Bug 1333923. Update webrender bcf3c371086894f5e1d098ee60f0592abf01f6b3. r=gfx?

This commit is contained in:
Jeff Muizelaar 2017-01-25 17:31:23 -05:00
Родитель fccb2406bb
Коммит e56c66022e
74 изменённых файлов: 1827 добавлений и 2724 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -59,4 +59,4 @@ What if you have to make changes to webrender itself?
Yes, this is somewhat painful. It used to be worse. :)
Latest Commit: 6c15d14bb6b786cad979407e6ed7b86949b4ae48
Latest Commit: bcf3c371086894f5e1d098ee60f0592abf01f6b3

Просмотреть файл

@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ threadpool = "1.3.2"
webrender_traits = {path = "../webrender_traits", default-features = false}
bitflags = "0.7"
angle = {git = "https://github.com/servo/angle", branch = "servo"}
[target.'cfg(any(target_os = "android", all(unix, not(target_os = "macos"))))'.dependencies]
freetype = { version = "0.2", default-features = false }

Просмотреть файл

@ -3,32 +3,23 @@
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use app_units::Au;
use euclid::Point3D;
use fnv::FnvHasher;
use geometry::ray_intersects_rect;
use internal_types::{ANGLE_FLOAT_TO_FIXED, AxisDirection};
use internal_types::{CompositionOp};
use internal_types::{LowLevelFilterOp};
use internal_types::{RendererFrame};
use layer::{Layer, ScrollingState};
use layer::Layer;
use resource_cache::ResourceCache;
use scene::Scene;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use scroll_tree::{ScrollTree, ScrollStates};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::hash::BuildHasherDefault;
use tiling::{AuxiliaryListsMap, FrameBuilder, FrameBuilderConfig, LayerMap, PrimitiveFlags};
use webrender_traits::{AuxiliaryLists, PipelineId, Epoch, ScrollPolicy, ScrollLayerId};
use webrender_traits::{ClipRegion, ColorF, DisplayItem, StackingContext, FilterOp, MixBlendMode};
use webrender_traits::{ScrollEventPhase, ScrollLayerInfo, ScrollLocation, SpecificDisplayItem, ScrollLayerState};
use webrender_traits::{LayerRect, LayerPoint, LayerSize};
use webrender_traits::{ServoScrollRootId, ScrollLayerRect, as_scroll_parent_rect, ScrollLayerPixel};
use webrender_traits::{WorldPoint, WorldPoint4D};
use webrender_traits::{LayerToScrollTransform, ScrollToWorldTransform};
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
const CAN_OVERSCROLL: bool = true;
#[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))]
const CAN_OVERSCROLL: bool = false;
use tiling::{AuxiliaryListsMap, FrameBuilder, FrameBuilderConfig, PrimitiveFlags};
use webrender_traits::{AuxiliaryLists, ClipRegion, ColorF, DisplayItem, Epoch, FilterOp};
use webrender_traits::{LayerPoint, LayerRect, LayerSize, LayerToScrollTransform};
use webrender_traits::{MixBlendMode, PipelineId, ScrollEventPhase, ScrollLayerId, ScrollLayerState};
use webrender_traits::{ScrollLocation, ScrollPolicy, ServoScrollRootId, SpecificDisplayItem};
use webrender_traits::{StackingContext, WorldPoint};
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Debug)]
pub struct FrameId(pub u32);
@ -43,12 +34,9 @@ struct FlattenContext<'a> {
// TODO: doc
pub struct Frame {
pub layers: LayerMap,
pub scroll_tree: ScrollTree,
pub pipeline_epoch_map: HashMap<PipelineId, Epoch, BuildHasherDefault<FnvHasher>>,
pub pipeline_auxiliary_lists: AuxiliaryListsMap,
pub root_scroll_layer_id: Option<ScrollLayerId>,
pending_scroll_offsets: HashMap<(PipelineId, ServoScrollRootId), LayerPoint>,
current_scroll_layer_id: Option<ScrollLayerId>,
id: FrameId,
debug: bool,
frame_builder_config: FrameBuilderConfig,
@ -207,10 +195,7 @@ impl Frame {
Frame {
pipeline_epoch_map: HashMap::with_hasher(Default::default()),
pipeline_auxiliary_lists: HashMap::with_hasher(Default::default()),
layers: HashMap::with_hasher(Default::default()),
root_scroll_layer_id: None,
pending_scroll_offsets: HashMap::new(),
current_scroll_layer_id: None,
scroll_tree: ScrollTree::new(),
id: FrameId(0),
debug: debug,
frame_builder: None,
@ -218,82 +203,17 @@ impl Frame {
pub fn reset(&mut self)
-> HashMap<ScrollLayerId, ScrollingState, BuildHasherDefault<FnvHasher>> {
pub fn reset(&mut self) -> ScrollStates {
// Free any render targets from last frame.
// TODO: This should really re-use existing targets here...
let mut old_layer_scrolling_states = HashMap::with_hasher(Default::default());
for (layer_id, old_layer) in &mut self.layers.drain() {
old_layer_scrolling_states.insert(layer_id, old_layer.scrolling);
// Advance to the next frame.
self.id.0 += 1;
pub fn get_scroll_layer(&self, cursor: &WorldPoint, scroll_layer_id: ScrollLayerId)
-> Option<ScrollLayerId> {
self.layers.get(&scroll_layer_id).and_then(|layer| {
for child_layer_id in layer.children.iter().rev() {
if let Some(layer_id) = self.get_scroll_layer(cursor, *child_layer_id) {
return Some(layer_id);
match scroll_layer_id.info {
ScrollLayerInfo::Fixed => {
ScrollLayerInfo::Scrollable(..) => {
let inv = layer.world_viewport_transform.inverse().unwrap();
let z0 = -10000.0;
let z1 = 10000.0;
let p0 = inv.transform_point4d(&WorldPoint4D::new(cursor.x, cursor.y, z0, 1.0));
let p0 = Point3D::new(p0.x / p0.w,
p0.y / p0.w,
p0.z / p0.w);
let p1 = inv.transform_point4d(&WorldPoint4D::new(cursor.x, cursor.y, z1, 1.0));
let p1 = Point3D::new(p1.x / p1.w,
p1.y / p1.w,
p1.z / p1.w);
let is_unscrollable = layer.content_size.width <= layer.local_viewport_rect.size.width &&
layer.content_size.height <= layer.local_viewport_rect.size.height;
if is_unscrollable {
} else {
let result = ray_intersects_rect(p0, p1, layer.local_viewport_rect.to_untyped());
if result {
} else {
pub fn get_scroll_layer_state(&self) -> Vec<ScrollLayerState> {
let mut result = vec![];
for (scroll_layer_id, scroll_layer) in &self.layers {
match scroll_layer_id.info {
ScrollLayerInfo::Scrollable(_, servo_scroll_root_id) => {
result.push(ScrollLayerState {
pipeline_id: scroll_layer.pipeline_id,
scroll_root_id: servo_scroll_root_id,
scroll_offset: scroll_layer.scrolling.offset,
ScrollLayerInfo::Fixed => {}
/// Returns true if any layers actually changed position or false otherwise.
@ -302,30 +222,7 @@ impl Frame {
pipeline_id: PipelineId,
scroll_root_id: ServoScrollRootId)
-> bool {
let origin = LayerPoint::new(origin.x.max(0.0), origin.y.max(0.0));
let mut scrolled_a_layer = false;
let mut found_layer = false;
for (layer_id, layer) in self.layers.iter_mut() {
if layer_id.pipeline_id != pipeline_id {
match layer_id.info {
ScrollLayerInfo::Scrollable(_, id) if id != scroll_root_id => continue,
ScrollLayerInfo::Fixed => continue,
_ => {}
found_layer = true;
scrolled_a_layer |= layer.set_scroll_origin(&origin);
if !found_layer {
self.pending_scroll_offsets.insert((pipeline_id, scroll_root_id), origin);
self.scroll_tree.scroll_layers(origin, pipeline_id, scroll_root_id)
/// Returns true if any layers actually changed position or false otherwise.
@ -334,172 +231,11 @@ impl Frame {
cursor: WorldPoint,
phase: ScrollEventPhase)
-> bool {
let root_scroll_layer_id = match self.root_scroll_layer_id {
Some(root_scroll_layer_id) => root_scroll_layer_id,
None => return false,
let scroll_layer_id = match (
self.get_scroll_layer(&cursor, root_scroll_layer_id),
self.current_scroll_layer_id) {
(ScrollEventPhase::Start, Some(scroll_layer_id), _) => {
self.current_scroll_layer_id = Some(scroll_layer_id);
(ScrollEventPhase::Start, None, _) => return false,
(_, _, Some(scroll_layer_id)) => scroll_layer_id,
(_, _, None) => return false,
let non_root_overscroll = if scroll_layer_id != root_scroll_layer_id {
// true if the current layer is overscrolling,
// and it is not the root scroll layer.
let child_layer = self.layers.get(&scroll_layer_id).unwrap();
let overscroll_amount = child_layer.overscroll_amount();
overscroll_amount.width != 0.0 || overscroll_amount.height != 0.0
} else {
let switch_layer = match phase {
ScrollEventPhase::Start => {
// if this is a new gesture, we do not switch layer,
// however we do save the state of non_root_overscroll,
// for use in the subsequent Move phase.
let mut current_layer = self.layers.get_mut(&scroll_layer_id).unwrap();
current_layer.scrolling.should_handoff_scroll = non_root_overscroll;
ScrollEventPhase::Move(_) => {
// Switch layer if movement originated in a new gesture,
// from a non root layer in overscroll.
let current_layer = self.layers.get_mut(&scroll_layer_id).unwrap();
current_layer.scrolling.should_handoff_scroll && non_root_overscroll
ScrollEventPhase::End => {
// clean-up when gesture ends.
let mut current_layer = self.layers.get_mut(&scroll_layer_id).unwrap();
current_layer.scrolling.should_handoff_scroll = false;
let scroll_root_id = match (switch_layer, scroll_layer_id.info, root_scroll_layer_id.info) {
(true, _, ScrollLayerInfo::Scrollable(_, scroll_root_id)) |
(true, ScrollLayerInfo::Scrollable(_, scroll_root_id), ScrollLayerInfo::Fixed) |
(false, ScrollLayerInfo::Scrollable(_, scroll_root_id), _) => scroll_root_id,
(_, ScrollLayerInfo::Fixed, _) => unreachable!("Tried to scroll a fixed position layer."),
let mut scrolled_a_layer = false;
for (layer_id, layer) in self.layers.iter_mut() {
if layer_id.pipeline_id != scroll_layer_id.pipeline_id {
match layer_id.info {
ScrollLayerInfo::Scrollable(_, id) if id != scroll_root_id => continue,
ScrollLayerInfo::Fixed => continue,
_ => {}
if layer.scrolling.started_bouncing_back && phase == ScrollEventPhase::Move(false) {
let mut delta = match scroll_location {
ScrollLocation::Delta(delta) => delta,
ScrollLocation::Start => {
if layer.scrolling.offset.y.round() >= 0.0 {
// Nothing to do on this layer.
layer.scrolling.offset.y = 0.0;
scrolled_a_layer = true;
ScrollLocation::End => {
let end_pos = layer.local_viewport_rect.size.height
- layer.content_size.height;
if layer.scrolling.offset.y.round() <= end_pos {
// Nothing to do on this layer.
layer.scrolling.offset.y = end_pos;
scrolled_a_layer = true;
let overscroll_amount = layer.overscroll_amount();
let overscrolling = CAN_OVERSCROLL && (overscroll_amount.width != 0.0 ||
overscroll_amount.height != 0.0);
if overscrolling {
if overscroll_amount.width != 0.0 {
delta.x /= overscroll_amount.width.abs()
if overscroll_amount.height != 0.0 {
delta.y /= overscroll_amount.height.abs()
let is_unscrollable =
layer.content_size.width <= layer.local_viewport_rect.size.width &&
layer.content_size.height <= layer.local_viewport_rect.size.height;
let original_layer_scroll_offset = layer.scrolling.offset;
if layer.content_size.width > layer.local_viewport_rect.size.width {
layer.scrolling.offset.x = layer.scrolling.offset.x + delta.x;
if is_unscrollable || !CAN_OVERSCROLL {
layer.scrolling.offset.x = layer.scrolling.offset.x.min(0.0);
layer.scrolling.offset.x =
layer.scrolling.offset.x.max(-layer.content_size.width +
if layer.content_size.height > layer.local_viewport_rect.size.height {
layer.scrolling.offset.y = layer.scrolling.offset.y + delta.y;
if is_unscrollable || !CAN_OVERSCROLL {
layer.scrolling.offset.y = layer.scrolling.offset.y.min(0.0);
layer.scrolling.offset.y =
layer.scrolling.offset.y.max(-layer.content_size.height +
if phase == ScrollEventPhase::Start || phase == ScrollEventPhase::Move(true) {
layer.scrolling.started_bouncing_back = false
} else if overscrolling &&
((delta.x < 1.0 && delta.y < 1.0) || phase == ScrollEventPhase::End) {
layer.scrolling.started_bouncing_back = true;
layer.scrolling.bouncing_back = true
layer.scrolling.offset.x = layer.scrolling.offset.x.round();
layer.scrolling.offset.y = layer.scrolling.offset.y.round();
scrolled_a_layer = scrolled_a_layer ||
layer.scrolling.offset != original_layer_scroll_offset ||
self.scroll_tree.scroll(scroll_location, cursor, phase,)
pub fn tick_scrolling_bounce_animations(&mut self) {
for (_, layer) in &mut self.layers {
pub fn create(&mut self,
@ -521,7 +257,7 @@ impl Frame {
None => return,
let old_layer_scrolling_states = self.reset();
let old_scrolling_states = self.reset();
self.pipeline_auxiliary_lists = scene.pipeline_auxiliary_lists.clone();
self.pipeline_epoch_map.insert(root_pipeline_id, root_pipeline.epoch);
@ -534,19 +270,18 @@ impl Frame {
let root_scroll_layer_id = ScrollLayerId::root(root_pipeline_id);
self.root_scroll_layer_id = Some(root_scroll_layer_id);
// Insert global position: fixed elements layer
let root_scroll_layer_id = ScrollLayerId::root(root_pipeline_id);
let root_fixed_layer_id = ScrollLayerId::create_fixed(root_pipeline_id);
let root_viewport = LayerRect::new(LayerPoint::zero(), root_pipeline.viewport_size);
let layer = Layer::new(&root_viewport,
self.layers.insert(root_fixed_layer_id, layer.clone());
self.layers.insert(root_scroll_layer_id, layer);
self.scroll_tree.add_layer(layer.clone(), root_fixed_layer_id, None);
self.scroll_tree.add_layer(layer, root_scroll_layer_id, None);
self.scroll_tree.root_scroll_layer_id = Some(root_scroll_layer_id);
let background_color = root_pipeline.background_color.and_then(|color| {
if color.a > 0.0 {
@ -581,29 +316,7 @@ impl Frame {
self.frame_builder = Some(frame_builder);
// TODO(gw): These are all independent - can be run through thread pool if it shows up
// in the profile!
for (scroll_layer_id, layer) in &mut self.layers {
let scrolling_state = match old_layer_scrolling_states.get(&scroll_layer_id) {
Some(old_scrolling_state) => *old_scrolling_state,
None => ScrollingState::new(),
let scroll_root_id = match scroll_layer_id.info {
ScrollLayerInfo::Scrollable(_, scroll_root_id) => scroll_root_id,
_ => continue,
let pipeline_id = scroll_layer_id.pipeline_id;
if let Some(pending_offset) =
self.pending_scroll_offsets.get_mut(&(pipeline_id, scroll_root_id)) {
fn flatten_scroll_layer<'a>(&mut self,
@ -623,17 +336,8 @@ impl Frame {
let layer = Layer::new(&clip, *content_size, &layer_relative_transform, pipeline_id);
debug_assert!(current_scroll_layer_id != new_scroll_layer_id);
self.layers.insert(new_scroll_layer_id, layer);
self.scroll_tree.add_layer(layer, new_scroll_layer_id, Some(current_scroll_layer_id));
current_scroll_layer_id = new_scroll_layer_id;
let layer_rect = LayerRect::new(LayerPoint::zero(),
@ -746,11 +450,11 @@ impl Frame {
if level == 0 && self.frame_builder_config.enable_scrollbars {
let scrollbar_rect = LayerRect::new(LayerPoint::zero(), LayerSize::new(10.0, 70.0));
PrimitiveFlags::Scrollbar(self.scroll_tree.root_scroll_layer_id.unwrap(), 4.0));
@ -797,9 +501,8 @@ impl Frame {
self.layers.insert(iframe_fixed_layer_id, layer.clone());
self.layers.insert(iframe_scroll_layer_id, layer);
self.scroll_tree.add_layer(layer.clone(), iframe_fixed_layer_id, None);
self.scroll_tree.add_layer(layer, iframe_scroll_layer_id, Some(current_scroll_layer_id));
let mut traversal = DisplayListTraversal::new_skipping_first(display_list);
@ -929,7 +632,7 @@ impl Frame {
auxiliary_lists_map: &AuxiliaryListsMap,
device_pixel_ratio: f32)
-> RendererFrame {
let frame = self.build_frame(resource_cache,
@ -937,72 +640,6 @@ impl Frame {
fn update_layer_transform(&mut self,
layer_id: ScrollLayerId,
parent_world_transform: &ScrollToWorldTransform,
parent_viewport_rect: &ScrollLayerRect) {
// TODO(gw): This is an ugly borrow check workaround to clone these.
// Restructure this to avoid the clones!
let (layer_transform_for_children, viewport_rect, layer_children) = {
match self.layers.get_mut(&layer_id) {
Some(layer) => {
let inv_transform = layer.local_transform.inverse().unwrap();
let parent_viewport_rect_in_local_space = inv_transform.transform_rect(parent_viewport_rect)
let local_viewport_rect = layer.local_viewport_rect
let viewport_rect = parent_viewport_rect_in_local_space.intersection(&local_viewport_rect)
layer.combined_local_viewport_rect = viewport_rect;
layer.world_viewport_transform = parent_world_transform.pre_mul(&layer.local_transform);
layer.world_content_transform = layer.world_viewport_transform
None => return,
for child_layer_id in layer_children {
fn update_layer_transforms(&mut self) {
if let Some(root_scroll_layer_id) = self.root_scroll_layer_id {
let root_viewport = self.layers[&root_scroll_layer_id].local_viewport_rect;
// Update any fixed layers
let mut fixed_layers = Vec::new();
for (layer_id, _) in &self.layers {
match layer_id.info {
ScrollLayerInfo::Scrollable(..) => {}
ScrollLayerInfo::Fixed => {
for layer_id in fixed_layers {
fn build_frame(&mut self,
resource_cache: &mut ResourceCache,
auxiliary_lists_map: &AuxiliaryListsMap,
@ -1011,26 +648,13 @@ impl Frame {
let frame = frame_builder.as_mut().map(|builder|
self.frame_builder = frame_builder;
let layers_bouncing_back = self.collect_layers_bouncing_back();
fn collect_layers_bouncing_back(&self)
-> HashSet<ScrollLayerId, BuildHasherDefault<FnvHasher>> {
let mut layers_bouncing_back = HashSet::with_hasher(Default::default());
for (scroll_layer_id, layer) in &self.layers {
if layer.scrolling.bouncing_back {
let layers_bouncing_back = self.scroll_tree.collect_layers_bouncing_back();
RendererFrame::new(self.pipeline_epoch_map.clone(), layers_bouncing_back, frame)

Просмотреть файл

@ -2,10 +2,20 @@
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use euclid::Point3D;
use geometry::ray_intersects_rect;
use spring::{DAMPING, STIFFNESS, Spring};
use webrender_traits::{PipelineId, ScrollLayerId};
use webrender_traits::{LayerRect, LayerPoint, LayerSize};
use webrender_traits::{LayerToScrollTransform, LayerToWorldTransform};
use webrender_traits::{LayerPoint, LayerRect, LayerSize, LayerToScrollTransform};
use webrender_traits::{LayerToWorldTransform, PipelineId, ScrollEventPhase, ScrollLayerId};
use webrender_traits::{ScrollLayerRect, ScrollLocation, ScrollToWorldTransform, WorldPoint};
use webrender_traits::{WorldPoint4D};
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
const CAN_OVERSCROLL: bool = true;
#[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))]
const CAN_OVERSCROLL: bool = false;
/// Contains scrolling and transform information stacking contexts.
@ -66,19 +76,20 @@ impl Layer {
pub fn overscroll_amount(&self) -> LayerSize {
let scrollable_width = self.scrollable_width();
let overscroll_x = if self.scrolling.offset.x > 0.0 {
} else if self.scrolling.offset.x < self.local_viewport_rect.size.width - self.content_size.width {
self.local_viewport_rect.size.width - self.content_size.width - self.scrolling.offset.x
} else if self.scrolling.offset.x < -scrollable_width {
-scrollable_width - self.scrolling.offset.x
} else {
let scrollable_height = self.scrollable_height();
let overscroll_y = if self.scrolling.offset.y > 0.0 {
} else if self.scrolling.offset.y < self.local_viewport_rect.size.height -
self.content_size.height {
self.local_viewport_rect.size.height - self.content_size.height - self.scrolling.offset.y
} else if self.scrolling.offset.y < -scrollable_height {
-scrollable_height - self.scrolling.offset.y
} else {
@ -87,15 +98,14 @@ impl Layer {
pub fn set_scroll_origin(&mut self, origin: &LayerPoint) -> bool {
if self.content_size.width <= self.local_viewport_rect.size.width &&
self.content_size.height <= self.local_viewport_rect.size.height {
let scrollable_height = self.scrollable_height();
let scrollable_width = self.scrollable_width();
if scrollable_height <= 0. && scrollable_width <= 0. {
return false;
let new_offset = LayerPoint::new(
(-origin.x).max(-self.content_size.width + self.local_viewport_rect.size.width),
(-origin.y).max(-self.content_size.height + self.local_viewport_rect.size.height));
let new_offset = LayerPoint::new(new_offset.x.min(0.0).round(), new_offset.y.min(0.0).round());
let new_offset = LayerPoint::new((-origin.x).max(-scrollable_width).min(0.0).round(),
if new_offset == self.scrolling.offset {
return false;
@ -106,6 +116,110 @@ impl Layer {
return true;
pub fn update_transform(&mut self,
parent_world_transform: &ScrollToWorldTransform,
parent_viewport_rect: &ScrollLayerRect) {
let inv_transform = self.local_transform.inverse().unwrap();
let parent_viewport_rect_in_local_space = inv_transform.transform_rect(parent_viewport_rect)
let local_viewport_rect = self.local_viewport_rect.translate(&-self.scrolling.offset);
let viewport_rect = parent_viewport_rect_in_local_space.intersection(&local_viewport_rect)
self.combined_local_viewport_rect = viewport_rect;
self.world_viewport_transform = parent_world_transform.pre_mul(&self.local_transform);
self.world_content_transform = self.world_viewport_transform
pub fn scrollable_height(&self) -> f32 {
self.content_size.height - self.local_viewport_rect.size.height
pub fn scrollable_width(&self) -> f32 {
self.content_size.width - self.local_viewport_rect.size.width
pub fn scroll(&mut self, scroll_location: ScrollLocation, phase: ScrollEventPhase) -> bool {
if self.scrolling.started_bouncing_back && phase == ScrollEventPhase::Move(false) {
return false;
let mut delta = match scroll_location {
ScrollLocation::Delta(delta) => delta,
ScrollLocation::Start => {
if self.scrolling.offset.y.round() >= 0.0 {
// Nothing to do on this layer.
return false;
self.scrolling.offset.y = 0.0;
return true;
ScrollLocation::End => {
let end_pos = self.local_viewport_rect.size.height - self.content_size.height;
if self.scrolling.offset.y.round() <= end_pos {
// Nothing to do on this layer.
return false;
self.scrolling.offset.y = end_pos;
return true;
let overscroll_amount = self.overscroll_amount();
let overscrolling = CAN_OVERSCROLL && (overscroll_amount.width != 0.0 ||
overscroll_amount.height != 0.0);
if overscrolling {
if overscroll_amount.width != 0.0 {
delta.x /= overscroll_amount.width.abs()
if overscroll_amount.height != 0.0 {
delta.y /= overscroll_amount.height.abs()
let scrollable_width = self.scrollable_width();
let scrollable_height = self.scrollable_height();
let is_unscrollable = scrollable_width <= 0. && scrollable_height <= 0.;
let original_layer_scroll_offset = self.scrolling.offset;
if scrollable_width > 0. {
self.scrolling.offset.x = self.scrolling.offset.x + delta.x;
if is_unscrollable || !CAN_OVERSCROLL {
self.scrolling.offset.x =
if scrollable_height > 0. {
self.scrolling.offset.y = self.scrolling.offset.y + delta.y;
if is_unscrollable || !CAN_OVERSCROLL {
self.scrolling.offset.y =
if phase == ScrollEventPhase::Start || phase == ScrollEventPhase::Move(true) {
self.scrolling.started_bouncing_back = false
} else if overscrolling &&
((delta.x < 1.0 && delta.y < 1.0) || phase == ScrollEventPhase::End) {
self.scrolling.started_bouncing_back = true;
self.scrolling.bouncing_back = true
self.scrolling.offset != original_layer_scroll_offset ||
pub fn stretch_overscroll_spring(&mut self) {
let overscroll_amount = self.overscroll_amount();
@ -120,6 +234,26 @@ impl Layer {
self.scrolling.bouncing_back = false
pub fn ray_intersects_layer(&self, cursor: &WorldPoint) -> bool {
let inv = self.world_viewport_transform.inverse().unwrap();
let z0 = -10000.0;
let z1 = 10000.0;
let p0 = inv.transform_point4d(&WorldPoint4D::new(cursor.x, cursor.y, z0, 1.0));
let p0 = Point3D::new(p0.x / p0.w,
p0.y / p0.w,
p0.z / p0.w);
let p1 = inv.transform_point4d(&WorldPoint4D::new(cursor.x, cursor.y, z1, 1.0));
let p1 = Point3D::new(p1.x / p1.w,
p1.y / p1.w,
p1.z / p1.w);
if self.scrollable_width() <= 0. && self.scrollable_height() <= 0. {
return false;
ray_intersects_rect(p0, p1, self.local_viewport_rect.to_untyped())
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]

Просмотреть файл

@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ mod record;
mod render_backend;
mod resource_cache;
mod scene;
mod scroll_tree;
mod spring;
mod texture_cache;
mod tiling;

Просмотреть файл

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ use core_text::font_descriptor::kCTFontDefaultOrientation;
use core_text;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
use webrender_traits::{FontKey, FontRenderMode, GlyphDimensions};
use webrender_traits::{ColorU, FontKey, FontRenderMode, GlyphDimensions};
pub type NativeFontHandle = CGFont;
@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ impl FontContext {
pub fn rasterize_glyph(&mut self,
font_key: FontKey,
size: Au,
color: ColorU,
character: u32,
render_mode: FontRenderMode) -> Option<RasterizedGlyph> {
match self.get_ct_font(font_key, size) {

Просмотреть файл

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use app_units::Au;
use webrender_traits::{FontKey, FontRenderMode, GlyphDimensions, NativeFontHandle};
use webrender_traits::{FontKey, ColorU, FontRenderMode, GlyphDimensions, NativeFontHandle};
use freetype::freetype::{FT_Render_Mode, FT_Pixel_Mode};
use freetype::freetype::{FT_Done_FreeType, FT_Library_SetLcdFilter};
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ impl FontContext {
pub fn rasterize_glyph(&mut self,
font_key: FontKey,
size: Au,
color: ColorU,
character: u32,
render_mode: FontRenderMode) -> Option<RasterizedGlyph> {
let mut glyph = None;
@ -146,40 +147,41 @@ impl FontContext {
FontRenderMode::Subpixel => FT_Render_Mode::FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD,
unsafe {
let result = FT_Render_Glyph(slot, render_mode);
let result = unsafe { FT_Render_Glyph(slot, render_mode) };
if result.succeeded() {
let bitmap = &(*slot).bitmap;
if result.succeeded() {
let bitmap = unsafe { &(*slot).bitmap };
let metrics = &(*slot).metrics;
let mut glyph_width = (metrics.width >> 6) as i32;
let glyph_height = (metrics.height >> 6) as i32;
let mut final_buffer = Vec::with_capacity(glyph_width as usize *
glyph_height as usize *
let metrics = unsafe { &(*slot).metrics };
let mut glyph_width = (metrics.width >> 6) as i32;
let glyph_height = (metrics.height >> 6) as i32;
let mut final_buffer = Vec::with_capacity(glyph_width as usize *
glyph_height as usize *
if bitmap.pixel_mode == FT_Pixel_Mode::FT_PIXEL_MODE_MONO as u8 {
// This is not exactly efficient... but it's only used by the
// reftest pass when we have AA disabled on glyphs.
let offset_x = (metrics.horiBearingX >> 6) as i32 - (*slot).bitmap_left;
let offset_y = (metrics.horiBearingY >> 6) as i32 - (*slot).bitmap_top;
if bitmap.pixel_mode == FT_Pixel_Mode::FT_PIXEL_MODE_MONO as u8 {
// This is not exactly efficient... but it's only used by the
// reftest pass when we have AA disabled on glyphs.
let offset_x = unsafe { (metrics.horiBearingX >> 6) as i32 - (*slot).bitmap_left };
let offset_y = unsafe { (metrics.horiBearingY >> 6) as i32 - (*slot).bitmap_top };
// Due to AA being disabled, the bitmap produced for mono
// glyphs is often smaller than the reported glyph dimensions.
// To account for this, place the rendered glyph within the
// box of the glyph dimensions, filling in invalid pixels with
// zero alpha.
for iy in 0..glyph_height {
let y = iy - offset_y;
for ix in 0..glyph_width {
let x = ix + offset_x;
let valid_byte = x >= 0 &&
y >= 0 &&
x < bitmap.width as i32 &&
y < bitmap.rows as i32;
let byte_value = if valid_byte {
let byte_index = (y * bitmap.pitch as i32) + (x >> 3);
// Due to AA being disabled, the bitmap produced for mono
// glyphs is often smaller than the reported glyph dimensions.
// To account for this, place the rendered glyph within the
// box of the glyph dimensions, filling in invalid pixels with
// zero alpha.
for iy in 0..glyph_height {
let y = iy - offset_y;
for ix in 0..glyph_width {
let x = ix + offset_x;
let valid_byte = x >= 0 &&
y >= 0 &&
x < bitmap.width as i32 &&
y < bitmap.rows as i32;
let byte_value = if valid_byte {
let byte_index = (y * bitmap.pitch as i32) + (x >> 3);
unsafe {
let bit_index = x & 7;
let byte_ptr = bitmap.buffer.offset(byte_index as isize);
let bit = (*byte_ptr & (0x80 >> bit_index)) != 0;
@ -188,50 +190,56 @@ impl FontContext {
} else {
} else {
} else {
final_buffer.extend_from_slice(&[ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, byte_value ]);
final_buffer.extend_from_slice(&[ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, byte_value ]);
} else if bitmap.pixel_mode == FT_Pixel_Mode::FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY as u8 {
// We can assume that the reported glyph dimensions exactly
// match the rasterized bitmap for normal alpha coverage glyphs.
} else if bitmap.pixel_mode == FT_Pixel_Mode::FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY as u8 {
// We can assume that the reported glyph dimensions exactly
// match the rasterized bitmap for normal alpha coverage glyphs.
let buffer = slice::from_raw_parts(
let buffer = unsafe {
(bitmap.width * bitmap.rows) as usize
// Convert to RGBA.
for &byte in buffer.iter() {
final_buffer.extend_from_slice(&[ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, byte ]);
} else if bitmap.pixel_mode == FT_Pixel_Mode::FT_PIXEL_MODE_LCD as u8 {
// Extra subpixel on each side of the glyph.
glyph_width += 2;
// Convert to RGBA.
for &byte in buffer.iter() {
final_buffer.extend_from_slice(&[ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, byte ]);
} else if bitmap.pixel_mode == FT_Pixel_Mode::FT_PIXEL_MODE_LCD as u8 {
// Extra subpixel on each side of the glyph.
glyph_width += 2;
for y in 0..bitmap.rows {
for x in 0..(bitmap.width / 3) {
let index = (y as i32 * bitmap.pitch) + (x as i32 * 3);
for y in 0..bitmap.rows {
for x in 0..(bitmap.width / 3) {
let index = (y as i32 * bitmap.pitch) + (x as i32 * 3);
unsafe {
let ptr = bitmap.buffer.offset(index as isize);
let b = *ptr;
let g = *(ptr.offset(1));
let r = *(ptr.offset(2));
final_buffer.extend_from_slice(&[ r, g, b, 0xff ]);
final_buffer.extend_from_slice(&[r, g, b, 0xff]);
} else {
panic!("Unexpected render mode: {}!", bitmap.pixel_mode);
glyph = Some(RasterizedGlyph {
width: glyph_width as u32,
height: glyph_height as u32,
bytes: final_buffer,
} else {
panic!("Unexpected render mode: {}!", bitmap.pixel_mode);
glyph = Some(RasterizedGlyph {
width: glyph_width as u32,
height: glyph_height as u32,
bytes: final_buffer,

Просмотреть файл

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
use app_units::Au;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use webrender_traits::{FontKey, FontRenderMode, GlyphDimensions};
use webrender_traits::{FontKey, ColorU, FontRenderMode, GlyphDimensions};
use dwrote;
@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ impl FontContext {
pub fn rasterize_glyph(&mut self,
font_key: FontKey,
size: Au,
color: ColorU,
glyph: u32,
render_mode: FontRenderMode) -> Option<RasterizedGlyph> {
let (_, maybe_glyph) =

Просмотреть файл

@ -737,9 +737,9 @@ impl PrimitiveStore {
let dest_rects = self.gpu_resource_rects.get_slice_mut(text.resource_address,
let texture_id = resource_cache.get_glyphs(text.font_key,
text.render_mode, |index, uv0, uv1| {
let dest_rect = &mut dest_rects[index];
@ -933,6 +933,7 @@ impl PrimitiveStore {
let mut glyph_key = GlyphKey::new(text.font_key,
let mut local_rect = LayerRect::zero();
let mut actual_glyph_count = 0;
@ -998,6 +999,7 @@ impl PrimitiveStore {
@ -1014,7 +1016,7 @@ impl PrimitiveStore {
// right now, but if we introduce a cache for images for some other
// reason then we might as well cache this with it.
let image_properties = resource_cache.get_image_properties(image_key);
metadata.is_opaque = image_properties.is_opaque &&
metadata.is_opaque = image_properties.descriptor.is_opaque &&
tile_spacing.width == 0.0 &&
tile_spacing.height == 0.0;

Просмотреть файл

@ -125,23 +125,14 @@ impl RenderBackend {
ApiMsg::AddImage(id, width, height, stride, format, data) => {
ApiMsg::AddImage(id, descriptor, data) => {
if let ImageData::Raw(ref bytes) = data {
self.resource_cache.add_image_template(id, descriptor, data);
ApiMsg::UpdateImage(id, width, height, format, bytes) => {
ApiMsg::UpdateImage(id, descriptor, bytes) => {
self.resource_cache.update_image_template(id, descriptor, bytes);
ApiMsg::DeleteImage(id) => {

Просмотреть файл

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ use util::TransformedRectKind;
use webrender_traits::{ColorF, Epoch, PipelineId, RenderNotifier, RenderDispatcher};
use webrender_traits::{ExternalImageId, ImageFormat, RenderApiSender, RendererKind};
use webrender_traits::{DeviceIntRect, DevicePoint, DeviceIntPoint, DeviceIntSize, DeviceUintSize};
use webrender_traits::ImageDescriptor;
use webrender_traits::channel;
use webrender_traits::VRCompositorHandler;
@ -551,19 +552,25 @@ impl Renderer {
// TODO: Ensure that the white texture can never get evicted when the cache supports LRU eviction!
let white_image_id = texture_cache.new_item_id();
ImageDescriptor {
width: 2,
height: 2,
stride: None,
format: ImageFormat::RGBA8,
is_opaque: false,
let dummy_mask_image_id = texture_cache.new_item_id();
ImageDescriptor {
width: 2,
height: 2,
stride: None,
format: ImageFormat::A8,
is_opaque: false,
@ -734,6 +741,12 @@ impl Renderer {
/// Returns a HashMap containing the pipeline ids that have been received by the renderer and
/// their respective epochs since the last time the method was called.
pub fn flush_rendered_epochs(&mut self) -> HashMap<PipelineId, Epoch, BuildHasherDefault<FnvHasher>> {
return mem::replace(&mut self.pipeline_epoch_map, HashMap::with_hasher(Default::default()));
/// Processes the result queue.
/// Should be called before `render()`, as texture cache updates are done here.

Просмотреть файл

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ use std::thread;
use texture_cache::{TextureCache, TextureCacheItemId};
use webrender_traits::{Epoch, FontKey, GlyphKey, ImageKey, ImageFormat, ImageRendering};
use webrender_traits::{FontRenderMode, ImageData, GlyphDimensions, WebGLContextId};
use webrender_traits::{DevicePoint, DeviceIntSize};
use webrender_traits::{DevicePoint, DeviceIntSize, ImageDescriptor, ColorF};
use webrender_traits::ExternalImageId;
use threadpool::ThreadPool;
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ enum GlyphCacheMsg {
/// Add a new font.
AddFont(FontKey, FontTemplate),
/// Request glyphs for a text run.
RequestGlyphs(FontKey, Au, Vec<u32>, FontRenderMode),
RequestGlyphs(FontKey, Au, ColorF, Vec<u32>, FontRenderMode),
/// Finished requesting glyphs. Reply with new glyphs.
@ -71,22 +71,19 @@ pub struct RenderedGlyphKey {
impl RenderedGlyphKey {
pub fn new(font_key: FontKey,
size: Au,
color: ColorF,
index: u32,
render_mode: FontRenderMode) -> RenderedGlyphKey {
RenderedGlyphKey {
key: GlyphKey::new(font_key, size, index),
key: GlyphKey::new(font_key, size, color, index),
render_mode: render_mode,
pub struct ImageProperties {
pub format: ImageFormat,
pub is_opaque: bool,
pub descriptor: ImageDescriptor,
pub external_id: Option<ExternalImageId>,
pub width: u32,
pub height: u32,
pub stride: Option<u32>,
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
@ -98,12 +95,8 @@ enum State {
struct ImageResource {
data: ImageData,
width: u32,
height: u32,
stride: Option<u32>,
format: ImageFormat,
descriptor: ImageDescriptor,
epoch: Epoch,
is_opaque: bool,
struct CachedImageInfo {
@ -245,21 +238,10 @@ impl ResourceCache {
pub fn add_image_template(&mut self,
image_key: ImageKey,
width: u32,
height: u32,
stride: Option<u32>,
format: ImageFormat,
descriptor: ImageDescriptor,
data: ImageData) {
let is_opaque = match data {
ImageData::Raw(ref bytes) => is_image_opaque(format, bytes),
ImageData::External(..) => false, // TODO: Allow providing this through API.
let resource = ImageResource {
is_opaque: is_opaque,
width: width,
height: height,
stride: stride,
format: format,
descriptor: descriptor,
data: data,
epoch: Epoch(0),
@ -269,9 +251,7 @@ impl ResourceCache {
pub fn update_image_template(&mut self,
image_key: ImageKey,
width: u32,
height: u32,
format: ImageFormat,
descriptor: ImageDescriptor,
bytes: Vec<u8>) {
let next_epoch = match self.image_templates.get(&image_key) {
Some(image) => {
@ -292,11 +272,7 @@ impl ResourceCache {
let resource = ImageResource {
is_opaque: is_image_opaque(format, &bytes),
width: width,
height: height,
stride: None,
format: format,
descriptor: descriptor,
data: ImageData::new(bytes),
epoch: next_epoch,
@ -350,6 +326,7 @@ impl ResourceCache {
pub fn request_glyphs(&mut self,
key: FontKey,
size: Au,
color: ColorF,
glyph_indices: &[u32],
render_mode: FontRenderMode) {
debug_assert!(self.state == State::AddResources);
@ -359,6 +336,7 @@ impl ResourceCache {
// already cached.
let msg = GlyphCacheMsg::RequestGlyphs(key,
@ -375,6 +353,7 @@ impl ResourceCache {
pub fn get_glyphs<F>(&self,
font_key: FontKey,
size: Au,
color: ColorF,
glyph_indices: &[u32],
render_mode: FontRenderMode,
mut f: F) -> SourceTexture where F: FnMut(usize, DevicePoint, DevicePoint) {
@ -383,6 +362,7 @@ impl ResourceCache {
let render_mode = self.get_glyph_render_mode(render_mode);
let mut glyph_key = RenderedGlyphKey::new(font_key,
let mut texture_id = None;
@ -463,12 +443,8 @@ impl ResourceCache {
ImageProperties {
format: image_template.format,
is_opaque: image_template.is_opaque,
descriptor: image_template.descriptor,
external_id: external_id,
width: image_template.width,
height: image_template.height,
stride: image_template.stride,
@ -523,10 +499,13 @@ impl ResourceCache {
if glyph.width > 0 && glyph.height > 0 {
let image_id = self.texture_cache.new_item_id();
ImageDescriptor {
width: glyph.width,
height: glyph.height,
stride: None,
format: ImageFormat::RGBA8,
is_opaque: false,
@ -558,10 +537,7 @@ impl ResourceCache {
if entry.get().epoch != image_template.epoch {
// TODO: Can we avoid the clone of the bytes here?
// Update the cached epoch
@ -581,10 +557,7 @@ impl ResourceCache {
// TODO: Can we avoid the clone of the bytes here?
@ -635,30 +608,6 @@ impl Resource for CachedImageInfo {
// TODO(gw): If this ever shows up in profiles, consider calculating
// this lazily on demand, possibly via the resource cache thread.
// It can probably be made a lot faster with SIMD too!
// This assumes that A8 textures are never opaque, since they are
// typically used for alpha masks. We could revisit that if it
// ever becomes an issue in real world usage.
fn is_image_opaque(format: ImageFormat, bytes: &[u8]) -> bool {
match format {
ImageFormat::RGBA8 => {
let mut is_opaque = true;
for i in 0..(bytes.len() / 4) {
if bytes[i * 4 + 3] != 255 {
is_opaque = false;
ImageFormat::RGB8 => true,
ImageFormat::A8 => false,
ImageFormat::Invalid | ImageFormat::RGBAF32 => unreachable!(),
fn spawn_glyph_cache_thread() -> (Sender<GlyphCacheMsg>, Receiver<GlyphCacheResultMsg>) {
// Used for messages from resource cache -> glyph cache thread.
let (msg_tx, msg_rx) = channel();
@ -719,7 +668,7 @@ fn spawn_glyph_cache_thread() -> (Sender<GlyphCacheMsg>, Receiver<GlyphCacheResu
GlyphCacheMsg::RequestGlyphs(key, size, indices, render_mode) => {
GlyphCacheMsg::RequestGlyphs(key, size, color, indices, render_mode) => {
// Request some glyphs for a text run.
// For any glyph that isn't currently in the cache,
// immeediately push a job to the worker thread pool
@ -729,6 +678,7 @@ fn spawn_glyph_cache_thread() -> (Sender<GlyphCacheMsg>, Receiver<GlyphCacheResu
for glyph_index in indices {
let glyph_key = RenderedGlyphKey::new(key,
@ -742,6 +692,7 @@ fn spawn_glyph_cache_thread() -> (Sender<GlyphCacheMsg>, Receiver<GlyphCacheResu
let mut font_context = font_context.borrow_mut();
let result = font_context.rasterize_glyph(glyph_key.key.font_key,
glyph_tx.send((glyph_key, result)).unwrap();

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use fnv::FnvHasher;
use layer::{Layer, ScrollingState};
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::hash::BuildHasherDefault;
use webrender_traits::{LayerPoint, PipelineId, ScrollEventPhase, ScrollLayerId, ScrollLayerInfo};
use webrender_traits::{ScrollLayerPixel, ScrollLayerRect, ScrollLayerState, ScrollLocation};
use webrender_traits::{ScrollToWorldTransform, ServoScrollRootId, WorldPoint};
use webrender_traits::as_scroll_parent_rect;
pub type ScrollStates = HashMap<ScrollLayerId, ScrollingState, BuildHasherDefault<FnvHasher>>;
pub struct ScrollTree {
pub layers: HashMap<ScrollLayerId, Layer, BuildHasherDefault<FnvHasher>>,
pub pending_scroll_offsets: HashMap<(PipelineId, ServoScrollRootId), LayerPoint>,
pub current_scroll_layer_id: Option<ScrollLayerId>,
pub root_scroll_layer_id: Option<ScrollLayerId>,
impl ScrollTree {
pub fn new() -> ScrollTree {
ScrollTree {
layers: HashMap::with_hasher(Default::default()),
pending_scroll_offsets: HashMap::new(),
current_scroll_layer_id: None,
root_scroll_layer_id: None,
pub fn collect_layers_bouncing_back(&self)
-> HashSet<ScrollLayerId, BuildHasherDefault<FnvHasher>> {
let mut layers_bouncing_back = HashSet::with_hasher(Default::default());
for (scroll_layer_id, layer) in self.layers.iter() {
if layer.scrolling.bouncing_back {
pub fn get_scroll_layer(&self,
cursor: &WorldPoint,
scroll_layer_id: ScrollLayerId)
-> Option<ScrollLayerId> {
self.layers.get(&scroll_layer_id).and_then(|layer| {
for child_layer_id in layer.children.iter().rev() {
if let Some(layer_id) = self.get_scroll_layer(cursor, *child_layer_id) {
return Some(layer_id);
if scroll_layer_id.info == ScrollLayerInfo::Fixed {
return None;
if layer.ray_intersects_layer(cursor) {
} else {
pub fn get_scroll_layer_state(&self) -> Vec<ScrollLayerState> {
let mut result = vec![];
for (scroll_layer_id, scroll_layer) in self.layers.iter() {
match scroll_layer_id.info {
ScrollLayerInfo::Scrollable(_, servo_scroll_root_id) => {
result.push(ScrollLayerState {
pipeline_id: scroll_layer.pipeline_id,
scroll_root_id: servo_scroll_root_id,
scroll_offset: scroll_layer.scrolling.offset,
ScrollLayerInfo::Fixed => {}
pub fn drain(&mut self) -> ScrollStates {
let mut scroll_states = HashMap::with_hasher(Default::default());
for (layer_id, old_layer) in &mut self.layers.drain() {
scroll_states.insert(layer_id, old_layer.scrolling);
pub fn scroll_layers(&mut self,
origin: LayerPoint,
pipeline_id: PipelineId,
scroll_root_id: ServoScrollRootId)
-> bool {
let origin = LayerPoint::new(origin.x.max(0.0), origin.y.max(0.0));
let mut scrolled_a_layer = false;
let mut found_layer = false;
for (layer_id, layer) in self.layers.iter_mut() {
if layer_id.pipeline_id != pipeline_id {
match layer_id.info {
ScrollLayerInfo::Scrollable(_, id) if id != scroll_root_id => continue,
ScrollLayerInfo::Fixed => continue,
_ => {}
found_layer = true;
scrolled_a_layer |= layer.set_scroll_origin(&origin);
if !found_layer {
self.pending_scroll_offsets.insert((pipeline_id, scroll_root_id), origin);
pub fn scroll(&mut self,
scroll_location: ScrollLocation,
cursor: WorldPoint,
phase: ScrollEventPhase)
-> bool {
let root_scroll_layer_id = match self.root_scroll_layer_id {
Some(root_scroll_layer_id) => root_scroll_layer_id,
None => return false,
let scroll_layer_id = match (
self.get_scroll_layer(&cursor, root_scroll_layer_id),
self.current_scroll_layer_id) {
(ScrollEventPhase::Start, Some(scroll_layer_id), _) => {
self.current_scroll_layer_id = Some(scroll_layer_id);
(ScrollEventPhase::Start, None, _) => return false,
(_, _, Some(scroll_layer_id)) => scroll_layer_id,
(_, _, None) => return false,
let non_root_overscroll = if scroll_layer_id != root_scroll_layer_id {
// true if the current layer is overscrolling,
// and it is not the root scroll layer.
let child_layer = self.layers.get(&scroll_layer_id).unwrap();
let overscroll_amount = child_layer.overscroll_amount();
overscroll_amount.width != 0.0 || overscroll_amount.height != 0.0
} else {
let switch_layer = match phase {
ScrollEventPhase::Start => {
// if this is a new gesture, we do not switch layer,
// however we do save the state of non_root_overscroll,
// for use in the subsequent Move phase.
let mut current_layer = self.layers.get_mut(&scroll_layer_id).unwrap();
current_layer.scrolling.should_handoff_scroll = non_root_overscroll;
ScrollEventPhase::Move(_) => {
// Switch layer if movement originated in a new gesture,
// from a non root layer in overscroll.
let current_layer = self.layers.get_mut(&scroll_layer_id).unwrap();
current_layer.scrolling.should_handoff_scroll && non_root_overscroll
ScrollEventPhase::End => {
// clean-up when gesture ends.
let mut current_layer = self.layers.get_mut(&scroll_layer_id).unwrap();
current_layer.scrolling.should_handoff_scroll = false;
let scroll_layer_info = if switch_layer {
} else {
let scroll_root_id = match scroll_layer_info {
ScrollLayerInfo::Scrollable(_, scroll_root_id) => scroll_root_id,
_ => unreachable!("Tried to scroll a non-scrolling layer."),
let mut scrolled_a_layer = false;
for (layer_id, layer) in self.layers.iter_mut() {
if layer_id.pipeline_id != scroll_layer_id.pipeline_id {
match layer_id.info {
ScrollLayerInfo::Scrollable(_, id) if id != scroll_root_id => continue,
ScrollLayerInfo::Fixed => continue,
_ => {}
let scrolled_this_layer = layer.scroll(scroll_location, phase);
scrolled_a_layer = scrolled_a_layer || scrolled_this_layer;
pub fn update_all_layer_transforms(&mut self) {
let root_scroll_layer_id = self.root_scroll_layer_id;
fn update_layer_transform(&mut self,
layer_id: ScrollLayerId,
parent_world_transform: &ScrollToWorldTransform,
parent_viewport_rect: &ScrollLayerRect) {
// TODO(gw): This is an ugly borrow check workaround to clone these.
// Restructure this to avoid the clones!
let (layer_transform_for_children, viewport_rect, layer_children) = {
match self.layers.get_mut(&layer_id) {
Some(layer) => {
layer.update_transform(parent_world_transform, parent_viewport_rect);
None => return,
for child_layer_id in layer_children {
pub fn update_layer_transforms(&mut self, root_scroll_layer_id: Option<ScrollLayerId>) {
if let Some(root_scroll_layer_id) = root_scroll_layer_id {
let root_viewport = self.layers[&root_scroll_layer_id].local_viewport_rect;
// Update any fixed layers
let mut fixed_layers = Vec::new();
for (layer_id, _) in &self.layers {
match layer_id.info {
ScrollLayerInfo::Scrollable(..) => {}
ScrollLayerInfo::Fixed => {
for layer_id in fixed_layers {
pub fn tick_scrolling_bounce_animations(&mut self) {
for (_, layer) in &mut self.layers {
pub fn finalize_and_apply_pending_scroll_offsets(&mut self, old_states: ScrollStates) {
// TODO(gw): These are all independent - can be run through thread pool if it shows up
// in the profile!
for (scroll_layer_id, layer) in &mut self.layers {
let scrolling_state = match old_states.get(&scroll_layer_id) {
Some(old_scrolling_state) => *old_scrolling_state,
None => ScrollingState::new(),
let scroll_root_id = match scroll_layer_id.info {
ScrollLayerInfo::Scrollable(_, scroll_root_id) => scroll_root_id,
_ => continue,
let pipeline_id = scroll_layer_id.pipeline_id;
if let Some(pending_offset) =
self.pending_scroll_offsets.get_mut(&(pipeline_id, scroll_root_id)) {
pub fn add_layer(&mut self, layer: Layer, id: ScrollLayerId, parent_id: Option<ScrollLayerId>) {
self.layers.insert(id, layer);
if let Some(parent_id) = parent_id {
debug_assert!(parent_id != id);

Просмотреть файл

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ use time;
use util;
use webrender_traits::{ImageFormat, DevicePixel, DeviceIntPoint};
use webrender_traits::{DeviceUintRect, DeviceUintSize, DeviceUintPoint};
use webrender_traits::ImageDescriptor;
/// The number of bytes we're allowed to use for a texture.
const MAX_BYTES_PER_TEXTURE: u32 = 1024 * 1024 * 256; // 256MB
@ -740,23 +741,20 @@ impl TextureCache {
pub fn update(&mut self,
image_id: TextureCacheItemId,
width: u32,
height: u32,
stride: Option<u32>,
_format: ImageFormat,
descriptor: ImageDescriptor,
bytes: Arc<Vec<u8>>) {
let existing_item = self.items.get(image_id);
// TODO(gw): Handle updates to size/format!
debug_assert!(existing_item.requested_rect.size.width == width);
debug_assert!(existing_item.requested_rect.size.height == height);
debug_assert!(existing_item.requested_rect.size.width == descriptor.width);
debug_assert!(existing_item.requested_rect.size.height == descriptor.height);
let op = TextureUpdateOp::Update(existing_item.requested_rect.origin.x,
let update_op = TextureUpdate {
id: existing_item.texture_id,
@ -768,12 +766,14 @@ impl TextureCache {
pub fn insert(&mut self,
image_id: TextureCacheItemId,
width: u32,
height: u32,
stride: Option<u32>,
format: ImageFormat,
descriptor: ImageDescriptor,
filter: TextureFilter,
bytes: Arc<Vec<u8>>) {
let width = descriptor.width;
let height = descriptor.height;
let format = descriptor.format;
let stride = descriptor.stride;
let result = self.allocate(image_id,
@ -782,12 +782,7 @@ impl TextureCache {
let op = match result.kind {
AllocationKind::TexturePage => {
let bpp = match format {
ImageFormat::A8 => 1,
ImageFormat::RGB8 => 3,
ImageFormat::RGBA8 => 4,
ImageFormat::Invalid | ImageFormat::RGBAF32 => unreachable!(),
let bpp = format.bytes_per_pixel().unwrap();
let mut top_row_bytes = Vec::new();
let mut bottom_row_bytes = Vec::new();

Просмотреть файл

@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ use frame::FrameId;
use gpu_store::GpuStoreAddress;
use internal_types::{ANGLE_FLOAT_TO_FIXED, LowLevelFilterOp, CompositionOp};
use internal_types::{BatchTextures, CacheTextureId, SourceTexture};
use layer::Layer;
use mask_cache::{ClipSource, MaskCacheInfo};
use prim_store::{PrimitiveGeometry, RectanglePrimitive, PrimitiveContainer};
use prim_store::{BorderPrimitiveCpu, BorderPrimitiveGpu, BoxShadowPrimitiveGpu};
@ -23,6 +22,7 @@ use prim_store::{PrimitiveStore, GpuBlock16, GpuBlock32, GpuBlock64, GpuBlock128
use profiler::FrameProfileCounters;
use renderer::BlendMode;
use resource_cache::ResourceCache;
use scroll_tree::ScrollTree;
use std::cmp;
use std::collections::{HashMap};
use std::{i32, f32};
@ -49,9 +49,6 @@ const OPAQUE_TASK_INDEX: RenderTaskIndex = RenderTaskIndex(i32::MAX as usize);
const FLOATS_PER_RENDER_TASK_INFO: usize = 12;
pub type LayerMap = HashMap<ScrollLayerId,
pub type AuxiliaryListsMap = HashMap<PipelineId,
@ -2524,7 +2521,7 @@ impl FrameBuilder {
/// primitives in screen space.
fn cull_layers(&mut self,
screen_rect: &DeviceIntRect,
layer_map: &LayerMap,
scroll_tree: &ScrollTree,
auxiliary_lists_map: &AuxiliaryListsMap,
x_tile_count: i32,
y_tile_count: i32,
@ -2548,7 +2545,7 @@ impl FrameBuilder {
layer.xf_rect = None;
layer.tile_range = None;
let scroll_layer = &layer_map[&layer.scroll_layer_id];
let scroll_layer = &scroll_tree.layers[&layer.scroll_layer_id];
packed_layer.transform = scroll_layer.world_content_transform
.with_source::<ScrollLayerPixel>() // the scroll layer is considered a parent of layer
@ -2670,11 +2667,16 @@ impl FrameBuilder {
// that two primitives which are only clipped by the
// stacking context stack can share clip masks during
// render task assignment to targets.
let mask_key = match prim_clip_info {
Some(..) => MaskCacheKey::Primitive(prim_index),
None => MaskCacheKey::StackingContext(*sc_index),
let (mask_key, mask_rect) = match prim_clip_info {
Some(..) => {
(MaskCacheKey::Primitive(prim_index), prim_bounding_rect)
None => {
let layer_rect = layer.xf_rect.as_ref().unwrap().bounding_rect;
(MaskCacheKey::StackingContext(*sc_index), layer_rect)
let mask_opt = RenderTask::new_mask(prim_bounding_rect,
let mask_opt = RenderTask::new_mask(mask_rect,
@ -2866,15 +2868,14 @@ impl FrameBuilder {
fn update_scroll_bars(&mut self,
layer_map: &LayerMap) {
fn update_scroll_bars(&mut self, scroll_tree: &ScrollTree) {
let distance_from_edge = 8.0;
for scrollbar_prim in &self.scrollbar_prims {
let mut geom = (*self.prim_store.gpu_geometry.get(GpuStoreAddress(scrollbar_prim.prim_index.0 as i32))).clone();
let scroll_layer = &layer_map[&scrollbar_prim.scroll_layer_id];
let scroll_layer = &scroll_tree.layers[&scrollbar_prim.scroll_layer_id];
let scrollable_distance = scroll_layer.content_size.height - scroll_layer.local_viewport_rect.size.height;
let scrollable_distance = scroll_layer.scrollable_height();
if scrollable_distance <= 0.0 {
geom.local_clip_rect.size = LayerSize::zero();
@ -2915,7 +2916,7 @@ impl FrameBuilder {
pub fn build(&mut self,
resource_cache: &mut ResourceCache,
frame_id: FrameId,
layer_map: &LayerMap,
scroll_tree: &ScrollTree,
auxiliary_lists_map: &AuxiliaryListsMap,
device_pixel_ratio: f32) -> Frame {
let mut profile_counters = FrameProfileCounters::new();
@ -2948,10 +2949,10 @@ impl FrameBuilder {
let (x_tile_count, y_tile_count, mut screen_tiles) = self.create_screen_tiles(device_pixel_ratio);

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
extern crate angle;
extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate webrender;
use angle::hl::{BuiltInResources, Output, ShaderSpec, ShaderValidator};
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/shaders.rs"));
// from glslang
const FRAGMENT_SHADER: u32 = 0x8B30;
const VERTEX_SHADER: u32 = 0x8B31;
fn validate_shaders() {
let shared_src = SHADERS.get("shared").unwrap();
let prim_shared_src = SHADERS.get("prim_shared").unwrap();
let clip_shared_src = SHADERS.get("clip_shared").unwrap();
for (filename, file_source) in SHADERS.iter() {
let is_prim = filename.starts_with("ps_");
let is_clip = filename.starts_with("cs_");
let is_vert = filename.ends_with(".vs");
let is_frag = filename.ends_with(".fs");
if !(is_prim ^ is_clip) || !(is_vert ^ is_frag) {
let base_filename = filename.splitn(2, '.').next().unwrap();
let mut shader_prefix = format!("#version 300 es\n
// Base shader: {}\n
base_filename, webrender::renderer::MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_WIDTH);
if is_vert {
shader_prefix.push_str("#define WR_VERTEX_SHADER\n");
} else {
shader_prefix.push_str("#define WR_FRAGMENT_SHADER\n");
let mut build_configs = vec!["#define WR_FEATURE_TRANSFORM\n"];
if is_prim {
// the transform feature may be disabled for the prim shaders
build_configs.push("// WR_FEATURE_TRANSFORM disabled\n");
for config_prefix in build_configs {
let mut shader_source = String::new();
if is_clip {
if let Some(optional_src) = SHADERS.get(base_filename) {
let gl_type = if is_vert { VERTEX_SHADER } else { FRAGMENT_SHADER };
let resources = BuiltInResources::default();
let validator = ShaderValidator::new(gl_type,
match validator.compile_and_translate(&[&shader_source]) {
Ok(_) => {
println!("Shader translated succesfully: {}", filename);
Err(_) => {
panic!("Shader compilation failed: {}\n{}",
filename, validator.info_log());

Просмотреть файл

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use std::os::raw::{c_void, c_char};
use gleam::gl;
use webrender_traits::{BorderSide, BorderStyle, BorderRadius};
use webrender_traits::{PipelineId, ClipRegion};
use webrender_traits::{Epoch, ColorF, GlyphInstance};
use webrender_traits::{Epoch, ColorF, GlyphInstance, ImageDescriptor};
use webrender_traits::{ImageData, ImageFormat, ImageKey, ImageMask, ImageRendering, RendererKind, MixBlendMode};
use webrender_traits::{ExternalImageId, RenderApi, FontKey};
use webrender_traits::{DeviceUintSize, ExternalEvent};
@ -685,20 +685,20 @@ pub extern fn wr_api_add_image(api: &mut RenderApi, width: u32, height: u32, str
_ => Some(stride),
api.add_image(width, height, stride_option, format, ImageData::new(bytes))
api.add_image(ImageDescriptor{width: width, height: height, stride: stride_option, format: format, is_opaque: false}, ImageData::new(bytes))
pub extern fn wr_api_add_external_image_texture(api: &mut RenderApi, width: u32, height: u32, format: ImageFormat, external_image_id: u64) -> ImageKey {
assert!( unsafe { is_in_compositor_thread() });
api.add_image(width, height, None, format, ImageData::External(ExternalImageId(external_image_id)))
api.add_image(ImageDescriptor{width:width, height:height, stride:None, format: format, is_opaque: false}, ImageData::External(ExternalImageId(external_image_id)))
pub extern fn wr_api_update_image(api: &mut RenderApi, key: ImageKey, width: u32, height: u32, format: ImageFormat, bytes: * const u8, size: usize) {
assert!( unsafe { is_in_compositor_thread() });
let bytes = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(bytes, size).to_owned() };
api.update_image(key, width, height, format, bytes);
api.update_image(key, ImageDescriptor{width:width, height:height, stride:None, format:format, is_opaque: false}, bytes);
pub extern fn wr_api_delete_image(api: &mut RenderApi, key: ImageKey) {

Просмотреть файл

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ use byteorder::{LittleEndian, WriteBytesExt};
use channel::{self, MsgSender, PayloadHelperMethods, PayloadSender};
use offscreen_gl_context::{GLContextAttributes, GLLimits};
use std::cell::Cell;
use {ApiMsg, ColorF, DisplayListBuilder, Epoch};
use {FontKey, IdNamespace, ImageFormat, ImageKey, NativeFontHandle, PipelineId};
use {ApiMsg, ColorF, DisplayListBuilder, Epoch, ImageDescriptor};
use {FontKey, IdNamespace, ImageKey, NativeFontHandle, PipelineId};
use {RenderApiSender, ResourceId, ScrollEventPhase, ScrollLayerState, ScrollLocation, ServoScrollRootId};
use {GlyphKey, GlyphDimensions, ImageData, WebGLContextId, WebGLCommand};
use {DeviceIntSize, LayoutPoint, LayoutSize, WorldPoint};
@ -90,13 +90,10 @@ impl RenderApi {
/// Adds an image and returns the corresponding `ImageKey`.
pub fn add_image(&self,
width: u32,
height: u32,
stride: Option<u32>,
format: ImageFormat,
descriptor: ImageDescriptor,
data: ImageData) -> ImageKey {
let key = self.alloc_image();
let msg = ApiMsg::AddImage(key, width, height, stride, format, data);
let msg = ApiMsg::AddImage(key, descriptor, data);
@ -107,11 +104,9 @@ impl RenderApi {
// TODO: Support changing dimensions (and format) during image update?
pub fn update_image(&self,
key: ImageKey,
width: u32,
height: u32,
format: ImageFormat,
descriptor: ImageDescriptor,
bytes: Vec<u8>) {
let msg = ApiMsg::UpdateImage(key, width, height, format, bytes);
let msg = ApiMsg::UpdateImage(key, descriptor, bytes);

Просмотреть файл

@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ pub enum ApiMsg {
/// Gets the glyph dimensions
GetGlyphDimensions(Vec<GlyphKey>, MsgSender<Vec<Option<GlyphDimensions>>>),
/// Adds an image from the resource cache.
AddImage(ImageKey, u32, u32, Option<u32>, ImageFormat, ImageData),
AddImage(ImageKey, ImageDescriptor, ImageData),
/// Updates the the resource cache with the new image data.
UpdateImage(ImageKey, u32, u32, ImageFormat, Vec<u8>),
UpdateImage(ImageKey, ImageDescriptor, Vec<u8>),
/// Drops an image from the resource cache.
@ -191,6 +191,64 @@ pub struct ColorF {
known_heap_size!(0, ColorF);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Hash, Eq, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Serialize)]
pub struct ColorU {
pub r: u8,
pub g: u8,
pub b: u8,
pub a: u8,
impl From<ColorF> for ColorU {
fn from(color: ColorF) -> ColorU {
ColorU {
r: ColorU::round_to_int(color.r),
g: ColorU::round_to_int(color.g),
b: ColorU::round_to_int(color.b),
a: ColorU::round_to_int(color.a),
impl Into<ColorF> for ColorU {
fn into(self) -> ColorF {
ColorF {
r: self.r as f32 / 255.0,
g: self.g as f32 / 255.0,
b: self.b as f32 / 255.0,
a: self.a as f32 / 255.0,
impl ColorU {
fn round_to_int(x: f32) -> u8 {
debug_assert!((0.0 <= x) && (x <= 1.0));
let f = (255.0 * x) + 0.5;
let val = f.floor();
debug_assert!(val <= 255.0);
val as u8
pub fn new(r: u8, g: u8, b: u8, a: u8) -> ColorU {
ColorU {
r: r,
g: g,
b: b,
a: a,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub struct ImageDescriptor {
pub format: ImageFormat,
pub width: u32,
pub height: u32,
pub stride: Option<u32>,
pub is_opaque: bool,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub struct ImageMask {
pub image: ImageKey,
@ -263,15 +321,18 @@ pub struct GlyphKey {
// or something similar to that.
pub size: Au,
pub index: u32,
pub color: ColorU,
impl GlyphKey {
pub fn new(font_key: FontKey,
size: Au,
color: ColorF,
index: u32) -> GlyphKey {
GlyphKey {
font_key: font_key,
size: size,
color: ColorU::from(color),
index: index,
@ -358,6 +419,18 @@ pub enum ImageFormat {
impl ImageFormat {
pub fn bytes_per_pixel(self) -> Option<u32> {
match self {
ImageFormat::A8 => Some(1),
ImageFormat::RGB8 => Some(3),
ImageFormat::RGBA8 => Some(4),
ImageFormat::RGBAF32 => Some(16),
ImageFormat::Invalid => None,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Deserialize, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub enum YuvColorSpace {
Rec601 = 1, // The values must match the ones in prim_shared.glsl

Просмотреть файл

@ -1 +1 @@

third_party/rust/dwrote/Cargo.toml поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ name = "dwrote"
description = "Lightweight binding to DirectWrite."
repository = "https://github.com/vvuk/dwrote-rs"
license = "MPL-2.0"
version = "0.1.5"
version = "0.1.6"
authors = ["Vladimir Vukicevic <vladimir@pobox.com>"]
build = "build.rs"

third_party/rust/dwrote/build.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#[cfg(all(feature = "serde_codegen", not(feature = "serde_derive")))]
mod inner {
extern crate serde_codegen;
use std::env;
use std::path::Path;
pub fn main() {
let out_dir = env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
let src = Path::new("src/types.rs");
let dst = Path::new(&out_dir).join("types.rs");
serde_codegen::expand(&src, &dst).unwrap();
#[cfg(all(feature = "serde_derive", not(feature = "serde_codegen")))]
mod inner {
pub fn main() {}
#[cfg(all(feature = "serde_codegen", feature = "serde_derive"))]
mod inner {
pub fn main() {
panic!("serde_codegen and serde_derive are both used. \
You probably forgot --no-default-features.")
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "serde_codegen", feature = "serde_derive")))]
mod inner {
pub fn main() {
panic!("Neither serde_codegen nor serde_derive are used. "
"You probably want --features serde_derive --no-default-features.")
fn main() {
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#[cfg(all(feature = "serde_codegen", not(feature = "serde_derive")))]
mod inner {
extern crate serde_codegen;
use std::env;
use std::path::Path;
pub fn main() {
let out_dir = env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
let src = Path::new("src/types.rs");
let dst = Path::new(&out_dir).join("types.rs");
serde_codegen::expand(&src, &dst).unwrap();
#[cfg(all(feature = "serde_derive", not(feature = "serde_codegen")))]
mod inner {
pub fn main() {}
#[cfg(all(feature = "serde_codegen", feature = "serde_derive"))]
mod inner {
pub fn main() {
panic!("serde_codegen and serde_derive are both used. \
You probably forgot --no-default-features.")
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "serde_codegen", feature = "serde_derive")))]
mod inner {
pub fn main() {
panic!("Neither serde_codegen nor serde_derive are used. "
"You probably want --features serde_derive --no-default-features.")
fn main() {

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,124 +1,124 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use std::slice;
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::mem::{zeroed, size_of};
use comptr::ComPtr;
use winapi;
use gdi32;
use super::{FontFace, RenderingParams};
pub struct BitmapRenderTarget {
native: UnsafeCell<ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteBitmapRenderTarget>>,
impl BitmapRenderTarget {
pub fn take(native: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteBitmapRenderTarget>) -> BitmapRenderTarget {
BitmapRenderTarget {
native: UnsafeCell::new(native),
pub unsafe fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut winapi::IDWriteBitmapRenderTarget {
// A dip is 1/96th of an inch, so this value is the number of pixels per inch divided by 96.
pub fn set_pixels_per_dip(&self, ppd: f32) {
unsafe {
pub fn get_memory_dc(&self) -> winapi::HDC {
unsafe {
pub fn draw_glyph_run(&self,
baseline_origin_x: f32,
baseline_origin_y: f32,
measuring_mode: winapi::DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE,
font_face: &FontFace,
em_size: f32,
glyph_indices: &[u16],
glyph_advances: &[f32],
glyph_offsets: &[winapi::DWRITE_GLYPH_OFFSET],
rendering_params: &RenderingParams,
color: &(f32, f32, f32))
-> winapi::RECT
unsafe {
assert!(glyph_indices.len() == glyph_advances.len());
assert!(glyph_indices.len() == glyph_offsets.len());
let r = (color.0 * 255.0) as u8;
let g = (color.1 * 255.0) as u8;
let b = (color.2 * 255.0) as u8;
let mut glyph_run: winapi::DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN = zeroed();
glyph_run.fontFace = font_face.as_ptr();
glyph_run.fontEmSize = em_size;
glyph_run.glyphCount = glyph_indices.len() as u32;
glyph_run.glyphIndices = glyph_indices.as_ptr();
glyph_run.glyphAdvances = glyph_advances.as_ptr();
glyph_run.glyphOffsets = glyph_offsets.as_ptr();
glyph_run.isSideways = 0;
glyph_run.bidiLevel = 0;
let mut rect: winapi::RECT = zeroed();
let hr = (*self.native.get()).DrawGlyphRun(baseline_origin_x,
&mut rect);
assert!(hr == 0);
// This function expects to have glyphs rendered in WHITE,
// and pulls out a u8 vector of width*height*4 size with
// the coverage value (we pull out R) broadcast to the alpha
// channel, with the color white. That is, it performs:
// RGBX -> xxxR, where xxx = 0xff
pub fn get_opaque_values_as_mask(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
// Now grossness to pull out the pixels
unsafe {
let memory_dc = self.get_memory_dc();
let mut bitmap: winapi::BITMAP = zeroed();
let ret = gdi32::GetObjectW(gdi32::GetCurrentObject(memory_dc, winapi::OBJ_BITMAP),
size_of::<winapi::BITMAP>() as i32,
&mut bitmap as *mut _ as *mut winapi::c_void);
assert!(ret == size_of::<winapi::BITMAP>() as i32);
assert!(bitmap.bmBitsPixel == 32);
let width = bitmap.bmWidth as usize;
let stride = bitmap.bmWidthBytes as usize;
let height = bitmap.bmHeight as usize;
let mut out_bytes: Vec<u8> = vec![0; width * height * 4];
let mut out_u32 = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(out_bytes.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u32,
width * height);
for row in 0..height {
let in_offset = (row * stride) as isize;
let in_u32 = slice::from_raw_parts(bitmap.bmBits.offset(in_offset) as *const u32,
for col in 0..width {
let r = in_u32[col] & 0xff;
out_u32[width*row + col] = (r << 24) | (0x00ffffffu32);
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use std::slice;
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::mem::{zeroed, size_of};
use comptr::ComPtr;
use winapi;
use gdi32;
use super::{FontFace, RenderingParams};
pub struct BitmapRenderTarget {
native: UnsafeCell<ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteBitmapRenderTarget>>,
impl BitmapRenderTarget {
pub fn take(native: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteBitmapRenderTarget>) -> BitmapRenderTarget {
BitmapRenderTarget {
native: UnsafeCell::new(native),
pub unsafe fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut winapi::IDWriteBitmapRenderTarget {
// A dip is 1/96th of an inch, so this value is the number of pixels per inch divided by 96.
pub fn set_pixels_per_dip(&self, ppd: f32) {
unsafe {
pub fn get_memory_dc(&self) -> winapi::HDC {
unsafe {
pub fn draw_glyph_run(&self,
baseline_origin_x: f32,
baseline_origin_y: f32,
measuring_mode: winapi::DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE,
font_face: &FontFace,
em_size: f32,
glyph_indices: &[u16],
glyph_advances: &[f32],
glyph_offsets: &[winapi::DWRITE_GLYPH_OFFSET],
rendering_params: &RenderingParams,
color: &(f32, f32, f32))
-> winapi::RECT
unsafe {
assert!(glyph_indices.len() == glyph_advances.len());
assert!(glyph_indices.len() == glyph_offsets.len());
let r = (color.0 * 255.0) as u8;
let g = (color.1 * 255.0) as u8;
let b = (color.2 * 255.0) as u8;
let mut glyph_run: winapi::DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN = zeroed();
glyph_run.fontFace = font_face.as_ptr();
glyph_run.fontEmSize = em_size;
glyph_run.glyphCount = glyph_indices.len() as u32;
glyph_run.glyphIndices = glyph_indices.as_ptr();
glyph_run.glyphAdvances = glyph_advances.as_ptr();
glyph_run.glyphOffsets = glyph_offsets.as_ptr();
glyph_run.isSideways = 0;
glyph_run.bidiLevel = 0;
let mut rect: winapi::RECT = zeroed();
let hr = (*self.native.get()).DrawGlyphRun(baseline_origin_x,
&mut rect);
assert!(hr == 0);
// This function expects to have glyphs rendered in WHITE,
// and pulls out a u8 vector of width*height*4 size with
// the coverage value (we pull out R) broadcast to the alpha
// channel, with the color white. That is, it performs:
// RGBX -> xxxR, where xxx = 0xff
pub fn get_opaque_values_as_mask(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
// Now grossness to pull out the pixels
unsafe {
let memory_dc = self.get_memory_dc();
let mut bitmap: winapi::BITMAP = zeroed();
let ret = gdi32::GetObjectW(gdi32::GetCurrentObject(memory_dc, winapi::OBJ_BITMAP),
size_of::<winapi::BITMAP>() as i32,
&mut bitmap as *mut _ as *mut winapi::c_void);
assert!(ret == size_of::<winapi::BITMAP>() as i32);
assert!(bitmap.bmBitsPixel == 32);
let width = bitmap.bmWidth as usize;
let stride = bitmap.bmWidthBytes as usize;
let height = bitmap.bmHeight as usize;
let mut out_bytes: Vec<u8> = vec![0; width * height * 4];
let mut out_u32 = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(out_bytes.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u32,
width * height);
for row in 0..height {
let in_offset = (row * stride) as isize;
let in_u32 = slice::from_raw_parts(bitmap.bmBits.offset(in_offset) as *const u32,
for col in 0..width {
let r = in_u32[col] & 0xff;
out_u32[width*row + col] = (r << 24) | (0x00ffffffu32);

third_party/rust/dwrote/src/font.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1,87 +1,87 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use comptr::ComPtr;
use winapi;
use std::mem;
use super::*;
use helpers::*;
pub struct Font {
native: UnsafeCell<ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteFont>>,
impl Font {
pub fn take(native: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteFont>) -> Font {
Font {
native: UnsafeCell::new(native),
pub unsafe fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut winapi::IDWriteFont {
pub fn to_descriptor(&self) -> FontDescriptor {
FontDescriptor {
family_name: self.family_name(),
stretch: self.stretch(),
style: self.style(),
weight: self.weight(),
pub fn stretch(&self) -> FontStretch {
unsafe {
mem::transmute::<u32, FontStretch>((*self.native.get()).GetStretch().0)
pub fn style(&self) -> FontStyle {
unsafe {
mem::transmute::<u32, FontStyle>((*self.native.get()).GetStyle().0)
pub fn weight(&self) -> FontWeight {
unsafe {
mem::transmute::<u32, FontWeight>((*self.native.get()).GetWeight().0)
pub fn family_name(&self) -> String {
unsafe {
let mut family: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteFontFamily> = ComPtr::new();
let hr = (*self.native.get()).GetFontFamily(family.getter_addrefs());
assert!(hr == 0);
pub fn face_name(&self) -> String {
unsafe {
let mut names: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteLocalizedStrings> = ComPtr::new();
let hr = (*self.native.get()).GetFaceNames(names.getter_addrefs());
assert!(hr == 0);
get_locale_string(&mut names)
pub fn create_font_face(&self) -> FontFace {
// FIXME create_font_face should cache the FontFace and return it,
// there's a 1:1 relationship
unsafe {
let mut face: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteFontFace> = ComPtr::new();
let hr = (*self.native.get()).CreateFontFace(face.getter_addrefs());
assert!(hr == 0);
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use comptr::ComPtr;
use winapi;
use std::mem;
use super::*;
use helpers::*;
pub struct Font {
native: UnsafeCell<ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteFont>>,
impl Font {
pub fn take(native: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteFont>) -> Font {
Font {
native: UnsafeCell::new(native),
pub unsafe fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut winapi::IDWriteFont {
pub fn to_descriptor(&self) -> FontDescriptor {
FontDescriptor {
family_name: self.family_name(),
stretch: self.stretch(),
style: self.style(),
weight: self.weight(),
pub fn stretch(&self) -> FontStretch {
unsafe {
mem::transmute::<u32, FontStretch>((*self.native.get()).GetStretch().0)
pub fn style(&self) -> FontStyle {
unsafe {
mem::transmute::<u32, FontStyle>((*self.native.get()).GetStyle().0)
pub fn weight(&self) -> FontWeight {
unsafe {
mem::transmute::<u32, FontWeight>((*self.native.get()).GetWeight().0)
pub fn family_name(&self) -> String {
unsafe {
let mut family: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteFontFamily> = ComPtr::new();
let hr = (*self.native.get()).GetFontFamily(family.getter_addrefs());
assert!(hr == 0);
pub fn face_name(&self) -> String {
unsafe {
let mut names: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteLocalizedStrings> = ComPtr::new();
let hr = (*self.native.get()).GetFaceNames(names.getter_addrefs());
assert!(hr == 0);
get_locale_string(&mut names)
pub fn create_font_face(&self) -> FontFace {
// FIXME create_font_face should cache the FontFace and return it,
// there's a 1:1 relationship
unsafe {
let mut face: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteFontFace> = ComPtr::new();
let hr = (*self.native.get()).CreateFontFace(face.getter_addrefs());
assert!(hr == 0);

third_party/rust/dwrote/src/font_face.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1,137 +1,137 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use std::slice;
use std::ptr;
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::mem::zeroed;
use comptr::ComPtr;
use super::{FontMetrics, FontFile};
use winapi;
pub struct FontFace {
native: UnsafeCell<ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteFontFace>>,
metrics: FontMetrics,
impl FontFace {
pub fn take(native: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteFontFace>) -> FontFace {
unsafe {
let mut metrics: FontMetrics = zeroed();
let cell = UnsafeCell::new(native);
(*cell.get()).GetMetrics(&mut metrics);
FontFace {
native: cell,
metrics: metrics,
pub unsafe fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut winapi::IDWriteFontFace {
pub fn get_files(&self) -> Vec<FontFile> {
unsafe {
let mut number_of_files: u32 = 0;
let hr = (*self.native.get()).GetFiles(&mut number_of_files, ptr::null_mut());
assert!(hr == 0);
let mut file_ptrs: Vec<*mut winapi::IDWriteFontFile> =
vec![ptr::null_mut(); number_of_files as usize];
let hr = (*self.native.get()).GetFiles(&mut number_of_files, file_ptrs.as_mut_ptr());
assert!(hr == 0);
file_ptrs.iter().map(|p| FontFile::take(ComPtr::already_addrefed(*p))).collect()
pub fn get_glyph_count(&self) -> u16 {
unsafe {
pub fn metrics(&self) -> &FontMetrics {
pub fn get_metrics(&self) -> FontMetrics {
unsafe {
let mut metrics: winapi::DWRITE_FONT_METRICS = zeroed();
(*self.native.get()).GetMetrics(&mut metrics);
pub fn get_glyph_indices(&self, code_points: &[u32]) -> Vec<u16> {
unsafe {
let mut glyph_indices: Vec<u16> = vec![0; code_points.len()];
let hr = (*self.native.get()).GetGlyphIndices(code_points.as_ptr(),
code_points.len() as u32,
assert!(hr == 0);
pub fn get_design_glyph_metrics(&self, glyph_indices: &[u16], is_sideways: bool) -> Vec<winapi::DWRITE_GLYPH_METRICS> {
unsafe {
let mut metrics: Vec<winapi::DWRITE_GLYPH_METRICS> = vec![zeroed(); glyph_indices.len()];
let hr = (*self.native.get()).GetDesignGlyphMetrics(glyph_indices.as_ptr(),
glyph_indices.len() as u32,
is_sideways as winapi::BOOL);
assert!(hr == 0);
pub fn get_gdi_compatible_glyph_metrics(&self, em_size: f32, pixels_per_dip: f32, transform: *const winapi::DWRITE_MATRIX,
use_gdi_natural: bool, glyph_indices: &[u16], is_sideways: bool)
unsafe {
let mut metrics: Vec<winapi::DWRITE_GLYPH_METRICS> = vec![zeroed(); glyph_indices.len()];
let hr = (*self.native.get()).GetGdiCompatibleGlyphMetrics(em_size, pixels_per_dip,
use_gdi_natural as winapi::BOOL,
glyph_indices.len() as u32,
is_sideways as winapi::BOOL);
assert!(hr == 0);
pub fn get_font_table(&self, opentype_table_tag: u32) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
unsafe {
let mut table_data_ptr: *const u8 = ptr::null_mut();
let mut table_size: u32 = 0;
let mut table_context: *mut winapi::c_void = ptr::null_mut();
let mut exists: winapi::BOOL = winapi::FALSE;
let hr = (*self.native.get()).TryGetFontTable(opentype_table_tag,
&mut table_data_ptr as *mut *const _ as *mut *const winapi::c_void,
&mut table_size,
&mut table_context,
&mut exists);
assert!(hr == 0);
if exists == winapi::FALSE {
return None;
let table_bytes = slice::from_raw_parts(table_data_ptr, table_size as usize).to_vec();
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use std::slice;
use std::ptr;
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::mem::zeroed;
use comptr::ComPtr;
use super::{FontMetrics, FontFile};
use winapi;
pub struct FontFace {
native: UnsafeCell<ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteFontFace>>,
metrics: FontMetrics,
impl FontFace {
pub fn take(native: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteFontFace>) -> FontFace {
unsafe {
let mut metrics: FontMetrics = zeroed();
let cell = UnsafeCell::new(native);
(*cell.get()).GetMetrics(&mut metrics);
FontFace {
native: cell,
metrics: metrics,
pub unsafe fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut winapi::IDWriteFontFace {
pub fn get_files(&self) -> Vec<FontFile> {
unsafe {
let mut number_of_files: u32 = 0;
let hr = (*self.native.get()).GetFiles(&mut number_of_files, ptr::null_mut());
assert!(hr == 0);
let mut file_ptrs: Vec<*mut winapi::IDWriteFontFile> =
vec![ptr::null_mut(); number_of_files as usize];
let hr = (*self.native.get()).GetFiles(&mut number_of_files, file_ptrs.as_mut_ptr());
assert!(hr == 0);
file_ptrs.iter().map(|p| FontFile::take(ComPtr::already_addrefed(*p))).collect()
pub fn get_glyph_count(&self) -> u16 {
unsafe {
pub fn metrics(&self) -> &FontMetrics {
pub fn get_metrics(&self) -> FontMetrics {
unsafe {
let mut metrics: winapi::DWRITE_FONT_METRICS = zeroed();
(*self.native.get()).GetMetrics(&mut metrics);
pub fn get_glyph_indices(&self, code_points: &[u32]) -> Vec<u16> {
unsafe {
let mut glyph_indices: Vec<u16> = vec![0; code_points.len()];
let hr = (*self.native.get()).GetGlyphIndices(code_points.as_ptr(),
code_points.len() as u32,
assert!(hr == 0);
pub fn get_design_glyph_metrics(&self, glyph_indices: &[u16], is_sideways: bool) -> Vec<winapi::DWRITE_GLYPH_METRICS> {
unsafe {
let mut metrics: Vec<winapi::DWRITE_GLYPH_METRICS> = vec![zeroed(); glyph_indices.len()];
let hr = (*self.native.get()).GetDesignGlyphMetrics(glyph_indices.as_ptr(),
glyph_indices.len() as u32,
is_sideways as winapi::BOOL);
assert!(hr == 0);
pub fn get_gdi_compatible_glyph_metrics(&self, em_size: f32, pixels_per_dip: f32, transform: *const winapi::DWRITE_MATRIX,
use_gdi_natural: bool, glyph_indices: &[u16], is_sideways: bool)
unsafe {
let mut metrics: Vec<winapi::DWRITE_GLYPH_METRICS> = vec![zeroed(); glyph_indices.len()];
let hr = (*self.native.get()).GetGdiCompatibleGlyphMetrics(em_size, pixels_per_dip,
use_gdi_natural as winapi::BOOL,
glyph_indices.len() as u32,
is_sideways as winapi::BOOL);
assert!(hr == 0);
pub fn get_font_table(&self, opentype_table_tag: u32) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
unsafe {
let mut table_data_ptr: *const u8 = ptr::null_mut();
let mut table_size: u32 = 0;
let mut table_context: *mut winapi::c_void = ptr::null_mut();
let mut exists: winapi::BOOL = winapi::FALSE;
let hr = (*self.native.get()).TryGetFontTable(opentype_table_tag,
&mut table_data_ptr as *mut *const _ as *mut *const winapi::c_void,
&mut table_size,
&mut table_context,
&mut exists);
assert!(hr == 0);
if exists == winapi::FALSE {
return None;
let table_bytes = slice::from_raw_parts(table_data_ptr, table_size as usize).to_vec();

third_party/rust/dwrote/src/gdi_interop.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use std::ptr;
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use comptr::ComPtr;
use winapi;
use super::{DWriteFactory, BitmapRenderTarget};
pub struct GdiInterop {
native: UnsafeCell<ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteGdiInterop>>,
impl GdiInterop {
pub fn create() -> GdiInterop {
unsafe {
let mut native: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteGdiInterop> = ComPtr::new();
let hr = (*DWriteFactory()).GetGdiInterop(native.getter_addrefs());
assert!(hr == 0);
pub fn take(native: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteGdiInterop>) -> GdiInterop {
GdiInterop {
native: UnsafeCell::new(native),
pub fn create_bitmap_render_target(&self, width: u32, height: u32) -> BitmapRenderTarget {
unsafe {
let mut native: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteBitmapRenderTarget> = ComPtr::new();
let hr = (*self.native.get()).CreateBitmapRenderTarget(ptr::null_mut(),
width, height,
assert!(hr == 0);
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use std::ptr;
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use comptr::ComPtr;
use winapi;
use super::{DWriteFactory, BitmapRenderTarget};
pub struct GdiInterop {
native: UnsafeCell<ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteGdiInterop>>,
impl GdiInterop {
pub fn create() -> GdiInterop {
unsafe {
let mut native: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteGdiInterop> = ComPtr::new();
let hr = (*DWriteFactory()).GetGdiInterop(native.getter_addrefs());
assert!(hr == 0);
pub fn take(native: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteGdiInterop>) -> GdiInterop {
GdiInterop {
native: UnsafeCell::new(native),
pub fn create_bitmap_render_target(&self, width: u32, height: u32) -> BitmapRenderTarget {
unsafe {
let mut native: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteBitmapRenderTarget> = ComPtr::new();
let hr = (*self.native.get()).CreateBitmapRenderTarget(ptr::null_mut(),
width, height,
assert!(hr == 0);

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use std::ptr;
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use comptr::ComPtr;
use winapi;
use std::mem;
use super::DWriteFactory;
pub struct GlyphRunAnalysis {
native: UnsafeCell<ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteGlyphRunAnalysis>>,
impl GlyphRunAnalysis {
pub fn create(glyph_run: &winapi::DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN,
pixels_per_dip: f32,
transform: Option<winapi::DWRITE_MATRIX>,
rendering_mode: winapi::DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE,
measuring_mode: winapi::DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE,
baseline_x: f32,
baseline_y: f32) -> GlyphRunAnalysis
unsafe {
let mut native: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteGlyphRunAnalysis> = ComPtr::new();
let hr = (*DWriteFactory()).CreateGlyphRunAnalysis(glyph_run as *const winapi::DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN,
transform.as_ref().map(|x| x as *const _).unwrap_or(ptr::null()),
rendering_mode, measuring_mode,
baseline_x, baseline_y,
assert!(hr == 0);
pub fn take(native: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteGlyphRunAnalysis>) -> GlyphRunAnalysis {
GlyphRunAnalysis {
native: UnsafeCell::new(native),
pub fn get_alpha_texture_bounds(&self, texture_type: winapi::DWRITE_TEXTURE_TYPE) -> winapi::RECT {
unsafe {
let mut rect: winapi::RECT = mem::zeroed();
rect.left = 1234;
rect.top = 1234;
let hr = (*self.native.get()).GetAlphaTextureBounds(texture_type, &mut rect);
assert!(hr == 0);
pub fn create_alpha_texture(&self, texture_type: winapi::DWRITE_TEXTURE_TYPE, rect: winapi::RECT) -> Vec<u8> {
unsafe {
let rect_pixels = (rect.right - rect.left) * (rect.bottom - rect.top);
let rect_bytes = rect_pixels * match texture_type {
winapi::DWRITE_TEXTURE_ALIASED_1x1 => 1,
_ => panic!("bad texture type specified"),
let mut out_bytes: Vec<u8> = vec![0; rect_bytes as usize];
let hr = (*self.native.get()).CreateAlphaTexture(texture_type, &rect, out_bytes.as_mut_ptr(), out_bytes.len() as u32);
assert!(hr == 0);
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use std::ptr;
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use comptr::ComPtr;
use winapi;
use std::mem;
use super::DWriteFactory;
pub struct GlyphRunAnalysis {
native: UnsafeCell<ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteGlyphRunAnalysis>>,
impl GlyphRunAnalysis {
pub fn create(glyph_run: &winapi::DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN,
pixels_per_dip: f32,
transform: Option<winapi::DWRITE_MATRIX>,
rendering_mode: winapi::DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE,
measuring_mode: winapi::DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE,
baseline_x: f32,
baseline_y: f32) -> GlyphRunAnalysis
unsafe {
let mut native: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteGlyphRunAnalysis> = ComPtr::new();
let hr = (*DWriteFactory()).CreateGlyphRunAnalysis(glyph_run as *const winapi::DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN,
transform.as_ref().map(|x| x as *const _).unwrap_or(ptr::null()),
rendering_mode, measuring_mode,
baseline_x, baseline_y,
assert!(hr == 0);
pub fn take(native: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteGlyphRunAnalysis>) -> GlyphRunAnalysis {
GlyphRunAnalysis {
native: UnsafeCell::new(native),
pub fn get_alpha_texture_bounds(&self, texture_type: winapi::DWRITE_TEXTURE_TYPE) -> winapi::RECT {
unsafe {
let mut rect: winapi::RECT = mem::zeroed();
rect.left = 1234;
rect.top = 1234;
let hr = (*self.native.get()).GetAlphaTextureBounds(texture_type, &mut rect);
assert!(hr == 0);
pub fn create_alpha_texture(&self, texture_type: winapi::DWRITE_TEXTURE_TYPE, rect: winapi::RECT) -> Vec<u8> {
unsafe {
let rect_pixels = (rect.right - rect.left) * (rect.bottom - rect.top);
let rect_bytes = rect_pixels * match texture_type {
winapi::DWRITE_TEXTURE_ALIASED_1x1 => 1,
_ => panic!("bad texture type specified"),
let mut out_bytes: Vec<u8> = vec![0; rect_bytes as usize];
let hr = (*self.native.get()).CreateAlphaTexture(texture_type, &rect, out_bytes.as_mut_ptr(), out_bytes.len() as u32);
assert!(hr == 0);

third_party/rust/dwrote/src/lib.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -62,6 +62,9 @@ pub use winapi::{DWRITE_FONT_SIMULATIONS_NONE,
pub use winapi::{DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE};
pub use winapi::{DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE};
pub use winapi::{DWRITE_TEXTURE_TYPE};
#[macro_use] mod com_helpers;

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use comptr::ComPtr;
use winapi;
use super::DWriteFactory;
pub struct RenderingParams {
native: UnsafeCell<ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteRenderingParams>>,
impl RenderingParams {
pub fn create_for_primary_monitor() -> RenderingParams {
unsafe {
let mut native: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteRenderingParams> = ComPtr::new();
let hr = (*DWriteFactory()).CreateRenderingParams(native.getter_addrefs());
assert!(hr == 0);
pub fn take(native: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteRenderingParams>) -> RenderingParams {
RenderingParams {
native: UnsafeCell::new(native),
pub unsafe fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut winapi::IDWriteRenderingParams {
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use comptr::ComPtr;
use winapi;
use super::DWriteFactory;
pub struct RenderingParams {
native: UnsafeCell<ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteRenderingParams>>,
impl RenderingParams {
pub fn create_for_primary_monitor() -> RenderingParams {
unsafe {
let mut native: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteRenderingParams> = ComPtr::new();
let hr = (*DWriteFactory()).CreateRenderingParams(native.getter_addrefs());
assert!(hr == 0);
pub fn take(native: ComPtr<winapi::IDWriteRenderingParams>) -> RenderingParams {
RenderingParams {
native: UnsafeCell::new(native),
pub unsafe fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut winapi::IDWriteRenderingParams {

third_party/rust/dwrote/src/types.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1,80 +1,80 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
/* this is include!()'d in lib.rs */
use std::mem;
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum FontWeight {
Thin = 100,
ExtraLight = 200,
Light = 300,
SemiLight = 350,
Regular = 400,
Medium = 500,
SemiBold = 600,
Bold = 700,
ExtraBold = 800,
Black = 900,
ExtraBlack = 950,
impl FontWeight {
fn t(&self) -> winapi::DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT {
unsafe { mem::transmute::<FontWeight, winapi::DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT>(*self) }
pub fn to_u32(&self) -> u32 { unsafe { mem::transmute::<FontWeight, u32>(*self) } }
pub fn from_u32(v: u32) -> FontWeight { unsafe { mem::transmute::<u32, FontWeight>(v) } }
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum FontStretch {
Undefined = 0,
UltraCondensed = 1,
ExtraCondensed = 2,
Condensed = 3,
SemiCondensed = 4,
Normal = 5,
SemiExpanded = 6,
Expanded = 7,
ExtraExpanded = 8,
UltraExpanded = 9,
impl FontStretch {
fn t(&self) -> winapi::DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH {
unsafe { mem::transmute::<FontStretch, winapi::DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH>(*self) }
pub fn to_u32(&self) -> u32 { unsafe { mem::transmute::<FontStretch, u32>(*self) } }
pub fn from_u32(v: u32) -> FontStretch { unsafe { mem::transmute::<u32, FontStretch>(v) } }
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum FontStyle {
Normal = 0,
Oblique = 1,
Italic = 2,
impl FontStyle {
fn t(&self) -> winapi::DWRITE_FONT_STYLE {
unsafe { mem::transmute::<FontStyle, winapi::DWRITE_FONT_STYLE>(*self) }
pub fn to_u32(&self) -> u32 { unsafe { mem::transmute::<FontStyle, u32>(*self) } }
pub fn from_u32(v: u32) -> FontStyle { unsafe { mem::transmute::<u32, FontStyle>(v) } }
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct FontDescriptor {
pub family_name: String,
pub weight: FontWeight,
pub stretch: FontStretch,
pub style: FontStyle,
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
/* this is include!()'d in lib.rs */
use std::mem;
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum FontWeight {
Thin = 100,
ExtraLight = 200,
Light = 300,
SemiLight = 350,
Regular = 400,
Medium = 500,
SemiBold = 600,
Bold = 700,
ExtraBold = 800,
Black = 900,
ExtraBlack = 950,
impl FontWeight {
fn t(&self) -> winapi::DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT {
unsafe { mem::transmute::<FontWeight, winapi::DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT>(*self) }
pub fn to_u32(&self) -> u32 { unsafe { mem::transmute::<FontWeight, u32>(*self) } }
pub fn from_u32(v: u32) -> FontWeight { unsafe { mem::transmute::<u32, FontWeight>(v) } }
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum FontStretch {
Undefined = 0,
UltraCondensed = 1,
ExtraCondensed = 2,
Condensed = 3,
SemiCondensed = 4,
Normal = 5,
SemiExpanded = 6,
Expanded = 7,
ExtraExpanded = 8,
UltraExpanded = 9,
impl FontStretch {
fn t(&self) -> winapi::DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH {
unsafe { mem::transmute::<FontStretch, winapi::DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH>(*self) }
pub fn to_u32(&self) -> u32 { unsafe { mem::transmute::<FontStretch, u32>(*self) } }
pub fn from_u32(v: u32) -> FontStretch { unsafe { mem::transmute::<u32, FontStretch>(v) } }
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum FontStyle {
Normal = 0,
Oblique = 1,
Italic = 2,
impl FontStyle {
fn t(&self) -> winapi::DWRITE_FONT_STYLE {
unsafe { mem::transmute::<FontStyle, winapi::DWRITE_FONT_STYLE>(*self) }
pub fn to_u32(&self) -> u32 { unsafe { mem::transmute::<FontStyle, u32>(*self) } }
pub fn from_u32(v: u32) -> FontStyle { unsafe { mem::transmute::<u32, FontStyle>(v) } }
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct FontDescriptor {
pub family_name: String,
pub weight: FontWeight,
pub stretch: FontStretch,
pub style: FontStyle,

third_party/rust/gleam/.cargo-checksum.json поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1 +1 @@

third_party/rust/gleam/Cargo.toml поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "gleam"
version = "0.2.30"
version = "0.2.31"
license = "Apache-2.0/MIT"
authors = ["The Servo Project Developers"]
build = "build.rs"

third_party/rust/gleam/src/gl.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -924,6 +924,27 @@ pub fn is_texture(texture: GLenum) -> GLboolean {
pub fn is_framebuffer(framebuffer: GLenum) -> GLboolean {
unsafe {
pub fn is_renderbuffer(renderbuffer: GLenum) -> GLboolean {
unsafe {
pub fn check_frame_buffer_status(target: GLenum) -> GLenum {
unsafe {
pub fn enable_vertex_attrib_array(index: GLuint) {
unsafe {

Просмотреть файл

@ -1 +1 @@

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "offscreen_gl_context"
license = "MIT / Apache-2.0"
version = "0.5.1"
version = "0.5.3"
authors = ["Emilio Cobos Álvarez <ecoal95@gmail.com>", "The Servo Project Developers"]
description = "Creation and manipulation of HW accelerated offscreen rendering contexts in multiple platforms. Originally intended for the Servo project's WebGL implementation."
repository = "https://github.com/emilio/rust-offscreen-rendering-context"

Просмотреть файл

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ use gleam::gl::types::{GLuint, GLenum, GLint};
use GLContext;
use NativeGLContextMethods;
use std::ptr;
pub enum ColorAttachmentType {
@ -41,11 +39,9 @@ impl ColorAttachment {
impl Drop for ColorAttachment {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
match *self {
ColorAttachment::Renderbuffer(mut id) => gl::DeleteRenderbuffers(1, &mut id),
ColorAttachment::Texture(mut tex_id) => gl::DeleteTextures(1, &mut tex_id),
match *self {
ColorAttachment::Renderbuffer(id) => gl::delete_renderbuffers(&[id]),
ColorAttachment::Texture(tex_id) => gl::delete_textures(&[tex_id]),
@ -69,14 +65,10 @@ pub struct DrawBuffer {
/// `glRenderbufferStorageMultisample` when we support antialising
fn create_renderbuffer(format: GLenum,
size: &Size2D<i32>) -> GLuint {
let mut ret: GLuint = 0;
unsafe {
gl::GenRenderbuffers(1, &mut ret);
gl::BindRenderbuffer(gl::RENDERBUFFER, ret);
gl::RenderbufferStorage(gl::RENDERBUFFER, format, size.width, size.height);
gl::BindRenderbuffer(gl::RENDERBUFFER, 0);
let ret = gl::gen_renderbuffers(1)[0];
gl::bind_renderbuffer(gl::RENDERBUFFER, ret);
gl::renderbuffer_storage(gl::RENDERBUFFER, format, size.width, size.height);
gl::bind_renderbuffer(gl::RENDERBUFFER, 0);
@ -121,10 +113,8 @@ impl DrawBuffer {
try!(draw_buffer.init(context, color_attachment_type));
unsafe {
debug_assert!(gl::CheckFramebufferStatus(gl::FRAMEBUFFER) == gl::FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE);
debug_assert!(gl::get_error() == gl::NO_ERROR);
debug_assert!(gl::check_frame_buffer_status(gl::FRAMEBUFFER) == gl::FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE);
debug_assert!(gl::get_error() == gl::NO_ERROR);
@ -167,18 +157,11 @@ impl DrawBuffer {
// parent with Rc<GLContext> and call make_current()
impl Drop for DrawBuffer {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
gl::DeleteFramebuffers(1, &mut self.framebuffer);
// NOTE: Color renderbuffer is destroyed on drop of
// ColorAttachment
let mut renderbuffers = [
gl::DeleteRenderbuffers(2, renderbuffers.as_mut_ptr());
// NOTE: Color renderbuffer is destroyed on drop of
// ColorAttachment
gl::delete_renderbuffers(&[self.stencil_renderbuffer, self.depth_renderbuffer]);
@ -209,31 +192,26 @@ impl DrawBufferHelpers for DrawBuffer {
// TODO(ecoal95): Allow more customization of textures
ColorAttachmentType::Texture => {
let mut texture = 0;
let texture = gl::gen_textures(1)[0];
debug_assert!(texture != 0);
// TODO(ecoal95): Check gleam safe wrappers for these functions
unsafe {
gl::GenTextures(1, &mut texture);
debug_assert!(texture != 0);
gl::bind_texture(gl::TEXTURE_2D, texture);
gl::tex_image_2d(gl::TEXTURE_2D, 0,
formats.texture_internal as GLint, self.size.width, self.size.height, 0, formats.texture, formats.texture_type, None);
gl::BindTexture(gl::TEXTURE_2D, texture);
gl::TexImage2D(gl::TEXTURE_2D, 0,
formats.texture_internal as GLint, self.size.width, self.size.height, 0, formats.texture, formats.texture_type, ptr::null_mut());
// Low filtering to allow rendering
gl::tex_parameter_i(gl::TEXTURE_2D, gl::TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl::NEAREST as GLint);
gl::tex_parameter_i(gl::TEXTURE_2D, gl::TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl::NEAREST as GLint);
// Low filtering to allow rendering
gl::TexParameteri(gl::TEXTURE_2D, gl::TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl::NEAREST as GLint);
gl::TexParameteri(gl::TEXTURE_2D, gl::TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl::NEAREST as GLint);
// TODO(ecoal95): Check if these two are neccessary, probably not
gl::tex_parameter_i(gl::TEXTURE_2D, gl::TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl::CLAMP_TO_EDGE as GLint);
gl::tex_parameter_i(gl::TEXTURE_2D, gl::TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl::CLAMP_TO_EDGE as GLint);
// TODO(ecoal95): Check if these two are neccessary, probably not
gl::TexParameteri(gl::TEXTURE_2D, gl::TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl::CLAMP_TO_EDGE as GLint);
gl::TexParameteri(gl::TEXTURE_2D, gl::TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl::CLAMP_TO_EDGE as GLint);
gl::bind_texture(gl::TEXTURE_2D, 0);
gl::BindTexture(gl::TEXTURE_2D, 0);
debug_assert!(gl::get_error() == gl::NO_ERROR);
debug_assert!(gl::get_error() == gl::NO_ERROR);
@ -248,52 +226,48 @@ impl DrawBufferHelpers for DrawBuffer {
debug_assert!(self.stencil_renderbuffer != 0);
unsafe {
gl::GenFramebuffers(1, &mut self.framebuffer);
debug_assert!(self.framebuffer != 0);
self.framebuffer = gl::gen_framebuffers(1)[0];
debug_assert!(self.framebuffer != 0);
// Finally we attach them to the framebuffer
fn attach_to_framebuffer(&mut self) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
unsafe {
gl::BindFramebuffer(gl::FRAMEBUFFER, self.framebuffer);
// NOTE: The assertion fails if the framebuffer is not bound
debug_assert!(gl::IsFramebuffer(self.framebuffer) == gl::TRUE);
gl::bind_framebuffer(gl::FRAMEBUFFER, self.framebuffer);
// NOTE: The assertion fails if the framebuffer is not bound
debug_assert!(gl::is_framebuffer(self.framebuffer) == gl::TRUE);
match *self.color_attachment.as_ref().unwrap() {
ColorAttachment::Renderbuffer(color_renderbuffer) => {
debug_assert!(gl::IsRenderbuffer(color_renderbuffer) == gl::TRUE);
ColorAttachment::Texture(texture_id) => {
match *self.color_attachment.as_ref().unwrap() {
ColorAttachment::Renderbuffer(color_renderbuffer) => {
texture_id, 0);
debug_assert!(gl::is_renderbuffer(color_renderbuffer) == gl::TRUE);
ColorAttachment::Texture(texture_id) => {
texture_id, 0);
if self.depth_renderbuffer != 0 {
debug_assert!(gl::IsRenderbuffer(self.depth_renderbuffer) == gl::TRUE);
if self.depth_renderbuffer != 0 {
debug_assert!(gl::is_renderbuffer(self.depth_renderbuffer) == gl::TRUE);
if self.stencil_renderbuffer != 0 {
debug_assert!(gl::IsRenderbuffer(self.stencil_renderbuffer) == gl::TRUE);
if self.stencil_renderbuffer != 0 {
debug_assert!(gl::is_renderbuffer(self.stencil_renderbuffer) == gl::TRUE);

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
use euclid::Size2D;
use gleam::gl;
use gleam::gl::types::{GLint, GLuint};
use gleam::gl::types::{GLuint};
use NativeGLContextMethods;
use GLContextAttributes;
@ -141,11 +141,8 @@ impl<Native> GLContext<Native>
return db.get_framebuffer();
unsafe {
let mut ret : GLint = 0;
gl::GetIntegerv(gl::FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, &mut ret);
ret as GLuint
let ret = gl::get_integer_v(gl::FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING);
ret as GLuint
pub fn draw_buffer_size(&self) -> Option<Size2D<i32>> {
@ -183,12 +180,10 @@ impl<T: NativeGLContextMethods> GLContextPrivateMethods for GLContext<T> {
unsafe {
gl::ClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
gl::Scissor(0, 0, size.width, size.height);
gl::Viewport(0, 0, size.width, size.height);
gl::clear_color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
gl::scissor(0, 0, size.width, size.height);
gl::viewport(0, 0, size.width, size.height);

Просмотреть файл

@ -1 +1 @@

third_party/rust/pkg-config/.travis.yml поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -4,22 +4,20 @@ rust:
- beta
- nightly
sudo: false
- pip install 'travis-cargo<0.2' --user && export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
- cargo build --verbose
- |
[ $TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION != nightly ] || cargo test --verbose
- cargo doc
after_success: |
[ $TRAVIS_BRANCH = master ] &&
[ $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST = false ] &&
[ $TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION = nightly ] &&
echo '<meta http-equiv=refresh content=0;url=pkg_config/index.html>' > target/doc/index.html &&
pip install ghp-import --user $USER &&
$HOME/.local/bin/ghp-import -n target/doc &&
git push -qf https://${TOKEN}@github.com/${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}.git gh-pages
- cargo test --verbose
- cargo doc --no-deps
- travis-cargo --only nightly doc-upload
secure: XlfwiQ+fPgRWqFwHbyPTma2FAVtgN+IXFpkiIdh1sKxWEeHMqABrTtOKf/NugDYCGsOJfr2vb5qFL6teBV2lTXOffUIWj+1hMd0N/FbVKWzABBV02XdxQi8w2ptPez5LPRTEfXJRRHmJpc8ww2aCTIrdT3AQE2oqZM/jHJTi/1U=
secure: "D/GKEEBQarjXTZ6NWzwQq39nQ892XJ9m3C9219K/6Us8jyjE5DBhosDPvg6pvRJtTLaghDxuhxqkHunayNL18IOvkNbfMjYsnkP8/yMftQUfRdNub6C1kXAi8guXjPd8rUwW0Oy8Nar61WAwWQgHkXfuSJ2em7u/Xk0tICPSwlA="
on_success: never

third_party/rust/pkg-config/Cargo.toml поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
name = "pkg-config"
version = "0.3.8"
version = "0.3.9"
authors = ["Alex Crichton <alex@alexcrichton.com>"]
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
repository = "https://github.com/alexcrichton/pkg-config-rs"
documentation = "http://alexcrichton.com/pkg-config-rs"
documentation = "https://docs.rs/pkg-config"
description = """
A library to run the pkg-config system tool at build time in order to be used in
Cargo build scripts.
keywords = ["build-dependencies"]
lazy_static = "0.2"

third_party/rust/pkg-config/README.md поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -2,17 +2,36 @@
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/alexcrichton/pkg-config-rs.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/alexcrichton/pkg-config-rs)
A simple library meant to be used as a build dependency with Cargo packages in
order to use the system `pkg-config` tool (if available) to determine where a
library is located.
You can use this crate directly to probe for specific libraries, or use
[metadeps](https://github.com/joshtriplett/metadeps) to declare all your
`pkg-config` dependencies in `Cargo.toml`.
# Example
Find the system library named `foo`, with minimum version 1.2.3:
extern crate pkg_config;
fn main() {
Find the system library named `foo`, with no version requirement (not
extern crate pkg_config;
fn main() {

third_party/rust/pkg-config/src/lib.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -30,7 +30,18 @@
//! # Example
//! Find the system library named `foo`.
//! Find the system library named `foo`, with minimum version 1.2.3:
//! ```no_run
//! extern crate pkg_config;
//! fn main() {
//! pkg_config::Config::new().atleast_version("1.2.3").probe("foo").unwrap();
//! }
//! ```
//! Find the system library named `foo`, with no version requirement (not
//! recommended):
//! ```no_run
//! extern crate pkg_config;
@ -46,11 +57,11 @@
//! extern crate pkg_config;
//! fn main() {
//! pkg_config::Config::new().statik(true).probe("foo").unwrap();
//! pkg_config::Config::new().atleast_version("1.2.3").statik(true).probe("foo").unwrap();
//! }
//! ```
#![doc(html_root_url = "http://alexcrichton.com/pkg-config-rs")]
#![doc(html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/pkg-config/0.3")]
#![cfg_attr(test, deny(warnings))]
use std::ascii::AsciiExt;
@ -82,6 +93,7 @@ pub struct Config {
atleast_version: Option<String>,
extra_args: Vec<OsString>,
cargo_metadata: bool,
print_system_libs: bool,
@ -107,6 +119,9 @@ pub enum Error {
/// Override with `PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_CROSS=1`.
/// Attempted to compile using the MSVC ABI build
/// Failed to run `pkg-config`.
/// Contains the command and the cause.
@ -130,6 +145,7 @@ impl error::Error for Error {
"pkg-config doesn't handle cross compilation. \
Use PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_CROSS=1 to override"
Error::MSVC => "pkg-config is incompatible with the MSVC ABI build.",
Error::Command { .. } => "failed to run pkg-config",
Error::Failure { .. } => "pkg-config did not exit sucessfully",
Error::__Nonexhaustive => panic!(),
@ -180,6 +196,7 @@ impl fmt::Debug for Error {
Error::CrossCompilation => write!(f, "CrossCompilation"),
Error::MSVC => write!(f, "MSVC"),
Error::Command { ref command, ref cause } => {
.field("command", command)
@ -207,6 +224,10 @@ impl fmt::Display for Error {
write!(f, "Cross compilation detected. \
Use PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_CROSS=1 to override")
Error::MSVC => {
write!(f, "MSVC target detected. If you are using the MSVC ABI \
rust build, please use the GNU ABI build instead.")
Error::Command { ref command, ref cause } => {
write!(f, "Failed to run `{}`: {}", command, cause)
@ -218,7 +239,7 @@ impl fmt::Display for Error {
try!(write!(f, "\n--- stdout\n{}", stdout));
if !stderr.is_empty() {
try!(write!(f, "\n--- stdout\n{}", stderr));
try!(write!(f, "\n--- stderr\n{}", stderr));
@ -254,6 +275,7 @@ impl Config {
statik: None,
atleast_version: None,
extra_args: vec![],
print_system_libs: true,
cargo_metadata: true,
@ -288,6 +310,15 @@ impl Config {
/// Enable or disable the `PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_LIBS` environment
/// variable.
/// This env var is enabled by default.
pub fn print_system_libs(&mut self, print: bool) -> &mut Config {
self.print_system_libs = print;
/// Deprecated in favor fo the `probe` function
pub fn find(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Library, String> {
@ -303,7 +334,12 @@ impl Config {
if env::var_os(&abort_var_name).is_some() {
return Err(Error::EnvNoPkgConfig(abort_var_name))
} else if !target_supported() {
return Err(Error::CrossCompilation);
if env::var("TARGET").unwrap_or(String::new()).contains("msvc") {
return Err(Error::MSVC);
else {
return Err(Error::CrossCompilation);
let mut library = Library::new();
@ -334,8 +370,11 @@ impl Config {
if self.print_system_libs {
if let Some(ref version) = self.atleast_version {
cmd.arg(&format!("{} >= {}", name, version));
} else {

third_party/rust/pkg-config/tests/test.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
extern crate pkg_config;
extern crate lazy_static;
use pkg_config::Error;
use std::env;
use std::sync::{StaticMutex, MUTEX_INIT};
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::path::PathBuf;
static LOCK: StaticMutex = MUTEX_INIT;
lazy_static! {
static ref LOCK: Mutex<()> = Mutex::new(());
fn reset() {
for (k, _) in env::vars() {

third_party/rust/quote/.cargo-checksum.json поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1 +1 @@

third_party/rust/quote/Cargo.toml поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "quote"
version = "0.3.11" # don't forget to update version in readme for breaking changes
version = "0.3.12" # don't forget to update version in readme for breaking changes
authors = ["David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com>"]
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
description = "Quasi-quoting macro quote!(...)"

third_party/rust/quote/src/to_tokens.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
use super::Tokens;
use std::borrow::Cow;
/// Types that can be interpolated inside a `quote!(...)` invocation.
pub trait ToTokens {
/// Write `self` to the given `Tokens`.
@ -33,6 +35,12 @@ impl<'a, T: ?Sized + ToTokens> ToTokens for &'a T {
impl<'a, T: ?Sized + ToOwned + ToTokens> ToTokens for Cow<'a, T> {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut Tokens) {
impl<T: ?Sized + ToTokens> ToTokens for Box<T> {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut Tokens) {

third_party/rust/serde/.cargo-checksum.json поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1 +1 @@

third_party/rust/serde/Cargo.toml поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "serde"
version = "0.8.22"
version = "0.8.23"
authors = ["Erick Tryzelaar <erick.tryzelaar@gmail.com>"]
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
description = "A generic serialization/deserialization framework"
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ repository = "https://github.com/serde-rs/serde"
documentation = "https://docs.serde.rs/serde/"
readme = "../README.md"
keywords = ["serde", "serialization"]
categories = ["encoding"]
include = ["Cargo.toml", "src/**/*.rs"]

Просмотреть файл

@ -1 +1 @@

third_party/rust/serde_codegen/Cargo.toml поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "serde_codegen"
version = "0.8.22"
version = "0.8.23"
authors = ["Erick Tryzelaar <erick.tryzelaar@gmail.com>"]
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
description = "Macros to auto-generate implementations for the serde framework"

third_party/rust/syn/.cargo-checksum.json поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1 +1 @@

third_party/rust/syn/Cargo.toml поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "syn"
version = "0.10.6" # don't forget to update version in readme for breaking changes
version = "0.10.7" # don't forget to update version in readme for breaking changes
authors = ["David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com>"]
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
description = "Nom parser for Rust source code"
@ -12,21 +12,22 @@ include = ["Cargo.toml", "src/**/*.rs"]
default = ["parsing", "printing"]
aster = []
expand = ["full", "parsing", "printing"]
full = []
full = ["type-macros"]
parsing = ["unicode-xid"]
pretty = ["syntex_syntax"]
printing = ["quote"]
type-macros = []
visit = []
clippy = { version = "0.*", optional = true }
quote = { version = "0.3.0", optional = true }
syntex_syntax = { version = "0.50.0", optional = true }
unicode-xid = { version = "0.0.3", optional = true }
syntex_syntax = { version = "0.52.0", optional = true }
unicode-xid = { version = "0.0.4", optional = true }
syntex_pos = "0.50.0"
syntex_syntax = "0.50.0"
syntex_pos = "0.52.0"
syntex_syntax = "0.52.0"
tempdir = "0.3.5"
time = "0.1.35"
walkdir = "1.0.1"

third_party/rust/syn/src/expr.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -85,10 +85,10 @@ pub enum ExprKind {
Loop(Block, Option<Ident>),
/// A `match` block.
Match(Box<Expr>, Vec<Arm>),
/// A closure (for example, `move |a, b, c| {a + b + c}`)
Closure(CaptureBy, Box<FnDecl>, Block),
/// A closure (for example, `move |a, b, c| a + b + c`)
Closure(CaptureBy, Box<FnDecl>, Box<Expr>),
/// A block (`{ ... }` or `unsafe { ... }`)
Block(BlockCheckMode, Block),
Block(Unsafety, Block),
/// An assignment (`a = foo()`)
Assign(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),
@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ pub enum ExprKind {
/// A referencing operation (`&a` or `&mut a`)
AddrOf(Mutability, Box<Expr>),
/// A `break`, with an optional label to break
/// A `break`, with an optional label to break, and an optional expression
Break(Option<Ident>, Option<Box<Expr>>),
/// A `continue`, with an optional label
/// A `return`, with an optional value to be returned
@ -161,12 +161,6 @@ pub struct Block {
pub stmts: Vec<Stmt>,
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum BlockCheckMode {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum Stmt {
/// A local (let) binding.
@ -312,7 +306,7 @@ pub enum BindingMode {
pub mod parsing {
use super::*;
use {BinOp, Delimited, DelimToken, FnArg, FnDecl, FunctionRetTy, Ident, Lifetime, Mac,
TokenTree, Ty, UnOp};
TokenTree, Ty, UnOp, Unsafety};
use attr::parsing::outer_attr;
use generics::parsing::lifetime;
use ident::parsing::{ident, wordlike};
@ -321,7 +315,7 @@ pub mod parsing {
use mac::parsing::{mac, token_trees};
use nom::IResult::{self, Error};
use op::parsing::{assign_op, binop, unop};
use ty::parsing::{mutability, path, qpath, ty};
use ty::parsing::{mutability, path, qpath, ty, unsafety};
// Struct literals are ambiguous in certain positions
// https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/92
@ -355,7 +349,7 @@ pub mod parsing {
expr_mac // must be before expr_path
expr_break // must be before expr_path
call!(expr_break, allow_struct) // must be before expr_path
expr_continue // must be before expr_path
@ -474,7 +468,7 @@ pub mod parsing {
punct!("}") >>
Box::new(ExprKind::Block(BlockCheckMode::Default, Block {
Box::new(ExprKind::Block(Unsafety::Normal, Block {
stmts: value,
@ -571,7 +565,7 @@ pub mod parsing {
punct!("{") >>
else_block: within_block >>
punct!("}") >>
(ExprKind::Block(BlockCheckMode::Default, Block {
(ExprKind::Block(Unsafety::Normal, Block {
stmts: else_block,
@ -632,7 +626,7 @@ pub mod parsing {
fn arm_requires_comma(arm: &Arm) -> bool {
if let ExprKind::Block(BlockCheckMode::Default, _) = arm.body.node {
if let ExprKind::Block(Unsafety::Normal, _) = arm.body.node {
} else {
@ -645,7 +639,7 @@ pub mod parsing {
guard: option!(preceded!(keyword!("if"), expr)) >>
punct!("=>") >>
body: alt!(
map!(block, |blk| ExprKind::Block(BlockCheckMode::Default, blk).into())
map!(block, |blk| ExprKind::Block(Unsafety::Normal, blk).into())
) >>
@ -667,15 +661,10 @@ pub mod parsing {
punct!("->") >>
ty: ty >>
body: block >>
((FunctionRetTy::Ty(ty), body))
(FunctionRetTy::Ty(ty), ExprKind::Block(Unsafety::Normal, body).into())
map!(ambiguous_expr!(allow_struct), |e| (
Block {
stmts: vec![Stmt::Expr(Box::new(e))],
map!(ambiguous_expr!(allow_struct), |e| (FunctionRetTy::Default, e))
) >>
@ -684,7 +673,7 @@ pub mod parsing {
output: ret_and_body.0,
variadic: false,
@ -720,10 +709,11 @@ pub mod parsing {
named!(expr_break -> ExprKind, do_parse!(
named_ambiguous_expr!(expr_break -> ExprKind, allow_struct, do_parse!(
keyword!("break") >>
lbl: option!(label) >>
val: option!(call!(ambiguous_expr, allow_struct, false)) >>
(ExprKind::Break(lbl, val.map(Box::new)))
named_ambiguous_expr!(expr_ret -> ExprKind, allow_struct, do_parse!(
@ -776,7 +766,7 @@ pub mod parsing {
named!(expr_block -> ExprKind, do_parse!(
rules: block_check_mode >>
rules: unsafety >>
b: block >>
(ExprKind::Block(rules, Block {
stmts: b.stmts,
@ -834,12 +824,6 @@ pub mod parsing {
named!(block_check_mode -> BlockCheckMode, alt!(
keyword!("unsafe") => { |_| BlockCheckMode::Unsafe }
epsilon!() => { |_| BlockCheckMode::Default }
named!(pub within_block -> Vec<Stmt>, do_parse!(
many0!(punct!(";")) >>
mut standalone: many0!(terminated!(standalone_stmt, many0!(punct!(";")))) >>
@ -865,7 +849,7 @@ pub mod parsing {
named!(stmt_mac -> Stmt, do_parse!(
attrs: many0!(outer_attr) >>
name: ident >>
what: path >>
punct!("!") >>
// Only parse braces here; paren and bracket will get parsed as
// expression statements
@ -875,7 +859,7 @@ pub mod parsing {
semi: option!(punct!(";")) >>
Mac {
path: name.into(),
path: what,
tts: vec![TokenTree::Delimited(Delimited {
delim: DelimToken::Brace,
tts: tts,
@ -1159,7 +1143,7 @@ pub mod parsing {
#[cfg(feature = "printing")]
mod printing {
use super::*;
use {FnArg, FunctionRetTy, Mutability, Ty};
use {FnArg, FunctionRetTy, Mutability, Ty, Unsafety};
use attr::FilterAttrs;
use quote::{Tokens, ToTokens};
@ -1297,7 +1281,7 @@ mod printing {
ExprKind::Closure(capture, ref decl, ref body) => {
ExprKind::Closure(capture, ref decl, ref expr) => {
for (i, input) in decl.inputs.iter().enumerate() {
@ -1313,23 +1297,13 @@ mod printing {
match decl.output {
FunctionRetTy::Default => {
if body.stmts.len() == 1 {
if let Stmt::Expr(ref expr) = body.stmts[0] {
} else {
} else {
FunctionRetTy::Default => { /* nothing */ }
FunctionRetTy::Ty(ref ty) => {
ExprKind::Block(rules, ref block) => {
@ -1396,9 +1370,10 @@ mod printing {
ExprKind::Break(ref opt_label) => {
ExprKind::Break(ref opt_label, ref opt_val) => {
ExprKind::Continue(ref opt_label) => {
@ -1465,7 +1440,7 @@ mod printing {
match self.body.node {
ExprKind::Block(BlockCheckMode::Default, _) => {
ExprKind::Block(Unsafety::Normal, _) => {
// no comma
_ => tokens.append(","),
@ -1646,17 +1621,6 @@ mod printing {
impl ToTokens for BlockCheckMode {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut Tokens) {
match *self {
BlockCheckMode::Default => {
// nothing
BlockCheckMode::Unsafe => tokens.append("unsafe"),
impl ToTokens for Stmt {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut Tokens) {
match *self {

third_party/rust/syn/src/item.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ pub mod parsing {
named!(item_mac -> Item, do_parse!(
attrs: many0!(outer_attr) >>
path: ident >>
what: path >>
punct!("!") >>
name: option!(ident) >>
body: delimited >>
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ pub mod parsing {
vis: Visibility::Inherited,
attrs: attrs,
node: ItemKind::Mac(Mac {
path: path.into(),
path: what,
tts: vec![TokenTree::Delimited(body)],
@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ pub mod parsing {
named!(trait_item_mac -> TraitItem, do_parse!(
attrs: many0!(outer_attr) >>
id: ident >>
what: path >>
punct!("!") >>
body: delimited >>
cond!(match body.delim {
@ -829,10 +829,10 @@ pub mod parsing {
DelimToken::Brace => false,
}, punct!(";")) >>
(TraitItem {
ident: id.clone(),
ident: Ident::new(""),
attrs: attrs,
node: TraitItemKind::Macro(Mac {
path: id.into(),
path: what,
tts: vec![TokenTree::Delimited(body)],
@ -976,7 +976,7 @@ pub mod parsing {
named!(impl_item_macro -> ImplItem, do_parse!(
attrs: many0!(outer_attr) >>
id: ident >>
what: path >>
punct!("!") >>
body: delimited >>
cond!(match body.delim {
@ -984,12 +984,12 @@ pub mod parsing {
DelimToken::Brace => false,
}, punct!(";")) >>
(ImplItem {
ident: id.clone(),
ident: Ident::new(""),
vis: Visibility::Inherited,
defaultness: Defaultness::Final,
attrs: attrs,
node: ImplItemKind::Macro(Mac {
path: id.into(),
path: what,
tts: vec![TokenTree::Delimited(body)],

third_party/rust/syn/src/lib.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ mod escape;
#[cfg(feature = "full")]
mod expr;
#[cfg(feature = "full")]
pub use expr::{Arm, BindingMode, Block, BlockCheckMode, CaptureBy, Expr, ExprKind, FieldPat,
FieldValue, Local, MacStmtStyle, Pat, RangeLimits, Stmt};
pub use expr::{Arm, BindingMode, Block, CaptureBy, Expr, ExprKind, FieldPat, FieldValue,
Local, MacStmtStyle, Pat, RangeLimits, Stmt};
mod generics;
pub use generics::{Generics, Lifetime, LifetimeDef, TraitBoundModifier, TyParam, TyParamBound,
@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ pub use krate::Crate;
mod lit;
pub use lit::{FloatTy, IntTy, Lit, StrStyle};
#[cfg(feature = "full")]
#[cfg(feature = "type-macros")]
mod mac;
#[cfg(feature = "full")]
#[cfg(feature = "type-macros")]
pub use mac::{BinOpToken, DelimToken, Delimited, Mac, Token, TokenTree};
mod macro_input;

third_party/rust/syn/src/mac.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -114,16 +114,17 @@ pub mod parsing {
use super::*;
use Lifetime;
use generics::parsing::lifetime;
use ident::parsing::{ident, word};
use ident::parsing::word;
use lit::parsing::lit;
use space::{block_comment, whitespace};
use ty::parsing::path;
named!(pub mac -> Mac, do_parse!(
name: ident >>
what: path >>
punct!("!") >>
body: delimited >>
(Mac {
path: name.into(),
path: what,
tts: vec![TokenTree::Delimited(body)],

third_party/rust/syn/src/nom.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -232,22 +232,12 @@ macro_rules! take_while1 {
pub fn str_chars(s: &str) -> Vec<char> {
// Can't do `s.chars().collect()` because it triggers a compiler bug in 1.12.0
// https://github.com/dtolnay/syn/issues/20
let mut result = Vec::new();
for ch in s.chars() {
macro_rules! take_until {
($input:expr, $substr:expr) => {{
if $substr.len() > $input.len() {
} else {
let substr_vec: Vec<char> = $crate::nom::str_chars($substr);
let substr_vec: Vec<char> = $substr.chars().collect();
let mut window: Vec<char> = vec![];
let mut offset = $input.len();
let mut parsed = false;

third_party/rust/syn/src/ty.rs поставляемый
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@ -33,6 +33,14 @@ pub enum Ty {
/// TyKind::Infer means the type should be inferred instead of it having been
/// specified. This can appear anywhere in a type.
/// A macro in the type position.
#[cfg(not(feature = "type-macros"))]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct Mac {
_private: (),
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
@ -55,7 +63,10 @@ pub enum Mutability {
/// E.g. `std::cmp::PartialEq`
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct Path {
/// A `::foo` path, is relative to the crate root rather than current
/// module (like paths in an import).
pub global: bool,
/// The segments in the path: the things separated by `::`.
pub segments: Vec<PathSegment>,
@ -75,7 +86,13 @@ impl<T> From<T> for Path
/// E.g. `std`, `String` or `Box<T>`
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct PathSegment {
/// The identifier portion of this path segment.
pub ident: Ident,
/// Type/lifetime parameters attached to this path. They come in
/// two flavors: `Path<A,B,C>` and `Path(A,B) -> C`. Note that
/// this is more than just simple syntactic sugar; the use of
/// parens affects the region binding rules, so we preserve the
/// distinction.
pub parameters: PathParameters,
@ -228,11 +245,17 @@ pub mod parsing {
use generics::parsing::{lifetime, lifetime_def, ty_param_bound, bound_lifetimes};
use ident::parsing::ident;
use lit::parsing::quoted_string;
#[cfg(feature = "type-macros")]
use mac::parsing::mac;
#[cfg(not(feature = "type-macros"))]
use nom::IResult;
use std::str;
named!(pub ty -> Ty, alt!(
ty_paren // must be before ty_tup
ty_mac // must be before ty_path
ty_path // must be before ty_poly_trait_ref
@ -254,6 +277,14 @@ pub mod parsing {
#[cfg(feature = "type-macros")]
named!(ty_mac -> Ty, map!(mac, Ty::Mac));
#[cfg(not(feature = "type-macros"))]
fn ty_mac(_: &str) -> IResult<&str, Ty> {
named!(ty_vec -> Ty, do_parse!(
punct!("[") >>
elem: ty >>
@ -648,6 +679,7 @@ mod printing {
Ty::Infer => {
Ty::Mac(ref mac) => mac.to_tokens(tokens),
@ -823,4 +855,11 @@ mod printing {
#[cfg(not(feature = "type-macros"))]
impl ToTokens for Mac {
fn to_tokens(&self, _tokens: &mut Tokens) {

third_party/rust/syn/src/visit.rs поставляемый
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@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ pub fn walk_ty<V: Visitor>(visitor: &mut V, ty: &Ty) {
Ty::ImplTrait(ref bounds) => {
walk_list!(visitor, visit_ty_param_bound, bounds);
Ty::Mac(_) => {}

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
language: rust
rust: 'nightly'
sudo: false
- cargo build --verbose --features no_std
- cargo test --verbose --features no_std
- cargo clean
- cargo build --verbose --features default
- cargo test --verbose --features default
- cargo bench --verbose --features default
- rustdoc --test README.md -L target/debug -L target/debug/deps
- cargo doc
after_success: |
[ $TRAVIS_BRANCH = master ] &&
[ $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST = false ] &&
echo '<meta http-equiv=refresh content=0;url=unicode_xid/index.html>' > target/doc/index.html &&
pip install ghp-import --user $USER &&
$HOME/.local/bin/ghp-import -n target/doc &&
git push -qf https://${TOKEN}@github.com/${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}.git gh-pages
secure: gTlge+/OQlVkV0R+RThWXeN0aknmS7iUTPBMYKJyRdLz7T2vubw3w80a2CVE87JlpV87A5cVGD+LgR+AhYrhKtvqHb1brMDd99gylBBi2DfV7YapDSwSCuFgVR+FjZfJRcXBtI8po5urUZ84V0WLzRX8SyWqWgoD3oCkSL3Wp3w=
on_success: never

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT
license <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>,
at your option. All files in the project carrying such
notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
according to those terms.

third_party/rust/unicode-xid-0.0.3/Cargo.toml поставляемый
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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
name = "unicode-xid"
version = "0.0.3"
authors = ["erick.tryzelaar <erick.tryzelaar@gmail.com>",
"kwantam <kwantam@gmail.com>",
homepage = "https://github.com/unicode-rs/unicode-xid"
repository = "https://github.com/unicode-rs/unicode-xid"
documentation = "https://unicode-rs.github.io/unicode-xid"
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
keywords = ["text", "unicode", "xid"]
readme = "README.md"
description = """
Determine whether characters have the XID_Start
or XID_Continue properties according to
Unicode Standard Annex #31.
exclude = [ "target/*", "Cargo.lock" ]
default = []
no_std = []

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
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control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
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"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
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"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
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not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
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copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
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2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
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of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
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that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
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You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
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5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
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6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
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of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
identification within third-party archives.
Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 The Rust Project Developers
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any
person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
Software without restriction, including without
limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software
is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice
shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
of the Software.

third_party/rust/unicode-xid-0.0.3/README.md поставляемый
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@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
# unicode-xid
Determine if a `char` is a valid identifier for a parser and/or lexer according to
[Unicode Standard Annex #31](http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr31/) rules.
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/unicode-rs/unicode-xid.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/unicode-rs/unicode-xid)
extern crate unicode_xid;
use unicode_xid::UnicodeXID;
fn main() {
let ch = 'a';
println!("Is {} a valid start of an identifier? {}", ch, UnicodeXID::is_xid_start(ch));
# features
unicode-xid supports a `no_std` feature. This eliminates dependence
on std, and instead uses equivalent functions from core.
# crates.io
You can use this package in your project by adding the following
to your `Cargo.toml`:
unicode-derived_property = "0.0.3"

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@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2011-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
# file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
# http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
# <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
# option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
# This script uses the following Unicode tables:
# - DerivedCoreProperties.txt
# - ReadMe.txt
# Since this should not require frequent updates, we just store this
# out-of-line and check the unicode.rs file into git.
import fileinput, re, os, sys
preamble = '''// Copyright 2012-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// NOTE: The following code was generated by "scripts/unicode.py", do not edit directly
#![allow(missing_docs, non_upper_case_globals, non_snake_case)]
def fetch(f):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.basename(f)):
os.system("curl -O http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/%s"
% f)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.basename(f)):
sys.stderr.write("cannot load %s" % f)
def group_cat(cat):
cat_out = []
letters = sorted(set(cat))
cur_start = letters.pop(0)
cur_end = cur_start
for letter in letters:
assert letter > cur_end, \
"cur_end: %s, letter: %s" % (hex(cur_end), hex(letter))
if letter == cur_end + 1:
cur_end = letter
cat_out.append((cur_start, cur_end))
cur_start = cur_end = letter
cat_out.append((cur_start, cur_end))
return cat_out
def ungroup_cat(cat):
cat_out = []
for (lo, hi) in cat:
while lo <= hi:
lo += 1
return cat_out
def format_table_content(f, content, indent):
line = " "*indent
first = True
for chunk in content.split(","):
if len(line) + len(chunk) < 98:
if first:
line += chunk
line += ", " + chunk
first = False
f.write(line + ",\n")
line = " "*indent + chunk
def load_properties(f, interestingprops):
props = {}
re1 = re.compile("^ *([0-9A-F]+) *; *(\w+)")
re2 = re.compile("^ *([0-9A-F]+)\.\.([0-9A-F]+) *; *(\w+)")
for line in fileinput.input(os.path.basename(f)):
prop = None
d_lo = 0
d_hi = 0
m = re1.match(line)
if m:
d_lo = m.group(1)
d_hi = m.group(1)
prop = m.group(2)
m = re2.match(line)
if m:
d_lo = m.group(1)
d_hi = m.group(2)
prop = m.group(3)
if interestingprops and prop not in interestingprops:
d_lo = int(d_lo, 16)
d_hi = int(d_hi, 16)
if prop not in props:
props[prop] = []
props[prop].append((d_lo, d_hi))
# optimize if possible
for prop in props:
props[prop] = group_cat(ungroup_cat(props[prop]))
return props
def escape_char(c):
return "'\\u{%x}'" % c
def emit_bsearch_range_table(f):
fn bsearch_range_table(c: char, r: &'static [(char,char)]) -> bool {
#[cfg(feature = "no_std")]
use core::cmp::Ordering::{Equal, Less, Greater};
#[cfg(feature = "no_std")]
use core::slice::SliceExt;
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_std"))]
use std::cmp::Ordering::{Equal, Less, Greater};
r.binary_search_by(|&(lo,hi)| {
if lo <= c && c <= hi { Equal }
else if hi < c { Less }
else { Greater }
def emit_table(f, name, t_data, t_type = "&'static [(char, char)]", is_pub=True,
pfun=lambda x: "(%s,%s)" % (escape_char(x[0]), escape_char(x[1])), is_const=True):
pub_string = "const"
if not is_const:
pub_string = "let"
if is_pub:
pub_string = "pub " + pub_string
f.write(" %s %s: %s = &[\n" % (pub_string, name, t_type))
data = ""
first = True
for dat in t_data:
if not first:
data += ","
first = False
data += pfun(dat)
format_table_content(f, data, 8)
f.write("\n ];\n\n")
def emit_property_module(f, mod, tbl, emit):
f.write("pub mod %s {\n" % mod)
for cat in sorted(emit):
emit_table(f, "%s_table" % cat, tbl[cat])
f.write(" pub fn %s(c: char) -> bool {\n" % cat)
f.write(" super::bsearch_range_table(c, %s_table)\n" % cat)
f.write(" }\n\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
r = "tables.rs"
if os.path.exists(r):
with open(r, "w") as rf:
# write the file's preamble
# download and parse all the data
with open("ReadMe.txt") as readme:
pattern = "for Version (\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+) of the Unicode"
unicode_version = re.search(pattern, readme.read()).groups()
/// The version of [Unicode](http://www.unicode.org/)
/// that this version of unicode-derived-property is based on.
pub const UNICODE_VERSION: (u64, u64, u64) = (%s, %s, %s);
""" % unicode_version)
want_derived = ["XID_Start", "XID_Continue"]
derived = load_properties("DerivedCoreProperties.txt", want_derived)
emit_property_module(rf, "derived_property", derived, want_derived)

third_party/rust/unicode-xid-0.0.3/src/lib.rs поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2012-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Determine if a `char` is a valid identifier for a parser and/or lexer according to
//! [Unicode Standard Annex #31](http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr31/) rules.
//! ```rust
//! extern crate unicode_xid;
//! use unicode_xid::UnicodeXID;
//! fn main() {
//! let ch = 'a';
//! println!("Is {} a valid start of an identifier? {}", ch, UnicodeXID::is_xid_start(ch));
//! }
//! ```
//! # features
//! unicode-width supports a `no_std` feature. This eliminates dependence
//! on std, and instead uses equivalent functions from core.
//! # crates.io
//! You can use this package in your project by adding the following
//! to your `Cargo.toml`:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! unicode-derived_property = "0.0.1"
//! ```
#![deny(missing_docs, unsafe_code)]
#![doc(html_logo_url = "https://unicode-rs.github.io/unicode-rs_sm.png",
html_favicon_url = "https://unicode-rs.github.io/unicode-rs_sm.png")]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "no_std", no_std)]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "no_std", feature(no_std, core_slice_ext))]
#![cfg_attr(test, feature(test, unicode))]
#[cfg(all(test, feature = "no_std"))]
extern crate std;
extern crate test;
use tables::derived_property;
pub use tables::UNICODE_VERSION;
mod tables;
mod tests;
/// Methods for determining if a character is a valid identifier character.
pub trait UnicodeXID {
/// Returns whether the specified character satisfies the 'XID_Start'
/// Unicode property.
/// 'XID_Start' is a Unicode Derived Property specified in
/// [UAX #31](http://unicode.org/reports/tr31/#NFKC_Modifications),
/// mostly similar to ID_Start but modified for closure under NFKx.
fn is_xid_start(self) -> bool;
/// Returns whether the specified `char` satisfies the 'XID_Continue'
/// Unicode property.
/// 'XID_Continue' is a Unicode Derived Property specified in
/// [UAX #31](http://unicode.org/reports/tr31/#NFKC_Modifications),
/// mostly similar to 'ID_Continue' but modified for closure under NFKx.
fn is_xid_continue(self) -> bool;
impl UnicodeXID for char {
fn is_xid_start(self) -> bool { derived_property::XID_Start(self) }
fn is_xid_continue(self) -> bool { derived_property::XID_Continue(self) }

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2012-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// NOTE: The following code was generated by "scripts/unicode.py", do not edit directly
#![allow(missing_docs, non_upper_case_globals, non_snake_case)]
/// The version of [Unicode](http://www.unicode.org/)
/// that this version of unicode-derived-property is based on.
pub const UNICODE_VERSION: (u64, u64, u64) = (8, 0, 0);
fn bsearch_range_table(c: char, r: &'static [(char,char)]) -> bool {
#[cfg(feature = "no_std")]
use core::cmp::Ordering::{Equal, Less, Greater};
#[cfg(feature = "no_std")]
use core::slice::SliceExt;
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_std"))]
use std::cmp::Ordering::{Equal, Less, Greater};
r.binary_search_by(|&(lo,hi)| {
if lo <= c && c <= hi { Equal }
else if hi < c { Less }
else { Greater }
pub mod derived_property {
pub const XID_Continue_table: &'static [(char, char)] = &[
('\u{30}', '\u{39}'), ('\u{41}', '\u{5a}'), ('\u{5f}', '\u{5f}'), ('\u{61}', '\u{7a}'),
('\u{aa}', '\u{aa}'), ('\u{b5}', '\u{b5}'), ('\u{b7}', '\u{b7}'), ('\u{ba}', '\u{ba}'),
('\u{c0}', '\u{d6}'), ('\u{d8}', '\u{f6}'), ('\u{f8}', '\u{2c1}'), ('\u{2c6}', '\u{2d1}'),
('\u{2e0}', '\u{2e4}'), ('\u{2ec}', '\u{2ec}'), ('\u{2ee}', '\u{2ee}'), ('\u{300}',
'\u{374}'), ('\u{376}', '\u{377}'), ('\u{37b}', '\u{37d}'), ('\u{37f}', '\u{37f}'),
('\u{386}', '\u{38a}'), ('\u{38c}', '\u{38c}'), ('\u{38e}', '\u{3a1}'), ('\u{3a3}',
'\u{3f5}'), ('\u{3f7}', '\u{481}'), ('\u{483}', '\u{487}'), ('\u{48a}', '\u{52f}'),
('\u{531}', '\u{556}'), ('\u{559}', '\u{559}'), ('\u{561}', '\u{587}'), ('\u{591}',
'\u{5bd}'), ('\u{5bf}', '\u{5bf}'), ('\u{5c1}', '\u{5c2}'), ('\u{5c4}', '\u{5c5}'),
('\u{5c7}', '\u{5c7}'), ('\u{5d0}', '\u{5ea}'), ('\u{5f0}', '\u{5f2}'), ('\u{610}',
'\u{61a}'), ('\u{620}', '\u{669}'), ('\u{66e}', '\u{6d3}'), ('\u{6d5}', '\u{6dc}'),
('\u{6df}', '\u{6e8}'), ('\u{6ea}', '\u{6fc}'), ('\u{6ff}', '\u{6ff}'), ('\u{710}',
'\u{74a}'), ('\u{74d}', '\u{7b1}'), ('\u{7c0}', '\u{7f5}'), ('\u{7fa}', '\u{7fa}'),
('\u{800}', '\u{82d}'), ('\u{840}', '\u{85b}'), ('\u{8a0}', '\u{8b4}'), ('\u{8e3}',
'\u{963}'), ('\u{966}', '\u{96f}'), ('\u{971}', '\u{983}'), ('\u{985}', '\u{98c}'),
('\u{98f}', '\u{990}'), ('\u{993}', '\u{9a8}'), ('\u{9aa}', '\u{9b0}'), ('\u{9b2}',
'\u{9b2}'), ('\u{9b6}', '\u{9b9}'), ('\u{9bc}', '\u{9c4}'), ('\u{9c7}', '\u{9c8}'),
('\u{9cb}', '\u{9ce}'), ('\u{9d7}', '\u{9d7}'), ('\u{9dc}', '\u{9dd}'), ('\u{9df}',
'\u{9e3}'), ('\u{9e6}', '\u{9f1}'), ('\u{a01}', '\u{a03}'), ('\u{a05}', '\u{a0a}'),
('\u{a0f}', '\u{a10}'), ('\u{a13}', '\u{a28}'), ('\u{a2a}', '\u{a30}'), ('\u{a32}',
'\u{a33}'), ('\u{a35}', '\u{a36}'), ('\u{a38}', '\u{a39}'), ('\u{a3c}', '\u{a3c}'),
('\u{a3e}', '\u{a42}'), ('\u{a47}', '\u{a48}'), ('\u{a4b}', '\u{a4d}'), ('\u{a51}',
'\u{a51}'), ('\u{a59}', '\u{a5c}'), ('\u{a5e}', '\u{a5e}'), ('\u{a66}', '\u{a75}'),
('\u{a81}', '\u{a83}'), ('\u{a85}', '\u{a8d}'), ('\u{a8f}', '\u{a91}'), ('\u{a93}',
'\u{aa8}'), ('\u{aaa}', '\u{ab0}'), ('\u{ab2}', '\u{ab3}'), ('\u{ab5}', '\u{ab9}'),
('\u{abc}', '\u{ac5}'), ('\u{ac7}', '\u{ac9}'), ('\u{acb}', '\u{acd}'), ('\u{ad0}',
'\u{ad0}'), ('\u{ae0}', '\u{ae3}'), ('\u{ae6}', '\u{aef}'), ('\u{af9}', '\u{af9}'),
('\u{b01}', '\u{b03}'), ('\u{b05}', '\u{b0c}'), ('\u{b0f}', '\u{b10}'), ('\u{b13}',
'\u{b28}'), ('\u{b2a}', '\u{b30}'), ('\u{b32}', '\u{b33}'), ('\u{b35}', '\u{b39}'),
('\u{b3c}', '\u{b44}'), ('\u{b47}', '\u{b48}'), ('\u{b4b}', '\u{b4d}'), ('\u{b56}',
'\u{b57}'), ('\u{b5c}', '\u{b5d}'), ('\u{b5f}', '\u{b63}'), ('\u{b66}', '\u{b6f}'),
('\u{b71}', '\u{b71}'), ('\u{b82}', '\u{b83}'), ('\u{b85}', '\u{b8a}'), ('\u{b8e}',
'\u{b90}'), ('\u{b92}', '\u{b95}'), ('\u{b99}', '\u{b9a}'), ('\u{b9c}', '\u{b9c}'),
('\u{b9e}', '\u{b9f}'), ('\u{ba3}', '\u{ba4}'), ('\u{ba8}', '\u{baa}'), ('\u{bae}',
'\u{bb9}'), ('\u{bbe}', '\u{bc2}'), ('\u{bc6}', '\u{bc8}'), ('\u{bca}', '\u{bcd}'),
('\u{bd0}', '\u{bd0}'), ('\u{bd7}', '\u{bd7}'), ('\u{be6}', '\u{bef}'), ('\u{c00}',
'\u{c03}'), ('\u{c05}', '\u{c0c}'), ('\u{c0e}', '\u{c10}'), ('\u{c12}', '\u{c28}'),
('\u{c2a}', '\u{c39}'), ('\u{c3d}', '\u{c44}'), ('\u{c46}', '\u{c48}'), ('\u{c4a}',
'\u{c4d}'), ('\u{c55}', '\u{c56}'), ('\u{c58}', '\u{c5a}'), ('\u{c60}', '\u{c63}'),
('\u{c66}', '\u{c6f}'), ('\u{c81}', '\u{c83}'), ('\u{c85}', '\u{c8c}'), ('\u{c8e}',
'\u{c90}'), ('\u{c92}', '\u{ca8}'), ('\u{caa}', '\u{cb3}'), ('\u{cb5}', '\u{cb9}'),
('\u{cbc}', '\u{cc4}'), ('\u{cc6}', '\u{cc8}'), ('\u{cca}', '\u{ccd}'), ('\u{cd5}',
'\u{cd6}'), ('\u{cde}', '\u{cde}'), ('\u{ce0}', '\u{ce3}'), ('\u{ce6}', '\u{cef}'),
('\u{cf1}', '\u{cf2}'), ('\u{d01}', '\u{d03}'), ('\u{d05}', '\u{d0c}'), ('\u{d0e}',
'\u{d10}'), ('\u{d12}', '\u{d3a}'), ('\u{d3d}', '\u{d44}'), ('\u{d46}', '\u{d48}'),
('\u{d4a}', '\u{d4e}'), ('\u{d57}', '\u{d57}'), ('\u{d5f}', '\u{d63}'), ('\u{d66}',
'\u{d6f}'), ('\u{d7a}', '\u{d7f}'), ('\u{d82}', '\u{d83}'), ('\u{d85}', '\u{d96}'),
('\u{d9a}', '\u{db1}'), ('\u{db3}', '\u{dbb}'), ('\u{dbd}', '\u{dbd}'), ('\u{dc0}',
'\u{dc6}'), ('\u{dca}', '\u{dca}'), ('\u{dcf}', '\u{dd4}'), ('\u{dd6}', '\u{dd6}'),
('\u{dd8}', '\u{ddf}'), ('\u{de6}', '\u{def}'), ('\u{df2}', '\u{df3}'), ('\u{e01}',
'\u{e3a}'), ('\u{e40}', '\u{e4e}'), ('\u{e50}', '\u{e59}'), ('\u{e81}', '\u{e82}'),
('\u{e84}', '\u{e84}'), ('\u{e87}', '\u{e88}'), ('\u{e8a}', '\u{e8a}'), ('\u{e8d}',
'\u{e8d}'), ('\u{e94}', '\u{e97}'), ('\u{e99}', '\u{e9f}'), ('\u{ea1}', '\u{ea3}'),
('\u{ea5}', '\u{ea5}'), ('\u{ea7}', '\u{ea7}'), ('\u{eaa}', '\u{eab}'), ('\u{ead}',
'\u{eb9}'), ('\u{ebb}', '\u{ebd}'), ('\u{ec0}', '\u{ec4}'), ('\u{ec6}', '\u{ec6}'),
('\u{ec8}', '\u{ecd}'), ('\u{ed0}', '\u{ed9}'), ('\u{edc}', '\u{edf}'), ('\u{f00}',
'\u{f00}'), ('\u{f18}', '\u{f19}'), ('\u{f20}', '\u{f29}'), ('\u{f35}', '\u{f35}'),
('\u{f37}', '\u{f37}'), ('\u{f39}', '\u{f39}'), ('\u{f3e}', '\u{f47}'), ('\u{f49}',
'\u{f6c}'), ('\u{f71}', '\u{f84}'), ('\u{f86}', '\u{f97}'), ('\u{f99}', '\u{fbc}'),
('\u{fc6}', '\u{fc6}'), ('\u{1000}', '\u{1049}'), ('\u{1050}', '\u{109d}'), ('\u{10a0}',
'\u{10c5}'), ('\u{10c7}', '\u{10c7}'), ('\u{10cd}', '\u{10cd}'), ('\u{10d0}', '\u{10fa}'),
('\u{10fc}', '\u{1248}'), ('\u{124a}', '\u{124d}'), ('\u{1250}', '\u{1256}'), ('\u{1258}',
'\u{1258}'), ('\u{125a}', '\u{125d}'), ('\u{1260}', '\u{1288}'), ('\u{128a}', '\u{128d}'),
('\u{1290}', '\u{12b0}'), ('\u{12b2}', '\u{12b5}'), ('\u{12b8}', '\u{12be}'), ('\u{12c0}',
'\u{12c0}'), ('\u{12c2}', '\u{12c5}'), ('\u{12c8}', '\u{12d6}'), ('\u{12d8}', '\u{1310}'),
('\u{1312}', '\u{1315}'), ('\u{1318}', '\u{135a}'), ('\u{135d}', '\u{135f}'), ('\u{1369}',
'\u{1371}'), ('\u{1380}', '\u{138f}'), ('\u{13a0}', '\u{13f5}'), ('\u{13f8}', '\u{13fd}'),
('\u{1401}', '\u{166c}'), ('\u{166f}', '\u{167f}'), ('\u{1681}', '\u{169a}'), ('\u{16a0}',
'\u{16ea}'), ('\u{16ee}', '\u{16f8}'), ('\u{1700}', '\u{170c}'), ('\u{170e}', '\u{1714}'),
('\u{1720}', '\u{1734}'), ('\u{1740}', '\u{1753}'), ('\u{1760}', '\u{176c}'), ('\u{176e}',
'\u{1770}'), ('\u{1772}', '\u{1773}'), ('\u{1780}', '\u{17d3}'), ('\u{17d7}', '\u{17d7}'),
('\u{17dc}', '\u{17dd}'), ('\u{17e0}', '\u{17e9}'), ('\u{180b}', '\u{180d}'), ('\u{1810}',
'\u{1819}'), ('\u{1820}', '\u{1877}'), ('\u{1880}', '\u{18aa}'), ('\u{18b0}', '\u{18f5}'),
('\u{1900}', '\u{191e}'), ('\u{1920}', '\u{192b}'), ('\u{1930}', '\u{193b}'), ('\u{1946}',
'\u{196d}'), ('\u{1970}', '\u{1974}'), ('\u{1980}', '\u{19ab}'), ('\u{19b0}', '\u{19c9}'),
('\u{19d0}', '\u{19da}'), ('\u{1a00}', '\u{1a1b}'), ('\u{1a20}', '\u{1a5e}'), ('\u{1a60}',
'\u{1a7c}'), ('\u{1a7f}', '\u{1a89}'), ('\u{1a90}', '\u{1a99}'), ('\u{1aa7}', '\u{1aa7}'),
('\u{1ab0}', '\u{1abd}'), ('\u{1b00}', '\u{1b4b}'), ('\u{1b50}', '\u{1b59}'), ('\u{1b6b}',
'\u{1b73}'), ('\u{1b80}', '\u{1bf3}'), ('\u{1c00}', '\u{1c37}'), ('\u{1c40}', '\u{1c49}'),
('\u{1c4d}', '\u{1c7d}'), ('\u{1cd0}', '\u{1cd2}'), ('\u{1cd4}', '\u{1cf6}'), ('\u{1cf8}',
'\u{1cf9}'), ('\u{1d00}', '\u{1df5}'), ('\u{1dfc}', '\u{1f15}'), ('\u{1f18}', '\u{1f1d}'),
('\u{1f20}', '\u{1f45}'), ('\u{1f48}', '\u{1f4d}'), ('\u{1f50}', '\u{1f57}'), ('\u{1f59}',
'\u{1f59}'), ('\u{1f5b}', '\u{1f5b}'), ('\u{1f5d}', '\u{1f5d}'), ('\u{1f5f}', '\u{1f7d}'),
('\u{1f80}', '\u{1fb4}'), ('\u{1fb6}', '\u{1fbc}'), ('\u{1fbe}', '\u{1fbe}'), ('\u{1fc2}',
'\u{1fc4}'), ('\u{1fc6}', '\u{1fcc}'), ('\u{1fd0}', '\u{1fd3}'), ('\u{1fd6}', '\u{1fdb}'),
('\u{1fe0}', '\u{1fec}'), ('\u{1ff2}', '\u{1ff4}'), ('\u{1ff6}', '\u{1ffc}'), ('\u{203f}',
'\u{2040}'), ('\u{2054}', '\u{2054}'), ('\u{2071}', '\u{2071}'), ('\u{207f}', '\u{207f}'),
('\u{2090}', '\u{209c}'), ('\u{20d0}', '\u{20dc}'), ('\u{20e1}', '\u{20e1}'), ('\u{20e5}',
'\u{20f0}'), ('\u{2102}', '\u{2102}'), ('\u{2107}', '\u{2107}'), ('\u{210a}', '\u{2113}'),
('\u{2115}', '\u{2115}'), ('\u{2118}', '\u{211d}'), ('\u{2124}', '\u{2124}'), ('\u{2126}',
'\u{2126}'), ('\u{2128}', '\u{2128}'), ('\u{212a}', '\u{2139}'), ('\u{213c}', '\u{213f}'),
('\u{2145}', '\u{2149}'), ('\u{214e}', '\u{214e}'), ('\u{2160}', '\u{2188}'), ('\u{2c00}',
'\u{2c2e}'), ('\u{2c30}', '\u{2c5e}'), ('\u{2c60}', '\u{2ce4}'), ('\u{2ceb}', '\u{2cf3}'),
('\u{2d00}', '\u{2d25}'), ('\u{2d27}', '\u{2d27}'), ('\u{2d2d}', '\u{2d2d}'), ('\u{2d30}',
'\u{2d67}'), ('\u{2d6f}', '\u{2d6f}'), ('\u{2d7f}', '\u{2d96}'), ('\u{2da0}', '\u{2da6}'),
('\u{2da8}', '\u{2dae}'), ('\u{2db0}', '\u{2db6}'), ('\u{2db8}', '\u{2dbe}'), ('\u{2dc0}',
'\u{2dc6}'), ('\u{2dc8}', '\u{2dce}'), ('\u{2dd0}', '\u{2dd6}'), ('\u{2dd8}', '\u{2dde}'),
('\u{2de0}', '\u{2dff}'), ('\u{3005}', '\u{3007}'), ('\u{3021}', '\u{302f}'), ('\u{3031}',
'\u{3035}'), ('\u{3038}', '\u{303c}'), ('\u{3041}', '\u{3096}'), ('\u{3099}', '\u{309a}'),
('\u{309d}', '\u{309f}'), ('\u{30a1}', '\u{30fa}'), ('\u{30fc}', '\u{30ff}'), ('\u{3105}',
'\u{312d}'), ('\u{3131}', '\u{318e}'), ('\u{31a0}', '\u{31ba}'), ('\u{31f0}', '\u{31ff}'),
('\u{3400}', '\u{4db5}'), ('\u{4e00}', '\u{9fd5}'), ('\u{a000}', '\u{a48c}'), ('\u{a4d0}',
'\u{a4fd}'), ('\u{a500}', '\u{a60c}'), ('\u{a610}', '\u{a62b}'), ('\u{a640}', '\u{a66f}'),
('\u{a674}', '\u{a67d}'), ('\u{a67f}', '\u{a6f1}'), ('\u{a717}', '\u{a71f}'), ('\u{a722}',
'\u{a788}'), ('\u{a78b}', '\u{a7ad}'), ('\u{a7b0}', '\u{a7b7}'), ('\u{a7f7}', '\u{a827}'),
('\u{a840}', '\u{a873}'), ('\u{a880}', '\u{a8c4}'), ('\u{a8d0}', '\u{a8d9}'), ('\u{a8e0}',
'\u{a8f7}'), ('\u{a8fb}', '\u{a8fb}'), ('\u{a8fd}', '\u{a8fd}'), ('\u{a900}', '\u{a92d}'),
('\u{a930}', '\u{a953}'), ('\u{a960}', '\u{a97c}'), ('\u{a980}', '\u{a9c0}'), ('\u{a9cf}',
'\u{a9d9}'), ('\u{a9e0}', '\u{a9fe}'), ('\u{aa00}', '\u{aa36}'), ('\u{aa40}', '\u{aa4d}'),
('\u{aa50}', '\u{aa59}'), ('\u{aa60}', '\u{aa76}'), ('\u{aa7a}', '\u{aac2}'), ('\u{aadb}',
'\u{aadd}'), ('\u{aae0}', '\u{aaef}'), ('\u{aaf2}', '\u{aaf6}'), ('\u{ab01}', '\u{ab06}'),
('\u{ab09}', '\u{ab0e}'), ('\u{ab11}', '\u{ab16}'), ('\u{ab20}', '\u{ab26}'), ('\u{ab28}',
'\u{ab2e}'), ('\u{ab30}', '\u{ab5a}'), ('\u{ab5c}', '\u{ab65}'), ('\u{ab70}', '\u{abea}'),
('\u{abec}', '\u{abed}'), ('\u{abf0}', '\u{abf9}'), ('\u{ac00}', '\u{d7a3}'), ('\u{d7b0}',
'\u{d7c6}'), ('\u{d7cb}', '\u{d7fb}'), ('\u{f900}', '\u{fa6d}'), ('\u{fa70}', '\u{fad9}'),
('\u{fb00}', '\u{fb06}'), ('\u{fb13}', '\u{fb17}'), ('\u{fb1d}', '\u{fb28}'), ('\u{fb2a}',
'\u{fb36}'), ('\u{fb38}', '\u{fb3c}'), ('\u{fb3e}', '\u{fb3e}'), ('\u{fb40}', '\u{fb41}'),
('\u{fb43}', '\u{fb44}'), ('\u{fb46}', '\u{fbb1}'), ('\u{fbd3}', '\u{fc5d}'), ('\u{fc64}',
'\u{fd3d}'), ('\u{fd50}', '\u{fd8f}'), ('\u{fd92}', '\u{fdc7}'), ('\u{fdf0}', '\u{fdf9}'),
('\u{fe00}', '\u{fe0f}'), ('\u{fe20}', '\u{fe2f}'), ('\u{fe33}', '\u{fe34}'), ('\u{fe4d}',
'\u{fe4f}'), ('\u{fe71}', '\u{fe71}'), ('\u{fe73}', '\u{fe73}'), ('\u{fe77}', '\u{fe77}'),
('\u{fe79}', '\u{fe79}'), ('\u{fe7b}', '\u{fe7b}'), ('\u{fe7d}', '\u{fe7d}'), ('\u{fe7f}',
'\u{fefc}'), ('\u{ff10}', '\u{ff19}'), ('\u{ff21}', '\u{ff3a}'), ('\u{ff3f}', '\u{ff3f}'),
('\u{ff41}', '\u{ff5a}'), ('\u{ff66}', '\u{ffbe}'), ('\u{ffc2}', '\u{ffc7}'), ('\u{ffca}',
'\u{ffcf}'), ('\u{ffd2}', '\u{ffd7}'), ('\u{ffda}', '\u{ffdc}'), ('\u{10000}', '\u{1000b}'),
('\u{1000d}', '\u{10026}'), ('\u{10028}', '\u{1003a}'), ('\u{1003c}', '\u{1003d}'),
('\u{1003f}', '\u{1004d}'), ('\u{10050}', '\u{1005d}'), ('\u{10080}', '\u{100fa}'),
('\u{10140}', '\u{10174}'), ('\u{101fd}', '\u{101fd}'), ('\u{10280}', '\u{1029c}'),
('\u{102a0}', '\u{102d0}'), ('\u{102e0}', '\u{102e0}'), ('\u{10300}', '\u{1031f}'),
('\u{10330}', '\u{1034a}'), ('\u{10350}', '\u{1037a}'), ('\u{10380}', '\u{1039d}'),
('\u{103a0}', '\u{103c3}'), ('\u{103c8}', '\u{103cf}'), ('\u{103d1}', '\u{103d5}'),
('\u{10400}', '\u{1049d}'), ('\u{104a0}', '\u{104a9}'), ('\u{10500}', '\u{10527}'),
('\u{10530}', '\u{10563}'), ('\u{10600}', '\u{10736}'), ('\u{10740}', '\u{10755}'),
('\u{10760}', '\u{10767}'), ('\u{10800}', '\u{10805}'), ('\u{10808}', '\u{10808}'),
('\u{1080a}', '\u{10835}'), ('\u{10837}', '\u{10838}'), ('\u{1083c}', '\u{1083c}'),
('\u{1083f}', '\u{10855}'), ('\u{10860}', '\u{10876}'), ('\u{10880}', '\u{1089e}'),
('\u{108e0}', '\u{108f2}'), ('\u{108f4}', '\u{108f5}'), ('\u{10900}', '\u{10915}'),
('\u{10920}', '\u{10939}'), ('\u{10980}', '\u{109b7}'), ('\u{109be}', '\u{109bf}'),
('\u{10a00}', '\u{10a03}'), ('\u{10a05}', '\u{10a06}'), ('\u{10a0c}', '\u{10a13}'),
('\u{10a15}', '\u{10a17}'), ('\u{10a19}', '\u{10a33}'), ('\u{10a38}', '\u{10a3a}'),
('\u{10a3f}', '\u{10a3f}'), ('\u{10a60}', '\u{10a7c}'), ('\u{10a80}', '\u{10a9c}'),
('\u{10ac0}', '\u{10ac7}'), ('\u{10ac9}', '\u{10ae6}'), ('\u{10b00}', '\u{10b35}'),
('\u{10b40}', '\u{10b55}'), ('\u{10b60}', '\u{10b72}'), ('\u{10b80}', '\u{10b91}'),
('\u{10c00}', '\u{10c48}'), ('\u{10c80}', '\u{10cb2}'), ('\u{10cc0}', '\u{10cf2}'),
('\u{11000}', '\u{11046}'), ('\u{11066}', '\u{1106f}'), ('\u{1107f}', '\u{110ba}'),
('\u{110d0}', '\u{110e8}'), ('\u{110f0}', '\u{110f9}'), ('\u{11100}', '\u{11134}'),
('\u{11136}', '\u{1113f}'), ('\u{11150}', '\u{11173}'), ('\u{11176}', '\u{11176}'),
('\u{11180}', '\u{111c4}'), ('\u{111ca}', '\u{111cc}'), ('\u{111d0}', '\u{111da}'),
('\u{111dc}', '\u{111dc}'), ('\u{11200}', '\u{11211}'), ('\u{11213}', '\u{11237}'),
('\u{11280}', '\u{11286}'), ('\u{11288}', '\u{11288}'), ('\u{1128a}', '\u{1128d}'),
('\u{1128f}', '\u{1129d}'), ('\u{1129f}', '\u{112a8}'), ('\u{112b0}', '\u{112ea}'),
('\u{112f0}', '\u{112f9}'), ('\u{11300}', '\u{11303}'), ('\u{11305}', '\u{1130c}'),
('\u{1130f}', '\u{11310}'), ('\u{11313}', '\u{11328}'), ('\u{1132a}', '\u{11330}'),
('\u{11332}', '\u{11333}'), ('\u{11335}', '\u{11339}'), ('\u{1133c}', '\u{11344}'),
('\u{11347}', '\u{11348}'), ('\u{1134b}', '\u{1134d}'), ('\u{11350}', '\u{11350}'),
('\u{11357}', '\u{11357}'), ('\u{1135d}', '\u{11363}'), ('\u{11366}', '\u{1136c}'),
('\u{11370}', '\u{11374}'), ('\u{11480}', '\u{114c5}'), ('\u{114c7}', '\u{114c7}'),
('\u{114d0}', '\u{114d9}'), ('\u{11580}', '\u{115b5}'), ('\u{115b8}', '\u{115c0}'),
('\u{115d8}', '\u{115dd}'), ('\u{11600}', '\u{11640}'), ('\u{11644}', '\u{11644}'),
('\u{11650}', '\u{11659}'), ('\u{11680}', '\u{116b7}'), ('\u{116c0}', '\u{116c9}'),
('\u{11700}', '\u{11719}'), ('\u{1171d}', '\u{1172b}'), ('\u{11730}', '\u{11739}'),
('\u{118a0}', '\u{118e9}'), ('\u{118ff}', '\u{118ff}'), ('\u{11ac0}', '\u{11af8}'),
('\u{12000}', '\u{12399}'), ('\u{12400}', '\u{1246e}'), ('\u{12480}', '\u{12543}'),
('\u{13000}', '\u{1342e}'), ('\u{14400}', '\u{14646}'), ('\u{16800}', '\u{16a38}'),
('\u{16a40}', '\u{16a5e}'), ('\u{16a60}', '\u{16a69}'), ('\u{16ad0}', '\u{16aed}'),
('\u{16af0}', '\u{16af4}'), ('\u{16b00}', '\u{16b36}'), ('\u{16b40}', '\u{16b43}'),
('\u{16b50}', '\u{16b59}'), ('\u{16b63}', '\u{16b77}'), ('\u{16b7d}', '\u{16b8f}'),
('\u{16f00}', '\u{16f44}'), ('\u{16f50}', '\u{16f7e}'), ('\u{16f8f}', '\u{16f9f}'),
('\u{1b000}', '\u{1b001}'), ('\u{1bc00}', '\u{1bc6a}'), ('\u{1bc70}', '\u{1bc7c}'),
('\u{1bc80}', '\u{1bc88}'), ('\u{1bc90}', '\u{1bc99}'), ('\u{1bc9d}', '\u{1bc9e}'),
('\u{1d165}', '\u{1d169}'), ('\u{1d16d}', '\u{1d172}'), ('\u{1d17b}', '\u{1d182}'),
('\u{1d185}', '\u{1d18b}'), ('\u{1d1aa}', '\u{1d1ad}'), ('\u{1d242}', '\u{1d244}'),
('\u{1d400}', '\u{1d454}'), ('\u{1d456}', '\u{1d49c}'), ('\u{1d49e}', '\u{1d49f}'),
('\u{1d4a2}', '\u{1d4a2}'), ('\u{1d4a5}', '\u{1d4a6}'), ('\u{1d4a9}', '\u{1d4ac}'),
('\u{1d4ae}', '\u{1d4b9}'), ('\u{1d4bb}', '\u{1d4bb}'), ('\u{1d4bd}', '\u{1d4c3}'),
('\u{1d4c5}', '\u{1d505}'), ('\u{1d507}', '\u{1d50a}'), ('\u{1d50d}', '\u{1d514}'),
('\u{1d516}', '\u{1d51c}'), ('\u{1d51e}', '\u{1d539}'), ('\u{1d53b}', '\u{1d53e}'),
('\u{1d540}', '\u{1d544}'), ('\u{1d546}', '\u{1d546}'), ('\u{1d54a}', '\u{1d550}'),
('\u{1d552}', '\u{1d6a5}'), ('\u{1d6a8}', '\u{1d6c0}'), ('\u{1d6c2}', '\u{1d6da}'),
('\u{1d6dc}', '\u{1d6fa}'), ('\u{1d6fc}', '\u{1d714}'), ('\u{1d716}', '\u{1d734}'),
('\u{1d736}', '\u{1d74e}'), ('\u{1d750}', '\u{1d76e}'), ('\u{1d770}', '\u{1d788}'),
('\u{1d78a}', '\u{1d7a8}'), ('\u{1d7aa}', '\u{1d7c2}'), ('\u{1d7c4}', '\u{1d7cb}'),
('\u{1d7ce}', '\u{1d7ff}'), ('\u{1da00}', '\u{1da36}'), ('\u{1da3b}', '\u{1da6c}'),
('\u{1da75}', '\u{1da75}'), ('\u{1da84}', '\u{1da84}'), ('\u{1da9b}', '\u{1da9f}'),
('\u{1daa1}', '\u{1daaf}'), ('\u{1e800}', '\u{1e8c4}'), ('\u{1e8d0}', '\u{1e8d6}'),
('\u{1ee00}', '\u{1ee03}'), ('\u{1ee05}', '\u{1ee1f}'), ('\u{1ee21}', '\u{1ee22}'),
('\u{1ee24}', '\u{1ee24}'), ('\u{1ee27}', '\u{1ee27}'), ('\u{1ee29}', '\u{1ee32}'),
('\u{1ee34}', '\u{1ee37}'), ('\u{1ee39}', '\u{1ee39}'), ('\u{1ee3b}', '\u{1ee3b}'),
('\u{1ee42}', '\u{1ee42}'), ('\u{1ee47}', '\u{1ee47}'), ('\u{1ee49}', '\u{1ee49}'),
('\u{1ee4b}', '\u{1ee4b}'), ('\u{1ee4d}', '\u{1ee4f}'), ('\u{1ee51}', '\u{1ee52}'),
('\u{1ee54}', '\u{1ee54}'), ('\u{1ee57}', '\u{1ee57}'), ('\u{1ee59}', '\u{1ee59}'),
('\u{1ee5b}', '\u{1ee5b}'), ('\u{1ee5d}', '\u{1ee5d}'), ('\u{1ee5f}', '\u{1ee5f}'),
('\u{1ee61}', '\u{1ee62}'), ('\u{1ee64}', '\u{1ee64}'), ('\u{1ee67}', '\u{1ee6a}'),
('\u{1ee6c}', '\u{1ee72}'), ('\u{1ee74}', '\u{1ee77}'), ('\u{1ee79}', '\u{1ee7c}'),
('\u{1ee7e}', '\u{1ee7e}'), ('\u{1ee80}', '\u{1ee89}'), ('\u{1ee8b}', '\u{1ee9b}'),
('\u{1eea1}', '\u{1eea3}'), ('\u{1eea5}', '\u{1eea9}'), ('\u{1eeab}', '\u{1eebb}'),
('\u{20000}', '\u{2a6d6}'), ('\u{2a700}', '\u{2b734}'), ('\u{2b740}', '\u{2b81d}'),
('\u{2b820}', '\u{2cea1}'), ('\u{2f800}', '\u{2fa1d}'), ('\u{e0100}', '\u{e01ef}')
pub fn XID_Continue(c: char) -> bool {
super::bsearch_range_table(c, XID_Continue_table)
pub const XID_Start_table: &'static [(char, char)] = &[
('\u{41}', '\u{5a}'), ('\u{61}', '\u{7a}'), ('\u{aa}', '\u{aa}'), ('\u{b5}', '\u{b5}'),
('\u{ba}', '\u{ba}'), ('\u{c0}', '\u{d6}'), ('\u{d8}', '\u{f6}'), ('\u{f8}', '\u{2c1}'),
('\u{2c6}', '\u{2d1}'), ('\u{2e0}', '\u{2e4}'), ('\u{2ec}', '\u{2ec}'), ('\u{2ee}',
'\u{2ee}'), ('\u{370}', '\u{374}'), ('\u{376}', '\u{377}'), ('\u{37b}', '\u{37d}'),
('\u{37f}', '\u{37f}'), ('\u{386}', '\u{386}'), ('\u{388}', '\u{38a}'), ('\u{38c}',
'\u{38c}'), ('\u{38e}', '\u{3a1}'), ('\u{3a3}', '\u{3f5}'), ('\u{3f7}', '\u{481}'),
('\u{48a}', '\u{52f}'), ('\u{531}', '\u{556}'), ('\u{559}', '\u{559}'), ('\u{561}',
'\u{587}'), ('\u{5d0}', '\u{5ea}'), ('\u{5f0}', '\u{5f2}'), ('\u{620}', '\u{64a}'),
('\u{66e}', '\u{66f}'), ('\u{671}', '\u{6d3}'), ('\u{6d5}', '\u{6d5}'), ('\u{6e5}',
'\u{6e6}'), ('\u{6ee}', '\u{6ef}'), ('\u{6fa}', '\u{6fc}'), ('\u{6ff}', '\u{6ff}'),
('\u{710}', '\u{710}'), ('\u{712}', '\u{72f}'), ('\u{74d}', '\u{7a5}'), ('\u{7b1}',
'\u{7b1}'), ('\u{7ca}', '\u{7ea}'), ('\u{7f4}', '\u{7f5}'), ('\u{7fa}', '\u{7fa}'),
('\u{800}', '\u{815}'), ('\u{81a}', '\u{81a}'), ('\u{824}', '\u{824}'), ('\u{828}',
'\u{828}'), ('\u{840}', '\u{858}'), ('\u{8a0}', '\u{8b4}'), ('\u{904}', '\u{939}'),
('\u{93d}', '\u{93d}'), ('\u{950}', '\u{950}'), ('\u{958}', '\u{961}'), ('\u{971}',
'\u{980}'), ('\u{985}', '\u{98c}'), ('\u{98f}', '\u{990}'), ('\u{993}', '\u{9a8}'),
('\u{9aa}', '\u{9b0}'), ('\u{9b2}', '\u{9b2}'), ('\u{9b6}', '\u{9b9}'), ('\u{9bd}',
'\u{9bd}'), ('\u{9ce}', '\u{9ce}'), ('\u{9dc}', '\u{9dd}'), ('\u{9df}', '\u{9e1}'),
('\u{9f0}', '\u{9f1}'), ('\u{a05}', '\u{a0a}'), ('\u{a0f}', '\u{a10}'), ('\u{a13}',
'\u{a28}'), ('\u{a2a}', '\u{a30}'), ('\u{a32}', '\u{a33}'), ('\u{a35}', '\u{a36}'),
('\u{a38}', '\u{a39}'), ('\u{a59}', '\u{a5c}'), ('\u{a5e}', '\u{a5e}'), ('\u{a72}',
'\u{a74}'), ('\u{a85}', '\u{a8d}'), ('\u{a8f}', '\u{a91}'), ('\u{a93}', '\u{aa8}'),
('\u{aaa}', '\u{ab0}'), ('\u{ab2}', '\u{ab3}'), ('\u{ab5}', '\u{ab9}'), ('\u{abd}',
'\u{abd}'), ('\u{ad0}', '\u{ad0}'), ('\u{ae0}', '\u{ae1}'), ('\u{af9}', '\u{af9}'),
('\u{b05}', '\u{b0c}'), ('\u{b0f}', '\u{b10}'), ('\u{b13}', '\u{b28}'), ('\u{b2a}',
'\u{b30}'), ('\u{b32}', '\u{b33}'), ('\u{b35}', '\u{b39}'), ('\u{b3d}', '\u{b3d}'),
('\u{b5c}', '\u{b5d}'), ('\u{b5f}', '\u{b61}'), ('\u{b71}', '\u{b71}'), ('\u{b83}',
'\u{b83}'), ('\u{b85}', '\u{b8a}'), ('\u{b8e}', '\u{b90}'), ('\u{b92}', '\u{b95}'),
('\u{b99}', '\u{b9a}'), ('\u{b9c}', '\u{b9c}'), ('\u{b9e}', '\u{b9f}'), ('\u{ba3}',
'\u{ba4}'), ('\u{ba8}', '\u{baa}'), ('\u{bae}', '\u{bb9}'), ('\u{bd0}', '\u{bd0}'),
('\u{c05}', '\u{c0c}'), ('\u{c0e}', '\u{c10}'), ('\u{c12}', '\u{c28}'), ('\u{c2a}',
'\u{c39}'), ('\u{c3d}', '\u{c3d}'), ('\u{c58}', '\u{c5a}'), ('\u{c60}', '\u{c61}'),
('\u{c85}', '\u{c8c}'), ('\u{c8e}', '\u{c90}'), ('\u{c92}', '\u{ca8}'), ('\u{caa}',
'\u{cb3}'), ('\u{cb5}', '\u{cb9}'), ('\u{cbd}', '\u{cbd}'), ('\u{cde}', '\u{cde}'),
('\u{ce0}', '\u{ce1}'), ('\u{cf1}', '\u{cf2}'), ('\u{d05}', '\u{d0c}'), ('\u{d0e}',
'\u{d10}'), ('\u{d12}', '\u{d3a}'), ('\u{d3d}', '\u{d3d}'), ('\u{d4e}', '\u{d4e}'),
('\u{d5f}', '\u{d61}'), ('\u{d7a}', '\u{d7f}'), ('\u{d85}', '\u{d96}'), ('\u{d9a}',
'\u{db1}'), ('\u{db3}', '\u{dbb}'), ('\u{dbd}', '\u{dbd}'), ('\u{dc0}', '\u{dc6}'),
('\u{e01}', '\u{e30}'), ('\u{e32}', '\u{e32}'), ('\u{e40}', '\u{e46}'), ('\u{e81}',
'\u{e82}'), ('\u{e84}', '\u{e84}'), ('\u{e87}', '\u{e88}'), ('\u{e8a}', '\u{e8a}'),
('\u{e8d}', '\u{e8d}'), ('\u{e94}', '\u{e97}'), ('\u{e99}', '\u{e9f}'), ('\u{ea1}',
'\u{ea3}'), ('\u{ea5}', '\u{ea5}'), ('\u{ea7}', '\u{ea7}'), ('\u{eaa}', '\u{eab}'),
('\u{ead}', '\u{eb0}'), ('\u{eb2}', '\u{eb2}'), ('\u{ebd}', '\u{ebd}'), ('\u{ec0}',
'\u{ec4}'), ('\u{ec6}', '\u{ec6}'), ('\u{edc}', '\u{edf}'), ('\u{f00}', '\u{f00}'),
('\u{f40}', '\u{f47}'), ('\u{f49}', '\u{f6c}'), ('\u{f88}', '\u{f8c}'), ('\u{1000}',
'\u{102a}'), ('\u{103f}', '\u{103f}'), ('\u{1050}', '\u{1055}'), ('\u{105a}', '\u{105d}'),
('\u{1061}', '\u{1061}'), ('\u{1065}', '\u{1066}'), ('\u{106e}', '\u{1070}'), ('\u{1075}',
'\u{1081}'), ('\u{108e}', '\u{108e}'), ('\u{10a0}', '\u{10c5}'), ('\u{10c7}', '\u{10c7}'),
('\u{10cd}', '\u{10cd}'), ('\u{10d0}', '\u{10fa}'), ('\u{10fc}', '\u{1248}'), ('\u{124a}',
'\u{124d}'), ('\u{1250}', '\u{1256}'), ('\u{1258}', '\u{1258}'), ('\u{125a}', '\u{125d}'),
('\u{1260}', '\u{1288}'), ('\u{128a}', '\u{128d}'), ('\u{1290}', '\u{12b0}'), ('\u{12b2}',
'\u{12b5}'), ('\u{12b8}', '\u{12be}'), ('\u{12c0}', '\u{12c0}'), ('\u{12c2}', '\u{12c5}'),
('\u{12c8}', '\u{12d6}'), ('\u{12d8}', '\u{1310}'), ('\u{1312}', '\u{1315}'), ('\u{1318}',
'\u{135a}'), ('\u{1380}', '\u{138f}'), ('\u{13a0}', '\u{13f5}'), ('\u{13f8}', '\u{13fd}'),
('\u{1401}', '\u{166c}'), ('\u{166f}', '\u{167f}'), ('\u{1681}', '\u{169a}'), ('\u{16a0}',
'\u{16ea}'), ('\u{16ee}', '\u{16f8}'), ('\u{1700}', '\u{170c}'), ('\u{170e}', '\u{1711}'),
('\u{1720}', '\u{1731}'), ('\u{1740}', '\u{1751}'), ('\u{1760}', '\u{176c}'), ('\u{176e}',
'\u{1770}'), ('\u{1780}', '\u{17b3}'), ('\u{17d7}', '\u{17d7}'), ('\u{17dc}', '\u{17dc}'),
('\u{1820}', '\u{1877}'), ('\u{1880}', '\u{18a8}'), ('\u{18aa}', '\u{18aa}'), ('\u{18b0}',
'\u{18f5}'), ('\u{1900}', '\u{191e}'), ('\u{1950}', '\u{196d}'), ('\u{1970}', '\u{1974}'),
('\u{1980}', '\u{19ab}'), ('\u{19b0}', '\u{19c9}'), ('\u{1a00}', '\u{1a16}'), ('\u{1a20}',
'\u{1a54}'), ('\u{1aa7}', '\u{1aa7}'), ('\u{1b05}', '\u{1b33}'), ('\u{1b45}', '\u{1b4b}'),
('\u{1b83}', '\u{1ba0}'), ('\u{1bae}', '\u{1baf}'), ('\u{1bba}', '\u{1be5}'), ('\u{1c00}',
'\u{1c23}'), ('\u{1c4d}', '\u{1c4f}'), ('\u{1c5a}', '\u{1c7d}'), ('\u{1ce9}', '\u{1cec}'),
('\u{1cee}', '\u{1cf1}'), ('\u{1cf5}', '\u{1cf6}'), ('\u{1d00}', '\u{1dbf}'), ('\u{1e00}',
'\u{1f15}'), ('\u{1f18}', '\u{1f1d}'), ('\u{1f20}', '\u{1f45}'), ('\u{1f48}', '\u{1f4d}'),
('\u{1f50}', '\u{1f57}'), ('\u{1f59}', '\u{1f59}'), ('\u{1f5b}', '\u{1f5b}'), ('\u{1f5d}',
'\u{1f5d}'), ('\u{1f5f}', '\u{1f7d}'), ('\u{1f80}', '\u{1fb4}'), ('\u{1fb6}', '\u{1fbc}'),
('\u{1fbe}', '\u{1fbe}'), ('\u{1fc2}', '\u{1fc4}'), ('\u{1fc6}', '\u{1fcc}'), ('\u{1fd0}',
'\u{1fd3}'), ('\u{1fd6}', '\u{1fdb}'), ('\u{1fe0}', '\u{1fec}'), ('\u{1ff2}', '\u{1ff4}'),
('\u{1ff6}', '\u{1ffc}'), ('\u{2071}', '\u{2071}'), ('\u{207f}', '\u{207f}'), ('\u{2090}',
'\u{209c}'), ('\u{2102}', '\u{2102}'), ('\u{2107}', '\u{2107}'), ('\u{210a}', '\u{2113}'),
('\u{2115}', '\u{2115}'), ('\u{2118}', '\u{211d}'), ('\u{2124}', '\u{2124}'), ('\u{2126}',
'\u{2126}'), ('\u{2128}', '\u{2128}'), ('\u{212a}', '\u{2139}'), ('\u{213c}', '\u{213f}'),
('\u{2145}', '\u{2149}'), ('\u{214e}', '\u{214e}'), ('\u{2160}', '\u{2188}'), ('\u{2c00}',
'\u{2c2e}'), ('\u{2c30}', '\u{2c5e}'), ('\u{2c60}', '\u{2ce4}'), ('\u{2ceb}', '\u{2cee}'),
('\u{2cf2}', '\u{2cf3}'), ('\u{2d00}', '\u{2d25}'), ('\u{2d27}', '\u{2d27}'), ('\u{2d2d}',
'\u{2d2d}'), ('\u{2d30}', '\u{2d67}'), ('\u{2d6f}', '\u{2d6f}'), ('\u{2d80}', '\u{2d96}'),
('\u{2da0}', '\u{2da6}'), ('\u{2da8}', '\u{2dae}'), ('\u{2db0}', '\u{2db6}'), ('\u{2db8}',
'\u{2dbe}'), ('\u{2dc0}', '\u{2dc6}'), ('\u{2dc8}', '\u{2dce}'), ('\u{2dd0}', '\u{2dd6}'),
('\u{2dd8}', '\u{2dde}'), ('\u{3005}', '\u{3007}'), ('\u{3021}', '\u{3029}'), ('\u{3031}',
'\u{3035}'), ('\u{3038}', '\u{303c}'), ('\u{3041}', '\u{3096}'), ('\u{309d}', '\u{309f}'),
('\u{30a1}', '\u{30fa}'), ('\u{30fc}', '\u{30ff}'), ('\u{3105}', '\u{312d}'), ('\u{3131}',
'\u{318e}'), ('\u{31a0}', '\u{31ba}'), ('\u{31f0}', '\u{31ff}'), ('\u{3400}', '\u{4db5}'),
('\u{4e00}', '\u{9fd5}'), ('\u{a000}', '\u{a48c}'), ('\u{a4d0}', '\u{a4fd}'), ('\u{a500}',
'\u{a60c}'), ('\u{a610}', '\u{a61f}'), ('\u{a62a}', '\u{a62b}'), ('\u{a640}', '\u{a66e}'),
('\u{a67f}', '\u{a69d}'), ('\u{a6a0}', '\u{a6ef}'), ('\u{a717}', '\u{a71f}'), ('\u{a722}',
'\u{a788}'), ('\u{a78b}', '\u{a7ad}'), ('\u{a7b0}', '\u{a7b7}'), ('\u{a7f7}', '\u{a801}'),
('\u{a803}', '\u{a805}'), ('\u{a807}', '\u{a80a}'), ('\u{a80c}', '\u{a822}'), ('\u{a840}',
'\u{a873}'), ('\u{a882}', '\u{a8b3}'), ('\u{a8f2}', '\u{a8f7}'), ('\u{a8fb}', '\u{a8fb}'),
('\u{a8fd}', '\u{a8fd}'), ('\u{a90a}', '\u{a925}'), ('\u{a930}', '\u{a946}'), ('\u{a960}',
'\u{a97c}'), ('\u{a984}', '\u{a9b2}'), ('\u{a9cf}', '\u{a9cf}'), ('\u{a9e0}', '\u{a9e4}'),
('\u{a9e6}', '\u{a9ef}'), ('\u{a9fa}', '\u{a9fe}'), ('\u{aa00}', '\u{aa28}'), ('\u{aa40}',
'\u{aa42}'), ('\u{aa44}', '\u{aa4b}'), ('\u{aa60}', '\u{aa76}'), ('\u{aa7a}', '\u{aa7a}'),
('\u{aa7e}', '\u{aaaf}'), ('\u{aab1}', '\u{aab1}'), ('\u{aab5}', '\u{aab6}'), ('\u{aab9}',
'\u{aabd}'), ('\u{aac0}', '\u{aac0}'), ('\u{aac2}', '\u{aac2}'), ('\u{aadb}', '\u{aadd}'),
('\u{aae0}', '\u{aaea}'), ('\u{aaf2}', '\u{aaf4}'), ('\u{ab01}', '\u{ab06}'), ('\u{ab09}',
'\u{ab0e}'), ('\u{ab11}', '\u{ab16}'), ('\u{ab20}', '\u{ab26}'), ('\u{ab28}', '\u{ab2e}'),
('\u{ab30}', '\u{ab5a}'), ('\u{ab5c}', '\u{ab65}'), ('\u{ab70}', '\u{abe2}'), ('\u{ac00}',
'\u{d7a3}'), ('\u{d7b0}', '\u{d7c6}'), ('\u{d7cb}', '\u{d7fb}'), ('\u{f900}', '\u{fa6d}'),
('\u{fa70}', '\u{fad9}'), ('\u{fb00}', '\u{fb06}'), ('\u{fb13}', '\u{fb17}'), ('\u{fb1d}',
'\u{fb1d}'), ('\u{fb1f}', '\u{fb28}'), ('\u{fb2a}', '\u{fb36}'), ('\u{fb38}', '\u{fb3c}'),
('\u{fb3e}', '\u{fb3e}'), ('\u{fb40}', '\u{fb41}'), ('\u{fb43}', '\u{fb44}'), ('\u{fb46}',
'\u{fbb1}'), ('\u{fbd3}', '\u{fc5d}'), ('\u{fc64}', '\u{fd3d}'), ('\u{fd50}', '\u{fd8f}'),
('\u{fd92}', '\u{fdc7}'), ('\u{fdf0}', '\u{fdf9}'), ('\u{fe71}', '\u{fe71}'), ('\u{fe73}',
'\u{fe73}'), ('\u{fe77}', '\u{fe77}'), ('\u{fe79}', '\u{fe79}'), ('\u{fe7b}', '\u{fe7b}'),
('\u{fe7d}', '\u{fe7d}'), ('\u{fe7f}', '\u{fefc}'), ('\u{ff21}', '\u{ff3a}'), ('\u{ff41}',
'\u{ff5a}'), ('\u{ff66}', '\u{ff9d}'), ('\u{ffa0}', '\u{ffbe}'), ('\u{ffc2}', '\u{ffc7}'),
('\u{ffca}', '\u{ffcf}'), ('\u{ffd2}', '\u{ffd7}'), ('\u{ffda}', '\u{ffdc}'), ('\u{10000}',
'\u{1000b}'), ('\u{1000d}', '\u{10026}'), ('\u{10028}', '\u{1003a}'), ('\u{1003c}',
'\u{1003d}'), ('\u{1003f}', '\u{1004d}'), ('\u{10050}', '\u{1005d}'), ('\u{10080}',
'\u{100fa}'), ('\u{10140}', '\u{10174}'), ('\u{10280}', '\u{1029c}'), ('\u{102a0}',
'\u{102d0}'), ('\u{10300}', '\u{1031f}'), ('\u{10330}', '\u{1034a}'), ('\u{10350}',
'\u{10375}'), ('\u{10380}', '\u{1039d}'), ('\u{103a0}', '\u{103c3}'), ('\u{103c8}',
'\u{103cf}'), ('\u{103d1}', '\u{103d5}'), ('\u{10400}', '\u{1049d}'), ('\u{10500}',
'\u{10527}'), ('\u{10530}', '\u{10563}'), ('\u{10600}', '\u{10736}'), ('\u{10740}',
'\u{10755}'), ('\u{10760}', '\u{10767}'), ('\u{10800}', '\u{10805}'), ('\u{10808}',
'\u{10808}'), ('\u{1080a}', '\u{10835}'), ('\u{10837}', '\u{10838}'), ('\u{1083c}',
'\u{1083c}'), ('\u{1083f}', '\u{10855}'), ('\u{10860}', '\u{10876}'), ('\u{10880}',
'\u{1089e}'), ('\u{108e0}', '\u{108f2}'), ('\u{108f4}', '\u{108f5}'), ('\u{10900}',
'\u{10915}'), ('\u{10920}', '\u{10939}'), ('\u{10980}', '\u{109b7}'), ('\u{109be}',
'\u{109bf}'), ('\u{10a00}', '\u{10a00}'), ('\u{10a10}', '\u{10a13}'), ('\u{10a15}',
'\u{10a17}'), ('\u{10a19}', '\u{10a33}'), ('\u{10a60}', '\u{10a7c}'), ('\u{10a80}',
'\u{10a9c}'), ('\u{10ac0}', '\u{10ac7}'), ('\u{10ac9}', '\u{10ae4}'), ('\u{10b00}',
'\u{10b35}'), ('\u{10b40}', '\u{10b55}'), ('\u{10b60}', '\u{10b72}'), ('\u{10b80}',
'\u{10b91}'), ('\u{10c00}', '\u{10c48}'), ('\u{10c80}', '\u{10cb2}'), ('\u{10cc0}',
'\u{10cf2}'), ('\u{11003}', '\u{11037}'), ('\u{11083}', '\u{110af}'), ('\u{110d0}',
'\u{110e8}'), ('\u{11103}', '\u{11126}'), ('\u{11150}', '\u{11172}'), ('\u{11176}',
'\u{11176}'), ('\u{11183}', '\u{111b2}'), ('\u{111c1}', '\u{111c4}'), ('\u{111da}',
'\u{111da}'), ('\u{111dc}', '\u{111dc}'), ('\u{11200}', '\u{11211}'), ('\u{11213}',
'\u{1122b}'), ('\u{11280}', '\u{11286}'), ('\u{11288}', '\u{11288}'), ('\u{1128a}',
'\u{1128d}'), ('\u{1128f}', '\u{1129d}'), ('\u{1129f}', '\u{112a8}'), ('\u{112b0}',
'\u{112de}'), ('\u{11305}', '\u{1130c}'), ('\u{1130f}', '\u{11310}'), ('\u{11313}',
'\u{11328}'), ('\u{1132a}', '\u{11330}'), ('\u{11332}', '\u{11333}'), ('\u{11335}',
'\u{11339}'), ('\u{1133d}', '\u{1133d}'), ('\u{11350}', '\u{11350}'), ('\u{1135d}',
'\u{11361}'), ('\u{11480}', '\u{114af}'), ('\u{114c4}', '\u{114c5}'), ('\u{114c7}',
'\u{114c7}'), ('\u{11580}', '\u{115ae}'), ('\u{115d8}', '\u{115db}'), ('\u{11600}',
'\u{1162f}'), ('\u{11644}', '\u{11644}'), ('\u{11680}', '\u{116aa}'), ('\u{11700}',
'\u{11719}'), ('\u{118a0}', '\u{118df}'), ('\u{118ff}', '\u{118ff}'), ('\u{11ac0}',
'\u{11af8}'), ('\u{12000}', '\u{12399}'), ('\u{12400}', '\u{1246e}'), ('\u{12480}',
'\u{12543}'), ('\u{13000}', '\u{1342e}'), ('\u{14400}', '\u{14646}'), ('\u{16800}',
'\u{16a38}'), ('\u{16a40}', '\u{16a5e}'), ('\u{16ad0}', '\u{16aed}'), ('\u{16b00}',
'\u{16b2f}'), ('\u{16b40}', '\u{16b43}'), ('\u{16b63}', '\u{16b77}'), ('\u{16b7d}',
'\u{16b8f}'), ('\u{16f00}', '\u{16f44}'), ('\u{16f50}', '\u{16f50}'), ('\u{16f93}',
'\u{16f9f}'), ('\u{1b000}', '\u{1b001}'), ('\u{1bc00}', '\u{1bc6a}'), ('\u{1bc70}',
'\u{1bc7c}'), ('\u{1bc80}', '\u{1bc88}'), ('\u{1bc90}', '\u{1bc99}'), ('\u{1d400}',
'\u{1d454}'), ('\u{1d456}', '\u{1d49c}'), ('\u{1d49e}', '\u{1d49f}'), ('\u{1d4a2}',
'\u{1d4a2}'), ('\u{1d4a5}', '\u{1d4a6}'), ('\u{1d4a9}', '\u{1d4ac}'), ('\u{1d4ae}',
'\u{1d4b9}'), ('\u{1d4bb}', '\u{1d4bb}'), ('\u{1d4bd}', '\u{1d4c3}'), ('\u{1d4c5}',
'\u{1d505}'), ('\u{1d507}', '\u{1d50a}'), ('\u{1d50d}', '\u{1d514}'), ('\u{1d516}',
'\u{1d51c}'), ('\u{1d51e}', '\u{1d539}'), ('\u{1d53b}', '\u{1d53e}'), ('\u{1d540}',
'\u{1d544}'), ('\u{1d546}', '\u{1d546}'), ('\u{1d54a}', '\u{1d550}'), ('\u{1d552}',
'\u{1d6a5}'), ('\u{1d6a8}', '\u{1d6c0}'), ('\u{1d6c2}', '\u{1d6da}'), ('\u{1d6dc}',
'\u{1d6fa}'), ('\u{1d6fc}', '\u{1d714}'), ('\u{1d716}', '\u{1d734}'), ('\u{1d736}',
'\u{1d74e}'), ('\u{1d750}', '\u{1d76e}'), ('\u{1d770}', '\u{1d788}'), ('\u{1d78a}',
'\u{1d7a8}'), ('\u{1d7aa}', '\u{1d7c2}'), ('\u{1d7c4}', '\u{1d7cb}'), ('\u{1e800}',
'\u{1e8c4}'), ('\u{1ee00}', '\u{1ee03}'), ('\u{1ee05}', '\u{1ee1f}'), ('\u{1ee21}',
'\u{1ee22}'), ('\u{1ee24}', '\u{1ee24}'), ('\u{1ee27}', '\u{1ee27}'), ('\u{1ee29}',
'\u{1ee32}'), ('\u{1ee34}', '\u{1ee37}'), ('\u{1ee39}', '\u{1ee39}'), ('\u{1ee3b}',
'\u{1ee3b}'), ('\u{1ee42}', '\u{1ee42}'), ('\u{1ee47}', '\u{1ee47}'), ('\u{1ee49}',
'\u{1ee49}'), ('\u{1ee4b}', '\u{1ee4b}'), ('\u{1ee4d}', '\u{1ee4f}'), ('\u{1ee51}',
'\u{1ee52}'), ('\u{1ee54}', '\u{1ee54}'), ('\u{1ee57}', '\u{1ee57}'), ('\u{1ee59}',
'\u{1ee59}'), ('\u{1ee5b}', '\u{1ee5b}'), ('\u{1ee5d}', '\u{1ee5d}'), ('\u{1ee5f}',
'\u{1ee5f}'), ('\u{1ee61}', '\u{1ee62}'), ('\u{1ee64}', '\u{1ee64}'), ('\u{1ee67}',
'\u{1ee6a}'), ('\u{1ee6c}', '\u{1ee72}'), ('\u{1ee74}', '\u{1ee77}'), ('\u{1ee79}',
'\u{1ee7c}'), ('\u{1ee7e}', '\u{1ee7e}'), ('\u{1ee80}', '\u{1ee89}'), ('\u{1ee8b}',
'\u{1ee9b}'), ('\u{1eea1}', '\u{1eea3}'), ('\u{1eea5}', '\u{1eea9}'), ('\u{1eeab}',
'\u{1eebb}'), ('\u{20000}', '\u{2a6d6}'), ('\u{2a700}', '\u{2b734}'), ('\u{2b740}',
'\u{2b81d}'), ('\u{2b820}', '\u{2cea1}'), ('\u{2f800}', '\u{2fa1d}')
pub fn XID_Start(c: char) -> bool {
super::bsearch_range_table(c, XID_Start_table)

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2012-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use std::iter;
use test::Bencher;
use super::UnicodeXID;
#[cfg(feature = "no_std")]
use std::prelude::v1::*;
fn cargo_is_xid_start(b: &mut Bencher) {
let string = iter::repeat('a').take(4096).collect::<String>();
b.bytes = string.len() as u64;
b.iter(|| {
fn stdlib_is_xid_start(b: &mut Bencher) {
let string = iter::repeat('a').take(4096).collect::<String>();
b.bytes = string.len() as u64;
b.iter(|| {
fn cargo_xid_continue(b: &mut Bencher) {
let string = iter::repeat('a').take(4096).collect::<String>();
b.bytes = string.len() as u64;
b.iter(|| {
fn stdlib_xid_continue(b: &mut Bencher) {
let string = iter::repeat('a').take(4096).collect::<String>();
b.bytes = string.len() as u64;
b.iter(|| {
fn test_is_xid_start() {
let chars = [
'A', 'Z', 'a', 'z',
'\u{1000d}', '\u{10026}',
for ch in &chars {
assert!(UnicodeXID::is_xid_start(*ch), "{}", ch);
fn test_is_not_xid_start() {
let chars = [
'\x00', '\x01',
'0', '9',
' ', '[', '<', '{', '(',
'\u{02c2}', '\u{ffff}',
for ch in &chars {
assert!(!UnicodeXID::is_xid_start(*ch), "{}", ch);
fn test_is_xid_continue() {
let chars = [
'0', '9', 'A', 'Z', 'a', 'z', '_',
'\u{1000d}', '\u{10026}',
for ch in &chars {
assert!(UnicodeXID::is_xid_continue(*ch), "{}", ch);
fn test_is_not_xid_continue() {
let chars = [
'\x00', '\x01',
' ', '[', '<', '{', '(',
'\u{02c2}', '\u{ffff}',
for &ch in &chars {
assert!(!UnicodeXID::is_xid_continue(ch), "{}", ch);

toolkit/library/gtest/rust/Cargo.lock сгенерированный
Просмотреть файл

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ dependencies = [
"heapsize 0.3.8 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
"num-traits 0.1.36 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
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