/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include "prlink.h" #include "prmem.h" #include "prenv.h" #include "gfxPrefs.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "mozilla/Hal.h" #include "gfxVRCardboard.h" #include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h" #include "nsIScreenManager.h" using namespace mozilla::dom; using namespace mozilla::gfx; using namespace mozilla::gfx::impl; HMDInfoCardboard::HMDInfoCardboard() : VRHMDInfo(VRHMDType::Cardboard, true) { MOZ_ASSERT(sizeof(HMDInfoCardboard::DistortionVertex) == sizeof(VRDistortionVertex), "HMDInfoCardboard::DistortionVertex must match the size of VRDistortionVertex"); MOZ_COUNT_CTOR_INHERITED(HMDInfoCardboard, VRHMDInfo); mDeviceInfo.mDeviceName.AssignLiteral("Phone Sensor (Cardboard) HMD"); mDeviceInfo.mSupportedSensorBits = VRStateValidFlags::State_Orientation; mDeviceInfo.mRecommendedEyeFOV[VRDeviceInfo::Eye_Left] = gfx::VRFieldOfView(45.0, 45.0, 45.0, 45.0); mDeviceInfo.mRecommendedEyeFOV[VRDeviceInfo::Eye_Right] = gfx::VRFieldOfView(45.0, 45.0, 45.0, 45.0); mDeviceInfo.mMaximumEyeFOV[VRDeviceInfo::Eye_Left] = gfx::VRFieldOfView(45.0, 45.0, 45.0, 45.0); mDeviceInfo.mMaximumEyeFOV[VRDeviceInfo::Eye_Right] = gfx::VRFieldOfView(45.0, 45.0, 45.0, 45.0); SetFOV(mDeviceInfo.mRecommendedEyeFOV[VRDeviceInfo::Eye_Left], mDeviceInfo.mRecommendedEyeFOV[VRDeviceInfo::Eye_Right], 0.01, 10000.0); mDeviceInfo.mScreenRect.x = 0; mDeviceInfo.mScreenRect.y = 0; mDeviceInfo.mScreenRect.width = 1920; mDeviceInfo.mScreenRect.height = 1080; mDeviceInfo.mIsFakeScreen = true; } VRHMDSensorState HMDInfoCardboard::GetSensorState(double timeOffset) { // Actual sensor state is calculated on the main thread, // within VRDeviceProxyOrientationFallBack VRHMDSensorState result; result.Clear(); return result; } void HMDInfoCardboard::ZeroSensor() { MOZ_ASSERT(0, "HMDInfoCardboard::ZeroSensor not implemented. " "Should use VRDeviceProxyOrientationFallBack on main thread"); } void HMDInfoCardboard::NotifyVsync(const TimeStamp& aVsyncTimestamp) { // Nothing to do here for Cardboard VR } bool HMDInfoCardboard::KeepSensorTracking() { // Nothing to do here for Cardboard VR return true; } bool HMDInfoCardboard::SetFOV(const gfx::VRFieldOfView& aFOVLeft, const gfx::VRFieldOfView& aFOVRight, double zNear, double zFar) { const float standardIPD = 0.064f; for (uint32_t eye = 0; eye < VRDeviceInfo::NumEyes; eye++) { mDeviceInfo.mEyeFOV[eye] = eye == VRDeviceInfo::Eye_Left ? aFOVLeft : aFOVRight; mDeviceInfo.mEyeTranslation[eye] = Point3D(standardIPD * (eye == VRDeviceInfo::Eye_Left ? -1.0 : 1.0), 0.0, 0.0); mDeviceInfo.mEyeProjectionMatrix[eye] = mDeviceInfo.mEyeFOV[eye].ConstructProjectionMatrix(zNear, zFar, true); mDistortionMesh[eye].mVertices.SetLength(4); mDistortionMesh[eye].mIndices.SetLength(6); HMDInfoCardboard::DistortionVertex *destv = reinterpret_cast(mDistortionMesh[eye].mVertices.Elements()); float xoffs = eye == VRDeviceInfo::Eye_Left ? 0.0f : 1.0f; float txoffs = eye == VRDeviceInfo::Eye_Left ? 0.0f : 0.5f; destv[0].pos[0] = -1.0 + xoffs; destv[0].pos[1] = -1.0; destv[0].texR[0] = destv[0].texG[0] = destv[0].texB[0] = 0.0 + txoffs; destv[0].texR[1] = destv[0].texG[1] = destv[0].texB[1] = 1.0; destv[0].padding[0] = 1.0; // vignette factor destv[1].pos[0] = 0.0 + xoffs; destv[1].pos[1] = -1.0; destv[1].texR[0] = destv[1].texG[0] = destv[1].texB[0] = 0.5 + txoffs; destv[1].texR[1] = destv[1].texG[1] = destv[1].texB[1] = 1.0; destv[1].padding[0] = 1.0; // vignette factor destv[2].pos[0] = 0.0 + xoffs; destv[2].pos[1] = 1.0; destv[2].texR[0] = destv[2].texG[0] = destv[2].texB[0] = 0.5 + txoffs; destv[2].texR[1] = destv[2].texG[1] = destv[2].texB[1] = 0.0; destv[2].padding[0] = 1.0; // vignette factor destv[3].pos[0] = -1.0 + xoffs; destv[3].pos[1] = 1.0; destv[3].texR[0] = destv[3].texG[0] = destv[3].texB[0] = 0.0 + txoffs; destv[3].texR[1] = destv[3].texG[1] = destv[3].texB[1] = 0.0; destv[3].padding[0] = 1.0; // vignette factor uint16_t *iv = mDistortionMesh[eye].mIndices.Elements(); iv[0] = 0; iv[1] = 1; iv[2] = 2; iv[3] = 2; iv[4] = 3; iv[5] = 0; } // XXX find out the default screen size and use that mDeviceInfo.mEyeResolution.width = 1920 / 2; mDeviceInfo.mEyeResolution.height = 1080; if (PR_GetEnv("FAKE_CARDBOARD_SCREEN")) { // for testing, make the eye resolution 2x of the screen mDeviceInfo.mEyeResolution.width *= 2; mDeviceInfo.mEyeResolution.height *= 2; } mConfiguration.hmdType = mDeviceInfo.mType; mConfiguration.value = 0; mConfiguration.fov[0] = aFOVLeft; mConfiguration.fov[1] = aFOVRight; return true; } void HMDInfoCardboard::FillDistortionConstants(uint32_t whichEye, const IntSize& textureSize, const IntRect& eyeViewport, const Size& destViewport, const Rect& destRect, VRDistortionConstants& values) { // these modify the texture coordinates; texcoord * zw + xy values.eyeToSourceScaleAndOffset[0] = 0.0; values.eyeToSourceScaleAndOffset[1] = 0.0; if (PR_GetEnv("FAKE_CARDBOARD_SCREEN")) { values.eyeToSourceScaleAndOffset[2] = 2.0; values.eyeToSourceScaleAndOffset[3] = 2.0; } else { values.eyeToSourceScaleAndOffset[2] = 1.0; values.eyeToSourceScaleAndOffset[3] = 1.0; } // Our mesh positions are in the [-1..1] clip space; we give appropriate offset // and scaling for the right viewport. (In the 0..2 space for sanity) // this is the destRect in clip space float x0 = destRect.x / destViewport.width * 2.0 - 1.0; float x1 = (destRect.x + destRect.width) / destViewport.width * 2.0 - 1.0; float y0 = destRect.y / destViewport.height * 2.0 - 1.0; float y1 = (destRect.y + destRect.height) / destViewport.height * 2.0 - 1.0; // offset values.destinationScaleAndOffset[0] = (x0+x1) / 2.0; values.destinationScaleAndOffset[1] = (y0+y1) / 2.0; // scale values.destinationScaleAndOffset[2] = destRect.width / destViewport.width; values.destinationScaleAndOffset[3] = destRect.height / destViewport.height; } void HMDInfoCardboard::Destroy() { } /*static*/ already_AddRefed VRHMDManagerCardboard::Create() { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); if (!gfxPrefs::VREnabled() || !gfxPrefs::VRCardboardEnabled()) { return nullptr; } RefPtr manager = new VRHMDManagerCardboard(); return manager.forget(); } bool VRHMDManagerCardboard::Init() { if (mCardboardInitialized) { return true; } RefPtr hmd = new HMDInfoCardboard(); mCardboardHMDs.AppendElement(hmd); mCardboardInitialized = true; return true; } void VRHMDManagerCardboard::Destroy() { if (!mCardboardInitialized) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < mCardboardHMDs.Length(); ++i) { mCardboardHMDs[i]->Destroy(); } mCardboardHMDs.Clear(); mCardboardInitialized = false; } void VRHMDManagerCardboard::GetHMDs(nsTArray>& aHMDResult) { if (!mCardboardInitialized) { return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < mCardboardHMDs.Length(); ++i) { aHMDResult.AppendElement(mCardboardHMDs[i]); } }