// ---------------------- // DumpDOM(node) // // Call this function to dump the contents of the DOM starting at the specified node. // Use node = document.documentElement to dump every element of the current document. // Use node = top.window.document.documentElement to dump every element. // // 8-13-99 Updated to dump almost all attributes of every node. There are still some attributes // that are purposely skipped to make it more readable. // ---------------------- function DumpDOM(node) { dump("--------------------- DumpDOM ---------------------\n"); DumpNodeAndChildren(node, ""); dump("------------------- End DumpDOM -------------------\n"); } // This function does the work of DumpDOM by recursively calling itself to explore the tree function DumpNodeAndChildren(node, prefix) { dump(prefix + "<" + node.nodeName); var attributes = node.attributes; if ( attributes && attributes.length ) { var item, name, value; for ( var index = 0; index < attributes.length; index++ ) { item = attributes.item(index); name = item.nodeName; value = item.nodeValue; if ( (name == 'lazycontent' && value == 'true') || (name == 'xulcontentsgenerated' && value == 'true') || (name == 'id') || (name == 'instanceOf') ) { // ignore these } else { dump(" " + name + "=\"" + value + "\""); } } } if ( node.nodeType == 1 ) { // id var text = node.getAttribute('id'); if ( text && text[0] != '$' ) dump(" id=\"" + text + "\""); } if ( node.nodeName == "#text" ) dump(" = \"" + node.data + "\""); dump(">\n"); // dump IFRAME && FRAME DOM if ( node.nodeName == "IFRAME" || node.nodeName == "FRAME" ) { if ( node.name ) { var wind = top.frames[node.name]; if ( wind && wind.document && wind.document.documentElement ) { dump(prefix + "----------- " + node.nodeName + " -----------\n"); DumpNodeAndChildren(wind.document.documentElement, prefix + " "); dump(prefix + "--------- End " + node.nodeName + " ---------\n"); } } } // children of nodes (other than frames) else if ( node.childNodes ) { for ( var child = 0; child < node.childNodes.length; child++ ) DumpNodeAndChildren(node.childNodes[child], prefix + " "); } }