# -*- Mode: perl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- ################################ # Bugzilla Module # ################################ package BotModules::Bugzilla; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(BotModules); 1; # there is a minor error in this module: bugsHistory->$target->$bug is # accessed even when bugsHistory->$target doesn't yet exist. XXX # This is ported straight from techbot, so some of the code is a little convoluted. So sue me. I was lazy. # RegisterConfig - Called when initialised, should call registerVariables sub RegisterConfig { my $self = shift; $self->SUPER::RegisterConfig(@_); $self->registerVariables( # [ name, save?, settable? ] ['bugsURI', 1, 1, 'http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/'], ['bugsDWIMQueryDefault', 1, 1, 'short_desc_type=substring&short_desc='], ['bugsHistory', 0, 0, {}], ['backoffTime', 1, 1, 120], ['ignoreCommentsTo', 1, 1, ['techbot1']], ['ignoreCommentsFrom', 1, 1, ['|']], ['skipPrefixFor', 1, 1, []], ['mutes', 1, 1, ''], # "channel channel channel" ); } sub Help { my $self = shift; my ($event) = @_; my %commands = ( '' => 'The Bugzilla module provides an interface to the bugzilla bug database. It will spot anyone mentioning bugs, too, and report on what they are. For example if someone says \'I think that\'s a dup of bug 5693, the :hover thing\', then this module will display information about bug 5693.', 'bug' => 'Fetches a summary of bugs from bugzilla. Expert syntax: \'bugzilla [bugnumber[,]]*[&bugzillaparameter=value]*\', bug_status: UNCONFIRMED|NEW|ASSIGNED|REOPENED; *type*=substring|; bugtype: include|exclude; order: Assignee|; chfield[from|to|value] short_desc\' long_desc\' status_whiteboard\' bug_file_loc\' keywords\'; \'_type; email[|type][1|2] [reporter|qa_contact|assigned_to|cc]', 'bug-total' => 'Same as bug (which see) but only displays the total line.', 'bugs' => 'A simple DWIM search. Not very clever. ;-) Syntax: \' bugs\' e.g. \'mozbot bugs\'.' ); if ($self->isAdmin($event)) { $commands{'mute'} = 'Disable watching for bug numbers in a channel. Syntax: mute bugzilla in '; $commands{'unmute'} = 'Enable watching for bug numbers in a channel. Syntax: unmute bugzilla in '; } return \%commands; } sub Told { my $self = shift; my ($event, $message) = @_; if ($message =~ m/^ \s* # some optional whitespace (?:please\s+)? # an optional "please", followed optionally by either: (?: (?:could\s+you\s+)? # 1. an optional "could you", (?:please\s+)? # another optional "please", show\s+me\s+ | # and the text "show me" what\s+is\s+ | # 2. the text "what is" what\'s\s+ )? # 3. or the text "what's" bug (?:\s*id)?s? [\#\s]+ # a variant on "bug", "bug id", "bugids", etc ([0-9].*?| # a query string, either a number followed by some optional text, or &.+?) # a query string, starting with a &. (?:\s+please)? # followed by yet another optional "please" [?!.\s]* # ending with some optional punctuation $/osix) { my $target = $event->{'target'}; my $bug = $1; $self->FetchBug($event, $bug, 'bugs', 0, 0); $self->{'bugsHistory'}->{$target}->{$bug} = time() if $bug =~ m/^[0-9]+$/os; } elsif ($message =~ m/^\s*bug-?total\s+(.+?)\s*$/osi) { $self->FetchBug($event, $1, 'total', 0, 0); } elsif ($self->isAdmin($event)) { if ($message =~ m/^\s*mute\s+bugzilla\s+in\s+(\S+?)\s*$/osi) { $self->{'mutes'} .= " $1"; $self->saveConfig(); $self->say($event, "$event->{'from'}: Watching for bug numbers disabled in channel $1."); } elsif ($message =~ m/^\s*unmute\s+bugzilla\s+in\s+(\S+)\s*$/osi) { my %mutedChannels = map { $_ => 1 } split(/ /o, $self->{'mutes'}); delete($mutedChannels{$1}); # get rid of any mentions of that channel $self->{'mutes'} = join(' ', keys(%mutedChannels)); $self->saveConfig(); $self->say($event, "$event->{'from'}: Watching for bug numbers reenabled in channel $1."); } else { return $self->SUPER::Told(@_); } } else { return $self->SUPER::Told(@_); } return 0; # dealt with it... } sub CheckForBugs { my $self = shift; my ($event, $message) = @_; if ((($event->{'channel'} eq '') or # either it was /msg'ed, or ($self->{'mutes'} !~ m/^(?:.*\s|)\Q$event->{'channel'}\E(?:|\s.*)$/si)) and # it was sent on a channel in which we aren't muted (not $self->ignoringCommentsFrom($event->{'from'})) and # we aren't ignoring them (not $self->ignoringCommentsTo($message))) { # and they aren't talking to someone we need to ignore my $rest = $message; my $bugsFound = 0; my $bugsToFetch = ''; my $bug; my $skipURI; do { if ($rest =~ m/ (?:^| # either the start of the string []\s,.;:\\\/=?!()<>{}[-]) # or some punctuation bug [\s\#]* ([0-9]+) # followed a string similar to "bug # 123" (put the number in $1) (?:[]\s,.;:\\\/=?!()<>{}[-]+ # followed optionally by some punctuation, (.*))?$/osix) { # and everything else (which we put in $2) $bug = $1; $skipURI = 0; $rest = $2; } elsif ($rest =~ m/\Q$self->{'bugsURI'}\Eshow_bug.cgi\?id=([0-9]+)(?:[^0-9&](.*))?$/si) { $bug = $1; $skipURI = 1; $rest = $2; } else { $bug = undef; } if (defined($bug)) { $self->debug("Noticed someone mention bug $bug -- investigating..."); my $last = 0; $last = $self->{'bugsHistory'}->{$event->{'target'}}->{$bug} if defined($self->{'bugsHistory'}->{$event->{'target'}}->{$bug}); if ((time()-$last) > $self->{'backoffTime'}) { $bugsToFetch .= "$bug "; } $self->{'bugsHistory'}->{$event->{'target'}}->{$bug} = time(); $bugsFound++; } } while (defined($bug)); if ($bugsToFetch ne '') { $self->FetchBug($event, $bugsToFetch, 'bugs', $skipURI, 1); } return $bugsFound; } return 0; } sub Heard { my $self = shift; my ($event, $message) = @_; unless ($self->CheckForBugs($event, $message)) { return $self->SUPER::Heard(@_); } return 0; # we've dealt with it, no need to do anything else. } sub Baffled { my $self = shift; my ($event, $message) = @_; if ($message =~ m/^\s*(...+?)\s+bugs\s*$/osi) { my $target = $event->{'target'}; $self->FetchBug($event, $1, 'dwim', 0, 0); } else { return $self->SUPER::Baffled(@_); } return 0; } sub Felt { my $self = shift; my ($event, $message) = @_; unless ($self->CheckForBugs($event, $message)) { return $self->SUPER::Felt(@_); } return 0; # we've dealt with it, no need to do anything else. } sub Saw { my $self = shift; my ($event, $message) = @_; unless ($self->CheckForBugs($event, $message)) { return $self->SUPER::Saw(@_); } return 0; # we've dealt with it, no need to do anything else. } sub FetchBug { my $self = shift; my ($event, $bugParams, $type, $skipURI, $skipZaroo) = @_; my $uri; if ($type eq 'dwim') { # XXX should escape query string $uri = "$self->{'bugsURI'}buglist.cgi?$self->{'bugsDWIMQueryDefault'}".join(',',split(' ',$bugParams)); $type = 'bugs'; } else { $uri = "$self->{'bugsURI'}buglist.cgi?bug_id=".join(',',split(' ',$bugParams)); } $self->getURI($event, $uri, 'bugs', $type, $skipURI, $skipZaroo); } sub GotURI { my $self = shift; my ($event, $uri, $output, $type, $subtype, $skipURI, $skipZaroo) = @_; if ($type eq 'bugs') { my $lots; my @qp; # magicness { no warnings; # this can go _very_ wrong easily $lots = ($output !~ m//osi); # if we got truncated, then this will be missing $output =~ s/<\/TABLE><\/TH>//gosi; (undef, $output) = split(/Summary<\/A><\/TH>/osi, $output); ($output, undef) = split(/<\/TABLE>/osi, $output); $output =~ s/[\n\r]//gosi; @qp = split(/
/osi, $output); } # loop through output, constructing output string my @output; unless (@qp) { unless ($skipZaroo) { @output = ('Zarro boogs found.'); } else { @output = (); } } else { if ($lots) { @output = ('Way too many bugs found. I gave up so as to not run out of memory. Try to narrow your search or something!'); $subtype = 'lots'; } elsif ($#qp > 1) { @output = ($#qp.' bugs found.'); # @qp will contain one more item than there are bugs if ((@qp > 5) and ($event->{'channel'}) and ($subtype ne 'total')) { $output[0] .= ' Five shown, please message me for the complete list.'; @qp = @qp[0..4]; } } if ($subtype eq 'bugs') { local $" = ', '; foreach (@qp) { if ($_) { # more magic if (my @d = m|\1 (.*?)(.*?)(.*?)(.*?)(.*?)(.*?)(.*)|osi) { # bugid severity priority platform owner status resolution subject my $bugid = shift @d; if ($skipURI) { push(@output, $self->unescapeXML("Bug $bugid: @d")); } else { push(@output, $self->unescapeXML("Bug $self->{'bugsURI'}show_bug.cgi?id=$bugid @d")); } $output[$#output] =~ s/, (?:, )+/, /gosi; $self->{'bugsHistory'}->{$event->{'target'}}->{$d[0]} = time(); } } } } } my $prefix; if (grep {$_ eq $event->{'from'}} @{$self->{'skipPrefixFor'}}) { # they don't want to have the report prefixed with their name $prefix = ''; } else { $prefix = "$event->{'from'}: "; } # now send out the output foreach (@output) { $self->say($event, "$prefix$_"); } } else { return $self->SUPER::GotURI(@_); } } sub ignoringCommentsTo { my $self = shift; my ($who) = @_; foreach (@{$self->{'ignoreCommentsTo'}}) { return 1 if $who =~ m/^(?:.*[]\s,.;:\\\/=?!()<>{}[-])?\Q$_\E(?:[]\s,.;:\\\/=?!()<>{}[-].*)?$/is; } return 0; } sub ignoringCommentsFrom { my $self = shift; my ($who) = @_; foreach (@{$self->{'ignoreCommentsFrom'}}) { return 1 if $_ eq $who; } return 0; }