later in the autoreg cycle.
- teach native component loader about deferred components
- add nsIComponentLoader::registerDeferredComponents
- teach component manager about deferred components
- made nsID::Parse take a |const char *| instead of a simple |char *|.
- move release of XPTI singletons until _after_ shutting down the component
manager to prevent re-initialization during JS component shutdown.
- category manager work: really delete from reg, start on enumeration
- use nsXPIDLCString instead of autoStringFree.
- fix nsRegistry to use allocator properly.
- cleaner memory management in nsFactoryEntry.
- capitalization fixed in nsIComponentLoader.idl
- clean up loader creation logic
- remove/disable lots of DEBUG_shaver noise
- added (disabled) warning about NSGetFactory usage
- move .so and .shlb higher up in the ValidDllExtensions list to marginally
speed up registration.
- added nsDll::GetRegistryLocation API
- properly export nsSupportsArray.h
- capitalization fixes in nsIEnumerator.idl
- added deferral to nsSample.js
Factored ComponentManager to support multiple ComponentLoaders.
Added support for relative paths in registry.
General cleanup.
(Broke detection of changed DLLs; dp is fixing -- thanks!)