{ "Firefox Browser Page JSHandle.jsonValue should not work with dates": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser target events should work": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setBypassCSP should bypass CSP meta tag": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Keyboard should send a character with sendCharacter": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.authenticate should fail if wrong credentials": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitForRequest should respect timeout": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should work when navigating to data url": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForSelector should work with removed MutationObserver": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should throw if networkidle is passed as an option": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.click should double click the button": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should work": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.exposeFunction should work on frames before navigation": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForFunction should throw negative polling interval": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page BrowserContext.overridePermissions should be prompt by default": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setContent should work with doctype": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should transfer -0": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.$ should return null for non-existing element": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should wait for network idle to succeed navigation": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page BrowserContext.overridePermissions should deny permission when not listed": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page BrowserContext.overridePermissions should trigger permission onchange": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Keyboard should press the meta key": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setCacheEnabled should enable or disable the cache based on the state passed": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.click should click wrapped links": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setOfflineMode should work": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.viewport should detect touch when applying viewport with touches": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page FileChooser.cancel should cancel dialog": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.cookies should properly report \"Strict\" sameSite cookie": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Puppeteer Puppeteer.connect should support ignoreHTTPSErrors option": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Browser.version should return whether we are in headless": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForFunction should return the success value as a JSHandle": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setContent should await resources to load": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page JSHandle.getProperty should work": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.exposeFunction should throw exception in page context": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitForFileChooser should work when file input is attached to DOM": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should support thrown strings as error messages": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Fixtures should close the browser when the node process closes": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForSelector should work when node is added through innerHTML": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page ExecutionContext.queryObjects should work": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.evaluate should throw for detached frames": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Browser.waitForTarget should timeout waiting for a non-existent target": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox DefaultBrowserContext page.cookies() should work": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page JSHandle.asElement should return ElementHandle for TextNodes": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForFunction should poll on mutation": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Target should report when a target url changes": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Request.isNavigationRequest should work when navigating to image": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForFunction should respect default timeout": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should work with redirects": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should await promise": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluateHandle should accept object handle to primitive types": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Puppeteer Browser.disconnect should reject waitForSelector when browser closes": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForSelector Page.waitForSelector is shortcut for main frame": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page input should upload the file": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.click should fail to click a missing button": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Network Events Page.Events.Response": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.goto should reject when frame detaches": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should work when page calls history API in beforeunload": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForSelector should have correct stack trace for timeout": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Mouse should tween mouse movement": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitForFileChooser should return the same file chooser when there are many watchdogs simultaneously": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page JSHandle.getProperties should return even non-own properties": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.Events.PageError should fire": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Mouse should set modifier keys on click": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Request.isNavigationRequest should work with request interception": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.screenshot should take into account padding and border": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.screenshot should take fullPage screenshots": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should work with subframes return 204": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setJavaScriptEnabled should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setRequestInterception should work with file URLs": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page ExecutionContext.queryObjects should fail primitive values as prototypes": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Workers should have an execution context": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should navigate to empty page with networkidle0": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should navigate to empty page with networkidle2": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page FileChooser.accept should not accept multiple files for single-file input": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page FileChooser.cancel should fail when canceling file chooser twice": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Request.frame should work for subframe navigation request": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame Management should not send attach/detach events for main frame": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Touchscreen should tap the button": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForNavigation should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitForNavigation should work with both domcontentloaded and load": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitFor should timeout": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.click should click the button inside an iframe": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.exposeFunction should support throwing \"null\"": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.Events.Dialog should fire": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Accessibility should work": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.boundingBox should return null for invisible elements": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Response.json should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForSelector should immediately resolve promise if node exists": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Mouse should trigger hover state": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setRequestInterception should not throw \"Invalid Interception Id\" if the request was cancelled": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Accessibility filtering children of leaf nodes root option should work a button": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.addStyleTag should throw when added with content to the CSP page": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Network Events should fire events in proper order": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.$$eval should not throw in case of missing selector": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.addStyleTag should throw an error if loading from url fail": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setRequestInterception should properly return navigation response when URL has cookies": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.click should click with disabled javascript": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitForNavigation should work when subframe issues window.stop()": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should fail when main resources failed to load": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setContent should work with newline": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should work when navigating to valid url": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForSelector should resolve promise when node is added": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should transfer arrays as arrays, not objects": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Keyboard ElementHandle.press should support |text| option": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitFor should not allow you to select an element with single slash xpath": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Async stacks should work": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should work from-inside an exposed function": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Accessibility filtering children of leaf nodes rich text editable fields with role should have children": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setRequestInterception should fail navigation when aborting main resource": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should transfer NaN": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.addScriptTag should work with a path and type=module": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.emulate should support clicking": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame Management should report frame.name()": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitFor should wait for predicate": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.emulateMediaType should throw in case of bad argument": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page JSHandle.jsonValue should work": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.cookies should get multiple cookies": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.authenticate should work": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.evaluate should have different execution contexts": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should work with unicode chars": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitForResponse should work with predicate": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Request.respond should redirect": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.click should click links which cause navigation": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.evaluate should have correct execution contexts": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.Events.Console should have location when fetch fails": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setRequestInterception should work with redirects for subresources": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Puppeteer Puppeteer.launch userDataDir option": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Puppeteer Puppeteer.launch should take fullPage screenshots when defaultViewport is null": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setCookie should isolate cookies in browser contexts": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox ignoreHTTPSErrors Response.securityDetails should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should return BigInt": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitForRequest should work": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.exposeFunction should work on frames": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.cookies should return no cookies in pristine browser context": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Response.buffer should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForFunction should return the window as a success value": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.select should respect event bubbling": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setCookie should set cookie with reasonable defaults": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForXPath should allow you to select an element with single slash": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame Management should report frame from-inside shadow DOM": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should return response when page changes its URL after load": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setUserAgent should work for subframes": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page FileChooser.isMultiple should work for \"multiple\"": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Response.fromServiceWorker Response.fromServiceWorker": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Request.postData should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setRequestInterception should contain referer header": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.click should click the button with deviceScaleFactor set": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.addStyleTag should work with a path": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Keyboard should send proper codes while typing": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.screenshot should scroll element into view": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.hover should work": [ "FAIL", "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setContent should work with HTML 4 doctype": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setCookie should set a cookie with a path": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.click should click the button after navigation": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Puppeteer Puppeteer.launch userDataDir option should restore cookies": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page JSHandle.toString should work for complicated objects": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Mouse should select the text with mouse": [ "FAIL", "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should accept \"undefined\" as one of multiple parameters": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should throw if underlying element was disposed": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.emulateTimezone should work": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Accessibility filtering children of leaf nodes root option should return null when the element is no longer in DOM": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser BrowserContext window.open should use parent tab context": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should not throw an error when evaluation does a navigation": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.$$ should return empty array for non-existing elements": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should navigate to about:blank": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setRequestInterception should work when header manipulation headers with redirect": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.screenshot should capture full element when larger than viewport": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Puppeteer Puppeteer.connect should be able to reconnect to a disconnected browser": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.click should throw for hidden nodes": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.isIntersectingViewport should work": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Response.fromCache should return |false| for non-cached content": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Puppeteer Puppeteer.connect should be able to close remote browser": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.emulate should work": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Request.continue should redirect in a way non-observable to page": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.close should not be visible in browser.pages": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.click should throw for recursively hidden nodes": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setGeolocation should work": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Fixtures dumpio option should work with pipe option": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.click should click when one of inline box children is outside of viewport": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.Events.Console should not throw when there are console messages in detached iframes": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setRequestInterception should navigate to dataURL and fire dataURL requests": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.$eval should accept ElementHandles as arguments": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Keyboard should report shiftKey": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Mouse should work with mobile viewports and cross process navigations": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should transfer BigInt": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.viewport should support touch emulation": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Workers should report console logs": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page FileChooser.accept should be able to read selected file": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluateHandle should use the same JS wrappers": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForSelector should respond to node attribute mutation": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitForFileChooser should work with no timeout": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.browser should return the correct browser instance": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setRequestInterception should work with equal requests": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForSelector should survive cross-process navigation": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Response.text should return uncompressed text": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.Events.DOMContentLoaded should fire when expected": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.close should set the page close state": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.Events.Load should fire when expected": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.click should throw for detached nodes": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox ignoreHTTPSErrors Response.securityDetails Network redirects should report SecurityDetails": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.Events.Request should fire for fetches": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setUserAgent should work": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.Events.Console should not fail for window object": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.Events.Console should trigger correct Log": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goBack should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page JSHandle.asElement should return null for non-elements": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setRequestInterception should work with redirects": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.$eval should throw error if no element is found": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame Management should send events when frames are manipulated dynamically": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.close should terminate network waiters": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should accept a string with comments": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.emulateMediaFeatures should work": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page BrowserContext.overridePermissions should grant permission when listed": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForXPath should throw when frame is detached": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Browser.isConnected should set the browser connected state": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setRequestInterception should work when POST is redirected with 302": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Response.headers should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Keyboard should type into a textarea": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should modify global environment": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should fail when navigating to bad SSL": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.authenticate should allow disable authentication": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Request.frame should work for fetch requests": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForFunction should survive cross-process navigation": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForSelector should wait for visible": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser BrowserContext should have default context": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Fixtures should dump browser process stderr": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Top-level requires should require top-level DeviceDescriptors": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForXPath should run in specified frame": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.browserContext should return the correct browser instance": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForSelector should return the element handle": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.emulateMediaFeatures should throw in case of bad argument": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.click should work for TextNodes": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForXPath hidden should wait for display: none": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.select should select multiple options": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Response.text should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.screenshot should run in parallel": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page JSHandle.asElement should work with nullified Node": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.select should deselect all options when passed no values for a multiple select": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.screenshot should fail to screenshot a detached element": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page JSHandle.asElement should work": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should work with anchor navigation": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Browser.userAgent should include WebKit": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.addScriptTag should work with a url": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.click should click a partially obscured button": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame Management should report frame.parent()": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Puppeteer Puppeteer.launch should filter out ignored default arguments": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame Management should send \"framenavigated\" when navigating on anchor URLs": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser BrowserContext should work across sessions": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setUserAgent should emulate device user-agent": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setRequestInterception should intercept": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluateHandle should work": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.addStyleTag should work with content": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluateHandle should warn on nested object handles": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.screenshot should clip rect": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.$eval should throw in case of missing selector": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setRequestInterception should be able to fetch dataURL and fire dataURL requests": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should be able to throw a tricky error": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.Events.Popup should work with noopener": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Keyboard should specify location": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should return undefined for non-serializable objects": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Puppeteer Puppeteer.launch should report the correct product": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.Events.Popup should work with clicking target=_blank and rel=noopener": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.screenshot should work for an element with an offset": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.evaluate should execute after cross-site navigation": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.boundingBox should work with SVG nodes": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Response.fromServiceWorker should return |false| for non-service-worker content": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Request.headers should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.$$eval should work": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should fail when exceeding default maximum timeout": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitFor should wait for predicate with arguments": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page ExecutionContext.queryObjects should work for non-blank page": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Request.respond should allow mocking binary responses": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setCookie should not set a cookie on a blank page": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.exposeFunction should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.$$ should query existing elements": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Target should report when a new page is created and closed": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Request.continue should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page FileChooser.accept should fail when accepting file chooser twice": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setExtraHTTPHeaders should throw for non-string header values": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Accessibility filtering children of leaf nodes rich text editable fields should have children": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.goto should navigate subframes": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.cookies should properly report httpOnly cookie": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Network Events should support redirects": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Target should report when a service worker is created and destroyed": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should work when navigating to 404": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Accessibility filtering children of leaf nodes root option should work an input": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setContent should work with accents": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Keyboard should send a character with ElementHandle.press": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setCookie should have |expires| set to |-1| for session cookies": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Accessibility filtering children of leaf nodes root option should support the interestingOnly option": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Accessibility roledescription": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Puppeteer Puppeteer.launch should disable the default viewport": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitForResponse should respect timeout": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should transfer arrays": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.select should return [] on no values": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.$x should return null for non-existing element": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.addStyleTag should throw an error if no options are provided": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Workers Page.workers": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Request.continue should amend both post data and method on navigation": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.boxModel should return null for invisible elements": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitForNavigation should work with clicking on anchor links": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.click should work": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.select should return [] on no matched values": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setBypassCSP should bypass CSP header": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should not leak listeners during navigation of 11 pages": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForFunction should accept a string": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitForFileChooser should work when file input is not attached to DOM": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.Events.Dialog should dismiss the prompt": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Response.buffer should work with compression": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setRequestInterception should be able to remove headers": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.$eval should work": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.pdf should be able to save file": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.reload should work": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.Events.Popup should work with clicking target=_blank": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.select should return an array of matched values": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should return undefined for objects with symbols": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setGeolocation should throw when invalid longitude": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitForResponse should work with no timeout": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.addScriptTag should work with a path": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.Events.error should throw when page crashes": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Accessibility multiselectable": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForFunction should work when resolved right before execution context disposal": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Accessibility should report uninteresting nodes": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.Events.Popup should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitForFileChooser should respect timeout": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Puppeteer Puppeteer.launch userDataDir argument": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Browser.process should return child_process instance": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Accessibility filtering children of leaf nodes root option should work a menu": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should work with function shorthands": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Puppeteer Puppeteer.launch userDataDir option should restore state": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForFunction should work with strict CSP policy": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluateHandle should accept object handle as an argument": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.Events.Dialog should allow accepting prompts": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Puppeteer BrowserFetcher should download and extract linux binary": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.goto should return matching responses": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setCookie should set a cookie on a different domain": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setExtraHTTPHeaders should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox ignoreHTTPSErrors should work with mixed content": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page BrowserContext.overridePermissions should reset permissions": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.$$ should query existing elements": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.emulateMediaType should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitForNavigation should work with history.pushState()": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.addStyleTag should throw when added with URL to the CSP page": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.click should click the button if window.Node is removed": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.screenshot should render white background on jpeg file": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Accessibility filtering children of leaf nodes should not report text nodes inside controls": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Request.respond should work with status code 422": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.emulateMedia should be an alias for Page.emulateMediaType": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitFor should work with multiline body": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Request.continue should amend method": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.viewport should support mobile emulation": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should fail when navigating to bad SSL after redirects": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.boundingBox should force a layout": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.executionContext should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForXPath should allow you to select a text node": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page FileChooser.isMultiple should work for \"webkitdirectory\"": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should fail for circular object": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should evaluate in the page context": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluateOnNewDocument should evaluate before anything else on the page": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Keyboard should type emoji": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Request.isNavigationRequest should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluateHandle should work with primitives": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForFunction should respect timeout": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.$eval should work": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setCookie should set cookies from a frame": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Network Events Page.Events.Request": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.exposeFunction should be callable from-inside evaluateOnNewDocument": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should fail when exceeding default maximum navigation timeout": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.Events.Console should work for different console API calls": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.title should return the page title": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.evaluateHandle should work": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForSelector should have an error message specifically for awaiting an element to be hidden": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame Management should report different frame instance when frame re-attaches": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page ExecutionContext.queryObjects should fail for disposed handles": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Puppeteer Puppeteer.launch should work with no default arguments": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Browser.target should return browser target": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Puppeteer Puppeteer.connect should be able to connect to the same page simultaneously": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setBypassCSP should bypass CSP in iframes as well": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Mouse should resize the textarea": [ "FAIL", "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Accessibility autocomplete": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.screenshot should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page FileChooser.accept should be able to reset selected files with empty file list": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.metrics metrics event fired on console.timeStamp": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.Events.Console should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Keyboard should report multiple modifiers": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Keyboard should send proper codes while typing with shift": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Request.continue should amend post data": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should fail when exceeding maximum navigation timeout": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Accessibility filtering children of leaf nodes non editable textbox with role and tabIndex and label should not have children": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.$eval should retrieve content from subtree": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Accessibility filtering children of leaf nodes checkbox with and tabIndex and label should not have children": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitForRequest should work with no timeout": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Puppeteer Puppeteer.launch should reject all promises when browser is closed": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitForRequest should work with predicate": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.addStyleTag should work with a url": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Request.postData should be |undefined| when there is no post data": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Request.continue should amend HTTP headers": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should return -0": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Workers should have JSHandles for console logs": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Workers should emit created and destroyed events": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should throw when evaluation triggers reload": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.screenshot should clip elements to the viewport": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should send referer": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Target Browser.pages should return all of the pages": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Request.respond should work": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.viewport should support landscape emulation": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser BrowserContext should fire target events": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should return -Infinity": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitFor should wait for an xpath": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.click should throw for
elements": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.addStyleTag should include sourcemap when path is provided": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should throw if elementHandles are from other frames": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.addScriptTag should work with content": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should work with self requesting page": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.Events.Request should fire for iframes": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.addScriptTag should throw when added with content to the CSP page": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitFor should throw when unknown type": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setRequestInterception should stop intercepting": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame Management should detach child frames on navigation": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setCacheEnabled should stay disabled when toggling request interception on/off": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setContent should respect timeout": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.emulateTimezone should throw for invalid timezone IDs": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.cookies should get cookies from multiple urls": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page JSHandle.toString should work with different subtypes": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Puppeteer Browser.disconnect should reject navigation when browser closes": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setCookie should set multiple cookies": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.$x should query existing element": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.url should work": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Target should create a worker from a service worker": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setRequestInterception should work with encoded server - 2": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Network Events Page.Events.RequestFinished": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Keyboard should press the metaKey": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Puppeteer Puppeteer.launch should have default URL when launching browser": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.viewport should be detectable by Modernizr": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForFunction should throw on bad polling value": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.select should not throw when select causes navigation": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForFunction should poll on raf": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.addScriptTag should throw an error if no options are provided": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Mouse should click the document": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setCookie should not set a cookie on a data URL page": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Puppeteer Puppeteer.launch should reject if executable path is invalid": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser BrowserContext should wait for a target": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.$eval should accept arguments": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.screenshot should not hang with zero width/height element": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForSelector hidden should wait for removal": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.exposeFunction should survive navigation": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Target Browser.targets should return all of the targets": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should navigate to empty page with domcontentloaded": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should return NaN": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Path.$x should query existing element": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Target should not report uninitialized pages": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForXPath should support some fancy xpath": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.click should click the button": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should not leak listeners during navigation": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForSelector should respect timeout": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.close should reject all promises when page is closed": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox ignoreHTTPSErrors should work with request interception": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.select should throw if passed in non-strings": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Target should have an opener": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setContent should respect default navigation timeout": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox ignoreHTTPSErrors Response.securityDetails should be |null| for non-secure requests": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.screenshot should work with odd clip size on Retina displays": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.Events.Request should fire for navigation requests": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.$$eval should work": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should fail when navigating and show the url at the error message": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.click should click on checkbox label and toggle": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setRequestInterception should be able to abort redirects": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setContent should work with tricky content": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.screenshot should work with a rotated element": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.select should deselect all options when passed no values for a select without multiple": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.select should select only first option": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setRequestInterception should show custom HTTP headers": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.$$ should return empty array if nothing is found": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goBack should work with HistoryAPI": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Puppeteer Puppeteer.launch should return the default arguments": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser.Events.disconnected should be emitted when: browser gets closed, disconnected or underlying websocket gets closed": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page BrowserContext.overridePermissions should fail when bad permission is given": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should work": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should support thrown numbers as error messages": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Puppeteer Puppeteer.launch should have custom URL when launching browser": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.select should work when re-defining top-level Event class": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Keyboard should not type canceled events": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.deleteCookie should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForSelector should return null if waiting to hide non-existing element": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser BrowserContext should close all belonging targets once closing context": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.click should click the button with fixed position inside an iframe": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page JSHandle.getProperties should work": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForSelector hidden should wait for display: none": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.$$eval should retrieve content from subtree": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser BrowserContext should create new incognito context": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.addScriptTag should throw an error if loading from url fail": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setCookie should default to setting secure cookie for HTTPS websites": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Response.fromCache should work": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.cookies should get a cookie": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should transfer 100Mb of data from page to node.js": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Response.statusText should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.metrics should get metrics from a page": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.contentFrame should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Keyboard should throw on unknown keys": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setContent should work with emojis": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.boundingBox should handle nested frames": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should return Infinity": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.boxModel should work": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page JSHandle.jsonValue should throw for circular objects": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.addScriptTag should throw when added with URL to the CSP page": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox DefaultBrowserContext page.deleteCookie() should work": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should transfer Infinity": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setBypassCSP should bypass after cross-process navigation": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setContent should work": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.$ should query existing element": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.screenshot should run in parallel in multiple pages": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page FileChooser.isMultiple should work for single file pick": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should accept a string with semi colons": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setRequestInterception should throw if interception is not enabled": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitForNavigation should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Request.respond should stringify intercepted request response headers": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.click should click svg": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForSelector should throw when frame is detached": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.click should select the text by triple clicking": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.click should click offscreen buttons": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.click should click on checkbox input and toggle": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitForResponse should respect default timeout": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should reject promise with exception": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.screenshot should work for an element with fractional dimensions": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitForResponse should work": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should work right after framenavigated": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox ignoreHTTPSErrors should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setCookie should be able to set unsecure cookie for HTTP website": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.viewport should get the proper viewport size": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Keyboard should move with the arrow keys": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame Management should support framesets": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.screenshot should work": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitForFileChooser should prioritize exact timeout over default timeout": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.$ should return null for non-existing element": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.addScriptTag should work with a content and type=module": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitForFileChooser should respect default timeout when there is no custom timeout": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setRequestInterception should send referer": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForSelector should wait for visible recursively": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should transfer -Infinity": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Puppeteer Puppeteer.executablePath should work": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page BrowserContext.overridePermissions should isolate permissions between browser contexs": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForFunction should survive navigations": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setRequestInterception should be abortable with custom error codes": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should accept element handle as an argument": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setContent should work fast enough": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.click should scroll and click the button": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.screenshot should allow transparency": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setCookie should work": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitFor should wait for selector": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should throw error with detailed information on exception inside promise": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Workers should report errors": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluateOnNewDocument should work with CSP": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame Management should persist mainFrame on cross-process navigation": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox DefaultBrowserContext page.setCookie() should work": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.click should not throw UnhandledPromiseRejection when page closes": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser BrowserContext should timeout waiting for a non-existent target": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Puppeteer Puppeteer.connect should be able to connect multiple times to the same browser": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Touchscreen should report touches": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluateHandle should accept object handle to unserializable value": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForNavigation should fail when frame detaches": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitForNavigation should work with history.replaceState()": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page ElementHandle.click should work for Shadow DOM v1": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForFunction should poll on interval": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.close should *not* run beforeunload by default": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setCookie should not set a cookie with blank page URL": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.click should fire contextmenu event on right click": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.setRequestInterception should navigate to URL with hash and and fire requests without hash": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.select should return an array of one element when multiple is not set": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Keyboard should type all kinds of characters": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should simulate a user gesture": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Frame.waitForXPath should respect timeout": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Accessibility filtering children of leaf nodes checkbox without label should not have children": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.close should run beforeunload if asked for": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should return complex objects": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should navigate to dataURL and fire dataURL requests": [ "FAIL" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.goto should fail when navigating to bad url": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Top-level requires should require top-level Errors": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.click should click a rotated button": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Path.$x should return empty array for non-existing element": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Path.$x should return multiple elements": [ "TIMEOUT" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.evaluate should throw a nice error after a navigation": [ "SKIP" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.waitForRequest should respect default timeout": [ "PASS" ], "Firefox Browser Page Page.select should throw when element is not a