/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /** * JS module implementation of setTimeout and clearTimeout. */ var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["setTimeout", "setTimeoutWithTarget", "clearTimeout", "setInterval", "setIntervalWithTarget", "clearInterval"]; // This gives us >=2^30 unique timer IDs, enough for 1 per ms for 12.4 days. var gNextId = 1; // setTimeout and setInterval must return a positive integer var gTimerTable = new Map(); // int -> nsITimer // Don't generate this for every timer. var setTimeout_timerCallbackQI = ChromeUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsITimerCallback, Ci.nsINamed]); function _setTimeoutOrIsInterval(aCallback, aMilliseconds, aIsInterval, aTarget, aArgs) { if (typeof aCallback !== "function") { throw new Error(`callback is not a function in ${aIsInterval ? "setInterval" : "setTimeout"}`); } let id = gNextId++; let timer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); if (aTarget) { timer.target = aTarget; } let callback = { QueryInterface: setTimeout_timerCallbackQI, // nsITimerCallback notify() { if (!aIsInterval) { gTimerTable.delete(id); } aCallback.apply(null, aArgs); }, // nsINamed name: (aIsInterval ? "setInterval() for " : "setTimeout() for ") + Cu.generateXPCWrappedJS(aCallback).QueryInterface(Ci.nsINamed).name, }; timer.initWithCallback(callback, aMilliseconds, aIsInterval ? timer.TYPE_REPEATING_SLACK : timer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); gTimerTable.set(id, timer); return id; } function setTimeout(aCallback, aMilliseconds, ...aArgs) { return _setTimeoutOrIsInterval( aCallback, aMilliseconds, false, null, aArgs); } function setTimeoutWithTarget(aCallback, aMilliseconds, aTarget, ...aArgs) { return _setTimeoutOrIsInterval( aCallback, aMilliseconds, false, aTarget, aArgs); } function setInterval(aCallback, aMilliseconds, ...aArgs) { return _setTimeoutOrIsInterval( aCallback, aMilliseconds, true, null, aArgs); } function setIntervalWithTarget(aCallback, aMilliseconds, aTarget, ...aArgs) { return _setTimeoutOrIsInterval( aCallback, aMilliseconds, true, aTarget, aArgs); } var clearInterval = this.clearTimeout = function clearTimeout(aId) { if (gTimerTable.has(aId)) { gTimerTable.get(aId).cancel(); gTimerTable.delete(aId); } };