/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["UrlbarView"]; const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, { UrlbarContextualTip: "resource:///modules/UrlbarContextualTip.jsm", UrlbarPrefs: "resource:///modules/UrlbarPrefs.jsm", UrlbarTokenizer: "resource:///modules/UrlbarTokenizer.jsm", UrlbarUtils: "resource:///modules/UrlbarUtils.jsm", }); // Stale rows are removed on a timer with this timeout. Tests can override this // by setting UrlbarView.removeStaleRowsTimeout. const DEFAULT_REMOVE_STALE_ROWS_TIMEOUT = 400; // The classNames of view elements that can be selected. const SELECTABLE_ELEMENTS = [ "urlbarView-row", "urlbarView-tip-button", "urlbarView-tip-help", ]; /** * Receives and displays address bar autocomplete results. */ class UrlbarView { /** * @param {UrlbarInput} input * The UrlbarInput instance belonging to this UrlbarView instance. */ constructor(input) { this.input = input; this.panel = input.panel; this.controller = input.controller; this.document = this.panel.ownerDocument; this.window = this.document.defaultView; if (this.input.megabar) { this.panel.classList.add("megabar"); } this._mainContainer = this.panel.querySelector(".urlbarView-body-inner"); this._rows = this.panel.querySelector(".urlbarView-results"); this._rows.addEventListener("mousedown", this); this._rows.addEventListener("mouseup", this); // For the horizontal fade-out effect, set the overflow attribute on result // rows when they overflow. this._rows.addEventListener("overflow", this); this._rows.addEventListener("underflow", this); this.window.addEventListener("deactivate", this); this.window.gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("TabSelect", this); this.controller.setView(this); this.controller.addQueryListener(this); } /** * Sets the icon, title, button's title, and link's title * for the contextual tip. If a contextual tip has not * been created, then it will be created. * * @param {object} details * @param {string} details.title * Main title displayed by the contextual tip. * @param {string} [details.buttonTitle] * Title of the button on the contextual tip. * If omitted then the button will be hidden. * @param {string} [details.linkTitle] * Title of the link on the contextual tip. * If omitted then the link will be hidden. * @param {string} [details.iconStyle] * A non-empty string of styles to add to the icon's style attribute. * These styles set CSS variables to URLs of images; * the CSS variables responsible for the icon's background image are * the variable names containing `--webextension-contextual-tip-icon` * in `browser/base/content/browser.css`. * If ommited, no changes are made to the icon. */ setContextualTip(details) { if (!this.contextualTip) { this.contextualTip = new UrlbarContextualTip(this); } this.contextualTip.set(details); // Disable one off search buttons from appearing if // the contextual tip is the only item in the urlbar view. if (this.visibleRowCount == 0) { this._enableOrDisableOneOffSearches(false); } this._openPanel(); } /** * Hides the contextual tip. */ hideContextualTip() { if (this.contextualTip) { this.contextualTip.hide(); // When the pending query has finished and there's 0 results then // close the urlbar view. this.input.lastQueryContextPromise.then(() => { if (this.visibleRowCount == 0) { this.close(); } }); } } /** * Removes the contextual tip from the DOM. */ removeContextualTip() { if (!this.contextualTip) { return; } this.contextualTip.remove(); this.contextualTip = null; } get oneOffSearchButtons() { if (!this._oneOffSearchButtons) { this._oneOffSearchButtons = new this.window.SearchOneOffs( this.panel.querySelector(".search-one-offs") ); this._oneOffSearchButtons.addEventListener( "SelectedOneOffButtonChanged", this ); } return this._oneOffSearchButtons; } /** * @returns {boolean} * Whether the panel is open. */ get isOpen() { return this.input.hasAttribute("open"); } get allowEmptySelection() { return !( this._queryContext && this._queryContext.results[0] && this._queryContext.results[0].heuristic ); } get selectedRowIndex() { if (!this.isOpen) { return -1; } let selectedRow = this._getSelectedRow(); if (!selectedRow) { return -1; } return selectedRow.result.rowIndex; } set selectedRowIndex(val) { if (!this.isOpen) { throw new Error( "UrlbarView: Cannot select an item if the view isn't open." ); } if (val < 0) { this._selectElement(null); return val; } let items = Array.from(this._rows.children).filter(r => this._isElementVisible(r) ); if (val >= items.length) { throw new Error(`UrlbarView: Index ${val} is out of bounds.`); } this._selectElement(items[val]); return val; } get selectedElementIndex() { if (!this.isOpen || !this._selectedElement) { return -1; } return this._selectedElement.elementIndex; } set selectedElementIndex(val) { if (!this.isOpen) { throw new Error( "UrlbarView: Cannot select an item if the view isn't open." ); } if (val < 0) { this._selectElement(null); return val; } let selectableElement = this._getFirstSelectableElement(); while (selectableElement && selectableElement.elementIndex != val) { selectableElement = this._getNextSelectableElement(selectableElement); } if (!selectableElement) { throw new Error(`UrlbarView: Index ${val} is out of bounds.`); } this._selectElement(selectableElement); return val; } /** * @returns {UrlbarResult} * The currently selected result. */ get selectedResult() { if (!this.isOpen) { return null; } let selectedRow = this._getSelectedRow(); if (!selectedRow) { return null; } return selectedRow.result; } /** * @returns {Element} * The currently selected element. */ get selectedElement() { if (!this.isOpen) { return null; } return this._selectedElement; } /** * @returns {number} * The number of visible results in the view. Note that this may be larger * than the number of results in the current query context since the view * may be showing stale results. */ get visibleRowCount() { let sum = 0; for (let row of this._rows.children) { sum += Number(this._isElementVisible(row)); } return sum; } /** * @returns {number} * The number of selectable elements in the view. */ get visibleElementCount() { let sum = 0; let element = this._getFirstSelectableElement(); while (element) { if (this._isElementVisible(element)) { sum++; } element = this._getNextSelectableElement(element); } return sum; } /** * @param {Element} element * An element in the view. * @returns {UrlbarResult} * The result attached to parameter `element`, if `element` is a row or a * decendant of a row. */ getResultFromElement(element) { if (!this.isOpen) { return null; } let row = this._getRowFromElement(element); if (!row) { return null; } return row.result; } /** * Moves the view selection forward or backward. * * @param {number} amount * The number of steps to move. * @param {boolean} options.reverse * Set to true to select the previous item. By default the next item * will be selected. */ selectBy(amount, { reverse = false } = {}) { if (!this.isOpen) { throw new Error( "UrlbarView: Cannot select an item if the view isn't open." ); } // Freeze results as the user is interacting with them. this.controller.cancelQuery(); let selectedElement = this._selectedElement; // We cache the first and last rows since they will not change while // selectBy is running. let firstSelectableElement = this._getFirstSelectableElement(); // _getLastSelectableElement will not return an element that is over // maxResults and thus may be hidden and not selectable. let lastSelectableElement = this._getLastSelectableElement(); if (!selectedElement) { this._selectElement( reverse ? lastSelectableElement : firstSelectableElement ); return; } let endReached = reverse ? selectedElement == firstSelectableElement : selectedElement == lastSelectableElement; if (endReached) { if (this.allowEmptySelection) { selectedElement = null; } else { selectedElement = reverse ? lastSelectableElement : firstSelectableElement; } this._selectElement(selectedElement); return; } while (amount-- > 0) { let next = reverse ? this._getPreviousSelectableElement(selectedElement) : this._getNextSelectableElement(selectedElement); if (!next) { break; } if (!this._isElementVisible(next)) { continue; } selectedElement = next; } this._selectElement(selectedElement); } removeAccessibleFocus() { this._setAccessibleFocus(null); } clear() { this._rows.textContent = ""; } /** * Closes the view, cancelling the query if necessary. */ close() { this.controller.cancelQuery(); if (!this.isOpen) { return; } this.removeAccessibleFocus(); this.input.inputField.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false"); this.input.dropmarker.removeAttribute("open"); this.input.removeAttribute("open"); this.input.endLayoutExtend(); if (!this.input.megabar && this.input._toolbar) { this.input._toolbar.removeAttribute("urlbar-exceeds-toolbar-bounds"); } this.window.removeEventListener("resize", this); this.controller.notify(this.controller.NOTIFICATIONS.VIEW_CLOSE); if (this.contextualTip) { this.contextualTip.hide(); } } reOpen() { if (this._rows.firstElementChild) { this._openPanel(); } } // UrlbarController listener methods. onQueryStarted(queryContext) { this._queryWasCancelled = false; this._startRemoveStaleRowsTimer(); } onQueryCancelled(queryContext) { this._queryWasCancelled = true; this._cancelRemoveStaleRowsTimer(); } onQueryFinished(queryContext) { this._cancelRemoveStaleRowsTimer(); // If the query has not been canceled, remove stale rows immediately. if (!this._queryWasCancelled) { this._removeStaleRows(); } } onQueryResults(queryContext) { this._queryContext = queryContext; if (!this.isOpen) { this.clear(); } this._updateResults(queryContext); let isHeuristicResult = false; if (queryContext.lastResultCount == 0) { let firstResult = queryContext.results[0]; if (firstResult.heuristic) { isHeuristicResult = true; this._selectElement(this._getFirstSelectableElement(), { updateInput: false, setAccessibleFocus: this.controller._userSelectionBehavior == "arrow", }); } else { // Clear the selection when we get a new set of results. this._selectElement(null, { updateInput: false, }); } // Hide the one-off search buttons if the search string is empty, or // starts with a potential @ search alias or the search restriction // character. let trimmedValue = queryContext.searchString.trim(); this._enableOrDisableOneOffSearches( trimmedValue && trimmedValue[0] != "@" && (trimmedValue[0] != UrlbarTokenizer.RESTRICT.SEARCH || trimmedValue.length != 1) ); // The input field applies autofill on input, without waiting for results. // Once we get results, we can ask it to correct wrong predictions. this.input.maybeClearAutofillPlaceholder(firstResult); } this._openPanel(); if (isHeuristicResult) { // The heuristic result may be a search alias result, so apply formatting // if necessary. Conversely, the heuristic result of the previous query // may have been an alias, so remove formatting if necessary. this.input.formatValue(); } } /** * Handles removing a result from the view when it is removed from the query, * and attempts to select the new result on the same row. * * This assumes that the result rows are in index order. * * @param {number} index The index of the result that has been removed. */ onQueryResultRemoved(index) { let rowToRemove = this._rows.children[index]; rowToRemove.remove(); this._updateIndices(); if (rowToRemove != this._getSelectedRow()) { return; } // Select the row at the same index, if possible. let newSelectionIndex = index; if (index >= this._queryContext.results.length) { newSelectionIndex = this._queryContext.results.length - 1; } if (newSelectionIndex >= 0) { this.selectedRowIndex = newSelectionIndex; } } /** * Passes DOM events for the view to the _on_ methods. * @param {Event} event * DOM event from the . */ handleEvent(event) { let methodName = "_on_" + event.type; if (methodName in this) { this[methodName](event); } else { throw new Error("Unrecognized UrlbarView event: " + event.type); } } /** * This is called when a one-off is clicked and when "search in new tab" * is selected from a one-off context menu. * @param {Event} event * @param {nsISearchEngine} engine * @param {string} where * @param {object} params */ handleOneOffSearch(event, engine, where, params) { this.input.handleCommand(event, where, params); } // Private methods below. _createElement(name) { return this.document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", name); } _openPanel() { if (this.isOpen) { return; } this.controller.userSelectionBehavior = "none"; this.panel.removeAttribute("actionoverride"); if (!this.input.megabar) { let getBoundsWithoutFlushing = element => this.window.windowUtils.getBoundsWithoutFlushing(element); let px = number => number.toFixed(2) + "px"; let inputRect = getBoundsWithoutFlushing(this.input.textbox); // Make the panel span the width of the window. let documentRect = getBoundsWithoutFlushing( this.document.documentElement ); let width = documentRect.right - documentRect.left; // Keep the popup items' site icons aligned with the input's identity // icon if it's not too far from the edge of the window. We define // "too far" as "more than 30% of the window's width AND more than // 250px". let boundToCheck = this.window.RTL_UI ? "right" : "left"; let startOffset = Math.abs( inputRect[boundToCheck] - documentRect[boundToCheck] ); let alignSiteIcons = startOffset / width <= 0.3 || startOffset <= 250; if (alignSiteIcons) { // Calculate the end margin if we have a start margin. let boundToCheckEnd = this.window.RTL_UI ? "left" : "right"; let endOffset = Math.abs( inputRect[boundToCheckEnd] - documentRect[boundToCheckEnd] ); if (endOffset > startOffset * 2) { // Provide more space when aligning would result in an unbalanced // margin. This allows the location bar to be moved to the start // of the navigation toolbar to reclaim space for results. endOffset = startOffset; } // Align the view's icons with the tracking protection or identity icon, // whichever is visible. let alignRect; for (let id of ["tracking-protection-icon-box", "identity-icon"]) { alignRect = getBoundsWithoutFlushing( this.document.getElementById(id) ); if (alignRect.width > 0) { break; } } let start = this.window.RTL_UI ? documentRect.right - alignRect.right : alignRect.left; this.panel.style.setProperty("--item-padding-start", px(start)); this.panel.style.setProperty("--item-padding-end", px(endOffset)); } else { this.panel.style.removeProperty("--item-padding-start"); this.panel.style.removeProperty("--item-padding-end"); } // Align the panel with the parent toolbar. this.panel.style.top = px( getBoundsWithoutFlushing(this.input.textbox.closest("toolbar")).bottom ); this._mainContainer.style.maxWidth = px(width); if (this.input._toolbar) { this.input._toolbar.setAttribute( "urlbar-exceeds-toolbar-bounds", "true" ); } } this.input.inputField.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "true"); this.input.dropmarker.setAttribute("open", "true"); this.input.setAttribute("open", "true"); this.input.startLayoutExtend(); this.window.addEventListener("resize", this); this._windowOuterWidth = this.window.outerWidth; this.controller.notify(this.controller.NOTIFICATIONS.VIEW_OPEN); } /** * Whether a result is a search suggestion. * @param {UrlbarResult} result The result to examine. * @returns {boolean} Whether the result is a search suggestion. */ _resultIsSearchSuggestion(result) { return Boolean( result && result.type == UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.SEARCH && result.payload.suggestion ); } /** * Checks whether the given row index can be update to the result we want * to apply. This is used in _updateResults to avoid flickering of results, by * reusing existing rows. * @param {number} rowIndex Index of the row to examine. * @param {UrlbarResult} result The result we'd like to apply. * @param {number} firstSearchSuggestionIndex Index of the first search suggestion. * @param {number} lastSearchSuggestionIndex Index of the last search suggestion. * @returns {boolean} Whether the row can be updated to this result. */ _rowCanUpdateToResult( rowIndex, result, firstSearchSuggestionIndex, lastSearchSuggestionIndex ) { // The heuristic result must always be current, thus it's always compatible. if (result.heuristic) { return true; } let row = this._rows.children[rowIndex]; let resultIsSearchSuggestion = this._resultIsSearchSuggestion(result); // If the row is same type, just update it. if ( resultIsSearchSuggestion == this._resultIsSearchSuggestion(row.result) ) { return true; } // If the row has a different type, update it if we are in a compatible // index range. // In practice we don't want to overwrite a search suggestion with a non // search suggestion, but we allow the opposite. return resultIsSearchSuggestion && rowIndex >= firstSearchSuggestionIndex; } _updateResults(queryContext) { // TODO: For now this just compares search suggestions to the rest, in the // future we should make it support any type of result. Or, even better, // results should be grouped, thus we can directly update groups. // Find where are existing search suggestions. let firstSearchSuggestionIndex = -1; let lastSearchSuggestionIndex = -1; for (let i = 0; i < this._rows.children.length; ++i) { let row = this._rows.children[i]; // Mark every row as stale, _updateRow will unmark them later. row.setAttribute("stale", "true"); // Skip any row that isn't a search suggestion, or is non-visible because // over maxResults. if ( row.result.heuristic || i >= queryContext.maxResults || !this._resultIsSearchSuggestion(row.result) ) { continue; } if (firstSearchSuggestionIndex == -1) { firstSearchSuggestionIndex = i; } lastSearchSuggestionIndex = i; } // Walk rows and find an insertion index for results. To avoid flicker, we // skip rows until we find one compatible with the result we want to apply. // If we couldn't find a compatible range, we'll just update. let results = queryContext.results; let resultIndex = 0; // We can have more rows than the visible ones. for ( let rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < this._rows.children.length && resultIndex < results.length; ++rowIndex ) { let row = this._rows.children[rowIndex]; let result = results[resultIndex]; if ( this._rowCanUpdateToResult( rowIndex, result, firstSearchSuggestionIndex, lastSearchSuggestionIndex ) ) { this._updateRow(row, result); resultIndex++; } } // Add remaining results, if we have fewer rows than results. for (; resultIndex < results.length; ++resultIndex) { let row = this._createRow(); this._updateRow(row, results[resultIndex]); // Due to stale rows, we may have more rows than maxResults, thus we must // hide them, and we'll revert this when stale rows are removed. if (this._rows.children.length >= queryContext.maxResults) { this._setRowVisibility(row, false); } this._rows.appendChild(row); } this._updateIndices(); } _createRow() { let item = this._createElement("div"); item.className = "urlbarView-row"; item.setAttribute("role", "option"); item._elements = new Map(); return item; } _createRowContent(item) { let typeIcon = this._createElement("span"); typeIcon.className = "urlbarView-type-icon"; item._content.appendChild(typeIcon); let favicon = this._createElement("img"); favicon.className = "urlbarView-favicon"; item._content.appendChild(favicon); item._elements.set("favicon", favicon); let title = this._createElement("span"); title.className = "urlbarView-title"; item._content.appendChild(title); item._elements.set("title", title); let tagsContainer = this._createElement("span"); tagsContainer.className = "urlbarView-tags"; item._content.appendChild(tagsContainer); item._elements.set("tagsContainer", tagsContainer); let titleSeparator = this._createElement("span"); titleSeparator.className = "urlbarView-title-separator"; item._content.appendChild(titleSeparator); item._elements.set("titleSeparator", titleSeparator); let action = this._createElement("span"); action.className = "urlbarView-secondary urlbarView-action"; item._content.appendChild(action); item._elements.set("action", action); let url = this._createElement("span"); url.className = "urlbarView-secondary urlbarView-url"; item._content.appendChild(url); item._elements.set("url", url); } _createRowContentForTip(item) { // We use role="group" so screen readers will read the group's label when a // button inside it gets focus. (Screen readers don't do this for // role="option".) We set aria-labelledby for the group in _updateIndices. item._content.setAttribute("role", "group"); let favicon = this._createElement("img"); favicon.className = "urlbarView-favicon"; item._content.appendChild(favicon); item._elements.set("favicon", favicon); let title = this._createElement("span"); title.className = "urlbarView-title"; item._content.appendChild(title); item._elements.set("title", title); let buttonSpacer = this._createElement("span"); buttonSpacer.className = "urlbarView-tip-button-spacer"; item._content.appendChild(buttonSpacer); let tipButton = this._createElement("span"); tipButton.className = "urlbarView-tip-button"; tipButton.setAttribute("role", "button"); item._content.appendChild(tipButton); item._elements.set("tipButton", tipButton); let helpIcon = this._createElement("span"); helpIcon.className = "urlbarView-tip-help"; helpIcon.setAttribute("role", "button"); helpIcon.setAttribute("data-l10n-id", "urlbar-tip-help-icon"); item._elements.set("helpButton", helpIcon); item._content.appendChild(helpIcon); } _updateRow(item, result) { let oldResultType = item.result && item.result.type; item.result = result; item.removeAttribute("stale"); let needsNewContent = oldResultType === undefined || (oldResultType == UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.TIP) != (result.type == UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.TIP); if (needsNewContent) { if (item._content) { item._content.remove(); item._elements.clear(); } item._content = this._createElement("span"); item._content.className = "urlbarView-row-inner"; item.appendChild(item._content); if (item.result.type == UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.TIP) { this._createRowContentForTip(item); } else { this._createRowContent(item); } } if ( result.type == UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.SEARCH && !result.payload.keywordOffer && !result.payload.inPrivateWindow ) { item.setAttribute("type", "search"); } else if (result.type == UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.REMOTE_TAB) { item.setAttribute("type", "remotetab"); } else if (result.type == UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.TAB_SWITCH) { item.setAttribute("type", "switchtab"); } else if (result.type == UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.TIP) { item.setAttribute("type", "tip"); this._updateRowForTip(item, result); return; } else if (result.source == UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.BOOKMARKS) { item.setAttribute("type", "bookmark"); } else { item.removeAttribute("type"); } let favicon = item._elements.get("favicon"); if ( result.type == UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.SEARCH || result.type == UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.KEYWORD ) { favicon.src = result.payload.icon || UrlbarUtils.ICON.SEARCH_GLASS; } else { favicon.src = result.payload.icon || UrlbarUtils.ICON.DEFAULT; } let title = item._elements.get("title"); this._addTextContentWithHighlights( title, result.title, result.titleHighlights ); title._tooltip = result.title; if (title.hasAttribute("overflow")) { title.setAttribute("title", title._tooltip); } let tagsContainer = item._elements.get("tagsContainer"); tagsContainer.textContent = ""; if (result.payload.tags && result.payload.tags.length) { tagsContainer.append( ...result.payload.tags.map((tag, i) => { const element = this._createElement("span"); element.className = "urlbarView-tag"; this._addTextContentWithHighlights( element, tag, result.payloadHighlights.tags[i] ); return element; }) ); } let action = ""; let isVisitAction = false; let setURL = false; switch (result.type) { case UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.TAB_SWITCH: action = UrlbarUtils.strings.GetStringFromName("switchToTab2"); setURL = true; break; case UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.REMOTE_TAB: action = result.payload.device; setURL = true; break; case UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.SEARCH: if (result.payload.inPrivateWindow) { if (result.payload.isPrivateEngine) { action = UrlbarUtils.strings.formatStringFromName( "searchInPrivateWindowWithEngine", [result.payload.engine] ); } else { action = UrlbarUtils.strings.GetStringFromName( "searchInPrivateWindow" ); } } else { action = UrlbarUtils.strings.formatStringFromName( "searchWithEngine", [result.payload.engine] ); } break; case UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.KEYWORD: isVisitAction = result.payload.input.trim() == result.payload.keyword; break; case UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.OMNIBOX: action = result.payload.content; break; default: if (result.heuristic) { isVisitAction = true; } else { setURL = true; } break; } let url = item._elements.get("url"); if (setURL) { this._addTextContentWithHighlights( url, result.payload.displayUrl, result.payloadHighlights.displayUrl || [] ); url._tooltip = result.payload.displayUrl; } else { url.textContent = ""; url._tooltip = ""; } if (url.hasAttribute("overflow")) { url.setAttribute("title", url._tooltip); } if (isVisitAction) { action = UrlbarUtils.strings.GetStringFromName("visit"); title.setAttribute("isurl", "true"); } else { title.removeAttribute("isurl"); } item._elements.get("action").textContent = action; if (!title.hasAttribute("isurl")) { title.setAttribute("dir", "auto"); } else { title.removeAttribute("dir"); } item._elements.get("titleSeparator").hidden = !action && !setURL; } _updateRowForTip(item, result) { let favicon = item._elements.get("favicon"); favicon.src = result.payload.icon || UrlbarUtils.ICON.TIP; let title = item._elements.get("title"); title.textContent = result.payload.text; let tipButton = item._elements.get("tipButton"); tipButton.textContent = result.payload.buttonText; let helpIcon = item._elements.get("helpButton"); helpIcon.style.display = result.payload.helpUrl ? "" : "none"; } _updateIndices() { for (let i = 0; i < this._rows.children.length; i++) { let item = this._rows.children[i]; item.result.rowIndex = i; item.id = "urlbarView-row-" + i; if (item.result.type == UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.TIP) { let title = item._elements.get("title"); title.id = item.id + "-title"; item._content.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", title.id); let tipButton = item._elements.get("tipButton"); tipButton.id = item.id + "-tip-button"; let helpButton = item._elements.get("helpButton"); helpButton.id = item.id + "-tip-help"; } } let selectableElement = this._getFirstSelectableElement(); let uiIndex = 0; while (selectableElement) { selectableElement.elementIndex = uiIndex++; selectableElement = this._getNextSelectableElement(selectableElement); } } _setRowVisibility(row, visible) { row.style.display = visible ? "" : "none"; if (!visible && row.result.type != UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.TIP) { // Reset the overflow state of elements that can overflow in case their // content changes while they're hidden. When making the row visible // again, we'll get new overflow events if needed. this._setElementOverflowing(row._elements.get("title"), false); this._setElementOverflowing(row._elements.get("url"), false); } } /** * Returns true if a row or a descendant in the view is visible. * * @param {Element} element * A row in the view or a descendant of the row. * @returns {boolean} * True if `element` or `element`'s ancestor row is visible in the view. */ _isElementVisible(element) { if (!element.classList.contains("urlbarView-row")) { element = element.closest(".urlbarView-row"); } if (!element) { return false; } return element.style.display != "none"; } _removeStaleRows() { let row = this._rows.lastElementChild; while (row) { let next = row.previousElementSibling; if (row.hasAttribute("stale")) { row.remove(); } else { this._setRowVisibility(row, true); } row = next; } this._updateIndices(); } _startRemoveStaleRowsTimer() { this._removeStaleRowsTimer = this.window.setTimeout(() => { this._removeStaleRowsTimer = null; this._removeStaleRows(); }, UrlbarView.removeStaleRowsTimeout); } _cancelRemoveStaleRowsTimer() { if (this._removeStaleRowsTimer) { this.window.clearTimeout(this._removeStaleRowsTimer); this._removeStaleRowsTimer = null; } } _selectElement(item, { updateInput = true, setAccessibleFocus = true } = {}) { if (this._selectedElement) { this._selectedElement.toggleAttribute("selected", false); this._selectedElement.removeAttribute("aria-selected"); } if (item) { item.toggleAttribute("selected", true); item.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true"); } this._setAccessibleFocus(setAccessibleFocus && item); this._selectedElement = item; if (updateInput) { this.input.setValueFromResult(item && item.result); } } /** * Returns the first selectable element in the view. * * @returns {Element} The first selectable element in the view. */ _getFirstSelectableElement() { let firstElementChild = this._rows.firstElementChild; if ( firstElementChild && firstElementChild.result && firstElementChild.result.type == UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.TIP ) { firstElementChild = firstElementChild._elements.get("tipButton"); } return firstElementChild; } /** * Returns the last selectable element in the view. * * @returns {Element} The last selectable element in the view. */ _getLastSelectableElement() { let lastElementChild = this._rows.lastElementChild; // We are only interested in visible elements. while (lastElementChild && !this._isElementVisible(lastElementChild)) { lastElementChild = this._getPreviousSelectableElement(lastElementChild); } if ( lastElementChild.result && lastElementChild.result.type == UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.TIP ) { lastElementChild = lastElementChild._elements.get("helpButton"); if (lastElementChild.style.display == "none") { lastElementChild = this._getPreviousSelectableElement(lastElementChild); } } return lastElementChild; } /** * Returns the next selectable element after the parameter `element`. * @param {Element} element A selectable element in the view. * @returns {Element} The next selectable element after the parameter `element`. */ _getNextSelectableElement(element) { let next; if (element.classList.contains("urlbarView-tip-button")) { next = element.closest(".urlbarView-row")._elements.get("helpButton"); if (next.style.display == "none") { next = this._getNextSelectableElement(next); } } else if (element.classList.contains("urlbarView-tip-help")) { next = element.closest(".urlbarView-row").nextElementSibling; } else { next = element.nextElementSibling; } if (!next) { return null; } if (next.result && next.result.type == UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.TIP) { next = next._elements.get("tipButton"); } return next; } /** * Returns the previous selectable element before the parameter `element`. * @param {Element} element A selectable element in the view. * @returns {Element} The previous selectable element before the parameter `element`. */ _getPreviousSelectableElement(element) { let previous; if (element.classList.contains("urlbarView-tip-button")) { previous = element.closest(".urlbarView-row").previousElementSibling; } else if (element.classList.contains("urlbarView-tip-help")) { previous = element.closest(".urlbarView-row")._elements.get("tipButton"); } else { previous = element.previousElementSibling; } if (!previous) { return null; } if ( previous.result && previous.result.type == UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.TIP ) { previous = previous._elements.get("helpButton"); if (previous.style.display == "none") { previous = this._getPreviousSelectableElement(previous); } } return previous; } /** * Returns the currently selected row. Useful when this._selectedElement may be a * non-row element, such as a descendant element of RESULT_TYPE.TIP. * * @returns {Element} * The currently selected row, or ancestor row of the currently selected item. * */ _getSelectedRow() { if (!this.isOpen || !this._selectedElement) { return null; } let selected = this._selectedElement; if (!selected.classList.contains("urlbarView-row")) { // selected may be an element in a result group, like RESULT_TYPE.TIP. selected = selected.closest(".urlbarView-row"); } return selected; } /** * @param {Element} element * An element that is potentially a row or descendant of a row. * @returns {Element} * The row containing `element`, or `element` itself if it is a row. */ _getRowFromElement(element) { if (!this.isOpen || !element) { return null; } if (!element.classList.contains("urlbarView-row")) { element = element.closest(".urlbarView-row"); } return element; } _setAccessibleFocus(item) { if (item) { this.input.inputField.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", item.id); } else { this.input.inputField.removeAttribute("aria-activedescendant"); } } /** * Adds text content to a node, placing substrings that should be highlighted * inside nodes. * * @param {Node} parentNode * The text content will be added to this node. * @param {string} textContent * The text content to give the node. * @param {array} highlights * The matches to highlight in the text. */ _addTextContentWithHighlights(parentNode, textContent, highlights) { parentNode.textContent = ""; if (!textContent) { return; } highlights = (highlights || []).concat([[textContent.length, 0]]); let index = 0; for (let [highlightIndex, highlightLength] of highlights) { if (highlightIndex - index > 0) { parentNode.appendChild( this.document.createTextNode( textContent.substring(index, highlightIndex) ) ); } if (highlightLength > 0) { let strong = this._createElement("strong"); strong.textContent = textContent.substring( highlightIndex, highlightIndex + highlightLength ); parentNode.appendChild(strong); } index = highlightIndex + highlightLength; } } _enableOrDisableOneOffSearches(enable = true) { if (enable && UrlbarPrefs.get("oneOffSearches")) { this.oneOffSearchButtons.telemetryOrigin = "urlbar"; this.oneOffSearchButtons.style.display = ""; this.oneOffSearchButtons.textbox = this.input.inputField; this.oneOffSearchButtons.view = this; } else { this.oneOffSearchButtons.telemetryOrigin = null; this.oneOffSearchButtons.style.display = "none"; this.oneOffSearchButtons.textbox = null; this.oneOffSearchButtons.view = null; } } _setElementOverflowing(element, overflowing) { element.toggleAttribute("overflow", overflowing); if (overflowing) { element.setAttribute("title", element._tooltip); } else { element.removeAttribute("title"); } } // Event handlers below. _on_SelectedOneOffButtonChanged() { if (!this.isOpen || !this._queryContext) { return; } // Update all search suggestion results to use the newly selected engine, or // if no engine is selected, revert to their original engines. let engine = this.oneOffSearchButtons.selectedButton && this.oneOffSearchButtons.selectedButton.engine; for (let i = 0; i < this._queryContext.results.length; i++) { let result = this._queryContext.results[i]; if ( result.type != UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.SEARCH || (!result.heuristic && !result.payload.suggestion && (!result.payload.inPrivateWindow || result.payload.isPrivateEngine)) ) { continue; } if (engine) { if (!result.payload.originalEngine) { result.payload.originalEngine = result.payload.engine; } result.payload.engine = engine.name; } else if (result.payload.originalEngine) { result.payload.engine = result.payload.originalEngine; delete result.payload.originalEngine; } let item = this._rows.children[i]; // If a one-off button is the only selection, force the heuristic result // to show its action text, so the engine name is visible. if (result.heuristic && engine && !this.selectedElement) { item.setAttribute("show-action-text", "true"); } else { item.removeAttribute("show-action-text"); } if (!result.payload.inPrivateWindow) { let action = item.querySelector(".urlbarView-action"); action.textContent = UrlbarUtils.strings.formatStringFromName( "searchWithEngine", [(engine && engine.name) || result.payload.engine] ); } // If we just changed the engine from the original engine and it had an // icon, then make sure the result now uses the new engine's icon or // failing that the default icon. If we changed it back to the original // engine, go back to the original or default icon. let favicon = item.querySelector(".urlbarView-favicon"); if (engine && result.payload.icon) { favicon.src = (engine.iconURI && engine.iconURI.spec) || UrlbarUtils.ICON.SEARCH_GLASS; } else if (!engine) { favicon.src = result.payload.icon || UrlbarUtils.ICON.SEARCH_GLASS; } } } _on_mousedown(event) { if (event.button == 2) { // Ignore right clicks. return; } let target = event.target; while (!SELECTABLE_ELEMENTS.includes(target.className)) { target = target.parentNode; } this._selectElement(target, { updateInput: false }); this.controller.speculativeConnect( this.selectedResult, this._queryContext, "mousedown" ); } _on_mouseup(event) { if (event.button == 2) { // Ignore right clicks. return; } this.input.pickElement(event.target, event); } _on_overflow(event) { if ( event.detail == 1 && (event.target.classList.contains("urlbarView-url") || event.target.classList.contains("urlbarView-title")) ) { this._setElementOverflowing(event.target, true); } } _on_underflow(event) { if ( event.detail == 1 && (event.target.classList.contains("urlbarView-url") || event.target.classList.contains("urlbarView-title")) ) { this._setElementOverflowing(event.target, false); } } _on_resize() { if (this.input.megabar) { return; } if (this._windowOuterWidth == this.window.outerWidth) { // Sometimes a resize event is fired when the window's size doesn't // actually change; at least, browser_tabMatchesInAwesomebar.js triggers // it intermittently, which causes that test to hang or fail. Ignore // those events. return; } // Close the popup as it would be wrongly sized. This can // happen when using special OS resize functions like Win+Arrow. this.close(); } _on_deactivate() { // When switching to another browser window, open tabs, history or other // data sources are likely to change, so make sure we don't re-show stale // results when switching back. if (!UrlbarPrefs.get("ui.popup.disable_autohide")) { this.clear(); } } _on_TabSelect() { // The input may retain focus when switching tabs in which case we // need to close the view explicitly. this.close(); this.clear(); } } UrlbarView.removeStaleRowsTimeout = DEFAULT_REMOVE_STALE_ROWS_TIMEOUT;