@ -2755,3 +2755,204 @@
[Element interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (42)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "origin" with the proper type (3)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "styleSheetSets" with the proper type (32)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "domain" with the proper type (35)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "cookie" with the proper type (37)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "body" with the proper type (43)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "head" with the proper type (44)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "images" with the proper type (45)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "embeds" with the proper type (46)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "plugins" with the proper type (47)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "links" with the proper type (48)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "forms" with the proper type (49)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "scripts" with the proper type (50)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "getElementsByName" with the proper type (51)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: calling getElementsByName(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "getItems" with the proper type (52)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: calling getItems(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "cssElementMap" with the proper type (53)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "open" with the proper type (55)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: calling open(DOMString,DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "open" with the proper type (56)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: calling open(DOMString,DOMString,DOMString,boolean) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "close" with the proper type (57)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "write" with the proper type (58)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: calling write(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "writeln" with the proper type (59)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: calling writeln(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "designMode" with the proper type (63)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "execCommand" with the proper type (64)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: calling execCommand(DOMString,boolean,DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "queryCommandEnabled" with the proper type (65)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: calling queryCommandEnabled(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "queryCommandIndeterm" with the proper type (66)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: calling queryCommandIndeterm(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "queryCommandState" with the proper type (67)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: calling queryCommandState(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "queryCommandSupported" with the proper type (68)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: calling queryCommandSupported(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "queryCommandValue" with the proper type (69)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: calling queryCommandValue(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "commands" with the proper type (70)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "fgColor" with the proper type (72)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "linkColor" with the proper type (73)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "vlinkColor" with the proper type (74)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "alinkColor" with the proper type (75)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "bgColor" with the proper type (76)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "anchors" with the proper type (77)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "applets" with the proper type (78)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "clear" with the proper type (79)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "captureEvents" with the proper type (80)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "releaseEvents" with the proper type (81)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "all" with the proper type (82)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "prepend" with the proper type (88)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: calling prepend([object Object\],[object Object\]) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "append" with the proper type (89)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: calling append([object Object\],[object Object\]) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "query" with the proper type (90)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: calling query(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "queryAll" with the proper type (91)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: calling queryAll(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (95)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (96)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (98)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "onclose" with the proper type (103)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (105)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "ondragexit" with the proper type (110)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "onmousewheel" with the proper type (136)]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (149)]
expected: FAIL