# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # These generic DBI routines should live somewhere common # use DBI; use POSIX qw(strftime mktime); use Time::Local; # Assume that treedata.pl & tbglobals.pl are already loaded sub ConnectToDatabase { my ($dsn); if (!defined $::db) { $dsn = "DBI:${viewvc_dbdriver}:database=${viewvc_dbname};"; $dsn .= "host=${viewvc_dbhost};" if (defined($viewvc_dbhost) && "$viewvc_dbhost" ne ""); $dsn .= "port=${viewvc_dbport};" if (defined($viewvc_dbport) && "$viewvc_dbport" ne ""); # DBI->trace(1, "/tmp/dbi.out"); $::db = DBI->connect($dsn, $viewvc_dbuser, $viewvc_dbpasswd) || die "Can't connect to database server."; } } sub DisconnectFromDatabase { if (defined $::db) { $::db->disconnect(); undef $::db; } } sub SendSQL { my ($str, @bind_values) = (@_); my $status = 0; $::currentquery = $::db->prepare($str) || $status++; if ($status) { print STDERR "SendSQL prepare error: '$str' with values ("; foreach my $v (@bind_values) { print STDERR "'" . &shell_escape($v) . "', "; } print STDERR ") :: " . $::db->errstr . "\n"; die "Cannot prepare SQL query. Please contact system administrator.\n"; } $::currentquery->execute(@bind_values) || $status++; if ($status) { print STDERR "SendSQL execute error: '$str' with values ("; foreach my $v (@bind_values) { print STDERR "'" . &shell_escape($v) . "', "; } print STDERR ") :: " . $::currentquery->errstr . "\n"; die "Cannot execute SQL query. Please contact system administrator.\n"; } } sub FetchSQLData { if (defined @::fetchahead) { my @result = @::fetchahead; undef @::fetchahead; return @result; } return $::currentquery->fetchrow_array(); } sub FetchOneColumn { my @row = &FetchSQLData(); return $row[0]; } sub formatSqlTime { my ($date) = @_; $time = strftime("%Y/%m/%d %T", gmtime($date)); return $time; } # Use this function to workaround the fact that perl # assumes that seconds since epoch are always in localtime sub GMTtoLocaltime() { my ($time) = @_; my @timeData = localtime(time); my $diff = mktime(gmtime($time)) - mktime(localtime($time)); # Account for DST $diff -= 3600 if ($timeData[8]); return $time - $diff; } # # ViewVC uses the same table layout as bonsai. Yippie! # sub query_checkins($) { my (%mod_map) = @_; my @bind_values; &ConnectToDatabase(); my $qstring = "SELECT type, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ci_when), people.who, " . "repositories.repository, dirs.dir, files.file, revision, " . "stickytag, branches.branch, addedlines, removedlines, " . "descs.description FROM checkins,people,repositories,dirs,files," . "branches,descs WHERE people.id=whoid AND " . "repositories.id=repositoryid AND dirs.id=dirid AND " . "files.id=fileid AND branches.id=branchid AND descs.id=descid"; if (defined($::query_module) && $::query_module ne 'allrepositories') { $qstring .= " AND repositories.repository = ?"; push(@bind_values, $::query_module); } if (defined($::query_date_min) && $::query_date_min) { $qstring .= " AND ci_when >= ?"; push(@bind_values, &formatSqlTime($::query_date_min)); } if (defined($::query_date_max) && $::query_date_max) { $qstring .= " AND ci_when <= ?"; push(@bind_values, &formatSqlTime($::query_date_max)); } # print "Query: $qstring\n"; # print "values: @bind_values\n"; &SendSQL($qstring, @bind_values); $lastlog = 0; my @row; while (@row = &FetchSQLData()) { #print "
        $ci = [];
        for (my $i=0 ; $i<=$::CI_LOG ; $i++) {
            if ($i == $::CI_DATE) {
                $ci->[$i] = &GMTtoLocaltime($row[$i]);
            } else {
                $ci->[$i] = $row[$i];
#print "
\n"; my $key = "$ci->[$::CI_DIR]/$ci->[$::CI_FILE]"; # if (IsHidden("$ci->[$::CI_REPOSITORY]/$key")) { # next; # } next if ($key =~ m@^CVSROOT/@); if( $have_mod_map && !&in_module(\%mod_map, $ci->[$::CI_DIR], $ci->[$::CI_FILE] ) ){ next; } if( $begin_tag) { $rev = $begin_tag->{$key}; print "
$key begintag is $rev
\n"; if ($rev == "" || rev_is_after($ci->[$::CI_REV], $rev)) { next; } } if( $end_tag) { $rev = $end_tag->{$key}; print "
$key endtag is $rev
\n"; if ($rev == "" || rev_is_after($rev, $ci->[$::CI_REV])) { next; } } if (defined($::query_logexpr) && $::query_logexpr ne '' && !($ci->[$::CI_LOG] =~ /$::query_logexpr/i) ){ next; } push( @$result, $ci ); } &DisconnectFromDatabase(); for $ci (@{$result}) { $::lines_added += $ci->[$::CI_LINES_ADDED]; $::lines_removed += $ci->[$::CI_LINES_REMOVED]; $::versioninfo .= "$ci->[$::CI_WHO]|$ci->[$::CI_DIR]|$ci->[$::CI_FILE]|$ci->[$::CI_REV],"; } return $result; } 1;