Bug 866849, part 1 - Add assertEqual testing function in jit-test/lib/asserts.js. r=evilpies.

This commit is contained in:
Jason Orendorff 2013-07-10 08:14:02 -05:00
Родитель 570118e565
Коммит b534f33ea6
2 изменённых файлов: 224 добавлений и 0 удалений

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@ -99,3 +99,134 @@ if (typeof assertNoWarning === 'undefined') {
if (typeof assertDeepEq === 'undefined') {
let call = Function.prototype.call,
Map_ = Map,
Error_ = Error,
Map_has = call.bind(Map.prototype.has),
Map_get = call.bind(Map.prototype.get),
Map_set = call.bind(Map.prototype.set),
Object_toString = call.bind(Object.prototype.toString),
Function_toString = call.bind(Function.prototype.toString),
Object_getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf,
Object_hasOwnProperty = call.bind(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty),
Object_getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
Object_isExtensible = Object.isExtensible,
Object_getOwnPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames,
uneval_ = uneval;
// Return true iff ES6 Type(v) isn't Object.
// Note that `typeof document.all === "undefined"`.
let isPrimitive = v =>
v === null ||
v === undefined ||
typeof v === "boolean" ||
typeof v === "number" ||
typeof v === "string" ||
typeof v === "symbol";
let assertSameValue = (a, b, msg) => {
try {
assertEq(a, b);
} catch (exc) {
throw new Error(exc.message + (msg ? " " + msg : ""));
let assertSameClass = (a, b, msg) => {
var ac = Object_toString(a), bc = Object_toString(b);
assertSameValue(ac, bc, msg);
switch (ac) {
case "[object Function]":
assertSameValue(Function_toString(a), Function_toString(b), msg);
let at = (prevmsg, segment) => prevmsg ? prevmsg + segment : "at _" + segment;
// Assert that the arguments a and b are thoroughly structurally equivalent.
// For the sake of speed, we cut a corner:
// var x = {}, y = {}, ax = [x];
// assertDeepEq([ax, x], [ax, y]); // passes (?!)
// Technically this should fail, since the two object graphs are different.
// (The graph of [ax, y] contains one more object than the graph of [ax, x].)
// To get technically correct behavior, pass {strictEquivalence: true}.
// This is slower because we have to walk the entire graph, and Object.prototype
// is big.
var assertDeepEq = function assertDeepEq(a, b, options) {
let strictEquivalence = options ? options.strictEquivalence : false;
let assertSameProto = (a, b, msg) => {
check(Object_getPrototypeOf(a), Object_getPrototypeOf(b), at(msg, ".__proto__"))
let failPropList = (na, nb, msg) => {
throw Error_("got own properties " + uneval_(na) + ", expected " + uneval_(nb) +
(msg ? " " + msg : ""));
let assertSameProps = (a, b, msg) => {
var na = Object_getOwnPropertyNames(a),
nb = Object_getOwnPropertyNames(b);
if (na.length !== nb.length)
failPropList(na, nb, msg);
for (var i = 0; i < na.length; i++) {
var name = na[i];
if (name !== nb[i])
failPropList(na, nb, msg);
var da = Object_getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, name),
db = Object_getOwnPropertyDescriptor(b, name);
var pmsg = at(msg, /^[_$A-Za-z0-9]+$/.test(name)
? /0|[1-9][0-9]*/.test(name) ? "[" + name + "]" : "." + name
: "[" + uneval_(name) + "]");
assertSameValue(da.configurable, db.configurable, at(pmsg, ".[[Configurable]]"));
assertSameValue(da.enumerable, db.enumerable, at(pmsg, ".[[Enumerable]]"));
if (Object_hasOwnProperty(da, "value")) {
if (!Object_hasOwnProperty(db, "value"))
throw Error_("got data property, expected accessor property" + pmsg);
check(da.value, db.value, pmsg);
} else {
if (Object_hasOwnProperty(db, "value"))
throw Error_("got accessor property, expected data property" + pmsg);
check(da.get, db.get, at(pmsg, ".[[Get]]"));
check(da.set, db.set, at(pmsg, ".[[Set]]"));
var ab = Map_();
var bpath = Map_();
let check = (a, b, path) => {
if (isPrimitive(a)) {
assertSameValue(a, b, path);
} else if (isPrimitive(b)) {
throw Error_("got " + Object_toString(a) + ", expected " + uneval_(b) + " " + path);
} else if (Map_has(ab, a)) {
assertSameValue(Map_get(ab, a), b, path);
} else if (Map_has(bpath, b)) {
var bPrevPath = Map_get(bpath, b) || "_";
throw Error_("got distinct objects " + at(path, "") + " and " + at(bPrevPath, "") +
", expected the same object both places");
} else {
Map_set(ab, a, b);
Map_set(bpath, b, path);
if (a !== b || strictEquivalence) {
assertSameClass(a, b, path);
assertSameProto(a, b, path);
assertSameProps(a, b, path);
at(path, ".[[Extensible]]"));
check(a, b, "");

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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
// Tests for the assertEqual function in jit-test/lib/asserts.js
load(libdir + "asserts.js");
function assertNotDeepEq(a, b, options) {
assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => assertDeepEq(a, b, options), Error);
// primitives
assertDeepEq(undefined, undefined);
assertDeepEq("1", "1");
assertNotDeepEq(1, "1");
assertNotDeepEq(undefined, null);
assertNotDeepEq({}, null);
// objects
assertDeepEq({}, {});
assertDeepEq({one: 1, two: 2}, {one: 1, two: 2});
assertNotDeepEq(Object.freeze({}), {});
assertDeepEq(Object.create(null), Object.create(null));
assertNotDeepEq(Object.create(null, {a: {configurable: false, value: 3}}),
Object.create(null, {a: {configurable: true, value: 3}}));
assertNotDeepEq({one: 1}, {one: 1, two: 2});
assertNotDeepEq({yes: true}, {oui: true});
assertNotDeepEq({zero: 0}, {zero: "0"});
// test the comment
var x = {}, y = {}, ax = [x];
assertDeepEq([ax, x], [ax, y]); // passes (bogusly)
assertNotDeepEq([ax, x], [ax, y], {strictEquivalence: true});
assertDeepEq([x, ax], [y, ax]); // passes (bogusly)
assertNotDeepEq([x, ax], [y, ax], {strictEquivalence: true});
// object identity
assertNotDeepEq([x, y], [x, x]);
assertDeepEq([x, y], [x, y]);
assertDeepEq([y, x], [x, y]);
// proto chain
var x = {};
assertDeepEq(Object.create(x), Object.create(x));
assertDeepEq(Object.create({}), Object.create({})); // equivalent but not identical proto objects
// arrays
assertDeepEq([], []);
assertNotDeepEq([], [1]);
assertDeepEq([1], [1]);
assertNotDeepEq([0], [1]);
assertDeepEq([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]);
assertNotDeepEq([1, , 3], [1, undefined, 3]);
var p = [], q = [];
p.prop = 1;
assertNotDeepEq(p, q);
assertNotDeepEq(q, p);
q.prop = 1;
assertDeepEq(q, p);
// functions
assertNotDeepEq(() => 1, () => 2);
assertNotDeepEq((...x) => 1, x => 1);
assertNotDeepEq(function f(){}, function g(){});
var f1 = function () {}, f2 = function () {};
assertDeepEq(f1, f1);
assertDeepEq(f1, f2); // same text, close enough
f1.prop = 1;
assertNotDeepEq(f1, f2);
f2.prop = 1;
assertDeepEq(f1, f2);
// recursion
var a = [], b = [];
a[0] = a;
b[0] = b;
assertDeepEq(a, b);
a[0] = b;
assertNotDeepEq(a, b); // [#1=[#1#]] is not structurally equivalent to #1=[[#1#]]
b[0] = a;
assertDeepEq(a, b);
b[0] = [a]; // a[0] === b, b[0] === c, c[0] === a
assertDeepEq(a, b);
// objects that merge
var x = {};
assertDeepEq({x: x}, {x: x});
var y = [x];
assertDeepEq([y], [y]);
// cross-compartment
var g1 = newGlobal(), g2 = newGlobal();
assertDeepEq(g1, g2);
assertDeepEq(g1, g2, {strictEquivalence: true});
Object.preventExtensions(g2.Math.abs); // make some miniscule change
assertNotDeepEq(g1, g2);