Backed out changeset 0fa8c456f37b (bug 1863372) for causing bc failures on browser/base/content/test/static/browser_all_files_referenced.js CLOSED TREE

This commit is contained in:
Sandor Molnar 2023-11-22 21:22:06 +02:00
Родитель 9fcf550bd8
Коммит 9728aab2dc
4 изменённых файлов: 0 добавлений и 233 удалений

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@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import {
} from "resource://gre/modules/FxAccountsCommon.sys.mjs";
* Handles all logic and state related to initializing, and completing OAuth flows
* with FxA
* It's possible to start multiple OAuth flow, but only one can be completed, and once one flow is completed
* all the other in-flight flows will be concluded, and attempting to complete those flows will result in errors.
export class FxAccountsOAuth {
constructor() {
this.#flow = {};
* Stores a flow in-memory
* @param { string } state: A base-64 URL-safe string represnting a random value created at the start of the flow
* @param { Object } value: The data needed to complete a flow, once the oauth code is available.
* in practice, `value` is:
* - `verifier`: A base=64 URL-safe string representing the PKCE code verifier
* - `key`: The private key need to decrypt the JWE we recieve from the auth server
* - `requestedScopes`: The scopes the caller requested, meant to be compared against the scopes the server authorized
addFlow(state, value) {
this.#flow[state] = value;
* Clears all started flows
clearAllFlows() {
this.#flow = {};
* Gets a stored flow
* @param { string } state: The base-64 URL-safe state string that was created at the start of the flow
* @returns { Object }: The values initially stored when startign th eoauth flow
* in practice, the return value is:
* - `verifier`: A base=64 URL-safe string representing the PKCE code verifier
* - `key`: The private key need to decrypt the JWE we recieve from the auth server
* - ``requestedScopes`: The scopes the caller requested, meant to be compared against the scopes the server authorized
getFlow(state) {
return this.#flow[state];
* Begins an OAuth flow, to be completed with a an OAuth code and state.
* This function stores needed information to complete the flow. You must call `completeOAuthFlow`
* on the same instance of `FxAccountsOAuth`, otherwise the completing of the oauth flow will fail.
* @param { string[] } scopes: The OAuth scopes the client should request from FxA
* @returns { Object }: Returns an object representing the query parameters that should be
* added to the FxA authorization URL to initialize an oAuth flow.
* In practice, the query parameters are:
* - `client_id`: The OAuth client ID for Firefox Desktop
* - `scope`: The scopes given by the caller, space seperated
* - `action`: This will always be `email`
* - `response_type`: This will always be `code`
* - `access_type`: This will always be `offline`
* - `state`: A URL-safe base-64 string randomly generated
* - `code_challenge`: A URL-safe base-64 string representing the PKCE challenge
* - `code_challenge_method`: This will always be `S256`
* For more informatio about PKCE, read
* - `keys_jwk`: A URL-safe base-64 representing a JWK to be used as a public key by the server
* to generate a JWE
async beginOAuthFlow(scopes) {
if (
!Array.isArray(scopes) &&
scopes.some(scope => !VALID_SCOPES.contains(scope))
) {
throw new Error("Invalid scopes");
const queryParams = {
client_id: FX_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID,
action: "email",
response_type: "code",
access_type: "offline",
scope: scopes.join(" "),
// Generate a random, 16 byte value to represent a state that we verify
// once we complete the oauth flow, to ensure that we only conclude
// an oauth flow that we started
const state = new Uint8Array(16);
const stateB64 = ChromeUtils.base64URLEncode(state, { pad: false });
queryParams.state = stateB64;
// Generate a 43 byte code verifier for PKCE, in accordance with
// which recommends a
// 43-octet URL safe string
const codeVerifier = new Uint8Array(43);
const codeVerifierB64 = ChromeUtils.base64URLEncode(codeVerifier, {
pad: false,
const challenge = await crypto.subtle.digest(
new TextEncoder().encode(codeVerifierB64)
const challengeB64 = ChromeUtils.base64URLEncode(challenge, { pad: false });
queryParams.code_challenge = challengeB64;
queryParams.code_challenge_method = "S256";
// Generate a public, private key pair to be used during the oauth flow
// to encrypt scoped-keys as they roundtrip through the auth server
const ECDH_KEY = { name: "ECDH", namedCurve: "P-256" };
const key = await crypto.subtle.generateKey(ECDH_KEY, true, ["deriveKey"]);
const publicKey = await crypto.subtle.exportKey("jwk", key.publicKey);
const privateKey = key.privateKey;
// We encode the public key as URL-safe base64 to be included in the query parameters
const encodedPublicKey = ChromeUtils.base64URLEncode(
new TextEncoder().encode(JSON.stringify(publicKey)),
{ pad: false }
queryParams.keys_jwk = encodedPublicKey;
// We store the state in-memory, to verify once the oauth flow is completed
this.addFlow(stateB64, {
key: privateKey,
verifier: codeVerifierB64,
requestedScopes: scopes,
return queryParams;

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@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ EXTRA_JS_MODULES += [

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@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* */
/* global crypto */
"use strict";
const { FxAccountsOAuth } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const { SCOPE_PROFILE, FX_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, {
jwcrypto: "resource://services-crypto/jwcrypto.sys.mjs",
add_task(function test_begin_oauth_flow() {
const oauth = new FxAccountsOAuth();
add_task(async function test_begin_oauth_flow_invalid_scopes() {
try {
await oauth.beginOAuthFlow("foo,fi,fum", "foo");"Should have thrown error, scopes must be an array");
} catch {
// OK
try {
await oauth.beginOAuthFlow(["not-a-real-scope", SCOPE_PROFILE]);"Should have thrown an error, must use a valid scope");
} catch {
// OK
add_task(async function test_begin_oauth_flow_ok() {
const queryParams = await oauth.beginOAuthFlow(scopes);
// First verify default query parameters
Assert.equal(queryParams.client_id, FX_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID);
Assert.equal(queryParams.action, "email");
Assert.equal(queryParams.response_type, "code");
Assert.equal(queryParams.access_type, "offline");
Assert.equal(queryParams.scope, [SCOPE_PROFILE, SCOPE_OLD_SYNC].join(" "));
// Then, we verify that the state is a valid Base64 value
const state = queryParams.state;
ChromeUtils.base64URLDecode(state, { padding: "reject" });
// Then, we verify that the codeVerifier, can be used to verify the code_challenge
const code_challenge = queryParams.code_challenge;
Assert.equal(queryParams.code_challenge_method, "S256");
const oauthFlow = oauth.getFlow(state);
const codeVerifierB64 = oauthFlow.verifier;
const expectedChallenge = await crypto.subtle.digest(
new TextEncoder().encode(codeVerifierB64)
const expectedChallengeB64 = ChromeUtils.base64URLEncode(
{ pad: false }
Assert.equal(expectedChallengeB64, code_challenge);
// Then, we verify that something encrypted with the `keys_jwk`, can be decrypted using the private key
const keysJwk = queryParams.keys_jwk;
const decodedKeysJwk = JSON.parse(
new TextDecoder().decode(
ChromeUtils.base64URLDecode(keysJwk, { padding: "reject" })
const plaintext = "text to be encrypted and decrypted!";
delete decodedKeysJwk.key_ops;
const jwe = await jwcrypto.generateJWE(
new TextEncoder().encode(plaintext)
const privateKey = oauthFlow.key;
const decrypted = await jwcrypto.decryptJWE(jwe, privateKey);
Assert.equal(new TextDecoder().decode(decrypted), plaintext);
// Finally, we verify that we stored the requested scopes
Assert.deepEqual(oauthFlow.requestedScopes, scopes);

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@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ support-files =