# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. webidl_base = $(topsrcdir)/dom/webidl generated_webidl_files = \ CSS2Properties.webidl \ $(NULL) webidl_files = \ AudioBufferSourceNode.webidl \ AudioContext.webidl \ AudioDestinationNode.webidl \ AudioNode.webidl \ AudioSourceNode.webidl \ Blob.webidl \ CanvasRenderingContext2D.webidl \ ClientRectList.webidl \ CSSStyleDeclaration.webidl \ DOMTokenList.webidl \ DOMSettableTokenList.webidl \ Function.webidl \ EventListener.webidl \ EventTarget.webidl \ FileList.webidl \ FileReaderSync.webidl \ HTMLCollection.webidl \ HTMLOptionsCollection.webidl \ HTMLPropertiesCollection.webidl \ NodeList.webidl \ PaintRequestList.webidl \ Performance.webidl \ PerformanceNavigation.webidl \ PerformanceTiming.webidl \ SVGLengthList.webidl \ SVGNumberList.webidl \ SVGPathSegList.webidl \ SVGPointList.webidl \ SVGTransformList.webidl \ WebSocket.webidl \ XMLHttpRequest.webidl \ XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.webidl \ XMLHttpRequestUpload.webidl \ $(NULL) ifdef MOZ_WEBGL webidl_files += \ WebGLRenderingContext.webidl \ $(NULL) endif ifdef ENABLE_TESTS test_webidl_files := \ TestCodeGen.webidl \ TestDictionary.webidl \ TestTypedef.webidl \ $(NULL) else test_webidl_files := $(NULL) endif