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Bug 1435373 - Shapes editor: update tests for new implementation. r=pbro
MozReview-Commit-ID: KUVacaWD5lv --HG-- extra : rebase_source : 313d79cf10b1540c20b3df9aa7144cae42c4c4d7 extra : source : 03b412c9e45e0b293af9050543b3f1e69df88e7c
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ add_task(async function() {
let {inspector, view} = await openRuleView();
let highlighters = view.highlighters;
info("Select a node with a shape value");
await selectNode("#shape", inspector);
let container = getRuleViewProperty(view, "#shape", "clip-path").valueSpan;
let shapesToggle = container.querySelector(".ruleview-shapeswatch");
@ -36,7 +37,6 @@ add_task(async function() {
"No CSS shapes highlighter exists in the rule-view.");
ok(!highlighters.shapesHighlighterShown, "No CSS shapes highlighter is shown.");
info("Toggling ON the CSS shapes highlighter from the rule-view.");
let onHighlighterShown = highlighters.once("shapes-highlighter-shown");
@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ add_task(async function() {
ok(shapeToggle, "shapes highlighter toggle is visible.");
"shapes highlighter toggle button is not active.");
ok(highlighters.shapesHighlighterShown, "CSS shapes highlighter is still shown.");
ok(!highlighters.shapesHighlighterShown, "CSS shapes highlighter is still no longer" +
"shown due to selecting another node.");
info("Toggling ON the CSS shapes highlighter for the second shapes container " +
"from the rule-view.");
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ add_task(async function() {
let {inspector, view} = await openRuleView();
let highlighters = view.highlighters;
info("Select a node with a shape value");
await selectNode("#shape", inspector);
let container = getRuleViewProperty(view, "#shape", "clip-path").valueSpan;
let shapeToggle = container.querySelector(".ruleview-shapeswatch");
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ add_task(async function() {
let {inspector, view, testActor} = await openRuleView();
let highlighters = view.highlighters;
info("Select a node with a shape value");
await selectNode("#shape", inspector);
let container = getRuleViewProperty(view, "#shape", "clip-path").valueSpan;
let shapeToggle = container.querySelector(".ruleview-shapeswatch");
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ add_task(async function() {
let {inspector, view} = await openRuleView();
let highlighters = view.highlighters;
info("Selecting the first shapes container.");
await selectNode("#shape1", inspector);
let clipPathContainer = getRuleViewProperty(view, ".shape", "clip-path").valueSpan;
let clipPathShapeToggle = clipPathContainer.querySelector(".ruleview-shapeswatch");
@ -63,16 +64,4 @@ add_task(async function() {
"clip-path toggle button is not active.");
"shape-outside toggle button is not active.");
info("Selecting the first shapes container.");
await selectNode("#shape1", inspector);
clipPathContainer = getRuleViewProperty(view, ".shape", "clip-path").valueSpan;
clipPathShapeToggle = clipPathContainer.querySelector(".ruleview-shapeswatch");
shapeOutsideContainer = getRuleViewProperty(view, ".shape",
shapeOutsideToggle = shapeOutsideContainer.querySelector(".ruleview-shapeswatch");
"clip-path toggle button is not active.");
"shape-outside toggle button is active.");
@ -24,15 +24,11 @@ add_task(async function() {
let {inspector, view} = await openRuleView();
let highlighters = view.highlighters;
info("Select a node with a shape value");
await selectNode("#shape", inspector);
let container = getRuleViewProperty(view, "#shape", "clip-path").valueSpan;
let shapesToggle = container.querySelector(".ruleview-shapeswatch");
info("Checking the initial state of the CSS shape toggle in the rule-view.");
"No CSS shapes highlighter exists in the rule-view.");
ok(!highlighters.shapesHighlighterShown, "No CSS shapes highlighter is shown.");
info("Toggling ON the CSS shapes highlighter with transform mode on.");
let onHighlighterShown = highlighters.once("shapes-highlighter-shown");
EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({type: "click", metaKey: true, ctrlKey: true},
@ -10,54 +10,89 @@ const TEST_URL = URL_ROOT + "doc_inspector_highlighter_cssshapes.html";
const HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE = "ShapesHighlighter";
add_task(async function() {
let inspector = await openInspectorForURL(TEST_URL);
let helper = await getHighlighterHelperFor(HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE)(inspector);
let {testActor} = inspector;
let env = await openInspectorForURL(TEST_URL);
let helper = await getHighlighterHelperFor(HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE)(env);
let {testActor, inspector} = env;
let view = selectRuleView(inspector);
let highlighters = view.highlighters;
await testPolygonMovePoint(testActor, helper);
await testPolygonAddPoint(testActor, helper);
await testPolygonRemovePoint(testActor, helper);
await testCircleMoveCenter(testActor, helper);
await testEllipseMoveRadius(testActor, helper);
await testInsetMoveEdges(testActor, helper);
let config = {inspector, view, highlighters, testActor, helper};
await testPolygonMovePoint(config);
await testPolygonAddPoint(config);
await testPolygonRemovePoint(config);
await testCircleMoveCenter(config);
await testEllipseMoveRadius(config);
await testInsetMoveEdges(config);
async function testPolygonMovePoint(testActor, helper) {
info("Displaying polygon");
await helper.show("#polygon", {mode: "cssClipPath"});
let { mouse, highlightedNode } = helper;
async function getComputedPropertyValue(selector, property, inspector) {
let highlightedNode = await getNodeFront(selector, inspector);
let computedStyle = await inspector.pageStyle.getComputed(highlightedNode);
return computedStyle[property].value;
let points = await helper.getElementAttribute("shapes-polygon", "points");
async function setup(config) {
const { view, selector, property, inspector } = config;
info(`Turn on shapes highlighter for ${selector}`);
await selectNode(selector, inspector);
await toggleShapesHighlighter(view, selector, property, true);
async function teardown(config) {
const { view, selector, property } = config;
info(`Turn off shapes highlighter for ${selector}`);
await toggleShapesHighlighter(view, selector, property, false);
async function testPolygonMovePoint(config) {
const {inspector, view, highlighters, testActor, helper} = config;
const selector = "#polygon";
const property = "clip-path";
await setup({selector, property, ...config});
let points = await testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(
"shapes-polygon", "points", highlighters.highlighters[HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE]);
let [x, y] = points.split(" ")[0].split(",");
let quads = await testActor.getAllAdjustedQuads("#polygon");
let quads = await testActor.getAllAdjustedQuads(selector);
let { top, left, width, height } = quads.border[0].bounds;
x = left + width * x / 100;
y = top + height * y / 100;
let dx = width / 10;
let dy = height / 10;
let onRuleViewChanged = view.once("ruleview-changed");
info("Moving first polygon point");
let { mouse } = helper;
await mouse.down(x, y);
await mouse.move(x + dx, y + dy);
await mouse.up();
await testActor.reflow();
info("Waiting for rule view changed from shape change");
await onRuleViewChanged;
let computedStyle = await highlightedNode.getComputedStyle();
let definition = computedStyle["clip-path"].value;
let definition = await getComputedPropertyValue(selector, property, inspector);
ok(definition.includes(`${dx}px ${dy}px`), `Point moved to ${dx}px ${dy}px`);
await teardown({selector, property, ...config});
async function testPolygonAddPoint(testActor, helper) {
await helper.show("#polygon", {mode: "cssClipPath"});
let { mouse, highlightedNode } = helper;
async function testPolygonAddPoint(config) {
const {inspector, view, highlighters, testActor, helper} = config;
const selector = "#polygon";
const property = "clip-path";
await setup({selector, property, ...config});
// Move first point to have same x as second point, then double click between
// the two points to add a new one.
let points = await helper.getElementAttribute("shapes-polygon", "points");
let points = await testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(
"shapes-polygon", "points", highlighters.highlighters[HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE]);
let pointsArray = points.split(" ");
let quads = await testActor.getAllAdjustedQuads("#polygon");
let quads = await testActor.getAllAdjustedQuads(selector);
let { top, left, width, height } = quads.border[0].bounds;
let [x1, y1] = pointsArray[0].split(",");
let [x2, y2] = pointsArray[1].split(",");
@ -66,6 +101,7 @@ async function testPolygonAddPoint(testActor, helper) {
y1 = top + height * y1 / 100;
y2 = top + height * y2 / 100;
let { mouse } = helper;
await mouse.down(x1, y1);
await mouse.move(x2, y1);
await mouse.up();
@ -81,28 +117,36 @@ async function testPolygonAddPoint(testActor, helper) {
options: {clickCount: 2}
let onRuleViewChanged = view.once("ruleview-changed");
info("Adding new polygon point");
await testActor.synthesizeMouse(options);
await testActor.reflow();
info("Waiting for rule view changed from shape change");
await onRuleViewChanged;
let computedStyle = await highlightedNode.getComputedStyle();
let definition = computedStyle["clip-path"].value;
// Decimal precision for coordinates with percentage units is 2
let precision = 2;
// Round to the desired decimal precision and cast to Number to remove trailing zeroes.
newPointX = Number((newPointX * 100 / width).toFixed(precision));
newPointY = Number((newPointY * 100 / height).toFixed(precision));
let definition = await getComputedPropertyValue(selector, property, inspector);
ok(definition.includes(`${newPointX}% ${newPointY}%`),
"Point successfuly added");
await teardown({selector, property, ...config});
async function testPolygonRemovePoint(testActor, helper) {
await helper.show("#polygon", {mode: "cssClipPath"});
let { highlightedNode } = helper;
async function testPolygonRemovePoint(config) {
const {inspector, highlighters, testActor, helper} = config;
const selector = "#polygon";
const property = "clip-path";
let points = await helper.getElementAttribute("shapes-polygon", "points");
await setup({selector, property, ...config});
let points = await testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(
"shapes-polygon", "points", highlighters.highlighters[HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE]);
let [x, y] = points.split(" ")[0].split(",");
let quads = await testActor.getAllAdjustedQuads("#polygon");
let quads = await testActor.getAllAdjustedQuads(selector);
let { top, left, width, height } = quads.border[0].bounds;
let options = {
@ -113,51 +157,79 @@ async function testPolygonRemovePoint(testActor, helper) {
options: {clickCount: 2}
info("Removing first polygon point");
await testActor.synthesizeMouse(options);
await testActor.reflow();
info("Move mouse over first point in highlighter");
let onEventHandled = highlighters.once("highlighter-event-handled");
let { mouse } = helper;
await mouse.move(options.x, options.y);
await onEventHandled;
let markerHidden = await testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(
"shapes-marker-hover", "hidden", highlighters.highlighters[HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE]);
ok(!markerHidden, "Marker on highlighter is visible");
let computedStyle = await highlightedNode.getComputedStyle();
let definition = computedStyle["clip-path"].value;
info("Double click on first point in highlighter");
let onShapeChangeApplied = highlighters.once("shapes-highlighter-changes-applied");
await testActor.synthesizeMouse(options);
info("Waiting for shape changes to apply");
await onShapeChangeApplied;
let definition = await getComputedPropertyValue(selector, property, inspector);
ok(!definition.includes(`${x}% ${y}%`), "Point successfully removed");
await teardown({selector, property, ...config});
async function testCircleMoveCenter(testActor, helper) {
await helper.show("#circle", {mode: "cssClipPath"});
let { mouse, highlightedNode } = helper;
async function testCircleMoveCenter(config) {
const {inspector, highlighters, testActor, helper} = config;
const selector = "#circle";
const property = "clip-path";
let cx = parseFloat(await helper.getElementAttribute("shapes-ellipse", "cx"));
let cy = parseFloat(await helper.getElementAttribute("shapes-ellipse", "cy"));
let quads = await testActor.getAllAdjustedQuads("#circle");
await setup({selector, property, ...config});
let cx = parseFloat(await testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(
"shapes-ellipse", "cx", highlighters.highlighters[HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE]));
let cy = parseFloat(await testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(
"shapes-ellipse", "cy", highlighters.highlighters[HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE]));
let quads = await testActor.getAllAdjustedQuads(selector);
let { width, height } = quads.border[0].bounds;
let cxPixel = width * cx / 100;
let cyPixel = height * cy / 100;
let dx = width / 10;
let dy = height / 10;
let onShapeChangeApplied = highlighters.once("shapes-highlighter-changes-applied");
info("Moving circle center");
await mouse.down(cxPixel, cyPixel, "#circle");
await mouse.move(cxPixel + dx, cyPixel + dy, "#circle");
await mouse.up(cxPixel + dx, cyPixel + dy, "#circle");
let { mouse } = helper;
await mouse.down(cxPixel, cyPixel, selector);
await mouse.move(cxPixel + dx, cyPixel + dy, selector);
await mouse.up(cxPixel + dx, cyPixel + dy, selector);
await testActor.reflow();
await onShapeChangeApplied;
let computedStyle = await highlightedNode.getComputedStyle();
let definition = computedStyle["clip-path"].value;
let definition = await getComputedPropertyValue(selector, property, inspector);
ok(definition.includes(`at ${cx + 10}% ${cy + 10}%`),
"Circle center successfully moved");
await teardown({selector, property, ...config});
async function testEllipseMoveRadius(testActor, helper) {
await helper.show("#ellipse", {mode: "cssClipPath"});
let { mouse, highlightedNode } = helper;
async function testEllipseMoveRadius(config) {
const {inspector, highlighters, testActor, helper} = config;
const selector = "#ellipse";
const property = "clip-path";
let rx = parseFloat(await helper.getElementAttribute("shapes-ellipse", "rx"));
let ry = parseFloat(await helper.getElementAttribute("shapes-ellipse", "ry"));
let cx = parseFloat(await helper.getElementAttribute("shapes-ellipse", "cx"));
let cy = parseFloat(await helper.getElementAttribute("shapes-ellipse", "cy"));
await setup({selector, property, ...config});
let rx = parseFloat(await testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(
"shapes-ellipse", "rx", highlighters.highlighters[HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE]));
let ry = parseFloat(await testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(
"shapes-ellipse", "ry", highlighters.highlighters[HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE]));
let cx = parseFloat(await testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(
"shapes-ellipse", "cx", highlighters.highlighters[HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE]));
let cy = parseFloat(await testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(
"shapes-ellipse", "cy", highlighters.highlighters[HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE]));
let quads = await testActor.getAllAdjustedQuads("#ellipse");
let { width, height } = quads.content[0].bounds;
let computedStyle = await highlightedNode.getComputedStyle();
let highlightedNode = await getNodeFront(selector, inspector);
let computedStyle = await inspector.pageStyle.getComputed(highlightedNode);
let paddingTop = parseFloat(computedStyle["padding-top"].value);
let paddingLeft = parseFloat(computedStyle["padding-left"].value);
let cxPixel = paddingLeft + width * cx / 100;
@ -167,33 +239,44 @@ async function testEllipseMoveRadius(testActor, helper) {
let dx = width / 10;
let dy = height / 10;
let { mouse } = helper;
info("Moving ellipse rx");
await mouse.down(rxPixel, cyPixel, "#ellipse");
await mouse.move(rxPixel + dx, cyPixel, "#ellipse");
await mouse.up(rxPixel + dx, cyPixel, "#ellipse");
await mouse.down(rxPixel, cyPixel, selector);
await mouse.move(rxPixel + dx, cyPixel, selector);
await mouse.up(rxPixel + dx, cyPixel, selector);
await testActor.reflow();
info("Moving ellipse ry");
await mouse.down(cxPixel, ryPixel, "#ellipse");
await mouse.move(cxPixel, ryPixel - dy, "#ellipse");
await mouse.up(cxPixel, ryPixel - dy, "#ellipse");
let onShapeChangeApplied = highlighters.once("shapes-highlighter-changes-applied");
await mouse.down(cxPixel, ryPixel, selector);
await mouse.move(cxPixel, ryPixel - dy, selector);
await mouse.up(cxPixel, ryPixel - dy, selector);
await testActor.reflow();
await onShapeChangeApplied;
computedStyle = await highlightedNode.getComputedStyle();
let definition = computedStyle["clip-path"].value;
let definition = await getComputedPropertyValue(selector, property, inspector);
ok(definition.includes(`${rx + 10}% ${ry - 10}%`),
"Ellipse radiuses successfully moved");
await teardown({selector, property, ...config});
async function testInsetMoveEdges(testActor, helper) {
await helper.show("#inset", {mode: "cssClipPath"});
let { mouse, highlightedNode } = helper;
async function testInsetMoveEdges(config) {
const {inspector, highlighters, testActor, helper} = config;
const selector = "#inset";
const property = "clip-path";
let x = parseFloat(await helper.getElementAttribute("shapes-rect", "x"));
let y = parseFloat(await helper.getElementAttribute("shapes-rect", "y"));
let width = parseFloat(await helper.getElementAttribute("shapes-rect", "width"));
let height = parseFloat(await helper.getElementAttribute("shapes-rect", "height"));
let quads = await testActor.getAllAdjustedQuads("#inset");
await setup({selector, property, ...config});
let x = parseFloat(await testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(
"shapes-rect", "x", highlighters.highlighters[HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE]));
let y = parseFloat(await testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(
"shapes-rect", "y", highlighters.highlighters[HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE]));
let width = parseFloat(await testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(
"shapes-rect", "width", highlighters.highlighters[HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE]));
let height = parseFloat(await testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(
"shapes-rect", "height", highlighters.highlighters[HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE]));
let quads = await testActor.getAllAdjustedQuads(selector);
let { width: elemWidth, height: elemHeight } = quads.content[0].bounds;
let left = elemWidth * x / 100;
@ -204,34 +287,38 @@ async function testInsetMoveEdges(testActor, helper) {
let yCenter = (top + bottom) / 2;
let dx = elemWidth / 10;
let dy = elemHeight / 10;
let { mouse } = helper;
info("Moving inset top");
await mouse.down(xCenter, top, "#inset");
await mouse.move(xCenter, top + dy, "#inset");
await mouse.up(xCenter, top + dy, "#inset");
await mouse.down(xCenter, top, selector);
await mouse.move(xCenter, top + dy, selector);
await mouse.up(xCenter, top + dy, selector);
await testActor.reflow();
info("Moving inset bottom");
await mouse.down(xCenter, bottom, "#inset");
await mouse.move(xCenter, bottom + dy, "#inset");
await mouse.up(xCenter, bottom + dy, "#inset");
await mouse.down(xCenter, bottom, selector);
await mouse.move(xCenter, bottom + dy, selector);
await mouse.up(xCenter, bottom + dy, selector);
await testActor.reflow();
info("Moving inset left");
await mouse.down(left, yCenter, "#inset");
await mouse.move(left + dx, yCenter, "#inset");
await mouse.up(left + dx, yCenter, "#inset");
await mouse.down(left, yCenter, selector);
await mouse.move(left + dx, yCenter, selector);
await mouse.up(left + dx, yCenter, selector);
await testActor.reflow();
info("Moving inset right");
await mouse.down(right, yCenter, "#inset");
await mouse.move(right + dx, yCenter, "#inset");
await mouse.up(right + dx, yCenter, "#inset");
let onShapeChangeApplied = highlighters.once("shapes-highlighter-changes-applied");
await mouse.down(right, yCenter, selector);
await mouse.move(right + dx, yCenter, selector);
await mouse.up(right + dx, yCenter, selector);
await testActor.reflow();
await onShapeChangeApplied;
let computedStyle = await highlightedNode.getComputedStyle();
let definition = computedStyle["clip-path"].value;
let definition = await getComputedPropertyValue(selector, property, inspector);
`${top + dy}px ${elemWidth - right - dx}px ${100 - y - height - 10}% ${x + 10}%`),
"Inset edges successfully moved");
await teardown({selector, property, ...config});
@ -7,26 +7,44 @@
// Test hovering over shape points in the rule-view and shapes highlighter.
const TEST_URL = URL_ROOT + "doc_inspector_highlighter_cssshapes.html";
const HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE = "ShapesHighlighter";
const CSS_SHAPES_ENABLED_PREF = "devtools.inspector.shapesHighlighter.enabled";
add_task(async function() {
await pushPref(CSS_SHAPES_ENABLED_PREF, true);
let env = await openInspectorForURL(TEST_URL);
let helper = await getHighlighterHelperFor(HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE)(env);
let { testActor, inspector } = env;
let view = selectRuleView(inspector);
let highlighters = view.highlighters;
let config = { inspector, view, highlighters, testActor, helper };
await highlightFromRuleView(inspector, view, highlighters, testActor);
await highlightFromHighlighter(view, highlighters, testActor, helper);
await highlightFromRuleView(config);
await highlightFromHighlighter(config);
async function highlightFromRuleView(inspector, view, highlighters, testActor) {
await selectNode("#polygon", inspector);
await toggleShapesHighlighter(view, highlighters, "#polygon", "clip-path", true);
let container = getRuleViewProperty(view, "#polygon", "clip-path").valueSpan;
async function setup(config) {
const { view, selector, property, inspector } = config;
info(`Turn on shapes highlighter for ${selector}`);
await selectNode(selector, inspector);
await toggleShapesHighlighter(view, selector, property, true);
async function teardown(config) {
const { view, selector, property } = config;
info(`Turn off shapes highlighter for ${selector}`);
await toggleShapesHighlighter(view, selector, property, false);
* Test that points hovered in the rule view will highlight corresponding points
* in the shapes highlighter on the page.
async function highlightFromRuleView(config) {
const { view, highlighters, testActor } = config;
const selector = "#polygon";
const property = "clip-path";
await setup({ selector, property, ...config });
let container = getRuleViewProperty(view, selector, property).valueSpan;
let shapesToggle = container.querySelector(".ruleview-shapeswatch");
let highlighterFront = highlighters.highlighters[HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE];
@ -40,10 +58,7 @@ async function highlightFromRuleView(inspector, view, highlighters, testActor) {
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(pointSpan, {type: "mousemove"}, view.styleWindow);
await onHighlighterShown;
ok(pointSpan.classList.contains("active"), "Hovered span is active");
is(highlighters.state.shapes.options.hoverPoint, "0",
"Hovered point is saved to state");
info("Point in shapes highlighter is marked when same point in rule view is hovered");
markerHidden = await testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(
"shapes-marker-hover", "hidden", highlighterFront);
ok(!markerHidden, "Marker on highlighter is visible");
@ -53,23 +68,27 @@ async function highlightFromRuleView(inspector, view, highlighters, testActor) {
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(shapesToggle, {type: "mousemove"}, view.styleWindow);
await onHighlighterShown;
ok(!pointSpan.classList.contains("active"), "Hovered span is no longer active");
is(highlighters.state.shapes.options.hoverPoint, null, "Hovered point is null");
markerHidden = await testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(
"shapes-marker-hover", "hidden", highlighterFront);
ok(markerHidden, "Marker on highlighter is not visible");
info("Hide shapes highlighter");
await toggleShapesHighlighter(view, highlighters, "#polygon", "clip-path", false);
await teardown({selector, property, ...config});
async function highlightFromHighlighter(view, highlighters, testActor, helper) {
* Test that points hovered in the shapes highlighter on the page will highlight
* corresponding points in the rule view.
async function highlightFromHighlighter(config) {
const { view, highlighters, testActor, helper } = config;
const selector = "#polygon";
const property = "clip-path";
await setup({ selector, property, ...config });
let highlighterFront = highlighters.highlighters[HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE];
let { mouse } = helper;
await toggleShapesHighlighter(view, highlighters, "#polygon", "clip-path", true);
let container = getRuleViewProperty(view, "#polygon", "clip-path").valueSpan;
let container = getRuleViewProperty(view, selector, property).valueSpan;
info("Hover over first point in highlighter");
let onEventHandled = highlighters.once("highlighter-event-handled");
@ -79,24 +98,9 @@ async function highlightFromHighlighter(view, highlighters, testActor, helper) {
"shapes-marker-hover", "hidden", highlighterFront);
ok(!markerHidden, "Marker on highlighter is visible");
info("Point in rule view is marked when same point in shapes highlighter is hovered");
let pointSpan = container.querySelector(".ruleview-shape-point[data-point='0']");
ok(pointSpan.classList.contains("active"), "Span for point 0 is active");
is(highlighters.state.shapes.hoverPoint, "0", "Hovered point is saved to state");
info("Check that point is still highlighted after moving it");
await mouse.down(0, 0);
await mouse.move(10, 10);
await mouse.up(10, 10);
markerHidden = await testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(
"shapes-marker-hover", "hidden", highlighterFront);
ok(!markerHidden, "Marker on highlighter is visible after moving point");
container = getRuleViewProperty(view, "element", "clip-path").valueSpan;
pointSpan = container.querySelector(".ruleview-shape-point[data-point='0']");
"Span for point 0 is active after moving point");
is(highlighters.state.shapes.hoverPoint, "0",
"Hovered point is saved to state after moving point");
info("Move mouse off point");
onEventHandled = highlighters.once("highlighter-event-handled");
@ -106,5 +110,6 @@ async function highlightFromHighlighter(view, highlighters, testActor, helper) {
"shapes-marker-hover", "hidden", highlighterFront);
ok(markerHidden, "Marker on highlighter is no longer visible");
ok(!pointSpan.classList.contains("active"), "Span for point 0 is no longer active");
is(highlighters.state.shapes.hoverPoint, null, "Hovered point is null");
await teardown({ selector, property, ...config });
@ -8,135 +8,173 @@
const TEST_URL = URL_ROOT + "doc_inspector_highlighter_cssshapes.html";
const HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE = "ShapesHighlighter";
const SHAPE_IDS = ["#polygon-transform", "#circle", "#ellipse", "#inset"];
const SHAPE_SELECTORS = ["#polygon-transform", "#circle", "#ellipse", "#inset"];
add_task(async function() {
let inspector = await openInspectorForURL(TEST_URL);
let helper = await getHighlighterHelperFor(HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE)(inspector);
let {testActor} = inspector;
let env = await openInspectorForURL(TEST_URL);
let helper = await getHighlighterHelperFor(HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE)(env);
let {testActor, inspector} = env;
let view = selectRuleView(inspector);
let highlighters = view.highlighters;
let config = { inspector, view, highlighters, testActor, helper };
await testTranslate(testActor, helper);
await testScale(testActor, helper);
await testTranslate(config);
await testScale(config);
async function testTranslate(testActor, helper) {
for (let shape of SHAPE_IDS) {
info(`Displaying ${shape}`);
await helper.show(shape, {mode: "cssClipPath", transformMode: true});
async function setup(config) {
const { inspector, view, selector, property, options } = config;
await selectNode(selector, inspector);
await toggleShapesHighlighter(view, selector, property, true, options);
async function teardown(config) {
const { view, selector, property } = config;
info(`Turn off shapes highlighter for ${selector}`);
await toggleShapesHighlighter(view, selector, property, false);
async function testTranslate(config) {
const { testActor, helper, highlighters } = config;
const options = { transformMode: true };
const property = "clip-path";
for (let selector of SHAPE_SELECTORS) {
await setup({selector, property, options, ...config});
let { mouse } = helper;
let { center, width, height } = await getBoundingBoxInPx(testActor, helper, shape);
let { center, width, height } = await getBoundingBoxInPx({selector, ...config});
let [x, y] = center;
let dx = width / 10;
let dy = height / 10;
let onShapeChangeApplied;
info(`Translating ${shape}`);
await mouse.down(x, y, shape);
await mouse.move(x + dx, y + dy, shape);
await mouse.up(x + dx, y + dy, shape);
info(`Translating ${selector}`);
onShapeChangeApplied = highlighters.once("shapes-highlighter-changes-applied");
await mouse.down(x, y, selector);
await mouse.move(x + dx, y + dy, selector);
await mouse.up(x + dx, y + dy, selector);
await onShapeChangeApplied;
let newBB = await getBoundingBoxInPx({selector, ...config});
isnot(newBB.center[0], x, `${selector} translated on y axis`);
isnot(newBB.center[1], y, `${selector} translated on x axis`);
info(`Translating ${selector} back`);
onShapeChangeApplied = highlighters.once("shapes-highlighter-changes-applied");
await mouse.down(x + dx, y + dy, selector);
await mouse.move(x, y, selector);
await mouse.up(x, y, selector);
await testActor.reflow();
await onShapeChangeApplied;
let newBB = await getBoundingBoxInPx(testActor, helper);
isnot(newBB.center[0], x, `${shape} translated on y axis`);
isnot(newBB.center[1], y, `${shape} translated on x axis`);
newBB = await getBoundingBoxInPx({selector, ...config});
is(newBB.center[0], x, `${selector} translated back on x axis`);
is(newBB.center[1], y, `${selector} translated back on y axis`);
info(`Translating ${shape} back`);
await mouse.down(x + dx, y + dy, shape);
await mouse.move(x, y, shape);
await mouse.up(x, y, shape);
await testActor.reflow();
newBB = await getBoundingBoxInPx(testActor, helper, shape);
is(newBB.center[0], x, `${shape} translated back on x axis`);
is(newBB.center[1], y, `${shape} translated back on y axis`);
await teardown({selector, property, ...config});
async function testScale(testActor, helper) {
for (let shape of SHAPE_IDS) {
info(`Displaying ${shape}`);
await helper.show(shape, {mode: "cssClipPath", transformMode: true});
async function testScale(config) {
const { testActor, helper, highlighters } = config;
const options = { transformMode: true };
const property = "clip-path";
for (let selector of SHAPE_SELECTORS) {
await setup({selector, property, options, ...config});
let { mouse } = helper;
let { nw, width,
height, center } = await getBoundingBoxInPx(testActor, helper, shape);
height, center } = await getBoundingBoxInPx({selector, ...config});
// if the top or left edges are not visible, move the shape so it is.
if (nw[0] < 0 || nw[1] < 0) {
let [x, y] = center;
let dx = Math.max(0, -nw[0]);
let dy = Math.max(0, -nw[1]);
await mouse.down(x, y, shape);
await mouse.move(x + dx, y + dy, shape);
await mouse.up(x + dx, y + dy, shape);
await mouse.down(x, y, selector);
await mouse.move(x + dx, y + dy, selector);
await mouse.up(x + dx, y + dy, selector);
await testActor.reflow();
nw[0] += dx;
nw[1] += dy;
let dx = width / 10;
let dy = height / 10;
let onShapeChangeApplied;
info("Scaling from nw");
await mouse.down(nw[0], nw[1], shape);
await mouse.move(nw[0] + dx, nw[1] + dy, shape);
await mouse.up(nw[0] + dx, nw[1] + dy, shape);
onShapeChangeApplied = highlighters.once("shapes-highlighter-changes-applied");
await mouse.down(nw[0], nw[1], selector);
await mouse.move(nw[0] + dx, nw[1] + dy, selector);
await mouse.up(nw[0] + dx, nw[1] + dy, selector);
await testActor.reflow();
await onShapeChangeApplied;
let nwBB = await getBoundingBoxInPx(testActor, helper, shape);
isnot(nwBB.nw[0], nw[0], `${shape} nw moved right after nw scale`);
isnot(nwBB.nw[1], nw[1], `${shape} nw moved down after nw scale`);
isnot(nwBB.width, width, `${shape} width reduced after nw scale`);
isnot(nwBB.height, height, `${shape} height reduced after nw scale`);
let nwBB = await getBoundingBoxInPx({selector, ...config});
isnot(nwBB.nw[0], nw[0], `${selector} nw moved right after nw scale`);
isnot(nwBB.nw[1], nw[1], `${selector} nw moved down after nw scale`);
isnot(nwBB.width, width, `${selector} width reduced after nw scale`);
isnot(nwBB.height, height, `${selector} height reduced after nw scale`);
info("Scaling from ne");
await mouse.down(nwBB.ne[0], nwBB.ne[1], shape);
await mouse.move(nwBB.ne[0] - dx, nwBB.ne[1] + dy, shape);
await mouse.up(nwBB.ne[0] - dx, nwBB.ne[1] + dy, shape);
onShapeChangeApplied = highlighters.once("shapes-highlighter-changes-applied");
await mouse.down(nwBB.ne[0], nwBB.ne[1], selector);
await mouse.move(nwBB.ne[0] - dx, nwBB.ne[1] + dy, selector);
await mouse.up(nwBB.ne[0] - dx, nwBB.ne[1] + dy, selector);
await testActor.reflow();
await onShapeChangeApplied;
let neBB = await getBoundingBoxInPx(testActor, helper, shape);
isnot(neBB.ne[0], nwBB.ne[0], `${shape} ne moved right after ne scale`);
isnot(neBB.ne[1], nwBB.ne[1], `${shape} ne moved down after ne scale`);
isnot(neBB.width, nwBB.width, `${shape} width reduced after ne scale`);
isnot(neBB.height, nwBB.height, `${shape} height reduced after ne scale`);
let neBB = await getBoundingBoxInPx({selector, ...config});
isnot(neBB.ne[0], nwBB.ne[0], `${selector} ne moved right after ne scale`);
isnot(neBB.ne[1], nwBB.ne[1], `${selector} ne moved down after ne scale`);
isnot(neBB.width, nwBB.width, `${selector} width reduced after ne scale`);
isnot(neBB.height, nwBB.height, `${selector} height reduced after ne scale`);
info("Scaling from sw");
await mouse.down(neBB.sw[0], neBB.sw[1], shape);
await mouse.move(neBB.sw[0] + dx, neBB.sw[1] - dy, shape);
await mouse.up(neBB.sw[0] + dx, neBB.sw[1] - dy, shape);
onShapeChangeApplied = highlighters.once("shapes-highlighter-changes-applied");
await mouse.down(neBB.sw[0], neBB.sw[1], selector);
await mouse.move(neBB.sw[0] + dx, neBB.sw[1] - dy, selector);
await mouse.up(neBB.sw[0] + dx, neBB.sw[1] - dy, selector);
await testActor.reflow();
await onShapeChangeApplied;
let swBB = await getBoundingBoxInPx(testActor, helper, shape);
isnot(swBB.sw[0], neBB.sw[0], `${shape} sw moved right after sw scale`);
isnot(swBB.sw[1], neBB.sw[1], `${shape} sw moved down after sw scale`);
isnot(swBB.width, neBB.width, `${shape} width reduced after sw scale`);
isnot(swBB.height, neBB.height, `${shape} height reduced after sw scale`);
let swBB = await getBoundingBoxInPx({selector, ...config});
isnot(swBB.sw[0], neBB.sw[0], `${selector} sw moved right after sw scale`);
isnot(swBB.sw[1], neBB.sw[1], `${selector} sw moved down after sw scale`);
isnot(swBB.width, neBB.width, `${selector} width reduced after sw scale`);
isnot(swBB.height, neBB.height, `${selector} height reduced after sw scale`);
info("Scaling from se");
await mouse.down(swBB.se[0], swBB.se[1], shape);
await mouse.move(swBB.se[0] - dx, swBB.se[1] - dy, shape);
await mouse.up(swBB.se[0] - dx, swBB.se[1] - dy, shape);
onShapeChangeApplied = highlighters.once("shapes-highlighter-changes-applied");
await mouse.down(swBB.se[0], swBB.se[1], selector);
await mouse.move(swBB.se[0] - dx, swBB.se[1] - dy, selector);
await mouse.up(swBB.se[0] - dx, swBB.se[1] - dy, selector);
await testActor.reflow();
await onShapeChangeApplied;
let seBB = await getBoundingBoxInPx(testActor, helper, shape);
isnot(seBB.se[0], swBB.se[0], `${shape} se moved right after se scale`);
isnot(seBB.se[1], swBB.se[1], `${shape} se moved down after se scale`);
isnot(seBB.width, swBB.width, `${shape} width reduced after se scale`);
isnot(seBB.height, swBB.height, `${shape} height reduced after se scale`);
let seBB = await getBoundingBoxInPx({selector, ...config});
isnot(seBB.se[0], swBB.se[0], `${selector} se moved right after se scale`);
isnot(seBB.se[1], swBB.se[1], `${selector} se moved down after se scale`);
isnot(seBB.width, swBB.width, `${selector} width reduced after se scale`);
isnot(seBB.height, swBB.height, `${selector} height reduced after se scale`);
await teardown({selector, property, ...config});
async function getBoundingBoxInPx(testActor, helper, shape = "#polygon") {
let quads = await testActor.getAllAdjustedQuads(shape);
async function getBoundingBoxInPx(config) {
const { testActor, selector, inspector, highlighters } = config;
let quads = await testActor.getAllAdjustedQuads(selector);
let { width, height } = quads.content[0].bounds;
let computedStyle = await helper.highlightedNode.getComputedStyle();
let highlightedNode = await getNodeFront(selector, inspector);
let computedStyle = await inspector.pageStyle.getComputed(highlightedNode);
let paddingTop = parseFloat(computedStyle["padding-top"].value);
let paddingLeft = parseFloat(computedStyle["padding-left"].value);
// path is always of form "Mx y Lx y Lx y Lx y Z", where x/y are numbers
let path = await helper.getElementAttribute("shapes-bounding-box", "d");
let path = await testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(
"shapes-bounding-box", "d", highlighters.highlighters[HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE]);
let coords = path.replace(/[MLZ]/g, "").split(" ").map((n, i) => {
return i % 2 === 0 ? paddingLeft + width * n / 100 : paddingTop + height * n / 100;
@ -8,101 +8,130 @@
const TEST_URL = URL_ROOT + "doc_inspector_highlighter_cssshapes.html";
const HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE = "ShapesHighlighter";
const SHAPE_IDS = ["#polygon-transform", "#ellipse"];
const SHAPE_SELECTORS = ["#polygon-transform", "#ellipse"];
add_task(async function() {
let inspector = await openInspectorForURL(TEST_URL);
let helper = await getHighlighterHelperFor(HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE)(inspector);
let {testActor} = inspector;
let env = await openInspectorForURL(TEST_URL);
let helper = await getHighlighterHelperFor(HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE)(env);
let {testActor, inspector} = env;
let view = selectRuleView(inspector);
let highlighters = view.highlighters;
let config = { inspector, view, highlighters, testActor, helper };
await testOneDimScale(testActor, helper);
await testOneDimScale(config);
async function testOneDimScale(testActor, helper) {
for (let shape of SHAPE_IDS) {
info(`Displaying ${shape}`);
await helper.show(shape, {mode: "cssClipPath", transformMode: true});
async function setup(config) {
const { inspector, view, selector, property, options } = config;
await selectNode(selector, inspector);
await toggleShapesHighlighter(view, selector, property, true, options);
async function teardown(config) {
const { view, selector, property } = config;
info(`Turn off shapes highlighter for ${selector}`);
await toggleShapesHighlighter(view, selector, property, false);
async function testOneDimScale(config) {
const { testActor, helper, highlighters } = config;
const options = { transformMode: true };
const property = "clip-path";
for (let selector of SHAPE_SELECTORS) {
await setup({selector, property, options, ...config});
let { mouse } = helper;
let { nw, width,
height, center } = await getBoundingBoxInPx(testActor, helper, shape);
height, center } = await getBoundingBoxInPx({selector, ...config});
// if the top or left edges are not visible, move the shape so it is.
if (nw[0] < 0 || nw[1] < 0) {
let [x, y] = center;
let dx = Math.max(0, -nw[0]);
let dy = Math.max(0, -nw[1]);
await mouse.down(x, y, shape);
await mouse.move(x + dx, y + dy, shape);
await mouse.up(x + dx, y + dy, shape);
await mouse.down(x, y, selector);
await mouse.move(x + dx, y + dy, selector);
await mouse.up(x + dx, y + dy, selector);
await testActor.reflow();
nw[0] += dx;
nw[1] += dy;
let dx = width / 10;
let dy = height / 10;
let onShapeChangeApplied;
info("Scaling from w");
await mouse.down(nw[0], center[1], shape);
await mouse.move(nw[0] + dx, center[1], shape);
await mouse.up(nw[0] + dx, center[1], shape);
onShapeChangeApplied = highlighters.once("shapes-highlighter-changes-applied");
await mouse.down(nw[0], center[1], selector);
await mouse.move(nw[0] + dx, center[1], selector);
await mouse.up(nw[0] + dx, center[1], selector);
await testActor.reflow();
await onShapeChangeApplied;
let wBB = await getBoundingBoxInPx(testActor, helper, shape);
isnot(wBB.nw[0], nw[0], `${shape} nw moved right after w scale`);
is(wBB.nw[1], nw[1], `${shape} nw not moved down after w scale`);
isnot(wBB.width, width, `${shape} width reduced after w scale`);
is(wBB.height, height, `${shape} height not reduced after w scale`);
let wBB = await getBoundingBoxInPx({selector, ...config});
isnot(wBB.nw[0], nw[0], `${selector} nw moved right after w scale`);
is(wBB.nw[1], nw[1], `${selector} nw not moved down after w scale`);
isnot(wBB.width, width, `${selector} width reduced after w scale`);
is(wBB.height, height, `${selector} height not reduced after w scale`);
info("Scaling from e");
await mouse.down(wBB.ne[0], center[1], shape);
await mouse.move(wBB.ne[0] - dx, center[1], shape);
await mouse.up(wBB.ne[0] - dx, center[1], shape);
onShapeChangeApplied = highlighters.once("shapes-highlighter-changes-applied");
await mouse.down(wBB.ne[0], center[1], selector);
await mouse.move(wBB.ne[0] - dx, center[1], selector);
await mouse.up(wBB.ne[0] - dx, center[1], selector);
await testActor.reflow();
await onShapeChangeApplied;
let eBB = await getBoundingBoxInPx(testActor, helper, shape);
isnot(eBB.ne[0], wBB.ne[0], `${shape} ne moved left after e scale`);
is(eBB.ne[1], wBB.ne[1], `${shape} ne not moved down after e scale`);
isnot(eBB.width, wBB.width, `${shape} width reduced after e scale`);
is(eBB.height, wBB.height, `${shape} height not reduced after e scale`);
let eBB = await getBoundingBoxInPx({selector, ...config});
isnot(eBB.ne[0], wBB.ne[0], `${selector} ne moved left after e scale`);
is(eBB.ne[1], wBB.ne[1], `${selector} ne not moved down after e scale`);
isnot(eBB.width, wBB.width, `${selector} width reduced after e scale`);
is(eBB.height, wBB.height, `${selector} height not reduced after e scale`);
info("Scaling from s");
await mouse.down(eBB.center[0], eBB.sw[1], shape);
await mouse.move(eBB.center[0], eBB.sw[1] - dy, shape);
await mouse.up(eBB.center[0], eBB.sw[1] - dy, shape);
onShapeChangeApplied = highlighters.once("shapes-highlighter-changes-applied");
await mouse.down(eBB.center[0], eBB.sw[1], selector);
await mouse.move(eBB.center[0], eBB.sw[1] - dy, selector);
await mouse.up(eBB.center[0], eBB.sw[1] - dy, selector);
await testActor.reflow();
await onShapeChangeApplied;
let sBB = await getBoundingBoxInPx(testActor, helper, shape);
is(sBB.sw[0], eBB.sw[0], `${shape} sw not moved right after w scale`);
isnot(sBB.sw[1], eBB.sw[1], `${shape} sw moved down after w scale`);
is(sBB.width, eBB.width, `${shape} width not reduced after w scale`);
isnot(sBB.height, eBB.height, `${shape} height reduced after w scale`);
let sBB = await getBoundingBoxInPx({selector, ...config});
is(sBB.sw[0], eBB.sw[0], `${selector} sw not moved right after w scale`);
isnot(sBB.sw[1], eBB.sw[1], `${selector} sw moved down after w scale`);
is(sBB.width, eBB.width, `${selector} width not reduced after w scale`);
isnot(sBB.height, eBB.height, `${selector} height reduced after w scale`);
info("Scaling from n");
await mouse.down(sBB.center[0], sBB.nw[1], shape);
await mouse.move(sBB.center[0], sBB.nw[1] + dy, shape);
await mouse.up(sBB.center[0], sBB.nw[1] + dy, shape);
onShapeChangeApplied = highlighters.once("shapes-highlighter-changes-applied");
await mouse.down(sBB.center[0], sBB.nw[1], selector);
await mouse.move(sBB.center[0], sBB.nw[1] + dy, selector);
await mouse.up(sBB.center[0], sBB.nw[1] + dy, selector);
await testActor.reflow();
await onShapeChangeApplied;
let nBB = await getBoundingBoxInPx(testActor, helper, shape);
is(nBB.nw[0], sBB.nw[0], `${shape} nw not moved right after n scale`);
isnot(nBB.nw[1], sBB.nw[1], `${shape} nw moved down after n scale`);
is(nBB.width, sBB.width, `${shape} width reduced after n scale`);
isnot(nBB.height, sBB.height, `${shape} height not reduced after n scale`);
let nBB = await getBoundingBoxInPx({selector, ...config});
is(nBB.nw[0], sBB.nw[0], `${selector} nw not moved right after n scale`);
isnot(nBB.nw[1], sBB.nw[1], `${selector} nw moved down after n scale`);
is(nBB.width, sBB.width, `${selector} width reduced after n scale`);
isnot(nBB.height, sBB.height, `${selector} height not reduced after n scale`);
await teardown({selector, property, ...config});
async function getBoundingBoxInPx(testActor, helper, shape = "#polygon") {
let quads = await testActor.getAllAdjustedQuads(shape);
async function getBoundingBoxInPx(config) {
const { testActor, selector, inspector, highlighters } = config;
let quads = await testActor.getAllAdjustedQuads(selector);
let { width, height } = quads.content[0].bounds;
let computedStyle = await helper.highlightedNode.getComputedStyle();
let highlightedNode = await getNodeFront(selector, inspector);
let computedStyle = await inspector.pageStyle.getComputed(highlightedNode);
let paddingTop = parseFloat(computedStyle["padding-top"].value);
let paddingLeft = parseFloat(computedStyle["padding-left"].value);
// path is always of form "Mx y Lx y Lx y Lx y Z", where x/y are numbers
let path = await helper.getElementAttribute("shapes-bounding-box", "d");
let path = await testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(
"shapes-bounding-box", "d", highlighters.highlighters[HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE]);
let coords = path.replace(/[MLZ]/g, "").split(" ").map((n, i) => {
return i % 2 === 0 ? paddingLeft + width * n / 100 : paddingTop + height * n / 100;
@ -10,37 +10,50 @@ const TEST_URL = URL_ROOT + "doc_inspector_highlighter_cssshapes_iframe.html";
const HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE = "ShapesHighlighter";
add_task(async function() {
let inspector = await openInspectorForURL(TEST_URL);
let helper = await getHighlighterHelperFor(HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE)(inspector);
let {testActor} = inspector;
let env = await openInspectorForURL(TEST_URL);
let helper = await getHighlighterHelperFor(HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE)(env);
let {testActor, inspector} = env;
let view = selectRuleView(inspector);
let highlighters = view.highlighters;
let config = {inspector, view, highlighters, testActor, helper};
await testPolygonIframeMovePoint(testActor, helper);
await helper.finalize();
await testPolygonIframeMovePoint(config);
async function testPolygonIframeMovePoint(testActor, helper) {
info("Displaying polygon");
await helper.show("#polygon", {mode: "cssClipPath"}, "#frame");
let { mouse, highlightedNode } = helper;
async function testPolygonIframeMovePoint(config) {
const { inspector, view, testActor, helper } = config;
const selector = "#polygon";
const property = "clip-path";
info(`Turn on shapes highlighter for ${selector}`);
// Get a reference to the highlighter's target node inside the iframe.
let highlightedNode = await getNodeFrontInFrame(selector, "#frame", inspector);
// Select the nested node so toggling of the shapes highlighter works from the rule view
await selectNode(highlightedNode, inspector);
await toggleShapesHighlighter(view, selector, property, true);
let { mouse } = helper;
let onRuleViewChanged = view.once("ruleview-changed");
info("Moving polygon point visible in iframe");
await mouse.down(10, 10);
await mouse.move(20, 20);
await mouse.up();
await testActor.reflow();
await onRuleViewChanged;
let computedStyle = await highlightedNode.getComputedStyle();
let computedStyle = await inspector.pageStyle.getComputed(highlightedNode);
let definition = computedStyle["clip-path"].value;
ok(definition.includes("10px 10px"), "Point moved to 10px 10px");
onRuleViewChanged = view.once("ruleview-changed");
info("Moving polygon point not visible in iframe");
await mouse.down(110, 410);
await mouse.move(120, 420);
await mouse.up();
await testActor.reflow();
await onRuleViewChanged;
computedStyle = await highlightedNode.getComputedStyle();
computedStyle = await inspector.pageStyle.getComputed(highlightedNode);
definition = computedStyle["clip-path"].value;
ok(definition.includes("110px 51.25%"), "Point moved to 110px 51.25%");
@ -795,26 +795,34 @@ async function getDisplayedNodeTextContent(selector, inspector) {
* @param {CssRuleView} view
* The instance of the rule-view panel
* @param {Object} highlighters
* The highlighters instance of the rule-view panel
* @param {String} selector
* The selector in the rule-view to look for the property in
* @param {String} property
* The name of the property
* @param {Boolean} show
* If true, the shapes highlighter is being shown. If false, it is being hidden
* @param {Options} options
* Config option for the shapes highlighter. Contains:
* - {Boolean} transformMode: wether to show the highlighter in transforms mode
async function toggleShapesHighlighter(view, highlighters, selector, property, show) {
info("Toggle shapes highlighter");
let container = getRuleViewProperty(view, selector, property).valueSpan;
let shapesToggle = container.querySelector(".ruleview-shapeswatch");
async function toggleShapesHighlighter(view, selector, property, show, options = {}) {
info(`Toggle shapes highlighter ${show ? "on" : "off"} for ${property} on ${selector}`);
const highlighters = view.highlighters;
const container = getRuleViewProperty(view, selector, property).valueSpan;
const shapesToggle = container.querySelector(".ruleview-shapeswatch");
let metaKey = options.transformMode;
let ctrlKey = options.transformMode;
if (show) {
let onHighlighterShown = highlighters.once("shapes-highlighter-shown");
EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({type: "click", metaKey, ctrlKey },
shapesToggle, view.styleWindow);
await onHighlighterShown;
} else {
let onHighlighterHidden = highlighters.once("shapes-highlighter-hidden");
EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({type: "click", metaKey, ctrlKey },
shapesToggle, view.styleWindow);
await onHighlighterHidden;
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