usage: mach [global arguments] awsy-test [command arguments]
mach awsy-test runs the in-tree version of the Are We Slim Yet
(AWSY) tests.
awsy-test is implemented as a marionette test and marionette
test arguments also apply although they are not necessary
since reasonable defaults will be chosen.
The AWSY specific arguments can be found in the Command
Arguments for AWSY section below.
awsy-test will automatically download the talos
pageset from tooltool and install it under
topobjdir/_tests/awsy/html. You can specify your own page set
by specifying --web-root and --page-manifest.
The results of the test will be placed in the results
directory specified by the --results argument.
Command Arguments for AWSY:
--web-root WEBROOTDIR
Path to web server root directory. If not specified,
defaults to topobjdir/_tests/awsy/html.
--page-manifest PAGEMANIFEST
Path to page manifest text file containing a list of
urls to test. The urls must be served from localhost.
If not specified, defaults to
page_load_test/tp5b/tp5n.manifest under the web root.
--results RESULTSDIR Path to results directory. If not specified, defaults
to the parent directory of the web root.
--quick Set --entities=3, --iterations=1, --per-tab-pause=1,
--settle-wait-time=1 for a quick test. Overrides any
explicit argument settings.
--entities ENTITIES Number of urls to load. Defaults to the total number
of urls.
--max-tabs MAXTABS Maximum number of tabs to open. Defaults to 30.
--iterations ITERATIONS
Number of times to run through the test suite.
Defaults to 5.
--per-tab-pause PERTABPAUSE
Seconds to wait in between opening tabs. Defaults to
--settle-wait-time SETTLEWAITTIME
Seconds to wait for things to settled down. Defaults
to 30.