/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * The origin of this IDL file is * http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#the-navigator-object * http://www.w3.org/TR/tracking-dnt/ * http://www.w3.org/TR/geolocation-API/#geolocation_interface * http://www.w3.org/TR/battery-status/#navigatorbattery-interface * http://www.w3.org/TR/vibration/#vibration-interface * http://www.w3.org/2012/sysapps/runtime/#extension-to-the-navigator-interface-1 * https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gamepad/raw-file/default/gamepad.html#navigator-interface-extension * http://www.w3.org/TR/beacon/#sec-beacon-method * * © Copyright 2004-2011 Apple Computer, Inc., Mozilla Foundation, and * Opera Software ASA. You are granted a license to use, reproduce * and create derivative works of this document. */ // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#the-navigator-object [HeaderFile="Navigator.h", NeedNewResolve] interface Navigator { // objects implementing this interface also implement the interfaces given below }; Navigator implements NavigatorID; Navigator implements NavigatorLanguage; Navigator implements NavigatorOnLine; Navigator implements NavigatorContentUtils; Navigator implements NavigatorStorageUtils; [NoInterfaceObject] interface NavigatorID { // WebKit/Blink/Trident/Presto support this (hardcoded "Mozilla"). [Constant] readonly attribute DOMString appCodeName; // constant "Mozilla" [Constant] readonly attribute DOMString appName; [Constant] readonly attribute DOMString appVersion; [Constant] readonly attribute DOMString platform; [Constant] readonly attribute DOMString userAgent; [Constant] readonly attribute DOMString product; // constant "Gecko" // Everyone but WebKit/Blink supports this. See bug 679971. boolean taintEnabled(); // constant false }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface NavigatorLanguage { readonly attribute DOMString? language; }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface NavigatorOnLine { readonly attribute boolean onLine; }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface NavigatorContentUtils { // content handler registration [Throws] void registerProtocolHandler(DOMString scheme, DOMString url, DOMString title); [Throws] void registerContentHandler(DOMString mimeType, DOMString url, DOMString title); // NOT IMPLEMENTED //DOMString isProtocolHandlerRegistered(DOMString scheme, DOMString url); //DOMString isContentHandlerRegistered(DOMString mimeType, DOMString url); //void unregisterProtocolHandler(DOMString scheme, DOMString url); //void unregisterContentHandler(DOMString mimeType, DOMString url); }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface NavigatorStorageUtils { // NOT IMPLEMENTED //void yieldForStorageUpdates(); }; // Things that definitely need to be in the spec and and are not for some // reason. See https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=22406 partial interface Navigator { [Throws] readonly attribute MimeTypeArray mimeTypes; [Throws] readonly attribute PluginArray plugins; }; // http://www.w3.org/TR/tracking-dnt/ sort of partial interface Navigator { readonly attribute DOMString doNotTrack; }; // http://www.w3.org/TR/geolocation-API/#geolocation_interface [NoInterfaceObject] interface NavigatorGeolocation { [Throws, Pref="geo.enabled"] readonly attribute Geolocation geolocation; }; Navigator implements NavigatorGeolocation; // http://www.w3.org/TR/battery-status/#navigatorbattery-interface [NoInterfaceObject] interface NavigatorBattery { // XXXbz Per spec this should be non-nullable, but we return null in // torn-down windows. See bug 884925. [Throws, Func="Navigator::HasBatterySupport"] readonly attribute BatteryManager? battery; }; Navigator implements NavigatorBattery; // https://wiki.mozilla.org/WebAPI/DataStore [NoInterfaceObject] interface NavigatorDataStore { [Throws, NewObject, Func="Navigator::HasDataStoreSupport"] Promise getDataStores(DOMString name); }; Navigator implements NavigatorDataStore; // http://www.w3.org/TR/vibration/#vibration-interface partial interface Navigator { // We don't support sequences in unions yet //boolean vibrate ((unsigned long or sequence) pattern); boolean vibrate(unsigned long duration); boolean vibrate(sequence pattern); }; // http://www.w3.org/TR/pointerevents/#extensions-to-the-navigator-interface partial interface Navigator { [Pref="dom.w3c_pointer_events.enabled"] readonly attribute long maxTouchPoints; }; // Mozilla-specific extensions callback interface MozIdleObserver { // Time is in seconds and is read only when idle observers are added // and removed. readonly attribute unsigned long time; void onidle(); void onactive(); }; // nsIDOMNavigator partial interface Navigator { [Throws] readonly attribute DOMString oscpu; // WebKit/Blink support this; Trident/Presto do not. readonly attribute DOMString vendor; // WebKit/Blink supports this (hardcoded ""); Trident/Presto do not. readonly attribute DOMString vendorSub; // WebKit/Blink supports this (hardcoded "20030107"); Trident/Presto don't readonly attribute DOMString productSub; // WebKit/Blink/Trident/Presto support this. readonly attribute boolean cookieEnabled; [Throws] readonly attribute DOMString buildID; [Throws, Func="Navigator::HasPowerSupport"] readonly attribute MozPowerManager mozPower; // WebKit/Blink/Trident/Presto support this. [Throws] boolean javaEnabled(); /** * Navigator requests to add an idle observer to the existing window. */ [Throws, Func="Navigator::HasIdleSupport"] void addIdleObserver(MozIdleObserver aIdleObserver); /** * Navigator requests to remove an idle observer from the existing window. */ [Throws, Func="Navigator::HasIdleSupport"] void removeIdleObserver(MozIdleObserver aIdleObserver); /** * Request a wake lock for a resource. * * A page holds a wake lock to request that a resource not be turned * off (or otherwise made unavailable). * * The topic is the name of a resource that might be made unavailable for * various reasons. For example, on a mobile device the power manager might * decide to turn off the screen after a period of idle time to save power. * * The resource manager checks the lock state of a topic before turning off * the associated resource. For example, a page could hold a lock on the * "screen" topic to prevent the screensaver from appearing or the screen * from turning off. * * The resource manager defines what each topic means and sets policy. For * example, the resource manager might decide to ignore 'screen' wake locks * held by pages which are not visible. * * One topic can be locked multiple times; it is considered released only when * all locks on the topic have been released. * * The returned MozWakeLock object is a token of the lock. You can * unlock the lock via the object's |unlock| method. The lock is released * automatically when its associated window is unloaded. * * @param aTopic resource name */ [Throws, Pref="dom.wakelock.enabled", Func="Navigator::HasWakeLockSupport"] MozWakeLock requestWakeLock(DOMString aTopic); }; // nsIDOMNavigatorDeviceStorage partial interface Navigator { [Throws, Pref="device.storage.enabled"] DeviceStorage? getDeviceStorage(DOMString type); [Throws, Pref="device.storage.enabled"] sequence getDeviceStorages(DOMString type); }; // nsIDOMNavigatorDesktopNotification partial interface Navigator { [Throws, Func="Navigator::HasDesktopNotificationSupport"] readonly attribute DesktopNotificationCenter mozNotification; }; // nsIDOMClientInformation partial interface Navigator { [Throws] boolean mozIsLocallyAvailable(DOMString uri, boolean whenOffline); }; // nsIDOMMozNavigatorMobileMessage interface MozMobileMessageManager; partial interface Navigator { [Func="Navigator::HasMobileMessageSupport"] readonly attribute MozMobileMessageManager? mozMobileMessage; }; // NetworkInformation partial interface Navigator { [Throws, Pref="dom.netinfo.enabled"] readonly attribute NetworkInformation connection; }; // nsIDOMNavigatorCamera partial interface Navigator { [Throws, Func="Navigator::HasCameraSupport"] readonly attribute CameraManager mozCameras; }; // nsIDOMNavigatorSystemMessages and sort of maybe // http://www.w3.org/2012/sysapps/runtime/#extension-to-the-navigator-interface-1 callback systemMessageCallback = void (optional object message); partial interface Navigator { [Throws, Pref="dom.sysmsg.enabled"] void mozSetMessageHandler (DOMString type, systemMessageCallback? callback); [Throws, Pref="dom.sysmsg.enabled"] boolean mozHasPendingMessage (DOMString type); }; #ifdef MOZ_B2G_RIL partial interface Navigator { [Throws, Func="Navigator::HasMobileConnectionSupport"] readonly attribute MozMobileConnectionArray mozMobileConnections; }; partial interface Navigator { [Throws, Func="Navigator::HasCellBroadcastSupport"] readonly attribute MozCellBroadcast mozCellBroadcast; }; partial interface Navigator { [Throws, Func="Navigator::HasVoicemailSupport"] readonly attribute MozVoicemail mozVoicemail; }; partial interface Navigator { [Throws, Func="Navigator::HasIccManagerSupport"] readonly attribute MozIccManager? mozIccManager; }; #endif // MOZ_B2G_RIL partial interface Navigator { [Throws, Func="Navigator::HasTelephonySupport"] readonly attribute Telephony? mozTelephony; }; #ifdef MOZ_GAMEPAD // https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gamepad/raw-file/default/gamepad.html#navigator-interface-extension partial interface Navigator { [Throws, Pref="dom.gamepad.enabled"] sequence getGamepads(); }; #endif // MOZ_GAMEPAD #ifdef MOZ_B2G_BT partial interface Navigator { [Throws, Func="Navigator::HasBluetoothSupport"] readonly attribute BluetoothManager mozBluetooth; }; #endif // MOZ_B2G_BT #ifdef MOZ_B2G_FM partial interface Navigator { [Throws, Func="Navigator::HasFMRadioSupport"] readonly attribute FMRadio mozFMRadio; }; #endif // MOZ_B2G_FM #ifdef MOZ_TIME_MANAGER // nsIDOMMozNavigatorTime partial interface Navigator { [Throws, Func="Navigator::HasTimeSupport"] readonly attribute MozTimeManager mozTime; }; #endif // MOZ_TIME_MANAGER #ifdef MOZ_AUDIO_CHANNEL_MANAGER // nsIMozNavigatorAudioChannelManager partial interface Navigator { [Throws] readonly attribute AudioChannelManager mozAudioChannelManager; }; #endif // MOZ_AUDIO_CHANNEL_MANAGER #ifdef MOZ_MEDIA_NAVIGATOR callback NavigatorUserMediaSuccessCallback = void (MediaStream stream); callback NavigatorUserMediaErrorCallback = void (DOMString error); partial interface Navigator { [Throws, Func="Navigator::HasUserMediaSupport"] void mozGetUserMedia(MediaStreamConstraints constraints, NavigatorUserMediaSuccessCallback successCallback, NavigatorUserMediaErrorCallback errorCallback); }; // nsINavigatorUserMedia callback MozGetUserMediaDevicesSuccessCallback = void (nsIVariant? devices); partial interface Navigator { [Throws, ChromeOnly] void mozGetUserMediaDevices(MediaStreamConstraints constraints, MozGetUserMediaDevicesSuccessCallback onsuccess, NavigatorUserMediaErrorCallback onerror, // The originating innerWindowID is needed to // avoid calling the callbacks if the window has // navigated away. It is optional only as legacy. optional unsigned long long innerWindowID = 0); }; #endif // MOZ_MEDIA_NAVIGATOR partial interface Navigator { [Throws, Pref="beacon.enabled"] boolean sendBeacon(DOMString url, optional (ArrayBufferView or Blob or DOMString or FormData)? data = null); };