/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation and Mozilla contributors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* Copyright © 2013, Deutsche Telekom, Inc. */ "use strict"; const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gSettingsService", "@mozilla.org/settingsService;1", "nsISettingsService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "NFC", function () { let obj = {}; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/nfc_consts.js", obj); return obj; }); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/systemlibs.js"); const NFC_ENABLED = libcutils.property_get("ro.moz.nfc.enabled", "false") === "true"; // set to true in nfc_consts.js to see debug messages var DEBUG = NFC.DEBUG_NFC; var debug; function updateDebug() { if (DEBUG || NFC.DEBUG_NFC) { debug = function (s) { dump("-*- Nfc: " + s + "\n"); }; } else { debug = function (s) {}; } }; updateDebug(); const NFC_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/nfc;1"; const NFC_CID = Components.ID("{2ff24790-5e74-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66}"); const NFC_IPC_MSG_ENTRIES = [ { permission: null, messages: ["NFC:AddEventListener", "NFC:RemoveEventListener", "NFC:QueryInfo", "NFC:CallDefaultFoundHandler", "NFC:CallDefaultLostHandler"] }, { permission: "nfc", messages: ["NFC:ReadNDEF", "NFC:WriteNDEF", "NFC:MakeReadOnly", "NFC:Format", "NFC:Transceive"] }, { permission: "nfc-share", messages: ["NFC:SendFile", "NFC:RegisterPeerReadyTarget", "NFC:UnregisterPeerReadyTarget"] }, { permission: "nfc-manager", messages: ["NFC:CheckP2PRegistration", "NFC:NotifyUserAcceptedP2P", "NFC:NotifySendFileStatus", "NFC:ChangeRFState", "NFC:SetFocusTab"] } ]; // Should be consistent with NfcRequestType defined in NfcOptions.webidl. const NfcRequestType = { CHANGE_RF_STATE: "changeRFState", READ_NDEF: "readNDEF", WRITE_NDEF: "writeNDEF", MAKE_READ_ONLY: "makeReadOnly", FORMAT: "format", TRANSCEIVE: "transceive" }; const CommandMsgTable = {}; CommandMsgTable["NFC:ChangeRFState"] = NfcRequestType.CHANGE_RF_STATE; CommandMsgTable["NFC:ReadNDEF"] = NfcRequestType.READ_NDEF; CommandMsgTable["NFC:WriteNDEF"] = NfcRequestType.WRITE_NDEF; CommandMsgTable["NFC:MakeReadOnly"] = NfcRequestType.MAKE_READ_ONLY; CommandMsgTable["NFC:Format"] = NfcRequestType.FORMAT; CommandMsgTable["NFC:Transceive"] = NfcRequestType.TRANSCEIVE; // Should be consistent with NfcResponseType defined in NfcOptions.webidl. const NfcResponseType = { CHANGE_RF_STATE_RSP: "changeRFStateRsp", READ_NDEF_RSP: "readNDEFRsp", WRITE_NDEF_RSP: "writeNDEFRsp", MAKE_READ_ONLY_RSP: "makeReadOnlyRsp", FORMAT_RSP: "formatRsp", TRANSCEIVE_RSP: "transceiveRsp", }; const EventMsgTable = {}; EventMsgTable[NfcResponseType.CHANGE_RF_STATE_RSP] = "NFC:ChangeRFStateResponse"; EventMsgTable[NfcResponseType.READ_NDEF_RSP] = "NFC:ReadNDEFResponse"; EventMsgTable[NfcResponseType.WRITE_NDEF_RSP] = "NFC:WriteNDEFResponse"; EventMsgTable[NfcResponseType.MAKE_READ_ONLY_RSP] = "NFC:MakeReadOnlyResponse"; EventMsgTable[NfcResponseType.FORMAT_RSP] = "NFC:FormatResponse"; EventMsgTable[NfcResponseType.TRANSCEIVE_RSP] = "NFC:TransceiveResponse"; // Should be consistent with NfcNotificationType defined in NfcOptions.webidl. const NfcNotificationType = { INITIALIZED: "initialized", TECH_DISCOVERED: "techDiscovered", TECH_LOST: "techLost", HCI_EVENT_TRANSACTION: "hciEventTransaction", NDEF_RECEIVED: "ndefReceived" }; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "ppmm", "@mozilla.org/parentprocessmessagemanager;1", "nsIMessageBroadcaster"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gSystemMessenger", "@mozilla.org/system-message-internal;1", "nsISystemMessagesInternal"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "UUIDGenerator", "@mozilla.org/uuid-generator;1", "nsIUUIDGenerator"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gMessageManager", function () { return { QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIMessageListener, Ci.nsIObserver]), nfc: null, // Manage registered Peer Targets peerTargets: {}, eventListeners: {}, focusId: NFC.SYSTEM_APP_ID, init: function init(nfc) { this.nfc = nfc; Services.obs.addObserver(this, NFC.TOPIC_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN, false); this._registerMessageListeners(); }, listenDebugEvent: function listenDebugEvent() { let lock = gSettingsService.createLock(); lock.get(NFC.SETTING_NFC_DEBUG, this.nfc); Services.obs.addObserver(this, NFC.TOPIC_MOZSETTINGS_CHANGED, false); }, _shutdown: function _shutdown() { this.nfc.shutdown(); this.nfc = null; Services.obs.removeObserver(this, NFC.TOPIC_MOZSETTINGS_CHANGED); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, NFC.TOPIC_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN); this._unregisterMessageListeners(); }, _registerMessageListeners: function _registerMessageListeners() { ppmm.addMessageListener("child-process-shutdown", this); for (let entry of NFC_IPC_MSG_ENTRIES) { for (let message of entry.messages) { ppmm.addMessageListener(message, this); } } }, _unregisterMessageListeners: function _unregisterMessageListeners() { ppmm.removeMessageListener("child-process-shutdown", this); for (let entry of NFC_IPC_MSG_ENTRIES) { for (let message of entry.messages) { ppmm.removeMessageListener(message, this); } } ppmm = null; }, registerPeerReadyTarget: function registerPeerReadyTarget(target, appId) { if (!this.peerTargets[appId]) { this.peerTargets[appId] = target; } }, unregisterPeerReadyTarget: function unregisterPeerReadyTarget(appId) { if (this.peerTargets[appId]) { delete this.peerTargets[appId]; } }, removePeerTarget: function removePeerTarget(target) { Object.keys(this.peerTargets).forEach((appId) => { if (this.peerTargets[appId] === target) { delete this.peerTargets[appId]; } }); }, notifyFocusTab: function notifyFocusTab(options) { let tabId = this.getFocusTabId(); options.tabId = tabId; this.notifyDOMEvent(this.eventListeners[tabId], options); }, notifyDOMEvent: function notifyDOMEvent(target, options) { if (!target) { dump("invalid target"); return; } target.sendAsyncMessage("NFC:DOMEvent", options); }, getFocusTabId: function getFocusTabId() { return this.eventListeners[this.focusId] ? this.focusId : NFC.SYSTEM_APP_ID; }, setFocusTab: function setFocusTab(id, isFocus) { // if calling setNFCFocus(true) on the browser-element which is already // focused, or calling setNFCFocus(false) on the browser-element which has // lost focus already, ignore. if (isFocus == (id == this.focusId)) { return; } if (this.focusId != NFC.SYSTEM_APP_ID) { this.onFocusChanged(this.focusId, false); } if (isFocus) { // Now we only support one focus app. this.focusId = id; this.onFocusChanged(this.focusId, true); } else if (this.focusId == id){ // Set focusId to SystemApp means currently there is no foreground app. this.focusId = NFC.SYSTEM_APP_ID; } }, addEventListener: function addEventListener(target, id) { if (this.eventListeners[id] !== undefined) { return; } this.eventListeners[id] = target; }, removeEventListener: function removeEventListener(target) { for (let id in this.eventListeners) { if (target == this.eventListeners[id]) { this.removeEventListenerById(id); break; } } }, removeEventListenerById: function removeEventListenerById(id) { delete this.eventListeners[id]; }, checkP2PRegistration: function checkP2PRegistration(message) { let target = this.peerTargets[message.data.appId]; let sessionToken = SessionHelper.getCurrentP2PToken(); let isValid = (sessionToken != null) && (target != null); let respMsg = { requestId: message.data.requestId }; if (!isValid) { respMsg.errorMsg = this.nfc.getErrorMessage(NFC.NFC_GECKO_ERROR_P2P_REG_INVALID); } // Notify the content process immediately of the status message.target.sendAsyncMessage(message.name + "Response", respMsg); }, notifyUserAcceptedP2P: function notifyUserAcceptedP2P(appId) { let target = this.peerTargets[appId]; let sessionToken = SessionHelper.getCurrentP2PToken(); if (!sessionToken || !target) { debug("Peer already lost or " + appId + " is not a registered PeerReadytarget"); return; } this.notifyDOMEvent(target, {tabId: this.getFocusTabId(), event: NFC.PEER_EVENT_READY, sessionToken: sessionToken}); }, notifySendFileStatus: function notifySendFileStatus(message) { if (message.data.status) { message.data.errorMsg = this.nfc.getErrorMessage(NFC.NFC_GECKO_ERROR_SEND_FILE_FAILED); } this.nfc.sendFileStatusResponse(message.data); }, callDefaultFoundHandler: function callDefaultFoundHandler(message) { let sysMsg = new NfcTechDiscoveredSysMsg(message.sessionToken, message.isP2P, message.records || null); gSystemMessenger.broadcastMessage("nfc-manager-tech-discovered", sysMsg); }, callDefaultLostHandler: function callDefaultLostHandler(message) { // message.isP2P is not used. gSystemMessenger.broadcastMessage("nfc-manager-tech-lost", message.sessionToken); }, onTagFound: function onTagFound(message) { message.event = NFC.TAG_EVENT_FOUND; this.notifyFocusTab(message); delete message.event; }, onTagLost: function onTagLost(sessionToken) { this.notifyFocusTab({ event: NFC.TAG_EVENT_LOST, sessionToken: sessionToken }); }, onPeerEvent: function onPeerEvent(eventType, sessionToken) { this.notifyFocusTab({ event: eventType, sessionToken: sessionToken }); }, onRFStateChanged: function onRFStateChanged(rfState) { for (let id in this.eventListeners) { this.notifyDOMEvent(this.eventListeners[id], { tabId: id, event: NFC.RF_EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, rfState: rfState }); } }, onFocusChanged: function onFocusChanged(focusId, focus) { let target = this.eventListeners[focusId]; if (!target) { return; } this.notifyDOMEvent(target, { tabId: this.focusId, event: NFC.FOCUS_CHANGED, focus: focus }); }, /** * nsIMessageListener interface methods. */ receiveMessage: function receiveMessage(message) { DEBUG && debug("Received message from content process: " + JSON.stringify(message)); if (message.name == "child-process-shutdown") { this.removePeerTarget(message.target); this.nfc.removeTarget(message.target); this.removeEventListener(message.target); return null; } for (let entry of NFC_IPC_MSG_ENTRIES) { if (entry.messages.indexOf(message.name) != -1) { if (entry.permission && !message.target.assertPermission(entry.permission)) { debug("Nfc message " + message.name + "doesn't have " + entry.permission + " permission."); return null; } break; } } switch (message.name) { case "NFC:SetFocusTab": this.setFocusTab(message.data.tabId, message.data.isFocus); return null; case "NFC:AddEventListener": this.addEventListener(message.target, message.data.tabId); return null; case "NFC:RemoveEventListener": this.removeEventListenerById(message.data.tabId); return null; case "NFC:RegisterPeerReadyTarget": this.registerPeerReadyTarget(message.target, message.data.appId); return null; case "NFC:UnregisterPeerReadyTarget": this.unregisterPeerReadyTarget(message.data.appId); return null; case "NFC:CheckP2PRegistration": this.checkP2PRegistration(message); return null; case "NFC:NotifyUserAcceptedP2P": this.notifyUserAcceptedP2P(message.data.appId); return null; case "NFC:NotifySendFileStatus": // Upon receiving the status of sendFile operation, send the response // to appropriate content process. this.notifySendFileStatus(message); return null; case "NFC:CallDefaultFoundHandler": this.callDefaultFoundHandler(message.data); return null; case "NFC:CallDefaultLostHandler": this.callDefaultLostHandler(message.data); return null; case "NFC:SendFile": // Chrome process is the arbitrator / mediator between // system app (content process) that issued nfc 'sendFile' operation // and system app that handles the system message : // 'nfc-manager-send-file'. System app subsequently handover's // the data to alternate carrier's (BT / WiFi) 'sendFile' interface. // Notify system app to initiate BT send file operation let sysMsg = new NfcSendFileSysMsg(message.data.requestId, message.data.sessionToken, message.data.blob); gSystemMessenger.broadcastMessage("nfc-manager-send-file", sysMsg); return null; default: return this.nfc.receiveMessage(message); } }, /** * nsIObserver interface methods. */ observe: function observe(subject, topic, data) { switch (topic) { case NFC.TOPIC_MOZSETTINGS_CHANGED: if ("wrappedJSObject" in subject) { subject = subject.wrappedJSObject; } if (subject) { this.nfc.handle(subject.key, subject.value); } break; case NFC.TOPIC_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN: this._shutdown(); break; } }, }; }); var SessionHelper = { tokenMap: {}, registerSession: function registerSession(id, isP2P) { if (this.tokenMap[id]) { return this.tokenMap[id].token; } this.tokenMap[id] = { token: UUIDGenerator.generateUUID().toString(), isP2P: isP2P }; return this.tokenMap[id].token; }, unregisterSession: function unregisterSession(id) { if (this.tokenMap[id]) { delete this.tokenMap[id]; } }, getToken: function getToken(id) { return this.tokenMap[id] ? this.tokenMap[id].token : null; }, getCurrentP2PToken: function getCurrentP2PToken() { for (let id in this.tokenMap) { if (this.tokenMap[id] && this.tokenMap[id].isP2P) { return this.tokenMap[id].token; } } return null; }, getId: function getId(token) { for (let id in this.tokenMap) { if (this.tokenMap[id].token == token) { return id; } } return 0; }, isP2PSession: function isP2PSession(id) { return (this.tokenMap[id] != null) && this.tokenMap[id].isP2P; } }; function Nfc(isXPCShell) { // TODO: Bug 1239954: xpcshell test timed out with // SettingsSevice.createlock().get() // gSettingsService.createLock will cause timeout while running xpshell-test, // so we try to prevent to run gSettingsService under xpcshell-test here. gMessageManager.init(this); if (!isXPCShell && !NFC.DEBUG_NFC) { gMessageManager.listenDebugEvent(); } this.targetsByRequestId = {}; } Nfc.prototype = { classID: NFC_CID, classInfo: XPCOMUtils.generateCI({classID: NFC_CID, classDescription: "Nfc", interfaces: [Ci.nsINfcService]}), QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver, Ci.nsINfcGonkEventListener]), rfState: NFC.NFC_RF_STATE_IDLE, nfcService: null, targetsByRequestId: null, // temporary variables while NFC initialization is pending pendingNfcService: null, pendingMessageQueue: [], /** * Start NFC service */ startNfcService: function startNfcService() { debug("Starting Nfc Service"); let nfcService = Cc["@mozilla.org/nfc/service;1"].getService(Ci.nsINfcService); if (!nfcService) { debug("No nfc service component available!"); return false; } nfcService.start(this); this.pendingNfcService = nfcService; return true; }, /** * Shutdown NFC service */ shutdownNfcService : function shutdownNfcService() { debug("Shutting down Nfc Service"); this.nfcService.shutdown(); this.nfcService = null; }, /** * Send arbitrary message to Nfc service. * * @param nfcMessageType * A text message type. * @param message [optional] * An optional message object to send. */ sendToNfcService: function sendToNfcService(nfcMessageType, message) { message = message || {}; message.type = nfcMessageType; this.nfcService.sendCommand(message); }, sendFileStatusResponse: function sendFileStatusResponse(message) { let target = this.getTargetByRequestId(message.requestId); if (!target) { return; } target.sendAsyncMessage("NFC:NotifySendFileStatusResponse", message); }, sendNfcResponse: function sendNfcResponse(message) { let target = this.getTargetByRequestId(message.requestId); if (!target) { return; } target.sendAsyncMessage(EventMsgTable[message.type], message); }, getTargetByRequestId: function getTargetByRequestId(requestId) { let target = this.targetsByRequestId[requestId]; if (!target) { debug("No target for requestId: " + requestId); return null; } delete this.targetsByRequestId[requestId]; return target; }, /** * Send Error response to content process. * * @param message * An nsIMessageListener's message parameter. * @param errorMsg * A string with an error message. */ sendNfcErrorResponse: function sendNfcErrorResponse(message, errorMsg) { if (!message.target) { return; } let nfcMsgType = message.name + "Response"; message.data.errorMsg = errorMsg; message.target.sendAsyncMessage(nfcMsgType, message.data); }, getErrorMessage: function getErrorMessage(errorCode) { return NFC.NFC_ERROR_MSG[errorCode]; }, /** * Process the incoming message from the NFC Service. */ onEvent: function onEvent(event) { let message = Cu.cloneInto(event, this); DEBUG && debug("Received message from NFC Service: " + JSON.stringify(message)); message.type = message.rspType || message.ntfType; switch (message.type) { case NfcNotificationType.INITIALIZED: this.nfcService = this.pendingNfcService; // Send messages that have been queued up during initialization // TODO: Bug 1141007: send error responses if the message // indicates an error during initialization. while (this.pendingMessageQueue.length) { this.receiveMessage(this.pendingMessageQueue.shift()); } this.pendingNfcService = null; break; case NfcNotificationType.TECH_DISCOVERED: // Update the upper layers with a session token (alias) message.sessionToken = SessionHelper.registerSession(message.sessionId, message.isP2P); // Do not expose the actual session to the content let sessionId = message.sessionId; delete message.sessionId; if (SessionHelper.isP2PSession(sessionId)) { gMessageManager.onPeerEvent(NFC.PEER_EVENT_FOUND, message.sessionToken); } else { gMessageManager.onTagFound(message); } break; case NfcNotificationType.TECH_LOST: // Update the upper layers with a session token (alias) message.sessionToken = SessionHelper.getToken(message.sessionId); if (SessionHelper.isP2PSession(message.sessionId)) { gMessageManager.onPeerEvent(NFC.PEER_EVENT_LOST, message.sessionToken); } else { gMessageManager.onTagLost(message.sessionToken); } SessionHelper.unregisterSession(message.sessionId); break; case NfcNotificationType.HCI_EVENT_TRANSACTION: this.notifyHCIEventTransaction(message); break; case NfcNotificationType.NDEF_RECEIVED: message.sessionToken = SessionHelper.getToken(message.sessionId); delete message.sessionId; message.isP2P = true; // TODO: Bug 1082493. // This event should be sent to the focus app, but before Bug 1082493 // is landed we forward this to System app. gMessageManager.callDefaultFoundHandler(message); break; case NfcResponseType.CHANGE_RF_STATE_RSP: this.sendNfcResponse(message); if (!message.errorMsg) { this.rfState = message.rfState; gMessageManager.onRFStateChanged(this.rfState); } if (this.rfState == NFC.NFC_RF_STATE_IDLE) { this.shutdownNfcService(); } break; case NfcResponseType.READ_NDEF_RSP: // Fall through. case NfcResponseType.WRITE_NDEF_RSP: case NfcResponseType.MAKE_READ_ONLY_RSP: case NfcResponseType.FORMAT_RSP: case NfcResponseType.TRANSCEIVE_RSP: this.sendNfcResponse(message); break; default: throw new Error("Don't know about this message type: " + message.type); } }, // HCI Event Transaction notifyHCIEventTransaction: function notifyHCIEventTransaction(message) { delete message.type; /** * FIXME: * GSMA 6.0 7.4 UI Application triggering requirements * This specifies the need for the following parameters to be derived and * sent. One unclear spec is what the URI format "secure:0" refers to, given * SEName can be something like "SIM1" or "SIM2". * * 1) Mime-type - Secure Element application dependent * 2) URI, of the format: nfc://secure:0// * - SEName reflects the originating SE. It must be compliant with * SIMAlliance Open Mobile APIs * - AID reflects the originating UICC applet identifier * 3) Data - Data payload of the transaction notification, if any. */ gSystemMessenger.broadcastMessage("nfc-hci-event-transaction", message); }, /** * Process a message from the gMessageManager. */ receiveMessage: function receiveMessage(message) { // Return early if we don't need the NFC Service. We won't start // the NFC daemon here. switch (message.name) { case "NFC:QueryInfo": return {rfState: this.rfState}; default: break; } // Start NFC Service if necessary. Messages are held in a // queue while initialization is being performed. if (!this.nfcService) { if ((message.name == "NFC:ChangeRFState") && (message.data.rfState != "idle") && !this.pendingNfcService) { this.startNfcService(); // error handled in next branch } if (this.pendingNfcService) { this.pendingMessageQueue.push(message); } else { this.sendNfcErrorResponse(message, "NotInitialize"); } return; } // NFC Service is running and we have a message for it. This // is the case during normal operation. if (message.name != "NFC:ChangeRFState") { // Update the current sessionId before sending to the NFC service. message.data.sessionId = SessionHelper.getId(message.data.sessionToken); } let command = CommandMsgTable[message.name]; if (!command) { debug("Unknown message: " + message.name); return null; } this.targetsByRequestId[message.data.requestId] = message.target; this.sendToNfcService(command, message.data); return null; }, removeTarget: function removeTarget(target) { Object.keys(this.targetsByRequestId).forEach((requestId) => { if (this.targetsByRequestId[requestId] === target) { delete this.targetsByRequestId[requestId]; } }); }, /** * nsISettingsServiceCallback */ handle: function handle(name, result) { switch (name) { case NFC.SETTING_NFC_DEBUG: DEBUG = result; updateDebug(); break; } }, /** * nsIObserver interface methods. */ observe: function(subject, topic, data) { if (topic != "profile-after-change") { debug("Should receive 'profile-after-change' only, received " + topic); } }, shutdown: function shutdown() { // We shutdown before initialization has been completed. The // pending messages will receive an error response. while (this.pendingMessageQueue.length) { this.sendNfcErrorResponse(this.pendingMessageQueue.shift(), "NotInitialize"); } if (this.nfcService) { this.shutdownNfcService(); } } }; function NfcTechDiscoveredSysMsg(sessionToken, isP2P, records) { this.sessionToken = sessionToken; this.isP2P = isP2P; this.records = records; } NfcTechDiscoveredSysMsg.prototype = { QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsINfcTechDiscoveredSysMsg]), sessionToken: null, isP2P: null, records: null }; function NfcSendFileSysMsg(requestId, sessionToken, blob) { this.requestId = requestId; this.sessionToken = sessionToken; this.blob = blob; } NfcSendFileSysMsg.prototype = { QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsINfcSendFileSysMsg]), requestId: null, sessionToken: null, blob: null }; if (NFC_ENABLED) { this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([Nfc]); }