part of startup to advance a progress display, per bug 35866.
I did not get the code actually reviewed, but I discussed it, and tested it
for breakage. Other developers must register for the observer before it can
be ascertained whether it performs as advertized.
in so many different directories, that I think it's the best way.
I've pulled and clobber_all'd my tree and got
on this checkin.
Here are the touched files:
M mozilla/embedding/browser/activex/src/control/MozillaBrowser.cpp
M mozilla/embedding/browser/activex/src/control/MozillaBrowser.h
M mozilla/js/src/xpconnect/shell/xpcshell.cpp
M mozilla/netwerk/protocol/res/src/nsResProtocolHandler.cpp
M mozilla/xpcom/build/nsXPComInit.cpp
M mozilla/xpcom/components/nsComponentManager.cpp
M mozilla/xpcom/components/nsIServiceManager.h
M mozilla/xpcom/components/nsServiceManager.cpp
M mozilla/xpcom/io/nsSpecialSystemDirectory.cpp
M mozilla/xpcom/io/nsSpecialSystemDirectory.h
M mozilla/xpcom/tests/TestBuffers.cpp
M mozilla/xpcom/tests/TestPipes.cpp
M mozilla/xpcom/tests/TestShutdown.cpp
M mozilla/xpcom/tests/windows/TestHelloXPLoop.cpp
M mozilla/xpcom/tools/registry/regExport.cpp
M mozilla/xpcom/tools/registry/regxpcom.cpp
M mozilla/xpinstall/stub/xpistub.cpp
M mozilla/webshell/embed/ActiveX/MozillaBrowser.cpp
M mozilla/webshell/embed/ActiveX/MozillaBrowser.h
M mozilla/webshell/tests/viewer/nsMacMain.cpp
M mozilla/webshell/tests/viewer/nsPhMain.cpp
M mozilla/webshell/tests/viewer/nsWinMain.cpp
M mozilla/webshell/tests/viewer/unix/gtk/nsGtkMain.cpp
M mozilla/xpfe/appshell/src/nsFileLocations.cpp
M mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp
The heart of this checkin is a change in the signature and symantics
of NS_InitXPCOM.
The new signature is
extern NS_COM nsresult
NS_InitXPCOM(nsIServiceManager* *result, nsFileSpec* binDirectory);
I filed a bug for this problem:
The original manifestation of this bug was in mozilla/netwerk/protocol/res/src/nsResProtocolHandler.cpp It used the current process directory to find resources, which is not correct when the current process is not mozilla.exe.
I have added a new type to nsSpecialSystemDirectory, Moz_BinDirectory, and made nsResProtocolHandler use that value.