/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef MOZILLA_GFX_LOGGING_H_ #define MOZILLA_GFX_LOGGING_H_ #include #include #include #include "nsDebug.h" #include "Point.h" #include "BaseRect.h" #include "Matrix.h" #include "mozilla/TypedEnum.h" #ifdef WIN32 // This file gets included from nsGlobalWindow.cpp, which doesn't like // having windows.h included in it. Since OutputDebugStringA is the only // thing we need from windows.h, we just declare it here directly. // Note: the function's documented signature is // WINBASEAPI void WINAPI OutputDebugStringA(LPCSTR lpOutputString) // but if we don't include windows.h, the macros WINBASEAPI, WINAPI, and // LPCSTR are not defined, so we need to replace them with their expansions. extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) void __stdcall OutputDebugStringA(const char* lpOutputString); #endif #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(PR_LOGGING) #include extern GFX2D_API PRLogModuleInfo *GetGFX2DLog(); #endif namespace mozilla { namespace gfx { const int LOG_DEBUG = 1; const int LOG_WARNING = 2; #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(PR_LOGGING) inline PRLogModuleLevel PRLogLevelForLevel(int aLevel) { switch (aLevel) { case LOG_DEBUG: return PR_LOG_DEBUG; case LOG_WARNING: return PR_LOG_WARNING; } return PR_LOG_DEBUG; } #endif extern GFX2D_API int sGfxLogLevel; static inline void OutputMessage(const std::string &aString, int aLevel) { #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(PR_LOGGING) if (aLevel >= sGfxLogLevel) { ::OutputDebugStringA(aString.c_str()); } #elif defined(PR_LOGGING) && !(defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GONK) || defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID)) if (PR_LOG_TEST(GetGFX2DLog(), PRLogLevelForLevel(aLevel))) { PR_LogPrint(aString.c_str()); } #else if (aLevel >= sGfxLogLevel) { printf_stderr("%s", aString.c_str()); } #endif } class NoLog { public: NoLog() {} ~NoLog() {} template NoLog &operator <<(const T &aLogText) { return *this; } }; MOZ_BEGIN_ENUM_CLASS(LogOptions, int) NoNewline = 0x01 MOZ_END_ENUM_CLASS(LogOptions) template class Log { public: Log(LogOptions aOptions = LogOptions(0)) : mOptions(aOptions) {} ~Log() { Flush(); } void Flush() { if (!(int(mOptions) & int(LogOptions::NoNewline))) { mMessage << '\n'; } std::string str = mMessage.str(); if (!str.empty()) { WriteLog(str); } mMessage.str(""); mMessage.clear(); } Log &operator <<(char aChar) { mMessage << aChar; return *this; } Log &operator <<(const std::string &aLogText) { mMessage << aLogText; return *this; } Log &operator <<(const char aStr[]) { mMessage << static_cast(aStr); return *this; } Log &operator <<(bool aBool) { mMessage << (aBool ? "true" : "false"); return *this; } Log &operator <<(int aInt) { mMessage << aInt; return *this; } Log &operator <<(unsigned int aInt) { mMessage << aInt; return *this; } Log &operator <<(long aLong) { mMessage << aLong; return *this; } Log &operator <<(unsigned long aLong) { mMessage << aLong; return *this; } Log &operator <<(long long aLong) { mMessage << aLong; return *this; } Log &operator <<(unsigned long long aLong) { mMessage << aLong; return *this; } Log &operator <<(Float aFloat) { mMessage << aFloat; return *this; } Log &operator <<(double aDouble) { mMessage << aDouble; return *this; } template Log &operator <<(const BasePoint& aPoint) { mMessage << "Point(" << aPoint.x << "," << aPoint.y << ")"; return *this; } template Log &operator <<(const BaseSize& aSize) { mMessage << "Size(" << aSize.width << "," << aSize.height << ")"; return *this; } template Log &operator <<(const BaseRect& aRect) { mMessage << "Rect(" << aRect.x << "," << aRect.y << "," << aRect.width << "," << aRect.height << ")"; return *this; } Log &operator<<(const Matrix& aMatrix) { mMessage << "Matrix(" << aMatrix._11 << " " << aMatrix._12 << " ; " << aMatrix._21 << " " << aMatrix._22 << " ; " << aMatrix._31 << " " << aMatrix._32 << ")"; return *this; } private: void WriteLog(const std::string &aString) { OutputMessage(aString, L); } std::stringstream mMessage; LogOptions mOptions; }; typedef Log DebugLog; typedef Log WarningLog; #ifdef GFX_LOG_DEBUG #define gfxDebug DebugLog #else #define gfxDebug if (1) ; else NoLog #endif #ifdef GFX_LOG_WARNING #define gfxWarning WarningLog #else #define gfxWarning if (1) ; else NoLog #endif const int INDENT_PER_LEVEL = 2; class TreeLog { public: TreeLog(const std::string& aPrefix = "") : mLog(LogOptions::NoNewline), mPrefix(aPrefix), mDepth(0), mStartOfLine(true), mConditionedOnPref(false), mPref(nullptr) {} template TreeLog& operator<<(const T& aObject) { if (mConditionedOnPref && !*mPref) { return *this; } if (mStartOfLine) { mLog << '[' << mPrefix << "] " << std::string(mDepth * INDENT_PER_LEVEL, ' '); mStartOfLine = false; } mLog << aObject; if (EndsInNewline(aObject)) { // Don't indent right here as the user may change the indent // between now and the first output to the next line. mLog.Flush(); mStartOfLine = true; } return *this; } void IncreaseIndent() { ++mDepth; } void DecreaseIndent() { --mDepth; } void ConditionOnPref(bool* aPref) { mConditionedOnPref = true; mPref = aPref; } private: Log mLog; std::string mPrefix; uint32_t mDepth; bool mStartOfLine; bool mConditionedOnPref; bool* mPref; template static bool EndsInNewline(const T& aObject) { return false; } static bool EndsInNewline(const std::string& aString) { return !aString.empty() && aString[aString.length() - 1] == '\n'; } static bool EndsInNewline(char aChar) { return aChar == '\n'; } static bool EndsInNewline(const char* aString) { return EndsInNewline(std::string(aString)); } }; class TreeAutoIndent { public: TreeAutoIndent(TreeLog& aTreeLog) : mTreeLog(aTreeLog) { mTreeLog.IncreaseIndent(); } ~TreeAutoIndent() { mTreeLog.DecreaseIndent(); } private: TreeLog& mTreeLog; }; } } #endif /* MOZILLA_GFX_LOGGING_H_ */