# -*- Mode: python; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*- # vim: set filetype=python: # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. EXPORTS.mozilla += [ 'GenericRefCounted.h', ] EXPORTS.mozilla.gfx += [ '2D.h', 'BaseCoord.h', 'BaseMargin.h', 'BasePoint.h', 'BasePoint3D.h', 'BasePoint4D.h', 'BaseRect.h', 'BaseSize.h', 'Blur.h', 'BorrowedContext.h', 'Coord.h', 'DataSurfaceHelpers.h', 'DrawTargetTiled.h', 'Filters.h', 'Helpers.h', 'HelpersCairo.h', 'Logging.h', 'Matrix.h', 'NumericTools.h', 'PathHelpers.h', 'PatternHelpers.h', 'Point.h', 'Quaternion.h', 'Rect.h', 'Scale.h', 'ScaleFactor.h', 'ScaleFactors2D.h', 'SourceSurfaceCairo.h', 'StackArray.h', 'Tools.h', 'Types.h', 'UserData.h', ] if CONFIG['MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT'] == 'cocoa': EXPORTS.mozilla.gfx += [ 'MacIOSurface.h', 'QuartzSupport.h', ] UNIFIED_SOURCES += [ 'DrawTargetCG.cpp', 'PathCG.cpp', 'ScaledFontMac.cpp', 'SourceSurfaceCG.cpp', ] elif CONFIG['MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT'] == 'windows': SOURCES += [ 'DrawTargetD2D.cpp', 'DrawTargetD2D1.cpp', 'ExtendInputEffectD2D1.cpp', 'FilterNodeD2D1.cpp', 'PathD2D.cpp', 'RadialGradientEffectD2D1.cpp', 'ScaledFontDWrite.cpp', 'ScaledFontWin.cpp', 'SourceSurfaceD2D.cpp', 'SourceSurfaceD2D1.cpp', 'SourceSurfaceD2DTarget.cpp', ] DEFINES['WIN32'] = True if CONFIG['MOZ_ENABLE_SKIA']: UNIFIED_SOURCES += [ 'convolver.cpp', 'DrawTargetSkia.cpp', 'PathSkia.cpp', 'SourceSurfaceSkia.cpp', ] SOURCES += [ 'image_operations.cpp', # Uses _USE_MATH_DEFINES ] EXPORTS.mozilla.gfx += [ 'HelpersSkia.h', 'RefPtrSkia.h', ] # Are we targeting x86 or x64? If so, build SSE2 files. if CONFIG['INTEL_ARCHITECTURE']: SOURCES += [ 'BlurSSE2.cpp', 'FilterProcessingSSE2.cpp', 'ImageScalingSSE2.cpp', ] if CONFIG['MOZ_ENABLE_SKIA']: SOURCES += [ 'convolverSSE2.cpp', ] DEFINES['USE_SSE2'] = True # The file uses SSE2 intrinsics, so it needs special compile flags on some # compilers. SOURCES['BlurSSE2.cpp'].flags += CONFIG['SSE2_FLAGS'] SOURCES['FilterProcessingSSE2.cpp'].flags += CONFIG['SSE2_FLAGS'] SOURCES['ImageScalingSSE2.cpp'].flags += CONFIG['SSE2_FLAGS'] if CONFIG['MOZ_ENABLE_SKIA']: SOURCES['convolverSSE2.cpp'].flags += CONFIG['SSE2_FLAGS'] elif CONFIG['CPU_ARCH'].startswith('mips'): SOURCES += [ 'BlurLS3.cpp', ] if CONFIG['MOZ_ENABLE_SKIA']: SOURCES += [ 'convolverLS3.cpp', ] UNIFIED_SOURCES += [ 'Blur.cpp', 'DataSourceSurface.cpp', 'DataSurfaceHelpers.cpp', 'DrawEventRecorder.cpp', 'DrawTarget.cpp', 'DrawTargetCairo.cpp', 'DrawTargetCapture.cpp', 'DrawTargetDual.cpp', 'DrawTargetRecording.cpp', 'DrawTargetTiled.cpp', 'Factory.cpp', 'FilterNodeSoftware.cpp', 'FilterProcessing.cpp', 'FilterProcessingScalar.cpp', 'ImageScaling.cpp', 'Matrix.cpp', 'Path.cpp', 'PathCairo.cpp', 'PathRecording.cpp', 'Quaternion.cpp', 'RecordedEvent.cpp', 'Scale.cpp', 'ScaledFontBase.cpp', 'ScaledFontCairo.cpp', 'SourceSurfaceCairo.cpp', 'SourceSurfaceRawData.cpp', ] SOURCES += [ 'PathHelpers.cpp', # Uses _USE_MATH_DEFINES ] if CONFIG['MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT'] == 'cocoa': SOURCES += [ 'MacIOSurface.cpp', 'QuartzSupport.mm', ] if CONFIG['CPU_ARCH'] == 'arm' and CONFIG['BUILD_ARM_NEON']: SOURCES += ['BlurNEON.cpp'] SOURCES['BlurNEON.cpp'].flags += ['-mfpu=neon'] include('/ipc/chromium/chromium-config.mozbuild') FINAL_LIBRARY = 'xul' for var in ('USE_CAIRO', 'MOZ2D_HAS_MOZ_CAIRO'): DEFINES[var] = True if CONFIG['MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT'] in ('android', 'gtk2', 'gtk3', 'gonk', 'qt'): DEFINES['MOZ_ENABLE_FREETYPE'] = True if CONFIG['MOZ_DEBUG']: DEFINES['GFX_LOG_DEBUG'] = True DEFINES['GFX_LOG_WARNING'] = True # Define the GFX_LOG_WARNING in release builds (available, but controlled by a # preference), though we may want to consider only doing it in the nightly # build, if the size of gfxWarning() code ends up making a difference. # See bug 1074952. # if CONFIG['NIGHTLY_BUILD']: DEFINES['GFX_LOG_WARNING'] = True CXXFLAGS += CONFIG['MOZ_CAIRO_CFLAGS'] if CONFIG['MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT'] in ('android', 'gtk2', 'gtk3', 'gonk', 'qt'): CXXFLAGS += CONFIG['CAIRO_FT_CFLAGS'] LOCAL_INCLUDES += CONFIG['SKIA_INCLUDES'] if CONFIG['OS_ARCH'] == 'WINNT': # Due to bug 796023, we can't have -DUNICODE and -D_UNICODE; defining those # macros changes the type of LOGFONT to LOGFONTW instead of LOGFONTA. This # changes the symbol names of exported C++ functions that use LOGFONT. del DEFINES['UNICODE'] del DEFINES['_UNICODE']