# # CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF # NETSCAPE COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION # Copyright (C) 1996 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights # Reserved. Use of this Source Code is subject to the terms of the # applicable license agreement from Netscape Communications Corporation. # The copyright notice(s) in this Source Code does not indicate actual or # intended publication of this Source Code. # # # An NMAKE file to set up and adjust trex's build system for # Client build. Client build should invoke NMAKE on this file # instead of invoking gmake directly. # DEPTH = .. include <$(DEPTH)\config\config.mak> # # Backslashes are escape characters to gmake, so flip all backslashes # in $(MOZ_TOOLS) to forward slashes and pass that to gmake. # GMAKE = $(MOZ_TOOLS)\bin\gmake.exe MOZ_TOOLS_FLIPPED=$(MOZ_TOOLS:\=/) #GMAKE_PR_FLAGS = PR_CLIENT_BUILD=1 PR_CLIENT_BUILD_WINDOWS=1 GMAKE_PR_FLAGS = # # The Client's debug build uses MSVC's debug runtime library (/MDd). # !ifdef MOZ_DEBUG GMAKE_DBG_FLAGS = USE_DEBUG_RTL=1 !else GMAKE_DBG_FLAGS = BUILD_OPT=1 !endif !if "$(MOZ_BITS)" == "16" !ifdef MOZ_DEBUG GMAKE_DBG_FLAGS = !else GMAKE_DBG_FLAGS = BUILD_OPT=1 !endif GMAKE_OS_FLAGS = OS_TARGET=WIN16 !else GMAKE_OS_FLAGS = OS_TARGET=WIN95 !ifdef MOZ_DEBUG GMAKE_DBG_FLAGS = USE_DEBUG_RTL=1 !else GMAKE_DBG_FLAGS = BUILD_OPT=1 !endif !ifdef MOZ_DEBUG PR_OBJDIR = WIN954.0_DBG.OBJD !else PR_OBJDIR = WIN954.0_OPT.OBJ !endif !endif # # The rules. Simply invoke gmake with the same target # for Win16, use the watcom compiler with the MSVC headers and libs # # this rule is needed so that nmake with no explicit target will only build # all, and not build all the targets named below in succession! default:: all export libs:: install:: $(GMAKE) $(GMAKE_PR_FLAGS) $(GMAKE_DBG_FLAGS) $(GMAKE_OS_FLAGS) # a rule like this one must only be used for explicitly named targets! all install:: $(GMAKE) $(GMAKE_PR_FLAGS) $(GMAKE_DBG_FLAGS) $(GMAKE_OS_FLAGS) depend: $(GMAKE) $(GMAKE_PR_FLAGS) $(GMAKE_DBG_FLAGS) $(GMAKE_OS_FLAGS) depend clobber_all clobber: $(GMAKE) $(GMAKE_PR_FLAGS) $(GMAKE_DBG_FLAGS) $(GMAKE_OS_FLAGS) clobber_all show: @echo "MAKEFLAGS = $(MAKEFLAGS)"