Bug 1167080 - HAR export automation. r=jryans

This commit is contained in:
Jan Odvarko 2015-06-17 14:34:45 +02:00
Родитель 17923784a6
Коммит f7489d4ccb
8 изменённых файлов: 916 добавлений и 11 удалений

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@ -1496,12 +1496,14 @@ pref("devtools.netmonitor.filters", "[\"all\"]");
// The default Network monitor HAR export setting
pref("devtools.netmonitor.har.defaultLogDir", "");
pref("devtools.netmonitor.har.defaultFileName", "archive");
pref("devtools.netmonitor.har.defaultFileName", "Archive %y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S");
pref("devtools.netmonitor.har.jsonp", false);
pref("devtools.netmonitor.har.jsonpCallback", "");
pref("devtools.netmonitor.har.includeResponseBodies", true);
pref("devtools.netmonitor.har.compress", false);
pref("devtools.netmonitor.har.forceExport", false);
pref("devtools.netmonitor.har.pageLoadedTimeout", 1500);
pref("devtools.netmonitor.har.enableAutoExportToFile", false);
// Enable the Tilt inspector
pref("devtools.tilt.enabled", true);

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@ -74,6 +74,9 @@ loader.lazyGetter(this, "oscpu", () => {
loader.lazyGetter(this, "is64Bit", () => {
return Cc["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"].getService(Ci.nsIXULAppInfo).is64Bit;
loader.lazyGetter(this, "registerHarOverlay", () => {
return require("devtools/netmonitor/har/toolbox-overlay.js").register;
// White-list buttons that can be toggled to prevent adding prefs for
// addons that have manually inserted toolbarbuttons into DOM.
@ -375,6 +378,7 @@ Toolbox.prototype = {
if (this._hostOptions && this._hostOptions.zoom === false) {
} else {
@ -515,6 +519,10 @@ Toolbox.prototype = {
this.doc.addEventListener("focus", this._onFocus, true);
_registerOverlays: function() {
_saveSplitConsoleHeight: function() {

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
const { Cu, Ci, Cc } = require("chrome");
const { Class } = require("sdk/core/heritage");
const { devtools } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/Loader.jsm", {});
const { defer, resolve } = require("sdk/core/promise");
const { Services } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", {});
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "HarCollector", "devtools/netmonitor/har/har-collector", true);
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "HarExporter", "devtools/netmonitor/har/har-exporter", true);
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "HarUtils", "devtools/netmonitor/har/har-utils", true);
const prefDomain = "devtools.netmonitor.har.";
// Helper tracer. Should be generic sharable by other modules (bug 1171927)
const trace = {
log: function(...args) {
* This object is responsible for automated HAR export. It listens
* for Network activity, collects all HTTP data and triggers HAR
* export when the page is loaded.
* The user needs to enable the following preference to make the
* auto-export work: devtools.netmonitor.har.enableAutoExportToFile
* HAR files are stored within directory that is specified in this
* preference: devtools.netmonitor.har.defaultLogDir
* If the default log directory preference isn't set the following
* directory is used by default: <profile>/har/logs
var HarAutomation = Class({
// Initialization
initialize: function(toolbox) {
this.toolbox = toolbox;
let target = toolbox.target;
target.makeRemote().then(() => {
this.startMonitoring(target.client, target.form);
destroy: function() {
if (this.collector) {
if (this.tabWatcher) {
// Automation
startMonitoring: function(client, tabGrip, callback) {
if (!client) {
if (!tabGrip) {
this.debuggerClient = client;
this.tabClient = this.toolbox.target.activeTab;
this.webConsoleClient = this.toolbox.target.activeConsole;
let netPrefs = { "NetworkMonitor.saveRequestAndResponseBodies": true };
this.webConsoleClient.setPreferences(netPrefs, () => {
this.tabWatcher = new TabWatcher(this.toolbox, this);
pageLoadBegin: function(aResponse) {
resetCollector: function() {
if (this.collector) {
// A page is about to be loaded, start collecting HTTP
// data from events sent from the backend.
this.collector = new HarCollector({
collector: this,
webConsoleClient: this.webConsoleClient,
debuggerClient: this.debuggerClient
* A page is done loading, export collected data. Note that
* some requests for additional page resources might be pending,
* so export all after all has been properly received from the backend.
* This collector still works and collects any consequent HTTP
* traffic (e.g. XHRs) happening after the page is loaded and
* The additional traffic can be exported by executing
* triggerExport on this object.
pageLoadDone: function(aResponse) {
trace.log("HarAutomation.pageLoadDone; ", aResponse);
if (this.collector) {
this.collector.waitForHarLoad().then(collector => {
return this.autoExport();
autoExport: function() {
let autoExport = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(prefDomain +
if (!autoExport) {
return resolve();
// Auto export to file is enabled, so save collected data
// into a file and use all the default options.
let data = {
fileName: Services.prefs.getCharPref(prefDomain + "defaultFileName"),
return this.executeExport(data);
// Public API
* Export all what is currently collected.
triggerExport: function(data) {
if (!data.fileName) {
data.fileName = Services.prefs.getCharPref(prefDomain +
* Clear currently collected data.
clear: function() {
// HAR Export
* Execute HAR export. This method fetches all data from the
* Network panel (asynchronously) and saves it into a file.
executeExport: function(data) {
let items = this.collector.getItems();
let form = this.toolbox.target.form;
let title = form.title || form.url;
let options = {
getString: this.getString.bind(this),
view: this,
items: items,
options.defaultFileName = data.fileName;
options.compress = data.compress;
options.title = data.title || title;
options.id = data.id;
options.jsonp = data.jsonp;
options.includeResponseBodies = data.includeResponseBodies;
options.jsonpCallback = data.jsonpCallback;
options.forceExport = data.forceExport;
trace.log("HarAutomation.executeExport; " + data.fileName, options);
return HarExporter.fetchHarData(options).then(jsonString => {
// Save the HAR file if the file name is provided.
if (jsonString && options.defaultFileName) {
let file = getDefaultTargetFile(options);
if (file) {
HarUtils.saveToFile(file, jsonString, options.compress);
return jsonString;
// Use WebConsoleClient.getString as soon as Bug 1171408 is fixed
* Fetches the full text of a LongString.
* @param object | string aStringGrip
* The long string grip containing the corresponding actor.
* If you pass in a plain string (by accident or because you're lazy),
* then a promise of the same string is simply returned.
* @return object Promise
* A promise that is resolved when the full string contents
* are available, or rejected if something goes wrong.
getString: function(aStringGrip) {
// Make sure this is a long string.
if (typeof aStringGrip != "object" || aStringGrip.type != "longString") {
return resolve(aStringGrip); // Go home string, you're drunk.
// Fetch the long string only once.
if (aStringGrip._fullText) {
return aStringGrip._fullText.promise;
let deferred = aStringGrip._fullText = defer();
let { actor, initial, length } = aStringGrip;
let longStringClient = this.webConsoleClient.longString(aStringGrip);
longStringClient.substring(initial.length, length, aResponse => {
if (aResponse.error) {
Cu.reportError(aResponse.error + ": " + aResponse.message);
deferred.resolve(initial + aResponse.substring);
return deferred.promise;
* Extracts any urlencoded form data sections (e.g. "?foo=bar&baz=42") from a
* POST request.
* @param object aHeaders
* The "requestHeaders".
* @param object aUploadHeaders
* The "requestHeadersFromUploadStream".
* @param object aPostData
* The "requestPostData".
* @return array
* A promise that is resolved with the extracted form data.
_getFormDataSections: Task.async(function*(aHeaders, aUploadHeaders, aPostData) {
let formDataSections = [];
let { headers: requestHeaders } = aHeaders;
let { headers: payloadHeaders } = aUploadHeaders;
let allHeaders = [...payloadHeaders, ...requestHeaders];
let contentTypeHeader = allHeaders.find(e => e.name.toLowerCase() == "content-type");
let contentTypeLongString = contentTypeHeader ? contentTypeHeader.value : "";
let contentType = yield this.getString(contentTypeLongString);
if (contentType.includes("x-www-form-urlencoded")) {
let postDataLongString = aPostData.postData.text;
let postData = yield this.getString(postDataLongString);
for (let section of postData.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/)) {
// Before displaying it, make sure this section of the POST data
// isn't a line containing upload stream headers.
if (payloadHeaders.every(header => !section.startsWith(header.name))) {
return formDataSections;
// Helpers
function TabWatcher(toolbox, listener) {
this.target = toolbox.target;
this.listener = listener;
this.onTabNavigated = this.onTabNavigated.bind(this);
TabWatcher.prototype = {
// Connection
connect: function() {
this.target.on("navigate", this.onTabNavigated);
this.target.on("will-navigate", this.onTabNavigated);
disconnect: function() {
if (!this.target) {
this.target.off("navigate", this.onTabNavigated);
this.target.off("will-navigate", this.onTabNavigated);
// Event Handlers
* Called for each location change in the monitored tab.
* @param string aType
* Packet type.
* @param object aPacket
* Packet received from the server.
onTabNavigated: function(aType, aPacket) {
switch (aType) {
case "will-navigate": {
case "navigate": {
// Protocol Helpers
* Returns target file for exported HAR data.
function getDefaultTargetFile(options) {
let path = options.defaultLogDir ||
let folder = HarUtils.getLocalDirectory(path);
let fileName = HarUtils.getHarFileName(options.defaultFileName,
options.jsonp, options.compress);
folder.createUnique(Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, parseInt("0666", 8));
return folder;
// Exports from this module
exports.HarAutomation = HarAutomation;

Просмотреть файл

@ -7,23 +7,18 @@ const { Cu, Ci, Cc } = require("chrome");
const { defer, all, resolve } = require("sdk/core/promise");
const { Services } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", {});
const { devtools } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/Loader.jsm", {});
const { XPCOMUtils } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm", {});
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "appInfo", function() {
loader.lazyImporter(this, "ViewHelpers", "resource:///modules/devtools/ViewHelpers.jsm");
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "NetworkHelper", "devtools/toolkit/webconsole/network-helper");
loader.lazyGetter(this, "appInfo", () => {
return Cc["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"].getService(Ci.nsIXULAppInfo);
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "ViewHelpers",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "L10N", function() {
loader.lazyGetter(this, "L10N", () => {
return new ViewHelpers.L10N("chrome://browser/locale/devtools/har.properties");
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "NetworkHelper", function() {
return devtools.require("devtools/toolkit/webconsole/network-helper");
const HAR_VERSION = "1.1";

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
const { Cu, Ci, Cc } = require("chrome");
const { defer, all } = require("sdk/core/promise");
const { setTimeout, clearTimeout } = require("sdk/timers");
const { makeInfallible } = require("devtools/toolkit/DevToolsUtils.js");
const { Services } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", {});
// Helper tracer. Should be generic sharable by other modules (bug 1171927)
const trace = {
log: function(...args) {
* This object is responsible for collecting data related to all
* HTTP requests executed by the page (including inner iframes).
function HarCollector(options) {
this.webConsoleClient = options.webConsoleClient;
this.debuggerClient = options.debuggerClient;
this.collector = options.collector;
this.onNetworkEvent = this.onNetworkEvent.bind(this);
this.onNetworkEventUpdate = this.onNetworkEventUpdate.bind(this);
this.onRequestHeaders = this.onRequestHeaders.bind(this);
this.onRequestCookies = this.onRequestCookies.bind(this);
this.onRequestPostData = this.onRequestPostData.bind(this);
this.onResponseHeaders = this.onResponseHeaders.bind(this);
this.onResponseCookies = this.onResponseCookies.bind(this);
this.onResponseContent = this.onResponseContent.bind(this);
this.onEventTimings = this.onEventTimings.bind(this);
this.onPageLoadTimeout = this.onPageLoadTimeout.bind(this);
HarCollector.prototype = {
// Connection
start: function() {
this.debuggerClient.addListener("networkEvent", this.onNetworkEvent);
this.debuggerClient.addListener("networkEventUpdate", this.onNetworkEventUpdate);
stop: function() {
this.debuggerClient.removeListener("networkEvent", this.onNetworkEvent);
this.debuggerClient.removeListener("networkEventUpdate", this.onNetworkEventUpdate);
clear: function() {
// Any pending requests events will be ignored (they turn
// into zombies, since not present in the files array).
this.files = new Map();
this.items = [];
this.firstRequestStart = -1;
this.lastRequestStart = -1;
this.requests = [];
waitForHarLoad: function() {
// There should be yet another timeout 'devtools.netmonitor.har.pageLoadTimeout'
// that should force export even if page isn't fully loaded.
let deferred = defer();
this.waitForResponses().then(() => {
trace.log("HarCollector.waitForHarLoad; DONE HAR loaded!");
return deferred.promise;
waitForResponses: function() {
trace.log("HarCollector.waitForResponses; " + this.requests.length);
// All requests for additional data must be received to have complete
// HTTP info to generate the result HAR file. So, wait for all current
// promises. Note that new promises (requests) can be generated during the
// process of HTTP data collection.
return waitForAll(this.requests).then(() => {
// All responses are received from the backend now. We yet need to
// wait for a little while to see if a new request appears. If yes,
// lets's start gathering HTTP data again. If no, we can declare
// the page loaded.
// If some new requests appears in the meantime the promise will
// be rejected and we need to wait for responses all over again.
return this.waitForTimeout().then(() => {
// Page loaded!
}, () => {
trace.log("HarCollector.waitForResponses; NEW requests " +
"appeared during page timeout!");
// New requests executed, let's wait again.
return this.waitForResponses();
// Page Loaded Timeout
* The page is loaded when there are no new requests within given period
* of time. The time is set in preferences:
* 'devtools.netmonitor.har.pageLoadedTimeout'
waitForTimeout: function() {
// The auto-export is not done if the timeout is set to zero (or less).
// This is useful in cases where the export is done manually through
// API exposed to the content.
let timeout = Services.prefs.getIntPref(
trace.log("HarCollector.waitForTimeout; " + timeout);
this.pageLoadDeferred = defer();
if (timeout <= 0) {
return this.pageLoadDeferred.promise;
this.pageLoadTimeout = setTimeout(this.onPageLoadTimeout, timeout);
return this.pageLoadDeferred.promise;
onPageLoadTimeout: function() {
// Ha, page has been loaded. Resolve the final timeout promise.
resetPageLoadTimeout: function() {
// Remove the current timeout.
if (this.pageLoadTimeout) {
this.pageLoadTimeout = null;
// Reject the current page load promise
if (this.pageLoadDeferred) {
this.pageLoadDeferred = null;
// Collected Data
getFile: function(actorId) {
return this.files.get(actorId);
getItems: function() {
return this.items;
// Event Handlers
onNetworkEvent: function(type, packet) {
// Skip events from different console actors.
if (packet.from != this.webConsoleClient.actor) {
trace.log("HarCollector.onNetworkEvent; " + type, packet);
let { actor, startedDateTime, method, url, isXHR } = packet.eventActor;
let startTime = Date.parse(startedDateTime);
if (this.firstRequestStart == -1) {
this.firstRequestStart = startTime;
if (this.lastRequestEnd < startTime) {
this.lastRequestEnd = startTime;
let file = this.getFile(actor);
if (file) {
Cu.reportError("HarCollector.onNetworkEvent; ERROR " +
"existing file conflict!");
file = {
startedDeltaMillis: startTime - this.firstRequestStart,
startedMillis: startTime,
method: method,
url: url,
isXHR: isXHR
this.files.set(actor, file);
// Mimic the Net panel data structure
attachment: file
onNetworkEventUpdate: function(type, packet) {
let actor = packet.from;
// Skip events from unknown actors (not in the list).
// There could also be zombie requests received after the target is closed.
let file = this.getFile(packet.from);
if (!file) {
Cu.reportError("HarCollector.onNetworkEventUpdate; ERROR " +
"Unknown event actor: " + type, packet);
trace.log("HarCollector.onNetworkEventUpdate; " +
packet.updateType, packet);
let includeResponseBodies = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(
let request;
switch (packet.updateType) {
case "requestHeaders":
request = this.getData(actor, "getRequestHeaders", this.onRequestHeaders);
case "requestCookies":
request = this.getData(actor, "getRequestCookies", this.onRequestCookies);
case "requestPostData":
request = this.getData(actor, "getRequestPostData", this.onRequestPostData);
case "responseHeaders":
request = this.getData(actor, "getResponseHeaders", this.onResponseHeaders);
case "responseCookies":
request = this.getData(actor, "getResponseCookies", this.onResponseCookies);
case "responseStart":
file.httpVersion = packet.response.httpVersion;
file.status = packet.response.status;
file.statusText = packet.response.statusText;
case "responseContent":
file.contentSize = packet.contentSize;
file.mimeType = packet.mimeType;
file.transferredSize = packet.transferredSize;
if (includeResponseBodies) {
request = this.getData(actor, "getResponseContent", this.onResponseContent);
case "eventTimings":
request = this.getData(actor, "getEventTimings", this.onEventTimings);
if (request) {
getData: function(actor, method, callback) {
let deferred = defer();
if (!this.webConsoleClient[method]) {
Cu.reportError("HarCollector.getData; ERROR " +
"Unknown method!");
let file = this.getFile(actor);
trace.log("HarCollector.getData; REQUEST " + method +
", " + file.url, file);
this.webConsoleClient[method](actor, response => {
trace.log("HarCollector.getData; RESPONSE " + method +
", " + file.url, response);
return deferred.promise;
* Handles additional information received for a "requestHeaders" packet.
* @param object response
* The message received from the server.
onRequestHeaders: function(response) {
let file = this.getFile(response.from);
file.requestHeaders = response;
* Handles additional information received for a "requestCookies" packet.
* @param object response
* The message received from the server.
onRequestCookies: function(response) {
let file = this.getFile(response.from);
file.requestCookies = response;
* Handles additional information received for a "requestPostData" packet.
* @param object response
* The message received from the server.
onRequestPostData: function(response) {
trace.log("HarCollector.onRequestPostData;", response);
let file = this.getFile(response.from);
file.requestPostData = response;
// Resolve long string
let text = response.postData.text;
if (typeof text == "object") {
this.getString(text).then(value => {
response.postData.text = value;
* Handles additional information received for a "responseHeaders" packet.
* @param object response
* The message received from the server.
onResponseHeaders: function(response) {
let file = this.getFile(response.from);
file.responseHeaders = response;
* Handles additional information received for a "responseCookies" packet.
* @param object response
* The message received from the server.
onResponseCookies: function(response) {
let file = this.getFile(response.from);
file.responseCookies = response;
* Handles additional information received for a "responseContent" packet.
* @param object response
* The message received from the server.
onResponseContent: function(response) {
let file = this.getFile(response.from);
file.mimeType = "text/plain";
file.responseContent = response;
// Resolve long string
let text = response.content.text;
if (typeof text == "object") {
this.getString(text).then(value => {
response.content.text = value;
* Handles additional information received for a "eventTimings" packet.
* @param object response
* The message received from the server.
onEventTimings: function(response) {
let file = this.getFile(response.from);
file.eventTimings = response;
let totalTime = response.totalTime;
file.totalTime = totalTime;
file.endedMillis = file.startedMillis + totalTime;
// Helpers
getLongHeaders: makeInfallible(function(headers) {
for (let header of headers) {
if (typeof header.value == "object") {
this.getString(header.value).then(value => {
header.value = value;
* Fetches the full text of a LongString.
* @param object | string aStringGrip
* The long string grip containing the corresponding actor.
* If you pass in a plain string (by accident or because you're lazy),
* then a promise of the same string is simply returned.
* @return object Promise
* A promise that is resolved when the full string contents
* are available, or rejected if something goes wrong.
getString: function(stringGrip) {
let promise = this.collector.getString(stringGrip);
return promise;
// Helpers
* Helper function that allows to wait for array of promises. It is
* possible to dynamically add new promises in the provided array.
* The function will wait even for the newly added promises.
* (this isn't possible with the default Promise.all);
function waitForAll(promises) {
// Remove all from the original array and get clone of it.
let clone = promises.splice(0, promises.length);
// Wait for all promises in the given array.
return all(clone).then(() => {
// If there are new promises (in the original array)
// to wait for - chain them!
if (promises.length) {
return waitForAll(promises);
// Exports from this module
exports.HarCollector = HarCollector;

Просмотреть файл

@ -16,6 +16,12 @@ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "clipboardHelper", function() {
var uid = 1;
// Helper tracer. Should be generic sharable by other modules (bug 1171927)
const trace = {
log: function(...args) {
* This object represents the main public API designed to access
* Network export logic. Clients, such as the Network panel itself,
@ -77,6 +83,8 @@ const HarExporter = {
return resolve();
trace.log("HarExporter.save; " + options.defaultFileName, options);
return this.fetchHarData(options).then(jsonString => {
if (!HarUtils.saveToFile(file, jsonString, options.compress)) {
let msg = "Failed to save HAR file at: " + options.defaultFileName;

Просмотреть файл

@ -4,9 +4,12 @@
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
EXTRA_JS_MODULES.devtools.netmonitor.har += [
BROWSER_CHROME_MANIFESTS += ['test/browser.ini']

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
const { Cu, Ci } = require("chrome");
const { devtools } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/Loader.jsm", {});
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "HarAutomation", "devtools/netmonitor/har/har-automation", true);
// Map of all created overlays. There is always one instance of
// an overlay per Toolbox instance (i.e. one per browser tab).
const overlays = new WeakMap();
* This object is responsible for initialization and cleanup for HAR
* export feature. It represents an overlay for the Toolbox
* following the same life time by listening to its events.
* HAR APIs are designed for integration with tools (such as Selenium)
* that automates the browser. Primarily, it is for automating web apps
* and getting HAR file for every loaded page.
function ToolboxOverlay(toolbox) {
this.toolbox = toolbox;
this.onInit = this.onInit.bind(this);
this.onDestroy = this.onDestroy.bind(this);
this.toolbox.on("ready", this.onInit);
this.toolbox.on("destroy", this.onDestroy);
ToolboxOverlay.prototype = {
* Executed when the toolbox is ready.
onInit: function() {
let autoExport = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(
if (!autoExport) {
* Executed when the toolbox is destroyed.
onDestroy: function(eventId, toolbox) {
// Automation
initAutomation: function() {
this.automation = new HarAutomation(this.toolbox);
destroyAutomation: function() {
if (this.automation) {
// Registration
function register(toolbox) {
if (overlays.has(toolbox)) {
throw Error("Theere is an existing overlay for the toolbox");
// Instantiate an overlay for the toolbox.
let overlay = new ToolboxOverlay(toolbox);
overlays.set(toolbox, overlay);
// Exports from this module
exports.register = register;