/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /* static functions */ const DEBUG = false; function debug(aStr) { if (DEBUG) dump("AlarmService: " + aStr + "\n"); } const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr } = Components; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/AlarmDB.jsm"); this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["AlarmService"]; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "ppmm", "@mozilla.org/parentprocessmessagemanager;1", "nsIMessageListenerManager"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "messenger", function() { return Cc["@mozilla.org/system-message-internal;1"].getService(Ci.nsISystemMessagesInternal); }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "powerManagerService", function() { return Cc["@mozilla.org/power/powermanagerservice;1"].getService(Ci.nsIPowerManagerService); }); let myGlobal = this; this.AlarmService = { init: function init() { debug("init()"); this._currentTimezoneOffset = (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset(); let alarmHalService = this._alarmHalService = Cc["@mozilla.org/alarmHalService;1"].getService(Ci.nsIAlarmHalService); alarmHalService.setAlarmFiredCb(this._onAlarmFired.bind(this)); alarmHalService.setTimezoneChangedCb(this._onTimezoneChanged.bind(this)); // add the messages to be listened const messages = ["AlarmsManager:GetAll", "AlarmsManager:Add", "AlarmsManager:Remove", "SystemMessageManager:HandleMessageDone"]; messages.forEach(function addMessage(msgName) { ppmm.addMessageListener(msgName, this); }.bind(this)); // set the indexeddb database let idbManager = Cc["@mozilla.org/dom/indexeddb/manager;1"].getService(Ci.nsIIndexedDatabaseManager); idbManager.initWindowless(myGlobal); this._db = new AlarmDB(myGlobal); this._db.init(myGlobal); // variable to save alarms waiting to be set this._alarmQueue = []; this._restoreAlarmsFromDb(); this._cpuWakeLocks = {}; }, // getter/setter to access the current alarm set in system _alarm: null, get _currentAlarm() { return this._alarm; }, set _currentAlarm(aAlarm) { this._alarm = aAlarm; if (!aAlarm) return; if (!this._alarmHalService.setAlarm(this._getAlarmTime(aAlarm) / 1000, 0)) throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE; }, receiveMessage: function receiveMessage(aMessage) { debug("receiveMessage(): " + aMessage.name); // To prevent hacked child processes from sending commands to parent // to schedule alarms, we need to check their installed permissions. if (["AlarmsManager:GetAll", "AlarmsManager:Add", "AlarmsManager:Remove"] .indexOf(aMessage.name) != -1) { if (!aMessage.target.assertPermission("alarms")) { debug("Got message from a child process with no 'alarms' permission."); return null; } } let mm = aMessage.target.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIMessageSender); let json = aMessage.json; switch (aMessage.name) { case "AlarmsManager:GetAll": this._db.getAll( json.manifestURL, function getAllSuccessCb(aAlarms) { debug("Callback after getting alarms from database: " + JSON.stringify(aAlarms)); this._sendAsyncMessage(mm, "GetAll", true, json.requestId, aAlarms); }.bind(this), function getAllErrorCb(aErrorMsg) { this._sendAsyncMessage(mm, "GetAll", false, json.requestId, aErrorMsg); }.bind(this) ); break; case "AlarmsManager:Add": // prepare a record for the new alarm to be added let newAlarm = { date: json.date, ignoreTimezone: json.ignoreTimezone, timezoneOffset: this._currentTimezoneOffset, data: json.data, pageURL: json.pageURL, manifestURL: json.manifestURL }; let newAlarmTime = this._getAlarmTime(newAlarm); if (newAlarmTime <= Date.now()) { debug("Adding a alarm that has past time. Return DOMError."); this._debugCurrentAlarm(); this._sendAsyncMessage(mm, "Add", false, json.requestId, "InvalidStateError"); break; } this._db.add( newAlarm, function addSuccessCb(aNewId) { debug("Callback after adding alarm in database."); newAlarm['id'] = aNewId; // if there is no alarm being set in system, set the new alarm if (this._currentAlarm == null) { this._currentAlarm = newAlarm; this._debugCurrentAlarm(); this._sendAsyncMessage(mm, "Add", true, json.requestId, aNewId); return; } // if the new alarm is earlier than the current alarm // swap them and push the previous alarm back to queue let alarmQueue = this._alarmQueue; let currentAlarmTime = this._getAlarmTime(this._currentAlarm); if (newAlarmTime < currentAlarmTime) { alarmQueue.unshift(this._currentAlarm); this._currentAlarm = newAlarm; this._debugCurrentAlarm(); this._sendAsyncMessage(mm, "Add", true, json.requestId, aNewId); return; } //push the new alarm in the queue alarmQueue.push(newAlarm); alarmQueue.sort(this._sortAlarmByTimeStamps.bind(this)); this._debugCurrentAlarm(); this._sendAsyncMessage(mm, "Add", true, json.requestId, aNewId); }.bind(this), function addErrorCb(aErrorMsg) { this._sendAsyncMessage(mm, "Add", false, json.requestId, aErrorMsg); }.bind(this) ); break; case "AlarmsManager:Remove": this._removeAlarmFromDb( json.id, json.manifestURL, function removeSuccessCb() { debug("Callback after removing alarm from database."); // if there is no alarm being set if (!this._currentAlarm) { this._debugCurrentAlarm(); return; } // check if the alarm to be removed is in the queue // by ID and whether it belongs to the requesting app let alarmQueue = this._alarmQueue; if (this._currentAlarm.id != json.id || this._currentAlarm.manifestURL != json.manifestURL) { for (let i = 0; i < alarmQueue.length; i++) { if (alarmQueue[i].id == json.id && alarmQueue[i].manifestURL == json.manifestURL) { alarmQueue.splice(i, 1); break; } } this._debugCurrentAlarm(); return; } // the alarm to be removed is the current alarm // reset the next alarm from queue if any if (alarmQueue.length) { this._currentAlarm = alarmQueue.shift(); this._debugCurrentAlarm(); return; } // no alarm waiting to be set in the queue this._currentAlarm = null; this._debugCurrentAlarm(); }.bind(this) ); break; case "SystemMessageManager:HandleMessageDone": if (json.type != "alarm") { return; } debug("Unlock the CPU wake lock after the alarm is handled for sure."); this._unlockCpuWakeLock(json.message.id); break; default: throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; } }, _sendAsyncMessage: function _sendAsyncMessage(aMessageManager, aMessageName, aSuccess, aRequestId, aData) { debug("_sendAsyncMessage()"); if (!aMessageManager) { debug("Invalid message manager: null"); throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } let json = null; switch (aMessageName) { case "Add": json = aSuccess ? { requestId: aRequestId, id: aData } : { requestId: aRequestId, errorMsg: aData }; break; case "GetAll": json = aSuccess ? { requestId: aRequestId, alarms: aData } : { requestId: aRequestId, errorMsg: aData }; break; default: throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; } aMessageManager.sendAsyncMessage("AlarmsManager:" + aMessageName + ":Return:" + (aSuccess ? "OK" : "KO"), json); }, _removeAlarmFromDb: function _removeAlarmFromDb(aId, aManifestURL, aRemoveSuccessCb) { debug("_removeAlarmFromDb()"); // If the aRemoveSuccessCb is undefined or null, set a // dummy callback for it which is needed for _db.remove() if (!aRemoveSuccessCb) { aRemoveSuccessCb = function removeSuccessCb() { debug("Remove alarm from DB successfully."); }; } this._db.remove( aId, aManifestURL, aRemoveSuccessCb, function removeErrorCb(aErrorMsg) { throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } ); }, _fireSystemMessage: function _fireSystemMessage(aAlarm) { debug("Fire system message: " + JSON.stringify(aAlarm)); // We have to ensure the CPU doesn't sleep during the process of // handling alarm message, so that it can be handled on time. this._cpuWakeLocks[aAlarm.id] = { wakeLock: powerManagerService.newWakeLock("cpu"), timer: Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer) }; // Set a watchdog to avoid locking the CPU wake lock too long, // because it'd exhaust the battery quickly which is very bad. // This could probably happen if the app failed to launch or // handle the alarm message due to any unexpected reasons. this._cpuWakeLocks[aAlarm.id].timer.initWithCallback(function timerCb() { debug("Unlock the CPU wake lock if the alarm isn't properly handled."); this._unlockCpuWakeLock(aAlarm.id); }.bind(this), 30000, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); let manifestURI = Services.io.newURI(aAlarm.manifestURL, null, null); let pageURI = Services.io.newURI(aAlarm.pageURL, null, null); // We don't need to expose everything to the web content. let alarm = { "id": aAlarm.id, "date": aAlarm.date, "respectTimezone": aAlarm.ignoreTimezone ? "ignoreTimezone" : "honorTimezone", "data": aAlarm.data }; messenger.sendMessage("alarm", alarm, pageURI, manifestURI); }, _unlockCpuWakeLock: function _unlockCpuWakeLock(aAlarmId) { let cpuWakeLock = this._cpuWakeLocks[aAlarmId]; if (cpuWakeLock) { cpuWakeLock.wakeLock.unlock(); cpuWakeLock.timer.cancel(); delete this._cpuWakeLocks[aAlarmId]; } }, _onAlarmFired: function _onAlarmFired() { debug("_onAlarmFired()"); if (this._currentAlarm) { this._fireSystemMessage(this._currentAlarm); this._removeAlarmFromDb(this._currentAlarm.id, null); this._currentAlarm = null; } // Reset the next alarm from the queue. let alarmQueue = this._alarmQueue; while (alarmQueue.length > 0) { let nextAlarm = alarmQueue.shift(); let nextAlarmTime = this._getAlarmTime(nextAlarm); // If the next alarm has been expired, directly // fire system message for it instead of setting it. if (nextAlarmTime <= Date.now()) { this._fireSystemMessage(nextAlarm); this._removeAlarmFromDb(nextAlarm.id, null); } else { this._currentAlarm = nextAlarm; break; } } this._debugCurrentAlarm(); }, _onTimezoneChanged: function _onTimezoneChanged(aTimezoneOffset) { debug("_onTimezoneChanged()"); this._currentTimezoneOffset = aTimezoneOffset; this._restoreAlarmsFromDb(); }, _restoreAlarmsFromDb: function _restoreAlarmsFromDb() { debug("_restoreAlarmsFromDb()"); this._db.getAll( null, function getAllSuccessCb(aAlarms) { debug("Callback after getting alarms from database: " + JSON.stringify(aAlarms)); // clear any alarms set or queued in the cache let alarmQueue = this._alarmQueue; alarmQueue.length = 0; this._currentAlarm = null; // Only restore the alarm that's not yet expired; otherwise, // fire a system message for it and remove it from database. aAlarms.forEach(function addAlarm(aAlarm) { if (this._getAlarmTime(aAlarm) > Date.now()) { alarmQueue.push(aAlarm); } else { this._fireSystemMessage(aAlarm); this._removeAlarmFromDb(aAlarm.id, null); } }.bind(this)); // set the next alarm from queue if (alarmQueue.length) { alarmQueue.sort(this._sortAlarmByTimeStamps.bind(this)); this._currentAlarm = alarmQueue.shift(); } this._debugCurrentAlarm(); }.bind(this), function getAllErrorCb(aErrorMsg) { throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } ); }, _getAlarmTime: function _getAlarmTime(aAlarm) { let alarmTime = (new Date(aAlarm.date)).getTime(); // For an alarm specified with "ignoreTimezone", // it must be fired respect to the user's timezone. // Supposing an alarm was set at 7:00pm at Tokyo, // it must be gone off at 7:00pm respect to Paris' // local time when the user is located at Paris. // We can adjust the alarm UTC time by calculating // the difference of the orginal timezone and the // current timezone. if (aAlarm.ignoreTimezone) alarmTime += (this._currentTimezoneOffset - aAlarm.timezoneOffset) * 60000; return alarmTime; }, _sortAlarmByTimeStamps: function _sortAlarmByTimeStamps(aAlarm1, aAlarm2) { return this._getAlarmTime(aAlarm1) - this._getAlarmTime(aAlarm2); }, _debugCurrentAlarm: function _debugCurrentAlarm() { debug("Current alarm: " + JSON.stringify(this._currentAlarm)); debug("Alarm queue: " + JSON.stringify(this._alarmQueue)); }, } AlarmService.init();