(Original Author) * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ class Result extends AppModel { var $name = 'Result'; var $belongsTo = array('Application'); var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('Choice' => array('className' => 'Choice', 'uniq' => true ) ); var $Sanitize; function Result() { parent::appModel(); $this->Sanitize = new Sanitize(); } /** * Count's all the comments. To speed things up I'm using found_rows(). That * means this must be called directly after getComments()! * @return int count value */ function getCommentCount() { $comments = $this->query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as count"); return $comments[0][0]['count']; } /** * Will retrieve all the comments within param's and pagination's parameters * @param array URL parameters * @param array pagination values from the controller * @param boolean if privacy is true phone numbers and email addresses will be * masked * @return cake result set */ function getComments($params, $pagination, $privacy=true) { $params = $this->cleanArrayForSql($params); $_application_id = $this->Application->getIdFromUrl($params); // We only want to see rows with comments $_conditions = array("comments NOT LIKE ''"); if (!empty($params['start_date'])) { $_timestamp = strtotime($params['start_date']); if (!($_timestamp == -1) || $_timestamp == false) { $_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $_timestamp);//sql format array_push($_conditions, "`created` >= '{$_date}'"); } } if (!empty($params['end_date'])) { $_timestamp = strtotime($params['end_date']); if (!($_timestamp == -1) || $_timestamp == false) { $_date = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', $_timestamp);//sql format array_push($_conditions, "`created` <= '{$_date}'"); } } $_application_id = $this->Application->getIdFromUrl($params); array_push($_conditions, "`Result`.`application_id`={$_application_id}"); // Next determine our collection if (!empty($params['collection'])) { $_collection_id = $this->Choice->Collection->findByDescription($params['collection']); $clear = true; foreach ($_collection_id['Application'] as $var => $val) { if ($_application_id == $val['id']) { $clear = false; } } if ($clear) { $_id = $this->Application->getMaxCollectionId($_application_id, 'issue'); $_collection_id['Collection']['id'] = $_id[0][0]['max']; } } else { $_id = $this->Application->getMaxCollectionId($_application_id, 'issue'); $_collection_id['Collection']['id'] = $_id[0][0]['max']; } // SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS used for counting comments $_query = " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT `Result`.`id`, `Result`.`comments`, `Result`.`created` FROM `results` AS `Result` JOIN choices_results ON choices_results.result_id = Result.id JOIN choices ON choices_results.choice_id = choices.id JOIN choices_collections ON choices_collections.choice_id = choices.id WHERE comments != '' AND collection_id={$_collection_id['Collection']['id']} AND Result.application_id={$_application_id} "; $_start =($pagination['page'] -1) * $pagination['show']; $_query .= " ORDER BY `Result`.`created` {$pagination['direction']} LIMIT {$_start},{$pagination['show']} "; $comments = $this->query($_query); if ($privacy) { // Pull out all the email addresses and phone numbers. The original // lines are below, but commented out for the sake of speed. // preg_replace() will replace a single level of an array according to a // pattern. This behavior doesn't seem to be documented (at this time), so I'm not sure // if they are going to "fix" it later. If they do, you can replace the // current code with the commented ones, but realize it will take about // twice as long. foreach ($comments as $var => $val) { // Handle foo@bar.com $_email_regex = '/\ ?(.+)?@(.+)?\.(.+)?\ ?/'; $comments[$var]['Result'] = preg_replace($_email_regex,'$1@****.$3',$comments[$var]['Result']); //$comments[$var]['Result']['comments'] = preg_replace($_email_regex,'$1@****.$3',$comments[$var]['Result']['comments']); //$comments[$var]['Result']['intention_text'] = preg_replace($_email_regex,'$1@****.$3',$comments[$var]['Result']['intention_text']); // Handle xxx-xxx-xxxx $_phone_regex = '/([0-9]{3})[ .-]?[0-9]{4}/'; $comments[$var]['Result'] = preg_replace($_phone_regex,'$1-****',$comments[$var]['Result']); //$comments[$var]['Result']['comments'] = preg_replace($_phone_regex,'$1-****',$comments[$var]['Result']['comments']); //$comments[$var]['Result']['intention_text'] = preg_replace($_phone_regex,'$1-****',$comments[$var]['Result']['intention_text']); } } return $comments; } /** * This function runs the query to get the export data for the CSV file. * * @param array URL parameters * @param boolean if privacy is true phone numbers and email addresses will be * masked * @return array two dimensional array that should be pretty easy to transform * into a CSV. */ function getCsvExportData($params, $privacy=true) { $params = $this->cleanArrayForSql($params); // We have to use a left join here because there isn't always an intention $_query = " SELECT `results`.`id`, `results`.`created`, `results`.`intention_text` as `intention_other`, `results`.`comments`, `intentions`.`description` as `intention` FROM `results` LEFT JOIN `intentions` ON `results`.`intention_id`=`intentions`.`id` INNER JOIN `applications` ON `applications`.`id` = `results`.`application_id` WHERE 1=1 "; if (!empty($params['start_date'])) { $_timestamp = strtotime($params['start_date']); if (!($_timestamp == -1) || $_timestamp == false) { $_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $_timestamp);//sql format $_query .= " AND `results`.`created` >= '{$_date}'"; } } if (!empty($params['end_date'])) { $_timestamp = strtotime($params['end_date']); if (!($_timestamp == -1) || $_timestamp == false) { $_date = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', $_timestamp);//sql format $_query .= " AND `results`.`created` <= '{$_date}'"; } } if (!empty($params['product'])) { // product's come in looking like: // Mozilla Firefox $_exp = explode(' ',urldecode($params['product'])); if(count($_exp) == 3) { $_product = $_exp[0].' '.$_exp[1]; $_version = $_exp[2]; $_query .= " AND `applications`.`name` LIKE '{$_product}'"; $_query .= " AND `applications`.`version` LIKE '{$_version}'"; } else { // defaults I guess? $_query .= " AND `applications`.`name` LIKE '".DEFAULT_APP_NAME."'"; $_query .= " AND `applications`.`version` LIKE '".DEFAULT_APP_VERSION."'"; } } else { // I'm providing a default here, because otherwise all results will be // returned (across all applications) and that is not desired $_query .= " AND `applications`.`name` LIKE '".DEFAULT_APP_NAME."'"; $_query .= " AND `applications`.`version` LIKE '".DEFAULT_APP_VERSION."'"; } $_query .= " ORDER BY `results`.`created` ASC"; $res = $this->query($_query); // Since we're exporting to a CSV, we need to flatten the results into a 2 // dimensional table array foreach ($res as $result) { $newdata[] = array_merge($result['results'], $result['intentions']); } if ($privacy) { // Pull out all the email addresses and phone numbers. The original // lines are below, but commented out for the sake of speed. // preg_replace() will replace a single level of an array according to a // pattern. This behavior doesn't seem to be documented (at this time), so I'm not sure // if they are going to "fix" it later. If they do, you can replace the // current code with the commented ones, but realize it will take about // twice as long. foreach ($newdata as $var => $val) { // Handle foo@bar.com $_email_regex = '/\ ?(.+)?@(.+)?\.(.+)?\ ?/'; $newdata[$var] = preg_replace($_email_regex,'$1@****.$3',$newdata[$var]); //$newdata[$var]['comments'] = preg_replace($_email_regex,'$1@****.$3',$newdata[$var]['comments']); //$newdata[$var]['intention_other'] = preg_replace($_email_regex,'$1@****.$3',$newdata[$var]['intention_other']); // Handle xxx-xxx-xxxx $_phone_regex = '/([0-9]{3})[ .-]?[0-9]{4}/'; $newdata[$var] = preg_replace($_phone_regex,'$1-****',$newdata[$var]); //$newdata[$var]['comments'] = preg_replace($_phone_regex,'$1-****',$newdata[$var]['comments']); //$newdata[$var]['intention_other'] = preg_replace($_phone_regex,'$1-****',$newdata[$var]['intention_other']); } } // Our CSV library just prints out everything in order, so we have to put the // column labels on here ourselves $newdata = array_merge(array(array_keys($newdata[0])), $newdata); return $newdata; } /** * Will retrieve the information used for graphing. This function has undergone * quite an evolution in the name of speed, from 1 query to 3, speedwise from * 5.5s to just under a half a second. Thanks to morgamic for some crazy * sql kung fu. :) * @param the url parameters (unescaped) * @return a result set */ function getDescriptionAndTotalsData($params) { // Clean parameters for inserting into SQL $params = $this->cleanArrayForSql($params); /* Below is the original query for this function. It was beautiful and * brought back just what we needed. However, it took 5.5s to run with 43000 * results, and since that number is just going up, it won't do to have a * query take that long (especially one on the front page). //It would be nice to drop something like this in the SELECT: // CONCAT(COUNT(*)/(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM our_giant_query_all_over_again)*100,'%') AS `percentage` $_query = " SELECT issues.description, COUNT( DISTINCT results.id ) AS total FROM issues LEFT JOIN issues_results ON issues_results.issue_id=issues.id LEFT JOIN results ON results.id=issues_results.result_id AND results.application_id=applications.id JOIN applications_issues ON applications_issues.issue_id=issues.id JOIN applications ON applications.id=applications_issues.application_id WHERE 1=1 "; // Any other restraints (date, app, etc.) $_query .= " GROUP BY `issues`.`description` ORDER BY `issues`.`description` DESC"; * */ $_conditions = "1=1"; // Firstly, determine our application $_application_id = $this->Application->getIdFromUrl($params); $_conditions .= " AND `Result`.`application_id`={$_application_id}"; // Next determine our collection if (!empty($params['collection'])) { $_collection_id = $this->Choice->Collection->findByDescription($params['collection']); // Check if the current app has a collection by that name. If it doesn't // fall back to max (this way they can jump between apps without having // messages that say "no data found" $clear = true; foreach ($_collection_id['Application'] as $var => $val) { if ($_application_id == $val['id']) { $clear = false; } } if ($clear) { $_id = $this->Application->getMaxCollectionId($_application_id, 'issue'); $_collection_id['Collection']['id'] = $_id[0][0]['max']; } } else { // If collection isn't set, default to the highest (newest) one $_id = $this->Application->getMaxCollectionId($_application_id, 'issue'); $_collection_id['Collection']['id'] = $_id[0][0]['max']; } // The second query will retrieve all the issues that are related to our // application. $_query = " SELECT choices.description, choices.id FROM choices JOIN choices_collections ON choices_collections.choice_id = choices.id JOIN collections ON collections.id = choices_collections.collection_id JOIN applications_collections ON applications_collections.collection_id = collections.id JOIN applications ON applications.id = applications_collections.application_id AND applications.id = {$_application_id} AND collections.id = {$_collection_id['Collection']['id']} AND choices.type = 'issue' ORDER BY choices.pos ASC "; $_issues = $this->query($_query); $_query = ''; $_issue_ids = '';//used in the query $_results = array(); foreach ($_issues as $var => $val) { // Cake has a pretty specific way it stores data, and this is consistent // with the old query. Here we start our results array so it's holding the // descriptions and a zeroed total $_results[$val['choices']['id']]['choices']['description'] = $val['choices']['description']; $_results[$val['choices']['id']][0]['total'] = 0; // default to nothing - this will get filled in later // Since we're already walking through this loop, we might as well build // up a query string to get our totals $_issue_ids .= empty($_issue_ids) ? $val['choices']['id'] : ', '.$val['choices']['id']; } $_query = " SELECT choices_results.choice_id, count(results.id) AS total FROM results JOIN choices_results ON results.id = choices_results.result_id WHERE results.application_id = {$_application_id} AND choices_results.choice_id in ({$_issue_ids}) "; if (!empty($params['start_date'])) { $_timestamp = strtotime($params['start_date']); if (!($_timestamp == -1) || $_timestamp == false) { $_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $_timestamp);//sql format $_query.= " AND `results`.`created` >= '{$_date}'"; } } if (!empty($params['end_date'])) { $_timestamp = strtotime($params['end_date']); if (!($_timestamp == -1) || $_timestamp == false) { $_date = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', $_timestamp);//sql format $_query .= " AND `results`.`created` <= '{$_date}'"; } } $_query .= " GROUP BY choices_results.choice_id"; $ret = $this->query($_query); foreach ($ret as $var => $val) { // fill in the totals we retrieved $_results[$val['choices_results']['choice_id']][0]['total'] = $val[0]['total']; } return $_results; } /** * We've got complex info to save, so I'm overriding the default save method. * Too bad we can't leverage some cake awesomeness. :( * * @param array Big cake array, filled with juicy $_POST goodness. It should be * the same structure as any other array created by the html helper. * @return boolean true on success, false on failure */ function save($data) { // Apparently these are all escaped for us by cake. It still makes me // nervous. $_application_id = $data['Application']['id']; $_intention_id = $data['Intention']['id']; // Doesn't quite conform to cake standards $_comments = $data['Result']['comments']; $_issues_text = $this->Sanitize->Sql($data['Issue']['text']); $_intention_text = $this->Sanitize->Sql($data['Intention']['text']); // Joined for legacy reasons $_user_agent = mysql_real_escape_string("{$data['ua'][0]} {$data['lang'][0]}"); $_http_user_agent = mysql_real_escape_string($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); // Make sure our required variables are set and correct if (!is_numeric($_application_id)) { return false; } // Special cases for the "other" fields. If their corresponding option isn't // set, we don't want the field values. // issue is determined below $this->Choice->unBindModel(array('hasAndBelongsToMany' => array('Result'))); $this->Choice->unBindModel(array('hasAndBelongsToMany' => array('Collection'))); //$_issue_array = $this->Issue->findByDescription('other'); $_conditions = "description LIKE 'Other' AND type='intention'"; $_intention_array = $this->Choice->findAll($_conditions); $_conditions = "description LIKE 'Other' AND type='issue'"; $_issue_array = $this->Choice->findAll($_conditions); if ($_intention_id != $_intention_array[0]['Choice']['id']) { $_intention_text = ''; } $this->set('application_id', $_application_id); $this->set('comments', $_comments); $this->set('useragent', $_user_agent); $this->set('http_user_agent', $_http_user_agent); // We kinda overrode $this's save(), so we'll have to ask our guardians parent::save(); $_result_id = $this->getLastInsertID(); // Insert our intention if (!empty($_intention_id)) { $_query = " INSERT INTO choices_results( result_id, choice_id, other ) VALUES ( {$_result_id}, {$_intention_id}, '{$_intention_text}' ) "; $this->query($_query); } // The choices_results table isn't represented by a class in cake, so we have // to do the query manually. if (!empty($data['Issue']['id'])) { $_query = ''; foreach ($data['Issue']['id'] as $var => $val) { // This should never happen, but hey... if (!is_numeric($val)) { continue; } // If the 'other' id matches the id we're putting in, add the issue text $_other_text = ($val == $_issue_array[0]['Choice']['id']) ? $_issues_text : ''; $_query .= empty($_query) ? "({$_result_id},{$val},'{$_other_text}')" : ",({$_result_id},{$val},'{$_other_text}')"; } $_query = " INSERT INTO choices_results( result_id, choice_id, other ) VALUES {$_query} "; $this->query($_query); } return false; } } ?>