This is Bonsai. See . ========== DISCLAIMER ========== This is not very well packaged code. It's not packaged at all. Don't come here expecting something you plop in a directory, twiddle a few things, and you're off and using it. Much work has to be done to get there. We'd like to get there, but it wasn't clear when that would be, and so we decided to let people see it first. Don't believe for a minute that you can use this stuff without first understanding most of the code. ================================= What's What in the Bonsai sources: ================================= This is a rough first pass at cataloging and documenting the Bonsai sources. Many hands have been in this code over the years, and it has accreted wildly. There is probably quite a lot of dead code in here. CGI.tcl ??? Makefile: builds the "trapdoor" program SourceChecker.cgi scc wrote to help sanitize code. DELETE Called by: nobody ??? addcheckin.tcl ??? admin.cgi TCL. Select from various administrative tasks (which require a password.) Called by: toplevel.cgi Calls: doadmin.cgi password= treeid= command=[open|close] closetimestamp= lastgood= doclear= doadmin.cgi password= treeid= command=tweaktimes lastgood= lastclose= doadmin.cgi password= treeid= command=editmotd origmotd= motd= editmessage.cgi treeid= msgname=[openmessage|closemessage| treeopened|treeopenedsamehook| treeclosed] #### note: no password? repophook.cgi password= treeid= command=repophook startfrom= rebuildtaginfo.cgi password= treeid= command=rebuildtaginfo rebuildcvshistory.cgi password= treeid= command=rebuildcvs startfrom= firstfile= subdir= doadmin.cgi password= treeid= command=changepassword password= newpassword= newpassword2= doglobal= adminfuncs.tcl ??? adminmail.tcl ??? bonsai.gif uh, a corrupted gif file. branchspam.cgi failed attempt to web-afy branch spam too DELETE Called by: nobody Calls: branchspammer.cgi branchspammer.cgi more garbage Called by: branchspam.cgi Calls: nobody changebar.tcl ??? closemessage ??? configure/ ??? contacthelp.html ??? countcheckins.cgi TCL. Draws a graph of checkins for the various Bonsai 'hooks'. Called by: toplevel.cgi Calls: nobody createlegaldirs.tcl ??? crontab ??? cvsblame.cgi Runs through a CVS file and tells you who changed what. Calls: rview.cgi dir= cvsroot= rev= cvsblame.cgi file= rev= root= mark= cvsblame.cgi set_line= (cookie magic?) cvsblame.cgi root= file= rev= use_html= Called by: cvsguess.cgi moduleanalyse.cgi Used to be called by: cvslog.cgi ??? cvsguess.cgi Given a file name, try to figure out what directory it's in. then link to cvsblame.cgi. parameters are the same. Seems to take an exact file name (sans directory), then do a redirect to cvsblame.cgi. If there are more than one file of that name, it presents a list. This is (I think) redundant with LXR's file name search. Calls: cvsblame.cgi file= rev= mark= # Called by: nobody ??? cvslog.cgi Web interface to "cvs log". Calls: rview.cgi dir= cvsroot= rev= cvslog.cgi file= root= rev= sort=[revision|date|author] author= cvsview2.cgi command=DIFF_FRAMESET diff_mode=context whitespace_mode=show root= subdir= file= rev1= rev2= cvsview2.cgi command=DIRECTORY subdir= files= root= branch= Used to call: cvsblame.cgi file= rev= root= ??? cvsquery.cgi Displays the results of a query entered in cvsqueryform Called by: cvsqueryform.cgi Calls: cvsqueryform.cgi cvsview2 command=DIRECTORY subdir= files= branch= root= cvsview2.cgi command=DIFF_FRAMESET diff_mode=context whitespace_mode=show subdir= file= rev1= rev2= root= multidiff.cgi name=allchanges cvsroot= cvsquery.cgi sortby= ../registry/who.cgi email= ??? cvsqueryform.cgi Main screen to let you query the CVS database. Called by: cvsblame.cgi cvslog.cgi cvsquery.cgi toplevel.cgi Calls: cvsregexp.html cvsquery.cgi module=[all|allrepositories|?] branch= branchtype=[match|regexp] directory= file= who= whotype=[match|regexp] sortby=[Date|Who|File|Change Size] date=[hours|day|week|month|all| explicit] hours= mindate= maxdate= cvsroot= cvsregexp.html ??? cvsview2.cgi Lets you view CVS diffs. Called by: cvsblame.cgi cvslog.cgi cvsquery.cgi show2.cgi showcheckins.cgi Calls: rview.cgi dir= cvsroot= rev= cvsview2.cgi subdir= command=DIFF root= file= rev1= rev2= cvsview2.cgi subdir= command=DIFF_LINKS root= file= rev1= rev2= cvsview2.cgi subdir= command=DIFF root= file= rev1= rev2= # cvsview2.cgi subdir= command=DIFF_FRAMESET root= file= rev1= rev2= cvsview2.cgi subdir= command=DIRECTORY root= files= branch= skip= cvsview2.cgi subdir= command=LOG root= file= rev= doadmin.cgi TCL. Executes admin things asked for in admin.cgi Called by: admin.cgi Calls: mailto:clienteng doeditcheckin.cgi TCL. Edits a checkin on the hook. Called by: editcheckin.cgi Calls: nobody doeditmessage.cgi TCL. Edits one of the email messages that bonsai sends people. Called by: editmessage.cgi Calls: nobody doeditprofile.cgi TCL. Edit peoples contact info. Left-over code from before we started getting this info from LDAP. Called by: editprofile.cgi Calls: nobody doeditwhiteboard.cgi TCL. Edits the free-for-all whiteboard. Called by: editwhiteboard.cgi Calls: nobody ??? dotweak.cgi TCL. Tweaks a bunch of checkins in ahook at once. Called by: show2.cgi showcheckins.cgi Calls: nobody editcheckin.cgi TCL. Edits a checkin on the hook. Called by: show2.cgi showcheckins.cgi Calls: doeditcheckin.cgi editmessage.cgi TCL. Edits one of the email messages that bonsai sends people. Called by: admin.cgi Calls: doeditmessage.cgi editprofile.cgi TCL. Edit peoples contact info. Left-over code from before we started getting this info from LDAP. Called by: localprofile.cgi Calls: doeditprofile.cgi editwhiteboard.cgi TCL. Edits the free-for-all whiteboard. Called by: toplevel.cgi Calls: doeditwhiteboard.cgi globals.tcl ??? handleAdminMail.tcl ??? handleCheckinMail.tcl ??? ??? index.html ??? ??? parses CGI args from $QUERY_STRING and leaves them in $form{$key}; and puts cookies in %cookie_jar. Calls: nobody Called by: everybody localprofile.cgi TCL. Display peoples contact info. Left-over code from before we started getting this info from LDAP. Called by: nobody Calls: editprofile.cgi profile.cgi ??? Unused? moduleanalyse.cgi Shows the directories in a module. Called by: nobody Calls: moduleanalyse.cgi module=[all|?] cvsroot= rview.cgi dir= cvsroot= cvsblame.cgi file= root= ??? Called by: branchspam.cgi cvsqueryform.cgi moduleanalyse.cgi multidiff.cgi Implements the "Show me ALL the Diffs" button Called by: cvsquery.cgi show2.cgi showcheckins.cgi Calls: nobody myglobrecur.tcl ??? openmessage ??? perlifyconfig.tcl ??? ??? profile.cgi TCL. Stupid interface to LDAP to show all the info about a person. Called by: localprofile.cgi show2.cgi Calls: profile.cgi person= rebuildcvshistory.cgi TCL. Admin script to go rebuild the bonsai database from CVS. Called by: admin.cgi Calls: nobody rebuilddatabase.tcl ??? rebuildtaginfo.cgi TCL. Half-written piece of junk to try and remember things about tags. Should probably nuke it. Called by: admin.cgi repophook.cgi TCL. Rebuilds a bonsai hook from the bonsai database. Called by: admin.cgi Calls: nobody ??? rview.cgi Lets you browse a directory in a CVS repository. Called by: cvsblame.cgi cvslog.cgi cvsview2.cgi moduleanalyse.cgi Calls: rview.cgi dir= cvsroot= rev= rview.cgi dir= cvsroot= rev= ?=chdir rview.cgi dir= cvsroot= rev= ?=Set Branch &make_cgi_args ??? ../registry/file.cgi cvsroot= file= dir= show2.cgi TCL. This seems to be a variant on showcheckins.cgi? Called by: nobody Calls: dotweak.cgi showcheckins.cgi [various funky args] editcheckin.cgi id= [various funky args]w profile.cgi person= [various funky args] cvsview2.cgi subdir= files= command=DIRECTORY branch= http://w3/cgi/cvsview2.cgi subdir= files= command=DIRECTORY multidiff.cgi allchanges= showcheckins.cgi TCL. Shows some set of checkins in a bonsai hook. Called by: admin.cgi show2.cgi toplevel.cgi Calls: dotweak.cgi showcheckins.cgi [various funky args] editcheckin.cgi id= [various funky args]w http://phonebook/ds/dosearch/phonebook/... cvsview2.cgi root= subdir= files= command=DIRECTORY branch= http://w3/cgi/cvsview2.cgi subdir= files= command=DIRECTORY multidiff.cgi allchanges= status/ ??? switchtree.cgi TCL. Lets you choose a different bonsai branch. Called by: toplevel.cgi Calls: nobody ??? toplevel.cgi TCL. Main interface to the bonsai hook. Called by: CGI.tcl contacthelp.html index.html sheriff2.html switchtree.cgi toplevel.cgi viewold.cgi Calls: editwhiteboard.cgi [...] http://phonebook/ds/dosearch/phonebook/... showcheckins.cgi http://warp/tinderbox/showbuilds.cgi switchtree.cgi [...] http://phonebook/ viewold.cgi [...] countcheckins.cgi [...] admin.cgi [...] index.html http://warp/client/dogbert/tree.html contacthelp.html http://warp/client/dogbert/buildlore/index.html trapdoor.c ??? ??? viewold.cgi TCL. Lets you choose an old bonsai hook to view. Called by: toplevel.cgi Calls: toplevel.cgi treeid=