/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "RenderCompositorANGLE.h" #include "GLContext.h" #include "GLContextEGL.h" #include "GLContextProvider.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/DeviceManagerDx.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/gfxVars.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/Logging.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/StackArray.h" #include "mozilla/layers/HelpersD3D11.h" #include "mozilla/layers/SyncObject.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_gfx.h" #include "mozilla/webrender/DCLayerTree.h" #include "mozilla/webrender/RenderThread.h" #include "mozilla/widget/CompositorWidget.h" #include "mozilla/widget/WinCompositorWidget.h" #include "mozilla/WindowsVersion.h" #include "mozilla/Telemetry.h" #include "nsPrintfCString.h" #include "FxROutputHandler.h" #undef NTDDI_VERSION #define NTDDI_VERSION NTDDI_WIN8 #include #include #include // Flag for PrintWindow() that is defined in Winuser.h. It is defined since // Windows 8.1. This allows PrintWindow to capture window content that is // rendered with DirectComposition. #undef PW_RENDERFULLCONTENT #define PW_RENDERFULLCONTENT 0x00000002 namespace mozilla { namespace wr { /* static */ UniquePtr RenderCompositorANGLE::Create( const RefPtr& aWidget, nsACString& aError) { const auto& gl = RenderThread::Get()->SingletonGL(aError); if (!gl) { if (aError.IsEmpty()) { aError.Assign("RcANGLE(no shared GL)"_ns); } else { aError.Append("(Create)"_ns); } return nullptr; } UniquePtr compositor = MakeUnique(aWidget); if (!compositor->Initialize(aError)) { return nullptr; } return compositor; } RenderCompositorANGLE::RenderCompositorANGLE( const RefPtr& aWidget) : RenderCompositor(aWidget), mEGLConfig(nullptr), mEGLSurface(nullptr), mUseTripleBuffering(false), mUseAlpha(false), mUseNativeCompositor(true), mUsePartialPresent(false), mFullRender(false), mDisablingNativeCompositor(false) {} RenderCompositorANGLE::~RenderCompositorANGLE() { DestroyEGLSurface(); MOZ_ASSERT(!mEGLSurface); } ID3D11Device* RenderCompositorANGLE::GetDeviceOfEGLDisplay(nsACString& aError) { const auto& gl = RenderThread::Get()->SingletonGL(aError); if (!gl) { if (aError.IsEmpty()) { aError.Assign("RcANGLE(no shared GL in get device)"_ns); } else { aError.Append("(GetDevice)"_ns); } return nullptr; } const auto& gle = gl::GLContextEGL::Cast(gl); const auto& egl = gle->mEgl; MOZ_ASSERT(egl); if (!egl || !egl->IsExtensionSupported(gl::EGLExtension::EXT_device_query)) { aError.Assign("RcANGLE(no EXT_device_query support)"_ns); return nullptr; } // Fetch the D3D11 device. EGLDeviceEXT eglDevice = nullptr; egl->fQueryDisplayAttribEXT(LOCAL_EGL_DEVICE_EXT, (EGLAttrib*)&eglDevice); MOZ_ASSERT(eglDevice); ID3D11Device* device = nullptr; egl->mLib->fQueryDeviceAttribEXT(eglDevice, LOCAL_EGL_D3D11_DEVICE_ANGLE, (EGLAttrib*)&device); if (!device) { aError.Assign("RcANGLE(get D3D11Device from EGLDisplay failed)"_ns); return nullptr; } return device; } bool RenderCompositorANGLE::ShutdownEGLLibraryIfNecessary(nsACString& aError) { const auto& displayDevice = GetDeviceOfEGLDisplay(aError); RefPtr device = gfx::DeviceManagerDx::Get()->GetCompositorDevice(); // When DeviceReset is handled by GPUProcessManager/GPUParent, // CompositorDevice is updated to a new device. EGLDisplay also needs to be // updated, since EGLDisplay uses DeviceManagerDx::mCompositorDevice on ANGLE // WebRender use case. EGLDisplay could be updated when Renderer count becomes // 0. It is ensured by GPUProcessManager during handling DeviceReset. // GPUChild::RecvNotifyDeviceReset() destroys all CompositorSessions before // re-creating them. if ((!displayDevice || device.get() != displayDevice) && RenderThread::Get()->RendererCount() == 0) { // Shutdown GLLibraryEGL for updating EGLDisplay. RenderThread::Get()->ClearSingletonGL(); } return true; } bool RenderCompositorANGLE::Initialize(nsACString& aError) { // TODO(aosmond): This causes us to lose WebRender because it is unable to // distinguish why we failed and retry once the reset is complete. This does // appear to happen in the wild, so we really should try to do something // differently here. if (RenderThread::Get()->IsHandlingDeviceReset()) { aError.Assign("RcANGLE(waiting device reset)"_ns); return false; } // Update device if necessary. if (!ShutdownEGLLibraryIfNecessary(aError)) { aError.Append("(Shutdown EGL)"_ns); return false; } const auto gl = RenderThread::Get()->SingletonGL(aError); if (!gl) { if (aError.IsEmpty()) { aError.Assign("RcANGLE(no shared GL post maybe shutdown)"_ns); } else { aError.Append("(Initialize)"_ns); } return false; } // Force enable alpha channel to make sure ANGLE use correct framebuffer // formart const auto& gle = gl::GLContextEGL::Cast(gl); const auto& egl = gle->mEgl; if (!gl::CreateConfig(*egl, &mEGLConfig, /* bpp */ 32, /* enableDepthBuffer */ false, gl->IsGLES())) { aError.Assign("RcANGLE(create EGLConfig failed)"_ns); return false; } MOZ_ASSERT(mEGLConfig); mDevice = GetDeviceOfEGLDisplay(aError); if (!mDevice) { return false; } mDevice->GetImmediateContext(getter_AddRefs(mCtx)); if (!mCtx) { aError.Assign("RcANGLE(get immediate context failed)"_ns); return false; } // Create DCLayerTree when DirectComposition is used. if (gfx::gfxVars::UseWebRenderDCompWin()) { HWND compositorHwnd = GetCompositorHwnd(); if (compositorHwnd) { mDCLayerTree = DCLayerTree::Create(gl, mEGLConfig, mDevice, mCtx, compositorHwnd, aError); if (!mDCLayerTree) { return false; } } else { aError.Assign("RcANGLE(no compositor window)"_ns); return false; } } // Create SwapChain when compositor is not used if (!UseCompositor()) { if (!CreateSwapChain(aError)) { // SwapChain creation failed. return false; } } mSyncObject = layers::SyncObjectHost::CreateSyncObjectHost(mDevice); if (!mSyncObject->Init()) { // Some errors occur. Clear the mSyncObject here. // Then, there will be no texture synchronization. aError.Assign("RcANGLE(create SyncObject failed)"_ns); return false; } InitializeUsePartialPresent(); return true; } HWND RenderCompositorANGLE::GetCompositorHwnd() { HWND hwnd = 0; if (XRE_IsGPUProcess()) { hwnd = mWidget->AsWindows()->GetCompositorHwnd(); } else if ( StaticPrefs:: gfx_webrender_enabled_no_gpu_process_with_angle_win_AtStartup()) { MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsParentProcess()); // When GPU process does not exist, we do not need to use compositor window. hwnd = mWidget->AsWindows()->GetHwnd(); } return hwnd; } bool RenderCompositorANGLE::CreateSwapChain(nsACString& aError) { MOZ_ASSERT(!UseCompositor()); HWND hwnd = mWidget->AsWindows()->GetHwnd(); RefPtr dxgiDevice; mDevice->QueryInterface((IDXGIDevice**)getter_AddRefs(dxgiDevice)); RefPtr dxgiFactory; { RefPtr adapter; dxgiDevice->GetAdapter(getter_AddRefs(adapter)); adapter->GetParent( IID_PPV_ARGS((IDXGIFactory**)getter_AddRefs(dxgiFactory))); } RefPtr dxgiFactory2; HRESULT hr = dxgiFactory->QueryInterface( (IDXGIFactory2**)getter_AddRefs(dxgiFactory2)); if (FAILED(hr)) { dxgiFactory2 = nullptr; } CreateSwapChainForDCompIfPossible(dxgiFactory2); if (gfx::gfxVars::UseWebRenderDCompWin() && !mSwapChain) { MOZ_ASSERT(GetCompositorHwnd()); aError.Assign("RcANGLE(create swapchain for dcomp failed)"_ns); return false; } if (!mSwapChain && dxgiFactory2) { RefPtr swapChain1; bool useTripleBuffering = false; DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC1 desc{}; desc.Width = 0; desc.Height = 0; desc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM; desc.SampleDesc.Count = 1; desc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0; desc.BufferUsage = DXGI_USAGE_RENDER_TARGET_OUTPUT; bool useFlipSequential = gfx::gfxVars::UseWebRenderFlipSequentialWin(); if (useFlipSequential && !mWidget->AsWindows()->GetCompositorHwnd()) { useFlipSequential = false; gfxCriticalNoteOnce << "FLIP_SEQUENTIAL needs CompositorHwnd. Fallback"; } if (useFlipSequential) { useTripleBuffering = gfx::gfxVars::UseWebRenderTripleBufferingWin(); if (useTripleBuffering) { desc.BufferCount = 3; } else { desc.BufferCount = 2; } desc.SwapEffect = DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_SEQUENTIAL; } else { desc.BufferCount = 1; desc.SwapEffect = DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_SEQUENTIAL; } desc.Scaling = DXGI_SCALING_NONE; desc.Flags = 0; hr = dxgiFactory2->CreateSwapChainForHwnd( mDevice, hwnd, &desc, nullptr, nullptr, getter_AddRefs(swapChain1)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && swapChain1) { DXGI_RGBA color = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}; swapChain1->SetBackgroundColor(&color); mSwapChain = swapChain1; mSwapChain1 = swapChain1; mUseTripleBuffering = useTripleBuffering; } else if (useFlipSequential) { gfxCriticalNoteOnce << "FLIP_SEQUENTIAL is not supported. Fallback"; } } if (!mSwapChain) { if (mWidget->AsWindows()->GetCompositorHwnd()) { // Destroy compositor window. mWidget->AsWindows()->DestroyCompositorWindow(); hwnd = mWidget->AsWindows()->GetHwnd(); } DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC swapDesc{}; swapDesc.BufferDesc.Width = 0; swapDesc.BufferDesc.Height = 0; swapDesc.BufferDesc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM; swapDesc.BufferDesc.RefreshRate.Numerator = 60; swapDesc.BufferDesc.RefreshRate.Denominator = 1; swapDesc.SampleDesc.Count = 1; swapDesc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0; swapDesc.BufferUsage = DXGI_USAGE_RENDER_TARGET_OUTPUT; swapDesc.BufferCount = 1; swapDesc.OutputWindow = hwnd; swapDesc.Windowed = TRUE; swapDesc.Flags = 0; swapDesc.SwapEffect = DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_SEQUENTIAL; HRESULT hr = dxgiFactory->CreateSwapChain(dxgiDevice, &swapDesc, getter_AddRefs(mSwapChain)); if (FAILED(hr)) { aError.Assign( nsPrintfCString("RcANGLE(swap chain create failed %x)", hr)); return false; } RefPtr swapChain1; hr = mSwapChain->QueryInterface( (IDXGISwapChain1**)getter_AddRefs(swapChain1)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { mSwapChain1 = swapChain1; } } // We need this because we don't want DXGI to respond to Alt+Enter. dxgiFactory->MakeWindowAssociation(hwnd, DXGI_MWA_NO_WINDOW_CHANGES); if (!ResizeBufferIfNeeded()) { aError.Assign("RcANGLE(resize buffer failed)"_ns); return false; } return true; } void RenderCompositorANGLE::CreateSwapChainForDCompIfPossible( IDXGIFactory2* aDXGIFactory2) { if (!aDXGIFactory2 || !mDCLayerTree) { return; } HWND hwnd = GetCompositorHwnd(); if (!hwnd) { // When DirectComposition or DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_SEQUENTIAL is used, // compositor window needs to exist. if (gfx::gfxVars::UseWebRenderDCompWin() || gfx::gfxVars::UseWebRenderFlipSequentialWin()) { gfxCriticalNote << "Compositor window was not created"; } return; } // When compositor is enabled, CompositionSurface is used for rendering. // It does not support triple buffering. bool useTripleBuffering = gfx::gfxVars::UseWebRenderTripleBufferingWin() && !UseCompositor(); // Non Glass window is common since Windows 10. bool useAlpha = false; RefPtr swapChain1 = CreateSwapChainForDComp(useTripleBuffering, useAlpha); if (swapChain1) { mSwapChain = swapChain1; mSwapChain1 = swapChain1; mUseTripleBuffering = useTripleBuffering; mUseAlpha = useAlpha; mDCLayerTree->SetDefaultSwapChain(swapChain1); } else { // Clear CLayerTree on falire mDCLayerTree = nullptr; } } RefPtr RenderCompositorANGLE::CreateSwapChainForDComp( bool aUseTripleBuffering, bool aUseAlpha) { HRESULT hr; RefPtr dxgiDevice; mDevice->QueryInterface((IDXGIDevice**)getter_AddRefs(dxgiDevice)); RefPtr dxgiFactory; { RefPtr adapter; dxgiDevice->GetAdapter(getter_AddRefs(adapter)); adapter->GetParent( IID_PPV_ARGS((IDXGIFactory**)getter_AddRefs(dxgiFactory))); } RefPtr dxgiFactory2; hr = dxgiFactory->QueryInterface( (IDXGIFactory2**)getter_AddRefs(dxgiFactory2)); if (FAILED(hr)) { return nullptr; } RefPtr swapChain1; DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC1 desc{}; // DXGI does not like 0x0 swapchains. Swap chain creation failed when 0x0 was // set. desc.Width = 1; desc.Height = 1; desc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM; desc.SampleDesc.Count = 1; desc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0; desc.BufferUsage = DXGI_USAGE_RENDER_TARGET_OUTPUT; if (aUseTripleBuffering) { desc.BufferCount = 3; } else { desc.BufferCount = 2; } // DXGI_SCALING_NONE caused swap chain creation failure. desc.Scaling = DXGI_SCALING_STRETCH; desc.SwapEffect = DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_SEQUENTIAL; if (aUseAlpha) { // This could degrade performance. Use it only when it is necessary. desc.AlphaMode = DXGI_ALPHA_MODE_PREMULTIPLIED; } else { desc.AlphaMode = DXGI_ALPHA_MODE_IGNORE; } desc.Flags = 0; hr = dxgiFactory2->CreateSwapChainForComposition(mDevice, &desc, nullptr, getter_AddRefs(swapChain1)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && swapChain1) { DXGI_RGBA color = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}; swapChain1->SetBackgroundColor(&color); return swapChain1; } return nullptr; } bool RenderCompositorANGLE::BeginFrame() { mWidget->AsWindows()->UpdateCompositorWndSizeIfNecessary(); if (!UseCompositor()) { if (mDCLayerTree) { bool useAlpha = mWidget->AsWindows()->HasGlass(); // When Alpha usage is changed, SwapChain needs to be recreatd. if (useAlpha != mUseAlpha) { DestroyEGLSurface(); mBufferSize.reset(); RefPtr swapChain1 = CreateSwapChainForDComp(mUseTripleBuffering, useAlpha); if (swapChain1) { mSwapChain = swapChain1; mUseAlpha = useAlpha; mDCLayerTree->SetDefaultSwapChain(swapChain1); // When alpha is used, we want to disable partial present. // See Bug 1595027. if (useAlpha) { mFullRender = true; } } else { gfxCriticalNote << "Failed to re-create SwapChain"; RenderThread::Get()->HandleWebRenderError( WebRenderError::NEW_SURFACE); return false; } } } if (!ResizeBufferIfNeeded()) { return false; } } if (!MakeCurrent()) { gfxCriticalNote << "Failed to make render context current, can't draw."; return false; } if (RenderThread::Get()->SyncObjectNeeded() && mSyncObject) { if (!mSyncObject->Synchronize(/* aFallible */ true)) { // It's timeout or other error. Handle the device-reset here. RenderThread::Get()->HandleDeviceReset( "SyncObject", LOCAL_GL_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT_RESET_ARB); return false; } } return true; } RenderedFrameId RenderCompositorANGLE::EndFrame( const nsTArray& aDirtyRects) { RenderedFrameId frameId = GetNextRenderFrameId(); InsertGraphicsCommandsFinishedWaitQuery(frameId); if (!UseCompositor()) { auto start = TimeStamp::Now(); if (mWidget->AsWindows()->HasFxrOutputHandler()) { // There is a Firefox Reality handler for this swapchain. Update this // window's contents to the VR window. FxROutputHandler* fxrHandler = mWidget->AsWindows()->GetFxrOutputHandler(); if (fxrHandler->TryInitialize(mSwapChain, mDevice)) { fxrHandler->UpdateOutput(mCtx); } } const LayoutDeviceIntSize& bufferSize = mBufferSize.ref(); // During high contrast mode, alpha is used. In this case, // IDXGISwapChain1::Present1 shows nothing with compositor window. // In this case, we want to disable partial present by full render. // See Bug 1595027 MOZ_ASSERT_IF(mUsePartialPresent && mUseAlpha, mFullRender); if (mUsePartialPresent && !mUseAlpha && mSwapChain1) { // Clear full render flag. mFullRender = false; // If there is no diry rect, we skip SwapChain present. if (!aDirtyRects.IsEmpty()) { int rectsCount = 0; StackArray rects(aDirtyRects.Length()); for (size_t i = 0; i < aDirtyRects.Length(); ++i) { const DeviceIntRect& rect = aDirtyRects[i]; // Clip rect to bufferSize int left = std::max(0, std::min(rect.min.x, bufferSize.width)); int top = std::max(0, std::min(rect.min.y, bufferSize.height)); int right = std::max(0, std::min(rect.max.x, bufferSize.width)); int bottom = std::max(0, std::min(rect.max.y, bufferSize.height)); // When rect is not empty, the rect could be passed to Present1(). if (left < right && top < bottom) { rects[rectsCount].left = left; rects[rectsCount].top = top; rects[rectsCount].right = right; rects[rectsCount].bottom = bottom; rectsCount++; } } if (rectsCount > 0) { DXGI_PRESENT_PARAMETERS params; PodZero(¶ms); params.DirtyRectsCount = rectsCount; params.pDirtyRects = rects.data(); HRESULT hr; hr = mSwapChain1->Present1(0, 0, ¶ms); if (FAILED(hr) && hr != DXGI_STATUS_OCCLUDED) { gfxCriticalNote << "Present1 failed: " << gfx::hexa(hr); mFullRender = true; } } } } else { mSwapChain->Present(0, 0); } auto end = TimeStamp::Now(); mozilla::Telemetry::Accumulate(mozilla::Telemetry::COMPOSITE_SWAP_TIME, (end - start).ToMilliseconds() * 10.); } if (mDisablingNativeCompositor) { // During disabling native compositor, we need to wait all gpu tasks // complete. Otherwise, rendering window could cause white flash. WaitForPreviousGraphicsCommandsFinishedQuery(/* aWaitAll */ true); mDisablingNativeCompositor = false; } if (mDCLayerTree) { mDCLayerTree->MaybeUpdateDebug(); mDCLayerTree->MaybeCommit(); } return frameId; } bool RenderCompositorANGLE::WaitForGPU() { // Note: this waits on the query we inserted in the previous frame, // not the one we just inserted now. Example: // Insert query #1 // Present #1 // (first frame, no wait) // Insert query #2 // Present #2 // Wait for query #1. // Insert query #3 // Present #3 // Wait for query #2. // // This ensures we're done reading textures before swapping buffers. return WaitForPreviousGraphicsCommandsFinishedQuery(); } bool RenderCompositorANGLE::ResizeBufferIfNeeded() { MOZ_ASSERT(mSwapChain); LayoutDeviceIntSize size = mWidget->GetClientSize(); // DXGI does not like 0x0 swapchains. ResizeBuffers() failed when 0x0 was set // when DComp is used. size.width = std::max(size.width, 1); size.height = std::max(size.height, 1); if (mBufferSize.isSome() && mBufferSize.ref() == size) { MOZ_ASSERT(mEGLSurface); return true; } // Release EGLSurface of back buffer before calling ResizeBuffers(). DestroyEGLSurface(); mBufferSize = Some(size); if (!CreateEGLSurface()) { mBufferSize.reset(); return false; } if (mUsePartialPresent) { mFullRender = true; } return true; } bool RenderCompositorANGLE::CreateEGLSurface() { MOZ_ASSERT(mBufferSize.isSome()); MOZ_ASSERT(mEGLSurface == EGL_NO_SURFACE); HRESULT hr; RefPtr backBuf; if (mBufferSize.isNothing()) { gfxCriticalNote << "Buffer size is invalid"; return false; } const LayoutDeviceIntSize& size = mBufferSize.ref(); // Resize swap chain DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC desc; hr = mSwapChain->GetDesc(&desc); if (FAILED(hr)) { gfxCriticalNote << "Failed to read swap chain description: " << gfx::hexa(hr) << " Size : " << size; return false; } hr = mSwapChain->ResizeBuffers(desc.BufferCount, size.width, size.height, DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM, 0); if (FAILED(hr)) { gfxCriticalNote << "Failed to resize swap chain buffers: " << gfx::hexa(hr) << " Size : " << size; return false; } hr = mSwapChain->GetBuffer(0, __uuidof(ID3D11Texture2D), (void**)getter_AddRefs(backBuf)); if (hr == DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL) { // This happens on some GPUs/drivers when there's a TDR. if (mDevice->GetDeviceRemovedReason() != S_OK) { gfxCriticalError() << "GetBuffer returned invalid call: " << gfx::hexa(hr) << " Size : " << size; return false; } } const EGLint pbuffer_attribs[]{ LOCAL_EGL_WIDTH, size.width, LOCAL_EGL_HEIGHT, size.height, LOCAL_EGL_FLEXIBLE_SURFACE_COMPATIBILITY_SUPPORTED_ANGLE, LOCAL_EGL_TRUE, LOCAL_EGL_NONE}; const auto buffer = reinterpret_cast(backBuf.get()); const auto gl = RenderThread::Get()->SingletonGL(); const auto& gle = gl::GLContextEGL::Cast(gl); const auto& egl = gle->mEgl; const EGLSurface surface = egl->fCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer( LOCAL_EGL_D3D_TEXTURE_ANGLE, buffer, mEGLConfig, pbuffer_attribs); if (!surface) { EGLint err = egl->mLib->fGetError(); gfxCriticalError() << "Failed to create Pbuffer of back buffer error: " << gfx::hexa(err) << " Size : " << size; return false; } mEGLSurface = surface; return true; } void RenderCompositorANGLE::DestroyEGLSurface() { // Release EGLSurface of back buffer before calling ResizeBuffers(). if (mEGLSurface) { const auto& gle = gl::GLContextEGL::Cast(gl()); const auto& egl = gle->mEgl; gle->SetEGLSurfaceOverride(EGL_NO_SURFACE); egl->fDestroySurface(mEGLSurface); mEGLSurface = nullptr; } } void RenderCompositorANGLE::Pause() {} bool RenderCompositorANGLE::Resume() { return true; } void RenderCompositorANGLE::Update() { // Update compositor window's size if it exists. // It needs to be called here, since OS might update compositor // window's size at unexpected timing. mWidget->AsWindows()->UpdateCompositorWndSizeIfNecessary(); } bool RenderCompositorANGLE::MakeCurrent() { gl::GLContextEGL::Cast(gl())->SetEGLSurfaceOverride(mEGLSurface); return gl()->MakeCurrent(); } LayoutDeviceIntSize RenderCompositorANGLE::GetBufferSize() { if (!UseCompositor()) { MOZ_ASSERT(mBufferSize.isSome()); if (mBufferSize.isNothing()) { return LayoutDeviceIntSize(); } return mBufferSize.ref(); } else { auto size = mWidget->GetClientSize(); // This size is used for WR DEBUG_OVERLAY. Its DCTile does not like 0. size.width = std::max(size.width, 1); size.height = std::max(size.height, 1); return size; } } RefPtr RenderCompositorANGLE::GetD3D11Query() { RefPtr query; if (mRecycledQuery) { query = mRecycledQuery.forget(); return query; } CD3D11_QUERY_DESC desc(D3D11_QUERY_EVENT); HRESULT hr = mDevice->CreateQuery(&desc, getter_AddRefs(query)); if (FAILED(hr) || !query) { gfxWarning() << "Could not create D3D11_QUERY_EVENT: " << gfx::hexa(hr); return nullptr; } return query; } void RenderCompositorANGLE::InsertGraphicsCommandsFinishedWaitQuery( RenderedFrameId aFrameId) { RefPtr query; query = GetD3D11Query(); if (!query) { return; } mCtx->End(query); mWaitForPresentQueries.emplace(aFrameId, query); } bool RenderCompositorANGLE::WaitForPreviousGraphicsCommandsFinishedQuery( bool aWaitAll) { size_t waitLatency = mUseTripleBuffering ? 3 : 2; if (aWaitAll) { waitLatency = 1; } while (mWaitForPresentQueries.size() >= waitLatency) { auto queryPair = mWaitForPresentQueries.front(); BOOL result; bool ret = layers::WaitForFrameGPUQuery(mDevice, mCtx, queryPair.second, &result); if (!ret) { mWaitForPresentQueries.pop(); return false; } // Recycle query for later use. mRecycledQuery = queryPair.second; mLastCompletedFrameId = queryPair.first; mWaitForPresentQueries.pop(); } return true; } RenderedFrameId RenderCompositorANGLE::GetLastCompletedFrameId() { while (!mWaitForPresentQueries.empty()) { auto queryPair = mWaitForPresentQueries.front(); if (mCtx->GetData(queryPair.second, nullptr, 0, 0) != S_OK) { break; } mRecycledQuery = queryPair.second; mLastCompletedFrameId = queryPair.first; mWaitForPresentQueries.pop(); } return mLastCompletedFrameId; } RenderedFrameId RenderCompositorANGLE::UpdateFrameId() { RenderedFrameId frameId = GetNextRenderFrameId(); InsertGraphicsCommandsFinishedWaitQuery(frameId); return frameId; } GLenum RenderCompositorANGLE::IsContextLost(bool aForce) { // glGetGraphicsResetStatus does not always work to detect timeout detection // and recovery (TDR). On Windows, ANGLE itself is just relying upon the same // API, so we should not need to check it separately. auto reason = mDevice->GetDeviceRemovedReason(); switch (reason) { case S_OK: return LOCAL_GL_NO_ERROR; case DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED: case DXGI_ERROR_DRIVER_INTERNAL_ERROR: NS_WARNING("Device reset due to system / different device"); return LOCAL_GL_INNOCENT_CONTEXT_RESET_ARB; case DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG: case DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_RESET: case DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL: gfxCriticalError() << "Device reset due to WR device: " << gfx::hexa(reason); return LOCAL_GL_GUILTY_CONTEXT_RESET_ARB; default: gfxCriticalError() << "Device reset with WR device unexpected reason: " << gfx::hexa(reason); return LOCAL_GL_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT_RESET_ARB; } } bool RenderCompositorANGLE::UseCompositor() { if (!mUseNativeCompositor) { return false; } if (!mDCLayerTree || !gfx::gfxVars::UseWebRenderCompositor()) { return false; } return true; } bool RenderCompositorANGLE::SupportAsyncScreenshot() { return !UseCompositor() && !mDisablingNativeCompositor; } bool RenderCompositorANGLE::ShouldUseNativeCompositor() { return UseCompositor(); } void RenderCompositorANGLE::CompositorBeginFrame() { mDCLayerTree->CompositorBeginFrame(); } void RenderCompositorANGLE::CompositorEndFrame() { mDCLayerTree->CompositorEndFrame(); } void RenderCompositorANGLE::Bind(wr::NativeTileId aId, wr::DeviceIntPoint* aOffset, uint32_t* aFboId, wr::DeviceIntRect aDirtyRect, wr::DeviceIntRect aValidRect) { mDCLayerTree->Bind(aId, aOffset, aFboId, aDirtyRect, aValidRect); } void RenderCompositorANGLE::Unbind() { mDCLayerTree->Unbind(); } void RenderCompositorANGLE::CreateSurface(wr::NativeSurfaceId aId, wr::DeviceIntPoint aVirtualOffset, wr::DeviceIntSize aTileSize, bool aIsOpaque) { mDCLayerTree->CreateSurface(aId, aVirtualOffset, aTileSize, aIsOpaque); } void RenderCompositorANGLE::CreateExternalSurface(wr::NativeSurfaceId aId, bool aIsOpaque) { mDCLayerTree->CreateExternalSurface(aId, aIsOpaque); } void RenderCompositorANGLE::DestroySurface(NativeSurfaceId aId) { mDCLayerTree->DestroySurface(aId); } void RenderCompositorANGLE::CreateTile(wr::NativeSurfaceId aId, int aX, int aY) { mDCLayerTree->CreateTile(aId, aX, aY); } void RenderCompositorANGLE::DestroyTile(wr::NativeSurfaceId aId, int aX, int aY) { mDCLayerTree->DestroyTile(aId, aX, aY); } void RenderCompositorANGLE::AttachExternalImage( wr::NativeSurfaceId aId, wr::ExternalImageId aExternalImage) { mDCLayerTree->AttachExternalImage(aId, aExternalImage); } void RenderCompositorANGLE::AddSurface( wr::NativeSurfaceId aId, const wr::CompositorSurfaceTransform& aTransform, wr::DeviceIntRect aClipRect, wr::ImageRendering aImageRendering) { mDCLayerTree->AddSurface(aId, aTransform, aClipRect, aImageRendering); } void RenderCompositorANGLE::GetCompositorCapabilities( CompositorCapabilities* aCaps) { RenderCompositor::GetCompositorCapabilities(aCaps); aCaps->virtual_surface_size = VIRTUAL_SURFACE_SIZE; } void RenderCompositorANGLE::EnableNativeCompositor(bool aEnable) { // XXX Re-enable native compositor is not handled yet. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!mDisablingNativeCompositor); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!aEnable); if (!UseCompositor()) { return; } mUseNativeCompositor = false; mDCLayerTree->DisableNativeCompositor(); bool useAlpha = mWidget->AsWindows()->HasGlass(); DestroyEGLSurface(); mBufferSize.reset(); RefPtr swapChain1 = CreateSwapChainForDComp(mUseTripleBuffering, useAlpha); if (swapChain1) { mSwapChain = swapChain1; mUseAlpha = useAlpha; mDCLayerTree->SetDefaultSwapChain(swapChain1); // When alpha is used, we want to disable partial present. // See Bug 1595027. if (useAlpha) { mFullRender = true; } ResizeBufferIfNeeded(); } else { gfxCriticalNote << "Failed to re-create SwapChain"; RenderThread::Get()->HandleWebRenderError(WebRenderError::NEW_SURFACE); return; } mDisablingNativeCompositor = true; } void RenderCompositorANGLE::InitializeUsePartialPresent() { // Even when mSwapChain1 is null, we could enable WR partial present, since // when mSwapChain1 is null, SwapChain is blit model swap chain with one // buffer. if (UseCompositor() || mWidget->AsWindows()->HasFxrOutputHandler() || gfx::gfxVars::WebRenderMaxPartialPresentRects() <= 0) { mUsePartialPresent = false; } else { mUsePartialPresent = true; } } bool RenderCompositorANGLE::UsePartialPresent() { return mUsePartialPresent; } bool RenderCompositorANGLE::RequestFullRender() { return mFullRender; } uint32_t RenderCompositorANGLE::GetMaxPartialPresentRects() { if (!mUsePartialPresent) { return 0; } return gfx::gfxVars::WebRenderMaxPartialPresentRects(); } bool RenderCompositorANGLE::MaybeReadback( const gfx::IntSize& aReadbackSize, const wr::ImageFormat& aReadbackFormat, const Range& aReadbackBuffer, bool* aNeedsYFlip) { MOZ_ASSERT(aReadbackFormat == wr::ImageFormat::BGRA8); if (!UseCompositor()) { return false; } auto start = TimeStamp::Now(); HDC nulldc = ::GetDC(NULL); HDC dc = ::CreateCompatibleDC(nulldc); ::ReleaseDC(nullptr, nulldc); if (!dc) { gfxCriticalError() << "CreateCompatibleDC failed"; return false; } BITMAPV4HEADER header; memset(&header, 0, sizeof(BITMAPV4HEADER)); header.bV4Size = sizeof(BITMAPV4HEADER); header.bV4Width = aReadbackSize.width; header.bV4Height = -LONG(aReadbackSize.height); // top-to-buttom DIB header.bV4Planes = 1; header.bV4BitCount = 32; header.bV4V4Compression = BI_BITFIELDS; header.bV4RedMask = 0x00FF0000; header.bV4GreenMask = 0x0000FF00; header.bV4BlueMask = 0x000000FF; header.bV4AlphaMask = 0xFF000000; void* readbackBits = nullptr; HBITMAP bitmap = ::CreateDIBSection(dc, reinterpret_cast(&header), DIB_RGB_COLORS, &readbackBits, nullptr, 0); if (!bitmap) { ::DeleteDC(dc); gfxCriticalError() << "CreateDIBSection failed"; return false; } ::SelectObject(dc, bitmap); UINT flags = PW_CLIENTONLY | PW_RENDERFULLCONTENT; HWND hwnd = mWidget->AsWindows()->GetHwnd(); mDCLayerTree->WaitForCommitCompletion(); BOOL result = ::PrintWindow(hwnd, dc, flags); if (!result) { ::DeleteObject(bitmap); ::DeleteDC(dc); gfxCriticalError() << "PrintWindow failed"; return false; } ::GdiFlush(); memcpy(&aReadbackBuffer[0], readbackBits, aReadbackBuffer.length()); ::DeleteObject(bitmap); ::DeleteDC(dc); uint32_t latencyMs = round((TimeStamp::Now() - start).ToMilliseconds()); if (latencyMs > 500) { gfxCriticalNote << "Readback took too long: " << latencyMs << " ms"; } if (aNeedsYFlip) { *aNeedsYFlip = false; } return true; } } // namespace wr } // namespace mozilla