servo: Merge #13972 - ImageMaps: Implemented support for parsing coord attribute to a shape… (from shravan-achar:master); r=Manishearth,emilio,jdm

<!-- Please describe your changes on the following line: -->

Image Maps: (Part 1) Implemented support for parsing coord attribute to a shape object.
                       Implemented a hit_test method to see if a point is within the area. Tests for constructors                      and hit_test included


<!-- Thank you for contributing to Servo! Please replace each `[ ]` by `[X]` when the step is complete, and replace `__` with appropriate data: -->
- [ ] `./mach build -d` does not report any errors
- [ ] `./mach test-tidy` does not report any errors
- [ ] These changes fix #__ (github issue number if applicable).

<!-- Either: -->
- [ ] There are tests for these changes OR
- [ ] These changes do not require tests because _____

<!-- Pull requests that do not address these steps are welcome, but they will require additional verification as part of the review process. -->

… object in HTMLAreaElement

Source-Revision: f6940f686cce249626e4fe32cc0fe5e0dcd40dd6
This commit is contained in:
Manish Goregaokar 2017-01-11 12:25:46 -08:00
Родитель c4c86ad9c1
Коммит f2812e688c
8 изменённых файлов: 466 добавлений и 2 удалений

servo/Cargo.lock сгенерированный
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@ -2364,6 +2364,7 @@ dependencies = [
name = "script_tests"
version = "0.0.1"
dependencies = [
"euclid 0.10.3 (registry+",
"msg 0.0.1",
"plugins 0.0.1",
"script 0.0.1",

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@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ fn is_current_browsing_context(target: DOMString) -> bool {
fn follow_hyperlink(subject: &Element, hyperlink_suffix: Option<String>, referrer_policy: Option<ReferrerPolicy>) {
pub fn follow_hyperlink(subject: &Element, hyperlink_suffix: Option<String>, referrer_policy: Option<ReferrerPolicy>) {
// Step 1: replace.
// Step 2: source browsing context.
// Step 3: target browsing context.

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@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use dom::activation::Activatable;
use dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::DOMTokenListBinding::DOMTokenListMethods;
use dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::HTMLAreaElementBinding;
use dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::HTMLAreaElementBinding::HTMLAreaElementMethods;
use dom::bindings::inheritance::Castable;
@ -9,13 +11,208 @@ use dom::bindings::js::{MutNullableJS, Root};
use dom::bindings::str::DOMString;
use dom::document::Document;
use dom::domtokenlist::DOMTokenList;
use dom::element::Element;
use dom::event::Event;
use dom::eventtarget::EventTarget;
use dom::htmlanchorelement::follow_hyperlink;
use dom::htmlelement::HTMLElement;
use dom::node::Node;
use dom::node::{Node, document_from_node};
use dom::virtualmethods::VirtualMethods;
use euclid::point::Point2D;
use html5ever_atoms::LocalName;
use net_traits::ReferrerPolicy;
use std::default::Default;
use std::f32;
use style::attr::AttrValue;
pub enum Area {
Circle { left: f32, top: f32, radius: f32 },
Rectangle { top_left: (f32, f32), bottom_right: (f32, f32) },
Polygon { points: Vec<f32> },
pub enum Shape {
impl Area {
pub fn parse(coord: &str, target: Shape) -> Option<Area> {
let points_count = match target {
Shape::Circle => 3,
Shape::Rectangle => 4,
Shape::Polygon => 0,
let size = coord.len();
let num = coord.as_bytes();
let mut index = 0;
// Step 4: Walk till char is not a delimiter
while index < size {
let val = num[index];
match val {
b',' | b';' | b' ' | b'\t' | b'\n' | 0x0C | b'\r' => {},
_ => break,
index += 1;
//This vector will hold all parsed coordinates
let mut number_list = Vec::new();
let mut array = Vec::new();
let ar_ref = &mut array;
// Step 5: walk till end of string
while index < size {
// Step 5.1: walk till we hit a valid char i.e., 0 to 9, dot or dash, e, E
while index < size {
let val = num[index];
match val {
b'0'...b'9' | b'.' | b'-' | b'E' | b'e' => break,
_ => {},
index += 1;
// Step 5.2: collect valid symbols till we hit another delimiter
while index < size {
let val = num[index];
match val {
b',' | b';' | b' ' | b'\t' | b'\n' | 0x0C | b'\r' => break,
_ => (*ar_ref).push(val),
index += 1;
// The input does not consist any valid charecters
if (*ar_ref).is_empty() {
// Convert String to float
match String::from_utf8((*ar_ref).clone()).unwrap().parse::<f32>() {
Ok(v) => number_list.push(v),
Err(_) => number_list.push(0.0),
// For rectangle and circle, stop parsing once we have three
// and four coordinates respectively
if points_count > 0 && number_list.len() == points_count {
let final_size = number_list.len();
match target {
Shape::Circle => {
if final_size == 3 {
if number_list[2] <= 0.0 {
} else {
Some(Area::Circle {
left: number_list[0],
top: number_list[1],
radius: number_list[2]
} else {
Shape::Rectangle => {
if final_size == 4 {
if number_list[0] > number_list[2] {
number_list.swap(0, 2);
if number_list[1] > number_list[3] {
number_list.swap(1, 3);
Some(Area::Rectangle {
top_left: (number_list[0], number_list[1]),
bottom_right: (number_list[2], number_list[3])
} else {
Shape::Polygon => {
if final_size >= 6 {
if final_size % 2 != 0 {
// Drop last element if there are odd number of coordinates
number_list.remove(final_size - 1);
Some(Area::Polygon { points: number_list })
} else {
pub fn hit_test(&self, p: Point2D<f32>) -> bool {
match *self {
Area::Circle { left, top, radius } => {
(p.x - left) * (p.x - left) +
(p.y - top) * (p.y - top) -
radius * radius <= 0.0
Area::Rectangle { top_left, bottom_right } => {
p.x <= bottom_right.0 && p.x >= top_left.0 &&
p.y <= bottom_right.1 && p.y >= top_left.1
//TODO polygon hit_test
_ => false,
pub fn absolute_coords(&self, p: Point2D<f32>) -> Area {
match *self {
Area::Rectangle { top_left, bottom_right } => {
Area::Rectangle {
top_left: (top_left.0 + p.x, top_left.1 + p.y),
bottom_right: (bottom_right.0 + p.x, bottom_right.1 + p.y)
Area::Circle { left, top, radius } => {
Area::Circle {
left: (left + p.x),
top: (top + p.y),
radius: radius
Area::Polygon { ref points } => {
// let new_points = Vec::new();
let iter = points.iter().enumerate().map(|(index, point)| {
match index % 2 {
0 => point + p.x as f32,
_ => point + p.y as f32,
Area::Polygon { points: iter.collect::<Vec<_>>() }
pub struct HTMLAreaElement {
htmlelement: HTMLElement,
@ -38,6 +235,26 @@ impl HTMLAreaElement {
pub fn get_shape_from_coords(&self) -> Option<Area> {
let elem = self.upcast::<Element>();
let shape = elem.get_string_attribute(&"shape".into());
let shp: Shape = match shape.to_lowercase().as_ref() {
"circle" => Shape::Circle,
"circ" => Shape::Circle,
"rectangle" => Shape::Rectangle,
"rect" => Shape::Rectangle,
"polygon" => Shape::Rectangle,
"poly" => Shape::Polygon,
_ => return None,
if elem.has_attribute(&"coords".into()) {
let attribute = elem.get_string_attribute(&"coords".into());
Area::parse(&attribute, shp)
} else {
impl VirtualMethods for HTMLAreaElement {
@ -61,3 +278,40 @@ impl HTMLAreaElementMethods for HTMLAreaElement {
impl Activatable for HTMLAreaElement {
fn as_element(&self) -> &Element {
fn is_instance_activatable(&self) -> bool {
fn pre_click_activation(&self) {
fn canceled_activation(&self) {
fn implicit_submission(&self, _ctrl_key: bool, _shift_key: bool,
_alt_key: bool, _meta_key: bool) {
fn activation_behavior(&self, _event: &Event, _target: &EventTarget) {
// Step 1
let doc = document_from_node(self);
if !doc.is_fully_active() {
// Step 2
// TODO : We should be choosing a browsing context and navigating to it.
// Step 3
let referrer_policy = match self.RelList().Contains("noreferrer".into()) {
true => Some(ReferrerPolicy::NoReferrer),
false => None,
follow_hyperlink(self.upcast::<Element>(), None, referrer_policy);

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@ -3,10 +3,14 @@
* file, You can obtain one at */
use app_units::{Au, AU_PER_PX};
use dom::activation::Activatable;
use dom::attr::Attr;
use dom::bindings::cell::DOMRefCell;
use dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::DOMRectBinding::DOMRectBinding::DOMRectMethods;
use dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::ElementBinding::ElementBinding::ElementMethods;
use dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::HTMLImageElementBinding;
use dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::HTMLImageElementBinding::HTMLImageElementMethods;
use dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::MouseEventBinding::MouseEventMethods;
use dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::WindowBinding::WindowMethods;
use dom::bindings::error::Fallible;
use dom::bindings::inheritance::Castable;
@ -15,17 +19,23 @@ use dom::bindings::refcounted::Trusted;
use dom::bindings::str::DOMString;
use dom::document::Document;
use dom::element::{AttributeMutation, Element, RawLayoutElementHelpers};
use dom::event::Event;
use dom::eventtarget::EventTarget;
use dom::htmlareaelement::HTMLAreaElement;
use dom::htmlelement::HTMLElement;
use dom::htmlmapelement::HTMLMapElement;
use dom::mouseevent::MouseEvent;
use dom::node::{Node, NodeDamage, document_from_node, window_from_node};
use dom::values::UNSIGNED_LONG_MAX;
use dom::virtualmethods::VirtualMethods;
use dom::window::Window;
use euclid::point::Point2D;
use html5ever_atoms::LocalName;
use ipc_channel::ipc;
use ipc_channel::router::ROUTER;
use net_traits::image::base::{Image, ImageMetadata};
use net_traits::image_cache_thread::{ImageResponder, ImageResponse};
use num_traits::ToPrimitive;
use script_thread::Runnable;
use servo_url::ServoUrl;
use std::i32;
@ -234,6 +244,38 @@ impl HTMLImageElement {
pub fn areas(&self) -> Option<Vec<Root<HTMLAreaElement>>> {
let elem = self.upcast::<Element>();
let usemap_attr;
if elem.has_attribute(&LocalName::from("usemap")) {
usemap_attr = elem.get_string_attribute(&local_name!("usemap"));
} else {
return None;
let (first, last) = usemap_attr.split_at(1);
match first {
"#" => {},
_ => return None,
match last.len() {
0 => return None,
_ => {},
let map = self.upcast::<Node>()
.find(|n| n.upcast::<Element>().get_string_attribute(&LocalName::from("name")) == last);
let elements: Vec<Root<HTMLAreaElement>> = map.unwrap().upcast::<Node>()
pub trait LayoutHTMLImageElementHelpers {
@ -429,6 +471,43 @@ impl VirtualMethods for HTMLImageElement {
_ => self.super_type().unwrap().parse_plain_attribute(name, value),
fn handle_event(&self, event: &Event) {
if (event.type_() == atom!("click")) {
let area_elements = self.areas();
let elements = if let Some(x) = area_elements {
} else {
// Fetch click coordinates
let mouse_event = if let Some(x) = event.downcast::<MouseEvent>() {
} else {
let point = Point2D::new(mouse_event.ClientX().to_f32().unwrap(), mouse_event.ClientY().to_f32().unwrap());
// Walk HTMLAreaElements
let mut index = 0;
while index < elements.len() {
let shape = elements[index].get_shape_from_coords();
let p = Point2D::new(self.upcast::<Element>().GetBoundingClientRect().X() as f32,
self.upcast::<Element>().GetBoundingClientRect().Y() as f32);
let shp = if let Some(x) = shape {
} else {
if shp.hit_test(point) {
elements[index].activation_behavior(event, self.upcast());
index += 1;
fn image_dimension_setter(element: &Element, attr: LocalName, value: u32) {

Просмотреть файл

@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ pub use dom::bindings::cell::DOMRefCell;
pub use dom::bindings::js::JS;
pub use dom::node::Node;
pub mod area {
pub use dom::htmlareaelement::{Area, Shape};
pub mod size_of {
use dom::characterdata::CharacterData;
use dom::element::Element;

Просмотреть файл

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ path = ""
doctest = false
euclid = "0.10.2"
msg = {path = "../../../components/msg"}
plugins = {path = "../../../components/plugins"}
script = {path = "../../../components/script"}

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
// Copyright 2013 The Servo Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use euclid::point::Point2D;
use script::test::area::{Area, Shape};
fn garbage_input() {
assert!(Area::parse(";.,()8.2", Shape::Circle).is_none())
fn no_case_matching_input() {
assert!(Area::parse("8.2, 10.2", Shape::Circle).is_none())
fn delimiter_input() {
assert!(Area::parse(";, ;,", Shape::Circle).is_none())
// Area::Circle tests
fn valid_circle_inputs() {
assert_eq!(Area::parse("10.2, 3.4, 5.2", Shape::Circle),
Some(Area::Circle { left: 10.2, top: 3.4, radius: 5.2 }));
fn valid_negative_circle_inputs() {
assert_eq!(Area::parse("-10.2, -3.4, 5.2", Shape::Circle),
Some(Area::Circle { left: -10.2, top: -3.4, radius: 5.2 }));
fn invalid_negative_circle_radius() {
assert!(Area::parse("-10.2, -3.4, -5.2", Shape::Circle).is_none());
// Area::Rectangle tests
fn rectangle_valid_input() {
assert_eq!(Area::parse("5.2, 1.1, 10.2, 3.4", Shape::Rectangle),
Some(Area::Rectangle { top_left: (5.2, 1.1),
bottom_right: (10.2, 3.4) }));
fn rectangle_valid_negative_input() {
assert_eq!(Area::parse("-10.2, -3.4, -5.2, -1.1", Shape::Rectangle),
Some(Area::Rectangle { top_left: (-10.2, -3.4),
bottom_right: (-5.2, -1.1) }));
fn rectangle_invalid_input() {
assert_eq!(Area::parse("5.2, 4.3, 10.2, 1.1.2", Shape::Rectangle),
Some(Area::Rectangle { top_left: (5.2, 0.0),
bottom_right: (10.2, 4.3) }));
fn rectangle_unordered_input() {
assert_eq!(Area::parse("5.2, 1.1, 10.2, 4.3", Shape::Rectangle),
Some(Area::Rectangle { top_left: (5.2, 1.1),
bottom_right: (10.2, 4.3) }));
// Area::Polygon tests
fn polygon_six_points_valid_input() {
assert_eq!(Area::parse("1.1, 1.1, 6.1, 1.1, 3.1, 3.1", Shape::Polygon),
Some(Area::Polygon { points: vec![1.1, 1.1, 6.1, 1.1, 3.1, 3.1] }));
fn polygon_six_points_valid_negative_input() {
assert_eq!(Area::parse("1.1, -1.1, 6.1, -1.1, 3.1, -3.1", Shape::Polygon),
Some(Area::Polygon { points: vec![1.1, -1.1, 6.1, -1.1, 3.1, -3.1] }));
fn polygon_six_points_invalid_input() {
assert_eq!(Area::parse(";1.1, 1.1,'; 6.1,(*^() 1.1, 3.1, 3.1, 100.1 %$,;", Shape::Polygon),
Some(Area::Polygon { points: vec![1.1, 1.1, 6.1, 1.1, 3.1, 3.1] }));
fn polygon_eight_points_invalid_input() {
assert_eq!(Area::parse("1.1, -1.1, 6.1, -1.1, 1.1, -3.1, 6.1, -3.1.2, 12.1", Shape::Polygon),
Some(Area::Polygon { points: vec![1.1, -1.1, 6.1, -1.1, 1.1, -3.1, 6.1, 0.0] }));
fn test_hit_test_circle() {
let circ1 = Area::Circle { left: 20.0, top: 10.0, radius: 5.0 };
assert!(!circ1.hit_test(Point2D::new(10.0, 20.0)));
let circ2 = Area::Circle { left: 10.0, top: 10.0, radius: 5.0 };
assert!(circ2.hit_test(Point2D::new(10.0, 12.0)));
fn test_hit_test_rectangle() {
let rect1 = Area::Rectangle { top_left: (1.0, 7.0), bottom_right: (15.0, 10.0) };
assert!(!rect1.hit_test(Point2D::new(10.0, 5.0)));
let rect2 = Area::Rectangle { top_left: (8.0, 10.0), bottom_right: (20.0, 12.0) };
assert!(rect2.hit_test(Point2D::new(10.0, 12.0)));
fn test_hit_test_polygon() {
let poly1 = Area::Polygon { points: vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0] };
assert!(!poly1.hit_test(Point2D::new(10.0, 5.0)));
let poly2 = Area::Polygon { points: vec![7.0, 7.5, 8.2, 9.0, 11.0, 12.0] };
assert!(!poly2.hit_test(Point2D::new(10.0, 5.0)));

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
extern crate euclid;
extern crate msg;
extern crate script;
extern crate servo_url;
@ -13,3 +14,5 @@ extern crate servo_url;
#[cfg(all(test, target_pointer_width = "64"))] mod size_of;
#[cfg(test)] mod textinput;
#[cfg(test)] mod headers;
#[cfg(test)] mod htmlareaelement;