# Onboarding System addon to provide the onboarding overlay for user-friendly tours. ## How to show the onboarding tour Open `about:config` page and filter with `onboarding` keyword. Then set following preferences: ``` browser.onboarding.disabled = false browser.onboarding.tour-set = "new" // for new user tour, or "update" for update user tour ``` And make sure the value of `browser.onboarding.tourset-verion` and `browser.onboarding.seen-tourset-verion` are the same. ## How to show the onboarding notification Besides above settings, notification will wait 5 minutes before showing the first notification on a new profile or the updated user profile (to not put too much information to the user at once). To manually remove the mute duration, set pref `browser.onboarding.notification.mute-duration-on-first-session-ms` to `0` and notification will be shown at the next time you open `about:home`, `about:newtab`, or `about:welcome`. ## How to show the snippets Snippets (the remote notification that handled by activity stream) will only be shown after onboarding notifications are all done. You can set preference `browser.onboarding.notification.finished` to `true` to disable onboarding notification and accept snippets right away. ## Architecture ![](https://i.imgur.com/7RK89Zw.png) During booting from `bootstrap.js`, `OnboardingTourType.jsm` will check the onboarding tour type (`new` and `update` are supported types) and set required initial states into preferences. Everytime `about:home`, `about:newtab`, or `about:welcome` page is opened, `onboarding.js` is injected into that page via [frame scripts](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox/Multiprocess_Firefox/Message_Manager/Communicating_with_frame_scripts). Then in `onboarding.js`, all tours are defined inside of `onboardingTourset` dictionary. `getTourIDList` function will load tours from proper preferences. (Check `How to change the order of tours` section for more detail). When user clicks the action button in each tour, We use [UITour](http://bedrock.readthedocs.io/en/latest/uitour.html) to highlight the correspondent browser UI element. The UITour client is bundled in onboarding addon via `jar.mn`. ## Landing rules We would apply some rules: * To avoid conflict with the origin page, all styles and ids should be formatted as `onboarding-*`. * For consistency and easier filtering, all strings in `locales` should be formatted as `onboarding.*`. * For consistency, all related preferences should be formatted as `browser.onboarding.*`. * For accessibility, images that are for presentation only should have `role="presentation"` attribute. ## How to change the order of tours Edit `browser/app/profile/firefox.js` and modify `browser.onboarding.newtour` for the new user tour or `browser.onboarding.updatetour` for the update user tour. You can change the tour list and the order by concate `tourIds` with `,` sign. You can find available `tourId` from `onboardingTourset` in `onboarding.js`. ## How to pump tour set version after update tours We only update the tourset version when we have different **update** tourset. Update the new tourset **does not** require update the tourset version. The tourset version is used to track the last major tourset change version. The `tourset-version` pref store the major tourset version (ex: `1`) but not the current browser version. When browser update to the next version (ex: 58, 59) the tourset pref is still `1` if we didn't do any major tourset update. Once the tour set version is updated (ex: `2`), onboarding overlay should show the update tour to the updated user (ex: update from v56 -> v57), even when user has watched the previous tours or preferred to hide the previous tours. Edit `browser/app/profile/firefox.js` and set `browser.onboarding.tourset-version` as `[tourset version]` (in integer format). For example, if we update the tourset in v60 and decide to show all update users the tour, we set `browser.onboarding.tourset-version` as `3`. ## Icon states Onboarding module has two states for its overlay icon: `default` and `watermark`. By default, it shows `default` state. When either tours or notifications are all completed, the icon changes to the `watermark` state. The icon state is stored in `browser.onboarding.state`. When `tourset-version` is updated, or when we detect the `tour-type` is changed to `update`, icon state will be changed back to the `default` state. ## Customizable preferences Here are current support preferences that allow to customize the Onboarding's behavior. | PREF | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT | |-----|-------------|:-----:| | `browser.onboarding.enabled` | disable onboarding experience entirely | true | `browser.onboarding.notification.finished` | Decide if we want to hide the notification permanently. | false | `browser.onboarding.notification.mute-duration-on-first-session-ms` |Notification mute duration. It also effect when the speech bubble is hidden and turned into the blue dot | 300000 (5 Min) | `browser.onboarding.notification.max-life-time-all-tours-ms` | Notification tours will all hide after this period | 1209600000 (10 Days) | `browser.onboarding.notification.max-life-time-per-tours-ms` | Per Notification tours will hide and show the next tour after this period | 432000000 (5 Days) | `browser.onboarding.notification.max-prompt-count-per-tour` | Each tour can only show the specific times in notification bar if user didn't interact with the tour notification. | 8 | `browser.onboarding.newtour` | The tourset of new user tour. | performance,private,screenshots,addons,customize,default | `browser.onboarding.newtour.tooltip` | The string id which is shown in the new user tour's speech bubble. The preffered length is 2 lines. Should use `%S` to denote Firefox (brand short name) in string, or use `%1$S` if the name shows more than 1 time. | `onboarding.overlay-icon-tooltip2` | `browser.onboarding.updatetour` | The tourset of new user tour. | performance,library,screenshots,singlesearch,customize,sync | `browser.onboarding.updatetour.tooltip` | The string id which is shown in the update user tour's speech bubble. The preffered length is 2 lines. Should use `%S` to denote Firefox (brand short name) in string, or use `%1$S` if the name shows shows more than 1 time. | `onboarding.overlay-icon-tooltip-updated2` | `browser.onboarding.default-icon-src` | The default icon url. Should be svg or at least 64x64 | `chrome://branding/content/icon64.png` | `browser.onboarding.watermark-icon-src` | The watermark icon url. Should be svg or at least 64x64 | `resource://onboarding/img/watermark.svg`