# # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. from __future__ import with_statement import logging from operator import itemgetter import os import platform import re import signal import subprocess import sys import tempfile from urlparse import urlparse import zipfile import mozinfo __all__ = [ "ZipFileReader", "addCommonOptions", "dumpLeakLog", "isURL", "processLeakLog", "getDebuggerInfo", "DEBUGGER_INFO", "replaceBackSlashes", "wrapCommand", 'KeyValueParseError', 'parseKeyValue', 'systemMemory', 'environment', 'dumpScreen', "ShutdownLeaks" ] # Map of debugging programs to information about them, like default arguments # and whether or not they are interactive. DEBUGGER_INFO = { # gdb requires that you supply the '--args' flag in order to pass arguments # after the executable name to the executable. "gdb": { "interactive": True, "args": "-q --args" }, "cgdb": { "interactive": True, "args": "-q --args" }, "lldb": { "interactive": True, "args": "--", "requiresEscapedArgs": True }, # Visual Studio Debugger Support "devenv.exe": { "interactive": True, "args": "-debugexe" }, # Visual C++ Express Debugger Support "wdexpress.exe": { "interactive": True, "args": "-debugexe" }, # valgrind doesn't explain much about leaks unless you set the # '--leak-check=full' flag. But there are a lot of objects that are # semi-deliberately leaked, so we set '--show-possibly-lost=no' to avoid # uninteresting output from those objects. We set '--smc-check==all-non-file' # and '--vex-iropt-register-updates=allregs-at-mem-access' so that valgrind # deals properly with JIT'd JavaScript code. "valgrind": { "interactive": False, "args": " ".join(["--leak-check=full", "--show-possibly-lost=no", "--smc-check=all-non-file", "--vex-iropt-register-updates=allregs-at-mem-access"]) } } class ZipFileReader(object): """ Class to read zip files in Python 2.5 and later. Limited to only what we actually use. """ def __init__(self, filename): self._zipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, "r") def __del__(self): self._zipfile.close() def _getnormalizedpath(self, path): """ Gets a normalized path from 'path' (or the current working directory if 'path' is None). Also asserts that the path exists. """ if path is None: path = os.curdir path = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(path)) assert os.path.isdir(path) return path def _extractname(self, name, path): """ Extracts a file with the given name from the zip file to the given path. Also creates any directories needed along the way. """ filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path, name)) if name.endswith("/"): os.makedirs(filename) else: path = os.path.split(filename)[0] if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path) with open(filename, "wb") as dest: dest.write(self._zipfile.read(name)) def namelist(self): return self._zipfile.namelist() def read(self, name): return self._zipfile.read(name) def extract(self, name, path = None): if hasattr(self._zipfile, "extract"): return self._zipfile.extract(name, path) # This will throw if name is not part of the zip file. self._zipfile.getinfo(name) self._extractname(name, self._getnormalizedpath(path)) def extractall(self, path = None): if hasattr(self._zipfile, "extractall"): return self._zipfile.extractall(path) path = self._getnormalizedpath(path) for name in self._zipfile.namelist(): self._extractname(name, path) log = logging.getLogger() def isURL(thing): """Return True if |thing| looks like a URL.""" # We want to download URLs like http://... but not Windows paths like c:\... return len(urlparse(thing).scheme) >= 2 # Python does not provide strsignal() even in the very latest 3.x. # This is a reasonable fake. def strsig(n): # Signal numbers run 0 through NSIG-1; an array with NSIG members # has exactly that many slots _sigtbl = [None]*signal.NSIG for k in dir(signal): if k.startswith("SIG") and not k.startswith("SIG_") and k != "SIGCLD" and k != "SIGPOLL": _sigtbl[getattr(signal, k)] = k # Realtime signals mostly have no names if hasattr(signal, "SIGRTMIN") and hasattr(signal, "SIGRTMAX"): for r in range(signal.SIGRTMIN+1, signal.SIGRTMAX+1): _sigtbl[r] = "SIGRTMIN+" + str(r - signal.SIGRTMIN) # Fill in any remaining gaps for i in range(signal.NSIG): if _sigtbl[i] is None: _sigtbl[i] = "unrecognized signal, number " + str(i) if n < 0 or n >= signal.NSIG: return "out-of-range signal, number "+str(n) return _sigtbl[n] def printstatus(status, name = ""): # 'status' is the exit status if os.name != 'posix': # Windows error codes are easier to look up if printed in hexadecimal if status < 0: status += 2**32 print "TEST-INFO | %s: exit status %x\n" % (name, status) elif os.WIFEXITED(status): print "TEST-INFO | %s: exit %d\n" % (name, os.WEXITSTATUS(status)) elif os.WIFSIGNALED(status): # The python stdlib doesn't appear to have strsignal(), alas print "TEST-INFO | {}: killed by {}".format(name,strsig(os.WTERMSIG(status))) else: # This is probably a can't-happen condition on Unix, but let's be defensive print "TEST-INFO | %s: undecodable exit status %04x\n" % (name, status) def addCommonOptions(parser, defaults={}): parser.add_option("--xre-path", action = "store", type = "string", dest = "xrePath", # individual scripts will set a sane default default = None, help = "absolute path to directory containing XRE (probably xulrunner)") if 'SYMBOLS_PATH' not in defaults: defaults['SYMBOLS_PATH'] = None parser.add_option("--symbols-path", action = "store", type = "string", dest = "symbolsPath", default = defaults['SYMBOLS_PATH'], help = "absolute path to directory containing breakpad symbols, or the URL of a zip file containing symbols") parser.add_option("--debugger", action = "store", dest = "debugger", help = "use the given debugger to launch the application") parser.add_option("--debugger-args", action = "store", dest = "debuggerArgs", help = "pass the given args to the debugger _before_ " "the application on the command line") parser.add_option("--debugger-interactive", action = "store_true", dest = "debuggerInteractive", help = "prevents the test harness from redirecting " "stdout and stderr for interactive debuggers") def getFullPath(directory, path): "Get an absolute path relative to 'directory'." return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(directory, os.path.expanduser(path))) def searchPath(directory, path): "Go one step beyond getFullPath and try the various folders in PATH" # Try looking in the current working directory first. newpath = getFullPath(directory, path) if os.path.isfile(newpath): return newpath # At this point we have to fail if a directory was given (to prevent cases # like './gdb' from matching '/usr/bin/./gdb'). if not os.path.dirname(path): for dir in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep): newpath = os.path.join(dir, path) if os.path.isfile(newpath): return newpath return None def getDebuggerInfo(directory, debugger, debuggerArgs, debuggerInteractive = False): debuggerInfo = None if debugger: debuggerPath = searchPath(directory, debugger) if not debuggerPath: print "Error: Path %s doesn't exist." % debugger sys.exit(1) debuggerName = os.path.basename(debuggerPath).lower() def getDebuggerInfo(type, default): if debuggerName in DEBUGGER_INFO and type in DEBUGGER_INFO[debuggerName]: return DEBUGGER_INFO[debuggerName][type] return default debuggerInfo = { "path": debuggerPath, "interactive" : getDebuggerInfo("interactive", False), "args": getDebuggerInfo("args", "").split(), "requiresEscapedArgs": getDebuggerInfo("requiresEscapedArgs", False) } if debuggerArgs: debuggerInfo["args"] = debuggerArgs.split() if debuggerInteractive: debuggerInfo["interactive"] = debuggerInteractive return debuggerInfo def dumpLeakLog(leakLogFile, filter = False): """Process the leak log, without parsing it. Use this function if you want the raw log only. Use it preferably with the |XPCOM_MEM_LEAK_LOG| environment variable. """ # Don't warn (nor "info") if the log file is not there. if not os.path.exists(leakLogFile): return with open(leakLogFile, "r") as leaks: leakReport = leaks.read() # Only |XPCOM_MEM_LEAK_LOG| reports can be actually filtered out. # Only check whether an actual leak was reported. if filter and not "0 TOTAL " in leakReport: return # Simply copy the log. log.info(leakReport.rstrip("\n")) def processSingleLeakFile(leakLogFileName, processType, leakThreshold): """Process a single leak log. """ # Per-Inst Leaked Total Rem ... # 0 TOTAL 17 192 419115886 2 ... # 833 nsTimerImpl 60 120 24726 2 ... lineRe = re.compile(r"^\s*\d+\s+(?P\S+)\s+" r"(?P-?\d+)\s+(?P-?\d+)\s+" r"-?\d+\s+(?P-?\d+)") processString = "" if processType: # eg 'plugin' processString = " %s process:" % processType crashedOnPurpose = False totalBytesLeaked = None leakAnalysis = [] leakedObjectNames = [] with open(leakLogFileName, "r") as leaks: for line in leaks: if line.find("purposefully crash") > -1: crashedOnPurpose = True matches = lineRe.match(line) if not matches: # eg: the leak table header row log.info(line.rstrip()) continue name = matches.group("name") size = int(matches.group("size")) bytesLeaked = int(matches.group("bytesLeaked")) numLeaked = int(matches.group("numLeaked")) # Output the raw line from the leak log table if it is the TOTAL row, # or is for an object row that has been leaked. if numLeaked != 0 or name == "TOTAL": log.info(line.rstrip()) # Analyse the leak log, but output later or it will interrupt the leak table if name == "TOTAL": totalBytesLeaked = bytesLeaked if size < 0 or bytesLeaked < 0 or numLeaked < 0: leakAnalysis.append("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | leakcheck |%s negative leaks caught!" % processString) continue if name != "TOTAL" and numLeaked != 0: leakedObjectNames.append(name) leakAnalysis.append("TEST-INFO | leakcheck |%s leaked %d %s (%s bytes)" % (processString, numLeaked, name, bytesLeaked)) log.info('\n'.join(leakAnalysis)) if totalBytesLeaked is None: # We didn't see a line with name 'TOTAL' if crashedOnPurpose: log.info("TEST-INFO | leakcheck |%s deliberate crash and thus no leak log" % processString) else: # TODO: This should be a TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL, but was changed to a warning # due to too many intermittent failures (see bug 831223). log.info("WARNING | leakcheck |%s missing output line for total leaks!" % processString) return if totalBytesLeaked == 0: log.info("TEST-PASS | leakcheck |%s no leaks detected!" % processString) return # totalBytesLeaked was seen and is non-zero. if totalBytesLeaked > leakThreshold: # Fail the run if we're over the threshold (which defaults to 0) prefix = "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL" else: prefix = "WARNING" # Create a comma delimited string of the first N leaked objects found, # to aid with bug summary matching in TBPL. Note: The order of the objects # had no significance (they're sorted alphabetically). maxSummaryObjects = 5 leakedObjectSummary = ', '.join(leakedObjectNames[:maxSummaryObjects]) if len(leakedObjectNames) > maxSummaryObjects: leakedObjectSummary += ', ...' log.info("%s | leakcheck |%s %d bytes leaked (%s)" % (prefix, processString, totalBytesLeaked, leakedObjectSummary)) def processLeakLog(leakLogFile, leakThreshold = 0): """Process the leak log, including separate leak logs created by child processes. Use this function if you want an additional PASS/FAIL summary. It must be used with the |XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG| environment variable. """ if not os.path.exists(leakLogFile): log.info("WARNING | leakcheck | refcount logging is off, so leaks can't be detected!") return if leakThreshold != 0: log.info("TEST-INFO | leakcheck | threshold set at %d bytes" % leakThreshold) (leakLogFileDir, leakFileBase) = os.path.split(leakLogFile) fileNameRegExp = re.compile(r".*?_([a-z]*)_pid\d*$") if leakFileBase[-4:] == ".log": leakFileBase = leakFileBase[:-4] fileNameRegExp = re.compile(r".*?_([a-z]*)_pid\d*.log$") for fileName in os.listdir(leakLogFileDir): if fileName.find(leakFileBase) != -1: thisFile = os.path.join(leakLogFileDir, fileName) processType = None m = fileNameRegExp.search(fileName) if m: processType = m.group(1) processSingleLeakFile(thisFile, processType, leakThreshold) def replaceBackSlashes(input): return input.replace('\\', '/') def wrapCommand(cmd): """ If running on OS X 10.5 or older, wrap |cmd| so that it will be executed as an i386 binary, in case it's a 32-bit/64-bit universal binary. """ if platform.system() == "Darwin" and \ hasattr(platform, 'mac_ver') and \ platform.mac_ver()[0][:4] < '10.6': return ["arch", "-arch", "i386"] + cmd # otherwise just execute the command normally return cmd class KeyValueParseError(Exception): """error when parsing strings of serialized key-values""" def __init__(self, msg, errors=()): self.errors = errors Exception.__init__(self, msg) def parseKeyValue(strings, separator='=', context='key, value: '): """ parse string-serialized key-value pairs in the form of `key = value`. Returns a list of 2-tuples. Note that whitespace is not stripped. """ # syntax check missing = [string for string in strings if separator not in string] if missing: raise KeyValueParseError("Error: syntax error in %s" % (context, ','.join(missing)), errors=missing) return [string.split(separator, 1) for string in strings] def systemMemory(): """ Returns total system memory in kilobytes. Works only on unix-like platforms where `free` is in the path. """ return int(os.popen("free").readlines()[1].split()[1]) def environment(xrePath, env=None, crashreporter=True, debugger=False, dmdPath=None, lsanPath=None): """populate OS environment variables for mochitest""" env = os.environ.copy() if env is None else env assert os.path.isabs(xrePath) ldLibraryPath = xrePath envVar = None dmdLibrary = None preloadEnvVar = None if 'toolkit' in mozinfo.info and mozinfo.info['toolkit'] == "gonk": # Skip all of this, it's only valid for the host. pass elif mozinfo.isUnix: envVar = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" env['MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME'] = xrePath dmdLibrary = "libdmd.so" preloadEnvVar = "LD_PRELOAD" elif mozinfo.isMac: envVar = "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" dmdLibrary = "libdmd.dylib" preloadEnvVar = "DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES" elif mozinfo.isWin: envVar = "PATH" dmdLibrary = "dmd.dll" preloadEnvVar = "MOZ_REPLACE_MALLOC_LIB" if envVar: envValue = ((env.get(envVar), str(ldLibraryPath)) if mozinfo.isWin else (ldLibraryPath, dmdPath, env.get(envVar))) env[envVar] = os.path.pathsep.join([path for path in envValue if path]) if dmdPath and dmdLibrary and preloadEnvVar: env['DMD'] = '1' env[preloadEnvVar] = os.path.join(dmdPath, dmdLibrary) # crashreporter env['GNOME_DISABLE_CRASH_DIALOG'] = '1' env['XRE_NO_WINDOWS_CRASH_DIALOG'] = '1' env['NS_TRACE_MALLOC_DISABLE_STACKS'] = '1' if crashreporter and not debugger: env['MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT'] = '1' env['MOZ_CRASHREPORTER'] = '1' else: env['MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_DISABLE'] = '1' # Crash on non-local network connections. env['MOZ_DISABLE_NONLOCAL_CONNECTIONS'] = '1' # Set WebRTC logging in case it is not set yet env.setdefault('NSPR_LOG_MODULES', 'signaling:5,mtransport:5,datachannel:5') env.setdefault('R_LOG_LEVEL', '6') env.setdefault('R_LOG_DESTINATION', 'stderr') env.setdefault('R_LOG_VERBOSE', '1') # ASan specific environment stuff asan = bool(mozinfo.info.get("asan")) if asan and (mozinfo.isLinux or mozinfo.isMac): try: # Symbolizer support llvmsym = os.path.join(xrePath, "llvm-symbolizer") if os.path.isfile(llvmsym): env["ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH"] = llvmsym log.info("INFO | runtests.py | ASan using symbolizer at %s", llvmsym) else: log.info("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | runtests.py | Failed to find ASan symbolizer at %s", llvmsym) totalMemory = systemMemory() # Only 4 GB RAM or less available? Use custom ASan options to reduce # the amount of resources required to do the tests. Standard options # will otherwise lead to OOM conditions on the current test slaves. message = "INFO | runtests.py | ASan running in %s configuration" asanOptions = [] if totalMemory <= 1024 * 1024 * 4: message = message % 'low-memory' asanOptions = ['quarantine_size=50331648', 'malloc_context_size=5'] else: message = message % 'default memory' if lsanPath: log.info("LSan enabled.") asanOptions.append('detect_leaks=1') lsanOptions = ["exitcode=0"] suppressionsFile = os.path.join(lsanPath, 'lsan_suppressions.txt') if os.path.exists(suppressionsFile): log.info("LSan using suppression file " + suppressionsFile) lsanOptions.append("suppressions=" + suppressionsFile) else: log.info("WARNING | runtests.py | LSan suppressions file does not exist! " + suppressionsFile) env["LSAN_OPTIONS"] = ':'.join(lsanOptions) # Run shutdown GCs and CCs to avoid spurious leaks. env['MOZ_CC_RUN_DURING_SHUTDOWN'] = '1' if len(asanOptions): env['ASAN_OPTIONS'] = ':'.join(asanOptions) except OSError,err: log.info("Failed determine available memory, disabling ASan low-memory configuration: %s", err.strerror) except: log.info("Failed determine available memory, disabling ASan low-memory configuration") else: log.info(message) return env def dumpScreen(utilityPath): """dumps a screenshot of the entire screen to a directory specified by the MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR environment variable""" # Need to figure out which OS-dependent tool to use if mozinfo.isUnix: utility = [os.path.join(utilityPath, "screentopng")] utilityname = "screentopng" elif mozinfo.isMac: utility = ['/usr/sbin/screencapture', '-C', '-x', '-t', 'png'] utilityname = "screencapture" elif mozinfo.isWin: utility = [os.path.join(utilityPath, "screenshot.exe")] utilityname = "screenshot" # Get dir where to write the screenshot file parent_dir = os.environ.get('MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR', None) if not parent_dir: log.info('Failed to retrieve MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR env var') return # Run the capture try: tmpfd, imgfilename = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='mozilla-test-fail-screenshot_', suffix='.png', dir=parent_dir) os.close(tmpfd) returncode = subprocess.call(utility + [imgfilename]) printstatus(returncode, utilityname) except OSError, err: log.info("Failed to start %s for screenshot: %s", utility[0], err.strerror) return class ShutdownLeaks(object): """ Parses the mochitest run log when running a debug build, assigns all leaked DOM windows (that are still around after test suite shutdown, despite running the GC) to the tests that created them and prints leak statistics. """ def __init__(self, logger): self.logger = logger self.tests = [] self.leakedWindows = {} self.leakedDocShells = set() self.currentTest = None self.seenShutdown = False def log(self, message): if message['action'] == 'log': line = message['message'] if line[2:11] == "DOMWINDOW": self._logWindow(line) elif line[2:10] == "DOCSHELL": self._logDocShell(line) elif message['action'] == 'test_start': fileName = message['test'].replace("chrome://mochitests/content/browser/", "") self.currentTest = {"fileName": fileName, "windows": set(), "docShells": set()} elif message['action'] == 'test_end': # don't track a test if no windows or docShells leaked if self.currentTest and (self.currentTest["windows"] or self.currentTest["docShells"]): self.tests.append(self.currentTest) self.currentTest = None elif message['action'] == 'suite_end': self.seenShutdown = True def process(self): for test in self._parseLeakingTests(): for url, count in self._zipLeakedWindows(test["leakedWindows"]): self.logger("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | %s | leaked %d window(s) until shutdown [url = %s]" % (test["fileName"], count, url)) if test["leakedDocShells"]: self.logger("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | %s | leaked %d docShell(s) until shutdown" % (test["fileName"], len(test["leakedDocShells"]))) def _logWindow(self, line): created = line[:2] == "++" pid = self._parseValue(line, "pid") serial = self._parseValue(line, "serial") # log line has invalid format if not pid or not serial: self.logger("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | ShutdownLeaks | failed to parse line <%s>" % line) return key = pid + "." + serial if self.currentTest: windows = self.currentTest["windows"] if created: windows.add(key) else: windows.discard(key) elif self.seenShutdown and not created: self.leakedWindows[key] = self._parseValue(line, "url") def _logDocShell(self, line): created = line[:2] == "++" pid = self._parseValue(line, "pid") id = self._parseValue(line, "id") # log line has invalid format if not pid or not id: self.logger("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | ShutdownLeaks | failed to parse line <%s>" % line) return key = pid + "." + id if self.currentTest: docShells = self.currentTest["docShells"] if created: docShells.add(key) else: docShells.discard(key) elif self.seenShutdown and not created: self.leakedDocShells.add(key) def _parseValue(self, line, name): match = re.search("\[%s = (.+?)\]" % name, line) if match: return match.group(1) return None def _parseLeakingTests(self): leakingTests = [] for test in self.tests: test["leakedWindows"] = [self.leakedWindows[id] for id in test["windows"] if id in self.leakedWindows] test["leakedDocShells"] = [id for id in test["docShells"] if id in self.leakedDocShells] test["leakCount"] = len(test["leakedWindows"]) + len(test["leakedDocShells"]) if test["leakCount"]: leakingTests.append(test) return sorted(leakingTests, key=itemgetter("leakCount"), reverse=True) def _zipLeakedWindows(self, leakedWindows): counts = [] counted = set() for url in leakedWindows: if not url in counted: counts.append((url, leakedWindows.count(url))) counted.add(url) return sorted(counts, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) class LSANLeaks(object): """ Parses the log when running an LSAN build, looking for interesting stack frames in allocation stacks, and prints out reports. """ def __init__(self, logger): self.logger = logger self.inReport = False self.foundFrames = set([]) self.recordMoreFrames = None self.currStack = None self.maxNumRecordedFrames = 4 # Don't various allocation-related stack frames, as they do not help much to # distinguish different leaks. unescapedSkipList = [ "malloc", "js_malloc", "malloc_", "__interceptor_malloc", "moz_malloc", "moz_xmalloc", "calloc", "js_calloc", "calloc_", "__interceptor_calloc", "moz_calloc", "moz_xcalloc", "realloc","js_realloc", "realloc_", "__interceptor_realloc", "moz_realloc", "moz_xrealloc", "new", "js::MallocProvider", ] self.skipListRegExp = re.compile("^" + "|".join([re.escape(f) for f in unescapedSkipList]) + "$") self.startRegExp = re.compile("==\d+==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks") self.stackFrameRegExp = re.compile(" #\d+ 0x[0-9a-f]+ in ([^(= self.maxNumRecordedFrames: self.recordMoreFrames = False