/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /** * @file * * This module provides Promise-based wrappers around ordinarily * IDBRequest-based IndexedDB methods and classes. */ /* exported IndexedDB */ var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["IndexedDB"]; Cu.importGlobalProperties(["indexedDB"]); /** * Wraps the given request object, and returns a Promise which resolves when * the requests succeeds or rejects when it fails. * * @param {IDBRequest} request * An IndexedDB request object to wrap. * @returns {Promise} */ function wrapRequest(request) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { request.onsuccess = () => { resolve(request.result); }; request.onerror = () => { reject(request.error); }; }); } /** * Forwards a set of getter properties from a wrapper class to the wrapped * object. * * @param {function} cls * The class constructor for which to forward the getters. * @param {string} target * The name of the property which contains the wrapped object to which * to forward the getters. * @param {Array} props * A list of property names to forward. */ function forwardGetters(cls, target, props) { for (let prop of props) { Object.defineProperty(cls.prototype, prop, { get() { return this[target][prop]; }, }); } } /** * Forwards a set of getter and setter properties from a wrapper class to the * wrapped object. * * @param {function} cls * The class constructor for which to forward the properties. * @param {string} target * The name of the property which contains the wrapped object to which * to forward the properties. * @param {Array} props * A list of property names to forward. */ function forwardProps(cls, target, props) { for (let prop of props) { Object.defineProperty(cls.prototype, prop, { get() { return this[target][prop]; }, set(value) { this[target][prop] = value; }, }); } } /** * Wraps a set of IDBRequest-based methods via {@link wrapRequest} and * forwards them to the equivalent methods on the wrapped object. * * @param {function} cls * The class constructor for which to forward the methods. * @param {string} target * The name of the property which contains the wrapped object to which * to forward the methods. * @param {Array} methods * A list of method names to forward. */ function wrapMethods(cls, target, methods) { for (let method of methods) { cls.prototype[method] = function(...args) { return wrapRequest(this[target][method](...args)); }; } } /** * Forwards a set of methods from a wrapper class to the wrapped object. * * @param {function} cls * The class constructor for which to forward the getters. * @param {string} target * The name of the property which contains the wrapped object to which * to forward the methods. * @param {Array} methods * A list of method names to forward. */ function forwardMethods(cls, target, methods) { for (let method of methods) { cls.prototype[method] = function(...args) { return this[target][method](...args); }; } } class Cursor { constructor(cursorRequest, source) { this.cursorRequest = cursorRequest; this.source = source; this.cursor = null; } get done() { return !this.cursor; } // This method is used internally to wait the cursor's IDBRequest to have been // completed and the internal cursor has been updated (used when we initially // create the cursor from Cursed.openCursor/openKeyCursor, and in the method // of this class defined by defineCursorUpdateMethods). async awaitRequest() { this.cursor = await wrapRequest(this.cursorRequest); return this; } } /** * Define the Cursor class methods that update the cursor (continue, continuePrimaryKey * and advance) as async functions that call the related IDBCursor methods and * await the cursor's IDBRequest to be completed. * * @param {function} cls * The class constructor for which to define the cursor update methods. * @param {Array} methods * A list of "cursor update" method names to define. */ function defineCursorUpdateMethods(cls, methods) { for (let method of methods) { cls.prototype[method] = async function(...args) { const promise = this.awaitRequest(); this.cursor[method](...args); await promise; }; } } defineCursorUpdateMethods(Cursor, ["advance", "continue", "continuePrimaryKey"]); forwardGetters(Cursor, "cursor", ["direction", "key", "primaryKey"]); wrapMethods(Cursor, "cursor", ["delete", "update"]); class CursorWithValue extends Cursor {} forwardGetters(CursorWithValue, "cursor", ["value"]); class Cursed { constructor(cursed) { this.cursed = cursed; } openCursor(...args) { const cursor = new CursorWithValue(this.cursed.openCursor(...args), this); return cursor.awaitRequest(); } openKeyCursor(...args) { const cursor = new Cursor(this.cursed.openKeyCursor(...args), this); return cursor.awaitRequest(); } } wrapMethods(Cursed, "cursed", ["count", "get", "getAll", "getAllKeys", "getKey"]); class Index extends Cursed { constructor(index, objectStore) { super(index); this.objectStore = objectStore; this.index = index; } } forwardGetters(Index, "index", ["isAutoLocale", "keyPath", "locale", "multiEntry", "name", "unique"]); class ObjectStore extends Cursed { constructor(store) { super(store); this.store = store; } createIndex(...args) { return new Index(this.store.createIndex(...args), this); } index(...args) { return new Index(this.store.index(...args), this); } } wrapMethods(ObjectStore, "store", ["add", "clear", "delete", "put"]); forwardMethods(ObjectStore, "store", ["deleteIndex"]); class Transaction { constructor(transaction) { this.transaction = transaction; this._completionPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { transaction.oncomplete = resolve; transaction.onerror = () => { reject(transaction.error); }; }); } objectStore(name) { return new ObjectStore(this.transaction.objectStore(name)); } /** * Returns a Promise which resolves when the transaction completes, or * rejects when a transaction error occurs. * * @returns {Promise} */ promiseComplete() { return this._completionPromise; } } forwardGetters(Transaction, "transaction", ["db", "mode", "error", "objectStoreNames"]); forwardMethods(Transaction, "transaction", ["abort"]); class IndexedDB { /** * Opens the database with the given name, and returns a Promise which * resolves to an IndexedDB instance when the operation completes. * * @param {string} dbName * The name of the database to open. * @param {object} options * The options with which to open the database. * @param {integer} options.version * The schema version with which the database needs to be opened. If * the database does not exist, or its current schema version does * not match, the `onupgradeneeded` function will be called. * @param {function} [onupgradeneeded] * A function which will be called with an IndexedDB object as its * first parameter when the database needs to be created, or its * schema needs to be upgraded. If this function is not provided, the * {@link #onupgradeneeded} method will be called instead. * * @returns {Promise} */ static open(dbName, options, onupgradeneeded = null) { let request = indexedDB.open(dbName, options); return this._wrapOpenRequest(request, onupgradeneeded); } /** * Opens the database for a given principal and with the given name, returns * a Promise which resolves to an IndexedDB instance when the operation completes. * * @param {nsIPrincipal} principal * The principal to open the database for. * @param {string} dbName * The name of the database to open. * @param {object} options * The options with which to open the database. * @param {integer} options.version * The schema version with which the database needs to be opened. If * the database does not exist, or its current schema version does * not match, the `onupgradeneeded` function will be called. * @param {function} [onupgradeneeded] * A function which will be called with an IndexedDB object as its * first parameter when the database needs to be created, or its * schema needs to be upgraded. If this function is not provided, the * {@link #onupgradeneeded} method will be called instead. * * @returns {Promise} */ static openForPrincipal(principal, dbName, options, onupgradeneeded = null) { const request = indexedDB.openForPrincipal(principal, dbName, options); return this._wrapOpenRequest(request, onupgradeneeded); } static _wrapOpenRequest(request, onupgradeneeded = null) { request.onupgradeneeded = event => { let db = new this(request.result); if (onupgradeneeded) { onupgradeneeded(db, event); } else { db.onupgradeneeded(event); } }; return wrapRequest(request).then(db => new this(db)); } constructor(db) { this.db = db; } onupgradeneeded() {} /** * Opens a transaction for the given object stores. * * @param {Array} storeNames * The names of the object stores for which to open a transaction. * @param {string} [mode = "readonly"] * The mode in which to open the transaction. * @param {function} [callback] * An optional callback function. If provided, the function will be * called with the Transaction, and a Promise will be returned, which * will resolve to the callback's return value when the transaction * completes. * @returns {Transaction|Promise} */ transaction(storeNames, mode, callback = null) { let transaction = new Transaction(this.db.transaction(storeNames, mode)); if (callback) { let result = new Promise(resolve => { resolve(callback(transaction)); }); return transaction.promiseComplete().then(() => result); } return transaction; } /** * Opens a transaction for a single object store, and returns that object * store. * * @param {string} storeName * The name of the object store to open. * @param {string} [mode = "readonly"] * The mode in which to open the transaction. * @param {function} [callback] * An optional callback function. If provided, the function will be * called with the ObjectStore, and a Promise will be returned, which * will resolve to the callback's return value when the transaction * completes. * @returns {ObjectStore|Promise} */ objectStore(storeName, mode, callback = null) { let transaction = this.transaction([storeName], mode); let objectStore = transaction.objectStore(storeName); if (callback) { let result = new Promise(resolve => { resolve(callback(objectStore)); }); return transaction.promiseComplete().then(() => result); } return objectStore; } createObjectStore(...args) { return new ObjectStore(this.db.createObjectStore(...args)); } } for (let method of ["cmp", "deleteDatabase"]) { IndexedDB[method] = function(...args) { return indexedDB[method](...args); }; } forwardMethods(IndexedDB, "db", ["addEventListener", "close", "deleteObjectStore", "hasEventListener", "removeEventListener"]); forwardGetters(IndexedDB, "db", ["name", "objectStoreNames", "version"]); forwardProps(IndexedDB, "db", ["onabort", "onclose", "onerror", "onversionchange"]);