servo: Merge #17112 - Implement custom element registry (from cbrewster:custom_element_registry); r=jdm

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Source-Revision: b584944f1731c71920abf9a03e1f3cd1e790f7c4

extra : subtree_source : https%3A//
extra : subtree_revision : f6ef7d4f479353a14d76019fb549a3f76f4c0e5c
This commit is contained in:
Connor Brewster 2017-06-05 08:38:03 -07:00
Родитель c93c2a1504
Коммит e1f688d0c6
6 изменённых файлов: 468 добавлений и 0 удалений

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@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use dom::bindings::callback::CallbackContainer;
use dom::bindings::cell::DOMRefCell;
use dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::CustomElementRegistryBinding;
use dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::CustomElementRegistryBinding::CustomElementRegistryMethods;
use dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::CustomElementRegistryBinding::ElementDefinitionOptions;
use dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::FunctionBinding::Function;
use dom::bindings::error::{Error, ErrorResult};
use dom::bindings::inheritance::Castable;
use dom::bindings::js::{JS, Root};
use dom::bindings::reflector::{DomObject, Reflector, reflect_dom_object};
use dom::bindings::str::DOMString;
use dom::domexception::{DOMErrorName, DOMException};
use dom::globalscope::GlobalScope;
use dom::promise::Promise;
use dom::window::Window;
use dom_struct::dom_struct;
use js::conversions::ToJSValConvertible;
use js::jsapi::{IsConstructor, HandleObject, JS_GetProperty, JSAutoCompartment, JSContext};
use js::jsval::{JSVal, UndefinedValue};
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::rc::Rc;
pub struct CustomElementRegistry {
reflector_: Reflector,
window: JS<Window>,
#[ignore_heap_size_of = "Rc"]
when_defined: DOMRefCell<HashMap<DOMString, Rc<Promise>>>,
element_definition_is_running: Cell<bool>,
definitions: DOMRefCell<HashMap<DOMString, CustomElementDefinition>>,
impl CustomElementRegistry {
fn new_inherited(window: &Window) -> CustomElementRegistry {
CustomElementRegistry {
reflector_: Reflector::new(),
window: JS::from_ref(window),
when_defined: DOMRefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
element_definition_is_running: Cell::new(false),
definitions: DOMRefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
pub fn new(window: &Window) -> Root<CustomElementRegistry> {
reflect_dom_object(box CustomElementRegistry::new_inherited(window),
// Cleans up any active promises
pub fn teardown(&self) {
// Steps 10.1, 10.2
fn check_prototype(&self, constructor: HandleObject) -> ErrorResult {
let global_scope = self.window.upcast::<GlobalScope>();
rooted!(in(global_scope.get_cx()) let mut prototype = UndefinedValue());
unsafe {
// Step 10.1
if !JS_GetProperty(global_scope.get_cx(),
b"prototype\0".as_ptr() as *const _,
prototype.handle_mut()) {
return Err(Error::JSFailed);
// Step 10.2
if !prototype.is_object() {
return Err(Error::Type("constructor.prototype is not an object".to_owned()));
impl CustomElementRegistryMethods for CustomElementRegistry {
#[allow(unsafe_code, unrooted_must_root)]
fn Define(&self, name: DOMString, constructor_: Rc<Function>, options: &ElementDefinitionOptions) -> ErrorResult {
let global_scope = self.window.upcast::<GlobalScope>();
rooted!(in(global_scope.get_cx()) let constructor = constructor_.callback());
// Step 1
if unsafe { !IsConstructor(constructor.get()) } {
return Err(Error::Type("Second argument of CustomElementRegistry.define is not a constructor".to_owned()));
// Step 2
if !is_valid_custom_element_name(&name) {
return Err(Error::Syntax)
// Step 3
if self.definitions.borrow().contains_key(&name) {
return Err(Error::NotSupported);
// Step 4
if self.definitions.borrow().iter().any(|(_, ref def)| def.constructor == constructor_) {
return Err(Error::NotSupported);
// Step 6
let extends = &options.extends;
// Steps 5, 7
let local_name = if let Some(ref extended_name) = *extends {
// Step 7.1
if is_valid_custom_element_name(extended_name) {
return Err(Error::NotSupported)
// Step 7.2
if !is_known_element_interface(extended_name) {
return Err(Error::NotSupported)
} else {
// Step 7.3
// Step 8
if self.element_definition_is_running.get() {
return Err(Error::NotSupported);
// Step 9
// Steps 10.1 - 10.2
let result = {
let _ac = JSAutoCompartment::new(global_scope.get_cx(), constructor.get());
// TODO: Steps 10.3 - 10.6
// 10.3 - 10.4 Handle lifecycle callbacks
// 10.5 - 10.6 Get observed attributes from the constructor
// Step 11
let definition = CustomElementDefinition::new(name.clone(), local_name, constructor_);
// Step 12
self.definitions.borrow_mut().insert(name.clone(), definition);
// TODO: Step 13, 14, 15
// Handle custom element upgrades
// Step 16, 16.3
if let Some(promise) = self.when_defined.borrow_mut().remove(&name) {
// 16.1
let cx =;
// 16.2
promise.resolve_native(cx, &UndefinedValue());
unsafe fn Get(&self, cx: *mut JSContext, name: DOMString) -> JSVal {
match self.definitions.borrow().get(&name) {
Some(definition) => {
rooted!(in(cx) let mut constructor = UndefinedValue());
definition.constructor.to_jsval(cx, constructor.handle_mut());
None => UndefinedValue(),
fn WhenDefined(&self, name: DOMString) -> Rc<Promise> {
let global_scope = self.window.upcast::<GlobalScope>();
// Step 1
if !is_valid_custom_element_name(&name) {
let promise = Promise::new(global_scope);
promise.reject_native(global_scope.get_cx(), &DOMException::new(global_scope, DOMErrorName::SyntaxError));
return promise
// Step 2
if self.definitions.borrow().contains_key(&name) {
let promise = Promise::new(global_scope);
promise.resolve_native(global_scope.get_cx(), &UndefinedValue());
return promise
// Step 3
let mut map = self.when_defined.borrow_mut();
// Steps 4, 5
let promise = map.get(&name).cloned().unwrap_or_else(|| {
let promise = Promise::new(global_scope);
map.insert(name, promise.clone());
// Step 6
#[derive(HeapSizeOf, JSTraceable)]
struct CustomElementDefinition {
name: DOMString,
local_name: DOMString,
#[ignore_heap_size_of = "Rc"]
constructor: Rc<Function>,
impl CustomElementDefinition {
fn new(name: DOMString, local_name: DOMString, constructor: Rc<Function>) -> CustomElementDefinition {
CustomElementDefinition {
name: name,
local_name: local_name,
constructor: constructor,
fn is_valid_custom_element_name(name: &str) -> bool {
// Custom elment names must match:
// PotentialCustomElementName ::= [a-z] (PCENChar)* '-' (PCENChar)*
let mut chars = name.chars();
if !, |c| c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {
return false;
let mut has_dash = false;
for c in chars {
if c == '-' {
has_dash = true;
if !is_potential_custom_element_char(c) {
return false;
if !has_dash {
return false;
if name == "annotation-xml" ||
name == "color-profile" ||
name == "font-face" ||
name == "font-face-src" ||
name == "font-face-uri" ||
name == "font-face-format" ||
name == "font-face-name" ||
name == "missing-glyph"
return false;
// Check if this character is a PCENChar
fn is_potential_custom_element_char(c: char) -> bool {
c == '-' || c == '.' || c == '_' || c == '\u{B7}' ||
(c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
(c >= '\u{C0}' && c <= '\u{D6}') ||
(c >= '\u{D8}' && c <= '\u{F6}') ||
(c >= '\u{F8}' && c <= '\u{37D}') ||
(c >= '\u{37F}' && c <= '\u{1FFF}') ||
(c >= '\u{200C}' && c <= '\u{200D}') ||
(c >= '\u{203F}' && c <= '\u{2040}') ||
(c >= '\u{2070}' && c <= '\u{2FEF}') ||
(c >= '\u{3001}' && c <= '\u{D7FF}') ||
(c >= '\u{F900}' && c <= '\u{FDCF}') ||
(c >= '\u{FDF0}' && c <= '\u{FFFD}') ||
(c >= '\u{10000}' && c <= '\u{EFFFF}')
fn is_known_element_interface(element: &str) -> bool {
element == "a" ||
element == "abbr" ||
element == "acronym" ||
element == "address" ||
element == "applet" ||
element == "area" ||
element == "article" ||
element == "aside" ||
element == "audio" ||
element == "b" ||
element == "base" ||
element == "bdi" ||
element == "bdo" ||
element == "big" ||
element == "blockquote" ||
element == "body" ||
element == "br" ||
element == "button" ||
element == "canvas" ||
element == "caption" ||
element == "center" ||
element == "cite" ||
element == "code" ||
element == "col" ||
element == "colgroup" ||
element == "data" ||
element == "datalist" ||
element == "dd" ||
element == "del" ||
element == "details" ||
element == "dfn" ||
element == "dialog" ||
element == "dir" ||
element == "div" ||
element == "dl" ||
element == "dt" ||
element == "em" ||
element == "embed" ||
element == "fieldset" ||
element == "figcaption" ||
element == "figure" ||
element == "font" ||
element == "footer" ||
element == "form" ||
element == "frame" ||
element == "frameset" ||
element == "h1" ||
element == "h2" ||
element == "h3" ||
element == "h4" ||
element == "h5" ||
element == "h6" ||
element == "head" ||
element == "header" ||
element == "hgroup" ||
element == "hr" ||
element == "html" ||
element == "i" ||
element == "iframe" ||
element == "img" ||
element == "input" ||
element == "ins" ||
element == "kbd" ||
element == "label" ||
element == "legend" ||
element == "li" ||
element == "link" ||
element == "listing" ||
element == "main" ||
element == "map" ||
element == "mark" ||
element == "marquee" ||
element == "meta" ||
element == "meter" ||
element == "nav" ||
element == "nobr" ||
element == "noframes" ||
element == "noscript" ||
element == "object" ||
element == "ol" ||
element == "optgroup" ||
element == "option" ||
element == "output" ||
element == "p" ||
element == "param" ||
element == "plaintext" ||
element == "pre" ||
element == "progress" ||
element == "q" ||
element == "rp" ||
element == "rt" ||
element == "ruby" ||
element == "s" ||
element == "samp" ||
element == "script" ||
element == "section" ||
element == "select" ||
element == "small" ||
element == "source" ||
element == "span" ||
element == "strike" ||
element == "strong" ||
element == "style" ||
element == "sub" ||
element == "summary" ||
element == "sup" ||
element == "table" ||
element == "tbody" ||
element == "td" ||
element == "template" ||
element == "textarea" ||
element == "tfoot" ||
element == "th" ||
element == "thead" ||
element == "time" ||
element == "title" ||
element == "tr" ||
element == "tt" ||
element == "track" ||
element == "u" ||
element == "ul" ||
element == "var" ||
element == "video" ||
element == "wbr" ||
element == "xmp"

Просмотреть файл

@ -255,6 +255,7 @@ pub mod cssstylerule;
pub mod cssstylesheet;
pub mod csssupportsrule;
pub mod cssviewportrule;
pub mod customelementregistry;
pub mod customevent;
pub mod dedicatedworkerglobalscope;
pub mod dissimilaroriginlocation;

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
interface CustomElementRegistry {
[Throws/*, CEReactions */]
void define(DOMString name, Function constructor_, optional ElementDefinitionOptions options);
any get(DOMString name);
Promise<void> whenDefined(DOMString name);
dictionary ElementDefinitionOptions {
DOMString extends;

Просмотреть файл

@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
[/*PutForwards=href, */Unforgeable] readonly attribute Location location;
readonly attribute History history;
readonly attribute CustomElementRegistry customElements;
//[Replaceable] readonly attribute BarProp locationbar;
//[Replaceable] readonly attribute BarProp menubar;
//[Replaceable] readonly attribute BarProp personalbar;

Просмотреть файл

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ use dom::bindings::utils::{GlobalStaticData, WindowProxyHandler};
use dom::bluetooth::BluetoothExtraPermissionData;
use dom::crypto::Crypto;
use dom::cssstyledeclaration::{CSSModificationAccess, CSSStyleDeclaration, CSSStyleOwner};
use dom::customelementregistry::CustomElementRegistry;
use dom::document::{AnimationFrameCallback, Document};
use dom::element::Element;
use dom::event::Event;
@ -179,6 +180,7 @@ pub struct Window {
window_proxy: MutNullableJS<WindowProxy>,
document: MutNullableJS<Document>,
history: MutNullableJS<History>,
custom_element_registry: MutNullableJS<CustomElementRegistry>,
performance: MutNullableJS<Performance>,
navigation_start: u64,
navigation_start_precise: f64,
@ -533,6 +535,11 @@ impl WindowMethods for Window {
self.history.or_init(|| History::new(self))
fn CustomElements(&self) -> Root<CustomElementRegistry> {
self.custom_element_registry.or_init(|| CustomElementRegistry::new(self))
fn Location(&self) -> Root<Location> {
@ -1031,6 +1038,12 @@ impl Window {
// thread, informing it that it can safely free the memory.
// Clean up any active promises
if let Some(custom_elements) = self.custom_element_registry.get() {
// The above code may not catch all DOM objects (e.g. DOM
// objects removed from the tree that haven't been collected
// yet). There should not be any such DOM nodes with layout
@ -1805,6 +1818,7 @@ impl Window {
image_cache: image_cache.clone(),
navigator: Default::default(),
history: Default::default(),
custom_element_registry: Default::default(),
window_proxy: Default::default(),
document: Default::default(),
performance: Default::default(),

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"dom.bluetooth.enabled": false,
"dom.bluetooth.testing.enabled": false,
"dom.customelements.enabled": false,
"dom.forcetouch.enabled": false,
"dom.gamepad.enabled": false,
"dom.mouseevent.which.enabled": false,