/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const {Services} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const {XPCOMUtils} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); const { error, WebDriverError, } = ChromeUtils.import("chrome://marionette/content/error.js"); const {evaluate} = ChromeUtils.import("chrome://marionette/content/evaluate.js"); const {Log} = ChromeUtils.import("chrome://marionette/content/log.js"); const {modal} = ChromeUtils.import("chrome://marionette/content/modal.js"); const { MessageManagerDestroyedPromise, } = ChromeUtils.import("chrome://marionette/content/sync.js"); this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["proxy"]; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "log", Log.get); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( this, "uuidgen", "@mozilla.org/uuid-generator;1", "nsIUUIDGenerator"); // Proxy handler that traps requests to get a property. Will prioritise // properties that exist on the object's own prototype. const ownPriorityGetterTrap = { get: (obj, prop) => { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { return obj[prop]; } return (...args) => obj.send(prop, args); }, }; /** @namespace */ this.proxy = {}; /** * Creates a transparent interface between the chrome- and content * contexts. * * Calls to this object will be proxied via the message manager to a * content frame script, and responses are returend as promises. * * The argument sequence is serialised and passed as an array, unless it * consists of a single object type that isn't null, in which case it's * passed literally. The latter specialisation is temporary to achieve * backwards compatibility with listener.js. * * @param {function(string, Object, number)} sendAsyncFn * Callback for sending async messages. * @param {function(): browser.Context} browserFn * Closure that returns the current browsing context. */ proxy.toListener = function(sendAsyncFn, browserFn) { let sender = new proxy.AsyncMessageChannel(sendAsyncFn, browserFn); return new Proxy(sender, ownPriorityGetterTrap); }; /** * Provides a transparent interface between chrome- and content space. * * The AsyncMessageChannel is an abstraction of the message manager * IPC architecture allowing calls to be made to any registered message * listener in Marionette. The #send(...) method * returns a promise that gets resolved when the message handler calls * .reply(...). */ proxy.AsyncMessageChannel = class { constructor(sendAsyncFn, browserFn) { this.sendAsync = sendAsyncFn; this.browserFn_ = browserFn; // TODO(ato): Bug 1242595 this.activeMessageId = null; this.listeners_ = new Map(); this.dialogueObserver_ = null; this.closeHandler = null; } get browser() { return this.browserFn_(); } /** * Send a message across the channel. The name of the function to * call must be registered as a message listener. * * Usage: * *

   *     let channel = new AsyncMessageChannel(
   *         messageManager, sendAsyncMessage.bind(this));
   *     let rv = await channel.send("remoteFunction", ["argument"]);
* * @param {string} name * Function to call in the listener, e.g. for the message listener * Marionette:foo8, use foo. * @param {Array.=} args * Argument list to pass the function. If args has a single entry * that is an object, we assume it's an old style dispatch, and * the object will passed literally. * * @return {Promise} * A promise that resolves to the result of the command. * @throws {TypeError} * If an unsupported reply type is received. * @throws {WebDriverError} * If an error is returned over the channel. */ send(name, args = []) { let uuid = uuidgen.generateUUID().toString(); // TODO(ato): Bug 1242595 this.activeMessageId = uuid; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let path = proxy.AsyncMessageChannel.makePath(uuid); let cb = msg => { this.activeMessageId = null; let {data, type} = msg.json; switch (msg.json.type) { case proxy.AsyncMessageChannel.ReplyType.Ok: case proxy.AsyncMessageChannel.ReplyType.Value: let payload = evaluate.fromJSON(data); resolve(payload); break; case proxy.AsyncMessageChannel.ReplyType.Error: let err = WebDriverError.fromJSON(data); reject(err); break; default: throw new TypeError(`Unknown async response type: ${type}`); } }; // The currently selected tab or window is closing. Make sure to wait // until it's fully gone. this.closeHandler = async ({type, target}) => { log.trace(`Received DOM event ${type} for ${target}`); let messageManager; switch (type) { case "unload": messageManager = this.browser.window.messageManager; break; case "TabClose": messageManager = this.browser.messageManager; break; } await new MessageManagerDestroyedPromise(messageManager); this.removeHandlers(); resolve(); }; // A modal or tab modal dialog has been opened. To be able to handle it, // the active command has to be aborted. Therefore remove all handlers, // and cancel any ongoing requests in the listener. this.dialogueObserver_ = (subject, topic) => { log.trace(`Received observer notification ${topic}`); this.removeAllListeners_(); // TODO(ato): It's not ideal to have listener specific behaviour here: this.sendAsync("cancelRequest"); this.removeHandlers(); resolve(); }; // start content message listener, and install handlers for // modal dialogues, and window/tab state changes. this.addListener_(path, cb); this.addHandlers(); // sendAsync is GeckoDriver#sendAsync this.sendAsync(name, marshal(args), uuid); }); } /** * Add all necessary handlers for events and observer notifications. */ addHandlers() { modal.addHandler(this.dialogueObserver_); // Register event handlers in case the command closes the current // tab or window, and the promise has to be escaped. if (this.browser) { this.browser.window.addEventListener("unload", this.closeHandler); if (this.browser.tab) { let node = this.browser.tab.addEventListener ? this.browser.tab : this.browser.contentBrowser; node.addEventListener("TabClose", this.closeHandler); } } } /** * Remove all registered handlers for events and observer notifications. */ removeHandlers() { modal.removeHandler(this.dialogueObserver_); if (this.browser) { this.browser.window.removeEventListener("unload", this.closeHandler); if (this.browser.tab) { let node = this.browser.tab.addEventListener ? this.browser.tab : this.browser.contentBrowser; if (node) { node.removeEventListener("TabClose", this.closeHandler); } } } } /** * Reply to an asynchronous request. * * Passing an {@link WebDriverError} prototype will cause the receiving * channel to throw this error. * * Usage: * *

   *     let channel = proxy.AsyncMessageChannel(
   *         messageManager, sendAsyncMessage.bind(this));
   *     // throws in requester:
   *     channel.reply(uuid, new WebDriverError());
   *     // returns with value:
   *     channel.reply(uuid, "hello world!");
   *     // returns with undefined:
   *     channel.reply(uuid);
* * @param {UUID} uuid * Unique identifier of the request. * @param {*} obj * Message data to reply with. */ reply(uuid, obj = undefined) { // TODO(ato): Eventually the uuid will be hidden in the dispatcher // in listener, and passing it explicitly to this function will be // unnecessary. if (typeof obj == "undefined") { this.sendReply_(uuid, proxy.AsyncMessageChannel.ReplyType.Ok); } else if (error.isError(obj)) { let err = error.wrap(obj); this.sendReply_(uuid, proxy.AsyncMessageChannel.ReplyType.Error, err); } else { this.sendReply_(uuid, proxy.AsyncMessageChannel.ReplyType.Value, obj); } } sendReply_(uuid, type, payload = undefined) { const path = proxy.AsyncMessageChannel.makePath(uuid); let data = evaluate.toJSON(payload); const msg = {type, data}; // here sendAsync is actually the content frame's // sendAsyncMessage(path, message) global this.sendAsync(path, msg); } /** * Produces a path, or a name, for the message listener handler that * listens for a reply. * * @param {UUID} uuid * Unique identifier of the channel request. * * @return {string} * Path to be used for nsIMessageListener.addMessageListener. */ static makePath(uuid) { return "Marionette:asyncReply:" + uuid; } addListener_(path, callback) { let autoRemover = msg => { this.removeListener_(path); this.removeHandlers(); callback(msg); }; Services.mm.addMessageListener(path, autoRemover); this.listeners_.set(path, autoRemover); } removeListener_(path) { if (!this.listeners_.has(path)) { return true; } let l = this.listeners_.get(path); Services.mm.removeMessageListener(path, l); return this.listeners_.delete(path); } removeAllListeners_() { let ok = true; for (let [p] of this.listeners_) { ok |= this.removeListener_(p); } return ok; } }; proxy.AsyncMessageChannel.ReplyType = { Ok: 0, Value: 1, Error: 2, }; function marshal(args) { if (args.length == 1 && typeof args[0] == "object") { return args[0]; } return args; }