/* gc_fragments.cpp */ #include "gc_fragments.h" #include "sym_file.h" #include "gc.h" #include "MetroNubUtils.h" #include struct CodeLocation { CodeLocation* mNext; char* mCodeAddr; UInt32 mFileOffset; char mSymbolName[256]; char mFileName[256]; CodeLocation() : mNext(NULL), mCodeAddr(NULL), mFileOffset(0) { mFileName[0] = '\0'; } }; static const kCodeLocationCacheSize = 256; struct CodeLocationCache { CodeLocation mEntries[kCodeLocationCacheSize]; CodeLocation* mLocations; CodeLocation** mLastLink; CodeLocationCache(); CodeLocation* findLocation(char* codeAddr); void saveLocation(char* codeAddr, char symbolName[256], char fileName[256], UInt32 fileOffset); }; CodeLocationCache::CodeLocationCache() : mLocations(NULL), mLastLink(&mLocations) { // link all of the locations together in a list. int offset = kCodeLocationCacheSize; while (offset > 0) { CodeLocation* location = &mEntries[--offset]; location->mNext = mLocations; mLocations = location; } } CodeLocation* CodeLocationCache::findLocation(char* codeAddr) { CodeLocation** link = &mLocations; CodeLocation* location = *link; while (location != NULL && location->mCodeAddr != NULL) { if (location->mCodeAddr == codeAddr) { // move it to the head of the list. if (location != mLocations) { *link = location->mNext; location->mNext = mLocations; mLocations = location; } return location; } link = &location->mNext; location = *link; // maintain pointer to the last element in list for fast insertion. if (location != NULL) mLastLink = link; } return NULL; } void CodeLocationCache::saveLocation(char* codeAddr, char symbolName[256], char fileName[256], UInt32 fileOffset) { CodeLocation** link = mLastLink; CodeLocation* location = *link; mLastLink = &mLocations; // move it to the head of the list. if (location != mLocations) { *link = location->mNext; location->mNext = mLocations; mLocations = location; } // save the specified location. location->mCodeAddr = codeAddr; location->mFileOffset = fileOffset; ::strcpy(location->mSymbolName, symbolName); ::strcpy(location->mFileName, fileName); } struct CodeFragment { CodeFragment* mNext; char* mDataStart; char* mDataEnd; char* mCodeStart; char* mCodeEnd; FSSpec mFragmentSpec; CodeLocationCache mLocations; sym_file* mSymbols; CodeFragment(char* dataStart, char* dataEnd, char* codeStart, char* codeEnd, const FSSpec* fragmentSpec); ~CodeFragment(); }; CodeFragment::CodeFragment(char* dataStart, char* dataEnd, char* codeStart, char* codeEnd, const FSSpec* fragmentSpec) : mDataStart(dataStart), mDataEnd(dataEnd), mCodeStart(codeStart), mCodeEnd(codeEnd), mFragmentSpec(*fragmentSpec), mSymbols(NULL), mNext(NULL) { // need to eagerly open symbols file eagerly, otherwise we're in the middle of a GC! FSSpec symSpec = mFragmentSpec; UInt8 len = symSpec.name[0]; symSpec.name[++len] = '.'; symSpec.name[++len] = 'x'; symSpec.name[++len] = 'S'; symSpec.name[++len] = 'Y'; symSpec.name[++len] = 'M'; symSpec.name[0] = len; mSymbols = open_sym_file(&symSpec); } CodeFragment::~CodeFragment() { if (mSymbols) { close_sym_file(mSymbols); mSymbols = NULL; } } static CodeFragment* theFragments = NULL; static CodeFragment** find_fragment(char* codeAddr) { CodeFragment** link = &theFragments; CodeFragment* fragment = *link; while (fragment != NULL) { if (codeAddr >= fragment->mCodeStart && codeAddr < fragment->mCodeEnd) return link; link = &fragment->mNext; fragment = *link; } return NULL; } void GC_register_fragment(char* dataStart, char* dataEnd, char* codeStart, char* codeEnd, const FSSpec* fragmentSpec) { // register the roots. GC_add_roots(dataStart, dataEnd); // create an entry for this fragment. CodeFragment* fragment = new CodeFragment(dataStart, dataEnd, codeStart, codeEnd, fragmentSpec); if (fragment != NULL) { fragment->mNext = theFragments; theFragments = fragment; } } void GC_unregister_fragment(char* dataStart, char* dataEnd, char* codeStart, char* codeEnd) { // try not to crash when running under the MW debugger. if (!AmIBeingMWDebugged()) { CodeFragment** link = find_fragment(codeStart); if (link != NULL) { CodeFragment* fragment = *link; *link = fragment->mNext; delete fragment; } } // remove the roots. GC_remove_roots(dataStart, dataEnd); } int GC_address_to_source(char* codeAddr, char symbolName[256], char fileName[256], UInt32* fileOffset) { CodeFragment** link = find_fragment(codeAddr); if (link != NULL) { CodeFragment* fragment = *link; // always move this fragment to the head of the list, to speed up searches. if (theFragments != fragment) { *link = fragment->mNext; fragment->mNext = theFragments; theFragments = fragment; } // see if this is a cached location. CodeLocation* location = fragment->mLocations.findLocation(codeAddr); if (location != NULL) { ::strcpy(symbolName, location->mSymbolName); ::strcpy(fileName, location->mFileName); *fileOffset = location->mFileOffset; return 1; } sym_file* symbols = fragment->mSymbols; if (symbols != NULL) { if (get_source(symbols, UInt32(codeAddr - fragment->mCodeStart), symbolName, fileName, fileOffset)) { // save this location in the per-fragment cache. fragment->mLocations.saveLocation(codeAddr, symbolName, fileName, *fileOffset); return 1; } } } return 0; }