#!/usr/bin/perl5 ############################################################################# # $Id: psoftsync.pl,v 1.6 2000/10/05 19:47:37 leif%netscape.com Exp $ # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License # Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in # compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" # basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing rights and limitations # under the License. # # The Original Code is PerLDAP. The Initial Developer of the Original # Code is Netscape Communications Corp. and Clayton Donley. Portions # created by Netscape are Copyright (C) Netscape Communications # Corp., portions created by Clayton Donley are Copyright (C) Clayton # Donley. All Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): # # DESCRIPTION # Synchronise some LDAP info with a PeopleSoft "dump". This "dump" file # is a "tab" separated file, as generated by an SQL utility on the # Oracle server. # ############################################################################# use Getopt::Std; # To parse command line arguments. use Mozilla::LDAP::Conn; # Main "OO" layer for LDAP use Mozilla::LDAP::Utils; # LULU, utilities. ############################################################################# # Local configurations, check these out . Note that SYNCS and ORDER has to # have the same fields, this is because the hash array doesn't preserve # the order of it's entries... :-( The "codes" are bit fields, where the # three LSB are used as # # 1 Force the update, even if attribute is empty (i.e. delete it) # 2 The attribute is the base for a DN (e.g. "manager"). # 4 The attribute should be deleted if the user is not in PeopleSoft. # 8 Don't warn if the attribute is missing in the Psoft file (-W option). # 16 Always delete this attribute in the PeopleSoft entry. # 32 Delete this attribute if the account has "expired". # %SYNCS = ( "nscpharold" => 1 + 4, "uid" => 0, "" => 0, "" => 0, "employeenumber" => 1 + 4 + 32, "departmentnumber" => 1 + 4, "" => 0, "" => 0, "" => 0, "manager" => 1 + 2, "title" => 1 + 4 + 16 + 32, "ou" => 1 + 4 + 32, "businesscategory" => 1 + 4 + 32, "employeetype" => 0, "nscppersonexpdate" => 1 + 8 ); @ORDER = ( "nscpharold", "uid", "", "", "employeenumber", "departmentnumber", "", "", "", "manager", "title", "ou", "businesscategory", "employeetype", "nscppersonexpdate" ); # This is used for mapping the employeeType attribute into a readable format. %EMPCODES = ( "A" => "Applicant", "C" => "Contractor", "E" => "Employee", "O" => "OEM Partner", "T" => "Interim", "V" => "Vendor" ); # Expiration policy for other attributes, the EXPDELAY is a convenience # default setting. $EXPDELAY = 24 * 7; %EXPIRES = ( "carlicense" => $EXPDELAY, "mailautoreplymode" => $EXPDELAY, "mailautoreplytext" => $EXPDELAY, "mailforwardingaddress" => $EXPDELAY, "facsimiletelephonenumber" => $EXPDELAY ); $NOTYPE = "Unknown"; $DELIMITER = "%%"; $SENDMAIL = "/usr/lib/sendmail"; $SEARCH = "(&(uid=*)(!(objectclass=pseudoAccount)))"; $MAILTO = "leif\@netscape.com"; #$LDAP_DEBUG = 1; ############################################################################# # Constants, shouldn't have to edit these... # $APPNAM = "psoftsync"; $USAGE = "$APPNAM [-nvW] -b base -h host -D bind -w passwd -P cert PS_file"; @ATTRIBUTES = uniq(@ORDER); push(@ATTRIBUTES, "objectclass"); $TODAY = `/usr/bin/date '+%Y%m%d'`; chop($TODAY); ############################################################################# # Print an error for the PeopleSoft data. Note that we use the "__XXX__" fields # here, to avoid the problem when an attribute is "expired" or modified. # sub psoftError { my ($str, $entry) = @_; print "Error: $str: "; print $entry->key(), " ("; print $entry->{__employeenumber__}, ", "; print $entry->{__employeetype__}, ", "; print $entry->{__departmentnumber__}, ")\n"; } ############################################################################# # Read in a PeopleSoft file, and create all the entries. # sub readDump { my ($file) = @_; my (@info, %entries); my $val; if (!open(PSOFT, $file)) { print "Error: Can't read file $file\n"; exit(1); } while () { next unless /$DELIMITER/; @info = split(/\s*%%\s*/); $entry = new PsoftEntry($info[$[]); foreach $attr (@ORDER) { $val = shift(@info); next if ($attr eq ""); $entry->add($attr, $val, $SYNCS{$attr}); } # # Perhaps we should do some sanity checks here on the PeopleSoft data? # # Clean up some data if the user has expired ("best before...") if ($entry->expired($entry->{nscppersonexpdate})) { foreach $attr (@ORDER) { next unless $attr; delete($entry->{$attr}) if ($SYNCS{$attr} & 32); } } if ($entry->{uid}) { $entries{$entry->{uid}} = $entry; } elsif ($opt_W) { psoftError("No UID", $entry); } } close(PSOFT); return %entries; } ############################################################################# # Make a list "uniq", just like the Unix command. # sub uniq { # uniq(elements[]) my %tmp; grep($tmp{$_}++, @_); return sort(keys(%tmp)); } ############################################################################# # Delete an attribute from an entry. # sub delAttr { # delAttr(ENTRY, ATTR) my ($entry, $attr) = @_; if (defined($entry->{$attr})) { $out->write("Deleted $attr for user: $entry->{uid}[0]") if $opt_v; delete($entry->{$attr}); return 1; } return 0; } ############################################################################# # Check arguments, and configure some parameters accordingly.. # if (!getopts('nvMWb:h:D:p:s:w:P:')) { print "usage: $APPNAM $USAGE\n"; exit; } %ld = Mozilla::LDAP::Utils::ldapArgs(); Mozilla::LDAP::Utils::userCredentials(\%ld) unless $opt_n; $out = new Mail(); if ($opt_M) { $out->set("to", $MAILTO); $out->set("subject", "Hoth: PeopleSoft synchronization report"); } else { $out->echo(); $out->nomail(); } ############################################################################# # Read in all the PeopleSoft entries, and then instantiate an LDAP object, # which also binds to the LDAP server. # %psoft = readDump(@ARGV[$[]); $conn = new Mozilla::LDAP::Conn(\%ld); die "Could't connect to LDAP server $ld{host}" unless $conn; ############################################################################# # Now process all the users, one by one. # $entry = $conn->search($ld{root}, "subtree", $SEARCH, 0, @ATTRIBUTES); while ($entry) { $uid = $entry->{"uid"}[0]; $changed = 0; $psent = $psoft{$uid}; if (!$psent) { print "Error: LDAP user $uid: No entry in PeopleSoft\n" if $opt_W; foreach $attr (@ORDER) { next unless $attr; $changed += delAttr($entry, $attr) if ($SYNCS{$attr} & 4); } if ($entry->{employeetype}[0] ne "$NOTYPE") { $entry->{employeetype} = ["$NOTYPE"]; $changed = 1; $out->write("Set employeeType to $NOTYPE for user: $uid") if $opt_v; } } else { $psent->handled(1); foreach $attr (@ORDER) { next unless $attr; if (!defined($psent->{$attr}) || ($psent->{$attr} eq "")) { $changed += delAttr($entry, $attr) if ($SYNCS{$attr} & 1); } elsif ($entry->{$attr}[0] ne $psent->{$attr}) { $entry->{$attr} = [$psent->{$attr}]; $changed = 1; $out->write("Set $attr to $psent->{$attr} for user: $uid") if $opt_v; } } # Now handle the Expire date special case... if ($psent->expired() ne "") { if ($entry->addValue("objectclass", "nscphidethis")) { $changed = 1; $out->write("Expiring the user: $uid") if $opt_v; } # Expire other attributes, IFF the expire is over a certain # treshhold (e.g. a week). } elsif ($entry->removeValue("objectclass", "nscphidethis")) { $changed = 1; $out->write("Enabling the user: $uid") if $opt_v; } } $conn->update($entry) if ($changed && ! $opt_n); $entry = $conn->nextEntry(); } ############################################################################# # Close the LDAP connection. # $conn->close if $conn; ############################################################################# # Post process, figure out which PSoft entries have no entry in LDAP. # if ($opt_W) { foreach (keys(%psoft)) { $ent=$psoft{$_}; psoftError("No LDAP entry", $ent) unless $ent->handled(); } } ############################################################################# # Package to an entry from the PeopleSoft database. # package PsoftEntry; ############################################################################# # Creator. # sub new { my ($class, $key) = @_; my $self = {}; bless $self, ref $class || $class; $self->{__key__} = $key; return $self; } ############################################################################# # Add an attribute/field to the entry. # sub add { my ($self, $attr, $val, $lev) = @_; return if ($lev & 16); $attr = lc $attr; if ($attr eq "employeetype") { if (defined($main::EMPCODES{$val})) { $self->{$attr} = $main::EMPCODES{$val}; } else { $self->{$attr} = $main::NOTYPE; } $self->{__employeetype__} = $val; } elsif (!defined($val) || ($val eq "")) { main::psoftError("No attribute $attr", $self) if ($main::opt_W && ($lev & 1) && !($lev & 8)); } else { $self->{$attr} = ($lev & 2) ? "uid=$val,$main::ld{root}" : $val; $self->{"__${attr}__"} = $val; } } ############################################################################# # Return the value for an attribute/field. # sub get { my ($self, $attr) = @_; return $self->{$attr}; } ############################################################################# # Mark the entry as "expired". If there is no "date" argument, we'll return # the current entries expire status. # sub expired { my ($self, $date) = @_; if ($date) { # Only expire entries with reasonable expire dates... if (length($date) != 8) { main::psoftError("Bad expire date", $self) if $main::opt_W; return 0; } if ($date lt $main::TODAY) { $self->{employeetype} = "$main::NOTYPE"; $self->{__expired__} = 1; return 1; } } return $self->{__expired__}; } ############################################################################# # Mark the entry as "handled", i.e. it exists in LDAP. # sub handled { my ($self, $flag) = @_; $self->{__handled__} = 1 if $flag; return $self->{__handled__}; } ############################################################################# # Return the "key" of this entry, typically the name field. # sub key { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{__key__}; } ################################################################################# # This sub-package will send mail to some recipients, IFF there is anything to # send, or your force it to send. Note that the Subject doesn't qualify it to # send a message (force it to send if you have to). # package Mail; ################################################################################# # The constructor, which optionally takes the TO, FROM and SUBJECT. # sub new { my ($class, $to, $from, $subject) = @_; my $self = {}; bless $self, ref $class || $class; $self->{to} = $to || "root"; $self->{from} = $from || "ldap"; $self->{subject} = $subject || "Output from LDAP script\n"; @{$self->{message}} = (); $self->{send} = 0; $self->{nomail} = 0; $self->{echo} = 0; return $self; } ################################################################################# # Destructor, which will also send the message, if appropriate. # sub DESTROY { my ($self) = @_; if ($self->{send} && !$self->{nomail}) { $self->send(); $self->{send} = 0; } } ################################################################################# # Set a field for this entry, e.g. From:, To: etc. # sub set { my ($self, $field, $string) = @_; if ($field && $string) { $field = lc $field; $self->{$field} = $string; } } ################################################################################# # Add a line to the message, the argument is the string. # sub write { my ($self, $string) = @_; if ($string ne "") { push(@{$self->{message}}, $string); print "$string\n" if $self->{echo}; $self->{send}++; } } ################################################################################# # Force the object to send the message, no matter if there's anything in the # body or not. # sub force { my ($self) = @_; $self->{send} = 1; $self->{nomail} = 0; } ################################################################################# # Don't send the mail, this is the oppositte to "force... # sub nomail { my ($self) = @_; $self->{send} = 0; $self->{nomail} = 1; } ################################################################################# # Enable echo-mode, where we will also print everything to STDOUT. # sub echo { my ($self) = @_; $self->{echo} = 1; } ################################################################################# # Actually send the message. This is automatically done by the DESTROY method, # but we can force it to do it this way. # sub send { my ($self) = @_; if ($self->{send} && !$self->{nomail}) { open(MAILER, "|$main::SENDMAIL -t"); print MAILER "From: $self->{from}\n"; print MAILER "To: $self->{to}\n"; print MAILER "Subject: $self->{subject}\n\n"; foreach (@{$self->{message}}) { print MAILER "$_\n"; } print MAILER ".\n"; close(MAILER); $self->{send} = 0; } }