Bug 965872 - Storage Inspector - actor for cookies, local storage and session storage, r=jwalker

This commit is contained in:
Girish Sharma 2014-03-12 03:36:43 +05:30
Родитель f44d6472e8
Коммит cf0dca624b
15 изменённых файлов: 2157 добавлений и 1 удалений

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@ -957,7 +957,7 @@ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Task",
return host == null;
if (cookie.host.startsWith(".")) {
return cookie.host === "." + host;
return host.endsWith(cookie.host);
else {
return cookie.host == host;

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@ -185,6 +185,10 @@ RootActor.prototype = {
// tooltips for instance
urlToImageDataResolver: true,
networkMonitor: true,
// Wether the storage inspector actor to inspect cookies, etc.
storageInspector: true,
// Wether storage inspector is read only
storageInspectorReadOnly: true,

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

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@ -391,6 +391,7 @@ var DebuggerServer = {

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
BROWSER_CHROME_MANIFESTS += ['tests/browser/browser.ini']
MOCHITEST_CHROME_MANIFESTS += ['tests/mochitest/chrome.ini']
XPCSHELL_TESTS_MANIFESTS += ['tests/unit/xpcshell.ini']

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
support-files =

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@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
const Cu = Components.utils;
let tempScope = {};
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/dbg-client.jsm", tempScope);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/dbg-server.jsm", tempScope);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm", tempScope);
let {DebuggerServer, DebuggerClient, Promise} = tempScope;
tempScope = null;
const {StorageFront} = require("devtools/server/actors/storage");
let gFront;
const beforeReload = {
cookies: {
"test1.example.org": ["c1", "cs2", "c3", "uc1"],
"sectest1.example.org": ["uc1", "cs2"]
localStorage: {
"http://test1.example.org": ["ls1", "ls2"],
"http://sectest1.example.org": ["iframe-u-ls1"]
sessionStorage: {
"http://test1.example.org": ["ss1"],
"http://sectest1.example.org": ["iframe-u-ss1", "iframe-u-ss2"]
// Always log packets when running tests.
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.debugger.log", true);
registerCleanupFunction(function() {
function finishTests(client) {
client.close(() => {
DebuggerClient = DebuggerServer = gFront = null;
function testStores(data, client) {
testReload().then(() =>
testAddIframe()).then(() =>
testRemoveIframe()).then(() =>
function testWindowsBeforeReload(data) {
for (let storageType in beforeReload) {
ok(data[storageType], storageType + " storage actor is present");
"Number of hosts for " + storageType + "match");
for (let host in beforeReload[storageType]) {
ok(data[storageType].hosts[host], "Host " + host + " is present");
function markOutMatched(toBeEmptied, data, deleted) {
if (!Object.keys(toBeEmptied).length) {
info("Object empty")
"Atleast some storage types should be present in deleted");
for (let storageType in toBeEmptied) {
if (!data[storageType]) {
info("Testing for " + storageType);
for (let host in data[storageType]) {
ok(toBeEmptied[storageType][host], "Host " + host + " found");
if (!deleted) {
for (let item of data[storageType][host]) {
let index = toBeEmptied[storageType][host].indexOf(item);
ok(index > -1, "Item found - " + item);
if (index > -1) {
toBeEmptied[storageType][host].splice(index, 1);
if (!toBeEmptied[storageType][host].length) {
delete toBeEmptied[storageType][host];
else {
delete toBeEmptied[storageType][host];
if (!Object.keys(toBeEmptied[storageType]).length) {
delete toBeEmptied[storageType];
function testReload() {
info("Testing if reload works properly");
let shouldBeEmptyFirst = Cu.cloneInto(beforeReload, {});
let shouldBeEmptyLast = Cu.cloneInto(beforeReload, {});
let reloaded = Promise.defer();
let onStoresUpdate = data => {
info("in stores update of testReload");
// This might be second time stores update is happening, in which case,
// data.deleted will be null
if (data.deleted) {
markOutMatched(shouldBeEmptyFirst, data.deleted, true);
if (!Object.keys(shouldBeEmptyFirst).length) {
info("shouldBeEmptyFirst is empty now");
else if (!data.added || !Object.keys(data.added).length) {
ok(false, "deleted object should have something if an added object " +
"does not have anything");
// stores-update call might not have data.added for the first time on slow
// machines, in which case, data.added will be null
if (data.added) {
markOutMatched(shouldBeEmptyLast, data.added);
if (!Object.keys(shouldBeEmptyLast).length) {
info("Everything to be received is received.");
let endTestReloaded = () => {
gFront.off("stores-update", onStoresUpdate);
gFront.on("stores-update", onStoresUpdate);
return reloaded.promise;
function testAddIframe() {
info("Testing if new iframe addition works properly");
let reloaded = Promise.defer();
let shouldBeEmpty = {
localStorage: {
"https://sectest1.example.org": ["iframe-s-ls1"]
sessionStorage: {
"https://sectest1.example.org": ["iframe-s-ss1"]
cookies: {
"sectest1.example.org": ["sc1"]
let onStoresUpdate = data => {
info("checking if the hosts list is correct for this iframe addition");
markOutMatched(shouldBeEmpty, data.added);
ok(!data.changed || !data.changed.cookies ||
"Nothing got changed for cookies");
ok(!data.changed || !data.changed.localStorage ||
"Nothing got changed for local storage");
ok(!data.changed || !data.changed.sessionStorage ||
"Nothing got changed for session storage");
ok(!data.deleted || !data.deleted.cookies ||
"Nothing got deleted for cookies");
ok(!data.deleted || !data.deleted.localStorage ||
"Nothing got deleted for local storage");
ok(!data.deleted || !data.deleted.sessionStorage ||
"Nothing got deleted for session storage");
if (!Object.keys(shouldBeEmpty).length) {
info("Everything to be received is received.");
let endTestReloaded = () => {
gFront.off("stores-update", onStoresUpdate);
gFront.on("stores-update", onStoresUpdate);
let iframe = content.document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.src = ALT_DOMAIN_SECURED + "storage-secured-iframe.html";
return reloaded.promise;
function testRemoveIframe() {
info("Testing if iframe removal works properly");
let reloaded = Promise.defer();
let shouldBeEmpty = {
localStorage: {
"http://sectest1.example.org": []
sessionStorage: {
"http://sectest1.example.org": []
let onStoresUpdate = data => {
info("checking if the hosts list is correct for this iframe deletion");
markOutMatched(shouldBeEmpty, data.deleted, true);
ok(!data.deleted.cookies || !data.deleted.cookies["sectest1.example.org"],
"Nothing got deleted for Cookies as the same hostname is still present");
ok(!data.changed || !data.changed.cookies ||
"Nothing got changed for cookies");
ok(!data.changed || !data.changed.localStorage ||
"Nothing got changed for local storage");
ok(!data.changed || !data.changed.sessionStorage ||
"Nothing got changed for session storage");
ok(!data.added || !data.added.cookies ||
"Nothing got added for cookies");
ok(!data.added || !data.added.localStorage ||
"Nothing got added for local storage");
ok(!data.added || !data.added.sessionStorage ||
"Nothing got added for session storage");
if (!Object.keys(shouldBeEmpty).length) {
info("Everything to be received is received.");
let endTestReloaded = () => {
gFront.off("stores-update", onStoresUpdate);
gFront.on("stores-update", onStoresUpdate);
for (let iframe of content.document.querySelectorAll("iframe")) {
if (iframe.src.startsWith("http:")) {
return reloaded.promise;
function test() {
addTab(MAIN_DOMAIN + "storage-dynamic-windows.html", function() {
try {
// Sometimes debugger server does not get destroyed correctly by previous
// tests.
} catch (ex) { }
DebuggerServer.init(function () { return true; });
let client = new DebuggerClient(DebuggerServer.connectPipe());
client.connect(function onConnect() {
client.listTabs(function onListTabs(aResponse) {
let form = aResponse.tabs[aResponse.selected];
gFront = StorageFront(client, form);
gFront.listStores().then(data => testStores(data, client));

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
const Cu = Components.utils;
let tempScope = {};
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/dbg-client.jsm", tempScope);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/dbg-server.jsm", tempScope);
let {DebuggerServer, DebuggerClient} = tempScope;
tempScope = null;
const {StorageFront} = require("devtools/server/actors/storage");
// Always log packets when running tests.
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.debugger.log", true);
registerCleanupFunction(function() {
const storeMap = {
cookies: {
"test1.example.org": [
name: "c1",
value: "foobar",
expires: 2000000000000,
path: "/browser",
host: "test1.example.org",
isDomain: false,
isSecure: false,
name: "cs2",
value: "sessionCookie",
path: "/",
host: ".example.org",
expires: 0,
isDomain: true,
isSecure: false,
name: "c3",
value: "foobar-2",
expires: 2000000001000,
path: "/",
host: "test1.example.org",
isDomain: false,
isSecure: true,
name: "uc1",
value: "foobar",
host: ".example.org",
path: "/",
expires: 0,
isDomain: true,
isSecure: true,
"sectest1.example.org": [
name: "uc1",
value: "foobar",
host: ".example.org",
path: "/",
expires: 0,
isDomain: true,
isSecure: true,
name: "cs2",
value: "sessionCookie",
path: "/",
host: ".example.org",
expires: 0,
isDomain: true,
isSecure: false,
name: "sc1",
value: "foobar",
path: "/browser/toolkit/devtools/server/tests/browser/",
host: "sectest1.example.org",
expires: 0,
isDomain: false,
isSecure: false,
localStorage: {
"http://test1.example.org": [
name: "ls1",
value: "foobar"
name: "ls2",
value: "foobar-2"
"http://sectest1.example.org": [
name: "iframe-u-ls1",
value: "foobar"
"https://sectest1.example.org": [
name: "iframe-s-ls1",
value: "foobar"
sessionStorage: {
"http://test1.example.org": [
name: "ss1",
value: "foobar-3"
"http://sectest1.example.org": [
name: "iframe-u-ss1",
value: "foobar1"
name: "iframe-u-ss2",
value: "foobar2"
"https://sectest1.example.org": [
name: "iframe-s-ss1",
value: "foobar-2"
function finishTests(client) {
client.close(() => {
DebuggerClient = DebuggerServer = null;
function testStores(data, client) {
ok(data.cookies, "Cookies storage actor is present");
ok(data.localStorage, "Local Storage storage actor is present");
ok(data.sessionStorage, "Session Storage storage actor is present");
testCookies(data.cookies).then(() =>
testLocalStorage(data.localStorage)).then(() =>
testSessionStorage(data.sessionStorage)).then(() =>
function testCookies(cookiesActor) {
is(Object.keys(cookiesActor.hosts).length, 2, "Correct number of host entries for cookies");
return testCookiesObjects(0, cookiesActor.hosts, cookiesActor);
function testCookiesObjects(index, hosts, cookiesActor) {
let host = Object.keys(hosts)[index];
let matchItems = data => {
is(data.total, storeMap.cookies[host].length,
"Number of cookies in host " + host + " matches");
for (let item of data.data) {
let found = false;
for (let toMatch of storeMap.cookies[host]) {
if (item.name == toMatch.name) {
found = true;
ok(true, "Found cookie " + item.name + " in response");
is(item.value.str, toMatch.value, "The value matches.");
is(item.expires, toMatch.expires, "The expiry time matches.");
is(item.path, toMatch.path, "The path matches.");
is(item.host, toMatch.host, "The host matches.");
is(item.isSecure, toMatch.isSecure, "The isSecure value matches.");
is(item.isDomain, toMatch.isDomain, "The isDomain value matches.");
if (!found) {
ok(false, "cookie " + item.name + " should not exist in response;");
ok(!!storeMap.cookies[host], "Host is present in the list : " + host);
if (index == Object.keys(hosts).length - 1) {
return cookiesActor.getStoreObjects(host).then(matchItems);
return cookiesActor.getStoreObjects(host).then(matchItems).then(() => {
return testCookiesObjects(++index, hosts, cookiesActor);
function testLocalStorage(localStorageActor) {
is(Object.keys(localStorageActor.hosts).length, 3,
"Correct number of host entries for local storage");
return testLocalStorageObjects(0, localStorageActor.hosts, localStorageActor);
function testLocalStorageObjects(index, hosts, localStorageActor) {
let host = Object.keys(hosts)[index];
let matchItems = data => {
is(data.total, storeMap.localStorage[host].length,
"Number of local storage items in host " + host + " matches");
for (let item of data.data) {
let found = false;
for (let toMatch of storeMap.localStorage[host]) {
if (item.name == toMatch.name) {
found = true;
ok(true, "Found local storage item " + item.name + " in response");
is(item.value.str, toMatch.value, "The value matches.");
if (!found) {
ok(false, "local storage item " + item.name +
" should not exist in response;");
ok(!!storeMap.localStorage[host], "Host is present in the list : " + host);
if (index == Object.keys(hosts).length - 1) {
return localStorageActor.getStoreObjects(host).then(matchItems);
return localStorageActor.getStoreObjects(host).then(matchItems).then(() => {
return testLocalStorageObjects(++index, hosts, localStorageActor);
function testSessionStorage(sessionStorageActor) {
is(Object.keys(sessionStorageActor.hosts).length, 3,
"Correct number of host entries for session storage");
return testSessionStorageObjects(0, sessionStorageActor.hosts,
function testSessionStorageObjects(index, hosts, sessionStorageActor) {
let host = Object.keys(hosts)[index];
let matchItems = data => {
is(data.total, storeMap.sessionStorage[host].length,
"Number of session storage items in host " + host + " matches");
for (let item of data.data) {
let found = false;
for (let toMatch of storeMap.sessionStorage[host]) {
if (item.name == toMatch.name) {
found = true;
ok(true, "Found session storage item " + item.name + " in response");
is(item.value.str, toMatch.value, "The value matches.");
if (!found) {
ok(false, "session storage item " + item.name +
" should not exist in response;");
ok(!!storeMap.sessionStorage[host], "Host is present in the list : " + host);
if (index == Object.keys(hosts).length - 1) {
return sessionStorageActor.getStoreObjects(host).then(matchItems);
return sessionStorageActor.getStoreObjects(host).then(matchItems).then(() => {
return testSessionStorageObjects(++index, hosts, sessionStorageActor);
function test() {
addTab(MAIN_DOMAIN + "storage-listings.html", function() {
try {
// Sometimes debugger server does not get destroyed correctly by previous
// tests.
} catch (ex) { }
DebuggerServer.init(function () { return true; });
let client = new DebuggerClient(DebuggerServer.connectPipe());
client.connect(function onConnect() {
client.listTabs(function onListTabs(aResponse) {
let form = aResponse.tabs[aResponse.selected];
let front = StorageFront(client, form);
front.listStores().then(data => testStores(data, client));

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
const Cu = Components.utils;
let tempScope = {};
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/dbg-client.jsm", tempScope);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/dbg-server.jsm", tempScope);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm", tempScope);
let {DebuggerServer, DebuggerClient, Promise} = tempScope;
tempScope = null;
const {StorageFront} = require("devtools/server/actors/storage");
let gTests;
let gExpected;
let index = 0;
const beforeReload = {
cookies: ["test1.example.org", "sectest1.example.org"],
localStorage: ["http://test1.example.org", "http://sectest1.example.org"],
sessionStorage: ["http://test1.example.org", "http://sectest1.example.org"],
// Always log packets when running tests.
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.debugger.log", true);
registerCleanupFunction(function() {
function finishTests(client) {
client.close(() => {
DebuggerClient = DebuggerServer = gTests = null;
function markOutMatched(toBeEmptied, data, deleted) {
if (!Object.keys(toBeEmptied).length) {
info("Object empty")
"Atleast some storage types should be present in deleted");
for (let storageType in toBeEmptied) {
if (!data[storageType]) {
info("Testing for " + storageType);
for (let host in data[storageType]) {
ok(toBeEmptied[storageType][host], "Host " + host + " found");
for (let item of data[storageType][host]) {
let index = toBeEmptied[storageType][host].indexOf(item);
ok(index > -1, "Item found - " + item);
if (index > -1) {
toBeEmptied[storageType][host].splice(index, 1);
if (!toBeEmptied[storageType][host].length) {
delete toBeEmptied[storageType][host];
if (!Object.keys(toBeEmptied[storageType]).length) {
delete toBeEmptied[storageType];
function onStoresCleared(data) {
if (data.sessionStorage || data.localStorage) {
let hosts = data.sessionStorage || data.localStorage;
info("Stores cleared required for session storage");
is(hosts.length, 1, "number of hosts is 1");
is(hosts[0], "http://test1.example.org",
"host matches for " + Object.keys(data)[0]);
else {
ok(false, "Stores cleared should only be for local and sesion storage");
function onStoresUpdate({added, changed, deleted}) {
info("inside stores update for index " + index);
// Here, added, changed and deleted might be null even if they are required as
// per gExpected. This is fine as they might come in the next stores-update
// call or have already come in the previous one.
if (added) {
info("matching added object for index " + index);
markOutMatched(gExpected.added, added);
if (changed) {
info("matching changed object for index " + index);
markOutMatched(gExpected.changed, changed);
if (deleted) {
info("matching deleted object for index " + index);
markOutMatched(gExpected.deleted, deleted);
if ((!gExpected.added || !Object.keys(gExpected.added).length) &&
(!gExpected.changed || !Object.keys(gExpected.changed).length) &&
(!gExpected.deleted || !Object.keys(gExpected.deleted).length)) {
info("Everything expected has been received for index " + index);
else {
info("Still some updates pending for index " + index);
function* UpdateTests(front, win, client) {
front.on("stores-update", onStoresUpdate);
// index 0
gExpected = {
added: {
cookies: {
"test1.example.org": ["c1", "c2"]
localStorage: {
"http://test1.example.org": ["l1"]
win.addCookie("c1", "foobar1");
win.addCookie("c2", "foobar2");
win.localStorage.setItem("l1", "foobar1");
yield undefined;
// index 1
gExpected = {
changed: {
cookies: {
"test1.example.org": ["c1"]
added: {
localStorage: {
"http://test1.example.org": ["l2"]
win.addCookie("c1", "new_foobar1");
win.localStorage.setItem("l2", "foobar2");
yield undefined;
// index 2
gExpected = {
deleted: {
cookies: {
"test1.example.org": ["c2"]
localStorage: {
"http://test1.example.org": ["l1"]
added: {
localStorage: {
"http://test1.example.org": ["l3"]
win.localStorage.setItem("l3", "foobar3");
yield undefined;
// index 3
gExpected = {
added: {
cookies: {
"test1.example.org": ["c3"]
sessionStorage: {
"http://test1.example.org": ["s1", "s2"]
changed: {
localStorage: {
"http://test1.example.org": ["l3"]
deleted: {
cookies: {
"test1.example.org": ["c1"]
localStorage: {
"http://test1.example.org": ["l2"]
win.addCookie("c3", "foobar3");
win.sessionStorage.setItem("s1", "foobar1");
win.sessionStorage.setItem("s2", "foobar2");
win.localStorage.setItem("l3", "new_foobar3");
yield undefined;
// index 4
gExpected = {
deleted: {
sessionStorage: {
"http://test1.example.org": ["s1"]
yield undefined;
// index 5
gExpected = {
deleted: {
cookies: {
"test1.example.org": ["c3"]
front.on("stores-cleared", onStoresCleared);
yield undefined;
// Another 2 more yield undefined s so as to wait for the "stores-cleared" to
// fire. One for Local Storage and other for Session Storage
yield undefined;
yield undefined;
front.off("stores-cleared", onStoresCleared);
front.off("stores-update", onStoresUpdate);
function test() {
addTab(MAIN_DOMAIN + "storage-updates.html", function(doc) {
try {
// Sometimes debugger server does not get destroyed correctly by previous
// tests.
} catch (ex) { }
DebuggerServer.init(function () { return true; });
let client = new DebuggerClient(DebuggerServer.connectPipe());
client.connect(function onConnect() {
client.listTabs(function onListTabs(aResponse) {
let form = aResponse.tabs[aResponse.selected];
let front = StorageFront(client, form);
gTests = UpdateTests(front, doc.defaultView.wrappedJSObject,
// Make an initial call to initialize the actor
front.listStores().then(() => gTests.next());

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
let tempScope = {};
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/Loader.jsm", tempScope);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/Console.jsm", tempScope);
const require = tempScope.devtools.require;
const console = tempScope.console;
tempScope = null;
const PATH = "browser/toolkit/devtools/server/tests/browser/";
const MAIN_DOMAIN = "http://test1.example.org/" + PATH;
const ALT_DOMAIN = "http://sectest1.example.org/" + PATH;
const ALT_DOMAIN_SECURED = "https://sectest1.example.org:443/" + PATH;
* Open a new tab at a URL and call a callback on load
function addTab(aURL, aCallback)
gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab();
content.location = aURL;
let tab = gBrowser.selectedTab;
let browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(tab);
function onTabLoad(event) {
if (event.originalTarget.location.href != aURL) {
browser.removeEventListener("load", onTabLoad, true);
browser.addEventListener("load", onTabLoad, true);
registerCleanupFunction(function tearDown() {
while (gBrowser.tabs.length > 1) {

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Bug 965872 - Storage inspector actor with cookies, local storage and session storage.
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Storage inspector test for listing hosts and storages</title>
<iframe src="http://sectest1.example.org/browser/toolkit/devtools/server/tests/browser/storage-unsecured-iframe.html"></iframe>
var partialHostname = location.hostname.match(/^[^.]+(\..*)$/)[1];
var cookieExpiresTime1 = 2000000000000;
var cookieExpiresTime2 = 2000000001000;
// Setting up some cookies to eat.
document.cookie = "c1=foobar; expires=" +
new Date(cookieExpiresTime1).toGMTString() + "; path=/browser";
document.cookie = "cs2=sessionCookie; path=/; domain=" + partialHostname;
document.cookie = "c3=foobar-2; expires=" +
new Date(cookieExpiresTime2).toGMTString() + "; path=/";
// ... and some local storage items ..
localStorage.setItem("ls1", "foobar");
localStorage.setItem("ls2", "foobar-2");
// ... and finally some session storage items too
sessionStorage.setItem("ss1", "foobar-3");
console.log("added cookies and stuff from main page");
window.onunload = function() {
document.cookie = "c1=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT";
document.cookie = "c3=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT";
console.log("removed cookies and stuff from main page");

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
Bug 965872 - Storage inspector actor with cookies, local storage and session storage.
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Storage inspector test for listing hosts and storages</title>
<iframe src="http://sectest1.example.org/browser/toolkit/devtools/server/tests/browser/storage-unsecured-iframe.html"></iframe>
<iframe src="https://sectest1.example.org:443/browser/toolkit/devtools/server/tests/browser/storage-secured-iframe.html"></iframe>
var partialHostname = location.hostname.match(/^[^.]+(\..*)$/)[1];
var cookieExpiresTime1 = 2000000000000;
var cookieExpiresTime2 = 2000000001000;
// Setting up some cookies to eat.
document.cookie = "c1=foobar; expires=" +
new Date(cookieExpiresTime1).toGMTString() + "; path=/browser";
document.cookie = "cs2=sessionCookie; path=/; domain=" + partialHostname;
document.cookie = "c3=foobar-2; secure=true; expires=" +
new Date(cookieExpiresTime2).toGMTString() + "; path=/";
// ... and some local storage items ..
localStorage.setItem("ls1", "foobar");
localStorage.setItem("ls2", "foobar-2");
// ... and finally some session storage items too
sessionStorage.setItem("ss1", "foobar-3");
console.log("added cookies and stuff from main page");
window.onunload = function() {
document.cookie = "c1=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT";
document.cookie = "c3=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT";
console.log("removed cookies and stuff from main page");

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
Iframe for testing multiple host detetion in storage actor
<meta charset="utf-8">
document.cookie = "sc1=foobar;";
localStorage.setItem("iframe-s-ls1", "foobar");
sessionStorage.setItem("iframe-s-ss1", "foobar-2");
console.log("added cookies and stuff from secured iframe");
window.onunload = function() {
console.log("removed cookies and stuff from secured iframe");

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
Iframe for testing multiple host detetion in storage actor
<meta charset="utf-8">
document.cookie = "uc1=foobar; domain=.example.org; path=/; secure=true";
localStorage.setItem("iframe-u-ls1", "foobar");
sessionStorage.setItem("iframe-u-ss1", "foobar1");
sessionStorage.setItem("iframe-u-ss2", "foobar2");
console.log("added cookies and stuff from unsecured iframe");
window.onunload = function() {
console.log("removed cookies and stuff from unsecured iframe");

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
Bug 965872 - Storage inspector actor with cookies, local storage and session storage.
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Storage inspector blank html for tests</title>
window.addCookie = function(name, value, path, domain, expires, secure) {
var cookieString = name + "=" + value + ";";
if (path) {
cookieString += "path=" + path + ";";
if (domain) {
cookieString += "domain=" + domain + ";";
if (expires) {
cookieString += "expires=" + expires + ";";
if (secure) {
cookieString += "secure=true;";
document.cookie = cookieString;
window.removeCookie = function(name) {
document.cookie = name + "=;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT";
window.clear = function() {
var cookies = document.cookie;
for (var cookie of cookies.split(";")) {