLE _EXSTYLE
Push $0
System::Call 'user32::GetWindowLongW(i ${_HANDLE}, i ${GWL_EXSTYLE}) i .r0'
IntOp $0 $0 | ${_EXSTYLE}
System::Call 'user32::SetWindowLongW(i ${_HANDLE}, i ${GWL_EXSTYLE}, i r0)'
Pop $0
!define AddExStyle "!insertmacro _AddExStyle"
* Removes a single extended style from a control.
@ -8277,6 +8294,25 @@ end:
!define RemoveExStyle "!insertmacro _RemoveExStyle"
* Set the necessary styles to configure the given window as right-to-left
* _HANDLE the handle of the control to configure
!macro _MakeWindowRTL _HANDLE
!define /ifndef WS_EX_RIGHT 0x00001000
!define /ifndef WS_EX_LEFT 0x00000000
!define /ifndef WS_EX_RTLREADING 0x00002000
!define /ifndef WS_EX_LTRREADING 0x00000000
!define /ifndef WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL 0x00400000
${RemoveExStyle} ${_HANDLE} ${WS_EX_RTLREADING}
${RemoveExStyle} ${_HANDLE} ${WS_EX_RIGHT}
!define MakeWindowRTL "!insertmacro _MakeWindowRTL"
* Gets the extent of the specified text in pixels for sizing a control.