# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): Terry Weissman # Dan Mosedale # Jake # Contains some global variables and routines used throughout bugzilla. use diagnostics; use strict; # Shut up misguided -w warnings about "used only once". For some reason, # "use vars" chokes on me when I try it here. sub globals_pl_sillyness { my $zz; $zz = @main::SqlStateStack; $zz = @main::chooseone; $zz = @main::default_column_list; $zz = $main::defaultqueryname; $zz = @main::dontchange; $zz = %main::keywordsbyname; $zz = @main::legal_bug_status; $zz = @main::legal_components; $zz = @main::legal_keywords; $zz = @main::legal_opsys; $zz = @main::legal_platform; $zz = @main::legal_priority; $zz = @main::legal_product; $zz = @main::legal_severity; $zz = @main::legal_target_milestone; $zz = @main::legal_versions; $zz = @main::milestoneurl; $zz = @main::prodmaxvotes; $zz = $main::superusergroupset; } # # Here are the --LOCAL-- variables defined in 'localconfig' that we'll use # here # $::db_host = "localhost"; $::db_name = "bugs"; $::db_user = "bugs"; $::db_pass = ""; do 'localconfig'; use DBI; use Date::Format; # For time2str(). use Date::Parse; # For str2time(). #use Carp; # for confess use RelationSet; # $ENV{PATH} is not taint safe delete $ENV{PATH}; # Contains the version string for the current running Bugzilla. $::param{'version'} = '2.13'; $::dontchange = "--do_not_change--"; $::chooseone = "--Choose_one:--"; $::defaultqueryname = "(Default query)"; $::unconfirmedstate = "UNCONFIRMED"; $::dbwritesallowed = 1; # Adding a global variable for the value of the superuser groupset. # Joe Robins, 7/5/00 $::superusergroupset = "9223372036854775807"; #sub die_with_dignity { # my ($err_msg) = @_; # print $err_msg; # confess($err_msg); #} #$::SIG{__DIE__} = \&die_with_dignity; sub ConnectToDatabase { my ($useshadow) = (@_); if (!defined $::db) { my $name = $::db_name; if ($useshadow && Param("shadowdb") && Param("queryagainstshadowdb")) { $name = Param("shadowdb"); $::dbwritesallowed = 0; } $::db = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:host=$::db_host;database=$name", $::db_user, $::db_pass) || die "Bugzilla is currently broken. Please try again later. " . "If the problem persists, please contact " . Param("maintainer") . ". The error you should quote is: " . $DBI::errstr; } } sub ReconnectToShadowDatabase { if (Param("shadowdb") && Param("queryagainstshadowdb")) { SendSQL("USE " . Param("shadowdb")); $::dbwritesallowed = 0; } } my $shadowchanges = 0; sub SyncAnyPendingShadowChanges { if ($shadowchanges) { my $pid; FORK: { if ($pid = fork) { # create a fork # parent code runs here $shadowchanges = 0; return; } elsif (defined $pid) { # child process code runs here exec("./syncshadowdb","--") or die "Unable to exec syncshadowdb: $!"; # the idea was that passing the second parameter tricks it into # using execvp instead of running a shell. Not really necessary since # there are no shell meta-characters, but it passes our tinderbox # test that way. :) http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21253 } elsif ($! =~ /No more process/) { # recoverable fork error, try again in 5 seconds sleep 5; redo FORK; } else { # something weird went wrong die "Can't create background process to run syncshadowdb: $!"; } } } } # This is used to manipulate global state used by SendSQL(), # MoreSQLData() and FetchSQLData(). It provides a way to do another # SQL query without losing any as-yet-unfetched data from an existing # query. Just push the current global state, do your new query and fetch # any data you need from it, then pop the current global state. # @::SQLStateStack = (); sub PushGlobalSQLState() { push @::SQLStateStack, $::currentquery; push @::SQLStateStack, [ @::fetchahead ]; } sub PopGlobalSQLState() { die ("PopGlobalSQLState: stack underflow") if ( $#::SQLStateStack < 1 ); @::fetchahead = @{pop @::SQLStateStack}; $::currentquery = pop @::SQLStateStack; } sub SavedSQLStates() { return ($#::SqlStateStack + 1) / 2; } my $dosqllog = (-e "data/sqllog") && (-w "data/sqllog"); sub SqlLog { if ($dosqllog) { my ($str) = (@_); open(SQLLOGFID, ">>data/sqllog") || die "Can't write to data/sqllog"; if (flock(SQLLOGFID,2)) { # 2 is magic 'exclusive lock' const. # if we're a subquery (ie there's pushed global state around) # indent to indicate the level of subquery-hood # for (my $i = SavedSQLStates() ; $i > 0 ; $i--) { print SQLLOGFID "\t"; } print SQLLOGFID time2str("%D %H:%M:%S $$", time()) . ": $str\n"; } flock(SQLLOGFID,8); # '8' is magic 'unlock' const. close SQLLOGFID; } } sub SendSQL { my ($str, $dontshadow) = (@_); my $iswrite = ($str =~ /^(INSERT|REPLACE|UPDATE|DELETE)/i); if ($iswrite && !$::dbwritesallowed) { die "Evil code attempted to write stuff to the shadow database."; } if ($str =~ /^LOCK TABLES/i && $str !~ /shadowlog/ && $::dbwritesallowed) { $str =~ s/^LOCK TABLES/LOCK TABLES shadowlog WRITE, /i; } SqlLog($str); $::currentquery = $::db->prepare($str); $::currentquery->execute || die "$str: " . $::db->errstr; SqlLog("Done"); if (!$dontshadow && $iswrite && Param("shadowdb")) { my $q = SqlQuote($str); my $insertid; if ($str =~ /^(INSERT|REPLACE)/i) { SendSQL("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"); $insertid = FetchOneColumn(); } SendSQL("INSERT INTO shadowlog (command) VALUES ($q)", 1); if ($insertid) { SendSQL("SET LAST_INSERT_ID = $insertid"); } $shadowchanges++; } } sub MoreSQLData { if (defined @::fetchahead) { return 1; } if (@::fetchahead = $::currentquery->fetchrow_array) { return 1; } return 0; } sub FetchSQLData { if (defined @::fetchahead) { my @result = @::fetchahead; undef @::fetchahead; return @result; } return $::currentquery->fetchrow_array; } sub FetchOneColumn { my @row = FetchSQLData(); return $row[0]; } @::default_column_list = ("severity", "priority", "platform", "owner", "status", "resolution", "summary"); sub AppendComment { my ($bugid,$who,$comment) = (@_); $comment =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; # Get rid of windows-style line endings. $comment =~ s/\r/\n/g; # Get rid of mac-style line endings. if ($comment =~ /^\s*$/) { # Nothin' but whitespace. return; } my $whoid = DBNameToIdAndCheck($who); SendSQL("INSERT INTO longdescs (bug_id, who, bug_when, thetext) " . "VALUES($bugid, $whoid, now(), " . SqlQuote($comment) . ")"); SendSQL("UPDATE bugs SET delta_ts = now() WHERE bug_id = $bugid"); } sub GetFieldID { my ($f) = (@_); SendSQL("SELECT fieldid FROM fielddefs WHERE name = " . SqlQuote($f)); my $fieldid = FetchOneColumn(); if (!$fieldid) { my $q = SqlQuote($f); SendSQL("REPLACE INTO fielddefs (name, description) VALUES ($q, $q)"); SendSQL("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"); $fieldid = FetchOneColumn(); } return $fieldid; } sub lsearch { my ($list,$item) = (@_); my $count = 0; foreach my $i (@$list) { if ($i eq $item) { return $count; } $count++; } return -1; } sub Product_element { my ($prod,$onchange) = (@_); return make_popup("product", keys %::versions, $prod, 1, $onchange); } sub Component_element { my ($comp,$prod,$onchange) = (@_); my $componentlist; if (! defined $::components{$prod}) { $componentlist = []; } else { $componentlist = $::components{$prod}; } my $defcomponent; if ($comp ne "" && lsearch($componentlist, $comp) >= 0) { $defcomponent = $comp; } else { $defcomponent = $componentlist->[0]; } return make_popup("component", $componentlist, $defcomponent, 1, ""); } sub Version_element { my ($vers, $prod, $onchange) = (@_); my $versionlist; if (!defined $::versions{$prod}) { $versionlist = []; } else { $versionlist = $::versions{$prod}; } my $defversion = $versionlist->[0]; if (lsearch($versionlist,$vers) >= 0) { $defversion = $vers; } return make_popup("version", $versionlist, $defversion, 1, $onchange); } sub Milestone_element { my ($tm, $prod, $onchange) = (@_); my $tmlist; if (!defined $::target_milestone{$prod}) { $tmlist = []; } else { $tmlist = $::target_milestone{$prod}; } my $deftm = $tmlist->[0]; if (lsearch($tmlist, $tm) >= 0) { $deftm = $tm; } return make_popup("target_milestone", $tmlist, $deftm, 1, $onchange); } # Generate a string which, when later interpreted by the Perl compiler, will # be the same as the given string. sub PerlQuote { my ($str) = (@_); return SqlQuote($str); # The below was my first attempt, but I think just using SqlQuote makes more # sense... # $result = "'"; # $length = length($str); # for (my $i=0 ; $i<$length ; $i++) { # my $c = substr($str, $i, 1); # if ($c eq "'" || $c eq '\\') { # $result .= '\\'; # } # $result .= $c; # } # $result .= "'"; # return $result; } # Given the name of a global variable, generate Perl code that, if later # executed, would restore the variable to its current value. sub GenerateCode { my ($name) = (@_); my $result = $name . " = "; if ($name =~ /^\$/) { my $value = eval($name); if (ref($value) eq "ARRAY") { $result .= "[" . GenerateArrayCode($value) . "]"; } else { $result .= PerlQuote(eval($name)); } } elsif ($name =~ /^@/) { my @value = eval($name); $result .= "(" . GenerateArrayCode(\@value) . ")"; } elsif ($name =~ '%') { $result = ""; foreach my $k (sort { uc($a) cmp uc($b)} eval("keys $name")) { $result .= GenerateCode("\$" . substr($name, 1) . "{'" . $k . "'}"); } return $result; } else { die "Can't do $name -- unacceptable variable type."; } $result .= ";\n"; return $result; } sub GenerateArrayCode { my ($ref) = (@_); my @list; foreach my $i (@$ref) { push @list, PerlQuote($i); } return join(',', @list); } sub GenerateVersionTable { ConnectToDatabase(); SendSQL("select value, program from versions order by value"); my @line; my %varray; my %carray; while (@line = FetchSQLData()) { my ($v,$p1) = (@line); if (!defined $::versions{$p1}) { $::versions{$p1} = []; } push @{$::versions{$p1}}, $v; $varray{$v} = 1; } SendSQL("select value, program from components order by value"); while (@line = FetchSQLData()) { my ($c,$p) = (@line); if (!defined $::components{$p}) { $::components{$p} = []; } my $ref = $::components{$p}; push @$ref, $c; $carray{$c} = 1; } my $dotargetmilestone = 1; # This used to check the param, but there's # enough code that wants to pretend we're using # target milestones, even if they don't get # shown to the user. So we cache all the data # about them anyway. my $mpart = $dotargetmilestone ? ", milestoneurl" : ""; SendSQL("select product, description, votesperuser, disallownew$mpart from products"); $::anyvotesallowed = 0; while (@line = FetchSQLData()) { my ($p, $d, $votesperuser, $dis, $u) = (@line); $::proddesc{$p} = $d; if ($dis) { # Special hack. Stomp on the description and make it "0" if we're # not supposed to allow new bugs against this product. This is # checked for in enter_bug.cgi. $::proddesc{$p} = "0"; } if ($dotargetmilestone) { $::milestoneurl{$p} = $u; } $::prodmaxvotes{$p} = $votesperuser; if ($votesperuser > 0) { $::anyvotesallowed = 1; } } my $cols = LearnAboutColumns("bugs"); @::log_columns = @{$cols->{"-list-"}}; foreach my $i ("bug_id", "creation_ts", "delta_ts", "lastdiffed") { my $w = lsearch(\@::log_columns, $i); if ($w >= 0) { splice(@::log_columns, $w, 1); } } @::log_columns = (sort(@::log_columns)); @::legal_priority = SplitEnumType($cols->{"priority,type"}); @::legal_severity = SplitEnumType($cols->{"bug_severity,type"}); @::legal_platform = SplitEnumType($cols->{"rep_platform,type"}); @::legal_opsys = SplitEnumType($cols->{"op_sys,type"}); @::legal_bug_status = SplitEnumType($cols->{"bug_status,type"}); @::legal_resolution = SplitEnumType($cols->{"resolution,type"}); # 'settable_resolution' is the list of resolutions that may be set # directly by hand in the bug form. Start with the list of legal # resolutions and remove 'MOVED' and 'DUPLICATE' because setting # bugs to those resolutions requires a special process. # @::settable_resolution = @::legal_resolution; my $w = lsearch(\@::settable_resolution, "DUPLICATE"); if ($w >= 0) { splice(@::settable_resolution, $w, 1); } my $z = lsearch(\@::settable_resolution, "MOVED"); if ($z >= 0) { splice(@::settable_resolution, $z, 1); } my @list = sort { uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys(%::versions); @::legal_product = @list; mkdir("data", 0777); chmod 0777, "data"; my $tmpname = "data/versioncache.$$"; open(FID, ">$tmpname") || die "Can't create $tmpname"; print FID GenerateCode('@::log_columns'); print FID GenerateCode('%::versions'); foreach my $i (@list) { if (!defined $::components{$i}) { $::components{$i} = []; } } @::legal_versions = sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys(%varray); print FID GenerateCode('@::legal_versions'); print FID GenerateCode('%::components'); @::legal_components = sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys(%carray); print FID GenerateCode('@::legal_components'); foreach my $i('product', 'priority', 'severity', 'platform', 'opsys', 'bug_status', 'resolution') { print FID GenerateCode('@::legal_' . $i); } print FID GenerateCode('@::settable_resolution'); print FID GenerateCode('%::proddesc'); print FID GenerateCode('%::prodmaxvotes'); print FID GenerateCode('$::anyvotesallowed'); if ($dotargetmilestone) { # reading target milestones in from the database - matthew@zeroknowledge.com SendSQL("SELECT value, product FROM milestones ORDER BY sortkey, value"); my @line; my %tmarray; @::legal_target_milestone = (); while(@line = FetchSQLData()) { my ($tm, $pr) = (@line); if (!defined $::target_milestone{$pr}) { $::target_milestone{$pr} = []; } push @{$::target_milestone{$pr}}, $tm; if (!exists $tmarray{$tm}) { $tmarray{$tm} = 1; push(@::legal_target_milestone, $tm); } } print FID GenerateCode('%::target_milestone'); print FID GenerateCode('@::legal_target_milestone'); print FID GenerateCode('%::milestoneurl'); } SendSQL("SELECT id, name FROM keyworddefs ORDER BY name"); while (MoreSQLData()) { my ($id, $name) = FetchSQLData(); push(@::legal_keywords, $name); $name = lc($name); $::keywordsbyname{$name} = $id; } print FID GenerateCode('@::legal_keywords'); print FID GenerateCode('%::keywordsbyname'); print FID "1;\n"; close FID; rename $tmpname, "data/versioncache" || die "Can't rename $tmpname to versioncache"; chmod 0666, "data/versioncache"; } sub GetKeywordIdFromName { my ($name) = (@_); $name = lc($name); return $::keywordsbyname{$name}; } # Returns the modification time of a file. sub ModTime { my ($filename) = (@_); my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size, $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($filename); return $mtime; } # This proc must be called before using legal_product or the versions array. $::VersionTableLoaded = 0; sub GetVersionTable { return if $::VersionTableLoaded; my $mtime = ModTime("data/versioncache"); if (!defined $mtime || $mtime eq "") { $mtime = 0; } if (time() - $mtime > 3600) { GenerateVersionTable(); } require 'data/versioncache'; if (!defined %::versions) { GenerateVersionTable(); do 'data/versioncache'; if (!defined %::versions) { die "Can't generate file data/versioncache"; } } $::VersionTableLoaded = 1; } sub InsertNewUser { my ($username, $realname) = (@_); # Generate a new random password for the user. my $password = GenerateRandomPassword(); my $cryptpassword = Crypt($password); # Determine what groups the user should be in by default # and add them to those groups. PushGlobalSQLState(); SendSQL("select bit, userregexp from groups where userregexp != ''"); my $groupset = "0"; while (MoreSQLData()) { my @row = FetchSQLData(); # Modified -Joe Robins, 2/17/00 # Making this case insensitive, since usernames are email addresses, # and could be any case. if ($username =~ m/$row[1]/i) { $groupset .= "+ $row[0]"; # Silly hack to let MySQL do the math, # not Perl, since we're dealing with 64 # bit ints here, and I don't *think* Perl # does that. } } # Insert the new user record into the database. $username = SqlQuote($username); $realname = SqlQuote($realname); $cryptpassword = SqlQuote($cryptpassword); SendSQL("INSERT INTO profiles (login_name, realname, cryptpassword, groupset) VALUES ($username, $realname, $cryptpassword, $groupset)"); PopGlobalSQLState(); # Return the password to the calling code so it can be included # in an email sent to the user. return $password; } sub GenerateRandomPassword { my ($size) = @_; # Generated passwords are eight characters long by default. $size ||= 8; # The list of characters that can appear in a password. # If you change this you must also update &ValidatePassword below. my @pwchars = (0..9, 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '-', '_'); #my @pwchars = (0..9, 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '-', '_', '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*'); # The number of characters in the list. my $pwcharslen = scalar(@pwchars); # Generate the password. my $password = ""; for ( my $i=0 ; $i<$size ; $i++ ) { $password .= $pwchars[rand($pwcharslen)]; } # Return the password. return $password; } sub ValidatePassword { # Determines whether or not a password is valid (i.e. meets Bugzilla's # requirements for length and content). If the password is valid, the # function returns boolean false. Otherwise it returns an error message # (synonymous with boolean true) that can be displayed to the user. # If a second password is passed in, this function also verifies that # the two passwords match. my ($password, $matchpassword) = @_; if ( $password !~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*$/ ) { return "The password contains an illegal character. Legal characters are letters, numbers, hyphens (-), and underlines (_)."; } elsif ( length($password) < 3 ) { return "The password is less than three characters long. It must be at least three characters."; } elsif ( length($password) > 16 ) { return "The password is more than 16 characters long. It must be no more than 16 characters."; } elsif ( $matchpassword && $password ne $matchpassword ) { return "The two passwords do not match."; } return 0; } sub Crypt { # Crypts a password, generating a random salt to do it. # Random salts are generated because the alternative is usually # to use the first two characters of the password itself, and since # the salt appears in plaintext at the beginning of the crypted # password string this has the effect of revealing the first two # characters of the password to anyone who views the crypted version. my ($password) = @_; # The list of characters that can appear in a salt. Salts and hashes # are both encoded as a sequence of characters from a set containing # 64 characters, each one of which represents 6 bits of the salt/hash. # The encoding is similar to BASE64, the difference being that the # BASE64 plus sign (+) is replaced with a forward slash (/). my @saltchars = (0..9, 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '.', '/'); # Generate the salt. We use an 8 character (48 bit) salt for maximum # security on systems whose crypt uses MD5. Systems with older # versions of crypt will just use the first two characters of the salt. my $salt = ''; for ( my $i=0 ; $i < 8 ; ++$i ) { $salt .= $saltchars[rand(64)]; } # Crypt the password. my $cryptedpassword = crypt($password, $salt); # Return the crypted password. return $cryptedpassword; } sub DBID_to_real_or_loginname { my ($id) = (@_); PushGlobalSQLState(); SendSQL("SELECT login_name,realname FROM profiles WHERE userid = $id"); my ($l, $r) = FetchSQLData(); PopGlobalSQLState(); if (!defined $r || $r eq "") { return $l; } else { return "$l ($r)"; } } sub DBID_to_name { my ($id) = (@_); # $id should always be a positive integer if ($id =~ m/^([1-9][0-9]*)$/) { $id = $1; } else { $::cachedNameArray{$id} = "__UNKNOWN__"; } if (!defined $::cachedNameArray{$id}) { PushGlobalSQLState(); SendSQL("select login_name from profiles where userid = $id"); my $r = FetchOneColumn(); PopGlobalSQLState(); if (!defined $r || $r eq "") { $r = "__UNKNOWN__"; } $::cachedNameArray{$id} = $r; } return $::cachedNameArray{$id}; } sub DBname_to_id { my ($name) = (@_); PushGlobalSQLState(); SendSQL("select userid from profiles where login_name = @{[SqlQuote($name)]}"); my $r = FetchOneColumn(); PopGlobalSQLState(); # $r should be a positive integer, this makes Taint mode happy if (defined $r && $r =~ m/^([1-9][0-9]*)$/) { return $1; } else { return 0; } } sub DBNameToIdAndCheck { my ($name, $forceok) = (@_); $name = html_quote($name); my $result = DBname_to_id($name); if ($result > 0) { return $result; } if ($forceok) { InsertNewUser($name, ""); $result = DBname_to_id($name); if ($result > 0) { return $result; } print "Yikes; couldn't create user $name. Please report problem to " . Param("maintainer") ."\n"; } else { print "\n"; # http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=80045 print "The name $name is not a valid username. Either you\n"; print "misspelled it, or the person has not registered for a\n"; print "Bugzilla account.\n"; print "

Please hit the Back button and try again.\n"; } exit(0); } # Use detaint_string() when you know that there is no way that the data # in a scalar can be tainted, but taint mode still bails on it. # WARNING!! Using this routine on data that really could be tainted # defeats the purpose of taint mode. It should only be # used on variables that cannot be touched by users. sub detaint_string { my ($str) = @_; $str =~ m/^(.*)$/s; $str = $1; } # This routine quoteUrls contains inspirations from the HTML::FromText CPAN # module by Gareth Rees . It has been heavily hacked, # all that is really recognizable from the original is bits of the regular # expressions. sub quoteUrls { my ($knownattachments, $text) = (@_); return $text unless $text; my $base = Param('urlbase'); my $protocol = join '|', qw(afs cid ftp gopher http https mid news nntp prospero telnet wais); my %options = ( metachars => 1, @_ ); my $count = 0; # Now, quote any "#" characters so they won't confuse stuff later $text =~ s/#/%#/g; # Next, find anything that looks like a URL or an email address and # pull them out the the text, replacing them with a "#### # marker, and writing them into an array. All this confusion is # necessary so that we don't match on something we've already replaced, # which can happen if you do multiple s///g operations. my @things; while ($text =~ s%((mailto:)?([\w\.\-\+\=]+\@[\w\-]+(?:\.[\w\-]+)+)\b| (\b((?:$protocol):[^ \t\n<>"]+[\w/])))%"##$count##"%exo) { my $item = $&; $item = value_quote($item); if ($item !~ m/^$protocol:/o && $item !~ /^mailto:/) { # We must have grabbed this one because it looks like an email # address. $item = qq{$item}; } else { $item = qq{$item}; } $things[$count++] = $item; } while ($text =~ s/\bbug(\s|%\#)*(\d+)/"##$count##"/ei) { my $item = $&; my $num = $2; $item = GetBugLink($num, $item); $things[$count++] = $item; } while ($text =~ s/\battachment(\s|%\#)*(\d+)/"##$count##"/ei) { my $item = $&; my $num = $2; $item = value_quote($item); # Not really necessary, since we know # there's no special chars in it. $item = qq{$item}; $things[$count++] = $item; } while ($text =~ s/\*\*\* This bug has been marked as a duplicate of (\d+) \*\*\*/"##$count##"/ei) { my $item = $&; my $num = $1; my $bug_link; $bug_link = GetBugLink($num, $num); $item =~ s@\d+@$bug_link@; $things[$count++] = $item; } while ($text =~ s/Created an attachment \(id=(\d+)\)/"##$count##"/e) { my $item = $&; my $num = $1; if ($knownattachments->{$num}) { $item = qq{$item}; } $things[$count++] = $item; } $text = value_quote($text); $text =~ s/\ /\n/g; # Stuff everything back from the array. for (my $i=0 ; $i<$count ; $i++) { $text =~ s/##$i##/$things[$i]/e; } # And undo the quoting of "#" characters. $text =~ s/%#/#/g; return $text; } # This is a new subroutine written 12/20/00 for the purpose of processing a # link to a bug. It can be called using "GetBugLink (, );" # Where is the number of the bug and is what apprears # between '' and ''. sub GetBugLink { my ($bug_num, $link_text) = (@_); my ($link_return) = ""; # TODO - Add caching capabilites... possibly use a global variable in the form # of $buglink{$bug_num} that contains the text returned by this sub. If that # variable is defined, simply return it's value rather than running the SQL # query. This would cut down on the number of SQL calls when the same bug is # referenced multiple times. # Make sure any unfetched data from a currently running query # is saved off rather than overwritten PushGlobalSQLState(); # Get this bug's info from the SQL Database SendSQL("select bugs.bug_status, resolution, short_desc, groupset from bugs where bugs.bug_id = $bug_num"); my ($bug_stat, $bug_res, $bug_desc, $bug_grp) = (FetchSQLData()); # Format the retrieved information into a link if ($bug_stat eq "UNCONFIRMED") { $link_return .= "" } if ($bug_res ne "") { $link_return .= "" } $bug_desc = value_quote($bug_desc); $link_text = value_quote($link_text); $link_return .= qq{$link_text}; if ($bug_res ne "") { $link_return .= "" } if ($bug_stat eq "UNCONFIRMED") { $link_return .= ""} # Put back any query in progress PopGlobalSQLState(); return $link_return; } sub GetLongDescriptionAsText { my ($id, $start, $end) = (@_); my $result = ""; my $count = 0; my ($query) = ("SELECT profiles.login_name, longdescs.bug_when, " . " longdescs.thetext " . "FROM longdescs, profiles " . "WHERE profiles.userid = longdescs.who " . " AND longdescs.bug_id = $id "); if ($start && $start =~ /[1-9]/) { # If the start is all zeros, then don't do this (because we want to # not emit a leading "Additional Comments" line in that case.) $query .= "AND longdescs.bug_when > '$start'"; $count = 1; } if ($end) { $query .= "AND longdescs.bug_when <= '$end'"; } $query .= "ORDER BY longdescs.bug_when"; SendSQL($query); while (MoreSQLData()) { my ($who, $when, $text) = (FetchSQLData()); if ($count) { $result .= "\n\n------- Additional Comments From $who".Param('emailsuffix')." ". time2str("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", str2time($when)) . " -------\n"; } $result .= $text; $count++; } return $result; } sub GetLongDescriptionAsHTML { my ($id, $start, $end) = (@_); my $result = ""; my $count = 0; my %knownattachments; SendSQL("SELECT attach_id FROM attachments WHERE bug_id = $id"); while (MoreSQLData()) { $knownattachments{FetchOneColumn()} = 1; } my ($query) = ("SELECT profiles.realname, profiles.login_name, longdescs.bug_when, " . " longdescs.thetext " . "FROM longdescs, profiles " . "WHERE profiles.userid = longdescs.who " . " AND longdescs.bug_id = $id "); if ($start && $start =~ /[1-9]/) { # If the start is all zeros, then don't do this (because we want to # not emit a leading "Additional Comments" line in that case.) $query .= "AND longdescs.bug_when > '$start'"; $count = 1; } if ($end) { $query .= "AND longdescs.bug_when <= '$end'"; } $query .= "ORDER BY longdescs.bug_when"; SendSQL($query); while (MoreSQLData()) { my ($who, $email, $when, $text) = (FetchSQLData()); $email .= Param('emailsuffix'); if ($count) { $result .= "

------- Additional Comments From "; if ($who) { $result .= qq{$who } . time2str("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", str2time($when)) . " -------
\n"; } else { $result .= qq{$email } . time2str("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", str2time($when)) . " -------
\n"; } } $result .= "

" . quoteUrls(\%knownattachments, $text) . "
\n"; $count++; } return $result; } # Fills in a hashtable with info about the columns for the given table in the # database. The hashtable has the following entries: # -list- the list of column names # ,type the type for the given name sub LearnAboutColumns { my ($table) = (@_); my %a; SendSQL("show columns from $table"); my @list = (); my @row; while (@row = FetchSQLData()) { my ($name,$type) = (@row); $a{"$name,type"} = $type; push @list, $name; } $a{"-list-"} = \@list; return \%a; } # If the above returned a enum type, take that type and parse it into the # list of values. Assumes that enums don't ever contain an apostrophe! sub SplitEnumType { my ($str) = (@_); my @result = (); if ($str =~ /^enum\((.*)\)$/) { my $guts = $1 . ","; while ($guts =~ /^\'([^\']*)\',(.*)$/) { push @result, $1; $guts = $2; } } return @result; } # This routine is largely copied from Mysql.pm. sub SqlQuote { my ($str) = (@_); # if (!defined $str) { # confess("Undefined passed to SqlQuote"); # } $str =~ s/([\\\'])/\\$1/g; $str =~ s/\0/\\0/g; # If it's been SqlQuote()ed, then it's safe, so we tell -T that. $str = detaint_string($str); return "'$str'"; } sub UserInGroup { my ($groupname) = (@_); if ($::usergroupset eq "0") { return 0; } ConnectToDatabase(); SendSQL("select (bit & $::usergroupset) != 0 from groups where name = " . SqlQuote($groupname)); my $bit = FetchOneColumn(); if ($bit) { return 1; } return 0; } sub BugInGroup { my ($bugid, $groupname) = (@_); my $groupbit = GroupNameToBit($groupname); PushGlobalSQLState(); SendSQL("SELECT (bugs.groupset & $groupbit) != 0 FROM bugs WHERE bugs.bug_id = $bugid"); my $bugingroup = FetchOneColumn(); PopGlobalSQLState(); return $bugingroup; } sub GroupExists { my ($groupname) = (@_); ConnectToDatabase(); SendSQL("select count(*) from groups where name=" . SqlQuote($groupname)); my $count = FetchOneColumn(); return $count; } # Given the name of an existing group, returns the bit associated with it. # If the group does not exist, returns 0. # !!! Remove this function when the new group system is implemented! sub GroupNameToBit { my ($groupname) = (@_); ConnectToDatabase(); PushGlobalSQLState(); SendSQL("SELECT bit FROM groups WHERE name = " . SqlQuote($groupname)); my $bit = FetchOneColumn() || 0; PopGlobalSQLState(); return $bit; } # Determines whether or not a group is active by checking # the "isactive" column for the group in the "groups" table. # Note: This function selects groups by bit rather than by name. sub GroupIsActive { my ($groupbit) = (@_); $groupbit ||= 0; ConnectToDatabase(); SendSQL("select isactive from groups where bit=$groupbit"); my $isactive = FetchOneColumn(); return $isactive; } # Determines if the given bug_status string represents an "Opened" bug. This # routine ought to be paramaterizable somehow, as people tend to introduce # new states into Bugzilla. sub IsOpenedState { my ($state) = (@_); if ($state =~ /^(NEW|REOPENED|ASSIGNED)$/ || $state eq $::unconfirmedstate) { return 1; } return 0; } sub RemoveVotes { my ($id, $who, $reason) = (@_); ConnectToDatabase(); my $whopart = ""; if ($who) { $whopart = " AND votes.who = $who"; } SendSQL("SELECT profiles.login_name, votes.count " . "FROM votes, profiles " . "WHERE votes.bug_id = $id " . "AND profiles.userid = votes.who" . $whopart); my @list; while (MoreSQLData()) { my ($name, $count) = (FetchSQLData()); push(@list, [$name, $count]); } if (0 < @list) { foreach my $ref (@list) { my ($name, $count) = (@$ref); my $sendmailparm = '-ODeliveryMode=deferred'; if (Param('sendmailnow')) { $sendmailparm = ''; } if (open(SENDMAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail $sendmailparm -t")) { my %substs; $substs{"to"} = $name; $substs{"bugid"} = $id; $substs{"reason"} = $reason; $substs{"count"} = $count; my $msg = PerformSubsts(Param("voteremovedmail"), \%substs); print SENDMAIL $msg; close SENDMAIL; } } SendSQL("DELETE FROM votes WHERE bug_id = $id" . $whopart); SendSQL("SELECT SUM(count) FROM votes WHERE bug_id = $id"); my $v = FetchOneColumn(); $v ||= 0; SendSQL("UPDATE bugs SET votes = $v, delta_ts = delta_ts " . "WHERE bug_id = $id"); } } sub Param ($) { my ($value) = (@_); if (defined $::param{$value}) { return $::param{$value}; } # See if it is a dynamically-determined param (can't be changed by user). if ($value eq "commandmenu") { return GetCommandMenu(); } if ($value eq "settingsmenu") { return GetSettingsMenu(); } # Um, maybe we haven't sourced in the params at all yet. if (stat("data/params")) { # Write down and restore the version # here. That way, we get around # anyone who maliciously tries to tweak the version number by editing # the params file. Not to mention that in 2.0, there was a bug that # wrote the version number out to the params file... my $v = $::param{'version'}; require "data/params"; $::param{'version'} = $v; } if (defined $::param{$value}) { return $::param{$value}; } # Well, that didn't help. Maybe it's a new param, and the user # hasn't defined anything for it. Try and load a default value # for it. require "defparams.pl"; WriteParams(); if (defined $::param{$value}) { return $::param{$value}; } # We're pimped. die "Can't find param named $value"; } # Take two comma or space separated strings and return what # values were removed from or added to the new one. sub DiffStrings { my ($oldstr, $newstr) = @_; my (@remove, @add) = (); my @old = split(/[ ,]/, $oldstr); my @new = split(/[ ,]/, $newstr); # Find values that were removed foreach my $value(@old) { next if $value =~ /^\s*$/; if (! grep /^$value$/, @new) { push (@remove, $value); } } # Find values that were added foreach my $value(@new) { next if $value =~ /^\s*$/; if (! grep /^$value$/, @old) { push (@add, $value); } } my $removed = join (", ", @remove); my $added = join (", ", @add); return ($removed, $added); } sub PerformSubsts { my ($str, $substs) = (@_); $str =~ s/%([a-z]*)%/(defined $substs->{$1} ? $substs->{$1} : Param($1))/eg; return $str; } # Trim whitespace from front and back. sub trim { ($_) = (@_); s/^\s+//g; s/\s+$//g; return $_; } 1;