#!/usr/bin/env perl use Getopt::Long; my $hours=24; my $branch; my $module="SeaMonkeyAll"; my $maxdirs=5; my $rootdir = ""; # pull out the current directory # if there is no such file, this will all just fail, which is ok open REPOSITORY, "; chop $rootdir; close REPOSITORY; print "Current dir = $rootdir\n"; &GetOptions('h=s' => \$hours, 'm=s' => \$module, 'r=s' => \$branch); # try to guess the current branch by looking at all the # files in CVS/Entries if (!$branch) { my $foundbranch =0; open ENTRIES, ") { chop; @entry = split(/\//); my ($type, $file, $ver, $date, $unknown, $tag) = @entry; # the tag usually starts with "T" $thisbranch = substr($tag, 1); # look for more than one branch if ($type eq "") { if ($foundbranch and ($lastbranch ne $thisbranch)) { die "Multiple branches in this directory, cannot determine branch\n"; } $foundbranch = 1; $lastbranch = $thisbranch; } } $branch = $lastbranch if ($foundbranch); close ENTRIES; } my $url = "http://bonsai.mozilla.org/cvsquery.cgi?module=${module}&branch=${branch}&branchtype=match&sortby=File&date=hours&hours=${hours}&cvsroot=%2Fcvsroot"; print "Contacting bonsai for updates to ${module} "; print "on the ${branch} branch " if ($branch); print "in the last ${hours} hours "; print "within the $rootdir directory..\n" if ($rootdir); # first try wget, then try lynx # this is my lame way of checking if a command succeeded AND getting # output from it. I'd love a better way. -alecf@netscape.com my $have_checkins = 0; @args = ("wget", "--quiet", "--output-document=-", "\"$url\""); open CHECKINS,"wget --quiet --output-document=- \"$url\"|" or die "Error opening wget: $!\n"; $header = and $have_checkins=1; if (!$have_checkins) { open CHECKINS, "lynx -source '$url'|" or die "Error opening lynx: $!\n"; $header = and $have_checkins = 1; } $have_checkins || die "Couldn't get checkins\n"; open REALOUT, ">foo" || die "argh $!\n"; print "Processing checkins..\n"; while () { print REALOUT $_; if (/js_file_menu\((.*),\s*\'(.*)\'\s*,\s*(.*),\s*(.*),\s*(.*),\s*(.*)\)/) { my ($repos, $dir, $file, $rev, $branch, $event) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6); push @dirlist, $dir; } } close REALOUT; my $lastdir = ""; my @uniquedirs; foreach $dir (sort @dirlist) { next if ($lastdir eq $dir); my $strippeddir = ""; $lastdir = $dir; # now strip out $rootdir if ($rootdir) { # only deal with directories that start with $rootdir if (substr($dir, 0, (length $rootdir)) eq $rootdir) { if ($dir eq $rootdir) { $strippeddir = "."; } else { $strippeddir = substr($dir,(length $rootdir) + 1 ); } } } else { $strippeddir = $dir; } if ($strippeddir) { push @uniquedirs, $strippeddir; } } if ($#uniquedirs < 0) { print "No directories to update.\n"; exit 0; } print "Updating tree..\n"; my $i=0; my $dirlist = ""; foreach $dir (sort @uniquedirs) { $dirlist .= "$dir "; $i++; if ($i == 5) { system "cvs up -l -d $dirlist\n"; $dirlist = ""; $i=0; } } if ($i < 5) { system "cvs up -l -d $dirlist\n"; } close CHECKINS; print "done.\n";