/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsMixedContentBlocker.h" #include "nsContentPolicyUtils.h" #include "nsCSPContext.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" #include "nsINode.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsDocShell.h" #include "nsIWebProgressListener.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "nsIRequest.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Document.h" #include "nsIContentViewer.h" #include "nsIChannel.h" #include "nsIHttpChannel.h" #include "nsIParentChannel.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "nsIScriptObjectPrincipal.h" #include "nsISecureBrowserUI.h" #include "nsIDocumentLoader.h" #include "nsIWebNavigation.h" #include "nsLoadGroup.h" #include "nsIScriptError.h" #include "nsIURI.h" #include "nsIChannelEventSink.h" #include "nsNetUtil.h" #include "nsAsyncRedirectVerifyHelper.h" #include "mozilla/LoadInfo.h" #include "nsISiteSecurityService.h" #include "prnetdb.h" #include "mozilla/Logging.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_dom.h" #include "mozilla/Telemetry.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ContentChild.h" #include "mozilla/ipc/URIUtils.h" #include "mozilla/net/DNS.h" using namespace mozilla; enum nsMixedContentBlockerMessageType { eBlocked = 0x00, eUserOverride = 0x01 }; // Is mixed script blocking (fonts, plugin content, scripts, stylesheets, // iframes, websockets, XHR) enabled? bool nsMixedContentBlocker::sBlockMixedScript = false; bool nsMixedContentBlocker::sBlockMixedObjectSubrequest = false; // Is mixed display content blocking (images, audio, video) enabled? bool nsMixedContentBlocker::sBlockMixedDisplay = false; // Is mixed display content upgrading (images, audio, video) enabled? bool nsMixedContentBlocker::sUpgradeMixedDisplay = false; enum MixedContentHSTSState { MCB_HSTS_PASSIVE_NO_HSTS = 0, MCB_HSTS_PASSIVE_WITH_HSTS = 1, MCB_HSTS_ACTIVE_NO_HSTS = 2, MCB_HSTS_ACTIVE_WITH_HSTS = 3 }; // Fired at the document that attempted to load mixed content. The UI could // handle this event, for example, by displaying an info bar that offers the // choice to reload the page with mixed content permitted. class nsMixedContentEvent : public Runnable { public: nsMixedContentEvent(nsISupports* aContext, MixedContentTypes aType, bool aRootHasSecureConnection) : mozilla::Runnable("nsMixedContentEvent"), mContext(aContext), mType(aType), mRootHasSecureConnection(aRootHasSecureConnection) {} NS_IMETHOD Run() override { NS_ASSERTION(mContext, "You can't call this runnable without a requesting context"); // To update the security UI in the tab with the blocked mixed content, call // nsDocLoader::OnSecurityChange. // Mixed content was allowed and is about to load; get the document and // set the approriate flag to true if we are about to load Mixed Active // Content. nsCOMPtr docShell = NS_CP_GetDocShellFromContext(mContext); if (!docShell) { return NS_OK; } nsCOMPtr sameTypeRoot; docShell->GetInProcessSameTypeRootTreeItem(getter_AddRefs(sameTypeRoot)); NS_ASSERTION( sameTypeRoot, "No document shell root tree item from document shell tree item!"); // now get the document from sameTypeRoot nsCOMPtr rootDoc = sameTypeRoot->GetDocument(); NS_ASSERTION(rootDoc, "No root document from document shell root tree item."); nsDocShell* nativeDocShell = nsDocShell::Cast(docShell); nsCOMPtr rootShell = do_GetInterface(sameTypeRoot); NS_ASSERTION(rootShell, "No root docshell from document shell root tree item."); uint32_t state = nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_IS_BROKEN; nsCOMPtr securityUI; rootShell->GetSecurityUI(getter_AddRefs(securityUI)); // If there is no securityUI, document doesn't have a security state to // update. But we still want to set the document flags, so we don't return // early. nsresult stateRV = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; if (securityUI) { stateRV = securityUI->GetState(&state); } if (mType == eMixedScript) { // See if the pref will change here. If it will, only then do we need to // call OnSecurityChange() to update the UI. if (rootDoc->GetHasMixedActiveContentLoaded()) { return NS_OK; } rootDoc->SetHasMixedActiveContentLoaded(true); // Update the security UI in the tab with the allowed mixed active content if (securityUI) { // Bug 1182551 - before changing the security state to broken, check // that the root is actually secure. if (mRootHasSecureConnection) { // reset state security flag state = state >> 4 << 4; // set state security flag to broken, since there is mixed content state |= nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_IS_BROKEN; // If mixed display content is loaded, make sure to include that in // the state. if (rootDoc->GetHasMixedDisplayContentLoaded()) { state |= nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_LOADED_MIXED_DISPLAY_CONTENT; } nativeDocShell->nsDocLoader::OnSecurityChange( mContext, (state | nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_LOADED_MIXED_ACTIVE_CONTENT)); } else { // root not secure, mixed active content loaded in an https subframe if (NS_SUCCEEDED(stateRV)) { nativeDocShell->nsDocLoader::OnSecurityChange( mContext, (state | nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_LOADED_MIXED_ACTIVE_CONTENT)); } } } } else if (mType == eMixedDisplay) { // See if the pref will change here. If it will, only then do we need to // call OnSecurityChange() to update the UI. if (rootDoc->GetHasMixedDisplayContentLoaded()) { return NS_OK; } rootDoc->SetHasMixedDisplayContentLoaded(true); // Update the security UI in the tab with the allowed mixed display // content. if (securityUI) { // Bug 1182551 - before changing the security state to broken, check // that the root is actually secure. if (mRootHasSecureConnection) { // reset state security flag state = state >> 4 << 4; // set state security flag to broken, since there is mixed content state |= nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_IS_BROKEN; // If mixed active content is loaded, make sure to include that in the // state. if (rootDoc->GetHasMixedActiveContentLoaded()) { state |= nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_LOADED_MIXED_ACTIVE_CONTENT; } nativeDocShell->nsDocLoader::OnSecurityChange( mContext, (state | nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_LOADED_MIXED_DISPLAY_CONTENT)); } else { // root not secure, mixed display content loaded in an https subframe if (NS_SUCCEEDED(stateRV)) { nativeDocShell->nsDocLoader::OnSecurityChange( mContext, (state | nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_LOADED_MIXED_DISPLAY_CONTENT)); } } } } return NS_OK; } private: // The requesting context for the content load. Generally, a DOM node from // the document that caused the load. nsCOMPtr mContext; // The type of mixed content detected, e.g. active or display const MixedContentTypes mType; // Indicates whether the top level load is https or not. bool mRootHasSecureConnection; }; nsMixedContentBlocker::nsMixedContentBlocker() { // Cache the pref for mixed script blocking Preferences::AddBoolVarCache(&sBlockMixedScript, "security.mixed_content.block_active_content"); Preferences::AddBoolVarCache( &sBlockMixedObjectSubrequest, "security.mixed_content.block_object_subrequest"); // Cache the pref for mixed display blocking Preferences::AddBoolVarCache(&sBlockMixedDisplay, "security.mixed_content.block_display_content"); // Cache the pref for mixed display upgrading Preferences::AddBoolVarCache( &sUpgradeMixedDisplay, "security.mixed_content.upgrade_display_content"); } nsMixedContentBlocker::~nsMixedContentBlocker() {} NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsMixedContentBlocker, nsIContentPolicy, nsIChannelEventSink) static void LogMixedContentMessage( MixedContentTypes aClassification, nsIURI* aContentLocation, Document* aRootDoc, nsMixedContentBlockerMessageType aMessageType) { nsAutoCString messageCategory; uint32_t severityFlag; nsAutoCString messageLookupKey; if (aMessageType == eBlocked) { severityFlag = nsIScriptError::errorFlag; messageCategory.AssignLiteral("Mixed Content Blocker"); if (aClassification == eMixedDisplay) { messageLookupKey.AssignLiteral("BlockMixedDisplayContent"); } else { messageLookupKey.AssignLiteral("BlockMixedActiveContent"); } } else { severityFlag = nsIScriptError::warningFlag; messageCategory.AssignLiteral("Mixed Content Message"); if (aClassification == eMixedDisplay) { messageLookupKey.AssignLiteral("LoadingMixedDisplayContent2"); } else { messageLookupKey.AssignLiteral("LoadingMixedActiveContent2"); } } AutoTArray strings; CopyUTF8toUTF16(aContentLocation->GetSpecOrDefault(), *strings.AppendElement()); nsContentUtils::ReportToConsole(severityFlag, messageCategory, aRootDoc, nsContentUtils::eSECURITY_PROPERTIES, messageLookupKey.get(), strings); } /* nsIChannelEventSink implementation * This code is called when a request is redirected. * We check the channel associated with the new uri is allowed to load * in the current context */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsMixedContentBlocker::AsyncOnChannelRedirect( nsIChannel* aOldChannel, nsIChannel* aNewChannel, uint32_t aFlags, nsIAsyncVerifyRedirectCallback* aCallback) { mozilla::net::nsAsyncRedirectAutoCallback autoCallback(aCallback); if (!aOldChannel) { NS_ERROR("No channel when evaluating mixed content!"); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // If we are in the parent process in e10s, we don't have access to the // document node, and hence ShouldLoad will fail when we try to get // the docShell. If that's the case, ignore mixed content checks // on redirects in the parent. Let the child check for mixed content. nsCOMPtr is_ipc_channel; NS_QueryNotificationCallbacks(aNewChannel, is_ipc_channel); if (is_ipc_channel) { return NS_OK; } nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr oldUri; rv = aOldChannel->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(oldUri)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr newUri; rv = aNewChannel->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(newUri)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Get the loading Info from the old channel nsCOMPtr loadInfo = aOldChannel->LoadInfo(); nsCOMPtr requestingPrincipal = loadInfo->LoadingPrincipal(); // Since we are calling shouldLoad() directly on redirects, we don't go // through the code in nsContentPolicyUtils::NS_CheckContentLoadPolicy(). // Hence, we have to duplicate parts of it here. if (requestingPrincipal) { // We check to see if the loadingPrincipal is systemPrincipal and return // early if it is if (nsContentUtils::IsSystemPrincipal(requestingPrincipal)) { return NS_OK; } } int16_t decision = REJECT_REQUEST; rv = ShouldLoad(newUri, loadInfo, EmptyCString(), // aMimeGuess &decision); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { autoCallback.DontCallback(); aOldChannel->Cancel(NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI); return NS_BINDING_FAILED; } // If the channel is about to load mixed content, abort the channel if (!NS_CP_ACCEPTED(decision)) { autoCallback.DontCallback(); aOldChannel->Cancel(NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI); return NS_BINDING_FAILED; } return NS_OK; } /* This version of ShouldLoad() is non-static and called by the Content Policy * API and AsyncOnChannelRedirect(). See nsIContentPolicy::ShouldLoad() * for detailed description of the parameters. */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsMixedContentBlocker::ShouldLoad(nsIURI* aContentLocation, nsILoadInfo* aLoadInfo, const nsACString& aMimeGuess, int16_t* aDecision) { uint32_t contentType = aLoadInfo->InternalContentPolicyType(); nsCOMPtr requestingContext = aLoadInfo->GetLoadingContext(); nsCOMPtr requestPrincipal = aLoadInfo->TriggeringPrincipal(); nsCOMPtr requestingLocation; nsCOMPtr loadingPrincipal = aLoadInfo->LoadingPrincipal(); if (loadingPrincipal) { loadingPrincipal->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(requestingLocation)); } // We pass in false as the first parameter to ShouldLoad(), because the // callers of this method don't know whether the load went through cached // image redirects. This is handled by direct callers of the static // ShouldLoad. nsresult rv = ShouldLoad(false, // aHadInsecureImageRedirect contentType, aContentLocation, requestingLocation, requestingContext, aMimeGuess, requestPrincipal, aDecision); if (*aDecision == nsIContentPolicy::REJECT_REQUEST) { NS_SetRequestBlockingReason(aLoadInfo, nsILoadInfo::BLOCKING_REASON_MIXED_BLOCKED); } return rv; } bool nsMixedContentBlocker::IsPotentiallyTrustworthyLoopbackHost( const nsACString& aAsciiHost) { if (aAsciiHost.EqualsLiteral("::1") || aAsciiHost.EqualsLiteral("localhost")) { return true; } PRNetAddr tempAddr; memset(&tempAddr, 0, sizeof(PRNetAddr)); if (PR_StringToNetAddr(PromiseFlatCString(aAsciiHost).get(), &tempAddr) != PR_SUCCESS) { return false; } using namespace mozilla::net; NetAddr addr; PRNetAddrToNetAddr(&tempAddr, &addr); // Step 4 of // https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-secure-contexts/#is-origin-trustworthy says // we should only consider [::1]/128 as a potentially trustworthy IPv6 // address, whereas for IPv4 are considered as potentially // trustworthy. We already handled "[::1]" above, so all that's remained to // handle here are IPv4 loopback addresses. return IsIPAddrV4(&addr) && IsLoopBackAddress(&addr); } bool nsMixedContentBlocker::IsPotentiallyTrustworthyLoopbackURL(nsIURI* aURL) { nsAutoCString asciiHost; nsresult rv = aURL->GetAsciiHost(asciiHost); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false); return IsPotentiallyTrustworthyLoopbackHost(asciiHost); } /* Maybe we have a .onion URL. Treat it as whitelisted as well if * `dom.securecontext.whitelist_onions` is `true`. */ bool nsMixedContentBlocker::IsPotentiallyTrustworthyOnion(nsIURI* aURL) { if (!StaticPrefs::dom_securecontext_whitelist_onions()) { return false; } nsAutoCString host; nsresult rv = aURL->GetHost(host); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false); return StringEndsWith(host, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(".onion")); } bool nsMixedContentBlocker::IsPotentiallyTrustworthyOrigin(nsIURI* aURI) { // The following implements: // https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-secure-contexts/#is-origin-trustworthy nsAutoCString scheme; nsresult rv = aURI->GetScheme(scheme); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return false; } // Blobs are expected to inherit their principal so we don't expect to have // a content principal with scheme 'blob' here. We can't assert that though // since someone could mess with a non-blob URI to give it that scheme. NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(!scheme.EqualsLiteral("blob"), "IsOriginPotentiallyTrustworthy ignoring blob scheme"); // According to the specification, the user agent may choose to extend the // trust to other, vendor-specific URL schemes. We use this for "resource:", // which is technically a substituting protocol handler that is not limited to // local resource mapping, but in practice is never mapped remotely as this // would violate assumptions a lot of code makes. // We use nsIProtocolHandler flags to determine which protocols we consider a // priori authenticated. bool aPrioriAuthenticated = false; if (NS_FAILED(NS_URIChainHasFlags( aURI, nsIProtocolHandler::URI_IS_POTENTIALLY_TRUSTWORTHY, &aPrioriAuthenticated))) { return false; } if (aPrioriAuthenticated) { return true; } nsAutoCString host; rv = aURI->GetHost(host); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return false; } if (IsPotentiallyTrustworthyLoopbackURL(aURI)) { return true; } // If a host is not considered secure according to the default algorithm, then // check to see if it has been whitelisted by the user. We only apply this // whitelist for network resources, i.e., those with scheme "http" or "ws". // The pref should contain a comma-separated list of hostnames. if (!scheme.EqualsLiteral("http") && !scheme.EqualsLiteral("ws")) { return false; } nsAutoCString whitelist; rv = Preferences::GetCString("dom.securecontext.whitelist", whitelist); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { nsCCharSeparatedTokenizer tokenizer(whitelist, ','); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { const nsACString& allowedHost = tokenizer.nextToken(); if (host.Equals(allowedHost)) { return true; } } } // Maybe we have a .onion URL. Treat it as whitelisted as well if // `dom.securecontext.whitelist_onions` is `true`. if (nsMixedContentBlocker::IsPotentiallyTrustworthyOnion(aURI)) { return true; } return false; } /* Static version of ShouldLoad() that contains all the Mixed Content Blocker * logic. Called from non-static ShouldLoad(). */ nsresult nsMixedContentBlocker::ShouldLoad( bool aHadInsecureImageRedirect, uint32_t aContentType, nsIURI* aContentLocation, nsIURI* aRequestingLocation, nsISupports* aRequestingContext, const nsACString& aMimeGuess, nsIPrincipal* aRequestPrincipal, int16_t* aDecision) { // Asserting that we are on the main thread here and hence do not have to lock // and unlock sBlockMixedScript and sBlockMixedDisplay before reading/writing // to them. MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); bool isPreload = nsContentUtils::IsPreloadType(aContentType); // The content policy type that we receive may be an internal type for // scripts. Let's remember if we have seen a worker type, and reset it to the // external type in all cases right now. bool isWorkerType = aContentType == nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_INTERNAL_WORKER || aContentType == nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_INTERNAL_SHARED_WORKER || aContentType == nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_INTERNAL_SERVICE_WORKER; aContentType = nsContentUtils::InternalContentPolicyTypeToExternal(aContentType); // Assume active (high risk) content and blocked by default MixedContentTypes classification = eMixedScript; // Make decision to block/reject by default *aDecision = REJECT_REQUEST; // Notes on non-obvious decisions: // // TYPE_DTD: A DTD can contain entity definitions that expand to scripts. // // TYPE_FONT: The TrueType hinting mechanism is basically a scripting // language that gets interpreted by the operating system's font rasterizer. // Mixed content web fonts are relatively uncommon, and we can can fall back // to built-in fonts with minimal disruption in almost all cases. // // TYPE_OBJECT_SUBREQUEST could actually be either active content (e.g. a // script that a plugin will execute) or display content (e.g. Flash video // content). Until we have a way to determine active vs passive content // from plugin requests (bug 836352), we will treat this as passive content. // This is to prevent false positives from causing users to become // desensitized to the mixed content blocker. // // TYPE_CSP_REPORT: High-risk because they directly leak information about // the content of the page, and because blocking them does not have any // negative effect on the page loading. // // TYPE_PING: Ping requests are POSTS, not GETs like images and media. // Also, PING requests have no bearing on the rendering or operation of // the page when used as designed, so even though they are lower risk than // scripts, blocking them is basically risk-free as far as compatibility is // concerned. // // TYPE_STYLESHEET: XSLT stylesheets can insert scripts. CSS positioning // and other advanced CSS features can possibly be exploited to cause // spoofing attacks (e.g. make a "grant permission" button look like a // "refuse permission" button). // // TYPE_BEACON: Beacon requests are similar to TYPE_PING, and are blocked by // default. // // TYPE_WEBSOCKET: The Websockets API requires browsers to // reject mixed-content websockets: "If secure is false but the origin of // the entry script has a scheme component that is itself a secure protocol, // e.g. HTTPS, then throw a SecurityError exception." We already block mixed // content websockets within the websockets implementation, so we don't need // to do any blocking here, nor do we need to provide a way to undo or // override the blocking. Websockets without TLS are very flaky anyway in the // face of many HTTP-aware proxies. Compared to passive content, there is // additional risk that the script using WebSockets will disclose sensitive // information from the HTTPS page and/or eval (directly or indirectly) // received data. // // TYPE_XMLHTTPREQUEST: XHR requires either same origin or CORS, so most // mixed-content XHR will already be blocked by that check. This will also // block HTTPS-to-HTTP XHR with CORS. The same security concerns mentioned // above for WebSockets apply to XHR, and XHR should have the same security // properties as WebSockets w.r.t. mixed content. XHR's handling of redirects // amplifies these concerns. // // TYPE_SAVEAS_DOWNLOAD: Save-link-as feature is used to download a resource // without involving a docShell. This kind of loading must be always be // allowed. static_assert(TYPE_DATAREQUEST == TYPE_XMLHTTPREQUEST, "TYPE_DATAREQUEST is not a synonym for " "TYPE_XMLHTTPREQUEST"); switch (aContentType) { // The top-level document cannot be mixed content by definition case TYPE_DOCUMENT: *aDecision = ACCEPT; return NS_OK; // Creating insecure websocket connections in a secure page is blocked // already in the websocket constructor. We don't need to check the blocking // here and we don't want to un-block case TYPE_WEBSOCKET: *aDecision = ACCEPT; return NS_OK; // Creating insecure connections for a save-as link download is acceptable. // This download is completely disconnected from the docShell, but still // using the same loading principal. case TYPE_SAVEAS_DOWNLOAD: *aDecision = ACCEPT; return NS_OK; // Static display content is considered moderate risk for mixed content so // these will be blocked according to the mixed display preference case TYPE_IMAGE: case TYPE_MEDIA: classification = eMixedDisplay; break; case TYPE_OBJECT_SUBREQUEST: if (sBlockMixedObjectSubrequest) { classification = eMixedScript; } else { classification = eMixedDisplay; } break; // Active content (or content with a low value/risk-of-blocking ratio) // that has been explicitly evaluated; listed here for documentation // purposes and to avoid the assertion and warning for the default case. case TYPE_BEACON: case TYPE_CSP_REPORT: case TYPE_DTD: case TYPE_FETCH: case TYPE_FONT: case TYPE_IMAGESET: case TYPE_OBJECT: case TYPE_SCRIPT: case TYPE_STYLESHEET: case TYPE_SUBDOCUMENT: case TYPE_PING: case TYPE_WEB_MANIFEST: case TYPE_XBL: case TYPE_XMLHTTPREQUEST: case TYPE_XSLT: case TYPE_OTHER: case TYPE_SPECULATIVE: break; // This content policy works as a whitelist. default: MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Mixed content of unknown type"); } // Make sure to get the URI the load started with. No need to check // outer schemes because all the wrapping pseudo protocols inherit the // security properties of the actual network request represented // by the innerMost URL. nsCOMPtr innerContentLocation = NS_GetInnermostURI(aContentLocation); if (!innerContentLocation) { NS_ERROR("Can't get innerURI from aContentLocation"); *aDecision = REJECT_REQUEST; return NS_OK; } // TYPE_IMAGE redirects are cached based on the original URI, not the final // destination and hence cache hits for images may not have the correct // innerContentLocation. Check if the cached hit went through an http // redirect, and if it did, we can't treat this as a secure subresource. if (!aHadInsecureImageRedirect && URISafeToBeLoadedInSecureContext(innerContentLocation)) { *aDecision = ACCEPT; return NS_OK; } // Since there are cases where aRequestingLocation and aRequestPrincipal are // definitely not the owning document, we try to ignore them by extracting the // requestingLocation in the following order: // 1) from the aRequestingContext, either extracting // a) the node's principal, or the // b) script object's principal. // 2) if aRequestingContext yields a principal but no location, we check // if its the system principal. If it is, allow the load. // 3) Special case handling for: // a) speculative loads, where shouldLoad is called twice (bug 839235) // and the first speculative load does not include a context. // In this case we use aRequestingLocation to set requestingLocation. // b) TYPE_CSP_REPORT which does not provide a context. In this case we // use aRequestingLocation to set requestingLocation. // c) content scripts from addon code that do not provide // aRequestingContext or aRequestingLocation, but do provide // aRequestPrincipal. If aRequestPrincipal is an expanded principal, // we allow the load. // 4) If we still end up not having a requestingLocation, we reject the load. nsCOMPtr principal; // 1a) Try to get the principal if aRequestingContext is a node. nsCOMPtr node = do_QueryInterface(aRequestingContext); if (node) { principal = node->NodePrincipal(); } // 1b) Try using the window's script object principal if it's not a node. if (!principal) { nsCOMPtr scriptObjPrin = do_QueryInterface(aRequestingContext); if (scriptObjPrin) { principal = scriptObjPrin->GetPrincipal(); } } nsCOMPtr requestingLocation; if (principal) { principal->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(requestingLocation)); } // 2) if aRequestingContext yields a principal but no location, we check if // its a system principal. if (principal && !requestingLocation) { if (nsContentUtils::IsSystemPrincipal(principal)) { *aDecision = ACCEPT; return NS_OK; } } // 3a,b) Special case handling for speculative loads and TYPE_CSP_REPORT. In // such cases, aRequestingContext doesn't exist, so we use // aRequestingLocation. Unfortunately we can not distinguish between // speculative and normal loads here, otherwise we could special case this // assignment. if (!requestingLocation) { requestingLocation = aRequestingLocation; } // 3c) Special case handling for content scripts from addons code, which only // provide a aRequestPrincipal; aRequestingContext and aRequestingLocation are // both null; if the aRequestPrincipal is an expandedPrincipal, we allow the // load. if (!principal && !requestingLocation && aRequestPrincipal) { nsCOMPtr expanded = do_QueryInterface(aRequestPrincipal); if (expanded) { *aDecision = ACCEPT; return NS_OK; } } // 4) Giving up. We still don't have a requesting location, therefore we can't // tell // if this is a mixed content load. Deny to be safe. if (!requestingLocation) { *aDecision = REJECT_REQUEST; return NS_OK; } // Check the parent scheme. If it is not an HTTPS page then mixed content // restrictions do not apply. nsCOMPtr innerRequestingLocation = NS_GetInnermostURI(requestingLocation); if (!innerRequestingLocation) { NS_ERROR("Can't get innerURI from requestingLocation"); *aDecision = REJECT_REQUEST; return NS_OK; } bool parentIsHttps = innerRequestingLocation->SchemeIs("https"); if (!parentIsHttps) { *aDecision = ACCEPT; return NS_OK; } nsCOMPtr docShell = NS_CP_GetDocShellFromContext(aRequestingContext); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(docShell, NS_OK); // Disallow mixed content loads for workers, shared workers and service // workers. if (isWorkerType) { // For workers, we can assume that we're mixed content at this point, since // the parent is https, and the protocol associated with // innerContentLocation doesn't map to the secure URI flags checked above. // Assert this for sanity's sake #ifdef DEBUG bool isHttpsScheme = innerContentLocation->SchemeIs("https"); MOZ_ASSERT(!isHttpsScheme); #endif *aDecision = REJECT_REQUEST; return NS_OK; } bool isHttpScheme = innerContentLocation->SchemeIs("http"); if (isHttpScheme && IsPotentiallyTrustworthyOrigin(innerContentLocation)) { *aDecision = ACCEPT; return NS_OK; } // The page might have set the CSP directive 'upgrade-insecure-requests'. In // such a case allow the http: load to succeed with the promise that the // channel will get upgraded to https before fetching any data from the // netwerk. Please see: nsHttpChannel::Connect() // // Please note that the CSP directive 'upgrade-insecure-requests' only applies // to http: and ws: (for websockets). Websockets are not subject to mixed // content blocking since insecure websockets are not allowed within secure // pages. Hence, we only have to check against http: here. Skip mixed content // blocking if the subresource load uses http: and the CSP directive // 'upgrade-insecure-requests' is present on the page. Document* document = docShell->GetDocument(); MOZ_ASSERT(document, "Expected a document"); if (isHttpScheme && document->GetUpgradeInsecureRequests(isPreload)) { *aDecision = ACCEPT; return NS_OK; } // Allow http: mixed content if we are choosing to upgrade them when the // pref "security.mixed_content.upgrade_display_content" is true. // This behaves like GetUpgradeInsecureRequests above in that the channel will // be upgraded to https before fetching any data from the netwerk. bool isUpgradableDisplayType = nsContentUtils::IsUpgradableDisplayType(aContentType) && ShouldUpgradeMixedDisplayContent(); if (isHttpScheme && isUpgradableDisplayType) { *aDecision = ACCEPT; return NS_OK; } // The page might have set the CSP directive 'block-all-mixed-content' which // should block not only active mixed content loads but in fact all mixed // content loads, see https://www.w3.org/TR/mixed-content/#strict-checking // Block all non secure loads in case the CSP directive is present. Please // note that at this point we already know, based on |schemeSecure| that the // load is not secure, so we can bail out early at this point. if (document->GetBlockAllMixedContent(isPreload)) { // log a message to the console before returning. nsAutoCString spec; nsresult rv = aContentLocation->GetSpec(spec); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); AutoTArray params; CopyUTF8toUTF16(spec, *params.AppendElement()); CSP_LogLocalizedStr( "blockAllMixedContent", params, EmptyString(), // aSourceFile EmptyString(), // aScriptSample 0, // aLineNumber 0, // aColumnNumber nsIScriptError::errorFlag, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("blockAllMixedContent"), document->InnerWindowID(), !!document->NodePrincipal()->OriginAttributesRef().mPrivateBrowsingId); *aDecision = REJECT_REQUEST; return NS_OK; } // Determine if the rootDoc is https and if the user decided to allow Mixed // Content bool rootHasSecureConnection = false; bool allowMixedContent = false; bool isRootDocShell = false; nsresult rv = docShell->GetAllowMixedContentAndConnectionData( &rootHasSecureConnection, &allowMixedContent, &isRootDocShell); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { *aDecision = REJECT_REQUEST; return rv; } // Get the sameTypeRoot tree item from the docshell nsCOMPtr sameTypeRoot; docShell->GetInProcessSameTypeRootTreeItem(getter_AddRefs(sameTypeRoot)); NS_ASSERTION(sameTypeRoot, "No root tree item from docshell!"); // When navigating an iframe, the iframe may be https // but its parents may not be. Check the parents to see if any of them are // https. If none of the parents are https, allow the load. if (aContentType == TYPE_SUBDOCUMENT && !rootHasSecureConnection) { bool httpsParentExists = false; nsCOMPtr parentTreeItem; parentTreeItem = docShell; while (!httpsParentExists && parentTreeItem) { nsCOMPtr parentAsNav(do_QueryInterface(parentTreeItem)); NS_ASSERTION(parentAsNav, "No web navigation object from parent's docshell tree item"); nsCOMPtr parentURI; parentAsNav->GetCurrentURI(getter_AddRefs(parentURI)); if (!parentURI) { // if getting the URI fails, assume there is a https parent and break. httpsParentExists = true; break; } nsCOMPtr innerParentURI = NS_GetInnermostURI(parentURI); if (!innerParentURI) { NS_ERROR("Can't get innerURI from parentURI"); *aDecision = REJECT_REQUEST; return NS_OK; } httpsParentExists = innerParentURI->SchemeIs("https"); // When the parent and the root are the same, we have traversed all the // way up the same type docshell tree. Break out of the while loop. if (sameTypeRoot == parentTreeItem) { break; } // update the parent to the grandparent. nsCOMPtr newParentTreeItem; parentTreeItem->GetInProcessSameTypeParent( getter_AddRefs(newParentTreeItem)); parentTreeItem = newParentTreeItem; } // end while loop. if (!httpsParentExists) { *aDecision = nsIContentPolicy::ACCEPT; return NS_OK; } } // Get the root document from the sameTypeRoot nsCOMPtr rootDoc = sameTypeRoot->GetDocument(); NS_ASSERTION(rootDoc, "No root document from document shell root tree item."); nsDocShell* nativeDocShell = nsDocShell::Cast(docShell); nsCOMPtr rootShell = do_GetInterface(sameTypeRoot); NS_ASSERTION(rootShell, "No root docshell from document shell root tree item."); uint32_t state = nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_IS_BROKEN; nsCOMPtr securityUI; rootShell->GetSecurityUI(getter_AddRefs(securityUI)); // If there is no securityUI, document doesn't have a security state. // Allow load and return early. if (!securityUI) { *aDecision = nsIContentPolicy::ACCEPT; return NS_OK; } nsresult stateRV = securityUI->GetState(&state); OriginAttributes originAttributes; if (principal) { originAttributes = principal->OriginAttributesRef(); } else if (aRequestPrincipal) { originAttributes = aRequestPrincipal->OriginAttributesRef(); } // At this point we know that the request is mixed content, and the only // question is whether we block it. Record telemetry at this point as to // whether HSTS would have fixed things by making the content location // into an HTTPS URL. // // Note that we count this for redirects as well as primary requests. This // will cause some degree of double-counting, especially when mixed content // is not blocked (e.g., for images). For more detail, see: // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1198572#c19 // // We do not count requests aHadInsecureImageRedirect=true, since these are // just an artifact of the image caching system. bool active = (classification == eMixedScript); if (!aHadInsecureImageRedirect) { if (XRE_IsParentProcess()) { AccumulateMixedContentHSTS(innerContentLocation, active, originAttributes); } else { // Ask the parent process to do the same call mozilla::dom::ContentChild* cc = mozilla::dom::ContentChild::GetSingleton(); if (cc) { mozilla::ipc::URIParams uri; SerializeURI(innerContentLocation, uri); cc->SendAccumulateMixedContentHSTS(uri, active, originAttributes); } } } // set hasMixedContentObjectSubrequest on this object if necessary if (aContentType == TYPE_OBJECT_SUBREQUEST) { if (!sBlockMixedObjectSubrequest) { rootDoc->WarnOnceAbout(Document::eMixedDisplayObjectSubrequest); } } // If the content is display content, and the pref says display content should // be blocked, block it. if (sBlockMixedDisplay && classification == eMixedDisplay) { if (allowMixedContent) { LogMixedContentMessage(classification, aContentLocation, rootDoc, eUserOverride); *aDecision = nsIContentPolicy::ACCEPT; // See if mixed display content has already loaded on the page or if the // state needs to be updated here. If mixed display hasn't loaded // previously, then we need to call OnSecurityChange() to update the UI. if (rootDoc->GetHasMixedDisplayContentLoaded()) { return NS_OK; } rootDoc->SetHasMixedDisplayContentLoaded(true); if (rootHasSecureConnection) { // reset state security flag state = state >> 4 << 4; // set state security flag to broken, since there is mixed content state |= nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_IS_BROKEN; // If mixed active content is loaded, make sure to include that in the // state. if (rootDoc->GetHasMixedActiveContentLoaded()) { state |= nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_LOADED_MIXED_ACTIVE_CONTENT; } nativeDocShell->nsDocLoader::OnSecurityChange( aRequestingContext, (state | nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_LOADED_MIXED_DISPLAY_CONTENT)); } else { // User has overriden the pref and the root is not https; // mixed display content was allowed on an https subframe. if (NS_SUCCEEDED(stateRV)) { nativeDocShell->nsDocLoader::OnSecurityChange( aRequestingContext, (state | nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_LOADED_MIXED_DISPLAY_CONTENT)); } } } else { *aDecision = nsIContentPolicy::REJECT_REQUEST; LogMixedContentMessage(classification, aContentLocation, rootDoc, eBlocked); if (!rootDoc->GetHasMixedDisplayContentBlocked() && NS_SUCCEEDED(stateRV)) { rootDoc->SetHasMixedDisplayContentBlocked(true); nativeDocShell->nsDocLoader::OnSecurityChange( aRequestingContext, (state | nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_BLOCKED_MIXED_DISPLAY_CONTENT)); } } return NS_OK; } else if (sBlockMixedScript && classification == eMixedScript) { // If the content is active content, and the pref says active content should // be blocked, block it unless the user has choosen to override the pref if (allowMixedContent) { LogMixedContentMessage(classification, aContentLocation, rootDoc, eUserOverride); *aDecision = nsIContentPolicy::ACCEPT; // See if the state will change here. If it will, only then do we need to // call OnSecurityChange() to update the UI. if (rootDoc->GetHasMixedActiveContentLoaded()) { return NS_OK; } rootDoc->SetHasMixedActiveContentLoaded(true); if (rootHasSecureConnection) { // reset state security flag state = state >> 4 << 4; // set state security flag to broken, since there is mixed content state |= nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_IS_BROKEN; // If mixed display content is loaded, make sure to include that in the // state. if (rootDoc->GetHasMixedDisplayContentLoaded()) { state |= nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_LOADED_MIXED_DISPLAY_CONTENT; } nativeDocShell->nsDocLoader::OnSecurityChange( aRequestingContext, (state | nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_LOADED_MIXED_ACTIVE_CONTENT)); return NS_OK; } else { // User has already overriden the pref and the root is not https; // mixed active content was allowed on an https subframe. if (NS_SUCCEEDED(stateRV)) { nativeDocShell->nsDocLoader::OnSecurityChange( aRequestingContext, (state | nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_LOADED_MIXED_ACTIVE_CONTENT)); } return NS_OK; } } else { // User has not overriden the pref by Disabling protection. Reject the // request and update the security state. *aDecision = nsIContentPolicy::REJECT_REQUEST; LogMixedContentMessage(classification, aContentLocation, rootDoc, eBlocked); // See if the pref will change here. If it will, only then do we need to // call OnSecurityChange() to update the UI. if (rootDoc->GetHasMixedActiveContentBlocked()) { return NS_OK; } rootDoc->SetHasMixedActiveContentBlocked(true); // The user has not overriden the pref, so make sure they still have an // option by calling nativeDocShell which will invoke the doorhanger if (NS_SUCCEEDED(stateRV)) { nativeDocShell->nsDocLoader::OnSecurityChange( aRequestingContext, (state | nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_BLOCKED_MIXED_ACTIVE_CONTENT)); } return NS_OK; } } else { // The content is not blocked by the mixed content prefs. // Log a message that we are loading mixed content. LogMixedContentMessage(classification, aContentLocation, rootDoc, eUserOverride); // Fire the event from a script runner as it is unsafe to run script // from within ShouldLoad nsContentUtils::AddScriptRunner(new nsMixedContentEvent( aRequestingContext, classification, rootHasSecureConnection)); *aDecision = ACCEPT; return NS_OK; } } bool nsMixedContentBlocker::URISafeToBeLoadedInSecureContext(nsIURI* aURI) { /* Returns a bool if the URI can be loaded as a sub resource safely. * * Check Protocol Flags to determine if scheme is safe to load: * URI_DOES_NOT_RETURN_DATA - e.g. * "mailto" * URI_IS_LOCAL_RESOURCE - e.g. * "data", * "resource", * "moz-icon" * URI_INHERITS_SECURITY_CONTEXT - e.g. * "javascript" * URI_IS_POTENTIALLY_TRUSTWORTHY - e.g. * "https", * "moz-safe-about" * */ bool schemeLocal = false; bool schemeNoReturnData = false; bool schemeInherits = false; bool schemeSecure = false; if (NS_FAILED(NS_URIChainHasFlags( aURI, nsIProtocolHandler::URI_IS_LOCAL_RESOURCE, &schemeLocal)) || NS_FAILED(NS_URIChainHasFlags( aURI, nsIProtocolHandler::URI_DOES_NOT_RETURN_DATA, &schemeNoReturnData)) || NS_FAILED(NS_URIChainHasFlags( aURI, nsIProtocolHandler::URI_INHERITS_SECURITY_CONTEXT, &schemeInherits)) || NS_FAILED(NS_URIChainHasFlags( aURI, nsIProtocolHandler::URI_IS_POTENTIALLY_TRUSTWORTHY, &schemeSecure))) { return false; } return (schemeLocal || schemeNoReturnData || schemeInherits || schemeSecure); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMixedContentBlocker::ShouldProcess(nsIURI* aContentLocation, nsILoadInfo* aLoadInfo, const nsACString& aMimeGuess, int16_t* aDecision) { if (!aContentLocation) { // aContentLocation may be null when a plugin is loading without an // associated URI resource if (aLoadInfo->GetExternalContentPolicyType() == TYPE_OBJECT) { *aDecision = ACCEPT; return NS_OK; } NS_SetRequestBlockingReason(aLoadInfo, nsILoadInfo::BLOCKING_REASON_MIXED_BLOCKED); *aDecision = REJECT_REQUEST; return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return ShouldLoad(aContentLocation, aLoadInfo, aMimeGuess, aDecision); } // Record information on when HSTS would have made mixed content not mixed // content (regardless of whether it was actually blocked) void nsMixedContentBlocker::AccumulateMixedContentHSTS( nsIURI* aURI, bool aActive, const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes) { // This method must only be called in the parent, because // nsSiteSecurityService is only available in the parent if (!XRE_IsParentProcess()) { MOZ_ASSERT(false); return; } bool hsts; nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr sss = do_GetService(NS_SSSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return; } rv = sss->IsSecureURI(nsISiteSecurityService::HEADER_HSTS, aURI, 0, aOriginAttributes, nullptr, nullptr, &hsts); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return; } // states: would upgrade, would prime, hsts info cached // active, passive // if (!aActive) { if (!hsts) { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::MIXED_CONTENT_HSTS, MCB_HSTS_PASSIVE_NO_HSTS); } else { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::MIXED_CONTENT_HSTS, MCB_HSTS_PASSIVE_WITH_HSTS); } } else { if (!hsts) { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::MIXED_CONTENT_HSTS, MCB_HSTS_ACTIVE_NO_HSTS); } else { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::MIXED_CONTENT_HSTS, MCB_HSTS_ACTIVE_WITH_HSTS); } } } bool nsMixedContentBlocker::ShouldUpgradeMixedDisplayContent() { return sUpgradeMixedDisplay; }